Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 7

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|At Yuletide Dinner Fe Prayers #t Adelpide Howse The tables Worthy Mistress Evelyn | Tegrity Starr, Honorary VieeRegent: Sisters Bits Buti snd were heatilifly Aesorated with presiding nesisied by Mrs, Allred Austin, Regent of Ihe Sheller were reported on the Sek : stress Sister Dorothy Sister Prince Philp Chepier ond Mrs list P unate GUEEN MARY LODGE : (red candies and popedtiins Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dist RA 5-3474 Mrs, John Home hon, Regent were Fead Wy OG Luke Secretary of hel The. Christmas prety i {the Oshawa Hairdressers' Asso: i TO LIVE IN NEW JERSEY Pietured alter thelr wedding recently in the Salvation Army Citadel are Mr and Mrs Charles Robert Fetter, The bride, the former Miss Grace Lorraine Owen, 1s the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Al: Scout Mothers' Auxiliaries Hold Joint Supper Meeting The 1st Oshawa Scout Moth ers' Auxiliary met at the Scoul Hall on Gibbons street on Friday evening, December 8, with the 20th Beout Mothers' Auxiliary as guests at a pot luck supper, The vice-president, Mrs, Stanley Pain. ter, offered prayer The president, Mrs, Frank Gravelle, welcomed those present and Past President Mrs, Everett Warne presented lo the immedi ste past president, Mrs, Gordon Varnum, & past president's pin in appreciation of service, Mrs Varnum served as president of the ist Oshawa for a three-year period, At 8.18 p.m., thé meeting was ealled to order by the president, As It was a social evening, only brief. reports were given, Mrs, Delbert Kirkpatrick gave a slate ment of funds, The (reasurer's, secetary's and conference re: ports will he given at the Janu: ary meeting, Mrs, VArnum Introduced the Oshawa distriet executive eom: missioner, Mr, Stanley A, Rich ardson, who spoke on the growth of scouting and the importance of the auxiliaries, He praised the work of the auxiliary, There 1s an important task for it to do, It acts as a morale hooster to the leaders and the group commit tee, Mr, Richardson urged all to share the work film taken at Camp Bamae In May of this year, on the neeasion of the Camporee, which was com: pysed of over 800 Beouts from the Oshawa distriet who spent the weekend under canvas Mrs, Douglas Harman, a mem her of the 20th Auxiliary, thank. ed Mr. Richardson It was decided to resume the Friday night euchres on January 6 and 13 to be convened by Mrs Richard Crouter assisted hy Mrs Fred Connell and January 20 hy Mrs, Delbert Kirkpatrick assisted by Mrs. Crouter The auxiliary will assist with the Christmas parties for the Scouts and Cubs, Assisting will he Mrs. Gordon Varnum, Mrs Delbert Kirkpatrick, Mrs, David Williamson Mrs, Charles Hanna, Mrs. Roland Arnold airesd to act as press reporter He showed all [ bert Owen of Oshawe and the | bridegroom is the son of Mrs Evelyn Irvine Fetter of Mill burn, New Jersey and Mr | Charles H. Peller, Newton, Connecticut, SA ~FPhote by Hornshy | Stuart Hall, Game prizes were {won hy Mrs, John Black, Mrs {Melville Coolidge and Mrs, Righ-| {6rd Crouter | The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 18. The meeting night is being changed from the third Monday to the third Wednesday, due to the change of troop night ding anniversaries, coming and Secrelary, Mrs. Donne Milligan Oshawa held Hs Christmas pert colmson, Cadilipe mens' Civitan Club last November) The annual Christmas Gwner, The reper meeting of party of the Golden Jwbiies Wary Lodge Bo. 97 wis Chapter WOOF was held ricently cently wm the OFS Lodge w P 4d at the Deas sid Anh sails Kerr tg A oH, MES, Thersd ™ be welcomed Mrs eieiion (sented by Bislers ary Reyes his AWA TH : { 15, 1960 7 Honorary Regewt: Mrs. Yighae! aud Mergoret Martin ; Prince hilly Chapter, whe ere he held on Wednesday, December Tens, birthdoys, porties, wed vice-president, Mr. John Weiss phi Yrs Creighion sitered (9 with # pot Wack spper start: Grace 177 Achievements of the nast| gifts i ond Mrs, Austin branch Draw prizes donated / Flom are wlways of inter conveners, Mrs CoAuImn Soph [year ot iy 4 visit the Wile, de Wood 4nd Mrs he Arnold | erestings from the Prince Philip Dorothy Wells, Viola em J Heh Chap'er Winwie Berreit ment with your of news lori Ms. James McConnell and her . danghte; p y Chris.) Following the diane i rgd orgs. ele mas pili ig Te TAK P short business meeting hy Sisters June Fayards A Blind Bowling Club and thel Mrs, John Vivash reported that|Cowle, Margaret Moore, Ger: The Ladies' Civitan Cub of OFIVET-€oaches and their wives |ihe Christmas pareels hod heenitrude Toten and Annie Toms ' Mes, Stanley Myers was & spe-|sent to he adopted [Aid " BETA SIGHA PHI al fast from the CHIB Advis Oeorging Island » arrow | Fhe Deceminr mesing of the the door of guests, and your own iressvrer, Mrs, Lilien Howard RD, Mal South, The memhers enjoyed games selected hy Mrs. Arthur Griffith ip cherge of recrention. Colored slides of the Ladies' Night, held hy (he in the home of Mrs : : ' hert A Christmas presept was se i ' AL b pinkie to each eoid plis books and Onterie Camme Epsilon Chapter the other prizes were; weight| games for the schol of the Beta Sigma Phi was held 3 wen Cole, guess, Mr, H, Phillips; bean! Mrs, Donald Burns was author |B tHe ane of Mes Sivan cde, fess, Mrs, E. Wilson; hirthday, ized to make up 6 Christmas hox|Cloverdale Hie ; 5, NB, Gower: most Brands Wil for two needy families. Memb ars) dren, Mrs, B. Wakely; lucky cup, were asked to contribute any|C0€, pres Mrs. 4. Andeston; lucky saucer good wsed toys which will hel Folowine Mrs, Guy Forrest, There were % added to the Christmas box (or FEpoFis guests present, The Lioneiles do- these families SEsslon r . , § ask, Mrs Wick gave everyme a lwely gift | Rated towards refreshments pro-l Mrs. BP Conk, Golden Age Miss Boy Lan Mervin. Perkin vided hy Mrs, M, McConnell and! copvenor, announced plans fo 4 Mrs, Romald Crimmings served " od wid he Golden Azel A report onthe Christmas delicious refreshments to round) DEF daughier Patricia and serve rssisting af the Go on 0 DOKL 0 SRE Er rai the § thy Mrs, Lottie Newion and Mrs. Christmas party on December 15, Party al the Rome o out evening | Vers Maracle Banta Claus came. Mrs Donald Brown, eonvenor Werk} was eve officers ofl and distributed gifts fram underiof (he 'Night @ Cards" fe he decided to send hrjsimae the Christmas tree, assisted hy held January 18. announced nians etions to Hillsdale Manor ciation for 1961 are as follows Mr. J. Bird, Everyone present re: for this event; Mrs Donald Burns Mr, Gwyn Roberis, ceived a gift s in charge of tickets and mem hers were urged to obigin and sell thelr tickets as soon as possible A fo, Mrs E. G. Blorie asked mem hers to assist In the preparation male lawyer thinks Women! of the refreshments should setively support the In 4 5 ; iy Mr. and Mrs, Pred A. Coch: creasing number of their sex inl, Mrs. Verne Walker, Raspiiglity rane, $92 Masson street, will be public affairs, Speaking al 8ljpwin and Mrs, Vern Freehorn a. home io thelr fIriends end dinner meeting of the Boropti-| disiributed the gally-wrapped neighbors on Wednesday, De: mist Club in London, Miss bv. at ribute gifts to The members cember 21, from 2.00 to 4.80 andlelyn Harrison, QC, said (hatlgnd guests, The members then 7.80 to 9.80 p.m, on the occasion women "should give all their|enjoved a social hour at the hom: of their golden wedding anniver:| support to those who are capable|of Mrs, 8. A. Willson, Masson sary, In eivie and federal flelds " | slreet, iden eid ii 8, were shown, The srmival of " Pressing Santa Claus, portrayed excellent ly by Mrs. M, A. Adam, added to the success of the party, St, and M > The newly-elected tertainment, with prizes awsrded to Mrs, Percy McBain anf {Doreen Laughlin, Mrs Rall read from the book of Sigma Phi' A gL for the new alsn presented to Mrs Fraser. A special guest was Miss Lorna Richards of Whithy Mrs, Mervin perkin acted as Banta Claus ahd presented (he Eilts Refreshments were served hy the hostess assisted by Mrs, Mer. lvin Perkin President SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME ACTIVE SUPPORY LONDON, Ont. (CP) hahy Wis . . . of Lasting Pleasure from WARD'S KENWOOD {2 ~ ~~ Rds Send her your love with , , . RED ROSES TALC POWDER and SOAP $950 Also available In Lotus and beloved Lavender [ i Just one pf the man | Yardley Gift Seis effective In January, Games were. played. The door feiss was won hy Mrs, Allan Cox he lucky cup was held hy Mrs YOUR GIFT HEADQ bs } 8 WE ARTERS R HER . . ™ "5 I Lin doubt + + + Buy BRAGK'S GIR Comifisnte, the most ApReiated. Thumday and Saturday Open Every tating) until 9 p.m, pm, wail H pW lackiin} 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH : 5 RA §1 BLANKETS + + + No Better Blanket! al any Price ! Washable, Pre-Shrunk, Mothproof and Color» fast, All New Virgin Wools, finished with wide satin binding in all the most wanted colors, CRIB SIZE RAMCREST, 60" x84" .... 13.95 /{ RAMCREST, 72" x84" ,,... 15.95 ("4 FAMOUS 72" x 84" ,...... 18.95 VICEROY, 72" x 84" |. 22.50 .. 6,50.8,50 7. "ESMOND" BLANKETS 72" x 90" In Viscose-Qrlan mixture, Boxed for Christmas giving, Colors of blues, turquoise green and rose i's hy 9 8.98 Floral Comforters ! ¥, We nL. td J bof yme: oR ada Wool and Viscose mixture, Guaranteed - 72" x 84", Gift boxed 12.98 Cotton and weal filled, Goad quality satin in rose, green. Reversible Atl GR PL EL Na et "CELANESE"" BLANKETS again meth damage, Colors of sandalwond white, coral, yellow, blue, lilge, Large six Collacloud filled. Washable, Non-allergenic Excellent for Xmas giving, Size 66" x 72" . Satin Covered Comforters | cherry, hunter, cherry, turquoise, rose or green Big Size, 72 x 84 14.98 Down-Filled Comforters ! | Down filled. Heavy quality satin covering, Colors of rose, gold, green, turquoise, Extra large size 72" 78" 42.50 IEEE EE ER RENEE RELEE Ea d Fine Quality Heirloom Spreads ! 13 12 Chenille Spreads ! Good quality, solid color, lint free Chen's Spreads in two-tone striped effect, Colors of brawn, beige, aqua, rose, yellow, Reversible for greater value, Single or double bed size. In colors of white, eggshell, brown, aqua, ress, green Chenille Spreads ! Sculptured pattern Chenille spreads in single or double bed size, Colors of white, pink, brown, turquoise, ,..... RETR IRET RRERERERELE) ee PURE WOOL MOTOR RUGS! "2 WARD'S © OPEN TONIGHT AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 PM. eo Botany wool in authentic tartans. Just the thing for Dad's car or for an extra throw for the house EEE RE TEER 10.98 RA 5.1150 FREE DELIVERY a Lopes AND | rue Meaning of Christmas SOCIETIES _ Missing, Cedardale H&S Told co Cedarhaie Home sid ation look om # Fier emivey CRINGE WEIR SURE R8 EE WEES E WHE tie gues. spenker, Yong, former . WEEE PELs He thet Is Born the theme of Oo Aresh, 2 LEN TH / eongratidations 1h the CHapleriing at 7/0 p.m, ahd EXEHAREE of someti Yon SIBLE the | 10 Rn itn, mn" heress CVE ur Lord Jesus po y there was land snd Annie Toms were Won pen food wil jonas th for 12 months m fh The Other Wise Mon", by evening, December 18, with Mrs, | reading of thei Pp 4 "The Pleasures of Pos! JB 4 i y A iB, "Where meeting in the Sng ET" was beloved carols, Me. Young's sd Mrs Bert fiksk Shel Ap The mimes on er, you a" wats rend by Mrs, J" held ng, "and thet something Is Mr lion. The (il (A which is the and gn 5 In Disne of God." Mr. Young went on to is Christmas spirit she last wot dos for one! oh gael year Young en showed & Mm on the V5 1 py " (opie was conducted hy Perey p) dy Miss; Harold | P "Bela jf) Mirray P / / Was Ih decor fi : Amusing games provided en- PA SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ST ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST 4 SWEATER GO - Grrrs | ZT Awocsd SHELL ADORE VV: 100% Angora by Parkhurst i Imported fine Botany's by 'Lansed' . FIR i | Ban-Lon, Orlon and Fine Wool Bulkies Lamb's Wool Shetlantex by Kitten 6% Weel tartans == Cordureys == Plain == Worsteds w= Plaids == Cheeks { FROM 9.95 Ski or Curling Slims from 19.95 KNIT SUITS Boucles == Fine Weel non 19.98 SKIRTS Matehing with Angora or Lambswool Sweater Tartans == Plains ~= Cheeks = Corduray FROM 12:95 CAR COATS That will make warm friends, Hundreds to choose from 15.95 | BLOUSES Leng or short sleeve. Plain or Figured, non 4.80 SCARVES AND ur EARWARMERS CUDDLE CAPS ANGORA BERETS Silk or Wool FROM 2.95 FROM 1.00 ANGORA GLOVES or MITTS from 2.59 ~ YOU-CAN BF SURE . . She'll Open Her Seigneur Box First ! OPEN EVERY A SMALL NIGHT TILL @ pErosiT @ CHRISTMAS WILL HOLD WHY NOT A GIFT CERTIFICATE? ALWAYS WELOOME Courteous, Helpful Attention Given To Men Shoppers -- Do Come In! SEIGNEUR'S WE GLADLY EXCHANGE GIFTS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE i

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