- The Osharon Times Published by Canadien Newspapers Limited, 86 King 5. E., Oshawa, Ont. Page 6 Thursdoy, December 15, 1960 Unrealistic Air Pacts 'Hinder Canadian Lines A Canadian can travel by direst air service from London or Paris or Copene hagen to Moscow, But he cannot fly direct from Montreal to Chicago on # Canadien or Americon plane; he con, however, make the flight on & French plane. If he wants to fly nonstop from Vancouver to Sen Francisco, he must get hoard an Australien plane, because Canadian end US, airlines are not pers mitted to make direct flights between those points, And to top it off, an Italien wirline has waffie rights between Monts reel and Los Angeles, This sort of nonsense forces sttention to the need for a more realistic spprosch to the question of Canada's place as 8 major carrier in the sir age, Had not Canadian air development been warped to protect @ erown corporation, TCA, end had Canadian governments not en- tered into some very odd international agreements, Canada might very well have prospered spectacularly in the business of internationsl sir travel, The Dutch airlines KLM, relying largely on "export" of sir service, earns about $150 million a year for The Netherlands, GWG, MeConachie, president of Cana dian Pacific Airlines, has suggested that developed on & corresponding scale "ous Ey A own gir transport could have been ten times as big as it was in the pest decade" Thet would have meant shout $500 million in new revenue for Canada, end since 40 per cent of Canadien airlines income is spent on wages, an increase of $200 millions in Canadien payrolls, Mr, MeConachie rightly points out thet "it is an estonishing fact thet in sll the world, the most out-of-date send frustrating exception to this rule (that long tange aircraft cannot be fettered by geographic boundaries) is right here at home, in the sir sgreements between Canada snd the United States , , , Here are we Canadians standing come placently on the sideline while the girline of a third country comes in and legally highgredes our own passenger traffic on this lucrative trans-horder route, We have no objection to competing with ge foreign carrier for such business. ,, Between Canada and the United States, however, the foreign carriers can exers cise their traffic rights while the airlings of the two countries concerned stand on the sidelines, I can think of no other place in the world such a situation exists" To Prevent Accidents Judging by last weekend's toll, De- gember is living up to its reputation of being a deadly traffic month, The in. erease in Metro Toronto's traffic fatalie ties has prompted that area's traffic director, Bamuel Cass, to suggest that the mental attitude of Metro motorists should be studied, Anxiety has also been expressed by Commissioner W, H, Clark of the Ontario Provincial Police, It has been officially stated the greats est problem facing the OPP today is not any of the diverse activities of the many griminals in the province but the cares lessness and negligence . of otherwise normally law-abiding citizens who ope- rate automobiles in 8 manner dangerous to themselves and to others, An intensive survey conducted by the OPP has revealed that almost 28 per cent of fatal accidents in- Ontario im 1959 aceurred on Saturdays and Suns days between midnight and 2 AM, and on avery day of the week between 4 PM, and 6 PM, The deduction reached from these facts was that drivers were tired and irritable and in a hurry, either bes vause of long periods of weekend driving or from their day's work in offices or factories, Another analysis of accidents last year showed excessive speed, or speed unsafe for conditions, was responsible for 43 per cent of fatal mecidents on OFP-patrolled roads were found to be implicated in 26 per cent of fatal aceidents, In an effort to increase safety on the highways by making the OPP more efficient as a deterrent force to erring drivers, Assistant Commissioner T, H, Trimble was recently selected to act as A traffic control officer, The strength of the force still seems to be insufficient to adequately meet the needs of the situation but the efficiency of available manpower in each OPP district has been heightened by what is described as "selective enforcement," This system requires that all accidents reported by constables be marked on # spot map in district headquarters together with records of their occur rences, The district traffic sergeant can then determine at what times which sections of highways had the most accident-causing violations, This enables him to order detachments to. concentrate on patrolling such sections at these times, thus utiliging his constables to t! it advantage, Drinking drivers Reason For Success The Woolworth chain in Canada is expanding ~= it Is in the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico and Germany, In a time of intense com- petition at the retail level, how does this company manage not only to survive but to extend ifs operations? There are ather companies enjoying similar success, while still others find the going rougher and rougher, In all cases of success, the answers are probably similar te those given in an address to the Sales Exeod tive Club of New York the other day by T, R, Lynn, vice-president in charge of sales of the F, W, Woolworth Co, Mr, Lynn outlined the history of his company and how merchandising does trine and practices were developed, He stressed the factors of service, quality The Oshawa Times Tob WILION, Publisher and Generel Meneger © GWYN KINSEY, Editor The ™ hithy Tells ae The Oshawa Times sombink (established 1871) ond the nicl (established 1863), i published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted) Member at © Daily Ni Publish Amosiation. The Canadian % Audit Bureau of Clisulation and the Ontarle Pravineinl Dailies Asses cation. The Canadian Press in exclusively entitled fa the se for republication of all wws despatched "the paper credited tea It or ta The Associated oh of Reuters, and alse the local 4 publ {1 J hiain, All rights of special despate ae ale vod Ottices: Thomson Building, 425 University Av Toronto, Ontanie; 440 Cathoart Street, Montreal, PB SUBSCRIPTION RATES Baliveced by cores In Oshawa, Whithy, Pighacing. Bowmanville, Brooking | on Persy, Py Albert, Maple Grove plen, Frenchman's Bay, Livarpoal, Taunton, Tyrone, barton, Enniskillen, ane Leskand, Boon katon, Claremont, Calmbis, Greenwesd, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Mncheste pool and Newcastle, fot over 45¢ Sf week. By wail (In piovines of Ontario) outside riers delivery areas 12.00 ehewhera N&R per vow : Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 and price, He looked into the future and predicted more emphasis of customer convenience, parking, checkouts and so noj saw more institutional advertising to give stores individual images; more pres packaged and pre-priced merchandise; new and undreamed-of products, His big point was this; "It's pretty bacie that the kind of stores you build, and the service you give, don't mean a tinker's dam if you haven't the customers to serve, To keep traffice heavy and healthy in all Wollworth stores we've not only beefed up our advertising ex» penditure in these past three years, we've changed our entire advertising approach, From heavy concentration in netwerk radio programming , , , color pages and spreads in magazines, catalogues and some newspaper advertising, we have gone heavily to newspapers for general merchandise advertising, Supplemental, lesser campaigns in magazines, radio and TV have mostly been employed to promote out own private brands er to cope with unusual, localized situations, But to repeat, newspapers have hecame our st advertising arm, the musele of which has grown from 400,000 lines in 1957 to upwards of 30 million this year, We've come to respect the flexibis lity of newspapers, the timeliness of their news, not the least important of which, we like to feel, is the news of today's values at Woolworths" There's the answer to the question about success: newspaper advertising, Bible Thought My punishment is greater than I can bear, = Genesis 4:13, Every man who lives the life of sin # bound to meet retribution, When it comes he will ery out against the ine tolerable Missy Whnh w is, ee------ CA -- ~ THE UGLY AMERICAN REPORT FROM UX, "Look To Future' says Gipsy Queen By M, McINTYRE HOOD Bpeeial London, (Eng) Corvespandont tn The Oshawa Times LONDON The Queen is dead; long live the Queen, That the message which was in the hills and valleys of the eountry know that their Queen had passed away. The Romany ueen of Britaln was oods, H0 years old, Bhe diced in i By Eliza flashed as if hy magic the length and breadth of the United Kingdom to let the 40,000 gypsies who roam the byways and eamp INSIDE YOU her caravan on a piece of land which she hought 35 years age near Crewkerne, In Bomerset, From there, she held sway over 4 Scotland to take part In e------ all of the gipsy tribes to he found in the more isolated parts of the country, Queen Eliza of the Romany tribes parked her esravan on the Bomerset site for the last time when she knew she was dying, ipsy law, alter the funeral, In Yeovil cemetery, the earaven i will be hurned, No one else is permitted to take possession of the caravan of the gipsy Queen, FROM FAR PLACES There was a great trek of gip sles. from all parts of the eouns try to the Bomerest village where Queen Eliza was Iald to rest, Vans and caravans, drawn hy the wiry ponies favored hy the gips sles, at once headed for Yeovil and made gamp In the vieinity of the caravan of thelr dead queen, Many groups came down trom i ceremony, and to enthrone the [1 new queen who would succeed to Heat, Rest Help Painful Joints By BURTON H, FERN, MD WHAT CAN you do for (rheus matold) arthritls = the kind that strikes out of the blue with red- hot swollen joints? One day your joints (especiall; the second one on each finger feel tight, Boon that body ther mometer climbs into the red, while Inflammation reddens your slek Joints, Some lucky vietims suffer anly one bout, with no further trouble, Bul after several attacks, bon sears may stiffen the Joint untll it's completely frozen, If you have rheuratold arthri- tis, you ean probably use treat: ment (0 soothe or eure the red. hot Inflammation, to prevent and velleve stiffness, and to help stiff. ened joins help you, REST IMPORTANT Both red-hot painful joints and thelr owner need rest, Aspirin and other medicines ean often enol = and sometimes eure these tender Joints. ™ So can heat! A warm bath re. laxes the mind as well as the joints, while a paratfin soak soothes and rests red,' tender fingers, PARAFFIN BOAR You dip each hand in a special mixture of paraffin and mineral oll to form & warm, waxy glove, Ask your doctor about the de. tails = paraffin soaks ean de harm, Too much splinting weakens muscles and stiffens Joints, Dally exercises oan prevent this stiffs ness. Phylotherapy -- whieh al most anyone in the howe ean he trained to give -- ean defrost most partially froze! oY Biologist CORNWALL, Ont, (CP)Tson bel Bailey, attractive Ottawa bis eloglst, regards rubber boots and ankle-length raincapes as some thing of an occupational neces sity Mrs, Bailey, teaming up with fellow-hiologist Don Ferguson, is studying plant life an the shores of the newly-created Lake §t, Lawrence, attempting to dis. eover how long it takes flooded plant lila to vecaver and regen erate, and what plants need ta be replanted. She spends most of her time wading along the edge of the lake Mrs, Ralley noted that about #0 per cent of the plants were native Europe, and was sur Jrined that they had survived pr so long, She believes that one dav her present working svound will he a great fuck-hunting area, hat plant lite must first he restored, It's her Joh ta find out how, - The project 1s Jointly spam sored hy the Ontaria St, Law rence Development Commission and the Fish and Wikilite Divi. sion of the Department of Lands and Forests, Both Mrs, Balley and Mr, Fer guson are graduates of Ottawa's Carleton University, where Mrs, Ralley now lectures during the winter months, Her summers are spent doing work in hialegv fram special grants, and most of fi wor previous work was confined to Quebec's Qatinean area Bland straight and tall with hips and knees halancing your weight evenly, Don't shuffle or walk flat-footed, Push off with the ball of fo fool and swin your arms brisky like a Britis soldier, Some joints will freese any way, Ask your doctor about the best position for these frozen oints, You ean goose-step solid: y with straight knees, but you'll waddle like a pigeon-oed duck if your knees stiffen in a squatting position, WARMTH ESSENTIAL Keep warm, Heavy gloves and long underwear may not seem glamorous, but neither Is the painful arthritis brought on by cold and dampness, If practical, you might want to try a different. climate, Some arthritis « suffers like warm, dry weather; others prefer to he left high a ry = in the mountains, (Forty cents will buy you a hook full of arthritis wisdom at the Government Printing Office, Washington 8, DC, § ply write them requesting PHS Pub, 747, "Strike Back at Arthritis," Dr, Fern's mallhox Is wide open for letters from readers, lle he cannot undertake to answer Individual letters, he will use readers' questions In his column whenever possible and when they ave of general inter i ddvess your letters to Dr, 'orn In care of this newspaper, the title on the Woods, The new queen of the gipsies is 77-year-old Nella Wells, When she was acelaimed to that office, she raised 8 gnarled fist and said; "Right proud 1 am to be the queen of the Romanies," Perched regally on a "throne" of patchwork quilts In her tiny blue and yellow caravan on & roadside near Sherborne in Som- erset, she puffed thoughtfully on her pipe and said; "The Romanies are a fine lot of people, We work hard and play hard and we cause ne trouble to anybody," HAS 14 CHILDREN Mrs, Wells, the mother of 4 children, was chosen as the Queen of the Romanies on the death of Mrs, Eliza Woods, Once hefore, some years Ago, she thought she had succeeded to the title of Queen of the Roman: ies, But it was discovered that Queen Eliza Woods was still liv. ing over at Hazelbury, and she had ta be content to walt her tum to accede to the title, "Now I am Queen at last," she sald, "and 1 hope to remain so for a long time" Mrs, Wells, tanned and wrinkl. ed, Is only distantly related to the former Queen Eliza, She sue. ceeded because she is the oldest surviving member of the many dipsy families whieh have thelr headquarters in Somersetshive, Her motto; Look to the future, depth of Eliza AD AGENCY Canada's first advertising agency was the MeKim agency, formed in 1888, QUEEN'S PARK 7 Session Provides ~ Test For Future Ry DON O'HEARN TORONTO--When Premier Frost ifvst announced the inne vation of a fall session he said it would have to be largely ex. perimental so far as procedure Was concerned, He also indicated that as much work as ordinarily could he exe pected might not he completed, © session certainly was not a waste, But also it Mved up to Mr, Frost's advance warnings, LITTLE LEGISLATION In a normal 3% weeks of a winter sitting much more legis: lative work would have been completed, At the end of 23% weeks, for instance, there were only 19 gove ernment and publie bills on the or paper, Al the same point in the 1960 winter session there were 49 be. fore the House. Also the few hills that were be fore the Howse were still ia the early stages, The general debates and coms mittee work alse had not pros ressed to the stage they woud ve in a session, However a few Innovations, such as consideration of same estimates and of opposition billy and resolutions, meant this plo. tare 1s not so bad as it looks at rst glance, In Talus Ms, of course, the record wi BR mareved, The fact was that this year preuy much of a test fun and the machinery wasn't ads Justed to i, To process a prospective hill and get if veady for the House is a Hme-consuming process, Where law Is invelved there naturally must be a very close cheek against possible mistakes, which means the bills can't he rushed through the preparation stage, The result 1s that getting legis lation ready takes many months, And there wasn't sulfielent time to get the machinery speeded-up this year, FINANCE T00 Another drawback is that dis cussion of a large number of key questions really centers on the budget, A mala lople in education, municipal affairs and other fields is the amount of financial assis tance the province will be pres viding, And this, of course, is not known until the budget is brought down There are subjects that can he discussed without the. financial details, of course, Bul the gow erpment prelers to debates these al a time when it is able to paint out the large amounts of money # B&B handing out, 3 popes Pablo's Masculine Paradise Ending As Women Emerge From Behind Walls L MADRID (CPA social rev. Formphired is ering SEIN Hh T 3 i n "It was p vicious elrele" said one geporita, "The woman had no interests, Bhe was (on busy bringing wp A big brood of rhil- dren, he FAVFHFUL, IN SPIRIY A married man who heard the remark shrugeed and said that was the tradition, Anyway the Bpanish hushand was always falthiul to his wife~in spirit, BY-GONE DAYS i YEARS AGO AH. P.Bchell was re-elected president of the Oshawa and Ontario Country Children's Aid Society, The new offices of the Bank of Montreal were opened in the Bank of Commerce building, RB, B. Morphy was the manager, The Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion decided to [1] building of a Legion Hall on a lot on Centre Bt, pros ahead with vided hy the eity, Veronica Johnson, Separate School pupll, won the shield for the hest essay' on fire prevention written hy any pupil of the Ogh- awa Public Behools, Col, Frank Chappell was swam ded the Colaninl Auxillary Foree's officer medal in recognition of hig military service, Thomas L., Wilson was elected RE eaident of the Oshawa Kinsmen lub for the year 1981, A varied program of veeal music was presented hy the Welsh Male Cholr of Oshawa, under the direction of David Jenkins, at First Chureh, the Baptist Sir Francis Drake Corps of Sea Cadets was organized in the elt with the Oshawa Kiwanis Clu | Ing the nent, 4. W, Worrall was elscted chairman and ¥, W, Lee the instructor, Ashley R, White, Oshawa's oldest citizen, died suddenly at his home at the age of 07, Mrs, James Massey was elect ed councillor of Oshawa Royal Templars Lodge, The Oshawa Industrial Foun - ation issued $100,000 of its cap: ital stock, proceeds of which were to be devoted to the con: struction of factory bulldings, : The school north of Port Perry, a landmark for 65 years, was burned to the ground Under new provinelal govérns ment regulations, the grant of ad per year to the Oshawa rile School was raised to PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "The way to win a woman 1a iy ignore her," says & woman col pa Love at first slight, Note to those who boast that they have never been sick a day in their fives: Piayehologloal re Jowch shows that the hi het the the move active the brain Rt has, the less likely he Is 10 be healthy, "If you have cold feet, you may have poor eiroulation,' says a physician, Yes, and on the other hand, you may be payehle, Even after noting that hun dreds of thousands of laws have been passed and how ineffective many of them are, nevertheless many believe that almost any olvie il ean he vemedied by passing another law, Radio Controlled English Pubs RAST GRINSTEAD, England (CP) Conditions are changing at English pubs, The latest idea is LY | radio-controlled" staf, Ye Olde Felbridge in this Sus eX town has equipped its staff with radio sets about the size of a olgaret packet which they carry in their pockets, 2 When a staf member in wanted, he is called on the radie, He puts the sel to his ear awd receives instruotions, The hotel has found that the Rum Saves a lot of time, Bm» Oyeea no longer have to keep going back to the affice or other parts instrues | 1 : | | sv £ © i it hill, § Hii ' # with po fo could have heen written ahowt Spain, Female behavior, though more relaxed, is still governed by the concept of ver: guenia--n sense of shame or modesty, LOVE CHILDREN British writer V, 8, Pritchett has noted the eonfliet helween the "militant, formal, prim" ap- pearance of Bpanish women and their "homely, innocent and sen sual side" "They are passionste lovers of children," he wrote, "There Is marriage and eight children in thelr eyes." Another British writer, John dresses, stiletto heels, fined to a uline eye. They have dainty fleet and hands, on which they lavish care, and lustrous Younger ones favor trim beehive hairdos . Ther drawhpcks seem son - fendency to age quickly, a lack of sophisticated conversation except est level, end what one English men described as Hapshurg lips." dark ~ 13 at the 4 "drooping Hayeraft, drew attention to the seamy side of sexual segrega- tion. He wrote; "Where virginity is prized so highly, and married ile for a woman eften consists.of a series of pregnancies, hrothels natu: rally flourished," For three hours, at a Madrid S. 0. S. MO 8.8181 eoektall AA rity, this reporter talked with Spanish women shout their ehanging customs, All agreed thet men and women are drawing closer together, But they stressed that moral stand- ards remain high, On the ques. [hen Kidneys ial tion of chastity, they said it is precisely because the Spanish mate nis so p loving is the Important thing in Iife--~that promiscuity must be avoided, Asked why standards seem less high in Latin American countries BACKACHE TO SERVE YOU KING # FLORISTS 104 King St, W, FS FOR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS NOW TWO STORES BLOOR © 163 Bloor Ww, a The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses Children's Visual Training F. RICHARD BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE N, AT COLBORNE : EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419] FERNHILL BL LAST DAY!| TUBERCULIN TEST X-RAY CLINICS FRIDAY, DEC. 16th FERNHILL PARK , AT MADISON AVE, MSURVEY HAS BEEN BLE BY YOUR PURCH- RISTMAS SEALS. of the hotel to tions, Le --