24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, December 19, 1986 TMas sHorPPER 1) o. JAVE CAS a E23 EW EN iid a) SMR 7 8 Va | TE Stock Up for the Helidoys! 1 ALP FANCY QUALITY Reg Win Be-BAVE Bs "GINGER ALE. 4 o\ 1 [i TOMATO JUICE 29: 6 tox bates 29: vy ¢ / 4 MAPLE LEAF Reg. tin Mo~BAVE fe rndl SECS MINCEMEAT 41. OUR OWN Rog. pkg Mo--BAVE be "This Wook's Swertight Moat Fours RAP TEA wn GQ LIBBY'S Reg. tin Me-BAVE Is Grode "A" Oven Ready Young PINEAPPLE JUICE AL 5 U R K E Y S JAVEX BLEACH +23. MONARCH ~~ REGULAR & QUARTERS : Reg. # Ibe Mo-BAVE 11s wuith average 4 MARGARINE 4:-95 CHOICE QUALITY og, sach To~BAVE Be A&P PEACHES 4---99. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY MEAT FEATURES | / ality Red or Blue Brand Beef Featuring Canada's Finest Quality Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless Burne Shamroek, Smoked, Mindless SPANISH CAPITAL GROWS 9 4 : Madrid the capital of Spain | slready hoasts the two tallest struction program. Shown here A ROASTS SIDE BACON ib pkg 59: SIDE BACON Hb pkg 79: is # wealthy, beputiful eity in | skyscrapers in Furope and |s is Avenida de Jose Antonio, a Super Right, Smoked, Sliced ' Thinly Sliced _8 poverty - stricken country, It | the scene of an active con | main street CP Photo BACK BACON lb pkg 59. COOKED HAM wl whe 89 Lean Shoulder Cuts Ses Seald (Canada Inspected) New Zealand Premier I BONELESS ROUND GROUND CHUCK ~~ +» 59¢ [| HADDOCK FILLETS sss 39¢ STEAK or ROAST § CHOPPED SUET +25. | 'SOLE PORTIONS +57 NELESS RUMP or Lean, Meaty Pork . Cooked and Breaded Fro m Dee iii SIRLOIN ROAST § SPARE RIBS v49c [ii WHITE BASS FILLETS » 57: Canadian Press Corresponfent, fight the campaign These were the traits which EELMGTON (CF) whe covpmampn ousryn (aio me sero a oe on {| 8 | PORK LIVER ~ +35¢ [|| STEAKETTES swshs 270 Jacka "Holyoske election, Three years in opposi- " 7 new prime minister, has made But "hie was prime minister for tion made him & more mature Beef = 2:1b net Uncooked 8 p 5 barefoot Only two months His campaign tii with a far fir . he wana ae frm, bron ony (v0 moh i mpd fon Wi "a" em BOLOGNA CHUB «+69: [| SHRIMP 144:1.59 boy to national leader, But even 2 grasp on strategy, and in the r er a er $ f ' gow after 28 Jears in politics, ation l win detented » Libor latest elec Hi 0 3 Samphifn ie ane a y ] a ures * Small Link, Pure, Tray Pack 8X Brand Holyoake is just becoming a na. 0 ( y 7 emerged as the clear leader e tionally familiar figure, The pub- Mis fault, hut critics sald his pug the National party case sim- BAKED IN AGP's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS PORK SAUSAGES n4Q¢ CANNED HAMS mein, 59 He has found it hard to know him personality had nol appea pled torply. forcefully and convincingly Jane Parker Reg, M0o~BAVE 20s ie average New calander p hneider's well New Zealanders for the frst a 2 4 He has long had the aftributes Holyoske Is a handsome, solidly time began to feel that her M LE & M ME : § & CHICKEN LO pkg! 9 of & successful politician, butbullt man of middle height [7 po hd y dlotated Was wach ¢ PICK Pl IENTO o A AF So as $ the sure touch of leadership has|sPeaks in a deep well-modulated A come only lately voice and dresses carefully in|SoNTS€ of the campaign. He / forced Labor on to the defensive STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW / PRICE CANNED PICNICS SX BRAND PORK SHOULDERS mhin1,39 Holyoake became prime minis. dark double-breasted suits, He -- in explaining its tax policy and ter when his National party|looks like a diplomat by making the campaign centre Jane Parker Orares Reg. Me--BAVE 100 defeated former Prime Minister] Political organizers maintained on this issue. played big ot 3 alter Nash's.L art the/that his neat manner and cave. ow ii0e, played a big par ; ANY MA Walter Na it's Libor party in I fully prepared speech 1 made 1h the National Viewty pray ge 7 oach [4 The Porlect Mate for ! little impact on the. casual, in. Pty, ANNOUNced as seals to 4 OCEAN SPRAY, " 5 ow Ze A - held by Labor C LEFT SCHOOL AT 12 formal New Zealander. His more Jane Parker Reg. loaf 196--BAVE Be RANBERRY SAUCE WHOLE OR JELLIED Descended from a pioneer New (severe critics accused him of Politically, Holyoake is a lib. Zealand family, he was horn in being haughty, condescending eral kind of Conservative, willing 104 and was obliged to leave and vain to countenance a full welfare 100% WHOLE WHEAY 2% I . TRA OE JOE I A school at the age of 12 to work) Yet those who know him pri. state structure, but in favor of hs 'oaves ¢ "Chock F |] fF it & N ts" wil of Fru ['] on the family farm, But he con-|vately say he is a natural man EIVing private enterprise as much tinued his education hy corres-|of simple tastes, happily married freedom as possible in business, pondence and with the ald of his\with a family of two sons and! Now. at the age of 56, Holy. C "IAN PARKER RAISIN Tier Jane Parker ualit mother, a forer school je her, |three daughters, Those who have oake has a oi chance as COFFEE AKE Reg. 48 -- SAVE 1 each 35 Q y He early showed an ambition worked with him say he is not prime minister, He 1s better JANE PARKER ey Ak to enter politics and practised at all 'arrogant and, Indeed, is equipped for the task and New CHIP COOKIES Reg. phy 100 ~~ BAVE be Doha 3 3c speeches on the farm workers, always ready to take advice and "ealanders will be watching elos He soon became a committee|to delegate authority ely | » what he ma it JANE PARKER member of various farming ors " Bois e makes of it, POTATO CHIPS 12-02 box 50 ganizations and eventually gradu. 1%2-LB PIECE JLB RING ated to their national executives, That led to national politics FROZ EN FOOD FEAT URES! and he won a seat in Parliament | . ° ° in 1932, He lost it In the Labor KING FOR | SNOW CROP, REGULAR " landslide of 1038, but returned to GREEN BEANS Ne. $b n anve te 2 or vb 3 Parliament in 1043 and has held OFFICE HELP ® 0g: & bags 300 | poly bag 1] 5.LB RING $3 990 his seat ever since | Holyoake became deputy leader DICED CARROTS SNOW GROP . of the National party in 1047 and Rog: § bags Bo--BAVE be Thx poly bags ] when the party gained office in i : a You particularly need taken care of efficiently and of agriculture He was a conspie- | speedily, Part-time, temporary or permanent place- An 14&al Christmas Gift An Ideal Christmas Gift Cash Savings on Fruit & Vegetables Shortly before the 1057 general | ment. Typing - shorthand - dictaphone - bookkeep- election the prime minister, Sir EASEWERE] "Secretarial O, Service || MERRIMOOD NYLONS |M GIFT FOOD | Bulitonear Melntosh S370 Locomatives | >°€"¢!0% 3 30. oF |CRuEcATES| APPLES ++i 39: Saved From (Evening MO 8.8423) ' Now Available in | vening MO 8- acke alr California Fan ade Scrapheap Avallble at Most AuP Food Stores $100 and $500 or Vall NEEPAWA, Man. (CP)--Three/™™ Denominations --- discarded steam locomotives Ron jar 380 -- S.08 jar BBs have won a reprieve from the ARP INSTANT COFFER 10-0z jar $1.39 Redeemable in any serap heap and are fired up Mary Lou Assorted 2:1b box $1.40 for the Job of k & rn ail CHRISTMAS | || chocours Mbboc7se | ASP Food Store The old CNR engines dis | Waleh's n Canada carded in the dieselization pro GRAPE JUICE 24-01 tin 37¢ : gram, were rusting on a shop Reyneld's Heavy Duty : RT Tae Avvalting Ireaking u FOIL WRAP 18" roll 63¢ CRANBERRIES 1 Orato Hb eellobag @ Se Canadian Salt Company's Nee Marvel Brand Ya-ual. pkg 80 pawa plant brought them hack ICE CREAM pint brick 25¢ STORF HOURS SWEET POTATOES lin 3 he 29¢ inte valuable If stationary service 10-Ineh The plant suffered a bale "Of CHRISTMAS CRACKERS pkg of 12 $1.09 CHRISTMAS WEEK BRUSSELS SPROUTS "mami" ™" 25 39¢ breakdown and estimates were Indoor Multiple fl month. Steam 1 neces CHRISTMAS LIGHTS string of 7 $1.99 bos » TUES. - WED. | CUCUMBERS "tu fitin freen tlie 2 1, 19¢ or processing the ne p Is 4 ; Linda Rg Tg tartans' YELY Frick am, > dil CELERY HEARTS ™f ™®"'*" wi15¢ duces a residue of 00 tons of CIGARETTES «in of 20's & 25's 3.29 THUR » CELERY STALKS Galife:fnia. Pascal, Jumbe Size, "2S salt daily No. | Grade CNR officials made he steam 9 am, » 10 pm, save is aan, ic] Specially Reduced for Christmas - Giving ! a FRI. FRESH DATES "SJin® sic cesn 49 Gaflifornia facilities. Now the three locomo k (en. "coupe together Wi AP Super Marl ets 8:30 am, + 10 pam, H Poet, Lara common steam line, are supply - A C RYSANTHEMUM Variety of Colors, ach D. 25 ing about 20,000 pounds of pres CM aN SAT. Pot sure each hour to keep the plant 8:30 ALSO FEATURING SUCH VARIETIES] AS MIXED PANS, POINSETTIAS, operating at close to capacity, ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH H am +8 pm. HYAGINTHS, OYOLAMEN, AND MANY} OTHERS, ATTRACTIVELY PRICED P 8 ai -- .S SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1960 FOR CHRISTMAS. RIG MAN the alest boner of ol tne 75 KING E. (OPPOSITE NOTEL GENOSHA) | C= I ; was Canadian Negro, seven-foot two Harry Gunson,