[4 7 THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT People who ask "Is it eold : Clondy eonditions may bring enough for you? should be . 4 some snow and freezing drive chained to the North Pole, y . J to the ares, JOL. 89--NO, 290 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1960 Den hes Dearne, Ovrove THIRTY-TWO PAGES RAILWAY UNIONS SET NEW STRIKE DEADLINE UN Protests NAPE May 16 Stoppage Congo Move got We A ' New Ultimatum n Mow REAL (Cp Frank H. and the railways a strike should " k #ll, ehiel negotiator fer the non: go into elfect at § a.m regional LEOPOLDVILLE AP The heen given for the hase he operating vallway unions, today standard time, Tuesday, May 18, United Nations protested to Col, taken hy force announced that the rail strike 1961 Joseph Mobuty today against the HAD PLANNED TALKS postponed earlier hy the federal The non-ops' strike, originally Congolese army's takeover of the A UN spokesman said five | Saviriiont has heen re-sehed sel : tor Dec, 3, was Postponed former Belgian alr hase at Ki- of Bomboka's commissioners ar oe Jor Vay Pee. 2 when the Parliament Lona rived at Kitona Tuesday for! une Hike date, one day after passed bill. C45--"an acl lo pro Le the end of the postponement per. g £2 i Some 250 soldiers equipped ne HEBIONE on the future of the . lod sel o the Shiny an Ye kon a aim othe with A few anti strevaft guns and hi ie with ti Sagan tech. still he ratified hy the unions' The hill, which espires May ieavy machine guns swooped tan Manis d " policy-making body which meets 16, was designed to delay any down Tuesday on the vast air complex installations B Jan, 4 trike until the report of the hase fu ol 14 f hy Moroccan ; The technicians refused tn en 4 Gi 4 Mr, Hall's announcement said royal commission on transports roops of the V foree er into any discussions with the Hy # the 16 - man union negolisting "lon which 4s expected March 81, fis A The Moroccans put up ng ve: commissioners, wha left the hase ! i commitiee "is of the opinion that The unions ealled the strike to -, \ 3 sistance in order to avoid un- and returned with a company of d [the strike vole has to he imple: hack up demands for a 14 cents. | necessary bloodshed, Buy | this Congolese army troop pr mented and thal in the absence anhour wage increased recom. ROYAL COUPLE WED TOMORROW pai ig 8 n a oi FASTEST DUCK I '4 of agreement between the unions! mended hy a conciliation hoard, sion while UN reinforcements 7 Belgium's King Baudouin es into the royal palace hanqguet all aver Europe attended fhe | were en route to the heavily out Ld 2 hall in Brussels last night for. evenl he couple wed | oo mbered Moroccans IN THE U 8 A COMMISSION MEETS S418 Mis hrventache, Die gb | the hall eelebrating their forth Thursday in the Belgian capital. | Th head of th UN Congo ee | | ana 1418 eave \ \ ) 2 hen J L iola de Movay Aragon of Bpain, ' coming marriage, Royalty from AP Wirephoto | on India's Rajeshwar Dayall CHELSEA, Mich, (AP) All The three-man royal commis: | P. Beaubien, Montreal adver reported to Secretary General ducks fly south, hut how many sion on publication studying SINE man commission chai ™ | Dag Hammarskjold that the take: of them ride in jet-propelled, problems of Canadian maga: | man Grattan O'Leary, president lover was 'a Hagrant interfer-l 800-miles-an-hour luxury? | Zine publishers, is meeting In ' of the Ottawa Journal: and | 1 a (@) an 01 L (®) a oO ence with the mandate given fol That's the fortune of & cer | Toronto this week, The com John George Johnston, Toronto the United Nations hy the Becur-| (ain wood duck named Woody, | MIssloners, sitting at the centre | public relations man OTTAWA (CPA year ago, In any event, it is the view of {ity Council and a deliberate] Wino failed to use his head (or | tADIe, ave tefl to right); Claude CP Wirephoto | (ne 'United States suggested that the Canadian government that gel of aggression against the! pic uiiac af the right time the members of the North Atlan- any decision on sueh an Ameri: | United Nations For some reason Wandy | . fier Treaty Organization draw up can plan would have to wait for n (o | ©] | 1 a e Western diplomats said Mo: siaved hehind when the rest of {heir Ideas on how the 15-nation 8 NATO heads - of-government {hutu, army chief and head of his (he flock departed for the sunny eqare ed {alliance should develop in the meeting, Canada hopes such a provisional government, Jdustinl south, He woke up one morn next decade: in short, a 10-year meeting will he held next spring, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) he released (rom imprisonment ai have given the United Nations a Bomboko, claimed no orders had ing to find himself frozen in the 0 plan for NATO, Canada 1s interested in seeing The Security Council hit deadlock once, and that Congo army chief! stronger role In restoring order ice of a small lake near here . Canada came up with a set of the alliance grow, especially eco on The Congo early today, there:| Col, Joseph Mohutu dishand his in The Congo The son of Albert Kleis, a 5 an ers 1 proposals after months of head. nomically hy throwing the Inbue fo the 99-| forces Before the balloting Hussian Refused Blood Michigan conservation em Soratehing in the external affairs One Wibjeet which may tend ta member General Assembly | The vote was two in favor with, Ambassador Valerian Zorin and ployee, happened along, TA) .. Turkey ( ' ) ole , department and produced a pa. divide the alliance and which In & mavathen session that|eight against and one abstention. | UN Beeretary-General Dag Ham Witness Dies chopped Woody loose and took HEANBU] Turkey Rewer) iA adlacent shore petroleum de per which External Affairs Min. more than likely will be diss ended at 3:41 a.m, the 11-mem:| Russia and Poland voted for the marskjold clashed head-on over him home At least 50 persons were eared MOY shipping official said the 18ter Green ls preps ped toeussed in Paris is the Algerian Waody came out of it okay," [killed when two tankers exploded ood armony was empty dup-| Present to the Deg. 16:18 NATO situation, This 1] Jom her epuneil finished its Congo de: | proposal. Feylon abstained actions of the UN command in VICTORIA (CP)--A memhey Mihai i é the Jehovah's Wiiness faith »id Kleis, "but I figured he'd and caught five after 8 collision ing the" gpllision ; The five on. her | istovial meetin in Paste, Mv. mare pressing Bu : ¢ Vv » alg hy killing rival East a A Bovigh attempt to change the African state. f 4 frovorni for dealing wil Wasieally the ' word of the! %orln reiterated charges that! died Cn Bal, Tuesdey ola never et pout unless some: [io Roaporus Sarly' today: i tnt The dhe to At ! | from y fe ern resolution ¥ series| Hammarskiold was acting as al 4 i nif Pofusinig "a 'bloay ransly {Klets contacted Basten Alp | 7 =the 1 Covion's wily Sir Claude Coreal0f Amendments was roundly er Eg astern and colonial pow: gio pont | Wa . 40. M fs 1 J 4 i pulled hack A eompromise ves:|'eated. A gS igo. , David Cory, ahout 45, was ad. Jes, which taday inaugurated |S tate Sos Harmony andich Poul and Aus APPOTORIly Jo Te He) elton anv Tor the went 4 i, nee 1, Htsomarakis, as back wth mid tok Spa own] 4607 Jo Aghia fo Miami ware Mailing novos dive ech, bh one members, a ened nl puter liom Roge Lives would" al" the ate Weni{ 1 [ASPIRE of LAIMA NAS Other CN gn ates WOE Voivod Tn an automobile socident on the firs fight After the collision, the Blauiag (Aker Was heading for Ham.(I416d Why paver on a 10-year blants six against and two abstentions. under a "fire of criticism pL nearhy Hooke { = locked together Ai hurg, West Germany with 2,000 Blew " ilvaiee ne week. Another Da ¥ § . = ankers # tons of bensine and some petrol: BA's conference, If thus appears fhe issue now will be dumped : | 4 ama Ambassador James Bareo| suspicion' and used as a "pawn drifte { third ship, th ; In the lap of the General Assem A : him RA drifted on to 8 shin, B® eum "taken from the Russian that any discussion will be only TORONTO (CP)-Alan Ros, bly where weary delegates ave| accused the Russians of "distor-iin games for unrelated pur ' [ 0.401 - tan Turkish Tarsus, 4 J : lin the vaguest terms [ 1 Sr iving to (mtn the (iret malt of] tion, tahrication and Ipaerisy" poses 0 1C eman 188 three were badly damaged, Black Seq ort of Tea ae, : The 11,8, Is said to have a plan Shue, brink Fu death Jor fave in the debate, He deni ussia Feaple on shore, roused from overboard were badly Wind in wherehy NATO itself would heli ig phi A tine Sivee he gH py Dee Lo its 9gnd| charges that the UN secretariat | ) | trol The, Soviet Union cast its 8nd) © ol their heds hy the explosions, (he sea, which was on five" with EVER control over American nu 4 contained saboteurs and sald the Laos Battle watohed as seamen plunged over: gasoline #8 on Hive "WIth (Gicar weapons sored in Burope, |, 2101008 Who gave up hope for velo (hy defeat the Western resolu: [his life during the weekend said p only UN slaff members ever | jon by M Rentina, the United oR brehended as spies were Soviet At Hockey Game Stand and swam ashore from' the ; Strang winds made rescue and Wd Mian fay he broached of iy condition this morning was called on Seerelary-General Dag|Pationals, erie Tire bnidade duliod| Ta OF Tames and henwy| hough officials say if 1g digriouli|Mchanged from Tuesday, He ie marine fire brigade pulled while huge flames. and heavy to see how the departing Eisen. "05 In 4 coma, : ; d » Hammarskiold to continue his ef: | Before the halloting Corea sal Fo C t | i ; 4 i ort {0 restore onder nthe be nd Ambassador, Mong) | EOF G@APITAL | comanie orgy + wiohara revente he ire" Spiga 10 enpens, "1" 1e 4 Tron he war aim ibraon 4h. ou qb, JLJOALOIA plumber from Congo of Tunisia had decided 10 § son, #0, of the Whithy Detach: | d A P {mit 'the incoming Kennedy ad. AN ester, England, was (rap hack their resolution after a ment of the OPP, suffered a fatal pod i a tave-ln a Hanawine Nav, ome @ suffer nternal injuries, REJECT RED DEMAND loheek of the eounell members » hedvl attack following a charity | a The West in turn voled down|indicated it would not get the JE] ages hockey game between Whithy and his right foot was amputated a Soviet demand that Patrice Lu: needed support ; Firefighters and Palice at the i i | enne Y as Drinkin Hours Friday, mumba, deposed Congo premier,' The compromise plan would INT ) Whithy Community Area, Tues: A g Doctors were to decide today i > - VIENTIANE (Reuters) «-- Mor! day night i ¥ whether the use of an artifioial tar and machine-gun five vogked Holstering the Whitby Palies J : | [) F Ch i Kidney for Rose will be resumed, ALGERIAN RIOTS Vientiane PL hattle between lineup, PC Richardson complain: ; , | | 1f in t or ! stmas It has been used sparingly te Jet onng ana Hghtint elements od of severe chest pains early in Fs A a TORONTO (OP)-Coektall bars Avan off poison from the miner's bag pi oe sania OF 870: the first period, a : 3 and taverns in Ontario will close system, hut each application . . {Right ih Ap May. | He vestad in the dressing room eB WARHINGTON (AP) Presi-|to serve the public when re. ®Arly on Christmas Eve and ob:|leaves him weak, Phan Ni pro-4 Menon Gen. (during the second period and re. [ENE dent-elect Kennedy has reached quested to do so." serve normal Saturday hours] Meanwhile, plans were made ri 18 ac es NIE Tueaan with ened A) turned to the ioe midway through LL in filling | New Year's Eve, an official of/to hold a special prayer servies assault Tuesday with a howitzer! ! 3 the haliway point in filling his A th i | h 3 : rays \ fand mor rage after whol] Me, hind ¢ cabinet--five down and five to go NMONE the personal consider-|the liquor lieAnce hoand said to-|for Rose at noon Thursday, Very . [el mawiar harrage after Whieh| "youthful father of three ohil: E _-- a ds oem fairly gond Mons MoNamana had to give ay. Rev, C. B, Riley, dean of §i. this toups raring White AFI dren, Richardson collapsed into y - that he. plans to add another because Ford does a fot of bus ale of liquor and beer willl James Angliean cathedral, will raves om eon ued ite the eit. Tile arma of another police con J . Roday or Thursday ness with the defence depirieease ab 4:80 pon, Deo, 34 and lead the service assisted hy efending weve foroes under gable in the dressing room im u MN " ment: The 24,250 shaves of Fordlat 1:80 pm, Dee, 31, ~ [Canon HR, Snell of 8t, Aldan's 3 \ neutralist paratroap Capt, Kong mediately after the game LW His fifth seleotion, announced stocks he owns, plus, an option] Liquor and beer retail stores|ohuveh, who has heen minister \LUIERS (AP) Screaming Moslems were wounded in Le suparted by pro-Communis| He was rushed ta the nearby i . late Tuesday, was that of Roberton 30.000 Additional shares {will close at & pm . ing to Rose and his wife Moslem vioters and fanatically clashes with troops, Riot police Pathel Lao troops and Soviet sedical Clute where he was pra a MeNamara to be his defenee| = suas ATL AMES i determined resistance romithrew cont ussion grenades 1ti-and 130-milimetre howitzers nounced dead hy Dr. Keaneth a secretary, MeNamara, 4, 1 ; 4 French settlers foday confronted among Europeans demonstrating flown in by Russia this week. Fabs y president. of the Ford Motor Com, France with the' gravest evisis in against Moslem nationalists Kong abandened his command Aq emergency supply' of oxy pany | her attompis to end six years of! A Freneh spokesman sald theve post and his forces fell back (0 gon given hy the Oshawa Fire To Kennedy 1s announcing mel flighting in Algeria Were several mare vietims in the| ward the. airpart two miles west| Hanactment, failed to revive the, MORLEY J, RICHARDSON timetable for hs HOR All he! \ ane any longer spoke of Moslem quarter of Algiers Tues: of the eity under the shock ofl aii affiper S§t, Charles Hofferan head of WOWK! - tell reporters, camping fraternity' bet ween Moslem day night during disturbances inthe initial assault, The attack "constable Richardson was a the Whithy OPP ao oy . outside his Geargetown doorstep id rreidiman loonie fio Ee a wa a ay COUTLET-DATTARE member of the Whithy' oop praised constable Richardson for in bitter epld Tuesday night, was days of bloody rioting that killed ® At Se i 3 y approximately seven and hall ficiency 1 that he expects to complete his! 1% persons and wounded more IM New York, the Soviet Union Hy shsel, the Ara Cammunist coars, TH wan his first posting he pi IEUeY 19 duty i Bs Nha a few ie { that 400 'harged a the United Nations \roaps, wearing red armbands with the OPP after leaving his "Diving his seven and a hall Renuedy still must: piok _ x Mesloita ha suffered that the United States sent Us2 appeared in command of the yore town of Hastings. Onl He Years on the force, Morley was - Rennedy st | mu Aa 1 ® I'he aslems, whe "1 Spy planes aver vebel areas of Western deotor of the eity behind jive al G10 Athol sive well liked and a very efficient tarigs of agriculture, treasury mast casualties, Nasi by Algeria to Help the French, The # Walk of smal arms five Assistant. Crow Attorney Officer," said the Sergeant and labor, & postmasier-general French bullets had destroyed all United States called. this "a came Casualties appeared lght, bat Bruce Affleck commended Rich His ¢ will be felt hy 'all &nd an atlorney general 3 hopes of Algerian wwien Withinieie iahbioation. {could not te determined as Wi: ard Tar his dosite 1 give evi. officers. y He filled a big one when he Franee {Ehieguns Shluttered and bullets dence" impartially during cow! Husband of Evelyn Curl and Shoe MeNamara for the defence) 38 French settlers, fived on by wh through the streets proceedings father of Rodiey, 10, Lawvie, 3 Polls it 100k ponsiderable 3 ro Tuesds r the " $ gulp 8 ig AU Often during Marley's test: qnd Kim, 2, Richardson is resting persuading on Kennedy's part 10 vowed feer 10 accept Presiden es 0 AY TNs eArheat di sire Ryne hy ihe in Whi Town Funeral | gol "McNamara to- give Wp his + 0 a A PLC hy OBR: 2 de Gaulle's plan for home rule ACOUSOd AMAR OF WOMan ever | Nie ARs ooo $400,000: year job as Ford presi, A funeral service will he can dont. @ st he was named to in Algeria henef f the doub He [LJ PR p y i . {henelit af the doubt, He womldi¢ cle at the ehapel an Wednes . WON'T BACK. DOWN At A Glance Tax Revision [often say something favorable day evening at 8 pom. and anoth. JY # Month ah and take the e Gaulle out a day off his ; P about the aceused er at 8t. Andrew's Pres cterian aon ie NA ! He . ay of ! . "1 found him 10 be a consel [Ehired Hastings on Thursd er _mueh, howd MENA M 13 (18 i # #5 on Wrsday to w of Algeria and arrived hom $210 000 OTTAWA cp The Canadian anions and dedicated police offi] Dec mber. 13, Al 2.30 pm mara said as he and Kennedy Paris, announcing he will ' Chamber of Commerce called to eoF Who had a pleasing. jovial Interment Wil he at the Trent faced veporters on Kennedy's 1 ail ¥ ¥ a eV ph ¢ " d °] stati by nieh wy 10 Ryu te 2 0 ay Fw 4 Shmplote revision of personality." said Mr, Affleck. Valley Cemetery in Hastings front steps, "1 came to the oom fighting whieh has bled France $20 L000 (he TAX structure aa 4. major clusion that personal considera: White ate) toward solving the country's tions must he subordinated , ', | Tne amet Seq Cait E. [IP NEWS FLASHES L YHA. te 200d om pwer ittee, the chamber) 5, Gah s150.000 | Etnies, te hamber Revolution ministration, left from an airport 5 outside Rone, where ng goverament spending which arelgn legionnaires fired | $125,000 No is "lndamentally harm" Timken Strike Settlement Try ems and then directed! blank five at marching 08 taxation, the chambe TORONTO (CP Lows Fine, chief conciliation effioey Rumored an settlers $100,000 which speaks for some 808 cham. of the Ortarie Labor department, joined negptiators today Among the dead were seven OBES OF commerce abel hoards of in an attempt to settle a strike of workers a the Timken . : YS Am . . Moslems and two Europeans i $75 000 [irae aerass Canada urged spe Roller Rearing Company at 81. Thomas : 5 Fifty-five persons were wounded. | L Jo cally | . I Income tax splinting ig Age Bagh Bag $30,000 Lnarriod seanle ta sase the tan Prisoner Found Hanged In Cell | AONDON (Reuters ~Renabta harden an families TORONTO (OP) A Wan arrested on a drunk charge of a coup d'sial in Ethiopia were CITY EMERGENCY $25.000 4, seieratet Septecia iy Bs was Ruud Quod w ha a ou v oday. He was identilied layed hy Whaler Yodo apenas | PHONE NUMBERS dertaken during the winter A SS ik) Arent N heh the Bihpian or | Your Greater Oshawa * Substantial reductions w cor No Change In Car Licence Fee y MASEY Sai IIS MESSAEeS 10 the MrRion tax rales to bolster the + VAR Sl Sve ig POLICE RA 51138 i pri Hodigh a i " J ; 4 tC 2d . CAPIAl were nal being acknew COMMUNITY CHEST (anette mun of Cunidian| _ YARONTO, SCP = Mhece wil bo wo change In he foe [ion FIRE KILLS STEELWORKER « FIRE DEPT. RA H6AT4 : \ 191 Spokesman far the Reitish ™ y RA 3 4 Tax bonuses far wm y ospeat, Transpon ¥ py wee said i vemohil : in off ) HOSPITAL RA 3.32211 Needs Your Support a ) pew aaspart Ainisier Rowntree said to \Niemabile Heance foreign office said "we have had Spectators watch the remains | storey Hamilton howe sails § the S3veatald owner, Michaol 4 4 r. ru. OR Fesearch, eagineering and de Hes range fram $8 to $35 depending on horsepower: the APO . ¢ (HAE OR Rorsepewer; the por reports of & confused sithation I of a five which destroy 9 ing, taking the ) Berheniuk, a steelwarker : | 0. (Addis A ithe capiab © WHICH destroyed a twa { Mis Warning, waking he die of R CPW A Han mit fee 3 baba, (the cap \ - ™ 4