THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 13, 19660 15 WORLD NEWS BRIEFS - Lepie of lovet comeing gate a4 this. Club have protastad 19 fhe tom Sussex de resovt, WM od L us, Paper May |New State Secretary | Invade Canada Has Impressive Past | anadian Sat! | amimmney By BRUCE LEVETY RERIREN. subsidy In principle Ton 4; ve posse B gr phi hil or WASHINGTON (AP Few, In 19% Framidem gd Pr honors ond & BA Ae demuey fines y 7 £ (galas i 4 hk i do i d ' Wp pin United Sater BREWS Canadian puheations Irom ome "er have tives or Pisin Ho nen or: mm A ond ow poser WT Ihe Camadn wa peiiion Irom wved wiecs B04 [Col yy was mamed Wh he Boving Evers Ml ml Beodes § har ship undercutting Canadian Goh whe vita ih A omnis i Plesidentlecs Kennedy Wondey the Ioloning years, wweh sow], TH Rhodes Sconormiy io The ies wae Tweed Monday Welore tions __ as the nest UB. secretary of the exwption of the Korean War | (Mody su Bgpry Foi the rays commmmenon mm Poca: He suid that in the past "It wae oo he hecame known as the Bren Io ASAE 5 tions, - finsnd Recessiry to whsdine 10h "LoL, wie origin in Cherdkee tect of 15, Far Eastern pohey dpe ' * 4 Ba mime ln ways , County, Geonpe, Rusks's We Rusk is # Wg men physically | "In 1934 wig TAD - "ght i CREATED ig p, has fotlowed a smooth spward He (ops ox [eet ane WEEE Woo, ot go og a SB Bectrome pret FLEA SHOR We had to create the on 5 ewrve thrones & Rhodes Schon the sesgimornons of 19 pounds (C08 ET ORE 0 ng NG Wo 5 in ae the feta wip, academic We, woriime Tennis ond of wre Wie ports (Cop Co To sl Coline, Ouk. BEDFORD, Engiond (CP)-- How shout o poir of for # Ca hen voice in the field service nm Burma, and pssistemt! He wes resred wm Ationts and Qn. Calif. He saved there #5 The of 5 # o fogisr ip Rog ging ion The SETEAREY of state lox Far East plusoted " He ; Jie sehahely crs po ying 2 the DRE, gg 2 Bedly Wg oes nts # PF : : - 3 ig : ' ] content Binoculors : 2 cask ER BAIS Davidson College in Wrersit oo Sidving ri NEE og " " less al ond cose Canadian Press accepled "a cash Carding, where he won Pi Beta)" As Caliivenia Law Scho: Walia Re oof be fio ¥. ps UWE SOW boot ' yar gathered, Rusk ined the lation Ww he street as. WORTHING, England (CP) BRIGHTON Fuidinnd cp Ww Ov has been converted wie (he coniitions Ww (hestres ® Roi Sevy's fest floating re- Home Secretory Ww hope that Wy 16 19 he overhonied for the MEE cnt workings mre the tiird set #4 (y he wilt into the cock, wiih i Allen, former efor oH Maclesn's Wagavine snd mow # frestance wiker, was the first wilness When [Ee COTRBRSSION moved is hearings here from Montres! Mr. Allen sid thet when he worked lor "the Tovonts Globe and Mall "10 or 15 years spy that piidication wis inkering hoidy of $00 & yew and He look bis present position there Wie ho PrIRCPE apparent the presidency oA the Bockelelier to them that could not he de- Fondation when he left govern with the ides of a national news fended at thet time," ment Service WIRE YeRrs 4g Paper' pushed Sane Cpu" 0 na diay Press wes Now, st 5), he moves back we seversl paris of the COUNTY formed "in 19Y7 when fowr ¥e- the state department as the head as IARI Y FTRSETVE 3% 3 CRPLAIR OB he Eoes 'no work #6. 00 a.m, is British rallways eve 10 put 8 new Slewprds of the Dee. 15, 198 Aller two campaigns wn theptre and service on by facsimile process FEASIBLE BOON "I believe The Globe and Wall is nearing the stage where this is feasivie" ° MH the Toronto paper covid do i, then "a great US, newspaper might follow suit" The "staple" of such & news piper would he nitions or inter pationsl news and BAVEFLISING, with small regional inserts," Grattan O'Leary, president of the Ottawa Journal and head of the three-man commission, seid it was an slarming prospect In answer to Mr. O'Leary's questioning, Mr, Allen seid he Is sEainst censorship of any kind and thet while he opposed gv ME fut Engineers Would Sell Overseas OTTAWA (CP)~Canadign en gineering firme and makers of heavy capital equipment are put ting more push inte the search for overseas markets for ther wears, trade officials reporied Monday Capital development pojects in Boutheast Asia, and the sup ply of equipment for a big Aus tralian hydro - electric project were Iwo examples cited hy trade commissioners attending glonsl news associations waked man, and into the Kennedy ad with the aid of a $000 annudl ministration as the top cabinet I Canadian government gram 19 officer cover cost of lensed wires over! Rusk first entered the state de unproductive wrens Sepang oariment immediately efier the the news woits, The Wire-gaps Second World War, were Seint John, N.B., to Mont i real, Toronto to Winnipeg and SAW MUCH SERVICE : Calgary to Vancouver, The grant: He left i for & year to serve as ada's trade with Cuba, Albert was discontinued in 1924. Bince an assistant to Beeretary of War Wren (1, Leb. Kenora) told the then The Canadian Press, owned Robert Patterson, Then he was Ontario legislature Monday hy its Baily newspaper members, appointed director of the office He said the people of Northern his accepled no grant or subsidy of United Nations affairs back 8 0" Northwestern Omiario were from any source the state deperiment visibly Ajglurbed" by the week ---- end announcement of Prime Min > ister Diefenbaker that Canade {would trade where it liked ; 19 (®) or 1 He said Ontario should take an inierest In trade matlers be \ . Young President leauge the province would suffer in the event of economic repri- s6l5 By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Stall Writer WASHINGTON (CP) John Kennedy's great ambition for i961 is to restore Western confi- dence in United States leadership and to bolster the sagging Amer ean economy * But the Democratic president elect, handed a paperthin man date Nov. B in one of the most dramatic US, election races in years, faces formidable ehal lenges and roadblocks as he at tempts to bring Ws country into the era he calls the "new fron Slates retalioted against Can Northern Ontario is parties larly anxious where her gold In the November congressional von ore, nickel, pulp and paper voting, the Republicans made se sold almost entirely in the only minor gains, and the Demo United States," Mr. Wren said crits have. clear majorities--66- "If it becomes necessary thal Min the W0-seal Senate and the U.S. apply any economic re 21-176 Wn the 447-seat House prisals Northern Ontario will feel Bul some key committees, the first catastrophic impact,' such as Senate finance and! Bpeskng in a debate House rules, are controlled by employment, Mr. Wren conservative southern Democrats the prime minister of who refused to support Kennedy wants other ghost towns af Sud n the election campaign Lakehead, Atikokan Northern liberals de: Fort Francis, Kenora and manded a purge of the southern Lake, then let his government rebels but veteran campaigners continue to hoast that he will have urged caution lest such a trade with the real or imagined said "If bury, the have TORONTO (CP) Northern On- gion of Merit citation with oak taro would be the first to sulfer leaf cluster econmmic reprisals i the United DEVELOPED POLICY on un Canada Red | Burma the wer department's general} stall operations Swvision, Rusk emerged from the conflict as 2 colonel, He was awarded a Le His rapid rise in the stale de partment in the post-war yesrs hrowght Bim to #8 role as chief developer in the depariment of political policy during the Korean War He stood squarely behind Tru man in the president's quarrel! with Gen, Douglas MacArthur that ended in MbeArthur's dis-| missal as US, commander in the! Far East. Rusk argued thet ex} pansion of the Korean Wer was) advocated hy MacArthur would | "lead to disaster," Rusk was married in 1957 to the former Virginia Eoisie, They have three children | 4p lp Ap Bp Ap Bp Ay App bp Bp A Bp Ay Ae Bp Ay By dp A Ginger ROGERS garry NELSON Carol CHANNING | | Od Spice the finest in grooming aids for him nner [tier Small but powerful conserva tive elements nn his own party threaten Lo wreck his legislative plans while a diminishing stock pile of American gold may strain foreign assistance programs al a time when many impoverished nations need greater aid Kennedy, al 48 the youngest man 0 win the presidency, will seek Lo overcome a recession at home, strengthen the Western alliance, speed UB, missile pro duction and reach some under the government's hig export pro motion conference Another commissioner saw good prospects in Nigeria for Ca nadian mineral surveys--a field in which Canada holds a leading position TORONTO (CP) Two Cana dian executives of the Interna tional Grocers' Alliance Monday announced purchase of a large wholesale depot firm which-holds the Chicago area franchise for OLD Gift Set: Lather Shaving Cream, SPICE After Shave Lotion, After Shave Yalcom 2726 OLD Gift Set; After Shove Lotion, Men's Cologne, Shampea, Body Talcum, SPICE Sick Deodorant 6.76 ou. eee Sette Rete Reet ete te tetteth | PROG pci a a a a a eS Se I MO AO a Franklin Macveagh and Com. pany, an B-year-old Chicago dis tributing company | as heen bought for an undisclosed sum tl ; i OLD SPICE: Shaving Mug 1.50 we id ahd OLD Pro-Eleciric = The before:shave SPICE lotion 75and 1.25 i iaioh ai 2 ol OLD Smooth Shave Regular of SPICE Mentholgted 1.25 Newest gift ideas for the Merriest Christmas WwSHULTON the best move turn the entire soUh enemies of our friends," tightrope In the south hecause (rade with Cuba if in doing it wes of his open support of sehool loge & friend," Mr, Wren said Integration and "his pledges to eliminate discrimination Against Pl T D d But if it had not heen for the g Negro vole, Kennedy may not : have scored over Republican ttawa iver Vice-President Richard Nixon in" Khrushchev set the anti-Catholic vote against proposal to deepen the Ottawa He plans to tackle these tasks, Kennedy in the western and River between Ottawa and Mont " along with such other prime Southern regions. Even so, Ken: veal to provide a shipping link 5 IES MacARTHUR = KIM HUNTER + JAMES DAL domestic issues as greafer fed-\"edy emerged with the thinnest between the capital and the $i, % i= J -- plan for pensioners in the first about 145.000 ballots in a total There have year of his new four-year term. National record vote of more than Vigorous and determined as he 06,000,000 lawa Valley for & longer water: ¥ TODAY ONLY; is, Kennedy Is no miracle] But under the cumber 4 avi way which would link Montres) "HEY NO MAN WhiTS MY ! ' CLECHON| with Georgian Bay, following the (Adult) by John ¥. Damore, Canadian dent Eisenhower did hefore him system, it is the electoral vote old A a way po the E Pius. "HELL 18 A SITY" (Adu) E dad 4 Rapid expansion is planned for|in determining how well he does, |were times after the Nov. "4 the French River, the Chicago company, Mr, Da.|Undoubtedly Kennedy will seek election that Kennedy's victory more sald The midwestern another term in 1064, He will| seemed to he threatened United States presents a chal- (need some major successes (0 He needed 260 of the 537 elec THIS STORY SLAMS depend on the new Congress and had 382, counting California's 82 the skill of his vice-president, But counting of absentee ballots Lyndon B Johnson of Texas, n|gswitched California's popular {rallying congressmen to Ken {vote to Nixon. The popular vote LONDON (AP) The Ford prised the country with a spec ballots Motor Co, of Detroit made a|lacular triumph in Texas where ™ mn . 0 shaves of its British subsidiary, |e : a ol cause of his support of Kennedy, | "gk iF here again Kennedy 111]! IA ADAMS » 1} ol eratie exchanges of fraud and | ROCK HHMI BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT pp In the south, there were grum-| blings against Kennedy's Negro-| ADULY ENTERTAINMENT By FORBES RHUDE (Companies possessing large rer a4 TIT] Rn 1 in beauty prevent any electoral voter from and supporting ano t her candidate, | though this is done ravely, As the threat against Kennedy | subsided, legislators talked Again, as in the past, of the ur Kennedy walks on a political fore a few million dollars in of public facilities standing with Soviet Premier 870 and Jewish votes helped off: governmeni plans surveys of a rs minimum wage and a health M0 years--a mere majority of ported Monday 'BI T E BILTMOR posals from interests in the OL Loeb, 1GA director of his cabinet may go a long way contest was so close that there Part of his achievements will| after the election, it seemed he leader in fhe last Senate, sW':|didate gets that state's efeetoral| holders to accept Lor , pAers 10 accel # White House victory There were Republican - Demo holting electoral pledges There| | { LAST TWO DAY is nothing in the constitution tol fragrance 2 GREAT MUSICALS IN COLOR gent need of electoral thot MGM Tech for her NOMANCE NAPTURE "RHAPSOD (AER ERE NY reform, but with little expecta. | tion that anything would be done, Greenshields and Co, Ine, in ally shut-in or 'flush' Helds, along | against Kennedy "It will he a real price to pay Negroes in jobs, housing and use November, Roman Catholic, Ne: OTTAWA (CP) The federal * TTT WT TO eral ald for schools, & higher, MATE of popular voles in some| Lawrence Seaway, it was ret RH heen other pro: |worker, He must rely--as Presi-|oft-eriticized American IGA vice-president and Bertram --on able advisers, The calibre/of each state that counts The ¢ K Miawa River, Lake Nipissi PISEINE | Kooi dodorioobore lenge for development, he added |strendthen his public support toral voles to win, Immediately WITH A FIST FULL nedy's side Johnson, majority in each state decides which can British directors advised stock-| fir C p ors ek- the first Roman Catholic to win had only a hairline vietory COLOR BY TECNICOLOR rights promises and threats of] Editor serve positions in the more heavy. © stock market review, says the|with capable. management and economic downturn may not be strong financial positions, will as pronounced as was once henefit to the maximum degree feared, but states that the evi-'in the continued development of dence In this respect 1s not con: the industry ~% "Prospective elusive, It adds earnings of many of the com: "IL may be that the market panies engaged In the various will anticipate the improvement phases of the indusyy provide that will eventually take place, realistic support for present as It has generally done in sim: share prices." tar situations, Also, for some time there has been liquidation of Canadian equities hy foreign in vestors, reflecting mn large part the attraction of investment open ngs In prosperous Europe, Sound Arguments now exist 'for long orm positions ance again heing iaken in this country Commenting on the bond mar vol, Greenshields says there ap pears to be a basic minimum femand for longterm Govern ment bonds, but once this de and 1s satisfied, further in weases In demand have to be weated hy a rise inlnvestment vlelds of proportions that pose wiitieal problems in terms of wblie opinion and of effects on wiles charged to other borrows ws, NET EARNINGS meres) OBR | TAETH ALO Monday scored their seventh con. N PARIS . i VITTORIO GASSMAN A Gon NASON CENEXELLY qi oj On index, industrials gained ANG 1.7 at wan, base metals 20 at Fed 130.0. Golds were off 08 at CARON {87.60, western oils 57 at 79.14 A MoM TECHNICOLOR! Volume was 1,843,000 shares I compared with Friday's 1,70, r PIAL | In NOW PLAYING BL Hin \ BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETS ARE {were active with Abitibi gaining [) % at 8% and Price Brothers 5% THE HAPPY CHRISTMAD GUY al 3%, Minnesota, and Ontario * " -- -- GOA ober dropped 5% at 20 Imperial and Toronte-Dominion were strong among banks, up % im Co, Light "Investors pups (each at 63% and 37, Royal Bank chasing the frst mortgage [dropped 1 at 68 bonds oblain an attractive | Tmperial Life jumped 2 at a7, rate of return fram Canada's [Dominion Stores 1% at 64% and newest company in the pris [Industrial Acceptance 1's at 43% mary aluminum industry," [Moore dropped 1% at 4 Moss, Lawson and Co, Lid, | Traders in golds, uncertain on Stedman Brothers Lid: [throughout the day, plumped for "Sales and profits show a [the downside as Giant Yellow stubborn resistance to deters Knife tipped the index scale with lorating coonemic conditions, [A drop of 3% at 11% { Should appeal te conservative International Nickel found sup investors," port near the close to lead base - . metals higher with a gain of % ASV NMINY ws A Rolloek, president' of at 38% (SECOND FEATURE) aninion Elpotrohome Industries' Western oils had their worst Lid, Kitvhener, Ont, says in a day for a week. Calgary and Ed Rt y onron Heller to shareholders monton, Great Plains and Cana While we can feel pleased dian Superior losing 33 cents hat the overall volume of sales each COM "iw Comments on various stocks hy investment houses include: James Richardson on Gece Mines, Lid: "The common shares aresrecommended for their yield and for attractive growth potential in the Ca nadian copper-sine producer industry," Wood, Gundy and Co, Lid, | on Canadian Rritish Alumine Among industrials papers FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Spray Cologne -- Also available in these famous fragrances: Desert Flower, Escapade, Early American Old Spice 300 DESERT Gift Sel: Toilet Water, Dusting Powder and Pull, FLOWER Hand & Body lotion 325 Chase Manhattan Rank, New York, says of the Amer loan soene: "The stability im industrial production through July has been followed hy a wederate decline, Al the same time, the inevitable une certainties as ta the new administration's policies he cloud the sutlenk, Neverthe loss, the hase factors faver ng longterm advance in the {In our diversified lines is holding well under current economic con COMAMY TeMAINY Strong. ditions, > are not pleased with our profits. In commen with \ ' James Richardson and Sons, in many manufacturers We are ex: Sorkin J feet » - a ; hoy M-page study of the prospects cause of greater petition hai . 3 Hae : P ~ > ¢ the Canadian oll and natural brought -on hy reduced Lp while they work thrugh id --_- AMOUS J LAY . bd as industey, says setivity and by imports, As Project man Gordan Sheer | MEARE ELSA SR I | FOR CHRISTMAS RELAX WITH MUSIC EMaScoPE LONDON (CP) = Carpenters ' FRIENDSHIP Gih Set: 2 cokes soap 5 EARLY Gif Set: Guest sizes Toilet "GARDEN twrapped), Toilet Water { AMERICAN Water, "Falcum, Bubbling > 200 «C.D SMCE Bath Crystals, Body Sache! 200 VE BOOKS "Long Tange growth is depend: result we are anticipatin "Ww v A SHER says: "We believe it will take a A upon the US market | , , (lower profits for 19680. fot of strain out of thelr werk."