20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Betwrdey, December 10, 1960 Important special "buy' Men's luxury silk LEER OR ATONE "Blizzard Buddy" A deluxe 166 and now SEIGPES, OF rugged plastic, with" nylon on he bristles on one end other & Aoiile sided scraper with Gone smooth edge, Ne jagged-tooth edge 16 go alter thick ice, Moot 10V4" long, extends to 17" 1.08 EATON Opportunity Poy Speciol, sach ,, Car Cushion Comes In wedge nape the For Family Fun This Winter , , . Backyard Skating Rinks 'darit-yourself' kid corrugated aluminum forms 8 Outdoor Badminton Sets Gift giving? Here's o ood suggestion for the young end active! Sot "A" consists of = four] steel-shafied rackets with waterproof" nylon stoning, Ae net, one set metal "take down' posts with pegs and tie Nord, twa plashc birds and one set of rules, In attractive pd plashe carrying £Gse Fill with water, allow time to freeze EATON Ogportunity Dey Special, N 8 05 iin Ao. 20 " ' - required ta supply sufficient ice tor Bot "8" consists of by prevailing weather senditions; 3 thickness recom i f rl ne bird, one set of piles mended 13. 08 EATON Opportunity Day Special, somplete PHONE RA 5.7373 resilient foam nhEr filling helps you relax whem sitting Portable rink an easy to instell Long, continues roll of retgining wall that you line with the enclased plastic liner easy-to-use plastic diameter, Time behind the wheel Attractive arted colony plastic cover In & Size goprox, 14 x 157 EATON Opportunity Day Special, Sash |, held liner in place ating determined Iwao steel-shatted rackels, one nel, In deme-fastensd plastic caring EATON Opportunity Day Special, set PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 26) IGT AS NNN NINN NN DONNIE NN NN NN Specially Priced Games for Family Enjoyment! : The New Wonder Monopoly 5 : Book Encyclopedia Ever-popular family pastime; set 1s > complete with property deeds, houses, hotels, 'money', etc; and complete instructions " EATON Opportunity Day 2) Sven set EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 263 Rich Imports from Haly and Austria , , , for yourself, for impressive gifts ! Ordinarily 5.00 and 7.50 Festive array of specially selected silk ties from sevs eral of our foremost suppliers in Milan and Vienna specially purchased, and shipped directly to EATON'S offered at noteworthy savings for Christmas shoppers! Brilliant array of Continental patterns, Distinguished stripes, neats, allovers, bros cades, Each tie tailored with meticulous care, All with hand-rolled ends, Best choice for early shoppersl 3.50 12 Big Volumes | Specially Sale Priced! An exciting gift for children! Here are the, thrilling stories of 20th Century industry, scis ence, nature, transportation, communications, and many other wonders of the world. Well hound in red and black, plentifully illustrated; included, Printed in Dart Board Sturdy, heavy qualtiy 114' and vyellew; with EATON 1 i EATON Opportunity Day Special, each rubber many photographs hoard in black straightforward language, clear type STITT raised wire numerals guage, ype, Opportunity Day Special BUEN 2s 51 t100s EATON Opportunity Day Special, set of 12 3.59 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 208 SEER LE Magnetic Fish Pond NOT SKETCHED colouriul Fun any time especially at children's . hoard with adventure eandyland partie For four players, set consists cards; four eandyland figures of 10 magnetic fish, 4 magnetic fish EATON Onportunivy boy ie 29 Rel 4 faToN Opportunity 99 ay Special, wt . Special, wet PHONE RA 5.7373 Chess and Chechens Sturdy board iwith brown and yellow squares; interlocking plastic checker and beautifully designed plastic chess TATon Opportunity Day 2 490 . Special, sot FATON'S TOYLAND, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 237 ANNANNNNAINAUN, "Candyland" Game NOT SKETCHED Fun for younger children PHONE RA 5.737% Metal Slide File Box Practically a 'must' for the 35 m.m., fan «++ a sturdy quality metal box for filing slides , , , holds 150 mounted 35 m.m, slides, and has useful index system, EATON Opportunity Day Special each 2.29 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 512 Gift Sport Shirts From Leading Maker Ordinarily 5.00 to 6.95 Good-quality, hand-washable cots ANNAN ANNAVNAANAAAN ANN tons in this season's favourite checks, plaids, allover patterns , , handsomely styled and carefully tailored by one of Canada's bests known makers, Excellent choice 20-Figure Nativity "wo 8 Fine Italian eraftsmanship is reflected in every piece 9 of this charming group. A lovely setting far mantel or table, individual figures include Joseph and Mary, Three Wise Men bearing gifts Animals Angel, Shep- herds, the Holy Infant, and many mere, Moulded figures in natural: looking colourings EATON Opportunity Day Special, set .,,,,. PHONE RA 5.737) 'Arita Holly nl Polnseltias Floor Beauty Special ! Rich red plastic peinsettias with lustrous green stem and leaves. Also authentic-loaking hally in white or green with red berries. Approx. 15" high ---- excellent for centre' pieces and home decorating EATON Opportunity Day Special, 99 § Spray . YULETIDE TRIM CENTRE, BATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 219 Wrought-lron Effect Candoliers 3 H Traditional yuletide ornaments . Sideboard or table J-candle size approx 14" high Reg. 5.50, SPECIAL, each S-light size, approx. 14' high Reg, 8.00, SPECIAL, each for mantel PHONE RA 5.7303 '30-Hour Alarm © Glooer in handsome chromium-plated case A modern touch to this square-shaped clock with polished ehramium-plated case that looks equally well on bedside table, desk or mantelpiece Centre dise of light-catehing aluminum; polished raised numerals luminous dots and hands. Easel at back for support Boxed for gift-giving. Covered by EATON'S ).vear Service Guarantee 3 29 . EATON Opportunity Day Special, each BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 5s PHONE RA 5.737) - "Simplex" Floor Cleaner 5 Plus 1-0t. Hawes Liquid Wax "" 1] Simplex" cleaner removes old wax and dirt, > helps condition floor surface in preparation tor waxing, Hawes liquid wax dries to a hard, glossy tinish, without buffing. Both these prepara- tions are good for lingleum, hardwood, mastic tile, asphalt, ete, 'EATON Opportunity Day Special: 1.Qt, Floor Wax and 1.Pt, Cleaner, BOTH FOR PHONE RA 5.707) Christmas with blue, grey, brown, red ar green the predoms inating shades, Sizes small, meds ium, large and extra large in the lot but not in every calour or pattern. Please state second choice, EATON Opportunity 3 99 Day Special, each .,.,. Ws ' : Men's Warm Wool Scarfs Rich, luxury woallens in a full, generous size with self fringed ends. Handsome Christmas gift * choice in dashing checks and solid shades blue, grey, brown, red or green predominate ing EATON Opportunity 1 99 Day Special, each » ; EATON'S MALL LEVEL DEPY. 228 PHONE RA 5.7373