Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Dec 1960, p. 16

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Da pd dp dy dp Ap Bp py hi Fp Ap Be hp A Ar a Ap Arp Ap Br Arde 4 pe ' llr A ar Ary Pr a A i A A Be |Bricer aboard, officially opened run as hgh as $1000 a day for day afternoon the Junior Concert years od on Dee, 2 and will Edmonton's ne w International' fishieggers whe legally hwy I ne held at 250 p.m celebrate with a pany on Batu: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Wil dlif e Toon etustor. I ramen doves Tro indian eheomen i I n Pulp it PERSONALS 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December §, 1960 CAPSULE NEWS ment of Transport Viscount from the grenter Vancouver ares Bchod Concert will he on Friday OAC in Guelph for the weskens, Ottawa, with Transport Minister Visheri officials snid profits ev. ( Yi: evening at B o'clock, On Betur- Wiss Busan Annis will he 10 day the raunway and sliced through resale 10 canneries Mr Harry Freeman returned. Mr, snd Mrs, Bev, Warwood of & ribbon home by Jet plane on Friday eve- Scarboro spent Sunday with the DUNBARTON pit Rey Dy WE from Leeds, England, where MeClements and Mr. A J (Continued from Page V7 ET [, LOOKS, BAD TORONTO (CP) --Alan Heber ; TH, & mother + eritically i Thompson of the Base Line ! LONDO AP itish agents i : as vo McKay in the pulpit at Dunbarton MT " i Ald somo d ry alks Star ! tor the New York - 1 ems i hin Joist igh gy A " United ( hare and Wirs. H "$tro Wi Mir. and Mrs. Frank Hibbert Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, AE ' FH Ie: Ae Yin 5 force new By mo gv" hikes "A TIER topiad n WANING machine, Miss Canada, in MODERNISTIC corner T steamer ri, overdue with 28 suburban York Township apart: 8 the organ, the vegular morning are pleased with the arrival of a Vernon Typert formerly Lg Adi on Ny 296 Katie oe rr Nou ot ghoard on & voyage from Eng ment where he was hih ting, Service was held, Mrs rie y boy last week in Ajax Hos Carter! whe were ¥ lai BrESees; BUMEIING ROWVROAG #11 ahoar ; Voy i : ent where he was baby si servi y Mrs Wee ave vim, Sar he seen ot APIImEns §, b . FORONTO i! Hdife ex (AFI--A huge Titan ikeveontl- apa 1 Montreal, said Suturdity held a knife to his thon ha. Lynde conducted the Junk 4 Congratulations to all Pic herd Unifed Chureh om ot Street per Wan Can suile pl : wis Wi ie ® w WYOVE. Frigidaire, W', in good work |" rae ws a pen irom nan J pos of a oe al ballistic miseile exploded gigi the situation looks bid, A escaped with & mink stole and Bregntion. The chwreh wis well B50 Gordon May aiended a urdey, ¥ ere Freeman was IE conmiion, [or sale. wi were oid 77 ras ashi elevinion / ade and he n ois BSun- with a giant roar Saturday might spokesman said Taltemps 10 jewelry filled as the Kiwanis Club held is 2' SH teren in Van 0 Mo. Telephone WA STN for further washer WI, Ue piece chesierield, diny atlended the wpening of the while being fuelled in ie under: contact hey hy radio have heen church parade and a dedication SHwday, Nov. 2% Mrs, Hanson of Spruce Hill ha. ad bial - ; 2 b tna al Sunnare. $a.» RERE B0: Sour-day midwest ish and wild- ground silo, The air force re witless | CHARGE METER THEFTS was made of the new fags 5 group of Dunbarton Kiwan- met with # pamtul accident in her ELECTRIC range, Norge, W', with Ie conterence. Amumg subjects ported no injuries and 4 spokes | HAMILTON (CP Frederick 4 ins and thelr wives altended a home and 1s now Fecovering. Simes, clock, deey well cooker, very MAN'S Torol sii boots. wie 11. Exee Next Sunda { aulis good CORIIOR HP Telephone BA lent condition. |elephone KA $4670 ior 10 Be discussed are dynamics of man sald the missile did not con KEVORTS OFFER William Taylor, 24, of Bimeoe 4 bent Sunda) a ve Wa Baptism charter night dinner in Peterbor Mrs. George Howe of Toronto a Bemor Bi Ore IGE Bion fish populations in small waters 18in & nuclear warhead NEW YORK (AP ~The New and Raymond kevin Lambert, 27 A mg on Nov. 73 Visited Mr and Mrs Woes wil TYPEWRITER, $15, adding machine, WEDS, (win continentals, W' wide with and species problems in water . York Daily New sild Sunday of HamiMon were arrested al r. Leslie White i= home from lis on ay. pr ate, 1100; firey. wre. One wed sed one. month. IH MINER ENDS SERVICE night President-elect Kennedy is gunpoint tomight and charged ie! plane Bunday picked up 116 Oshawa Hospital and is progress Mrs, Quinton is very ill al the camel $30. 136 Simene South. BA each KA 3-407 : y LIVERPOOL (Reuters The prepared (i offer Addai Steven with theft. Police chased. two Conadian Pacific Airline passen- ing satisfactorily home of her hier, Mrs $1201, evenings RA 34404 Sr NAMED BHODES SCHOLARS 27 A00-4on Cunard Viner Britannic son the post of ambassador is ey believed stol geys stranded in leeland ature Mrs. Larry Davie has been at Yeiman of Pine Hill Rd ¥ GOODRICH Ire ded her 3 ne § amhassato 0 men they believed stole money NEW lumber, 995 per M 2 % 4, 2 2 16: (fer) ' i pda TORONTO (CP) wo Wyepr- "Pde her 3 years life as a pas: the United Nations from parking meters and found 90 WEN after their plane made home Wl, as hiss Mrs, Mel Carl Tommy Forsythe Junior has Cad Iu (0 Used windows Farin vinon an old students, one from Oltawa Senger ohip Sunday, She ha a iar filled with dimes, nickels #0 emergency landing. The pas: ton. Mr. 1, Smith and Christine heen ill at home, We hope you're was; two oatheoom sinks and clonels; $60 Kitchen ehrome wand ome from Torown, have Deen sod to a London salvage VISHLEGGYRS ACTIVE venpies in OF. Oa o sengers, on a Vancouver-Amster- Cragg wie both in Ajax Hospital, all betler soon, Tommy not waler TRAIL 0 Sop " " i A 4 VV 14 hh and penn na Car near Ih d wile; 4 seel png: Direpisce gine gf ' " HBA een nominated ws Rhodes schol- Company for breaking up VANCOUVER CP Federal oone dam fight, spent the might in the Mrs, B, Sleightholm is still re. Mrs, Marion MoClement took shili-nawi two used hedrogm es; ah 4 . fe Ont fisheries officials disclosed Sat. hotel at nearby Keflavik airport treatment §. Michael ri in the annua Andrew's p A it 2 Ln aation ' wi rom nhario "a an py, WV " M WA al nei y Belli airport ceiving treatment in 8 nae 8 pis cee South walore ehport ie, IY fomiing " ' y nounced und» Yhev. are Wel By nig roms sdisy this a major racket has de PICKS THEM UY after thelr Britannia plane de Hospital night program in Whithy on Fei. CORY vet V5. sus, fur eoliny; wallet |e y y i "Arthur Richard Scace of Toromio didi dad dod ¥) depart: veloped in the sale of salmon in' REYKJAVIK (Reuters) --A re veloped engine 'rouble Mr, Bill McKay was home fromiday night wippers, 5 and 4; baskel hei al tri with and Boudewyn an Ort ewiid's wiond haidwond bookcase; foi0 bs 4, # MN {awa ' penile able eathereite covered : ' ¥ y id Felephone RA 53016 heat d sel $2 rm u VAY HAVE KILLED 4 WINE and cider barrels, sold osk, all I he , a 2 sizes, Oshaws Hardware and Viecirie He gf BYRON CENTER, Mich. (AP 8 Chureh RA 37624 Sauidation P 821% . State police ad thre ing PAINT, interior, exterior, $295 galion " y ons, A ws he playin ih malenes may All colors. Guaranteed, Gal, Kot y : y WE, TeRuInr 8I89. have caused a. fire that killed Oshawse Hardware and Flecirie, # Church Breet, BA 37624 SEOLE STOLEN fows nanagement thes sisters near heve Hun this # go-cart Christmas! Give Ay dn Degnng Bephnwl 4. and her hole summer of &B)0 ister Janna, 9 Cath 7, and g0-carting from santa Special BICYCLE M, hu ' ol Cheryl, 6. Were trapped by Rs ROW On, Rew and used BOCAS. | cuntio rack enrd free wilh » i" 4 fete phone gncart sold now. al "Oshaws Cw es ; . Way Prices from $150. Contart Woonk N slo m des VIRE KAZES BARN vonty's BA Service Leones y Gibb sn php Feiephone KA fit forth BRECHIN (CP Fire Sunda Simeone) Beawi ors r hith or call RA 58108 GUERNEY gas furnace, 100.000 BIV, © a . Bi ad ised four months, best offer, must sell. EHEC 0 To ; 3 d E fama timated Telephone HA 57199 4 w the owner Albert Walton at WEDDING dre 2 PIANOS for Christmas sale, smalls hall Prine M . . wb ILCs 000 Lo $50,000 Brechin volun full -keyh d plang and heneh on. Tals 4s } ta ket 4 % AFH finish, 8358 down 817.08 month ' / ' ¢ emen | the Ih nm price $579 Wilsen and lee Lid 7 MALYYE wm fs § wi preading to Ihe nearn farm Simeone Street North F 1106 ance, good ya» hon ELECTRIC peo p iting head ds, ete, tor al m lec HOUSEROLD hil vision, | WILL RELY ON CANADA brani West. RA B34 : frgerator, mingle, double heds MONTREAL (CP --The United Rie Sires wer a i gr 4 in 4 Stal vill rely to a much greater fee « 10 § ale SPORT Inckeis, youth's, sizes 14:16 phon [) nye ; and hrown ) FLECTRONOME Ha exten woundstonth, easonanle Telephone table model, Norm ande i collec. tals during the next 20 years, the RA_379%9 ton; kn ahaed £4 Canadian American Committee WOOD foi sale Aut short and oe) Jar En " forecast It #2 hy Ad hotr hard and soft wood. Apply G Gi 0 Wr. O Stace estleton, Ontario g y he in iron al ga ER Ae Cr BUSINESS IS GOOD! That's the story from Department N 5 i and |e Canada wl e | FISH hat and stove and ice fishing COMBINATIO aders in I] and th enuipment, In AL condition, amos (LTE, 00" ; Stores and those who really plan their business in an new, Telephone RA #5688 i an ea fot ROCKET FAILS ! 4 1 VALLOPS ISLAND, Va AP . CHESTERFIELD, three piece; 9 piece ( » ne WALI d | h Airing room suite Appl 05 Wilson RA I'he first try at launching a sat oraer y fas ion. Mond North, Avariment 3 MAXIM derizing he machine, elite from the Wallops Island TELEVISION, General Electric, 177 inftwa he and all nthe 5 testing centre fizzled Sunda A Al condition, $55; also baby eRrTiAge. almost new " owered #10, Telephone RA 51053 after 5 p.m. Lorraine treet four-slage COU POCKE My WE pay highest prices in the city for | SKATES, new Lo hy all-solid fuel, fell into the used furniture. Pretty's Used Furn # changed E ' town. OCean vher { econd age Store RA 33271, 444 Simeos oul Drayton Cy 104 ' i ted 0 mils IRONER, General Electric, ust like | Ta new. will sell for 835. Telephone HA! 52---Legal VISKILE EXPLODES $4054 for turther particulars ANDFENBERG. BASE, ( alif DRAPES, sreen, for pieture window | i | mahogany desk or » t seer; hal [ EN OF RE --- ---------------------------- earpel 94 foot ellow spreads > JING 52.Legal venetian blinds RA 531 WA AN I F ( $50,000 wrod B liquidation sale. Gigantie a We've i1eally chopped prices| aha { NOTICE TO ( REDITORS Broadlogm scatter mals i bara A A iner chairs, S38; tri-hght flo po ed u AND OTHERS ues to 819.08, liquidation pi l 760 r A Ferate of MADELINE #7: hostess chairs, spring seats, 58 A the & , fr ' J spring dilled erib mattress regular MA Re ARET RANDALL Ww $12.85, cash and carry $5.05; unpainted] Ee Liqu rd "An persons having clo Large successful business houses regard their sales mes- ture; students' desks, S14; chest flames in their upstairs bedroom destroved a large harm near this 15 miles east of Oy on Canadian raw nater drawers. 817 AnIY dvessers, wrawing he i f . ' EN emai ueaal OVce of Marbart: Gr { Oshay sages as the important function of their operations, They complete, single size, regulny 830.95 Arehite i y ! ! ly i . . 5 . . 4 auiation WWE WE) arharle paw Oihawa, upon deposit of | abour the 31sf doy of Oc maintain a constant connection with their public through vegular 430.95, liquidation price 836 $50.00 / AD 1960, are hereby i pring led re du hi tek 2 ok idation price Nook, All Wainy tified 16 send in fo the un well-planned and effective advertising. final, no exchanges or refunds. Wilson NOTICE TO CREDITORS ed P nal Represen Furniture Co, 20 Church Street AND OTHERS tat 110 sed of AIX months old B13 double head ¢ ird day of Crown rotor antenna, S150 new TR x odio b full particu accept hest offer, 74 Celina, RA A660 A . iy FOR RENT Television sets. sun : ! A i 1 Wd doe lamps, dehumidifiers, record players . . ¢ ele, Meagher's, 5 King Street Weal f ma the a ens tative TYPEWRITERS, adding machines #99 ¥ w ! ! J New eiectrie add-multioly sahiractors al d havin $108, and your trade. BI Aamilton A € wing n , y sims of w Ashburn, Brooklin 1 fr tate 4 he have not TWOpiece hrown acelate davenport { « 3 Dated at Oshawa this 2n good condition, $65; one arm ) ' ¢ ved. %10; one foam chair, $10 / L wy of | muer, 1960 Marconi hifi set. $45, console model ROSEMARY BISHOP 8 cu. fi. refrigerator, hrand new pondi wil la ry y Fxecuty tion; Simplicity washer, automatic By he | pump, paid $419.65 accept M0 for th hy y Nhe) accapt . McGIBBON & © Phone RA #1210 AWNINGS, BIAIR colove oF Ray strines Barristers & Soli Prampt service, Free sstimates. Order) e treet Kr OSHAWA, ONTARIO The Times coverage every night is the most effective way rentals Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North A MM cameras, Keystone, cost 8125. Will } 4 5 a > ae . wll Tor hl Ligue dies (ram on part "ePresen io ead | NOTICE TO CREDITORS to reach the buyers of this area... Your regular adver- TAREE ROOMS of furniture, only S268 ' ¢ 760 : : 2.4 N " A hue hes, sho set ul | 4 y ihe Fate of BERNARD tising will definitely get results if the merchandise and andl coffer tables doir and table mmegi te i é Deceased i" J | . ' " . phos. dons, sty 45 down deiner, dole | Rep OE li prices are right, There is no question about it, Home Furnishings, 484 Simeone Street + \ 30 | ate f BEF South Bodh aw i 5 Re BINSON REFRIGERATOR, 19 [ | y a ul 0 A " f Oshawa Mien. Call RA 8.1910 or formally f Ontar who died ORDERS taken for storm sashe y J ar alviamg or estimate m } ut the ird da y Phone RA 3.4080 960, are hereby LATHE, wood, Walker Turner A t \d in 10 the un work 18" throat, cutting tools and & MA Y ¢ | ( 1 Represen ale al Pl " 4 \ | OF» t¢ aid decease $60. Whithy MO 83788 1 3 A ¥ J Vi Ww VIKNG love autamatiy or 19 ) 20h \ 0 full ( far a LIE) Morse Gibson vefiige A Rat ator Lib. freezer. one ar ald, § ie Aba m Washing machine, $80 YU 57408 Point ¥ \ A ' | lia er the said date Pe ' Representa WM PRILCO pefvigerator, 11 cubic Rt ¢ d | istriby assets ih opie excellant condition we { aving burner cangette, white. RA 8-048 : i tA comole Domest sa sain USE THE | ah there hve : The Times is the medium which is read in mare than north, Tast Rouse oft side ATED a TW Ontaric Rh Git Wl, 25 OSHAWA TIMES | Meo ™® * ecombe ZA 16,500 homes every night, It is the economical method sales Hoom, RA R584, 108 William MAUDE ALICE ROBINSO ra TE CLASSIFIED: | ere 9D to use - The Times advertising service supplies assistance i a lida ANNING F. SWARTZ \ in copy preparation, layout and illustrations, All this orig for all makes of Meaghor's, § King Street West 4 | ; \ treet East --- 2 5 i : SEE HONE. APPLIANCES COLUMNS Wil Tig an 1A & is for the advertiser's use . . . Make it work for your busi- OSHA ™ \ 90 smcot sours MERRY MENAGERIE ness. FOR FRIGIDAIRE ALES AND SERVICE " mestic and Commer World Rights Ressroed 5.5332 ©) 10 alt Panay Productions =] te All aluminum products Dears, windows, shower doors awnings, TV towers. paving One contract, nothing down F free estimates calle Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME FOOD & FREEZER || pov EX) 3 OSHAWA RA 3.3474 PLAN IL o TELEPHONE WHITBY MO 8.3703 You may have tried the re Now try the best. (Example average family af four $16 per wk. covers 100d and tree or), B0% groceries supplied oll well-known products, high ost quality meats, Lite-time warranty freezer, tha only ane guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down pay nent Call f w tor Dew il ribvused by King Fretgres Syndic stratior bligatien, RA 8 4969

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