36--Fomale Help V Vowel (4) Room & | 00M eu TL eo ty " lm ipso" i rn to : ER fw Fan dhine cashier req ed for Gen ose Hotel Cotige Shop. Apoty My Arthur Wier & p.m. or interview LADY wanted to nok shies temily while Bus ot Aor Telephone RA £17564 59% for mare Iniormation wom waern Brick bungeinw, jhoo wm Guslph Sires, ele tw be For appointment BA yr room for two or three avaliable, BA S520 willing eo share, Si5 por week | hiro Nghe ed sport - #04 hosed for oN hg + Bot | CENTRAL can wo rmom -- iment, stable for Achants] wales, Ress with vant a, ood us hod 144 Telephons na S615 (ping Centers, {RA 56106 or RA 6168 of Wh SINE VE A Eas, shor § pm mer rimm " ossiment, fete Ship i Sl i i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendoy, December 5, 1960 17 ARK Lo] Worth, Vh - ri ovo | HOVSEREEPING rom, piosty Jamis nesiow Nndoonped room Lad, tor gestiemen only con Sireet North or BA 44776 ira i 0 ROD MINGLE (nrnished bested 100m) {urmished revo with small ly contre 1 fin, 35 HBEE rome and bath, {aness wise Frrmighed en oo 7 ey rr | ROOM 3nd oer, salable woiavia for close BA S087 Fir wilh homs | dad I or ir Bim or isle COMFORTABLE well erp soe Street. Solty wld have own large warm ot with itn Glrest 0 near Apr sobin id oa (#51 King Blieet East, Oshaw IROOM, board oplionsl, wil iw "indies; wisn one single mom with ing privileges. Apply " 0 Waren | moe of u fouevoom men, Maritimes home, near # ee FOO Epartment, very cen eral Moore, BA trally Incated os monily. A edie | Be ALLA i warm Feom (thes ae AFRIVATE three =D : bath, stove, renee MINUTES dic Som "south Generel 78 Sant, A room, in quiet hatne, CONYENILRARS PITKIDG space, Welaghous RA 12 with [ single beds, WE single room, good bed, 9 weekly, any nn Ens, [A w m, Suitable for "furnished ho Al po] kitohen rr (modern home) with board, 4 £lderiy | B ad pres ia share, single bi nome Lisi gp home funehes packed HA 57043 HOUSEWIVES Cash in on the big Fall and Christmas ou A apartment with large bed | gpg BOARD nd room, willabie for Gentle. 70m Sombinstion Kiehen, WWIRETOOM, | (4 onnoty ahly shed, in clean quiet home, central slove, private bath, central, reasonsbie, | ed, bus sl door. BA $5788 COMPLETELY furniehed, 43--Wanted To Rent bedroom home or hingslow, January 1, decupaney JH Logan, KA 57311 44---Houses, Apts, Flats Private entrance. Close to 65 MONTHLY, three cludes stove and elestris sy LIGHT housekeeping room Telephone BA 81096 flor further infor i 67 located Apply 90 mation 00 tained and bathroom rom Adults, one onila welcome, Ll 1 BACHELOR apartment ment, one (00FTo0m Apartment, healed ninediale possession pH 6286 (or further information 37 Male Help Wanted 0 . bedroom un Fras ground floor beautiful recreation |}, of smell monthly sccounts for large oon mm pad hon POSSEASION Telephon Bireet gern In Oshawa ares Perm anent route Warald ih ¥ront Street "West Room NICELY furnished single room, sullahle monthly 24, Toronta, Ontario Available Immedintely p LLY furnished (hres pve, room brick house for rent, bus stop, small family Loon' downstairs, semi-private ent and bath. One Hght housekeeping room SELF CONTAINED 97 ment $55 monthly, and water, ehildren welcome, Call HA R6666 or B11 Bimeos Street (presen Avenue, Oshawa {FURNISHED room apartments in another hullding Telephone HA 50238 for de' (room and four rooms. FOUR room apartment Uied bath, ow |W HED three heavy wir contained three room |5:1615, YOUNG MAN NEVER [in new apartment building, refrigerator * bed: Gnd stove, paved parking, five minutes' |e HA 33211 or RA 52559 RA (walk to General Motors 204 King 45h Malaga Road, KA 5.6674 Ernie Holmes Really THREE large modern yooms and sun [Newly decorated; laundry tubs, pt heat: | room, heated, 5 minutes so downtown, Dunlop (Canada) Lid od, alr Sonditioned Close to BGM, Tele. | FOUR MO 8-336] 38--Male or Female Help | |7Wo apartment, | hedroom im: | slave, parkiag space, mediate bossastion Oshawa in 15 min FOUR cupboards, on 18 Ritson Mond South, Pee] now. Phone 88118 after § rooms, oll heated A MARRIED men and women (n present Hireet, Top commission. Call Brook Two children Bibi TWO rooms and hath for rent, furnish {TWO turn ol close to Pittings, and hus stop (417 Oshawa Boulevard South. RA #8848 y 444 Drew Street NA 8.0006 modern (hres rooms and bath, South 39--Agents "Want od room furnished apartment, sen rds to choose (tral, near hospital and General Motors Write for [store and bus at door ot Smith) Telephone HA #6844 hah | TWO roora apariment, Nimlahedl hull iN an pitdonr ie Aver in i $55 monthly, Availahle Decem LLL] fo Bh ne reasonable rent, Available 4008 Richelieu wielah + 630 King Street West for further 41 Room & A. ard §| Awol 2h Taranto J * day, own iY reation room Ae 4 a HI decorated frivits. entrance, cen: HOOM with Voard or Tht Foci hees two ladies or gentlemen, close to hospi wal, stove, euphoards, 188 Elgin Street East {RECORD hloek Teo pr Centre, four rooms and private hath, [119 Stevenson Road North Apply 8 Elgin Bast BOARD and room for gentlemen, three minutes from four earners. Home ook: | Apply 34 Charles Strest ROOM and hoard for one or twa firs, throughout, large living Telejhone HA 80184 [NEW three {ha ' » oh South General Motors, 384 Malaga Road mom apartment, immediate 183 Elgin Street W, ooeupAney, heat, hydra, TV outlet, near | One hahy weleomed. Da onre for ohild if required, RA 83883 urahet | Fu RNISHED apartment room furnished partment, and hospital, hame combed meals blak ROOM and hoard foy gentleman, Com: | HO Apply 730 Simeone South north General Mators and Fittings ply 381 Bruce Strest ROOM and hoard for gentlemen Ing rooms for gentlemen, one equipped Road 'sundry tubs, oll heating, close to north General Motors and hus, |Shopping Centre, 360 Conant Street [WA 39048 Apply 341 Ritson Road South on |CADILL AC Avenue Routh unfurnished reoms with ample parking, [use of washing machine and telephone, TV outlet, 343 Cadillae after 5 |AIX-room briek house, heated by oll, two hineks from Jmeoe i a EE RE En "WHITBY CLASSIFIED Trbeadradrobesdrodroderdredodsdedredlidderdoddsadididodidododidodedods A -------- manih me iale PORBESAION Colla Furniture Co, 78 King West, RA A000; after 6, RA 2.0010 ¥ {Apply (1 Olive Avenue mn respectable home, heavy floor covering, close to public and h st. | school, Reasonable rent IL v two room apartment John's Anglican Men Aires! South [FoR RENT wilh | ¥YORE 01 business alflee; also Furnished Hight house pops hedraom house, Nol waler heal: | COURTIOE three Lr. rooms Mus slephone Toronto [two apply 842 Mary Street East {08 central location VA 52030 or write R, Sturgess, Perth POntAInIng two hedrons phone RA 82638 for further partioulars. [three rooms, heavy tilly wiring available December | Pelephone HA 33314 months during mild spells, | Oltside work ean he done hy ekilled Private hath and oT hirance, near hospi: mediate Possession. For room wail I apartment, {central UU ohildren, sultiahle for couple Apply 35% Athol Street East wanted. [FOR RENT «= immediately = Hi | Hardens, Call MO #4814, Whithy fired hy oll, at Rod Oshawa Boulevard LRU ment hullding, heated alse to sohvals, FIVE roam - for vent Rehokiin Mill Street Oshawa lower level apartment CAMOTAN [in new aay adults only ample Rraine faoilities inolud 215% OOM apartment, in apartment building and convert them intn| Dirtve, BABY Budgies for sale canh with a fas) aption Oshavd Times pi f Team house, with hath, hot and corner of Wilson and Taun tan Road, near bus. Avaliable now. RA | | APARTMENT cally equipped, use of washer CARN tod for used ina, refi pi Wate Large two voom avant eed repairs ta all band stave. Self contained. Phone! SEOTON Vine Christmas trees \ a Sehneider's fond Oshawa's Finest Service and Sales 1415 Dundas E, MO 8.3226 [news wehanls, quiet srescant In iy, wo BUNGALOW three v A erking space. Apply 156 Agnes irest, 4 los of 4 whos sliapic now, BA fo 7 i i 8 h ih Ju | ay these yes Eg ms Lio Ere ft CASH =~ Vita Ts Vist 3 owe door REALTOR So 7 Pe i Only $12,700 with $3,700 down ond carries for $84 monthly, principal, interest |, ond toxes, Features poved drive, oll storms and screens, Fi rec room, decorated, } p44 lywood Kitchen, Make op- (Viste, BA | Svar 190m, bo ne gentleman, Prec hath hath Tetephone Ha's 101 im 100m yg id] Towels, #) ovement "Street, BA S721 NLARGE warm combariaie | WW, E108 | gentlemen, 1 te home, con M fool Telainone WA HA 31614 lov Turther | Apply 1248 Weeker Drive, UPTOWN district, two and hall untur. enience nished rooms, ony: only. Call batwaen il am | Telephone KA 37808 vom | SIX voom bungeiow for rent this | | edrooms, wll copvepiences, bo A 4 located near hus and school Sylvie Street THREE room apariment, large modern Wichen, V includes heal and hydro, central vround LARGE furnished bedroom with kit flour. Business couple. RA B64 FOUR young hoard In pleas separate heds, A lerred, good fond, central entiemen, home, HA 57687, 81 Colborne Bireet Fast TWO bedroom apartment apartment building, avaliable now, BA002 alter & pm, or 108 Craydon Road Apartment 2, Whithy SECOND floor Apply 508 Front Street FOUR large rooms, hardwood 000s, Genern modern kitehen, $80 monthly, available No Fhedren, rarking, Yh, door, Telephone KA § 1. |TWO three room spariments, modern arartment RA $78 Apply 358 Windsor or RA Apt, § HA I0-ROOM house with twa baths, to downtown and Genersl Motors sit tails apart. [Able for yooming house or sub letiing | Immediste possession. RA 33141 RA'lime RA 58043 evening. WARM two - room Apariment, private, refrigerator (Fo and half room furnished aparl (heated, hot water central he ment, sink, refrigerator, two-piece hath, rent, Telephone RA 33211 or RA & ise, cosy, new oll fur yi Th Bi fii SINGLE or double room, gentlemen + 00m house, hie rent Apply | near Bho pping Centre, good lee, ample parking, Available Decem [her 10, 77 Gibbon Street, RA 81776 room apartment, refrigerator and slave, heated, modern, | IF "With Wiehe |#tie, suitable tor oun ouple wr Eis, CENTRAL inention, somitortably fir. |mished single Saisdy KA 57854 aller 5 pm lounge, 5.7687 Wlioh speaking pre In modern nested, 31 Elgin Street East, HBA MO | 43007 = two-room aperiment kitehen, private bathroom, $66 monthly, ieludes hydre, heat, washing facilities waa | sion, HA 60818 bus 8H CARGE (urnished "Trot room with 5 [nile beds, for either one or two three room includes heat, WE (North, 5-7 pom. HA 88671 i South, SLEEPING room, across from North lose Teles hone HA #0472 for further des. red ROOMERS ¥ room furnished aprriment, I /| Ava fianle "Telephone RA 54813 [FULLY furnished » | Street | Information pe | With ref {Yate entry { door, § APARTMENT ONE aiid walonn oe apartment BRAND new apariments, roomy ek home, excellent eon biti eh aspital, oll heating ane, Immediate possession Winse ley Millan Realtors, KA 5.1670 | GROUND finer ~ four-reom he a entrance, parkin ¥ dry roo 16 ordun Road, HK private J otal = for veni .or Anis, lar roomers ar hoarders, TWO © room furnished large, hright, clean, quiet, refrigerator, heavy duly stove, builtin cup Hy hot water. near hospital hd) BUS at door, near North General Mo tors, three room: flat, unfurnished, nice Iy decorated All eonvenienpes. 14817 or 343 Ritson Road North OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building, Centrally lov cated In downtown aren, Moderate rent, Leases now available, THE TIMES BUILDING Contaet T, L, WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern one. and twoshed room apartments, $85 00 and up. Best location, Telephone RA 8.8676. DELUXE APARTMENTS NEW BUILDING West central with or with- out lease LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA LTD RA 8.5123 (ONE Bright spacious hed SIRE ronm, ent, television, | with modern furniture in clean home, radin, washer Iheluded, one blogk off "00KINE faoilities |f desired, Ome min Simene North, suitable for couple or two gentlemen. RA § OPPORTUNITY 10 sub rent, (7) dwelling daar Hi YT Centr mani. svaiabis immediately. Phone 164 7 . ing stove. Also two - room apartment eom- 1 Pi i pletely furnished, all conveniences, Ihert vooms on ground floor, \ [CENTRAL location, housekeeping roam HBR bus | Tele phone WA 53781 for further infor: 8. Apply 16% Simons | mation Two large rooms, hed fi room, kitchen, au in sink, cup hoards, y ineludes Jad anos, Three minute Oshawa, A and F, Apply 32 Orchard oneral Motors, TL and entrance, | hydra, heat Iota. builtin euphnards Telephone RA Benno for Information TWO sarily Tarai ed Town hrondloom throughout, eivigerator, New hullding i possession, Adelaide West, Lov. Apply Janitor, 339 Adelaide West, [Homan only, Telephol - a= 45---Real Estate For Sale LOT, 707% 918, close lo sghool, close to sixleity, tile well on property rooms, 845, Phone WA 41853 or wrile| RA 5-778) evenings 265 Broadview Avenue, Toronto ISACKIFOE! House, store and work: ONE room house for vent, suitable #hop, will (ake low dows payment in|Must he sold, open to offer, Call for tol, elose to hospital, Apply more information, Bil Avarnriol at iy Leslie Atreet for information R Ly hand Lid, Rit, wi THT wh | willing to share. RA 56448 aller 4, bedroom for spectahle person. Apply 71 PR Blreet NICE Tarnished room, new home, kit chen priviieges for gentlemen. Phone chenetie, use of washing machine, near hospital end North General Motors Apply BL Colborne .Bireet East, BA ron room "apariment "eompletely furnished, washing facies, parking, also mingle furnished room, centrally RINGLE room suitable for gentleman, ample cuphosrd space, very central, avaliable now. Apply 152 Athol Street East for further particulars $1 WEEKLY » sleeping room, well fur. nished, nATKIng space, close to Borth Motors and hospitel, 184 Divie sons PRYate me 74 Oshaws Wi va, {Bouth, KA B-0852 ATTRAUTIVE furnished rooms, aval, able in private home, #2 Park Road v ant, ideal for General Motors work: all conveniences, ample parking TWO bedrooms and kitchen, well fur: nished, suitable for Nght housekeeping, for two ladies or gentlemen, Appply at Zs Ritson Koad Bouth for information wood clean comfortable rooms, single beds, central, $6 weekly, 4 Colborne East, RA 5.4682. only, cooking privileges if desired, Ap: oly 185 Celine Street NICE furnished room, new home, kiteh: en privileges, for gentleman, Phone RA |B:7654 after § p.m [NICELY furnished toom with all eons veniences AYR 24 Royal Btrest, Tele, phone HA 58508. ute to shop ng centre, 38 Vernhill Blvd, RA § HOUREKET As Thom, Felrigerator, parking, Available now, 202 Biree! [FURNISHED houseker; NE oom, [ tral, use of phone, full eookin ) ties, available now, Near hospital phone RA #5807 for further on, GROUND floor, private entranes, two furnished rooms, heated, close to Nort [View Bivd NICH room for wivls winkla heds, Hight eonking faeilthias private on trance, near hospital RA # or 8 Hilleroft Street coping moms, use of washing mach pithy 46 Drew Btreel, RA 5.4153 after 8 p.m, 10 se 55 WONTRIY, Wis 3 $12,800 tou che poy FE Cotes Jo Siro sip re 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 GONE 10 FLORIDA For ony choice clean cor, Trade up or down. MACKIE'S MOTORS KING A E._VARCOE'S RD, HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND IND SERVICE HATCH 3 slot, har King size duplex for the one en Sows ye) who wants income and secur nar iek 7. Bolahood 144, Renters, ity, Two ete room VELY two + BPAFIment house self-contained apartments EY ve , RA S914, -e with extra room in attic for owner, All decorated, two JOHN A. J meters, garage, well kept lof, and immediate possession, B 0 L A H 0 0 D Don't wait, just call this of» fice RA B-4651, LIMITED Call Realtor--Insurance vo 167 SIMCOE §, Pat Patterson, Ozzie Mertin, Sally Wallace, Mary Clarks For Buying Power we Call Doug Gower, RA 5-6544 GONE TO FLORIDA Must sell, storey ond a holf LLOYD REALTY brick. with full bosement, clean, and well decorated, LIST WITH LLOYD Will take $1,500 down er THEN CALL YOUR MOVER best offer, House is clear, name your own terms, CARNEGIE STREET NEW ONLY $1,000 DOWN 3 and 4 bedroom brick ond 6 room brick home with not stone homes from $14,500 ural fireplace, Three good ' size bedrooms, Dining and liv- with terms os low os $65 monthly. Londscaped front ing room, Immediate posses sion, Phone Bill Millar ond back, complete with storms and screens, All pre- YOU CAN STEAL THIS HOME paid services plus many other extras, For additional informe ation, coll Bill Swarbrick ot Brick bungalow only 3 years RA 5:6544 or 5-8342, old with the following extras of no cost to you, Dining room with built-in china cab- LOOK | Only $500 full down payment inets, 12 by 25 recreation room, 13 x 14 panelled den for this insul brick bungalow located close to Simcoe St or office with Taraza floor, $73 emily SOvE nbeed; extra two piece bathroom in principal and taxes, Full price basement, Pie laundry only $3,750, Call Tod um room with Taraza floor, Pay. ed driveway, You pay only ningham ot RA 5.6544, $13,000 with good terms, HERE IT IS! Compare it with any other Just what you've been walling home for value. Appointment for, A beautiful 5 room bric made by phoning Jim Cruiks $123 bungalow with a the trim ks at RA B mings, ready for new hake: year, only 2 yeors old, The LLOYD REALTY LTD, Elles is right, NH.A, resale, REALTORS hy not ste this beauty of night? Ca nthony Sibloe RA 8.5133 RA 83124 | RX'5.6344 or 24367, Member of Oshawa and District Real Estaet Board 101 SIMCOE 87, N 3 ond 4 bedroom brick ond stone homes from $14,600 with terms os low as $65 monthly. Landscoped front ond back storms ond screens paid services plus many other For additional infor. meen coll Bill Suarbrick of SPOT CASH Good ng hig) Bb MOTE "SALES 314 PARK AD § 50--Articles For To BARGAING on new Inglis hier $180.50; Inglis Ayers Jones $160 5 ind oof hy Only $500 full down payment for this insul brick bungalow located close 10 Simcoe 51, $73 monthly covers interest, principal and taxes, Full price only $3,750, Coll Ted Cun- ninghom at RA 5.6544, Just what you've been waiting for, A beautiful 5.room brick bungalow with all the trim. Fieciiic train with racks, #00d condition , Fir sonable, Telephone MO Wo160 Whithy, GOOD, used refrigerators, stoves pd furniture - fully Waraniesd, year, only 2 years old, The rice Is right, N.H.A hy not see this beauty tor lock, RA 5.6544 or 5. 4362, H; wood Avenues on No, BIAND pew 6 HP Buccaneer outbord motor, ge Day PRECHRINTMAS Sule, -- fame ng appliances . hy The finest in 46--R ol Estate W, He ' he . Bona. ee; West, atoms: for Sele AVLATATE Aue Tawuranes Wave oto Pas pate Sn oh eh EA osll kam and up; w tran, rik re i in a yet ph L slide Private Ty ym Ai A hes, ie i iy Communi, Furie Have You A House To Sell? For Friendly, Courteous Service, Call JACK SHERIFF ,,...... RA 3.3775 JIM DIONNE .......... RA 8.3798 Of = Stephen MACKO Realtor 187 KING ST, E. RA 8-4661 Members of Oshawa end District Real Estate Boord, FURNISHED rooms, 85 per week Gon HA FURNTRIED twa ron also private ground floor, refrigerator, parking, central, reasonable, #8 Centre treet oy A 66344 or SA48, John A, J MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE BEAU VALLEY SALESMAN AT NEW INFORMATION CENTRE [MONDAY TO SATURDAY INCLUSIVE FROM 2:30 TO 5 PM, 2 Completed Models---Both 6 Room With Attached Garage--~Also 3 other homes in advanced stages Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. 6SIMCOEN., RA 3.2265 12 PRINCE ST. Close to schools, shopping plaza, bus service. Many ex tras. Completely landscaped. Owner transferred RA 8. 48 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTHWEST AREA DOWN $2,000 DOWN Buys this 2 year old custem built home with paved drive way, completely decorated throughout, NH. A. mortgage carries for $88.00 interest principal and taxes, For more information eall Jim Cruiks shanks at RA 8.5123, LLOYD NALLY AIMTED RA 8. La = RA 8:5124 A 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST. N ONE N HA. MORTGAGE COLD WAVE PARK LANE PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW » have a large variety FOR RENT Luxury Aparinents BEVENWYCK GARDENS 3 miles north of Whithy DON HOWE Real Estate 67 KING ST. ¢ RA 5.7732 Residence MO 8 PA |§8a--Rooms For Rent ONE ar two roams, Mraished or un furnished, hoard desired for light housekeaping available reasonable. Suitable for girls Anply " Bond Bast, east door TWO furnished roams, all lenoes, adults only | ROOMS weekly or manihiy. {and dining room privileges. [Ample parking space poe, i Ti 41 far mere Information TWO newly furnished rooms for single | [persons or bachelors, private hath and! Telephone iPhohe RA & jontrance, until § pw Nn S31 after RA VaR ONE lw | ania Rt parking downstairs roam for Nght housekeep {IRE OWR aRlTance, near hospital, [earners RA 5.1489 wie $699 1S THE FULL * DOWN PAYMENT rank WT. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 4 TOU, FeasOn LTD NORTH END ! WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-658 |i" GARRARD ROAD NORTH Nice bungalow with double attached gare, 35 deep lot 78' x of garden land, Mouse comparatively new Hg A woturer ireplace and tastefully decorated, Nore us about this ROWE STREET On nice quiet street close to shopping area, bus lines end schools. Seven-room older type home in good condition, hard wood floors down and upstairs, garage, private drive end nies landscaped, This is a real buy BRUCE STREET Good 6:.room house, older type, private drive In good sondition, oll burner. Lot 44 x 122," Three bedrooms up, ving, dining and kitchen down, ROSEHILL BLVD, Older S:room insul type Jungalow on lot 44 x drive, all conveniences terms con be Py) on gi one with about $1,000 down, Open Evenings And All Day Saturday After Hours Please Call Charlle Rankine, CO 31.2397 Bill Norris, RA 5.4588 Lloyd Corson, RA 3.2537 Dick Young, RA 3.7183 Wes Elliott, RA 8.058) ig CLASS 45 $695 DOWN DETACHED----OIL HEAT $66.00 MONTHLY Don't wait till prices go away up. A limited number of buns galows still left at $12,098, See our models and have one "constructed in your choice of color WE REPEAT One NH A meorigage carries for $66.00 monthly WE REPEAT These bungalows are detache ocd with private drives WE REPEAT These homes are oil heated, six rooms and recorated in oils, Sewers, schools, shopping at your doorstep AND RA 5.883 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E, DIAL RA 8.4678 SOUTH-WEST SECTION id We Fy : a lens Ce A ot #h ug ig BE Ca Ey = fee LSE oy and olors, hi did imma pe ondition hi y oillate o ly fis RA 330, " g La range fae" atm, = RAE vhoUny o EH ys fe We Tp 8:6801, HR Van vor ir ER and Ed ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Redued Price, or We Sell, Cash i500 PONT v door Sloman dhe ssion, back np prith CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 48) DREW ST. RA 3.9881 FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Why pay high retail prices for food? Buy with discount, Ef ly perfect, Hi bi i ms [) wake. Th y Powe: adie, TL Ring go don: dition, des ideal LR IR wed 101 Li to, Phi OB, tou "wary Sea ia $13.80 per week, cludes food and freezer, Na down payment, For appoints PHONE RA 5-3709 "wr Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, also body solder and plastic solder, SHAW AUTO WRECKING 89 BLOOR EAST -- "pions R RA oe nad, BODY _ SHOP MERCEDES; - BENZ SALES ™M SERVICE 408 KING v, OSHAWA BRUNSWICK pd GLASS 600m, 134-storey home, oak and tle floors, near shoppi centre, Only $9,200.00 with $2,000.00 down, ESTATE SALE---~COLBORNE STREET Convenient location to downtown area w= 7-room, brick home. in excellent of Srdiion, extra p room, Ful price $10,001 DUPLEX Ideal location on Agnes Street, Brick ee separate entrances ond baths, natural fireplace, A good buy for Jovone * withing to supplement his income, Full price only VIS, $00, COUNTRY LIVING IN TOWN NORTH.WEST SECTION 6-mom brick split level home, broadioom tio well land. scaped, attached garage. Priced at $18,000 0. HARMONY HEIGHTS 314 room brick bungalow, well decorated, landscaped. Laundry room, TV. antenna, 'complete with Slur screens, storm windows and doors, Full price $12,200 Well established self-serve grocery and meat store, doing tre mendous business, located in busy on atom entre, A tum: é over, excellent equipment. Full price $1 00 plus stock ot invoice price After 5:30 coll: Marion Drew, RA 5.7410 Dick Barrage, RA 5.4243 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5.4983 Everett Ellin, RA 3.9290 Joo Moga, RA 5.919) Bross screws, anchor fast nails, Boats repaired, painting ond varnishing, Motor store FOR YOUR CAR ANNAN MARINE VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W CAR AUCTION Every Saturdav, 10:30 am. OSHAWA CAR AUCTION 25 GRENFELL ST, ALUMINUM mas DOORS, AWNINGS Direct doctory, prices, Manus Colonial Aluminum Sales RA 8.4614 After hours RA 5.5378 Aluminum Products of the BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN o hung dows only Lymer Aluminum Co. 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA R (Just Bost of Wilson (Continued on Page 18)