Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1960, p. 8

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- i: Golden Jubilee C), GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES 2. g4t /] "Jy Plans Activities ; The regiler mesiing of the i f COURTICE WA ASHN, have a bake sale on December i Golden Jules Chapter 1ODE Mes, Thomas Gladman, presi 7 at 6.00 p.m. at Easiway Bowing i f we gt Adelaide J dent, opened the regular meet Alley Howse. The regent, Mrs, John d E44 ing of Courtice Home and Beiioo! Tie next enchre will he held on 17 wi, presided d i A Assotiation, December 2 at the north school, |" Fottowing the minutes, the see wv ; The minutes were read by Tie pest Association meeting will 7, Miss Betty i » Mrs, William Meknight and the be held on December 13 In the re.# Turner read l# lester from the Mental Mest] B ; ; tressurer's report by Mrs, Barry form of & Christmas party when Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dig) RA 3-3474 |Arsociation my ing the members| 4 Aohnzon gifts will be exchanged, a ------ ---- S---- --0 Affend 2» ane ty {onfevence . ? i wes panaunced Shas Home Woom siiendonce was won by pews month, Mrs. Bi, 1, Mundeyl Sadi . and School Councll wold meet on Mes, Lenore Hose, Grade two 18 Jt OAwA THE, Viusdey; Ossember ), 198 [read the (reasurer's veport and I & November 29, It was #iso "| ighwny schoo, and Wiss Colleen jinn regent welcomed & guest to nounced thet anyone wishing (on 4 fe PERSONALS the meeting eB 3 give 8 Christmas gift for the Hutchinson, Grade 8, north school, | I, A Vivash, educations! #, 6 4 Ontario Mental Hospital should Refreshments were served by seeretary, read letters from the ' ur send it to Mrs, Gladman before the mothers of the pupils in " ; turkenis y flegistel Yul { November 29, It was decided to Grade 3 Mrs, Marvin Perkin entertain. ovations by the Margaret Hart *todenis at Central Collegiste Slvemies 30 2 ym Corded wine od the new pledges of Ontario group, candy the Georgeiic honking the Chopier for the : Gemma Epsilon chapier of sels) Broup, country siore by Mis. Fyn awgerd: presented (0 them #f Sigma Phi at her home, Welland! est Parker's geoup, Sever mem. Commencement, A letter was / ; gvenur, when the objectives of Wers [rom each group statled the aldo read from MeKerral School ££ 4 i ; the sorority were outlined, and! ome hiking booth | With regard to the Wursery 4 4 " ». Li fina, Mrs, Vivash anne od (ht Hig on_gven, lutvesimenis Dr ond Mrs, 3, Li. WE, PHINDs a vert of the son" etd oh ed by Mrs, H void . Blwere recent guests at the Porkloiven 1 o student at MeMaster| | (pieced by Mrs. Harold Bel. pigs Hotel white VIsHing 18 To. Uy ores ond thy pik MoM aster] Pinal arrangements have heen] {held wtih Jamusry In case it willl completed lor the Oshawa Jay: The outcome of the Eovern. Pe needed for A student pow| § [vattes Men's Wear, The event is|ment's negotiations with the rafi-|BHending Queen's University 14 he enlied "Candlelight € apers"| way employees has been anxious-| Mr, Hohert Wilson gave a talk and Is being held in the Fieet-\ly awaited by # group of Oshawa| the mass TB, Burvey being ah wood Room, Hotel Genosha, ireveliers who have hed plans @nducted in Oshawa, A Hi Fred Upshaw is chairman igi for a long (me to £0 "home Ri a bs a Whats 7d " > and her eommitiee is composed fo ietmas, A IRE Ia i napier or. NOLA HUNTER AND MRS. A, J. FRANK [00 Cin i aie and twenty strong, ts mostly Dutch] 70rd the uss) smounts 10 hed Mrs, Jerry Rutherford and Mr. Hens Haagmans, men-|'Wrriers to the Overseas Vind, P P : ] o H ager of u Joes) travel agency, is|ie Korean Fund, the National) ort 1 1 y I 1 e onor Teas, birthdays, parties, wed: conducting a tour of France, Ger-|PNIDINg Fund and the Provin| ding eomiversaries, coming and many end Holleod, He, himselr, 68 Workroom ¥und | » going of guests, and your own|sill be able to spend Christmas| The regent made an appesl on At Presentation of Gold Cord aoliany plans are always of in-\with Wis parents in Amsterdam) DENA of a nexdy family stating terest in this column, Write, tele. vher - the whole family, sestler-! Pi ih gears Rt io) Frid evening, November 25. rangement fanked with golder phuhe oF Visit the social deperi-ied In several different eountrie ' will & s remain foremost in) candelabra centred on an AnLiGue met with your em of news for and 8s far removed ag South the . memories of Guide Nolr | lace tablecloth, Mrs, Leslie Mae |WIIER Lhere 1s no charge, Tele Amerien, will be reunited Hunter, daughter of Mr, and| Donald end Mrs. Ann Spears PRONe BA 33474 {Other In the group are Mr, Noi BP Cook reusasiad Mrs, Idoyd Hunter, Casimer!|oresided over the tea table with snéeossiul Christ man Ciehel, Mr. and Mrs, Piet PRE A treet, Port Perry the assistance of Guides, Linda held psn , Af as hasan en and daughter and Mi » party on a " di A : : Bs h ently by the WorlkaAndr Mis Lon I of Os Figimas party o # ola received, in the presence Harris, Beverley Dymond, Shir ANGER Bloesi, al ol awa H ( Eh ! e Guile ( p hg emi I for th Gold J of her fellow Guides, Brownies, |ley Hocking, Sandra Harris. Mar W's Guild of Bi, George's Memo: | y will Jos the main party of I j is 4 fr A it, oy A y wei irs, | i # her family and many friends(ie Cook and Judy Dagensis fia) Charen, Mis ; r ( . go 120 from Toronto when (he (rain bat t R TO LIVE IN SH WA { | si ceived w 4 nounced that the me ' . and neighbors, her gold cord, 8! They were hostesses to over six Ww J iH ent, eeelved With Hrs mikes a epecial midnight stop in, ess Proud " ay A " ed OD A 5 f 1! Hghest aehieve-|| JHEsLS Ohi ar p ' " E A PAYER 0 y " { mite to i Ll 0 Hine Vii ymhbol of the highest achiey I Among the guests Bl-\ pre bazaar was opened by Mrs, | hava December 6, In route be held on Dacamber 3 : : i . 5 . ment to he oblained in Girlltending the Gold Cord erremony Lyman Gifford, The Boulevard SVebee City where the holiday Mr, John Wiggers and hi fer of Mr. ard Mrs. Bernard Guide iola 18 the fifth Guide|wss the guest of honor's only)", wd oh dig p ule BIC makers will embark on the #5 VT Lavern Freehorn quare| bride, the former Miss Theresa | Holtink of Holland and the group had charge o ie (en Qanve convener, spoke in regard, Hoitink, are pictured following | bridegroom is the son of Mr 1 in the period. of thirteen years of brother, LAC James Hunter, of Mrs Vikadia . y ( in Port Perry lo receive RCAF, Uplands, Ottawa, who om irs, Robert Burn to callers for the dance lo thelr marriage recently at 8 t Mrs, Jo Wiguers of Osh as time | { rs, Gordog ig 0 & ad Y i ¥ A thal this coveted award la Queen Beout; an unele and Wi paerion Be ih, Sn Mr. dames Sharples, who hud 4 Mare dh 4 Gregor Toman Catholle | awa happy oheaslon was held aunt, Mr. apd Mrs, Frank Mal|ojioion Cross Mrs, Donald Wil. [900g post-graduate work at Cor-| 50° 555 0 at all "Hem Hu 4 John's Preshylerian] ec Oshaws s CHIN oa ire i 7 of town UH at | h ! : A Mbit J im, of Ishawa; A close camp) gop Mis. B., A. Brown, Mrs [nell University, Ithaca, N.Y a " i Queen street, Port Perry pal, Miss Patricia Gill, and &| Avihur Hebh Irs, W. D, Burn . -- Mls iol 1s a faithful ehureh| Guide Leader, Mrs, Bennett, Arar Hebh, The fancy work spent the American Thanksgiv- and citizenship convener PERSONALS Loken of your nd member of the ehoir [both of Bowmanville by the WesIOUM mu Ww ing weekend with his parents, |pused the Chapter forward AAT Joel 5 ¢ B | vel T HER y / Pp i { i 0 th ? ni 1] | 'C the opening proce Friends and relatives were] giioccen hooth by Mrs. J. A.Mr and Mrs, Sidoey Sherples,|! ton | af UA onl hymn Onward Girllpresent from Nesileton, Black: Moechail's group, Christmas dee. Oshaws boulevard north Beene, A SIMIAr Proposal WE Avge man Christine Thomas) elegant Onward", and the na stock, Prince Albert, Bowman : . Et made hy Mrs, Bind on he wned the annual bazaar i anthem the eolors werelyille, Toronto and Oshawa the Co mmonweslth Hela I the Oshawa and 'Distr A de "ow [] rea & WEE sng Sis y Wiste und the Regent will be a? 4 detivering the ecotribution #4 Wigs" v as i wd, '4 ' ¥ "" # give the gift most treasured | the daugh |} Photo hy Mary 4 fo goes by = | the thrillingly } y ented hy Donna Heayn ond] The ushers for the evening / ' Fund, and Mrs, W, H, Gibble for| Accorintioln for Retarded Chil ; al Ann Morrow were Guide Mary Lou Crawford 0 or u ooths Contribute the Provincial Film: Fund, Mrs. von. Door priseh were won in| ; \ Ir Joan Godley, DivisioniGuide Naney MeDopald, Guide Bind gave report on the recent Sharon Dubly, Bellevill Jud Comm er, of Beugog Di Eunice Roach and Guide Lynne Birthday Ball Oborne, Randy Welch Mrs, A wi : \ fon, acted as mistress of cere Beare T S Of CPTA B A . MolLeese Mrs. R { Lo ( 7 3% \ after extending a ------ -- -- | 0 Uuccess azaar Mrs, 1, A. Brown, bridge con | Mcleese, iid i Hose, i 0 \ [a (ph J) Cf lchin i ions warm welcome to everyone, eall oe ' A i The Christmas bazaar held re:| Toyland th fish d iihridge would he held on Jan manvilke irs, | re pon Mi e k to repeal the T S y 4 with Ish pon ane -- of od de Nona WAS Re d raining essions jeently in Bt, Gregory's auditor\white elephant hook was in the uary 18 at the Union Hall, Mi ii M 8, Richard Doyle oo gg AL prayer repeated p um, under the ausplees of the|sharge of Mrs, Max Ritehie, |W. D. Bu in charge of the Michael, G, Mittan, Gall Gordon any > in unison hy the Brownies and In Girl Guide Work Catholic Parent » Teacher Asso (Mrs Harold Powers, Mrs |Uekets, Mrs, H.W, Nell will be and Leona Wright the Guide prayer repeated elation, was an outstanding sue. Charles Stovell, Mrs, Kenneth|the chairman of the nominating Mrs, Brian Percival and daugh 8 Gill iil the Guides. which was cess Broadbent and Mrs, Kenneth committee this year ( Lago, ha : hl 4 i hy everyone repeating the 1 ' v The hasear was opened by the| Franklin wv L.V. Walker is In charge hd ai ( a 1AVE A nel 0 ; A o designed to latter the ) ¢ p . ry Yo i b 4 a spb IK BC Smithville after spending a week ner , lone Hraves / we Central Area raining Commit yey o Reverend Jean 1 aul ahihet sellors for ihe pln of tichels for the annual CHEISt: with Mrs. Per nel i Bi yi riume d soap = | most discriminating taste Alter the Guide hymn, "Godlee, Canadian Girl Guides Assoel : : Able" were Hrs SON {ns dinner to he held at Adel ' ' do Ine si . LLL n \ wd M Sidney Sharples, Os) «crafted for Who Touchest Earth With Beau:| ation, held their Annual Trainings lon Dignem, president of the| Mrs, Anthony Adams, Mrs, Pau 8 ki aN Ene Warples, Ush selection by WATCH aioe Wieddar Weng "ye is ide House on December 85, Thu py 5 i 5 is sung, three Brownies, on Friday evening. November 25 CPTA. Mrs, B. C, McAllister and! Chartrand, Mr. Michael Mi W El ot thas Ton BN awa boulevard north ; , ) Mrs, William Clarke, eo-conven:| Allister, Mrs. Ray Beott and M | Karen Kenncdy, Beverley Carne and sll day Baturday, November ' al y oH an | Vili } 0 : los] gle and Marsha Mulholland gave|26, at the YWCA In Oshawa ers ' B. C, MeAllister Willson had Hepgt her home for] V A R D L. BE Y | the ceremonial salute to 8 Gold} All loc gl Associations were in fhe children kept Banta Claus Christmas candles green eov the soeial hour following the din SOCIAL NOTICE Cord Guide vited on Friday evening and 55 yery husy istening to thelr hope: ered {ables and Yuletide mu. el . Three enchanting fragrances ( i ola Hunter was pre: members registered. All nine di.|?W expectations {ple lent a festive air to the ten Mrs, H. A, Ward - Whate con I w Rad HOF ve sented with (he Gold Cord by|visions were vepresented and the Mrs. Clifford Harper assisted room, Presiding weve Mrs, Wil-lducted a lively auction sale of| ENGAGEMENT d Roses, Luvender and Mrs, A. J. Frank of Bowman-|delegates had an opportunity of MY Mrs, Jack Spencer, Mrs liam Wambly, first president of articles brought in by the mem | Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Cour Crushed Carnation, ville member of the Guide As:| meeting informally, becoming ae |Qeorge Barrett and Mrs, Helen| st Gregory's CPTA, Mrs, Gor: hors, {tiee Mascn of Bowmanville, an sociation quainted and exchanging views Smith had eharge of the color: don Dignem, 1050 president, Mrs [nounee the engagement of thelr $178 AJ sonies and monie vener, announced that the annual] Oshawa wetatchword of the nation Ji ful Christmas hooth Margaret Smythe and Miss Claire doughter, Carolyn Lorraine, to "oa 9 " Ti Mrs, A. C, A, Lee, provincia o ia : f v finer il AOS yore LL, field secretary. conduetd inform: A nativity erih and a Yghted| White, teachers, The hostess was LODGES AND My, Kenneth Bert Marden, son of sented hy Mrs. Leslie MeDonald,|@'Ive groun discussions, summed| MINA Ne ChrisimEs toe AbiMis, Alex Knox, Mr, and Mr, Bert Maden of One of the many Yard! halrman of the Local Assoein:|'n the findings and gave expe {tracted huyrrs 10 Ais nitting| . Tea assistants were Mrs, Hush 'ey Oshawa. The mariage is tn {ake y Yardiey ehalrme {hooth with Mrs, Williem Bole |Crashy, Mrs, Marley Mitehell SOCIETIES + Bowmanville on Friday, oUt suggestions ab ion: a sterling silver guide eof.|fdvice and direction, The arer| , . te oh ih i by Guide|executive handled renistratior soln, convener, assisted by Mrs, Mrs, Donald. Kirhy, M's John Povember 10, 1060 0 i Peter Bavan, Aprons sold quielkdvin' Donnell, Mrs, L. Lalaive, Mrs " we Clark on behalf of 1st) 2nd took part in the traintng ane { the anron eounter arranged|w Y REBY iE NO, | | # | anged |W, H. Gilford, Mes, B, Hous'on EBEKAH LODGE NO, 8 |" © = : : : o MCOE ST I SOUTH, OSHAWA ny and Guide Ruth Milne Miss Mary Lambe, a VISURE Ly SG nougian Blair, and Mrs | Mis, James O'Regan, Mrs, Edgar| The regular 'meeting of Me! TRICK WITH PAINT Nf of 1 8 E STREET S , O58 s presentation of a pair of gulder from Australia, was Intro: | gf nest Marks Le Blane, Mrs. W. I. Coulter.|bekah Lodge No, § was held re | "Paint ean work wonders In y \ i a » OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | duged Mrs. J. A, Yanch nd Mrs |Mys, Vietor Landry, Miss Teresa| cently with Sister Ann Holt pre-| combining unrelated units of furs i nut ide hook-ends on hehalf of the 2nd Company, Nola| On Baturday, a record attend |. Cos Gols wenarted a record y ole g|8lding as Noble Grand and Sister niture, Wooden chests may he! SE / (he recipient of many ner an 0 of 205 uiders registered. Harold onlin rep Tied 0 rene Murphy, M bo M Col Wl Siding ap Noble Grand and 4 painted to mateh a hookshelf "mit ® 106 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY neeful and personal gifts npr Bop 8 Honion ow) "sewing corner" showing hand: Miss Clara White The draping of the Charter wa nd create an impressive "built 28 oy PING, dross a 8 vet to division commissioners made clothing of ML ages bid The following hed charge of(held in memory of Sister Ma in" look on one of your walls, | minister of the 81. John's Pres Miss Mary Lambe of Australia SUN VENEY oy Mrs. lig Fudue| Monte Carlo, Messrs, J, Fhomag, past president of the h an Chureh, in whieh he Mrs: A, CA, Lee, provineial iy v1 k Re Olnnpy "1 ¥anoh, John Burke, William] Rebekah Assembly outlined a few of the require fleld secretary Mrs Patterson | ' kM Rar Aasiated } [| Clarke, Jack RArockman, Frank] The secretary, Sister Nelda ments of a gold eord winner "| and Miss Nancy Stewart, train IM gt ih Bl Py Mitehell, Max Ritehie, The eoflee| Thompson, read the correspond \fler the elosing hymn, "in| or® fram London, Ontario oon) aon > SIAM nated brisk and hot dog stand was in thelence and cards of than I'he ducted the sessions [raeorge Bunmons repoiie Vik loharge of Mr, and Mrs, Jack|sick report was given hy the ( registrations | Pusiness in the eandy hooth [ Me nard on a | t There | No East Or As presraining West the st hes i re y nre, 00 ) 0 standard hearers ree amounted to only 140 It was nee:| Mm F, M Olimare arn | AMONG the special guests were| An votived to the banquet hall With assistants | fernan {the Reverend I MeGough tied with the colors essary to ask the additional serv. |" hve congregation Joined In ioea of distriot division trainers |8haw, Mrs, Wilfred Hamley and | iye Reverend Frank Skumave, thel ; i i) ol Miagiiniis h ne is | Who, true to their Guide trainin Mis, 1an Lee had charge of the| Reverend Philip Coffey, the| ol 5] 4 . Parfum Ee Pron IY ere gly {obeyed the motto of "Be prepas bakery hooth Reverend Alfred Quesnelle, the ROOT SCRAPER iat j ; \ y ! | od" and the Promise to "Lend a Reverend Marshall Beriault,| Polythene seraper large enough y Extraordinaire hn Ro arrays ai Hand." They rendered service alloity and the personnel of the/Mrs, Lyman Gifford, Alderman|to accommodate several pairs of i a jd made, bottled, ception was held Wig moment's notice and so made] YWCA received thanks and Christine Thomas, Mrs, Wal. winter boots and shoes fils neat ; : oN Sa { % 4 ) rs of the church, Thelit possible for every Gu'der pres| praise for their ability to handle|ter Branch president, St. Gers|ly into a polythene tray which : ck 18 A New Quartette In, a sealed in France table was most attraetive| en! to honefit hy the training {auch an unexpected number and trude's CWL, and Mrs, J, T, Mul: [eatches mud and snow and keeps ' four couturier colognes in hand-cut prism'd hoa unique golden floral ar! Quarters were taxed to capa: their cheerful co-operation (len, president, Holy Cross WA, [the floor in good condition i Bt \ In an enchanting crystal flacons in : Ehanting smart black and white eiteman gift bax 9.00 15.00 27.00 for vetreshments and bingo flip-top gift box 4.50 the set PRE-CHRISTMAS UPHOLSTERY SALE! CS -- More people rely on OSHAWA THIS Ww This Is What UPHOLSTERING CO, than any TREC! oe 1S OSHAWA Lo other firm, YOURS + UPHOLSTERING RECOVER and REBUILD with wery 4 wn Your 2-piece or 3-piece Craflsmen do... Seve ose vow Chesterfield Suite frame, * 5:Year Guarantee. Frames ve blacked ® Fosy terme te wait A | | LR! x 5 +h Springs replaced Your Buda, ow A B ! \ new slimlined New ing ® Onder maw! Mave your A y ; - perfume filled Al white fol hestertiod done tater | ) : . ! ' pune applicator Cushions and back springs oR anwed of your 4 : PR . GPP gift boxed 3.78 I -------- ------ replaced. FREE TELEVISION Sides padded, CHAIR MATERIAL * Free Pick-up and Delivery ® Ow 1presentative AS SHOWN A CHAIR NOT EXACTLY RESTYAING IF DESIRED. ssn WELUDED without ehligation 1) Yor evening, Perfumed Soap, hand size New Bath Powder new gift box, 4 cakes 4,00 enchanting see-through oval box Bath size, the set of 3 cakes 2,50 with colorful lamb's wool pulf 3.00 NO PAYMENTS UNTIL 1961 OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING CO. 10 BOND ST, WEST RA 5.0311 --or-- RA 5.0310 KING ST. EAST

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