Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1960, p. 29

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(32 prticles Wonted ARE DE Kk 32 Articles Wanted FIAYLR gapn Los. Leepnone BA Wala Fate sym sak mid Bik oe an Fe fps ami # gin a 35- --~Employment Wented YRENEG i, "A Ai kk AUCTION SALE $7 RELIES REID ig JACK AUCTION SALE A five Rey KELIARLF id ry dds BG gy Tole era BIANGEM. Ae 36---Female Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER ferr ng cf doors 1.000 PERSONNE DUNLOP (CANADA) LTD WHITBY many ends of pipe ' 9 rE Sale of CLIFF PETHICK J Friern hr WHITBY CLASSIFIED Adore derbedborbede deere desde dered FOR BENT ated, fence Frieder rede dered FOR RENT 86 per week MO 85348 or FOR RENT ream furnished apart ences, Telephone MO BABI FOR RENT modern 1 and tically equipped. Drape I lnckers, washer er, parking $85 to $180 month Conta J MO 84775 J 180 CHEVROLET Bis eight evlinder, sul li ieaming whit Full price only 51065. FOR cMahon and % ims Lid I 1066 VOLESWAGEN iuxe model in excellent mileage. Full price $668 Elms Lid, Dundes Easl 1068 PONGE Regent Inder, automake, one refledts excellent care MeMahan and Elms Lid hed bedroo: aps #5, Private eantained thes All conver = Bi 10 B-3474 ent mild [3 during dane ar wk can he ynahle rooling ylation. | MO whith 2 bedronn ding £1 Harper Rental [Green Dal I hatz Realior i p Wh High Sly scavng, twa dogs trans BENT oms in has entrally located Whith Véiephone MO 68745 wtstanding de condition, 10 MeMahin and FoR RENT hed two an Warn war linen at Bal comiortably fur ment with k Aduit Rom slave sedan, eight eyl Arpt Awaey Sar Sh! FOR RENT Maden five rom hose Full price $998. | fous piece hath, lorie ving room, fps place. Clase ta public school. Besson 1067 DARGE Mavfaly, four door sedan, Pe MO B-8648 "306 Watson Stomatie Lian sion and radio. Law FOR SALE wileage, one 0 howroam lone & x 0, other 8 x perieet pond wadition MeMahon and Elms Lid \Han, reasonable. Telephone MO 85718 FARTMENT In hullding, | FOR BENT = Unfurnished two roamed FRE FONE, vy duly wiring, park: ground Floor apartment, heated. Tele ng, 860 monthly, avallable December MO 84580 or apply 108 Centre Telephone KA §-3314 Blrest South SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanliary| FOR RENT Furnished Hah way Rew tanks installed, Walter Ward, | keeping roam, private entrance ini 404 Chestnut West. Phone MO §-2363 room. Telephone MO 8.3308 op AML wv FEWBITERS, (ust arrived. - New| 112 Mary Street Eas! 60, 349. Midtown VU iy Furniture, NOW BENTING tf wreck North, MO 8-46 ment. Large lving FOR BENT =--Decambes Two completely modern FOAM APArLment, In BRAFLment hull hedeanm ARAFI EAL Adults preferred. MO 8.3561 Whith 0 a unningham ot FOR SATE Black loam, manure for va gardens. Call MO B4814, Whithy AA iid iB vie BABY hudgles for sale, talking WEA | Laie veady for Training, reasonable. Apply | 8-4436 607 Athal Street LIVE poultry, also 1058 BUICK Super Highest markef pris Edsel tudar hardtop avker, MO B-4644 collect Can arrange finance FOR RENT SEWING machines for vent: a BURF [private entrance anteed vepairs to all makes of sewing Call MO B-4857 LG hing Call ecehl and ermiing wing (entre. 111 Bragk Street Noth, (TWO one bedraom apartments whiny MO B 4081 ment hullding, heated. clase ta schoals, OTOH Wilds parking. O1. 5.3611, Branklin 1 Rental street | FOR RENT = fGround floor apartment aif contained, slave, fridge, builtin East 3 A cuphaards. Very central. Telephone MO NRESSMAKING and alterations on [8 1108 Iadigs and children's wear also Knithing | done All Sefore Ta MO BAM [CLEAN Kauss of Your na-longer-ised gands it} furniture, cameras FREE Christmas Rin Wi sports gear and convert them inte week far family of ides Ash with a fas! aetion Oshawa Time ingheuse Freezer and Schneider's hy) Classified Ad Call KA 3.3402 today plaf. No down payment. Far further infarmation. Phone MO 8.8381 na onli: [FOR RENT Large faup-bedraam gation house, two hathreoms. eauld he sublet YOR WENT AvRIY I ment, Private hath and entrance. Cen: (CASH paid fay trally laeated. Apply 610 Dundas Street Miata ves West (front entrance, Apt Oppartunit erage | tabyloy duets helpful ton above the willir Lamm wint Elms Lid appaintr Fridge | ui pplied onl Dundas West Persian designed rn. apartment 1. | phone I hedroam apart TAR fireplace 805 manthl Also $86 manthly. Call RA S634 ar RA Bed ding. | 4 RENT tree roam heat, hat Two ks free rent Apartment, sell ean waler supplied. MO wanted anvertible; Will acespt {rade Phone MO 88740 dl Furnished in reaps with hame om tahle apart shopping Christmas free Dunda Pipe Serpies, 1410 al tirke f nel 808 Oshawa Times, Whithy Three roomed apart used relrig skate almost an Fumiture HW furniture ok 0 tigls rin | FOR ent Midtown MO §-4ba1 WENT with Large twa 1 anart ad fonr sun | stave Self ONE MONTH FREE RENT STORM DOOR Price WINDOW ABINETS JERMYN Woedw wrk Ina Ph: MO 8.8554 MO 8-4770 COLD. WAVE Shan ) 8.38958 | OFFICE SP AC E Ove busin ate or Immediate | Phone MO 8-2501 FOR RENT Luxury Apartments | For d Electrical 208 Dun) AM W alte oat SaMEn! mixes equipped. Apply 2 West. Phone MO Y PLANT YOUR 8.4174 = ' BULBS NOW HELP US We have a large variety HELP THE NEEDY of Dutch bulbs, Nursery We need child Stock Landscaping Nie BEVE"WYCK SALVATION ARMY GARDENS WELFARE STORE W 137 BROCK §T MO 8.8002 Stov hn J miles north of Whit PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 8.473% hayes | 36---Femole Help Waonied M--blomits, Aph., Flots a he dade VERLAG was a son wm. Tee Bras iis AEP pe pial nd LENTRM, oo fm LWA FA a oh SAIER, WA Tenphme RA ERK TYPIST I= Be Ks FERYISHED panes, TY SAREE PA Lavasiobie Fresssmier add lremnpmen Ay patie # LaRiehaR hy Wh Beng Prise WHITEY iow ad & learnt POE WR y PAR sgl Fast fishin vu Ee oF {snerh, HOF SIRFARTE Bd Feieippone oh hpi 6 wih ihe £ BASEHENY Rt mani with large hed HA RRAR WHERER , WY REF a SERIE OF BA B45 FREES AH TER foe Pay he ot, hesyy My THREE Fh tatu] THREE HAR for Fir FONVIETELY fis Ans 1} ad wh ¥ ull [ee EF PRIBEHRIS FEnis 4 #FA REQUIRED WA MOTORS | AJAX [VT hk eH £m Aes eR, Ih FRIVIEEY BAOF fither Wis We MONTHLY LainaR ape InER d nd [' thes pewly electyic we | HAE HA FARGE BE, # bai Bornes | BA for I FIVE APY use for rept FOOW re YEW » ern Lvs HALLEMC EMPLOYED ERS & OTHERS FURNISHED ALJ Brey wonm ern bris Avillable tag g Hei NEAKLY ow. Fl Fr hedraf and sehos J available Nov, #4 deen welcomed. For appoint | 7 FULLY 2 in hres bys with Parking Albert Birest THREE Apartments and ERLE ANEE two fiye KA house, alen buliding available hedrnan in another Fam four Fos 704 wo iment, mod Wt ue central reasonable mom rnished apa ern kitchen, second flank couple, no ehlldren mmediale possession RA A-1043 UNFURNISHED POOR heavy wiring publet, bis reasonable, storage space 1615, G01 Gikkons Blrest FOUR : room apartment venlenees, hambon rah 4 RACKING, available pow, Lentre Telephone RA LRG TWA and hall room farnished apart ment, sink, refrigerator, two-piece Rath pulls. 72 Cadillae South TWH furnished housekesping reams hedrgom and kilghen, refrigerator Car allowance Call |slove, parkiag space, senteal 10 down My. Davis, BA lawn. 156 ARRes Blreet EARN extra money for Christmas on [YW rooms and hath for rent part time hasis, excellent opportunity (ed, clase to Fillings, snd Bus stop to Join permanent sales staff. Call ye 444 Drew Street. KA BA636 Bahl $46 MONTHLY, four : roam bungalow ET) Agents Wanted 1% miles north-east af Hampton. Phone pvenings, KA A0186 helween 5.80 and CWHIETMAS Card adents. BE Ean | B08 ada's best selection of personalized [THREE . room greating cards. Over 8 cards to choose | entrance, three fram. Special business ards Write for |or unfurnished, reasonable ant air free album today. W. L. Smith Telephone BA #1181 fier 6, RA $144 i and associates Lid, Alax, Ont [NEW modern thee raams and hath, WEN Pleasant outdaor work. Aver [KTOURd Jor, piivale entrance, he 4 {, ake 88 per hour No experiences neces |Nghts, $36 Ini Available Decem Write Rawleigh's, Dept. alirVV [PEF 18 RA #450 Richelisn. Montreal ONTURNIANED fives -- or mom---- Iment, close fo Shopping A1=--Room & Board BENTLEMAN clean quiet eouple, reasanahile vent home, gonad meals and heds, lunches 630 King Street West packed. continuous hol walter, parking, lneation Vent apart line HA three ment 3 adults 38--Male or Female Help Wanted LABORATORY 1g of Haematology Modern sah reserved Shopping Win wR iglan with knowl #y, bacierialogy and required to aperale new preferably with experience geitifiopte. Contact Mr. P. FE HA MHIBS gr PO Box # laboratory IY shaw MAN know ear necessary, Must elling or canvassing plus good income AF Woman ares, ho firnish Ap separate apartment, fur hished piece hath I am apart Centre, for Available now far turthey Auiel German approximately central. RA information IWAREHOUSE™ pace al f1 Fark Raad South avallable for three Room ar four ada DAY car Lupin Byi Telephone mation ROOM with ng privileg ARply 33 Elgin BOARD man Genera Malays 748 Coday Sirol. RA 5.0034 ATTENTION Twa ream and hoard ¢ new twin hed plant. RA 000 sa, ft, main flan 106 Aud haded, aval 1 ROOM furnished heated apartment men, $16 weekly, three meals 8 awn recreation roam. RA 5.8087. HOVE; refrigerator TV autiel, private hath and entrances, parking, washing Ww children awn hame. [fagilities, adults aply. Telephone RA subdivision | hha further infor Blau MO whia far THREF ram apartment, tiled hath newly decorated, private entrance, cen tral, J. Basen, RA 5.0870 SECOND hloek fram Shapping roms and private hath 118 Stevensan Rosd North NEW three « roam apartment Rrivate wih, available immediately, nea Bauth General Matars, 254 Malaga Road FIVE Tight th down KA 37814 hnusekedp awn hoard nr close Hast RON waked Contre four parking gentle near South parking home meal television, ladies ar gentle meals One ground flan spacious, $85 monthly, heat, hy andl garage, included, immediate anion, Telephane MO $4037 for Wn fv ation FOUR FANS. three hath week [4 pom RA Tonm apartme men pellent clean hloek ROARD and hospital a bh BOARD and privileges §-BA50 in North GM meals, hlagk 13404 south fig en and I alone onnked RA Foam tn m two hed Private {pm vo Private parking. RA apartment sntrance H1738 alley Telephone for twa hare, 813 ar ney Recreation voam i | ONLY $98 MONTHLY fen packed A 34710 ROOM hoard far gent acer tation lunches ith plant ROOM and © a, for gentlemen PrVIIGEeS. Apply 068 Sauth telephone RA ar gentle Apply 668 telephone RA Wale ele | hol | with Bim eae 800 feet Widing closets 3 FEE nd \ Wi | juare bath led colored Street His, de heat therma and fridge throughout BOOM and board with suitable privileges South wr and flac Your it without hoo drapes LLL } anal 1 K wall ed stat nen ham alie awn ve bam With ar free East, near {inte 1 and Gibbons 3 Murry tar th ne. Call hn Balahbod at RA 5.6544 RA 5.8333 anytime ROOM. ¢ nen wid ap Maritime Rh Mat RA ROOM and Lnuaus hat Apply 341 KR wa ha \§ 8 arly es me eanked MM anal, silt twa ge ne, near Soulk ie Gen 1 hoard far gentiame an WAS, hme Privieges on Road South FURNISHED APARTMENT ained 5 eal hed meals Ie RE ¥en \ Road North for iw gor Park ue teac! \ Ad = 43----Wanted To Rent WANTED ess | Tieng RA 5.5207 ONE MONTH FREE RENT \ ¢ Mrs garage suitanhie far sarage ar winter. Please THREE bungalow hone : AGE A Fle PARGY RA S90 ARUATY PH FY Ase tele Houses, Flats Far Rent APARTMENT | thies a om aparime B RA 8.86 DELUXE APARTMENTS NEW BUILDING st central with o lea HA S008 deca ap Volephos hung FIVE al sh newly \re le alow Ag Ce AV LW VO. RATS al Tanwar PIYTINCTIVE afie hed elrig pam adaw Apatiment tehon ave ed ving ara \ RA pane ace kK. oar TN We out LLC wi D i AVA REALTY RA 8.3123 ar RA 3.8344 ¢ | onviime, ® ane vy Kh Rm for dekh don FRAT Ed idea iod HARARE oh Ee & vhs BRT fiwkas F amis 11a Edu Ad Vo BERT yaaa PHL hk Wik soon, wea of rE Elan. ANY WH gine Rh 5H ; ont, Sk ne Fodsm Rows Bown y ey 5 FALAT ARABIA fi 4h ERE Filan # id FALE SRAAIRE (12 FOUR Frisk eT ro ol, # - oh [y wy pom s sEL¥ CONTAINED at dd RBIKETROW. RRRRARES 5 ent Pian , wis be Wh. Winders wi BA B94 fh £ AAA Ai a WIP ld imma « RA {ig 2 with twa & (#4 RE paar FAIR a ier b po Sloty Pea BEpt, PERN a FR THREE g Con 6 or Fh api §T4 WA CLEAN 14 oh 4 * f Hove, 18 » 4 #5 Avity& eds. Giadstone hvenve. BA private wa EDF i pRIning Sh--Wowses, Apts, Plots For Rent PREEE 17000 iE AER aid wi 4 edad #9 HAH R A a ad a BOOBIES 256A Pirms (Ay BARCEL AE FRIAR WAAR FIRE TRE AAW RE a a £8 magi. bowhy UU CParias Synat FER JoveE BEmiiamas GoRih Wh Passat ows shini oh aR, ERE faryad. gk fonk ARB] BA 5760 i Bh akns THE - bakin pw ga i kf cant 4 BOVE AEB od 2, Wh Ate A 5 Lorna yal wo whats pow. AE Eanghon Wowk ga coiuas SEEREH Fis EE dai ai br IIR , fasiictin y Dy Pe Wh Bente OPPORTI NEY Bk, RERE BROW FPO IRE RP BO Tense Baie Wh BA B42 APART HE BRAEE mF ' yuna HED | FEiF-LONTAINER YEW I rage Centre HOUSE conerele AFIVEw ay fandscaped adgwnlown or rept Fhiane Broadvie IMMEDIATE thiee-ion ORahiE close avaliable ar sale IRL WA u ene session, around flan ent 84, or 762 K WA 18 762 King asl Ma Bice LY 1) North General flat, unfurnished MI VENI EER an Road BUS al doar tar threes fg LARLY ar 34 NEAR Ne Ho manthly LARGE four-piece hath hus, asphalt 7 pm [PRIVATE hath, # BEPATALE 0565 BUNGALOW thres « hedraom combination ving » dining room place hath. Telephone WA 8-3502 SIX house for pent In town location, across fram schon space. Telephone BA B-G838 roam ranch style bungalow, close shopping and South GM bau sion reasonable vent coker Drive neny orpted en Hit rom hoi rien oli castle, #ix Barage Neweastle MVERIENLE ¢ Telephone oom bungalow, all heat glose lo all sehenls driveway RA 5-3307 1] three ram Apart refrigerator entrance and drives kitehen Four down pir roam ni LILY ta sehoals, immediate Apply 1848 CENTRAL, large twa bedroom apart ment, sell contained, sink, cupboards in King, eantral ta downtown December 1. Protestant adult pil irles Steesl FURNISHED modern apartment and pefrigerator, private entrance, child weleame, near South General Motors Telephone RA 65-0641 for particulars | FIVE roam apartment, newl stad, eentrally located, TV aerial, gar age, refrigerator and stove ITmmediale passession. RA 50888 UPTOWN district wished rag all only. Call Between Telephone KA § SIN mam bungalow for hedroams, all ponveniences located near and sehanl Sylvia Sipest CARTLEAS unfurnished kitehen, par | Availahle Whi range twa and hall untur opnveniences, adults 1am and § p.m 7800 rent hres all heated 10} Avenue Bauth twa glean with private hath maehine and telephone Cadlllap after & 8 Af Wash [WV autlel 843 FIvF mam nose plase In ioe, In West end ping Centre nue THREE | torey and sohanl and near Oshawa Apply 71 Cromwell halt hriek his ser Ahoy Ave aan apartment, immediate apoupaney, heat, hvdea, TV autlel, near his slap. One baby weleamed. Day care fap ehild If requived, HA #2033 FURNISHE nN apartment=thres raams heated Antenna HATale Fie avant surraundings, Eastend, ah diners. RA 44343 house an all heating 68 Conant ranm uh Contre MevenRsan ang lng HA | Bhapiing [RA 30048 CENTRALLY dogated istanee of downlawn contained street diy Taellitie within walking Three roam self Apartment, lawn with dryer. Telephone RA HOUSE oaRveRienee Sireal, ay WRAY after all Whi HA five all heated an dae Folenhane FOAMS TTL LUBE OL HA 47808 thee: roam hall an ih apart nag wols HT Oshawa Boule RA BAR [FOUR roam house. all conveniences \h end. Neasonable ta geliahle ten Apply 140 Wilson Raa South NEWLY three roam apart round handy hus slap husine couple. RA Ti arated floay ? si RA LL GROUND ment, sl ig \ veated we flan We 10] rely qd apant tar, heat sO \Waear Vi oF Y A \ Pariment, cen vl General Matas stare and bk al doar, haby welpame Telophane RA #6844 WO ean hoard A kilo wie al Washo and Ariment n LITLE T relvigel Plivale an Wh ATR OFFIC 3 SPACE RENT nh. slave W fyey ALCS hath Apply pA New building . Centrally » dawn \e sated Wn WR ares Moderate available THE TIMES BUILDING rent Ae Now LARGE Conta L. WILSON | Phone RA 3-3474 bin oc aled Am elephone Wh bel wee y TWO fur Fly FOR RENT Fan Baile three piece FIVE medi #25 Api FIGHT 100m ¥ I ditian, lose Lo hows age. Immedinte jos ior i f en Heal y 1anitor GROT spartment private Ada--Reams For Rent FURNI Hen ni hath Jans 4-300 parking KA ERLFANGE Road mom. 166 Verdun cen facil hai sehen ne FOON pl | enaking bie now. Near hospital 8607 far further partion) IT y phone i ATTRACTIVE clean vesidential area | waley RVING Elgin street furnished FOAM cepbignall central patking 1-0767 LARGE Hentieman tral. Telaphone parteulars MONTHLY aams unfurnished to hus and shopping Telephone HA B60 FUBNISHER twa roams with Fklitehan eile, suitable far young auple nr givis {willing tn share, BA 5.6448 aller 4 Ha Kast warm eomiortable bedroom fo in privile home y Ee HA 47814 Tor furthe thre hrlgh pellh parking args aing available camfariahl fur bedroom for clean, ie Apply 77 Ontarie Ineation NICE home, kit chen RA & ONF bathroom centrally logated (only 168 Warren Avenues RA GROUND floar furnished roams Oshawa, A and View Blvd NICE nished room gen, for gentleman after B pm new IH Wom an #1706 private entrance, tw heated, clase PF. Apply 88 Orehape sini Private 1014 ar ronm for twa Hght eanking tranpe, near Hilleraft Stree! ONE home Fils facilities asplial, RA # on L} furnished hedeoom, 10 glean gna Ineallty, central fo. down yilahle. gentleman pre for further Infarma garage a RA &H7M TWO parlly furnished mams Of Washing machine 14 18 Drew Hives, RA 5.4108 alloy FURNISHER ranma, 88 per week Heman Telephone RA FURNISHED Private parking Htrost HOUSEKEEPING room ol, far gentleman an eae Alieel North or 14476 CENTRAL Incalion furnished hoard if de Ahstaines RINGLE furnished heated roam furnished roam with small Kilohen Wf elenhone, central. 180 Firuee FRONT home, parking ERT I MINUTES Matars plant home fele LARGE panm with | witahle far two ACLIER: Alan Ane ing privileses nue INF nea 1 RAL we APATinus South Centre. Warking phone RA 5.8503 FURNISHER 1b wid Hon n his R41 Simons adults § pm fien Aniy BTL] nels velrigaratny Wa rams, also Hany reasonable ground eenival neely furnish Apply 843 Sim RA 549% ATER Warm eam FOO I CIRAR, fuiet red Gentleman we Telephone RA §387H use hedvanm, furnished quiet, gand lavation space. Available private sential naw HA walk fram south General furnished vam. in quiet all eonveniences PATKInNG space hone BA 33408 wi single hada gentlemen ar twa with eank Wayren Ave ingle y Apply - ff gond hed, 38 weekly canveniant ta dawn far gentleman. RA nile roam South ¥ad Suitable roams. furnished, olose A Matars abil Shopping auple piel od. Tole ney WAKING TAAm An ta sath GM plas 5 RA 580M fo furnished Tssbaiping FOAMS ann and Kitehen with velvigeratay RAKE apace Apply 158 Agnes Street SINGLE toam fr ane gentleman, close 19 Shopping Centre, edminriable hed lo 61 Grenfell Streal. RA $483) FARGE furnished hedraam with kit SRERELS, Uae aL Washing MACRS, nea haspital and Navlh General Mators A L Weel East. RA \ iby i 160 mao furnished a cated A 107 SINGLE ample TAM APAT ment. eamplately PATRInG contraily Bast RA washing facilitie Arn inhed ¥ LiL] wh FOAM a Street eam vpheard naw wilabie far gentleman SPACE, VOIY central ARMY 183 Athal Stee further particulars $1 WEEKLY sleeping room RNATKIRE SPAS, close by And haapiial RA &0a18 w well fay 9 Aah Divi rant eithey furnished hods, fay RSP ne. South RA "Tha ATTRACTIVE with wiv, | eam SRL Oshawa raised 10 RA LING : PAR, ideal fay M ors. all conveniences, ample PATKInG Tolaphone RA SHI fr farther de ais Genera ars Febpr Rp is hed: | matters HA ) ¥ elise Phone to North heds, | quiet | housekeeping ih Centre Sba--Rooms For Rent oe ad LR sani. aides cad mA : PEE Bs fila sia ' i eR eaten ud HEE y a MEAT LRTR AR WY, EEN E PETA Ess § REPES- Ap he Folin Blass WHEE, fosmiobiah 100m; FEW iris, WAH FIR RES, Ip BERNESE R. Phone BA dé Misr § pm IY fnishad Avy i Re aad i sr innia kh BA LW] : ala yu VRRERAR me JA Py Tas eX yo a SACRE 1A A | os Wok RE FRING we FI 45 teat Estate bor Sale TT AVARTHENE sh 1 DON HOWE REALTOR {SURANCE 67 KING ST. E RA 5-7732 2 BEDROOW se ho ' i a J TT: FOR #5--Reet Estat for Sole A5--Reol Estate for Sole ied THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, Besember 1, 1966 29 FARE Bond Bork, 0h CARER y a pl ¥ RAGE RA GRIER Ve Honan AR sainehe Wes ot as fy BEE Bw RE SH Jom td LL ld VARAE ah Bagram, Ra ah pla her Fay w ed (4s : ue # HONIW, 4 " we ., fon Rw Sera #5 WA SHAE A 3. Boletos 144 LOVELY wn « APEFTment Sones w # Wg ot Becrtiae. BA S04 50 ACRES brick ines ww 100m 66 ond MY » 50 Gg smant ed ada] Sal rot, Pyar BG YRN smell ver. A seeded 4 between Me. 2 end 408 woys, $16.000 terms Harold C. Pedwell BROKER ~~ WEWCAST Prone 38% a chins a Wy Fins Poy rant whew FE . ---- ans Bi RA 8041 Famions uf & Bovis, bow Row Swprrink wt KA Jone A. J. Reiebond [id Sew fred Aly Log i YATE SALE 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW in Better Setrict of YWhithy Close 14 ond hem ging Ea aa sore TEESE Extrg 4 ie for y $77 ME # EVANS BIR E Grd G fd sites 4 4 HEE 166 So Por for Aik Aus f§ £ ¥ jar 4] # AES Forced fi i WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6568 INCOME HOMES L-storey brick == 2 Kitchens tained Gperiments, rest, 804 See his home = Wh Centre s 4 NG HI) E14 f-£5r 74 2 4 ond 54 Go16G6 dows Worries ELGIN ST, EAST ne of $180.00 per id bolence, Don't m wih, is ", 3 spartments i GW BHT Ment owner win ne pay RA LOW IME wl Bi PRICED HOM McQ REALTORS Whitby Plaza. Brock St. S Open 9-9 Whitby MO 8 3 EM 3.9603 REET lot and CHRANE 51 A i wi f od w, plu coupled uch as |i fireplace and full ydd up 1a de an ir 4 us for ETT: niment prige apne $16,800.00 $10,600.00 6 iL brick Creens 2 years new room 5 and completed Located Town Aluminum sf Rec-room nearly H Half in NE of | | FOR RENT We at the 5€ id he wh section have present time eral go the | uses through for with yall oul rent ] immediate aceupancy 0 able Member f Distriet Real Oshawa and tate Board the f large furnished poom with private | ED. DISNEY | i REALTOR---=INSURANC ST, 82 SIMCOE ) $7,700 FULL PRICE dr and ane half and ith dawn, 3 ream nel pe. bath yp. Modern kitchen downstairs gh 11 Stare m i-pe. be Heavy wiring thy ut, all heat low wyment FULL PRIS 1 hed tile Hl ith i | payment home down pi £11.900 firigk bunaal hardw | Forged al manth! dri } ind Ww paved close 10 ¢, lovely ol limits lovely outside alow emi Fo gily 4 Just | | bun | | hardw m tre roOwN 1 and tile, ie and pa Asking $11 up weed air d ¢ 14) 100 Call Joe Wannep RA 3.2333 RA 5.1394 ur listings | or Evening We anligit ve IOHN A BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE § RA 5.6544 LOOKING FOR THE REST? Ta A real haauty attached nveaniane } To inipes Athlogk at RA 5.4362 ¢ t call Anthony RA 5.80544 CHECK THESE HOMES! "™ 414.000 Na or Thomas au Ade $0 200 4 ide New location ehoose $18.900 | 8) n% Yen AVENE 2 900 A : i Ape an Duplex * from \ Dug | A Jd $7 1.300 FULL PRICE had Ava Members Qistriat or Real Oshawa and A ate Board UAY & KIDD i414 | NEW HOMES NH A MORTGAGES PRICED FROM $13,495, SOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGES LOCATED IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Open Evenings and All Day Seturdey AFTER HOUR 7163 2397 y PLEASE CALI es Eliott Bill Meorns RA 3-263 RA BO81 RA G-6568 f PORT PERRY ( Ranch alow end neame home for sole fi for ir lgrge ntact ww thee mation ise In excellent condition, beautifully Phone Mildred Bilida, on this well loceted two for baty nfarmation Fopler $9,600 Rd, Pickering, near Call Audrey Moors, ow fo 9 Reduced office and MO B-AOBE, or COURTICE living res We | wi our six-room ranch bungslow, featuring sunken 7% x 218 lot, Call Audrey Moors galow, both semi"s and detached, Call for g tour of the homes with Large Built on Gye every type bur m ithy and Pickering gation OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK ST, N, WHITBY MO B-5853 Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Boord, METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St, East Dial RA B-4678 storey brick home, 3 bedrooms, ized kitchen, excellent location ete, Priced at only $10, NORTH-EAST I wide for schools 900.00 with SEC living fransparation, $1,000 down RESALE aluminum storm floers and walls SOUTH-EAST SECTION chen with sealing area, nicely landscaped TION 6m 1% good churches, m in HARMONY HEIGHTS low, paved drive ceramie tiled bath Three bedroom brick bungas windows, hellyweed kitchen, Full price $13,500.00 3 bedroom brisk bungalow, large kits well decorated recreation reem, TV Full price $13,500.00, aerial, HARMONY RD land for = | V4 storey brick home, 3 bedreoms, 5 acres subdivisien, barn, Full price $25,000.00, FOR RENT 0 conveniences; in Oshawa, $40.00 monthly, AFTER 5:30 CALL 5:6243 3:9290 Marien of goed 3:reom bungalow, 1 Dick £ Barriage erett Ellin Lloyd Metcalf 5:6 Joe Maga 5.9 Prew 5:7610 BEAU VALLEY SALESMAN AT NEW INFORMATION CENTRE MONDAY TO SATURDAY INCLUSIVE FROM 2:30 TO § P.M, ! Completed Models--Bath 6 Roem With Attached Garage----Alse 3 other homes in advanced stages Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. SIMCOE N RA 3-2265 12 PRINCE ST, : $466 DOWN-1 N.H A, MORTGAGE $12,685 TOTAL PRICE next dwn weeks (if the propased changes in NMA, ad) we will have new 514 room brick bungalows for ale, complete in avery way for the above figure e have 9 lats on Richmond St. East (behind the Power Stare) and 3 left en Wilson Rd. Narth which are taking tentative orders far In contemplation af this ghange, Call us for further information and arrange an inspection of eur model homes with ene of eur salesmen Pepasit will be refunded if legislation not passed. Take this ops partuniy of getting inte this choice convenient lacation while they last Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 KING STE DIAL RA A.4478 : CALL Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5.6983 Everett Elliott, RA 3.9290 loa Mage RA 5.919) Marion Drew RA 5.7610 LL. _Digk Barringe RA 5.6243 MERRY MENAGERIE Won qT A 1) \ Within the are pa We AFTER 5:30 ws oh Pe ) f, ad = PANE ™ wy! "How he oot Bala 0 NAP

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