Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Dec 1960, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 1, 1960 169 «=e Syd Arnold Leads [Ron Stewart | YHAT No. 9 AGAIM ("SPORT BRIEFS Major Puck Loop | Will Remain Sneddon And Merchants 2 mv . » SCOUVER (CP Willie Syd Arnold, whe is regarded as cage duties with "Raby Jo 1 1 ers Fleming, 21, » halthack wie the top Industrial hockey player, Memick of Durng's is the olficia . came to British Columbia Lions Loge Ok sl Lek waving allowed 25 goals . # the past decade ih Oshaws, is leader, having alowed 76 Goss IV opamp (CP) --~Halthack Ron e acing ague om the Universiy of lows ng arvently Ie Ha Pda pin A 2% mar ; enrvently aang the JEhawa we En games tor # 3.79 mark wie Stewart will be back with REN " Yneatar, sitmd The league continues Retion 188 Oitawa Rough Riders nest. ses yunn Isat, Spt Bunday mg in the Bowmanville son cosh Frank Clair s#d When 2 hockey fan looks Row) The unbeaten and untied Mer three - year contract with the accordance with ANGE preps with the A's meeting the Frursday the line of great scorers of al chants lead the league with 14 Western. Interprovincial Foothell slatishics reieased Loaay Wy SOF Oshawa Juvenile "Stary st 6.0 d nes there siways seems nn he A wiih Union dub. Fleming was the er Jim Shaw, Arnold, of he pm and in the pightcap of the "57% ; BIORE Camiliar ring among them, That 7 ME [oF seven HTRIERE WIRE gulys puistending player this league leading Oshawa A'%, Lyin - ill, City - Wide ARswerng Hall in Toronto starting w pale of rourse is the mumber on the Wie Tony's are in second place year, finishing second in the heads He yack with He. Service are pitted against Dw L ViSHINEr At jis has Fiano sweater which they wear, Oul- with seven points league scoring race and third In ie forme i Risk a 5 £ ge al B30 Mi BPECIREh Lad PY ; " . lift Pitke: " 4 arage a 8 9.1 4 Pp $ seh as iff Pilke reshi Played seven games and scored idheming inp thet he might eher stay ot of gr " Regn A ag : py Pretden - so ng ' " ! . he imi : ket" Jeng . 12 gods and assisted on 19 others, LEAGUE STANDINGS foothall. or Tine up with Toronte Li ee Wed Ken: Friasy, Dee Pg Bis Hall WIRED BY REDS ° Sho be # yinge ck 1 Argos | eal © be made "HIE Hg hy, 28 d Wo A 4 18 : hould the speedy winger keep WiLTFA Pius Argos if a desl cond nade nedy, and Tod Sloan have heen to help defray league expenses LOUISVILLE, Kv. (AP)--Jim up his pace, he may well he ob OSH A's p Ww 12 with Riders ser, fi 20} yA ey Ere ) b's h 6 1 7 he few in this select group, On Wi Turner, lormer picking coach of he "oy 0 WInnIng ANGLhEr seo) Durna's 4 2 4 2 4 Char sitll Stowort would #0 their sweaters they carry the LEAGUE STANDINGS the New York Yenkees, was mg tithe uke ity-Wide ; W466 through the ull traning period oo. of a high scorer, Number WELTF APIS hired In & similar capacity by [9 ear in the UAW Hockey ( ( P 1 ox y "| ey AW Hockey dy y 4 #1 with the Grey Cup champions iq Merchants 7 6 05 19 14 Cincinnati Reds Tuesday. Turner ARENE, NE ERIN We He and play hall the schedule he Tony's 3 3 193 7 ceeds Ellis (( i i tot . ra y pg y pay hat ' By ol 781 7 ewcceeds Ellis (Cot) Desi, whe ual to al points honors wi bh an GOAMAES AVERAGES fore school Lime Although the UAW Hockey paiors 7 4 120% 5 Monday wes named manager of amaning record of W gowrls and League operples on a smaller oo Uni > Bm " fo p 37 mssisis for 67 points in 25 Robinson, A eile than the National Leagues redit Union 1 6 0225 2 the Indisnspolis Club in the Ming / big ; hat seiie ak the EWR |ERgH American Association. Turner, ames played, That's averaging Melnick, Durno's ; y | p their "Sumber i ep . : ! x almost three points per Lame Godridge, City-W will come down from Toronto for they i" have he 4 Num nr v GOALIES AVERAGES field manager and general man Nearest rival to Arnold, is Dur- Courtney, A's practices each week at the ear- PF ol ARCKM 2 don o i GA BO AVE. ager of the Nashville cub in the zapl nd righiwinger, Don! Hinkso lest possible moment," yshawa Merchants, In accordance Hawe, Merch 12 0 2:40 Southern Association this year, no's captain and rightwinger, Dos, Hinkson ' with official statistics released 1o- Melnick, Tony's $i. 0. 4:44 s pitehi ach of the Yank Tureski, He's two points back Markus, Juves #1 Winner of several man day by scorer Jim Shaw, Sneddon 3 a. Baler 7" 0 4 f was a ne oh h of Ie » 18 made 0 goals rds 5 SLAs 4 Lh a a | ss v RABLO KET § #7 ees from 19 0 194 With bp Moy yo i hd 80 4 TOP TEN SCORERS # ward this "on [eiiing the is leading the loop with 25 points Cirka Cr, Union 7 6 #5 SSIBLE, AFR » Ia ' BO aN A ow Le d 7, A si A Whit 4 Dunlop Ton GJ 8 [oh ( _. lpi 1 Se i on 14 goals and 11 as 5, Hie 14 i BEARD RELEASED an nn hithy Dun } he Grey ip game, Stewart is 4 y . 0 O'Connor has 17 points and Arnold. A i2 7 ior od " he seeking & sal, E7HIS BYE tops on the circuit TOP TEN SCORERS APH INDIANAPOLIS (AP) = Ted placed in third spot, He has Tureski, Durno J 2 ary boost, He got ahout $7000 this! ¥ormer scoring champ Syd o Merch of {gh Beard, former Pittsburgh and counted seven goals and Yom O'Connor, A's Vea Arnold and Paul Tran of the Mer. 7 oy » Oren 412 Chicago White Sox oulfielder, assists Mills, Durno J | ee | CHENG, BlONE with Al Myles of 2104, ' ereh, 1 4 17 |was given his release Monday as George Robinson of he s Lawson, A's i I" . Tony's Refreshments, are eight 27 i V's k 817 player-manager of the American heads the netminders unofficially Baker, A : Milt Graham May points back of Sneddon with 17 4740 MEFER #12 17 [Association Indisnapolis club to in goaltenders' averages, He has Garrard A i4 points, Captain Jack Armstrong ATMEITONg Merch 412 16 hecome manager of Columbia, lowed an average of 2.80 goals W Purne of the Merchants is next with 16 G Westfall, Merch 6 713 B.C. in the class A South Atlan. the limited action he's Copeland, A 3 6 1 0 i R h Rid ore Wastial maolenko, Merch 5 B13 tie League, Columbia is in Courtney shares Pi Brown Purno 8 1 unt oug ers Gum Westtall yo Vunrue Bam Ford, Baker's 21012 farm py m of tl oh. i f Med OTTAWA (CP) Milt Graham, are tied in seventh place with 13 Hill. Ton ale J 8 i i whi h Indianapolis has a 1961 [1 ' . a standout tackle with Ottawa pont i ye 9 vorking agreement vo Rough Ride since 1956, indi Riss Hawe of the Merchant Boston Uke Line cated Thursday he might not he shows the way in the goaltenders back in foothall next season gopls-against department with a 2:40 average, He's: allowed 12 ' Graham told a reporter he 185 ac aw £ might leave the Grey Cup cham- 8oals in five games played pions to devote all his time to his plumbing and healing business THE CANADIAN PRESS + Bucyk emerged as the big star, in Be REMEMBER WHEN? , .. Stewart will attend Osgoode From then on, he will have 10 COTRIMINE sald Clair Konnie ton He combined with Blasiuk to wet Ill think it over during the By THE CANADIAN PRESS wp Doug Mohns for the first Bo inter. 1f 1 feel as 1 do now and With & pulverizing display of ton goal with less than six min. ooo ia (0 sive up the game, I power Toronta Argonauts buried) ies remaining in the g ant to contact Frank Clair Winnipeg Blue Bombers under a| Then with less than four mi ri 3540 count 15 years ago today to A NEW TYPE of hockey | iron out production problems of | on a thin layer of soluble oil By skate, a "lubri-skate'", invented | the new skate and have a would make for faster and ea The Ukrainian line stil a hy Wilfrid Vaillancourt of Sault | ranged to have National Hock ier skating in hockey and figure major force hehind Boston Ste. Marie, Ontario, is to be | ey League players lest the kating he inventor i hown Bruin poradic offence given a real test. The CCM kates, probably next season | hove ith his skate Phe Naitonal Hooke Leaguk company has agreed (0 (est and ' The "lubri-skate", which glides CP Wivephoto 0 Bronco Horvath, Johnny ig took fre 81 A WILL BE TESTED ust that Wednesday men caga's Glenn Hall for the tying £00d years of foothall in the Big 17th meeting hetween Fast and| The Bruins were losing 24 to marker Four and it's time to think seri West in a national foothall final the Black Hawks in Chicago w-"" ol of getting into husiness was played hefore 19,000 shiv: Chicago had appeared headed ering pectators at Varsity Sta dium, Toronto permanently \d i weriod goa) tying the for victory on goals hy Murray 1 y } Invents Lubri-Skate, [ir "x nif & Ea Tim mu we ' "It was the only game in the Bon Murphy in the third and have no desire 10 league and the tie preserved Chi CHICAGO NOW THIRD . . cagn's unbeaten record on home ib S S Gl d On Own Oil : and " tretched. Boston: HT The outcome left Chicago in FIGHT LA T | freak an th ad this sea. third place one point behind | 1 es : Hn on 11g ron ' second place Montreal Canadien NIGHT «shot me! on to 12 game and two shy of first-place Detroit For reliel from SAULT STE. MARIE, Oni he would have heen at normal concentrate on dipsy - doodiin Red Wing By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS backache or that co 8 up hockey 'and ake oh he sa ga Pies SOIR doston remained in the cellar! pao nnion- Dick Tiger, 195, Ni tired out feeling pd spec up Snaiiey au make Don Grosso, former NHL Vaillancourt took the invention tion to this piece of equipment WIth 15 points, ene hehind fifth: oie" Siopped Willie Greaves, a produced in Canada player with Detroit, Boston and to the NHL rules committee, hut when there an opportunity to place New York Ranger BoHa, MOphed Hr han Inventor Wilfrid (Monk) Vail. Chicago also gave the skate a WI details didn't arrive in time do so The Hawks Row have gone Empire middleweight title Ste M i whirl. He was enthusiastic and the meeting was told little Vaillancourt said an early start through 12 games on home ice. Paterson, NJ Roland la lancourt of Baull Sie arie sa more than the skates had been in production may come through WINNng eight and tieing four starza. 196% New York stopped Monday a skate manufactures n MAKE HOCKEY FASTER invented a clip-on version of the inven: In 12 road games Boston. has Danny Logan, 103%, Paterson, 7 foronto (CA M) ha Agrees a They'd make for faster and "We favor anything that can tion for use on figure skates, or managed only four (ies, coming Tokyn--Haruo Sakamoto 1224 test, and bron oul pro hy " flashier hockey, You can skate improve the equipment of play: any variety other than the tube from behind on all four occa: Japan witpointed Dommy Urs prog em Au oh ay ae ol. oan |for a few strokes, then coast and ers," said Campbell, "I have no type used in hockey sions to avert defeat ia. 122%. Philippines, 10, ranged to have National Hockey) League players test the skates, Asis isl ATTENTION ALL 2 CAR FAMILY BUYERS! more than "casual hocks de signed his skate on the premise that a4 skate blade glides on a thin film of waler created hy the friction of is passage over the ice, The slicker the film, the eas fer the glide The lubri-skate rides on ils own film of soluble oil and wa hi | T Wi NTER : ter. The lubricant 1s contained " ), RH \ | \ | ( in & plastic capsule inserted in an aperture in the (oe SUGGESTS PLAYER TRIAL D CAR 111) NHL president Clarence Camp hell suggested in Montreal Mon day that six sets of skates, per "rishi AS IS SPECIALS! TARE THEM AWAY! We have GOODFYEAR The players would test them and report en advantages and disad vantages. | ; Toronto Maple Leafs tried the skate during a practice for wi 1954 1951 1951 | vear's Stanley Cup playoffs, but N turned it down hecause it was METEOR NIAGARA PONTIAC SEDAN | foo fast and upset team timing IAC | fl Veteran winger Bert Olmstead Cc . 1 Licence A-6858 "ustom radio, Hydramatie i | 1 | the Ukes engineered two late wore the olled blades and was| New moter Blue. Custem radio, Licence A-38426 Licence A-30009 FOR ALL MAKES Tn a lh CLEARANCE $2 4 5 CLEARANCE At 12 CLEARANCE $70 Mayor Puts . OF CARS AT ! ! / Rob Blame On NE ad BOOK: LOW, LOW PRICES Sex fl i til st A 1956 1952 1953 Now is the time to get set CFL Brass CHEVROLET BUICK ROADMASTER FORD CUSTOMLINE for winter driving With VANCOUVER (CM Me \ vhani { 1 Tom Alshury said Wedne aor White and black. Runs well i Suburbanites the winter tires \Y/ if ¢ Canadian 'football league authori Licence 697-116 Fully equipped. Licence 8-82-17 Maroon, Licence 178-275 made only hy Goodyear, en NL SX Ar A ) UNA A 0 Ne ill ¢ ties are to blame for the inci \ AMY ) donts which prematurely ended CLEARANCE % CLEARANCE % CLEARANCE $ ¢ Exclusive super-traction tread MGA te ast Saturday's Grey Cup game y : . \ Hine ry in Empire Stadium PRICE PRICE PRICE design gives you extra go in \ And on top of this, he sald in deep snow and mud , . , extra a statement, they have "tried to 3 . shift the blame which was theirs CLEARANCE ENDS SA safety on dangerous winter to our city palice T. DEC. 3 6 P.M. roads, Drive in'today , , , for The mayor was commenting on : the best deal in town the eriticisms made following the game, which was called with 41 seconds remaining on the time 1953 1954 1954 1951 | grips with winter at these Goodyear Dealers R. J. TUMEY AL PRESTON larly eritical of foathall commis. | SUNOCO SERVICE SUNOCO SERVICE fa A, se Tosa 'sien A Otawa | osawh 1954 m----L) clock after fans had left thew seats and poured on the field VAUXHALL PONTIAC SEDAN DODGE COUPE Ottawa Rough Riders were ahead 16-6 aver Edmonton Eski.| DELUXE SEDAN. Dark green VELOX. Blue and white. Licence Rlue Licence A-30468 Black. Licence A-21990 mos at the time and had posses radio. Licence A-1928) A-10764 CLEARANCE PRICE CLEARANCE PRICE CLEARANCE PRICE sian, u the ball on their own 30.| CLEARANCE J A . " nk PRICE CRITICAL OF HALTER 4% 3 4 ¢ Mayor Alsbury was particu Come fo ham ota WALL DOVE'S BUICK SEDAN || DODGE SEDAN PONTIA LEN WALL | pa sTamon game ended early. Mr. Halter 112.123 | a OSHAWA sald the palice had stood around) as wooden dummies The outburst and charges of] Mr, Halter are most unfair and unwarranted." said Mayor Als. bury, who added that feothall af ficials will have to make some] special arrangements to keep] Green. Licence A.19802 Blue with radic meet sPQOQ | | sia sQBO | | sae sQ | awa PRICE 'Wf ---- fans off the playing field before BEARE MOTORS ALEX NATHAN he'll permit ety police te under THE . LTD SHELL SERVICE take stadium security on Grey Cup day WA He said he fully supports th OSHA pres Pacrda¥ uf wie C Li FE Hd L LS MO i Oo RS LTD Jot pr Chiof George Arche who sai > hed a Bf 266 KING STREET WEST RA 3-4634 | FREE MOUNTING ALL THIS MONTH the field and allowed the game to be completed | ¥

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