Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Nov 1960, p. 4

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EE 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Movember 30, 1960 » WHERE SIXTEEN DIED Residents of the little Alberta | bus which was sheared off in E farming community of Lemont | a level-crossing collision with | dents and injuring 25 examine the rear of a school | a Canadien National Railways #dpy |Whithy Rotary Chub, #t the by Community Arcna Auditorium Iv minds af Work," the specke | veloped his theme in terms of the) some Vf the comglex equipmen|ca $ used to help provide good automatic digl switching veloped that people even refer 1p i eal or electronic! MECHANIZATION on had stimulated this grow! enabling Bell Lo improve sery oe while keeping roles reason le, freight train, killing 16 stu. (CP Wirephoto) WHITBY And DISTRICT Instal Officers Anniversary At Faith Baptist At Eastern Star BO Aa on Md eld on No 7 The reguler meeting of the|tin, PP, was pre ented with hi During the morning service. the Whithy chaper No, 248 Order of | 'ewel hy Jessie Johnson, PM ouipit ahairs. which were fn the Eastern Star was held in the, The meeting closed in form. pated hy Mrs, 1 hy Minn Legion Hall on Nov, 24, Worthy | Mi Jessie Johnson, immediate piokering Roach o dediasied Matron Jessie Johnson presided) Past Matron, ing the farewell. in men of hor Inte ushand and James Martin, Past Patron, The lunch commiite erved Aap. Stanley Mann 2 a I assisting |very delicious lunch strumental in starting the work The meeting opened in form -- at Faith Chureh over nine years and the flag was presented at the a0 » altar hy the marshall, Elsie H { | The guest speaker at the morn Goose, PM, and escorted (n the ousewi e ing worshin service was Rey y Baptist Mhurch . Aitken of Cal meetin ere read hv Beeretary| ] d 0 In Oshaw: id he hased his mes Julla "Thomas, PM, Conduetre is al € n gage on Joshua 7, "When peopl hip east, Minutes of the previous Audrey MeKenzle ¢ ted hy a et right ith Ged, (here tut aie toe] Driving Count [rive honehis' i, us sutiful hymn, "1 Know Worthy Grand Matron Mrs, Al ne rev Elliott. Past Grand Matron] Mrs, Edna Shearer, 46, of 21513 Name' Edna Anderson, Past Grand Ma | P Vi treet, Whithy, one of t ol Rev, Allan Foarhe direstor ofl tron Allison Walker, Distriet Dep.| women drivers charged following! Youth Time B ln, and 1 uty Grand Matron Flora Currie,| a two-vehicle eoll n in Whithsy | angelistie team were in charg Past Distriot Deputy Grand|has heen sent to jall for sevenlof the evening o and pl Matrons and presiding matron | days for having the care and eon: of the radin hr | i which and 'patrons from the following|! ol of a motor vehicle while in: he heard next f day morning chapters: Bunheam Chanter, Osh.|toxieated, Bhe was convicted hylar 015 aver CKLRB awa, Pickering, Blue Nay Chap. Magistrate ¥, 8, Ehbs in Whithy Following the evening service ter, Port Perr Durham Chan. police eourt on Tuesday thers a spond iragide with ter, Bowmanville, Lily of the Val:| PC John Mason, of the Whithy|the Allan Farhi m hringing| ley Chapter, Orillia, Markham| Police Department, sald that he {a number of musical selections Chapter, Markham, and varlousihad investigated an acc dent] and a wonderful time of fellow | Toronto and distriet chapters ght in front of the police! ship was had with these people Pest Matrons of Whithy Chapter tion on the night of Oct, 11,| DUNDAS STREET py ---- ___|Mechanization Key To fe Efficiency, Economy | "Increasing mechanization is|compeny Just wouldn ithe key to con'inuing end economy in our modernday bie to hire epough people 10 give » igh quality service of (cday And i we hed," he added, "you'd i lot more for m," THER EMPRESS techenization, it was petursl onder what i would do to 0 ! fleet employment? well established, he ise unemployment, On the Col IRETeas y led to expansion and better standards for everyone that hed bean the ex ence of the telephone indus Bg produetivity) hecame more wide employment continued to! hice of the expan le by mechan poss Laetion, The better snd more eco service, the more wanted to use it, He pointed out that in the las 16 years alone, telephone us vel in doubled, Mechay e, he said, "had ACCURATE WEATHER field of weather fore ad, "s ieniisis fore @ OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. y AJAX he slated, predic thet machines did not that the growing use of #4 computing machines will help avoid dips In the nation's econo manufacturers! Mr, Justice D, P, J, Kelly ruled up-iothe minute dela on supply end de | merd conditions, | k 05 i Vito B lephone industry, Mp, |marricge in 1956 wit to Bar the A thal Puta, 26, whe lives in the smell] 's eleatro-mechani. Viege of Gayliste, aly, 0 f I switches take only a few| Mr, Berbuto has heen refused 4 400 ' ] 4 i revious classses, sends of B second to openlentry to Canada by the dmmi.|"acats of previo ois, Alreedy gretion deperiment, Miss Frus t wes known that elee'ronie de-liaglio came here in 1955, vices working in millionths of 8) 1ghe ssid she wants stay. 8 second will he needed to keep WD ore Mr Fl Kelly oa ih Safely Training of the Departmen : Rev ithe applicont, "But her place is g | lelephione services that now cold oun" hor hushand, As her hus. Mr. Simons spoke at length of vanced FE ¢ VANCE ove her prowy merriege dis lew words of welcome, #tating his {Forster steled, lonly he dreamed of, The speaker showed some ofl she should go to him" dates, history, snd the action glans. | will be in the future, Those available now Include oof firing for boilers end furnpees Wslory 1s not known, In 8 grea! phone with a volume control tha! 68 delivered to the Belfast Asso: many cases these peeldents Bre een he turned np to hes WHITBY see the day when they will beitor," which is 8 many Purpose] hie to do 190 per cent pecuraie set for the DUSIRESSINER OF Wom feeding weather an, pnd the "princess" Le ephons un a e Y thelin decorator colors with & mani] world nto & gant computing ma lighi, More revoutionsry Aegigns| ¥ dude en odd » shaped sel with) Ld There Is something in the fu. the del hulle right iato the hand eefin e ture for the housewie too, Be ig od Ld Phone iris 2a dial 2 % % . Cording to the speaker, N ore BN, H wr g $ have Deen I em A. PORT PERRY ~ AL the Gun on ssime) and the Tack of precan may heve a machine with every Blaty mest; Auf Bown recipe sored in its mem-| . wicipsl Building on Fridsy even oy, She wil choose the one vel Proxy Marriage ing, November the 25th, I wis Aer Injury or 6 fatality, 1b wos op EMS, push 5 button and the ma | chine will select and prepare the room mostly boys between the cept of the secidents sre cavsed o| ingredients from iis slorage vn, Okayed By Court | salion's economy, Wow would it ©o9% them In is automatic oven, and serve them on dishes, Safety meeting held In the Mu lion, in these cases the result is gratifying to see RB erowcod Wo pointed out thet about 13 per ages vf 19 to 14 with come olin, boys of the 15 and 14 year TORONEO (CP) = An Ontario thelr parents and friends, group, uoreme C5 e Tuesday! The Club President, 0, 0, Ham Lireheieh £h Mig By Wid ion opened the meeting with & apprecietion of the great numbe present and (0 £66 80 MEY YOURE ; ustegiio, aol vows who are taking an interest hat Marin Lit Bo, n hin un salety, all of the elever lwhen she went through a proxy| Pov who are taking this present | course, taking a grest interest in) everything (hat wes seid, they range tn ages from 14 (o 16 yesrs ge, there was meny of the Leave Your Dishes Leave Your Washing GET OUT AND YOTE Don't Miss The Boot! Don't Wait 'Til Your Ship Comes In VOTE and ELECT for Alderman Andrew, Hemry GLECOFF § Will Fight For A Lower Mill Rete [meres am -- solved, Conservation Officer introduced Mr, Sianley Simons, snd J, 8. (ancy) Vhs directing Gur { Lends nnd Poresis, wend eannot eome fo Canadas, ihe number of sceldcots, thelr - {akon by the enforcement Officers HOY LECTURE in some eeses Investigations are BELVAST (CP) -- A lecture on not 6s yet complete in these case fation of Engineers by C, A.lcaused hy mistecken identity as to west, whether the target is a men oi LOW PRICES : TOP QUALITY i Check the many low priced values in the { Steinberg's od appe ing every Wednesday in the Toronto Star and present were: Alma Ridley PM, | ie said that he found a pick-up) Ann Patterson, PM. Pearl | oper, | truck on Its side and another ea WHITBY PM, Blanche Moorehouse, PM, in the westhound lane of Dunda Flsie Ci PM, in office, Julia] street west, He said that Mrs PERSONRIS Thomas, PM, In office, Maude] Shearer was sitting at the whee! Hoyes, PM, The ahove was given|of the car a sincere welcome and eseorted| Later, he said, she was assist: F11ght Lieutenant Malooln to the East ed to the police office by Sat [Mowat, who was stationed with Clifford Partington, He sald she/the RCAF in Go Ray, Lahra Sick and sunshine reports were read hy Kay Brown, Associale Matron, and Ann Patterson, PM Under new husiness My, and Mrs Edwin Breen, Past Matron and was very excited and was shout:| dor, and Is now heing fransfe ng, She was harely eapable of standing, he sald, and had to he Mowat of Mary street toreihly placed in the cells, He Past Patron of Simcoe Chapter, said she was intoxicated Mr. and Mra. Harev Bowden. of Vel h a Aang 8 v Dowden, o Rolha n, und Mr } 1 Mediand He told the court that the driv: nrantreal. Oueher worn weekend PM. of Bunheam Chapter, were|.. nr the other vehicle Mp affiliated as members of Whithy | iia Chapter The new officers were Installed gu hy the following Installing hoard Past Grand Matron Edna Ander. son, installing Grand Matron Past Patron Arthur Green, In stalling Grand Patron; Grane Chaplain, Julla Thomas, PM Grand Organist, Winnifred New ton, PDDGM; Past Matrons, (irare Rlaw, Ann Patterson Pa Wa winsel Pearl Roper, Rlanche Moore: | fH Mrs Shearer was hig h{Club executive members opinion Mrs, Bhearer was intoxi-{ Mr. Clark' nieces. Mrs. Tiho Hihat night and in his opinion she|Cathalie Church Iwas intoxieated |&lreet south a defence witness hy defence house Installing Grand Mar | habl silv exolt shall. Maude Royes: Grand Ma ot ung and probably easily exel Anna Marie, daughter of Mi tron, Audrey Elliott edo tand Mrs, Harry Rardoel, 18 cele Officers Installed were as fol,| 10 her own defence, Mrs, Shear [heating her ninth + lay today low Matron, Kav Brown: Asso elate Matron, Audrey MeKenzie: | wiate Patron, Mike Wood and was making a right turn to hanny returns of the day Dundas street west, when her ear ass secretary Tulia Thomas, PM treasurer, Bernice Moase: oon: | ductress, Luella Cook; associate] enndnetress, Marearet Mustard { 1 on Chaplain, Mae Conihea I; fo ATQ one shal Margaret kia - i I" day [south ist, Mae Phair, PM: Star noints His Worship ruled that he Cora Fallow Rerniee Hodson, | VO Ud accept the evidence of the Mary Inkpen, Lucille Robinson three officers and register the Gladys MeFachorn, Warder, M a | convietion, In addition ta th tha Rremner; Sentinel Margaret | Seven days, the accused was or hs which he had David, son of Mr, and Mrs Joined five Ross dered to pay court costs or serve nh {an additional seven day The|YPATS AKO After Installation the soloist W impounded for thre ol a : . Anes Helm, sang very well al t% W848 Hh hol \ Roa tas - NORTHERN RIRD heautiful solo, Praver Perfeet months and her licence ta drive The snow bunting, a species of Past Mat Yezal Tar vas suspended for one year sparrow, hreeds in the Aretie and| tron essie Johnson pends the winter In southo was presented with her jewel hy Maude Boyes, PM and Jeff Mar Promotion Needed ACOUIT ACCUSED ROWMANVILLE" Staff) Joseph By Farm Products | ] 3 Szamboatl, o od address { Wn aohoh NO fixed address opsppaM (CP) = Need fo X a charge | : 3 Pri ' begin Intoxicated in a publie marketing promotion ahread of vleultursl produets wa Place. He alveady served the three! ® fieial of days default ordered by the court stressed Monday hy an official hi 7:30 P.M, Szamboati was found hy police on the Ontarie department of agri i 4 AN enlture at the Chatham Chamber : A service slatic } \ I hehw Hl He t " in " Ne no( Of Commerce rural-urban dinner Station CBL £hwa f I ( ] sot ing, had received word from Hungary, "oot ME of his father's death, { Everott M. Bigs, assistant deputy minister of agriculture in i IS RELEASED leharge of marke!ing, sald there BOWMANVILLE (Staff) John'ls a Hmited market in the United Patrick Healy, of no fixed abode. [Kingdom and Rurape for Cana was released on a charge of dian agricultural products, but he vagraney, having served the de |added: fault of seven days, Police told "We ean't do anything In sell the court, Mr, Healy was founding unless It 1s a eeordinated on No, 2 highway suffering fram effort on the part of all proces fatigue and hunger, sors and producers concerne {regions of Canada A.W. BANFIELD f PAINE MINISTER THE RT, HONOURABLE BOARD JOHN DIEFENBAKER he radia series OF EDUCATION ||, me toons tunes red ta Greenwood, Nova Seotia visited his father, Mr, Rodney ---- ) ests at the home of Mr, and Ferris, was also ehargedi yes ROW, Clark of Brook street as a result of his Investigation nuth, They also attended with Partington sald that in his thelr house guests the wedding of JACK SPRATY SLICED SIDE TOP BACON ~~ Telegram FRESH LEAN leated, PC Morley Nicholson, of Opertesz, the former Miss Janet {the same department, said that! MeGuire, The wedding took place {he had observed Mrs, Shearer|in Brantford at St, Basil Roman Dr; Jacly, of Whithy, ealled as| Mrs, Ruth Hewson, on Centre opening 101 Arleigh Hillman, said{home this evening to the Kinette CHEERIO CHOICE KERNEL CORN:=10r |er sald that she had heen pro-[Fep school. companions and |eeeding south on Euclid streel| fiends are wishing her many {was invelved in the eollision, She Mr, and Mrs, Bud Gordon and d she suffered from a nervous family, of Toronto, were recent condition and had eonsumed only guests at the home of Mr. and | wall pints of hee [Mrs T, Colley, of Brock street George Lomax, 116 Centre street north, received h 1th. badge] from the third Whithy Seouts and Fis 2. vinsorl 1r.a'ts ¢ bE PEAS "» STANDARD ASSORTED SIZES, 13 OZ, TIN 1 0: ' N L) Fe AER. 500 EXTRA EXTRA "+ " 50 Hi WITH THIS COurON AND , AOX QF T INSTANT Beans..nPork M In Tamate Sauce CHUPDN LARIRES COUrRN § +] D £6 Lo i i PINKY STAMPS 1-84 02. JUG OF CORONATION LERAPE poring «3 10. JAR OF f ROWN BRAND Corn Syrup ONTARIO GROWN SNOW WHITE NO. Mushrooms LB, 49¢ IMPORTED U.S, NO, } FRESH, TENDER : 4 SWEET, Juicy Green Beans § SIZE 250 w]9C S EXTRA ; EXTRA JIRA, Re ; \ EXTRA 100 0 | 25 04. STANDS STAMPS HIN COUPON AND WITH THIS Coup THE BURSHALE OF ot WITH TS COUPON AND WITH THIS COUPON AND THE TURCHASE OF INE PURCHASE OF 0 SLA CELLO BAG ANY OF ONTARIO NO, | SUA COUPDN FxpiA 61 EXTRA "PINKY Wilh TIS COUPON AND _--_ THE SUREMASH OF 3 WITH DES COUMON AND 12 OF, CHUB © a eh OPSY'S ALL AMI SH

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