Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Nov 1960, p. 10

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' A OLD COVRTAY Bocce Western Tiremen Everton Buys New Team 'Miss The Boat It was a sud day for Johnny (10 susinst 1181, Westerns came \a \ Kent's Western Tire bowlers Sat- to 1ife In the fourth game with iu. Gay ernoon in the Torowlo Ur. against 1148 but lost ver a 1 101 } City Major Bowling League, when the filth game with a score of they met up with the York Bowl| ius against 1148, Their total team, 8s they simply could not dolscore was M97 against 5695, X : ; t end | Bnyihing rig and, us a result! R Ove W hat By M. McINTYRE HOOD field of play, as well as In 8 fi-| January, 1960 Tommy Ring,| When this line-up Is all fit snd fs uhin i York Bowl Aad - hii fotal we oe dod the pisken Special London, England nancial sense, from Clyde, $72.40, ready to take the field, BVErion| so corre They inissed fn olde y y is sepson, Some Corn ni Everton are now third in the February, 1960 -- Mickey 1, provide # lineup 1ea0y 10) opartuniy to bs tate fir tare! "he my could not To The Oshawn Times first division, English league from Wolves, $40,500 hf {opportunity to go into Nrsl PACE do anyining with the sileys at LONDON -- If money an buy standing, only one point behind] February, 1960 Roy Veruon, take on eny team in En 1d {when the other two leeders Pas \ arti ularly the relief , & coer football second place Sheffield Wednes- from Blackburn, $64,500, even the Spurs quales and Bleel Art, lost Wo Luwlers who relieved both Row [success in the soccer foothalll qo, Tors" cighy points hehind Tot-| March, 1960 -- Jimmy Gabriel, SCOTTI TRANIFER games oaeh, wo NT RD world, Everton are shaping up 10) enh e due to meet in|from Dundee, $65,600 Legos tied I was relict bowing that dite first two games snd were ' nham. They ar 0 0 tare bas § en be the top challengers to Totlen| Liverpool on Dec, 17, when over| October, 1960 -- Billy Bingham,| YP I Beotland, there has been he siny (his week os nether nahic 10 got hordly soything by ham Hotspurs, They are now get qs million dollars worth of soceer|from Luton, $43,200 |@ Very brisk fiat jo Dusiness be- Lil Brown nor Ivor Jones could yay of iielp for the total scores ting right up into the same Vass (glent will he on display. The re This whole. thing adds up to 6 tween Seok Jah : league Le oi Gc snyihing in velief and the re "ull el War as the Bpurs when the monetary cult might well indicate which|total of over $540,000 for nine celtic have tronsterred sult was that Westerns were only tike Pa ith 1181 who value of their players is totalled, team has bought to the best ad. players, and since Bingham was Yochan to Dundee United and able 10 Win two ZaImes de n Whi vd oF pd i ig With the signing of two new sLars| vantage bought as & replacement for Tom: Hohn Colrain to Clyde; Willic| pre first game was wom byl 5 gt lls . 4 from Heart of Midlothian, ¥vers ww Ring, when the otter broke! Yeller, Rangers centre-half, hasiy coe "wi 0" pootore with alee # followed hy Tony Vidas ton can now put on the field 11|EVERTON PURCHASES 5 leg, there are still three Zone to Queen of the Bouth, Ce of 1116 ps agsinst 1012 a re 1 w, wal {players who have cost them a| Including the "two players places io fill to make a full team as Hugvie G Nagher, of ly they lost thelr second game with|, ng Bu . on 194, J bought from Hesris Werton Jimmy YW Kilmary 1003 against 11M; the third gam v i Solone 0 {total of over $540,000 in transfer : ; "oy Wo WI fees in the last two years. They|have secured by the transier SIX ARE SCOTS walkeeper, who recently refuse xy Lad dud. (261, 198, 281, 169, 200); Ron are now shout on a par with Tot-|route nine International stars in| Another noteworthy factor isa move to Nottingham Forest, has {Fomiiz, 'our games, 797 (188, 189, tenham in that respect [the last two years, The big sign- that six of these players--Young, | heen transferred to BL, Mirren . ja 219) and Ivor Jones, one | Their latest signings from the/ings of that period, with the Thomson, Par Collins, Ring| One of the most soughi-nfier torie ar lgame, M4 Hearts, Alex Young, centre for-| amount pald for each player, island Gabriel are Beottish inter-| players up north is Aberdes n's 17 Ron Bwerty whe had the high ward, at @ fee of $113,500, and|as follows itionalists; two Vernon and year old forward, Nev castle Are | laverage on the team with M2 George Thomson, left back, for| May, 1958 -- Alex Parker, from Bingham, are Welsh and Irish in- hot on his trail hut Tommy Pe rs T [suttered a set-back 08 & result of $43,200 will, their management | Falkirk, $46,600 ernationalists respect) ely Wi son, Aberdee n mak gol refuses al S ecm pour reilef bowling in his first twe hopes, put them in the same class, Sept, 1956 Bobby Collins, only Mickey Lill is an English. to even listen to the offers of he lgnmes and Manning Swarlz alse {as the all-conque. ing Bpurs on the|from Celtic, $62,100, man LL i Tynesiders, Cooke fs not for sale! g ill L wri In Wis average in His first | mere ---- two games In which he was re | | [ ] ti eads lieved, but eame back strong in Vancouver's Police Genosha Hawes 5°." F750 Ua re me wl vos wt Association Day | veighhorho wi J | Lense hy ree #ints. over wine of the other teams also . | Bre Rt Home "crow in ies" wits, over, bore of the other foams ig § ' IH AG VOmTyie Nd euliy mowing at Knob Hill and as RON STEWART, voted the | new (Triumph) sports car, pre- | tinue his law studies in Toronto - 1 . Voi view Neo, 1 th 2 i {he day's activities We ont e Tor pf ? TU 24 his | \ second place f A ' ost outstanding player in this | sented ot him in Toronto yes. | next year and because of this, d sieel Art sharing the lead most Pusan ay aye in o terday, Stewart, who was also | he may be traded to Toronto In Is. I 41tol 414 hi " } nts: fo years Grey i voted the most valuable play. | Argos or Hamilton Tiger-Cats | B " : a pie n 5 Jd Genoshe : HE news of fh I! § wed hy O'Conmne Bow i shown behind the wheel of his | er in the Big Four, will ,con CP Wirephoto | VANCOUVER CP) Police, The game was ended 41 see. movement of the intruders, hack od asta Hotel or osha Ha i oh ran) or ot i ane / ' ' 1 { § y in . > rent riding st place inl""HV1 B EET western V Wi 1s | Mims taken at the Grey Cup Bal onds early on orders fom 1 beyond the touchline, could be (TT CTRR CR JERE RARE Phin c Wear one innin Pleach; Bowlodrome 4, York Bowl { wowed most of the spec: ter because of the crush on the 4 san h A nh ' i urday show Fm field, Ottawa had possession on|"7Mpleled without violence tions' Big Beven Benior League, [And T, Twine held hi Vicor Clothes & and Knob Hill fd cy : | { oved off the lu . nr tof r 4 | Ron Stewart {alors had m field by the time|their own 30 - yard line, Halter| Chief Archer criticized the will put thelr undefeated strin oleht runs hut A, Pelow of Bouth-15 pons SPORTS the gun was fired to end the|later sald police behaved like lrack seating arrangements on the line Thursday ght. atlmead seored a peviect nine ron xi chedule finds oy ' J inning J i * a game 41 seconds early |wooden dummies he policing of this feothall Doaevan Collegiate } thi bowlers pitied f who id, in the sense that it refers entertain Hamilton CYO Mont| IX RB, Clark el the strong Pasquale team . p Yo Officials and reporters wa ? : By Geo. H. Campbell Mi ht Pla viewed the film Tuesday agreed PoLu A yo in alice' and|L Preventing the Intrusion of clini 1, D, MacMillan 4 ViauMillan ul York Bowl, where, the activi ; that the way the did hihi igh town oe iil Bg hn Eh 4 ep alo) Th We ronderty RUS | This will be a siern test, Since . y in '4 d ol iy 8, Li. ties in Group "BB" take place 'ORTS EDIT vould have heen cleared off | ¥ | ib Wy y 0 ¥ Gg ' i, Hoill bE h 3. 1 SPURTE EDITOR the hiaying have in a short time, [commissioners and Pacific Na ary seating without compensa the Ha oh ohetied je, season), France 1, K, Johnston 8, 1 ) y te » tional Exhibition officials and re: ing fencing,' against this club with an 85-54 ' iil ¥ EE FOR EUROPE : 4 ' LE ? lice Chief George Archer is : clory os Ha y «|Bhobbrook 2, B, Ross 4, V, Ross| For Argos . _ Hy I the| Porters showed spectators He said seats for 4000 persons in tory, the Hamilion crew ha (1 ™ Wileon i) oon 2 a MONTREAL (CP) ~~ Canada's I ( the field afler a 5 y field|'Mproved vastly, They defeated vig ce al the game|SWAarming onto ore erected almost on the fie A . VA 3 f on' TORONTO (CP)~R wart fletion iy dis police 4 BA youth ran out and stole the ball. land were put there without cor Thomas last week 71-64 and Houston Le i A i SE Jeams : t selebration last { RO! ble B J ¥ on. ol ied ye ME hy oT al 16.6 It showed a police official con (ion with the police depari-|"¢ored 70 points against the wun : rawford 1, J, Hopps 1, J will leave for Europe Nov, 20 for OTTAWA wound ip their victory celebra ASL most valuable Big Four Hoothall won by Ke Bhs, tion spokes: fering with referees. and other niont as to the security visk in-|dofeated Tillsonburg crew, in u|Vamson 8 D. Crawlord 1, G.|ihree months training prior to the Union player this your, Wii moet ols patie | aARe D. M, Clarke|policemen moving the erowd| d losing cause [Father 3, J Cartaon 1 4 Wyn season's major ski meets, it was | awa coach Fran air today v 8 i n 1 he yp 3 B " , A Pelow 2, V, Graves 2 Ig 1 y . y the big eivie dinner tendered by the City of Ottawa [to discuss where he'll play next! sald in another statement "We hack to the end zone | Police dogs had not heen used Led hy. young Jim Holrum and Cummer J Or The od 2' 0 (aRnouneed edu bday, Be th adil, bi voar--or whether he'll play at/deplore the inaccurate and ill-f Chief Archer said Inspector because officers felt It could Paul Savickis, they have um ' Alghead 2, eams Will return to Canada to 80 far! ope Tap W Prime Minist Diefenbaker and opposition |" : 4) ba ball Bud Errington, the officer inlhave "precipitated an exceed-|iroven to he one AA Clark 1, R, Hopson 1, Ruth Hop: |participate in the North Ameri Hiniste: ii y Pl all considered remarks of (football Buc ig ont | J : HOVE 10 be ane of the hest Jun-| 0) 2, M Roe |, L, Rae 2, HW, can Alpine championships at 3 sue were also ¢ : ) dney) Halter," |eharge, "was confident that the|ingly dangerous situation, ior elubs in the province 4 A Pearson and Hazen Argue were also on Stewart, in Toronto to receive commissioner Sydney i RC a Pas ae and Payle 1, P. Fayle 1 Whitefaet, Vt, in March, fl I alded as elub| A Clair got a standing ovation, The |g sports car award as the Grey to go west for the Canadian title | High three darts Olive Clark | watches and cuff links bearing the [Cup game's most outstanding C [J] { " ' AHA Oifi . | or 12t by W e140, H, Fave 121, B, Major 11f | [ iW i ar hy Windsor AKO vie lal, Ba ) h, , : A . p player, sald Monday his law | 1 Icla "8 4 y | is 0G alte a le crest is awarded only to national [LULL By require him to at B. » 10018 PRESS HANGED In coach Paul Traynor, the Moni. Cornish 110, G. Waite 100, Jf | Our Forefathers ¢ were given by the City of Ottawa tend school Toronto hext 4 . clairs have one of -the best in| Wyatt 100, R, Hopson 100 [ Labored ond Died othe lrers oad ihe yearn morswery 11d schuol io Toroue Rent veo AT MISSISSIPPI | Gives Answer [i tui. fo vours'uas, with igh vase ono mings A {To ry Mw ight when a crowd of 2600 thronged to the Coliseum Playing for Ottawa "would seem : » y " " ' . : Al Belilogser & lop onl Pe 3 C gr 6, 8! $100.00 bond and a team picture, Kaye [Impossible Reaffirm " UNIVERSE Y Miss (Al ais ello 451 and Bob Nordolf on H ( low 8. 4, Cummer 3 Rox ( ll that ) ing This would mean either Tor More than 1,600 University o V ( h . hi Nd Ravias EHH ball that he fell on for the clinching lonto Tobi Ho Ho Toon oh Mississippi students par ernon 0ac ian Junior title and it appears Parker §, K, Johnston 5 there were telegrams galore, bringing ticipated in an effigy hurning MELVILLE. Sask. (CP)--Gar as though he will be gunning for| Team standin Biorie 80, "0. Vote " ' p ip y fo f a0dv io 07 | congratulatio from Edmonton Eskimos, Big Four [if he is to continue in the game Decision demonstration against The Ra don Juckes of Melville, Sask. Svithe Lig yea! [Paral 4 Wout 4 ¥ No Hy VOTE and ELECT clubs, « { Earlier this vear Rough Rider sociated Press and United |moooqav fired hack at allegations 08l pleasant surprises in the)! NO, &, =h), Sas 4 bi Pam Press International Tuesday |. ve Canadian ] [Oshawa camp have heen the play fundle No, 2, 24, Woodview No, f Ald general manager George Terlep VANCOUVER (CP)~Officlals| night v Vernon Canadian coach Odie of Bid Role ari ee hie Sl [2 18 North Oshawa 18. Wood or erman RON STEWART was in Toronto yesterday to ree ald the team would consider] y i Lowe of the Okanagan Senior ie 3 ad 14 w sports ear, donated by the Triumph comps (trading Rt wart to Toronto|@f British Columbia Lions have The students made up two (Hockey League that the Cana [Moved up to a forward spol, from |View No, 8, 18, Sonthimead 14 Andrew, Henry eeive hi 4 : 4 § en hi reaffirmed a decision not to] dummies, labelled them "The |dian Amateur Hockey Associa. the back court, Kolodgie has vy, to the player voted "the most valuable" in Sature pal than keep him out of foot Rn a plan by the Western Ins] AP" and "UPI" and hanged [tion should start phd My Ca-|8cored 23 points In his last two|Gary Vaughan 4 2105 GLECOFF Cup game, an honor in which Stewart poled nl ve -ziad to bade. Wimedar terprovineial Foothall Union ealls| them from the south balcony |nadian leagues rather than pay|games and has been a demon at|ld Kolodele 4 05 8B h a one-sided acclaim, Russ Jackson was secs [pick Bhatto Cookls PR dirs ing for an increase in gate splits] of the Student Union Bullding. |for overseas tours of Canadian the checking game, Reynolds, [Brent Oldfield 4 30 75/1 42 Years Service In Oshawa nts. Stewart hit tl news columns in looach ¥ ¥ « lair: aid ab the to 40 from 25 per cent This happened after AP's [teams who has been hampered by a bad|Joe Olinyk 4 4 6 P on ay pu oH birddi Ze, ud, {A letter has been sent to league| and UPI's final national fool Juckes, secretary-manager of 128 Injury for most of the sea: A . . vhen he announced that his next [lime headquarters by the Lions, stat: ball rankings placed Ole Miss [the CAHA, said, "althoughlson, turned in a fine effort Sat have to be in Toronto and that Stewart sald he might have too ome" atn will not adopt the| second and third in the US [hockey officials will sympathize/urday against St, Thomas and to would be. able 10 commute to. EoRsider 4 vi 4 un the fame or plan set up at a stormy league respectively, Minnesota led [with present financial difficulties looks to be coming into his own, | he ints to play football, since he |e Ang! A MN of one var o 0 | eeting here Friday hoth polls being experienced hy Lowe's With a few more games under ! Vi hy ay l J ¢ use ; 've oa ed he position Some of the B.C, executives Vernon Canadians, he would his belt, he could turn into a real ood salary" as a football player and lere I'm able to earn a pretty the have heen less inaccurate if helfind for the Oshawa elub, *® good football salary have threatened to quit . " ) 4 had first discussed the matter] « y ) He was selected for the award, | WIFU and Join the Big rou 16th Curling Club with B.C. afficials of the CAHA,"| Ane Hawks club will be a ful Argos or possibly the Hamils . , : league from Eastern Canada | Yowe ' Tra strength for Thursday's gama : a new sports ear, by 40 football ol TL TN 1 designed | owe said, UI we're BOING 101 wiohhoth Gord Davidson and Alex or ilternati wou b or of d sportscasten | BONG 5 overseas, le : tive would be for iters and sportscasters who to help She weaker clubs in the| For Toronto Area nd clubs overseas, let the host Rudovieh back in the lineup on, And just before quits [were asked to name three out authorities pick up the tab, and M rticulap 8 she | Hoth misse: st 8 u y the Vancouver Police [standing players in order of pref. WIFU, particularly Saskatehe:| woponmg (op) Organiza: [give our national game a much Both use d last Saturday's game " " Ji erence (wan Roughriders [tion of the 16th curling club in!needed shot in the arm. mn mas, 8 Nines) gt Empire Stadiim on Points were awarded on al A 40 per cent split could cosine' Metropolitan Toronto area| Juckes sald CAHA policy was : Re ime s 8p m. at Done § off the hook a bit three-two-one basis, and Stewart!the Lions $65,000, said club offi-| announced Tuesday not to accept any tour invitations Van Collegiate, Thursday night m the field, when {won with 81 points, Russ Jack elals, z Lions paid $38,000 under) Officials of the newly-formed less European oountries could LEADING SCORERS end the game son, Rough Rider quarterback, |the 25-per cent plan in the 1060 Reaver Curling Club sald they phoy ue Han i tol hy am thay ol GP Pts, Ave [was second with 41 points and| Season [plan a $250,000 project in nearby I eh SEnensel da ye LR Tom Olinyk 4 61 185 SPORT BITS; | nd Dick Tiger of [Jim Letcavits of Edmonton Eski:| Lions and Calgaky Stampeders, Yaughan Township, with an inl: SEER BAT i "|Carl Cheski 4 61 155 mos thipd with 33 who have the higgest stadiums inliia) six sheets of curling ice and!" ---- > EE ------ p---- ---- He spid, "Canadian teams ap owaM was y 80 9 que, were the only elubs| A - 4 Stewaft was the second lead. the league ere Hi \ provision for another six ply for such tours, and if ac boxing champion i y up #@re : y he 1060 " 5 eh ; Wo Grey Cup und-gainer with to pay into the pool in the 1060" woo iho first six sheets are cepted, they are advised what| (Y ) i [I : vv. 89 ® (1 ) 01 Edmonton IW yards In 19 carries 0401 -- completed next October, Metro expense allowances are and are '® N - @® ® had left the Toronto will have 112 sheets, [urged not to add other expenses J @ J ° time they are only three less than Winnipeg which will burden the team or] #'@ 3 : CITY LEAGUE PLAY whieh currently leads Canadian | the community from whieh it ® from the referee and y goin to coll " o a om EF arant ' . cities in that division comes "" ) * i Ln e or them to be amesred wit west or | (Jghawa Dairy Juveniles HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS (% C at Hanna ger-Cats would be logical eholees | ted that he may be traded by the return bout tonight if Can be late the 18th round 9 ® A COAST : f_| Wy THE CANADIAN PRESS Thursday's Game Remote control features PAULIFIC COAST League may buy the Sacramento y ol BLE _ ya 0 y ' ' ng t y - Eastern Professional {Hershey at Quebec ! on quality German Slide Projectors @ 1 ¢ Idea of moving the team to Hon WLT F AP OHA Senior ® udu MURRAY WARMATH, football coach of : a1 81 WL i 8, N 8 ; i § LP the M nied in offiny hi . -- Oshawa Dairy maved to within, rd Period H-Ouawa 141 X 3 3 Windsor A b 7 XN { J bid di ht ' HE} vba one point of first place Hayden! 6, Osh, Dairy: Kolesnik §8, Marie 11 § ah» ¢ | e games and finished |Maedonald, as the weekly Osh: (Peteis) , 1:37| Kitchener L a4 an 20/Chatham I Stratford 6 3 f 8104 19 Woodstock a [] 1 2 4 e's on the glory train, va Minor Hockey Association 7. Osh, Dairy: Vernon ' Kingston LR 3 8 a 2 Juvenile league double-header| (Vernon) 2:25! Sudbury i 14 . was played \gst night in the Chil) 8 Osh, Dairy: Matthews Montreal 613 4 61 76 16 But at the Missi=' |gron's Arena (Vernon) 8:15) Tuesday's Results | effigies of Assos The Milkmen, working under| Penaitice . Bradley 3.0, Sol [Kitehener 4 Montreal 9 ight = because the [coach Al "Heefle" Bathe, chalked @mon 3:30, Armstrong 7:59, Vasco Tonight's Games vi y i \ |'9\5 a n for Woodstook, and two-point AMER. [U0 an impressive 7:1 win aver 7:50, Lutton 7:59 and Branton 7:59 Kingston at Sudbury tie Nt Strathroy) WN A he : [Heaton's Daley in the first gamel TONY'S = H, MACDONALD [Hull-Ottawa at Kitchener Tuesday's Result + I put a id the Mac's, on the strength of] Hayden Maced ) ined| No a | ayder acdonald mainta ned OHA Junior A Stiathroy 1 Windsor 4 1 mer Ford Frick [Don Cullen's goal, managed a 58/ thelr unt aten record, gaining a LE ni [ea | W H hotl tle with Tony's Refreshments, 5.5 draw with Tony's Refresh: |e Wh? F APS Woodstock 3 Galt 4 ren i woth | Laat hd \ £1, Mike's 2 4 M17 Friday's Games \ would never a As a 1 ult at the agen the mee Watt netted two. zoals {or (N Falls 0 48 30 16 Windsor at Woodstock » " "wa | 108 APE stl wale 00h) pt pl 0 Re g X a p MY : Ring ap INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE officials will [ij ee wins and a tie, for seven| Tony's while Buddy Yahn and |" a 3 - # i isle 7. Siwtiond M } from LA, Dodgers if the [points, Oshawa Dairy is in sec: Mike Weldmark collected two P 8 x . Western Cage farm elub. and | ond with six points | goals each for the league-leaders, | {EEEHONO } 4 3 11 Calgary BR . [OSHAWA DAIRY -- REATON'S| TONY'S: goal, Smith; defence, 0%" 438 SEL Mu ae Vanier 0 \ Rookle Paul Gibbens, showing Dudley, Dowe, Garrard, St, John, | . y stamford 2 W i R 18 \e franchise, 10 lhe way with two goals paced | Smith; forwards, Walt, Hroneleh,| Tuesday's Results man East W ab \ {Oshawa Dairy to a one-sided 7-1/Iman, Konorowski, Mason, Cos:|Niagara Falls @ 8, Cathavines & we hoy sale v wee |WIN OVER Beaton's Dairy in theltelo, Hooper, Johnson, Glasspall Tonight's Game NO i qdaniie a opener of the twin-bill, Larry Ver-|and Smith [Maviboros al St. Michael's John 0 Sitios ) Has S00 watt equ, silent apgration, remote change non was another two-goal man. | H, MACDONALD: goal, Nooked| American League niernational League feature, and is supplied with handsome case which 'LT » . Italian | ennis Ace Rob Bishop netted the lone goal! defence. Stevens. Peters, Weld: WL Minneapolis 4 Muskegon 3 for Beaton's | mark; forwards, Yahn, Cullen, sprmgtield 18 the Gophers named Stathroy i) Galt 1 13 tIneludes four » point win and two-point tie for Galt; four-point place Syracuse group. F APs Manitoba Junior stores 3 trays. 74.98, § § 0121 4 3 ww 8 W a Rrav OSHAWA DAIRY: goal, Braid: Rockburn, Kirk, Nemis, Cham:|cioveland WI 0 8 80 St. Boniface § Winnipeg Braves 9 en; defence, Rradley. Kolesnik.| berlin, Tavler MacDonald Grav Rutfak 1211 1 M1 M8 2 Rushaciiowan Juntor | PAXIMAT S00 watt Yn has cave Tectures, di fomele toe ( ) y y fom Mat. | laghiay h v [Hultalo 2 WN 2 Win Fon 3 Estevan 1 A ; > > i Walks Off ourt Cover Wilkin lunvards, ant an Westle Voi Petiad Hershey M1217 Ta Melville X Prince Albert. 4 ® cus feature. Guaranteed for life by Kams. 99.00 ° p EI A \ a i a u ib ret " ro ark Queber 1116 0 % 108 2 Okanagan Senior {Armstrong Gibbens, Supryka,| 1 H Ma donald Weidmark aa | ROCHESTER 911 2 7 7 N/pPonticten § Kelowna § [3 Chri L A N Anderson, Kemp, Peters and Sib 2 i ullen ~ Doar +H 6 Providence 917 0 70 11 18 Varnes 8 Reo 3 tart ristmas ay Away ow oek Tony's att (Dowe 0 ! Vern 8 J ola Pietrange ined the Vie: the finals REATON'S DAIRY: goal, Mar] 3 Tony's: Watt Tuesday's Result Western International wih tennis champion hin ink $-Tbhia kus; defence, Scribner, Vander (Dowe, Dudley) 16 01| Hershey 4 Quebeo 1 Nelson § Rossland 4 an tennis championships \ ' ------ . agin Wn monopaly Tues. BOOSTED HOPES swet, Branton, Bishop; forwards,| 4. H, Macdonald: Yahn . Rear American monopoly Tue Solomon, Cotle, Rowsen, Dow,| (Cullen, Kirk) 19:19 Vasco, Buechler, Nelson, Mon.| Penalties Weldmark, 17:45 V " " yf i | Davis Cup hope hot the Pletinig alked 011 the(liavis LUR hopes a shot mn thel i" 4" Rocam 2nd Period Koay Club courts in protest/arm by subduing Australia's Rod! * ' \ ainst the refer joc re. (Laver in a challenge round pre Ist Period § Tony's: Dudley agau 1 referee s decision re hig >0 9 : 1. Osh, Dairy: Gibbens | {Dowe, Konorowski 0:4 3 ab forfeiting the! View 64, 1.6, 78, 744, 62 : wre pikes, A ng ¢ h (Armstrong. Lutton) 2:31) 6 H. Macdonald: Yaha a = nat | ick McKinley, 19, off Mackay downed Christian] 2 @sh. Dairy: Kemp (Welkdmark) HH St. Lout Petrangell led two Kuhkne of West Germany #4 Peters) 16:10) 7. H, Macdonald: Weldmark ots to ane 11.9, 63, 06 and had 6-3, 046, 63 Sangster beat Aus! Penalties Nelson 10:00 and! (Cullen, Yahn) 1H for von the first game in the fourthitralian Bob Howe 78, 6&1, 48 vanderswet 13:03 8 Tony's: Konorowski 16:30 MELBOURNE \P A Walks this famous tournament began in out by Haly's temperamental Ni- 1880 that ne Australian reached day Buchholz, 20, gave America's el 11:18, 63 2nd Period # Tony's: Glasspall 19:8 McKinley thus joined his Davis/ In today's semi-finals, Mackay| 3. Osh. Dairy: Vernon Penalties --~ Rockburn, 2:18. | Cup teammates, Earl Buchholz|plays Sangster and Buchholz] Matthews) we HA Ird Period of St. Louis and Barry Mackay of [meets McKinley 4. Osh. Dairy: Gibbens 10. H, Macdonald: Cullen LR Dayton, Ohio, in the singles semis] Pletrangeli's blowup came Lutton) LHL fe ~Watt 8:47 and Rock finals. The other spot is eccupied after MeKinley received permis< 3 Beaton's: Bishop tra 8:4 by a darkhorse Briton, Mike!sion of tournamen eo Haroldl Solomon, Vanderswet) 15:12 Referees -- Gary Copeland and| Sangster Cornish to don 11:20, / Jim Hutchinson; spikes because! Pena Scribner Scorer, Jim 1 marked the fivet time aince'the court was damp Peters 14:20 and Branton 14:30, (Shaw,

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