Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Nov 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Movember 29, 1960 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN DON'T FORGET THESE TWO MEETINGS Two public meetings are scheduled this week for all who are interested in good municipal government, The first will be held tonight in the United Steelworkers of America Hall at 115 Albert Street starting at 7:30 p.m, Cliff Pilkey will be chairman, The will be in the City Council Cham~ ber Thursday, starting at 8 pm, and will run to 11 p.m, All municipal election candidates have been vited to these two impore tant events and both Mavor Gifford and Alder man Christine Thomas, the two mayoralty candi- dates, have signified their intention of showing up to- ight at Steelworkers Hall, all interested in good municipal t Medieval Law Cited In Million-Dollar Suit OTTAWA (CP) ~ Old French|them a right law dating to°the middle agesithe river for was used Monday in the Supreme had not been Court of Canada to support a $1, Andr 1000000 damage suit against the p | Hydro - Electric Power Commis sion of Ontario, Hydro is being sued by four Ottawa River logging companies) on grounds that the public wtfl-| ity is preventing them from en- joying a vested right in the cur- ent of the river to help them move logs downstream, They argue that the natural flow of the water is obstructed illegally by three power dams a sta- tions, The Ontario Supreme Court and the Ontario Court of Appeal! rejected the damage claims of Canadian Intrenational Paper Company, Consolidated Paper Company Limited, E, B, Fddy Company and Gillies Brothers and Company Limited, AGREED TO HEAR The case was argued in the two Ontario courts on the basi of Ontario law, However, the Su preme Court last summer agreed to hear the case on the basis of the laws of Ontario and Quebec Both the Ontario courts said | Advertising Cost Hits Tourist Trade I be opened on the United ates West Coast, probably in neisco, Other offices are ago and New York, alon ard this. OTTAWA (CP)--The federa | Provincial tourist conference get Maniredl, down to discussion of advertis-|Ban . ng COMPAn-iing and promotion and touristiat Ci ne-member heneh of pureny activities abroad today, | Tn !rief reports at the opening Court Monda that] The conference was warned atisessi n, pr ovineial representa. law as far back 88iis opening session Monday by tives stressed the importance of (Alan Field, director of the Cana- films in aiiracting touris dian government tourist bureau that rising cost of advertising| oor of industry and come space is outpacing increases in] Fin annoneed that Ontario, {the advertising budgets of gov-| ui, operates about 15 tourist | xmment and transportation COM-| 4 ception centres, will open its | panies. : Hinton AF poo enti Me. Pied urged delegates to['% land" seceplon cone to press for further advertisin, arin 4 funds to offset anticipated in a 1 creases in the cost of advertising] Mr. Field said the Canadian space running to five per cent for| government travel bureau will newspapers and 11 per cent for aim at regional magazine adver. magazines, | tising next year following a trend Ontario legislature in 1826, The conference was opened byiby US, magazines to publish atute recognizing| Resources Minister Dinsdale who| regional editions, Radio would he . zs a custom, An 1846! announced that a long-cherished used in the Maritimes advertis- of the Ontario legislature/ plan of tourist associations has |ing campaign, Newspaper ads "ot float" which! been adopted by the federal gov- would he bigger in an effort to dominate the newspaper page, --- the Supreme 8 old Freneh 1415 protected the publie right float down rivers a streams, The right included the use of the current New France had inherited this and that with the British capture of New France "the law emsined ed in Canada and basically un- changed province of Que- bee to thi " This old French law also remains basically un- changed in Ontario, he said. |. Guy Moore, Ontario deputy Ogs u second CITES STATUES The passed a floa statute ysed the verb amounted to recognition that no ernment ~ 8 NeW tourist offic ht to interfere with! = i 1 7 Union Funds 'Were Misused specific in an | ine y one had Ar -- the natu 4 ut the i f statute in which it made the declaration that the t timber down rivers xisted in favor of all nee." continuing CLIFY PILKEY the sweeping right to that the logging companies ha no vested right in the current o natural flow of the Ottawa Ri They said Ontario law g INTERPRETING THE NEWS It is the goverament to turn out to the r N pros © ev and to thus stimu«~ anted] The case | late an interest in sound municipal government LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Mr, Jus-| cover a claim from the company tice R. I, Ferguson was told in a unless it agreed to prosecute Mr, Supreme Court action Monday! Edwards - | that William Edwards, forme {treasurer of the London Civic Employees Union Local 107, ad-| mitted in 1959 to misappropriat-| Voted 114 to 24 against a prosecu- ling union funds but the local did tion, Mr, Ackworth said, not prosecute because it wanted, He testified the union obtained [i avoid publicity, a signed confession and a pram- DON'T VOTE FOR TOO MANY CANDIDATES Ever fcipal ial rey of Oshawa' one poir aca urvey mun er vot t most clearly: Il far of VOTED AGAINST At a meeting union members too many people with a confused he Ike Goals Report Contradictory « to rule Did you know ballot by voting for more for t 10 on t} than PUC vo y ye that you automat ally spoil iermanic race, for 12 your 12 in the rd of Ed Alc for more " James Ackworth, president of note from Mr, Edwards, the local, testified 'to this effect! It was arranged for Mr, Ed- in an action by the local to re- wards to return the money in cover from the General Accident monthly payments and Insurance Company of Can-! A tolal of $1,850 has been re- ada and Mr, Edwards part of the paid, Mr, Ackworth said, The alleged confession filed in court as an exhibit, The hearing was adjourned to today, . S80TY ¢ 4 08 grounds that the Canadian Bill | of Rights allowed her to re- main in Canada and care for her Canadian-born son in his tender years Court down INESE WOMAN daughter of an Ottawa merchant, Mrs, Loule, more fotir Separi: c ¢ of the J Wno car be vi Citizen maximum if they feel they are not well acquainted wi didates and their platform erved by th right } e more on on the the and } ! The food ve national de ada upreme of Can- ef turned st By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer Hard - pressed exporters from Canada and other countries seeking a greater share of the United States market, may find | a new weapon of argument in the report of President Eisenhower's commission on national goals But the 1l-member commi sion, proposing a blueprint of be- trie | havior for responsible Americans used in a decade of intense danger, i8 rea so loaded with contradiction and curbs alification that the average Suakitisatt may, have difficulty de wy DISAGREED ciding what advice to follow he 3 L ission's propesal School Board' | % ence an appeal shown : How nece I'he toy rrand has | F at what is national defence? ' s allege ave been mis on doesn't say, but|Tunds alleged to have heen significant that | appropriated, ration! The union is claiming from the BS I ._|company $9,000 said to be the as a rea- pany o o face amount of a hond issued" by mport curbs and other coun | the company on the treasurer in Rank ago, It -later| 1954 i defence al Against Mr, Edwards un igs ion seeks judgement for $16,216, Bothers the same said to be the amount alleged to| Home And School hav® been misappropriated dur-| 8ST, CATHARINES (CP)--Mil- ing his term of office, less any itary rank is causing some prob amounts repaid lems in home and school asso. Mr. Ackworth testified he clations at service establish. to aler decide t ach bal- ¢ on 'n eps Ll adian- the with her 25-month-old ( born son David, appealed order Appeal Mrs, it Sun Loule, Chinese-born aly an Ontario abbve regulation t} ited th { voter ot o- e top of Co Was 3 Y will b urt decision to deport Vill De e maxim numbe randidate I maximum er of candidates deportation on (CP Wirephoto) te Parties Battle On ed for, defence oil f for hould not } vote Ie - commi h all no good purpose. can be the to than the number, or council, boar ) ion, he cane ars as candidat on for voting for s merely on good looks, personality, or ability gay the : thing socially, Such haphazard voting would do nothing to bolster the municipal voting strength of ir when encountered commission proposals cause of good a " A are IY Was iy DON BEENEY ects, with emphasis on low-rental polls indicated the electoral trend field of foreign # Lo There could be confusion, for ir in thi year's Board of Education election where 22 candidates will compete for 10 instead of 12 hitherto the reduced number the result of an amendment to Ontario' and Boards of Education Act which states that boards within the 50,000 to 100,= 000 population bracket f 10 trustees, Vote for only 10 on Education, stance, seats as -- is Secondary schools will be composed o the Board of BUS SERVICE CUT BRINGS CRITICISM The following letter deals with column item which predicted an early decrease night city bu Dear Sir; Thank you for pecially today's in Oshawa. As a taxpayer who does not drive to and from town, but does ride the city buses, I am shocked to hear of the hourly evening "service" planned, igned a recent in the ervice: your eye-opening columi ¢ regarding bus services If the people of Oshawa are willing, we will be forced to put up with this, Surely the money made on the King street runs alone, should compensite for the quieter evening runs, Many times I have stood on the bus from Simcoe street to past the Oshawa awa Shopping Centre without elbow room and no need to hang on, Rarely does one find that bu end run unless perhaps empty on the north 10 p.m, If a private owner had been allowed to take over the buses, even with the huge subsidy that was proposed, he would have received as much criticism as the PUC probably will over such a proposal in schedule cuts, after service, we As taxpayers, let us demand a good bus even better perhaps that we have paying for it, NOW === are One does not offer goods for sale by hiding some sell" bus service to the public it must be available when and where needed, Sincerely, Seat Driver" under the counter, and to Back THE SEARCH FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Did you who the oldest graduate was in the Grade. 13 group at the commencement exercises of the Ajax High School last Friday? David Lewis, who left school in London, England, 14, is the man, He is now and a student at Teacher's College, Toronto. Lewis came to Canada' with his wife in 1950 and later attended night classes at OCVI, Such performances as this should be an inspiration to all, especially to those youngsters who are toying with the idea of discontinuing their education prematurely, Mr. Joseph Victor, the former Oshawa city alder man who went back to school when he was a grand- father to get his matriculation is doing quite well, thank you, in hig belated search for higher education, He is due to graduate next June from a Law course at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, He was graduated three years ago from general Arts cour together with one of his sons, A see at an Je a se, NEW MAP FOR THE VISITORS The Oshawa C of C (Chamber of Commerce) issued ar attractive new brochure, one that will cer= tainly supply a great need It map of the city, cne especially designed for visitors so that they can quickly be directed to key points of interest, has ins an up-to-date information Ie brochures will be given out free and will be displayed on small racks at such places as hotel lobbies, stores, ete, URW Seeks Act Changes WINDSOR (CP) Auto Workers Union has called for an amendment Ontario's Vacations with Pay and Hours of Work Act which requ employers to obtain permiss before scheduling overtime work while other workers are laid off Only this form of government action can eliminate the preval ent practice of laying off workers while others on the same job wgsk overtime, says the union statement issued George Burt, jof the union Monday by Canadian director MAY SHELVE PROPOSAL TORONTO (CP) A proposal to change the name of the Ca. nadian Temperance "to avoid the "ambiguity emotional explosiveness which ge with the word temperance," at tion which opened here Monday The United to would may the annual conven be tabled {itself the Alcohol Education Serv ices, faces constitutional difficul ties in a bid to spread its new name, Federation and {The Manitoba unit, which calls ff Writer [housing wp Ontario's] He said the parties fought atake advant battle Monday on| Vocational of unemployment Liberal Leader CCF Leader Mac other members of spoke on the coun problem before the itting adjourned at Canadian Press TORONTO three da Lhe government should of the Na aining Act, al 4 politic © onal and night problem Premier Wintermey Dong the try for capital costs and retraining "Many of these be withdrawn ployed ranks people from the unem- 0 ja Pan, 4 COP pors| ils," Mr. MacDonald said, ADerail and J members y hooted and jeered at Tory mem Albert Wren (L, Lab ber they outlined government policy, then turned to fire salvos at each other, | The opposition sald the gov lernment was obsessed with long ge unemployment plans and demanded a program to provide immediate ald "A man unemployed in Ontario doesn't care what we will do in four or five months," Mr, Win |termeyer sald, "He's concerned with what we're prepared to do { Immediately," | WANTS 40-HOUR WEEK | Mr, MacDonald asked for legis {lation to reduce the maximum|P, work week to 40 from 48 hours.|the He program 'pathetically quate" and urged of the material costs as welllelemendary as labor be paid by the schools this year, federal = provincial governments| City council had on approved projects, The sea-{board's estimates and on's winter works program, al-|board to include a tw 110 Kenora) " ended legislature interrupted that the wa minute hattle Journment of Mr, Wren the premier by | | | | TORONTO (CP)--Mr, Justie E, FF, Smily Monday grant Chatham school board's to provide the inade- be required cent and secondary costs rejected credit only labor costs, government should high school board for su payments and! students attending city schools, government tol Mr, Justice Smily ruled that| increase unemployment insur the hoard is not required to in-| ance payments to ex-|clude these fees in its e timates| pand consumer purchasing pow-|because, under a 1955 " Mr. MacDonald sald ment, between the two boards, it He called for large-scale ex- does not recelve them until one pansion of public housing proj-'year after the educational serv-| on, 'cover The Frost increase welfare urge the federal burban| | S50 as er 'Walker To Sue For His Prize VANCOUVER (CP) An un-| The sponsor said he regretted employed Eastern Canada mana sickness prevented him from | who walked from Toronto to|being in Vancouver, {Vancouver complained Monday| Griffin, who intends to split that he's received his sponsor's| $5,000 with Deane, said he wired congratulations, but not a prize/back and asked for his contract J obless Problem which ularity provides funds up to 75 per cent|place, could| ment," | | , and provided urged at with training so that they might! of provincial work projects that|is attained when trade is a return later with adequat e{would and Mr, Frost tangled in a 30-|unemployed in Ontario is under U J / n ad-{19 years of age and a total of use of "escape hatches' in inter when he "attempted the young people to tell the House that recent! not prepared for automation," Council Must Pay For Schools ap-| called the winter works| plication requesting that the city! ihe s that 75 per|board's cost of $1,276,566.55 for|i.itjon ked the Smily p of | ment between the two boards of though enlarged from last sea-{$187,000 in tuition fees owed theleducation does not Justify de hoard hy the suburban district|in payment of the tuition cost by| agree: fq of $15,000, to be made good and the money Kevin Griffin, of Toronto, {to be wired to him by midnight says he plans legal action if the Saturday, prize money does not arrive soon.| The contract was drawn up In |" The sponsor, an Ontario chiro-|Toronto by a lawyer chosen at practor, offered Griffin $5,000 inf random by Griffin and the spon. | cash and a $10,000 medical schol-| sor; Griffin said he took it to a arship if he made the trip by|Vancouver lawyer Monday and Grey Cup day---which was Sat-| was told it was binding, urday, -- w-- ------ - Griffin, along with pacer Matt Deane, officially arrived Friday. {The pair left Toronto Aug, 31. GOT A TELEGRAM |" The marathon walker received telegram from {manufacturer of the boots {wore on the trip, offering on Did You Know ... In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have a Full.course Dinner for ONLY 95¢. sald he the he the p ecific : i he 2p Commissions ri, who Hon 0 me h ind hat ! yo ol the! vatives represent the best civilian and ke mi iy rs ad eo dissent, "We're not discussing the pop-| military brains Eisenhower could ig fa emen ing pr pose of 'a government any find, emphasize that the United tariil cu jola xX ommenda- Mr, Frost retorted,|giates should join with other free tions to protect the : ni o i ates discussing . unemploy-| industrial countries 'in sec king a again t from low-paic gradual reduction of tariffs and procs ora program quota restrictions, ph og 4 economy | criticism | expansion The healthiest world eco its! the national told by John R, McConkey, agenti ments, according to the execu for the bonding company, that|tive of the Ontario Home and the union could nofg hope to re |8chool Federation ani: 'Roberts Admits eniied of ut the and dion Ped, 'Blue Laws' Are Confusing Parent-Teacher Associations take up with Defence Minister Hark- TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- General Roberts sald Monday ness the question of *'breaking down rank barriers at Home and night Ontario may study the Lord's Day Act to see whether School meetings at military establishments throughout Can. legislation is needed to clarify its it is un-| purposes, ada," | It approved a resolution to this effect from the Ottawa-Kingston call for| Speaking to the suburban lea- | side Lions Club, Mr, Roberts said [the Sunday 'blue laws" are con conference of the provincial fed. eration, fusing and sometimes diserimin.| atory, | SANTA CLAUS UNDER ARREST KANSAS CITY (AP) -- A night watchman spotted three shadowy figures atop a two- storey office building Sunday night and telephoned police, Five patrol cars and a fire truck with an aerial ladder went to the scene, "We surrounded the build- ing," said patrolman Adolph Belt Jr, "We had no way of getting on the roof other than with the fire truck ladder, We guarded all the exits, got on the roof, surrounded the men at gunpoint, and discovered they were putting up a Santa Claus," - TUBERGULIN TEST CLINICS was moving away from the Con 501 commis ale "We're imports important than the what will happen to oals report now that Eisenhower steps down from office and President-elect John MAY NEED HELP Kennedy takes The report argues that the) Kennedy nited States should make less to make more escape clause pargains and which trade com-itic industry petition even to the point wher At the outset, at least some American industries would likely he will accept any have to be aided in relocating oriany great tariff slash, And the eliminating some of their opera- majority views of the eminent tions altogether, | men who made up the commis. But the commission inserts es-/sion may act as a rvestraint| cape clauses of its own, saying| against the er fu Mr, Wintermeyer's an immediate require heavy demands! freest." for manual labor, He said one person out of four 0 pledges use of imports domes campaign on vigorous ' against 40 per cent is under 24 eriously threaten "We are not properly training they are national trade should accept more NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, ection of any great| that in the search for freerinew American tariff wall, trade the national U.S, economy) - m.- should be safeguarded "against . EN New Questions destructive competition as a re.) For Grade 13 ly lower unit labor | TORONTO (CP) Minister Robarts Monday that not requiring es have been rendered--or un.|sult of gro til 1961, : iii of Florida Men of the suburban pupils, 'Face Trial 'For Extortion DELAY NOT JUSTIFIED "It is contended," Mr, Justice lay| TORONTO (CP)--Two Florida men were committed for trial wrote, "that the agree- Monday on charges of trying to extort $10,000 from jie Wite of 8) geometry and zoology, wealthy Toronto ding On the history paper not more tractor, Magistrate 1. B Joseph |than 20 per cent, and on the refused to allow ball 3 "| others not more than 30 per cent, Dellacra, 31, and Fred Zakvie,| "ye "oat marks will be al to require the city to levy the|"h both of Hallandale, Fla. |loted to the objective questions, money without taking into ac.| During the preliminary hear-iai of the multiple choice variety, count' such money as It is to re.|ing Carrie Lynn Townsend, 23 Depifty Education Minister celve from the suburban board|year-old Ojus, Fla, waitress sald) cw, Booth said: "Pupils should following year, inasmuch as it|she had been "promised a ball" (he peminded that the candidate] cannot borrow the money to meet (if she accompanied the men to who knows the work should have | its demands during the current Toronto, She is being held 2% 2 no more difficulty i answering year," material witness, The two objective questions than he woulc : . i » charged with trying to ex-| iy answering the essay type ques- The ¢ rd is , a|are charge yng Red 8 i ssay 1) _ The ity board is not like Bort the money from Mrs, Helen |(jons, commercial corporation, he said, - and cannot meet expenditures. in Glass, 30 anticipation of future receipts by borrowing. He understood, how- ever, that the suburban board was empowered to borrow, and could if necessary, meet the sit- uation this way, agreement provided that Education announced objective questions answers involving composition, will be extended next year to Grade 13 depart- mental examinations in Ontario, Subjects affected are history, botany, chemistry, French com- position, French authors, geog raphy, trigonometry and statics, Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street the suburban board, "The city board could not com- pel the suburban board to pay In the previous year, that is, the| year in which the pupils received| tuition, That being so, the! city board has no alternate but ) DP RA 8-4681 { | pl JUST COINCIDENCE The first professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania in 1805 was Dr, Philip Physick, who died in 1837, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30 FOR SKIN TEST EASTVIEW PARK CLUBHOUSE LASALLE at EULALIE AVE. HARMONY RD. UNITED CHURCH HARMONY RD, ST. PHILIPS SEPARATE SCHOOL OXFORD at EMERALD VOTE | A.W. BANFIELD REFLECT for BOARD OF EDUCATION sponsor's congratulations, FOR CHEST X-RAY ASPHALT sHingLes 4 (CMHC, Accepted) FIRST GRADE CASH & CARRY per square 6.5 (2 color) 1 per square ) (4 colors) INQUIRE ABOUT TERMS AND DELIVERY McCULLOUGH LUMBER 1270 SIMCOE ST, N, 1 RA 8-4688 : y | ) 1 GORDON B. ATTERSLEY ALBERT ST, UNITED CHURCH 348 ALBERT ST, Clinic Hours: 2 to 5 p.m, -- 7 to 10 p.m. VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE 8 YEARS COUNCIL EXPERIENCE VOTE & RE-ELECT «+ + and then there were none"! "WALT" BRANCH ALDERMAN 1961-62 Strange as it seems, a title like that should make you think about Tuberculosis. HERE'S WHY: This may come as a surprise to you but 10 People a day , . . imagine 10 every day . , . from the neighborhoods of Ontario . , , enter Sanatoria, And the whole purpose of the x-ray survey that you've heard so much about is to take that 10 , , , Make it 9 . . . then 8 7, 6, and finally NONE. Your x-ray is the step in the right direction, HELP PREVENT TUBERCULOSIS HAVE A TEST -- USE CHRISTMAS SEALS FOR ALDERMAN "A Proven Record of Community Service" CER A

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