Ed de a dt i Ed bh a a CS gif buys for early shoppers Hit Canadian Made of Canadian Fabrle em.» + » Washable and So Low Priced | , 7 Flannelette PYJAMAS ® Fully cut ® Soft warm flannelette ® Two styles--mandarin or tailored ® Sizes medium or large 4 / | Distinctively Styled | Save $3 to 56 / Italian Bulky Knits NY] il fiz 3 * on o All-Weel and y Eg: f ¥ inn, + 4 1 99 Weel and Mohalr ® (A) Pullovers and (§ Coardigam (NTR ERE | A distinstive continental styling son now be your of savings of up to 88, . / 4 #, toestaly porchad, 19 ng sn hou he Youn ol, svi 4 phair 17 Save on Walker's Own yo '1 Yu prs flannelette Jou Il like these james for sshioned pullovers end cardigans , , , Ehoeose from solours of Beige lus, Kad 6 » [] gy ir pleasing patterns, tal ored or mandarin styles or White Sizes 16, 16, 20. Usually 13.98 end 16.96. Pre-Christmes Bale, Celebrit y ons 4 9 yles, good sch 10,98, ' full gut = and the low, low price , . . specially purchase i Reanamy Brised nylons or eas ah ce or 4 od to give you a fine first quality pyjama = low priced WY ol ours; and at waael FIe-Ch man ; + + » Canadian made of course , , . choose for wearing first quality of sours, ond af special Fra-Chvisimes bale Prices i : 6 now, of gifts later from two styles, and sizes, medium or Full Fashioned / Aah large, PRE CHRISTMAS SALE, pair 1,99, Walking or Dress Sheers yr h PREEHRINTMAS o Boigetone or teupstons pha while In 45.90 er 81418, SALE, pei 4 Yat 3 o . longthe OH fj A 3 Reg. 79 ® A Timely Special Purchase | Seamless Sheers : W Migre Mesh «~~ 400 needle 15 denier y ul te ayon LJ | o PRECHRIBTYMAS ® Rose beauty Meigs) smoke, LE, pair shareoal, taupe, glass, brene Li aN or white, A elm te} | i he. ® 7 Lal A) ! A ') he \ Reg. 1.00 ® 100% washable ® Bonded acetate lining ® Jowelled buttons ® Twostyles ® Small, medium or large % A | ATT. TT | 3 : £ <D "5 nf k Pre Relgning Favourites ~= Save 1.21! Another Favourite «= Sale Priced! i de Xo a 8 y by Lf i! ish { i i 11 All Wool Slims Corduroy Slims To Fit Children 4 to 12 years | vi AY b valve snch bod : ® In worsted plaids ® Fine wale fobrle Mitts and Gloves X , "of py ) : ines 12 to 20 ® Sizes 10 0 20 Pre:Christman Sale, poly A) TA Ny Res. 0.90 [ { Res, 390 bY) 4 ' ey Bid 4 ig dh COR, Quilted printed rayon dusters--so daintily feminine and Pra-Christmas ™ Pre-Christmas ® . : 5 By X . warm too . . . ses two styles, completely washable and 1 1 30 pel J ) { v Yup 8 A00 Soh \d pe . \ g iw at a special Pre-Christmas Sale Price , , . shop for wear Sale, pal Sale, poly : ; A special purchase of Children's mitts that brings bot 5X Bre of Walkers ment popu tumours Slater sitosa- In PH" ubrie oF You aceon ou savings of up to 30 @ pair ras both pik LAX) ve now or ing for Christmas , , , Sizes small, medium or P wed wi \ abrie of th SL nd fancies In the lot shop for tras n Kgl . 3 ket shoes fine wale sordurey | finaly tallored tor or for Christmas Values to 89 ow EW large .. 7.98 value, PRE CHRISTMAS SALE, each 5.77. Bovpils fps smaath-fltting comfeit and leaks 5 mas Sale, peiv 59, + Sizes PRECHRISTMAS sealed aide Ripper, eng pocket Brown Loder gre sizes 10 4 Hag 3VE PRECHRITTMAS SALE pair 2.9% From a maker of Higher Priced Lines Swiss Mini-Care Blouses ® Special Purchose w v a Qhutes of five tuck-in (A) and overblouse (B) omen S tyies ® Sizea 12 to 20 k Buy Twa ond Save 2M! id Dresses (B) Lace trim, 0 A Wy i . + Ia : SR sat . Coals Favourite Styles ! ) . Ru. h \ Christman : Aa bey WP 5 \ XL J Sale, = ' New ! Foam Cushioned Vinyl Plastic Tricocel Panties | 'ed h 4 Kg 'Is Handbags Imported from New York ve Fa e\ an 4 iy * Te Wim (A) Bond ng BALL web vA Be, | Specially purchased from a maker noted for ® Styles and soloun te Hl ee * Thies soloun Agi : better quality blouses--(""Magee' blouses usual olmest avery with " « Joh median » Wigs ¢ - N A ly sell at 5.98 and up) . , . choose from five styles Blouses * Usually 3.00 Sele i 2 for .75 Mar |! In Swiss embroidered Mini-care cotton--some ; Rovourtte shvim wo Band leg of slstis lag lace trim : \ y tuck-In and some overblouse styles , , , White Mandbags from New York, beautifully shaped In many styles of view plastle panties of sa washahie pin det raven tricasell only... sizes 12 to 20, Usually above 5.98 that stays smart » made sloud-seft with foam rubber interlining shoes hogar Th han Tid w Rr Son, pk o Was ®on p Skirls mall, medium oF larg oul : p fam Black, frown o Tan for now or Christman Gifts and save , . Reg 300 PRECHRISTMAS SALE mate 30 a 8 tee 00 e+ PRECHRISTMAS SALE, each 3.88. Sale, sach 2.9%, STORE 9:30 10 6:00 p.m. (Friday ni i Wil ghis to 9:00 pm) Oshawa Sh i C HOURS: Thelin King Sn. RA Fp Swealers