THOUGHT FOR TODAY A lot of stuff that passes for food for thought these days has a strong similarity to baloney. dhe Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Cool air from the north will drop temperatures as much as 10 degrees. Sunny with cloud. Price Mot Over 10 Cents Por Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1960 Authorized es Second Class Post Office Deportment, SIXTEEN PAGES Mah awe : Gold Mine Rescuers Succeed TIMMINS (CP) Miner Alan the diggers, shoring up the roof, Rose, 26, was rescued today af- as tons of sand and rock were ter belgg trapped for 70 hours removed, in 8 tunnel 1700 feet under the Mr, Ferguson, who sald dyna Hollinger Consolidated gold mine. mite could not be used for fear Rose was taken to hospital 85 of injuring the miner, praised fhe soon 8s he was brought up the rescuers main shaft, Observers said he ap After the initial breakthrough peared to be unconscious, There yo wag optional for the rescue was no immediate word Ws orewmen to decide on staying on condition for the difficult work in the dam Rose had heen forced to aged drift," he said, "Not a soli prone position since 104 tary man failed to offer his help wandAlted stope af 2 pm, Satur, "We have the eream of fh day trapped him in a blind-end Crop of timbering crews, special tunnel 4 in their oh Hight, aperal ng e hs 9 shi down there n ov ¥ [ nhe ween two crossed (imbers when Te are being brought in, We shoring in the tunnel gave have elght men in the erew work and loosed a flood of ing there now tons of sand rubble and rock The miners at one time thought Rose had been working at the they had only a 10-foot wall of mine for only six He took rock to remove to reach Rose the job when he unable to But when they broke through early Monday night there was another pile of debris Arrange | obtain work as a plumber Rose had been in good throughout the re oper WIFE SENDS LOVE In a telephone call chattir by The Guardian of Manches'er,' ; Rose's wife Shirley sent personal messages carried to the trapped and when the hard cue crews came was constantly ing with them whiny today, hoy 0 a.m, Miner by Mine Manager E, A rescue. he asked Mine Manager Perry Rose has been workin his arrival here six weeks ago to raise money to bring his wife and two-year-old son to Canada He went into the mine when he KE. A, Perry to get him out a soon as possible, Af that time he was Gnable find work as a plumber on lie | a co EK] ir i ng yn) nearly Week WAS i LLED ROOM Stocks, disclosed between pee ER FORTUNE FOUND IN TRASH-FI Allison, lection in the Columbus, Ohlo, { house where Oscar Hastings | was found dead Monday humor Bele working bank books was worth $100,000, bonds and Hastings $75,000 and Earl Franklin Coumt prosecutin attorney, looks over part of the trash cols Congo Colonel Killed, honaians Expelled A cease-fire was reported ar ranged Monday night, but adie firing continued in the resi dence through the night, This morning, the Tunisian sol diers were still dug In around the idence, grim-faced and weary, commander's head was Ww evi ahout i singe mn ald he appeared to be reasonably good shape, crews ing the ordeal through Rose consider had gone to hehind a could hi lying prone group of fallen timbers talk to the rescue first intelligible word the rescuers were "I The entombed man shout his rescuers periodically, But crews couldn't stop work to make "out his muffled words LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) your lights" but it John McPhail, president of the Congolese troops were screaming Timmins local of the United for revenge in Camp Leopoldville known whether he was | 4 injured, He complained only of a' Steelworkers of America (CLC), today after they lost a colonel Heutenant in a gun sore hip, was with Rose when the shoring and L Harry Ferguson, manager of puckled, McPhail dived behind battle with United Nations sol mine personnel, said he didn't!a bulkhead, Rose jumped the diers Monday night : : know whether Rose was pinned wrong way and was buried Ghanaian envoy Nathaniel Wel under the timbers or how long | "It would have been better if beck, central figure of the battle, would take to free him he had had more experience in Was expelled from the Congo "We dare not move him untill mining--he might have been able With his replacement today amid everything 1s perfectly safe and to keep cool," McPhail sald, rising tension . he 1% out of danger," he said. |"But he Is a preity calm sort of| Army strongman Col. Joseph nro (0 woo vanoried at army headquarters with a seven-man There was still danger of more guy, 1 think he'll 'be all right," Mobutu appealed for calm as the crew heard layed more than two hours until the Ghanalan secretary agreed The two envoys left with Gen Henry Alexander, British com mander-in-chief of Ghana's Army, As the three men made thelr re departure, tension rose in Leo. Their poldville over the mood of Congo-| swathed In bandages, lese troops in the aftermath of, There were no Congolese at Monday night's clash with the (ackers In sight, however, when Ne | Alexander drove up from UN area three JOB INCREASE ONTARIO PLAN Be Punished CHICAGO (AP) The Arch bishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico has denied that Roman Catholies . Puerto Rico r EW Voters Won't! Throne Speech Tells Of Heavy Session Ahead Department of Com-| stimulate production and employ. { merce and Development is one ment in the province's manufac. i of the plans put forward for On-|turing Industry and increase the i tario In the Speech from The! processing of raw materials in ! Throne delivered by the Lieuten-| Ontario, in that country will be punished for disobeying a church order on election, P, Davis Monday night would not be Catholics who instructions to Luls national James voting in a Most Rev, a statement sacraments held from church against Governor Marin's Popular party the 8 in Nov in sald with defied vole Munoz Democratic election farin's party swept the election ant - Governor Keller MacKay, Algo, with a view to assisting on opening the second session of | the province's expansion and de- the 26th legislature today, velopment, the Department of The new department will be Eeonomies will be strengthened formed from the Department of go that it can supply all depart. Planning and Development 10 ments with its services, { provide more direct collaboration with Federal departments and EXPLORE MARKETS stimulate business, increase pro-| Additional markets and outlels duction and extend trade for the!for Ontario's farm products will province be explored by 8 new market The reorganization will include development branch to be form. a products research division to|ed within the Department of Agri- A increase the scope of the govern culture, ment's present commercial and A program of public works Is His statement followed a report PREMIER LESLIE M, FROST industrial development activities, planned and assistance for- wine that the Catholic woman W ordered by her public penance before receive communion the way she voted Archbishop Davi for 8 meeting of the Church Extension Society, "Recent statement the press as coming a she because in said from arehdioce not e were by the Archbishop of 8an Juan," He sald he had instructed hi clergy that no sanctions or canon ical penalties were provided bishops least as far as title is concerned| Jan, 20 what in the Eisenhower admin-| when Puerto Rican Jointly Issued letters urging Cath mayor of San Juan, Felisa de Gauthier priest to do can of Chicago Catholie reported in the spor-i chancery office of the San Juan authorized { Kennedy PALM BEACH, Fla, (AP) Ident. elect John Kennedy priority attention today to filling about 80 leading federal jobs after disclosure that he in tends to cut the White House staff deeply---starting . at the top Kennedy expects to abolish--at ros o 'White House Staff ter works by expanding capital to the municipalities thelr boards and commissions will be Ine cresed, Public works will include schools for the deaf and retard. ed children, hospitals, reform in- stitutions, training schools, ad- ministrative offices and depart- {mental facilities and conservation Reporting on that Maison mis projects, Construction will be sion, Clifford said he gave Ken-|done wherever possible to stimu nedy a list of about B0 high-level late winter work, Jobs, Including cabinet posts| plang providing for low rental which must be filled first in or housing will be reviewed, der to give the new president) nha field of education, the complete control of the executive! goyepnment will ask approval for branch when he Is Inaugurated nds to provide more financial | ald to students and greater assise Kennedy also got from Clifford| (ance to school boards for the To Cut olies to vote against the Popular| istration has been one of the most) a second list of between 400 and| provision of new facilities and Democratic party, The party's powerful positions In govern. | 500 jobs of secondary importance, | services, It plans to introduce new economic improvement policy ment. The job 1s called "the @s|and a third tabulation of about|Science courses In Grades 7 and has Included support for birth #stant to the president, control and sterlization, both op posed by the Catholle Church, The man who apparently will come closest to filling that role lin the new administration is 32- n wee Tie: fand sandals, tenants were missing, UN hospl- fe told reporters before driv. fol Silica aid Shree Jualsied ing to the airport: "I am leaving soldiers were killed and Seven ,..,uce my government has wounded, two severely, asked me to return REJECT ORDER The Congolese the Ghanalan residence after the charge d'affaires rejected an ex- been in constant danger and paid pulsion order 'for interfering in tribute to the Tunisians who the internal affalrs of The guarded them throughout the at Congo," "tack Vote Today On Congo Seat (AP) [charging the Unlted States with taking a partisan stand in behalf of Ksavubu In assembly debate and declaring that Guinea would i WW i The ferry across the Congo River to Brazzaville was halted and N cars were stopped at | many points in the city | Mobutu conferred with UN rep resntative Gen, Indarjit Rikhye of India amid reports that UN soldiers fired the. first. shot In Monday night's gunfight, UN soldiers initiated any wetion," UN spokesman sald "That 1s we have to say." At four men, including Kokolo. were killed when Congo Returned By Acclamation Mayor Willlam A, Parish ha won the Ajax mayoralty hy ac clamation, This will be his fourth term, Only one other of fleer was acclaimed He was opened fire on| PAYS TRIBUT E He sald the embassy stall had "No wasl fourth sloner will Reid and as of the idence hese Fl] also In hie, an| UNITED NATIONS, N.Y ecrotary Delegates headed for a vote to and wasi/day on whether to give the Welbeck, Congo's disputed United Nation the same seat to President Joseph Kasa- refuse to take part in the con: vubu cillation mission if the U.S, sticks| Western delegates predicted helto its position authoritie Richard Quar permanent Monday replace on ( Ie departure was 'NO PROFIT IN NEW JOB CHESTERFIELD (AP) Jack Cooper bade a fond fare. well to the benefits of the Brit. ish welfare state Monday and reported for work for the first time In 3% years, Cooper had lost a long battle against working for a living, Since 1957, the former coal miner had supported his wife and seven children on £10 18s a week pald by the state, The income was made up from un. employment pay and an addi. tional windfall known as national assistance Questioned by government of ficlals, Cooper had claimed he could make more money doing nothing than he received from his old job, The government promptly cut his weekly bene- fit Cooper's Derbyshire pays £9 a Cooper, "at pendent," new Job Coallte week, least at the Company But, says I'll_be inde | would win by a comfortable ma:-| The Soviet Union issued a gin, but the issue was compli: gtatement accusing the UN com. ¢/ J orities reported| 7 : charge d'affaires edicine and soup nisian troops on patrols of Leo.| Congolese authorities r k The Ghanaian charg # in dirantion, Fdmund Steer also for hi $175,000 A at UN defend Ghanalan Robert MacKenzie. plane for Paria this morning un IX town council eal They | embassy $50,000 | | W. Nowland | [cated by fighting in Leopoldville mand of collaborating with Mo. pected to qualify soon), The {Monday night between UN troops|hutu NEW YORK , whose latest/@rmy in using force in an effort|jnvolve Afri Adele, during a party The assembly resumes debate yeeded to pay fo 20,000-man | | For Tax Cuts | told police But Cuba's ambassador, Man Hammarsklold told the 99 private sector of mpact of current outlays can be detectives arrested him Monday [tools of imperialists Congo command but all its other tion too onerous in Can enjoyed hy co-operatives should! Police quoted Mrs, Maller as|the Congo to try to bring warring suade him to see a psychiatrist, 'a cable to President Eisenhower Ww k B d t costs of domestic produce eral Agreement on Tariffs and or S u ge called for more intensive study fore Parliament open appar parks this winter, Resources Min. ind increase Canada's share of won to the on of Pa in full \ 1 \ # a full report on the cla a Wee p) sole: n hs s ash between Congolese and United fn completed next March 381, he | Alberta gets the British investors be acquainted nomic and hot : . Former Turkish Premier Acquitted Ad] Ad {tourist trade, including one that ditionally, about $20,000 will igh ng andere ore viates PHONE NUMBERS high trying Menderes and scores of his associates on St. Lawrence Islands national lie declaration call Welland asking that it be allowed to elect four aldermen at [tended shoreline wall costing $20, Kokolo, an officer much re-emerged from the bullet-poch EA 51 i term Hydro Commi $150 000 envoy re here ' p | The position of deputy reeve| | der the eyes of Congolse soldiers are; Harry M, Smith, William B who arrived $25,000 Running for Board of Educa Welheck's de ition of reeve was left vacant and the forces of the Congolese! Earlier Norman Mailer . Gl o lip ements For My to throw out a Ghanalan diplo-| Manhaltan apartment ris 2 OPTAWA ation to adopting O Canad "He anything uel Bisbe, led off the debate withination UN financial committee emphasizing tax a assessed, double taxation on in. night after he arrived at Univer-| Opponents of the move to seat|aperations, He said the UN treas that personal and corporate he ended or extended to all busi. Saying her husband had "homi-|political factions together to consumer prices," the Frade with greater efforts to en Ah : : LATE NEWS FLASHES OTTAWA (CP)-Nearly $4,000, of regional trading bloes he ently placed stre on tax 5 ister Walter Dinsdale. announced! the US, market that opened last week Nations forces in Leopoldville, The move came as the 99 ) sale {Hons share of the appropriation with opportunities for investment proposals YASSIADA ISLAND, Turkey (AP) Deposed. Turkish be the industry he eligible for loans ipent in Qntario on y Ji + A CONS 1 A including violation of the constitution rk in Ontario will get a $17,000 POLICE RA 5.119% ! mare participation of members in large was turned down by the Ontario Municipal Board today, (600, ox Issue that should|) 17 a alone ( has of one in didn't ay He say wp | ( dipn ern ' as 1m 1 a rd the my m ite the cut meas econ among is firmly ( \ { ven social tor federa court brief mher he t he to a sald an objective of program this year series of ¢ os 1h h | y and nrot fi \ Lake is A headquarters in Camp Leopold Congolese escort, accompanied debris falling to block the way.| Mine officials sald Rose United Nations sent Malayan 1 amy EPOrty: $210,000 lese troops opened up with ar A two-way fight for reeve he conducted by Mrs, Mary Ghanalan Charge d'Affairs Na thaniel Welbeck od in the $125,000 will be contested by Elwin Smyth and Patrick F Sheehan, $100,000 at the airport Congole Robertson, John V Jackson Owen G. Ashley, Edward Weth expected the tion will be: David J, Reld, Hen ry 8. Polak, Ruth Bennet, Ralph Your Greate} ii A th H Id | la t month by the death of John army chief, Joseph Mobutu | Sov let Union of trying to plunge Will Kasavubu in a statement de-|{he assembly into a cold-war de hook Is Adverti self been arrested on a/Mat who has been acting as|Secretary-General Dag Hammar. | his wife |adviser to Patrice Lumumba, igkjold warned that the Unitéd|) Mrs. Maller, 35, in critical con. after a late night session which] army and other activities 'in the dition with a knife wound In the/saw several delegates push Kasa-| Congo or Junk the entire oper Chamber of Com eo a national anthem looked a He didn't an attack on "anti-African co-i{hat the world organization is federal government today 1 It said further welfare spend word, He stabbed me," lonial leaders" and a blast at|faeed with a grave financial sits variety of other come and capital by federal and sity Hospital to visit his wife, He Kasavubu contend that no action ury will he virtually bare by the "The chamber of the provincial governments should he Was hooked on a charge of feloni-|should he taken until the UN vear's end. come tax rates discourage nesses cidal tendencies" and that his] Earlier Guinea announced that ative and that nd On trade, the chamber favored ber's policy declaration said sure that principles of multilat.| The chamber's annual presen 000 will be spent on a winter [works program in 18 national It said no effort can be spared . i ods of action hy I Mah eo in relations with the new United Ghana Seeks UN Adjournment ister Fleming In the "hahy a today UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP Thana \ ' t's h NS, NY, (Cp) Ghana today demanded More than 1.800 men will be as WOULD TELL BRITONS ) r DISCUSS MANY TOPICS Comments on foreign Invest member assembly met to resume debate on a credentials . Its recommendations committee recommendation that President Joseph Kasavubu Provincially, fin the coast-to-coast program act | with a total $1,624,000 subjects ranging from tariff mod I'n Canada Frethier fan, Miatduted today. was acquitied of charges that improving hp acre La) | ng ol |] g m pO § de J} v from the Industrial Development re vorait ehtimate thild born to him and (federal watorgauging- stations Rank interest in a new n 3 2 up in a new boathouse FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 fi Welland Application Refused ective wall. Point Pelee y N . A Oba QO rolitical activity Il levels of HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 |foverguent 2 All levels o b . ( . ) i ; \ajor, | " wo trying to calm his angry soldiers, |hy a4 Canadian army n Timbering erews moved behind| seemed to be in good spirits, He| scout cars and truckloads of Tu.| $200,000 mored car and machine-gun fire (who is expected to qualify) residence overnight, boarded a Seven citizens will run for the| $75,000 | sisted that erall, Leslie A, Pearce and Dan Webster, and Howard Philp Needs Your Support I St bbi (AP) Author fended the action of Mobutu's hate on an Chamber Asks: i in heir Kasavubu's rival Nations must put up the money { tomach and the back. /vubu's candidacy ation immediate steps to st ng should be delayed until the Maller had a penknife when Kasavubu and his associates as uation that threatens not only its opinion that the burden of taxa. eliminated and tax advantages Ous assault conciliation commission goes to EE ---- H Winter family had been trying to pers President Sekou Toure had sent Y taxes add appreciably continuing support for the Gen eral trade are adhered to, It tation, normally made shortly be parks and seven national historle States administration to maintain get the minister is to that the UN ( 2) 4 ' Wa 11 enera embly a our x o | Nn 5 # 88 y adjourn its Congo debate pend lemployed on the projects due to 'ment included a proposal that made a broad sweep of be § the Congo's vacant seat ) y rks go R 5 | Several proposals concerned Ontario parks get $46,500 c an opera singer, The verdict was handed down by the special providing stream-flow data he Nise Ning TORONTO (CP) An application om the city of (on Erie getting an ex | gov erent, Savings Bonds te US. accused the RESpoONse Excellent' OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of the ew Issue of Canada savings onds have topped the $785,000, 0 mark, Finance Minister In other Congo developments Fleming announced today. "excel more have He described ent response' han 1,000,000 een received it as an and said applications special counsel, These Kennedy plans were an nounced here Monday by Clark Clifford, Kennedy's chief liaison man with the outgoing Republi cans, Liberals Quebec Seats QUEBEC (CP) The bitter campaign waged prior to the provincial general election June 22 has been revived in Joliette {and Rouville, two constituencies {where byelections will be held | Wednesday, The Liberal and Union Na tionale parties are conducting an all-out battle for the seats, Facing their first test of strength at the polls since they ended a 16-year Union Nationale reign, the Liberals are anxious to Increase their rather slim work: ing majority in the legislative assembly, The Union Nationale, restive in opposition benches and wracked by internal dissension, Is anxious to show that it Is still] a force to be reckoned with in| Quebec province polities, | The standing in the legislative assembly: Liberal 51{ Union Nationale 41; Independent 1; and vacant 2; total 95, | Observers ave cautious in fore 'casts of the possible outcome, | year-old Theodore Sorensen, long- {time Kennedy side whe already has heen named White House 1,220 lesser positions--all filled by| 10 and is considering winter presidential appointment, courses for teachers in centres Dealing with reduction of the| additional to Toronto, White House staff, Clifford sald] Large scale building of mental Kennedy had told him the staff] hospital facilities Jn many parts Poy be "nowhere near as large| of the province is planned, Among as it 1s under the present admin: them will be the province's first istration," out patient centre and shori-stay | On President Eisenhower's Im.| treatment unit to be built In mediate staff there are, Clifford| Ottawa, sald, 51 persons exclusive of tec.| Reform Insitutions will be mod. workers, |ernized and two new training schools, one each for boys and for girls will be constructed, Leg. slation will be Introduced design« ed to cure rather than punish al coholles, The Provincial Secretary will be given the additional portfolio of Citizenship, The active educations al program of the Ontario Anti. Discrimination Commission will be continued under this Departs ment, Grants will be given to ap- proved tourist organizations to stimulate this industry in Ontario, | retarial and clerical Seek Three candidates are contest. | Ing Joliette, a seat made vacant {when Antonio Barrette dramatic. ally resigned last September as [leader of the Union Nationale and as member of the legis lature, The candidates are C, It Hetu, Union Nationale, Gaston Lambert, Liberal, and Marcel | Ostiguy, Independent io ai 1, BA Mother Burned In Explosion up a grass-roots organization, Meantime, he sald, the party should not contest the Jollette and Rouville byelections, HAMILTON (CP)--A 19-year. Observers say the imponder-|old mother of three small chil. able in the constituency Is the/dren is reported in critical condi tion today in hospital here with burns to 50 per cent of her body. Mrs, Sherlbert Willlams, of the stand Mr, Barrette's many fol Six Nations Indian reserve, Oh. sweken, was burned when a lowers will take, Will they Vote for the Union Nationale candidate despite Mr, Barrette's opposition? In Rouville, it is a straight two-party fight between Francols|small wood-burning stove ex- Boulais, Liberal, and 1, Paul(ploded as she attempted to start Frechette, Union Nationale, a fire in their home, Mr, Williams, 24, year-old Sammy nephew, burned, For more detalls of the Speech from The Throne please turn to Page 2. The Union Nationale campaign In the constituency Is being run by Daniel Johnson, former hy- draulic resources minister, and nine. General, a were also severely re------ LMI ROUGH RIDERS OFF TO VANCOUVER Riders football Ottawa Rough Canadian The eastern | champions, left Ottawa by air today for Vancouver, They will play the Edmonton Eskimos in next Saturday's Grey Cup got "good halance™ and "we are going out there to win (CP Wirephoto) game, Coach Frank Claire (fourth from right) sald on departure that his team has