Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Nov 1960, p. 13

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oy dl For Rent Fogpravy Qo VOGUE , PPiBy, 1 1th For Rent MOWERS tow adrinm spnrtment, epsipped, close 9 South Generel Mo te A marth woiilatie December 5, Telephone RA 85351 Er on house on paved road, fn Bowmanville ares, Weite Box No. 84, Osi ran ye ia pRERIng, reusanatin HA f 6% o pA King Eat APARTMENT, four rows, self of and bathroom, anfurnished, 975 Adults, ane ehild welcome, BA tainen mont iby BAH NEW modern twe - bedinom APRIL ment, 15 new apartment butiding, re frigerator nd paved parring. five mmnatas ain to Ganersl Motors 96 monthly. 25% Malags Wodd, RA HT4 awe Times FOUR - mom Ajax, off hented shone BA BEI8 for further thon BED hngalow, $15 monthly, Avnilabie now, Tele, informa ting room, Inrge, Nght house. kakging rivvieges, for gentleman, wrivaie a, aenienl. Asl BA 37904 SELF CONTAINED three room Rpert wanthly, inetudes heat, B 1 ehiidren welcome, Call 3 Wmane Street Ay ™ TWO Tnsgn rooms, sink snd cuphorris, in kitehen, wpsinirs, lote of slovads spaes, on hus line, Mared ath, svaib shia now, KA 30462 STORE spree, Wr by IV, in new Bhop- ping Cantre sn Wilson Fond yr ne full enfin for HArsEs Des HA APARTMENT for rest elf contain ed, two Bedenom nppes apartment central, south of Oshaws Cline Avall shia Degembar 1. Apply 90 Charles [Mreet ANE sell contained three room Apert ment, one four-room apartment, heated, private entrance, ¥70, furnished or oh furmished. MArket 33555 FURNISHED (wn rooms, wise single private ground floor refrigerator; een tral, parking, reasonable. 6 Centre Sireet WAKEROUSE space, approximaiely "n sq. fi., main Noor, eentrsl, RA #1398 FIVE - room bungsiow and garaee alt conveniences, ¥15 monthly, possession December 1. Apply 451 Bloor Street Kast for further particulars UPPER duplex apartment fom room, located in Norih Oshaws, close 1c shopping, schools and hus, Phone KA 50480 for further details $17.50 FRONT (our proms se -enntain ed sprriment, New stove and pele gor ator, close in down HA 4560 RITSON Rosd 6 close to King trie and water BEE Apt ROOK hose with two bathe, lose to downtown and General Motors suit able for rooming Bouse or subletting. Immediste possession. RA 39141 day time RA 58543 svening. SIX room brick Rouse, all, convent. enews, $0 per month, 25 Albert Street, RA 50033 aiter 6. RA 39210. rok room, wolf contained apart ment, oil hepted, parking, laundry tub d North Oshaws, Adults or baby Newly decorated RA "a torn welenme $195 THREE . room spertment, sell-contain od with private bath and entrance, available Diepembey 1 $65 monthly, eentraily located RA 52112 five rooms, newly deen. refrigerator and slave, availiable now Marine Apartments, 800 per month. Telephone RA 39182, POUR « room spartment, equipped with reirigerator and stove, private hath and entrance. Suitable for eoupie With one child. Phone RA 57618 AT 29% CADILLAC Avenues, sixrnom une, oil heated, hot walter heating four bedrooms, Apply 25 Brock Street three rooms snd kitchen Fast, Oshawa oil hested. 15 Ritson Bout TWO - oom furnished spariment, mod. #115 ern kitghen, second floor, suit business NEARLY new hres couple, ne children, cenirsl location, im: low, Close te hus an mediate possession, ressonahie rent. monthly, sviilabie Ne KA 51042 dren weleomed, For FULLY furnished three - room apart WA 57922 ment, upstairs, also twortom Apart GROOM modern brick ment, downstairs, semi-private eniranes Cadiline Avenue South and bath. One lght housekeeping room monthly. Available immediately with private entrance, parking. 97 tact 8, Macko Realtor, BA 8-466] Athart Street GLADRTONE Apartments, newly deen ROOM furnished, heated apartment | rated, thiee rooms, privete hath, stove stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, private refrigerator i required, suit Business bath, entrance, parking, washing facil | couple, Phone RA 8.3344 or RA B65 ties, Adults only. KA 54855 APARTMENT for HOUSE ~ for rent or sale, new, six! self contained, ail rooms, $85, Phone RA 41653 or write private entrance, parking space (or ear 2935 Broadview Avenue, Toronts, Telephone HA 34756 for further par Four Tom apartment, sink and | OCUIArS euphosrds, on 15 Ritson Road South, THREE - bedroom avaliable now. Phone 58115 after § consis: ng of Ave rooms Kawartha Street, Apply Hireet South for details RA 56791 |FIVE - room house available Des, 1, ad all conveniences, FWRER room seil-coniained pari. (on Courtice Home, Al ne AT ment, new kitehen and bathroom Jit) "Telephone RA 56070 stove and frig, 875 between ll pm, 299 Bimeos Blrest South THREE eation, wiring, 53250 PRICK house with garage, very eosn-| tral, excellent condition, newly decor ated, hot water with ofl heating. One ehild weleome, immediate possession, HO! Apply 31 Charles Street duty | awnings, garage; isrge yard BABY welcome, furnished two-room | ETRE SCTE ar. Haasan apartment, all conveniences, near north | ou 3.9211 RA GM and hospital, hus at door. Phons| CENA WA Lu RA 26844 room apartment, private ent TWO threeroom apartments, mew, pie" SLlul TRL Ly duty w modern apartment building, with baths Reasonable rent Apply 358 Windsor or RA 88754. FURNISHED OLONE (0 ail schools and bus, ex heated, clean, TV room brick bungalow, ofl heated, four ooo sbt surroundings plece bath, large size rooms Write [stainers, RA 5.423 Box 241, Oshawa Times par nd "--- = urnished one bedroom apartment, "small ™ Phil w _tri-plex, gerator, | couse, five minutes from four r. Lansdowne Drive, paved | valiable now, RA 5.2429 only. Telephone THREE bedroom bungalow, kitchen, combination living dining room place hat 3.759 Phone APARTMENT rated, with new town th hedrr or bungalow on renting for 90 Con four rooms with rent eanveniences bungalow tor rent Incated at 19 il 1292 large lot, #55 Phone youn monthly, « room house, available immediately stores |FOUR | rooms, hath, parking p.m pos L] room apartment ale en trance and bath, TV outlet near school and store, 1131 Somerville Street | RA 3.4048 Li for rent oll heatin wiring, aluminum mom apartment, two private entrance, pri central lo-| RA 51723 after 4 p heavy duty telephone RA room apartment private entrance private bath, pri slove doo and plus three " IMMEDIATE possession, shac outlet ot spartment--thres rooms, ANienns, RATARE Enstend, ab hath or rooms, private parking, suit girls room newly decorated refrigerator, dryer, RA 51310, RA|ATTRACTIVE street level, private, three-piece frig. Abstainers, adult home, HA 5:0876 evenings or Satur MODERN four apartment, stove TV outlet, parking 88004, three.room meme | 4lOVE, = bedroom house, 488 Bloor ofl burner, hot water tank Harris Avenie, housa, also building, available two five HA| i also entrance, two to North Orohard Street Kast CENTRAL location, comfortably fur. | nished single bedroom for clean, re. | spectable person. Apply 77 Ontario Street DOUBLE room with small kitchenette cooking facilities, private washr {and entrance, parking, five minutes {from Dupla iitings, suit gentlemen [RA LR IR) WHITBY CLASSIFIED WANTED «= Two licensed me: [FOR RENT « Six-roomed house ohanies, for new Canadian Tire Store, garage, #80 per month, Ch permanent position to the right men {come MO 8455 Apply 311 Brock Street North, Whithy {PUPS for sale, males 84 FOR RENT Twobedroom lower du. | (Six a old and very plex, heated, separate entrances, TV 8 outlet, garage. Apily 1316 Brook South, MO B4496 after 5 p.m FRESH fish, Cod, Haddock, and sole |shoppi parking. OL fillets arly ever hursday fro "1 i Ph NS wey 1 fillets, ¥ hrom | A pald for used furniture, refrig.| and Dighys, down east bologna, fat and |Sratore, stoves, skates, almost anv ar mixed salt pork, scallops and fresh ilcle Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock oysters At South End TGA, Whitby, Nate _MO gd001. posite Firehall Fon t RENT -- December 1, three-room |apartment, in apartment hallding, $80 Why ™ Sentral nottarey build, monthly, parking, heavy duty wiring fe offices or commercial use, |TOlePhoRe RA 35-3214 reason down payment and one FOR RENT mortgage for balance, Call Irwin Crulk: decorated, nky, RA R8123 privileges FOR RENT central, ONE MONTH' S Only 2+1-bedroom suites, In [FN bedroom a modem, spotiessly kept apart in another | 5.7958 located, Balconies, paved [STORE or business office ix | parking, Automatic laundry [heated, RA 55180 evenings. RA 5.4646 for further partioulars MO 8.4770 |44a--Rooms For Rent -- . | AROUND floor, private Oshawa, A and FP. Apply DELUXE [visi rooms, single Beds, central, $6 weekly, "" Colborne East, RA 3.4082 only, cooking privileges if "desired Ap NEW BUILDING ply 135 Celina Street West central with or with= [Bees Kem, Ce Avrly 183 Ato OSHAWA LTD. FREE RENT . room and four rooms, apartment bullding, Centrally room house, downtown location, hoth | facilities | {tarnished rooms, heated, ele ROOMERS -- good clean comfortable APARTMENTS (vase se ime oem: "sess SINGLE room, suitable for one gentle | out lease RA 8-5123 | with idren wel HELP females $3 cute, MO TWO one-bedroom ap {ment building, heated, tments, apart #0 to schools, | 5.3611, Brooklin, | Furnished rooms, newly cooking, all conveniences, also marae for vent, con Telephone MO 8.3176 9 eu ft refrigerator new busk: | Viking four burner, ele 5 wish ing machine, small drop leaf chrome table, vinylite top shelf. step lad {der garden tools, MO 8.478) Trent Street [CLEAN house of your goods kids' FA CAMOras SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Ports gear -- and convert them inte new tanks installed. Walter Ward, |QMh Ath 4 fas action Oxhawa Times 01 Chest it West. Phone MO 8.3583 sified Ad. Call RA 3.34% today! TYPEWRITERS, just arrived. New RIVE poultry. also feathers and wea, 419. Midtown Used Furniture, [Highest market" prices pad 111 Broek North, MO #4 {Parker MO 83644 collect FOR RENT re FOR RENT -- Apartment, modern, on room Apartment, in I al building. {main floor, two bedrooms, kitohen, Nv Ad its preferred MO 8 Ra) Whithy, Ing roam, four piece Bath, plus large re. FOR RATE carry ereation room, television outlet, dryer ) paved parking, adults preferred RA gardens, Call MO 8.4314 A-2603 BARY budgies for sale : , redsonahin COLD WAVE From $695 (Lanolin en riched), Includes expert shap- ing and set hy Ken, ""Whithy Leading Hair Stylist'. Phone MO 8.5124 for appointment (Coiffures by Ken Large two.roomed apart. [8 ment wund floor, fridge and stove. [OR Private hathroom, Suitable for ness couple. Phone MO 8.2098 FOR RENT « Sleeping rooms or fur | nished Tight housekeeping rooms, with | conveniences West, Whithy like tove Apply 308 vlongerised wanted Jake Rinok Team, manure for | Whithy talking strain Anply $07 Al WS RUCK convertible Et] Will accept 'ra Can arrange finance Phone MO 887 SEWING machines for rent: alse gUAr anfeed repairs ta all makes of sewing Necohl and Bernina Brock Street North | Cail entre, 11 MO Aa Sew Whit FOR RENT at Box, boot and | hoin saws, mixers, Wn Cament PLANT YOUR we "™ | BULBS NOW WILDE RENTAL e and in kilt ment paint rifles, @ | We have a large variety of Dutch bulbs. Nursery Stock Landscaping BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 th ¢ { les MO 8.3226 FOR RENT Luxury Apartments f natin Electrically e 08 Dunlop We at 84174 1415 Dundas § people Apply . Phone MO 3 miles 1 at Wh PHONE OL § Residence MO 8-47 3s IMMEDIATE posse, grovnd floor! TWO cess iniurniaiad rooms for Fem, ferred. Apply Yr ther prrticsans, © NICELY furnished room iis AY uae of ry maine, sduits, Waid Drew bireet 34152 alter ROOM, eral visors," beds, Streets gy A i RA 50006 teman only, ROOM or room and board home, for one or two girls, Metuasn Oshaws and Whithy, FORRIBHED Foome, W6 por week Gon. LANG . (with tse a nd Sub hoat a henvy responsible eouple, Tel LOVELY keeping privileges, for refined lady or" BHT TWO furnished rooms, 6 Simeos | | | hed | | heavy hie rent, | oor: | TWO furnished rooms, bedroom aed kitahen with cup honrds, for adults only, phruing pace 0 Figin East WICK furnished room, new on privileges, for gentlemen, 57454 fier § pm. NEW large furnished room, desired, exaelient Wi away from home. i RNTRHF we slob, g rivals, parking, esniral, ressonable, 96 Centre! buy » new home In fight tranee 45---Real Estate For Sale vr pawwissn #wh sewers Ed aw Betws IW Se [yo EWE Sei UF JUN | Sa REGI ENOIE FOr Jui reek Wan AWA 1IMES, lussdey, Movember 44, 1760 13 FURNISHED rom, homes priviieges, plenty of hot ster, Arg Availatie now. Apply 193 alls Avenues after bpm ! monthly, $1 VT mousEKERRING 100m, Drew Sireat for for. and stove, all comvenieness, immediate possession, Apply Py pwn sok, ute to shopping Ferns Biva KA i - 4 rooms, is and itehan with refrigersior, {paring spRas, Apply 156 Agnes Street, | aL room lor one gentisman, does home | closets % renien Moers. BA WA S731, | FURNIANED twa rooms with Wikehm. with sl com. |ette, suitable or Joung un cine cee» » in, oh Tho Roysl Street ele. willing | Ld hats, or lis) ip om home, Phone BA 4001 B L.A {0 om oil. | Avply wa thd North, "Park We oe oT unfurniehed room, ressen ee | WIE TERE 4 Yrines Brest Loom new howe, Wit it Sontioman, wives vende, RA BY) en home FA "A inished Fo RA 57854 after § p.m + to North Gen |GNE large TS for pr Ag ® ied met, Site bathroom central id Mary only Warren A RA 4995, | oi a7 | '. ACRE ints, VILA approved, good miles to Oshaws, house snd itor, | LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL POUR MOVER TOP BUYS FOR CHRISTMAS 64) STEVENSON'S RD, NORTH 1240 SIMCOE SY, NORTH 1504 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 240 TRESANE ST, 590 HARMONY ROAD SOUTH 258 VERDUN ROAD 250 BLOOR STREET WEST For information on the above homes Phone Bill Millar of RA 8.5123 Lloyd Realty Ltd, Realtors RA 8.5123, RA B.5124, RA 8.5125 101 Simcoe N, i, ii ith terms, Call K Chomio, Joe awa RA 50970, Call il Asking good garden land, with ONLY $605 Thewe miles 10 Osh halanes, enrvies $67 monthly, new, with terms, ovated, large lof, private. drive, AA oo Resiton, hack and fram, Banh, Ld in new! [GVRIN two - rariment. house om & | hig jot, Saerifies, RA 38911, 45---Real Estote for Sele 3 DOWN, #78 monthly will | om bus Phone RA 39088, will let you thy Pliiig one spreement for 8 ISyesr second 1 Newall, Broker, Pickering, wi "ye, we htses wut HOUSE = five - room, I1V-siorey, phone RA B-8756 brick, roomy Inside, olf heating, hero ' wool floogs, north-east section, Low Hght down payment, RA §5973, | FOR SALE Mew style bungalow with attached goroge In of the best districts of Whitby, spacious living room, kitchen and bedrooms, one end holf bathroom, plus many extras, Phone RA B-4182 LU floor, refrigerator, $50 Street TWO rooms and hath on wiring, parkin bright room, hoise entiemen, near hospital, bus, RA 7Y Kingedale Avemse | hedroom and hen with refrigerator, built In cup. eniences, Ap #il ein ranch Road Bouth room for girls, two single beds, cooking Tactile: private en | nesr hospital 1014 or #1 Hillcroft Street f is and sink #7 Ritson one NICE JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR «= INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE RA 56544 HOUSE & 4 GREENHOUSES Enniskillen, only 14 miles from Oshawa. Seven room insul brick home well decorated, 3 pc, bath, with 5 acres of land right in town, Four greenhouses with 7,500 sq. ft. 'of glass, hot water heated. New furnace with 3 large circulating pumps," an' extra hot water fumace, garage, large shed. Only $15,400 with $5000 down; all in good condition. Buy now and get ready for spring box plants, A good money maker, For inspection call Anthony Siblock, RA 5-6544 or 5-4362 | | | | WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre 5-6588 ASKING $10,000 for this eompaet home on 22 ocres of land inside the City of Oshawa, Reasonable down payment with good terms for balance, For full particulars call RA 5-6588 today, NORTH-WEST AREA Lovely 6-room brick and stone home with large living room, dining room and kitchen, 3 good-sized bedrooms, 4«piece tiled bath. Planter. Large landscaped lot 60 x 132. Private drive with garage. Asking $2,500 down -- good terms on balance, Immediate possession, For appointment to inspect call today, OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY After hours please call; : RA 3.2537 RA B-0581 Bill | Norris H. GOLDSTE Dick Young .,. RA 3.7183 Charlie Rankine CO 3.2397 +s RA 5.6588 Lloyd Corson . Wes Effiott SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, REG, AKER--PRES, BILL McFEETERS--VICE PRES, NORTH END BUNGALOW MUST BE SOLD REDUCED IN PRICE Excellent opportunity for someone with substantiol down payment, to acquire a fine 6 room ronch bungelow with 2 car attached garage. This home has been reduced In price by $2,000, Extros in~ clude 2 baths, completed rec room with built-in bar ond sink, stone fireplace, alume Inum storms and screens, Ime mediate possession. Further details , call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726 4 BEDROOM SPECIAL $12,700 $2,000 down for this 8 year old two storey brick home In a convenient location on Roxboro Ave Handy to school and bus also G.M. north plant. This home features large modern kit. chen, also large dining room ond living room, Plus 4 good sized bedrooms, 4 pe, bath with extra stool in basement, High dry basement, oil heat ing. Price just reduced, See this large family home and make an offer, Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243, $1,500 DOWN--CENTRAL storey brick home, 6 good full sized divided basement with hot air fume. ace, Good garden, low taxes, Convenient location handy to store, school and bus, Immed ate possession, price $10,900 with $1,500 balance on one mortgage reasonable monthly payment, call Don Stradeski, evenings RA B.B423 ROSSLAND ROAD HILLCROFT AREA LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT LOW HEATING COST Immaculate 5 room bungalow, consisting of good size living room, separate dining room, large kitchen. 2 good size bedrooms. Located close to school and transportation, Owner anxious to sell, Quick possession. For further details, call Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5.4840 LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE ~~ MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 2 size rooms, DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-465) A , compact 4 room frame low with geregs, ah haat ly 35,800 th down payment, month with foxes $155, 0 today. Ask for Pat Patterson, Centrally located, Ideal for handyman could be eosily duplexed, Vocont pow; feat ures garoge, sight lorge rooms, oil heot, Close to oll schools end transportation, Full price $11,000 with low down poyment, One first mortgoge for the balonce, Terms to be arranged, Cogll Pat Patterson, After 9 pm. Coll BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR = INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE §, RA 5-6544 STORE & APARTMENT Store front and storage space, loading door for trucks, Full basement, extra wash-room Five room apartment over store, Rent from building Is $250 per month. Call Bill Ratcliffe, RA 5.6544 HAVE HOME--~MUST SELL | Owner gone -- House empty! Three bedroom 4 pe. tiled bath! 6 room brick ~~ New G. E. furnace! Divided basement w= Garage & paved drive! Big lot == Close to all schools & bus! $10,900 -- Terms available On Adelaide St. W. at Gib- bons, Jack Appleby, RA 5. 6544 or RA 73398 NORTH-WEST 5V2 rooms, brick, with L. shape living reem. Two years old, NH.A, Well landscaped lot, aluminum storms and screens, oil heat, gleaming hardwood and tile tloors, Must be seen. Call now for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.6544 or RA 5.8342 IF! We can't sell this in a hurry we'll give up real estate and go in for bird watching, THIS is o buy and we mean BUY! Modern 6 room bunga- low with garage, finished rec room, aluminum awnings and storms ond screens, Nicely landscaped with enclosed patio, located close to Sven. thing. $2,000 down, $13,500 full "price; corries for $76 monthly, interest and princi? pal, Call now for Ted Cun- gh. RA 5.6544 or RA 358, Member of Oshows end District Real Estate Board (47 Automobiles For Sele Te i Wh TE 18 PUTHOUTS sete, 035, riomeg in hia EE down oe moricssn i: 45--Roal Estate for Sole 6 ACRES -- good soll, savoom | #ll gon barn, ost chaste, gawers, hose, Yes, off water, hydeo, $12,500, W. Le Lamson, Res! Foire om 8 43, Proverty, Shopping; sth heat. RA Ftd Eatate EMERGENCY sale, 10 eto, "0 ot oiter Garrard Koad, 2000 Rossland Road, west Ry "(see # Hill, TU 4 $1800 DOWN. On Hortop | Avenue in 8 choice location, . modern S-room bret { (years old, 22 living room, full base iment, fully decorated, immediate pos {three bedrooms, spacious living room, i958 DODGE sedan, $125, Call TE planned kitehen, foreed sir hosting with ofl. Nice lot, completely eedar | Tole Owner transfer Full price uT Emmis Holmes Realtor, BA 52363 BUNGALOW ~ five rooms, oll hesied, two years old, close tn bus, from school, Apple A aren Feernans 1 RA 3.2781 #198 FULL down payment, brick bungalow, 6 per cent NHA eylindery Jutomatie oor 8 9 pease Apply SHEE - es er "Wireel Want! 198 VOLK Aa tlow mileage 0 down pay. Jive room ent, Hilltop Aotors, WA $6091 a. in enlor dark foe, Seleph phone tieulars, wick sale. Mr Lau. session priced for Hesl Estate won, BA B-4042 Brethour ad Rl I £5 day. Phone lal 1492 for ora sfast. J LET, . good "ond. tion, new tires 8, muffler, tall [JA Mileage "40.000 Reasonable, RA 56110, ing FORD stom for Jordor vial rad alla, prensmesty yo hid OWE ENOL Rai Pardiop, 13,000 ho Cher Chey, Impala, Clo Rard rdtop, automatic transmission, 16,000 miles, 8 Ford panel truck, 4400 miles, one owner, 8 Bulek, four door Aransmission, SELECT district. King aren #t Wilson Road. New, brick bungalow with attached garage, M* kitchen, tied four-piece | 5.7808 Phone MAvket 35278 modern le hath, any landscaped time ALLSTATE Auio Insurance, Mave wp lo 20 per cent, Bix months to pay, For persnal servies at your nome ¢ po RA NEW MODERN 6 ROOM Ranch-style house |i gr PATE 8 down and $37 per_manth, Van Heusen (oP ! Motors, opposite Brewery on King, "CHEVROLET deluxe, with custom radio, only $350 down, $51 per month, Van Heusen Motors opposite Brewery tion, Owner leaving city. on King aE Ww CHEVROLET conch, radio, heal Telephone RA 5 6271 a | signals and washers ow rents, venue, Like new. Apply I 3 Horo EXCELLENT BUY BUYING OR SELLING SEE WArTen Ave. In comm ri TED CAMPIN paved drive, garage, $3,000 MOTORS down, open mortgage for bal ance 607 KING ST, =~ OSHAWA GERALD BARROW, Broker! (just East of Wilson Road) RA 5- 3852 RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 PRE- XMAS CAR AUCTION SPECIAL Every Seturday, 10:30 em. Buy or sell here $499 DOWN FOR | OSHAWA CAR AUCTION 5-ROOM BRICK 25 GRENFELL ST, BUNGALOW RA 8-5179 And $10,900 full price for this. lovely brick ngclew | SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. on extra large lot, Located on STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN Close to school, shopping end bus service, North west sec- enll RA 34 10 dtd i Impala convertible new wp and tires, payments. excellent condition. Toke over call Loin Wo Ws ONEV| i 8, smart two-tone, ren finish, wi hy very clean hire ly te, reasonable, Wit Tiss, Ah rw io cellent condition, ri down payment, 5.8001, 'il RENA! se Auromoti Wanted sole px cl aie d to Ron la Mg gl I ML oon Pa SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Tre or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §. RA 3.9421 HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE ER CALSTS, OM BRAK MoT R TONE Ob FT GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7822 Bloor West, close to Simcoe iwth monthly payments of only $75. This home is va- SALES and SERVIC cant and quick possession can 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ON Tel: RAndolph 3- 3461 be arranged, Call Mrs, Irene Weinberger, RA 8.5145, evenings RA 3.7244 $100 MONTHLY FOR 6-ROOM BRICK This nearly new 3 bedroom bungalow can be yours, pay $100 monthly for P & |, no down payment. Full price $12,000, Call Mrs, Irene Weinberger, RA 8.5145, evenings RA 3.7244 ARTHUR WEINBERGER REALTOR 32 PARK RD. N., RA 8.5145 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE 47--Automobiles for Sale 47 Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale 408 KING W,, OSHAWA RA 3.7132 (Continued on Page 14) 31 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.5161 DOWN $300 DOWN-~FAREWELL AVE. 6 rooms and the house has been completely remodeled and decor ated. Oil heating and 4.pc, bath, Immediate possession, DOWN $1,000 DOWN---OSHAWA BLVD. N. Income home with self contained apartment upstairs. This heme has been wall looked after, All modern conveniences, The present owner Is leaving for Toronto, Don't delay, call us FULL PRICE $9,000 FULL PRICE 6 room home complete with storm windows, A good home for o family looking for a moderately priced house, The down payment Is also low, Call for an inspection, DOWN $1,000 DOWN 1V4 storey brick, ail heating, Garage with property, end the depth of this lot is extra deep. Located close to Simcoe Street south, A moderate asking price, A HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL 2 storey brick home located close to downtown, This house needs a bit of repair and decorating and then the owner will have e fine home, Complete with oil furnace and a 2.car garage. Very moderately priced. Immediate possession, LIST YOUR HOME WITH US IT WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAY After 6 pm. Call Sam Goldstein, RA 5.6782 Mike Dubyk, RA 8.5690 John Penicka, RA didi p L S, SNELGROVE o. Lm. 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.9810 RA 5-876) EXECUTIVE TYPE 4 BEDROOM HOME North east section, 2 storey home 23 ft. living rdom with pen fire place, broadcom wall to wall, 2 bathrooms, drapes, awnings, TV. antenna, paved drive, extra fire place in basement, extra lot included. Asking $17,900, one open mortgage Basement apartment, 3 rooms and bath bungalow, large ultra mor colored bath, term 5 room 3} bedroom brick len kitchen, hardwood and tile, 4 piece 2 stove cables and meters, $13,000. with sasy on one open mortgage $13,900, full price, 8 room. ranch bungalow, many extras, terms Port Perry, terrific value, spacious 7 room bungalow, many extras $1,000 down, 7 room, 4 bedroom brick home, central, good eon- dition, oil heating, garage, asking $10,900 4 plex, fully occupied, commercial lot, Simeoe St. North For sale or exchange, 2 bedroom brick bungalow, breereway and garage, Woodcrest St Store and apartment, Simcoe St. modem store and 3 reom apart. ment Small business, Barbeque chicken store, fully equipped, buildi and lot $800. down id Commercial location, downtown Oshawa, good 10 room building. 2 Acres, excellent building location near Ajax Chicken Farm, north west section of City, immaculate 4 bedroom home with attached garage, about 6 years old, workshop , brooder house, approximately 2,000 Christmas trees. Asking $25,000 10 Acres, good workable land, just east of City Limits springs creek Build ot 110 x 200 further particulars by calling RA 5-8761, 5.4162 evenings. a near Ajax, $1,950. full price RA 3-9810 or RA AUCTION SA -CARAGE AND SERVICE STATION EQUIPMENT FIXTURES AND PARTS VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. ARE GOING OUT OF THE GARAGE BUSINESS AND ARE OFFERING FOR SALE AT A PUBLIC AUCTION TO BE HELD ON THEIR PREMISES LE! AUCTION SALE! THURSDAY, NOV. 24th at 7:30 PM. sharp ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS - PARTS & FIXTURES. EQUIPMENT ETC. WILL BE ON DISPAY FOR YOUR INSPECTION WED. NOVEMBER 23rd for 1 P.M. "till 5 P.M. CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEQUES ONLY VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LIMITED 149 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA

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