Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 2

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subs st Holy Loch fn Seotlond Is not so much shout the target the installation Weel would provide Britain's sir bases snd rocket sites In the southern part of t country wonld probably he meore| fmnoriant for en enemy to knock INTERPRETING THE NEWS U.S. Closing Missile Gap By DAVID ROWNTREE 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Wevember 17, 1960 |Plot To Fake Evidence Bgainst P.Q. Liberals 4 | QUEBEC (CP) ~ A fentasticlthe affair bit seid when they (old vot to sell fake evidence thet him they knew of B counterfeit | | Liberals hed thrown $2,900 606 ini inoney operation he told them 10 conplerielt money nto the reise the RCWP, eit p oviacial Eection eam, The police veport says he asked peign hes heen disclosed |the plotters to make sworn sifi Attorney-General Georges 1a. davits, Canadian Press Stall Writer Reward Out For Murderer TORONTO (CP) ~~ Attorney. owt General Roberis Wednesday ane Wat disturbs many in Britalr | thisrized a $1000 reward for ne is the amount of control the Brit- formation lesding 19 the arrest feh government wit! have i a de-land conviction of the person or cision has to be taken on firinginersons responsivle for the Nov, # weapon more deadly then any 4 fatkl heating of Harry Whmone existing type of Polaris missile, other used in Boger vel. con outside hs Townsend Town WOrK George aining mention PLY in I -- WY WE eww Wm -- Bsr All, wool tweeds checks, plaids, novel ties, plains ete, All colors, Reguler values up to 3.98 yard, 10 AM, SPECIAL, vari 1,49 DRAPERY FABRICS Fortisan and Printed Bark Cloth, Regular value up to 2.98 yard, All decorator colors 00 , Sale Price, yard 3,000 YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM 36" Washable Cotfon Prints Regular values wp to 89¢ yard, 10 A. M. SPECIAL, Be DRAPERY REMNANTS 1 to 3 yard ends. Sale Price, ewoo Yard 49. STOCK UP.FOR NEXT SEASON AT THESE LOW PRICES The Above Are Just A Few Of The Outstanding Values On Sale TEXTILE MILL RA 5-1611 75 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 5.1611 Canadian Tax Founda BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-4681 -NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET gl on i THIS IS THE NEW Vauxhall Cresta fourdoor sedan, intro. duced today by General Motors wernment ting Regent = Walt Disney's "Jungle Cat", 1,80, 2.95, 8.80, 8,00, 10.10 p.m, "The Hound That Thought He Was a Racoon", 2.48, 4.55, 7.08, 9.20 pm, Last complete | #how at 9.20 pm, timore -- pss nt pow | @ HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS © stairs", 12.85, 3.40, 7.03, 10.20 THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS 04 SIMCOE ST. NORTH NO, 1 WHITE Mushrooms which has # range of 1200 miles yl 1 y-Gieners Ad Fighten. mes when a Polaris sb drip Norfolk County, pile toad 2 %* alled evort 7 AFTER ELECTION The United States has made # they would eomprise 8 marine Is at sea (which will hei The 77.year-old men from Ol of the Ouebte Pre The report seys first discus big stride toward closing the mis ri yA Police, to members of the legis | sion @ REDUCES VULNERABILITY der and his Heutens nt, aseord %\ after being found lative nssembly Wednesdsy, | the office of Mr, Maher June 24, AL one stroke, the US, gained] Tt hes been suggested that theito one snslysis, "are as eflecg ditch, The report says the whole af-|'70 Ocys efter the provincidl valushie room for manocivringladvent of the George Washinglonliively & nuclesr power as, sey, when the nuclear-powered sub | to embarrass the Liberal party Jean-Peul Pouliot, 8 men with marine George Washington leftl American vulnerability in the] There will be eonsiitatior | after it won tHe election, & erimingl record, told Mr, Ma-|Charieston, §.C., Tuesday corry-|event of nuclesr siiack, wWiinaver pot sitle between ORGANI Mr, Lepsime said the only|ner ebout B counterieit money ing 16 missiles fitted with in| While it has changed the Landon and Washin hou! ted . neh ng which cu'minated in the pubes er promised to pay Wim welll yehecds, Each of these missiles! thet Premier Khrushehey said |in the novel On ' 1 tion of a report in the Montre d nemed Bob Chatesunent 85 x many times more powerfull last month thet Russie also has| where "one poor bloke throught NIGHTLY 9-12 weekly newspaper Les Nouvel man to work with han the stomic homh dropped on nuclesr, missiie-equipped subma- he saw something on & radar HOTEL LANCASTER gle equnenl, who wis employed hy | No longer sre some of the The uproar in Britain over Drobo sheard the Polaris Is there the Mr. Lapsime announced pro | Maier on «¢ 4 ALR Seen ons, strongest sinews in the U8, de|viding 8 base for the Polaris)denger of irreversible error, yineial police searched a plush| Ww the Mined of fence network sitting ducks for) - trip and found missing pieces of|With some Liberals ' A kets mig py 44 8 ki nd _m We ples uel Mr, Cossette is mentioned ms|Hemy rockets might wreck mils the pwzde which hes ha i 1 . " | tha ili 9 4 ve Sie sites and destroy nirfields on ROMP and the provinces) policel the notary who took down the ™ Posi «M0 | hard at for the past few|effidevits whieh subsequently and, a submarine 1s elusive, WE | weeks were the hasis of the whole al-| Vuelled by nuclear power, able alr, though in Beplember thelo stay away from base for ex | WAYWARD ARMY BUS FIND TWO M RCMP established thet whet tended pericds pnd capable of In the room were Serge Brous-| they said was not true wolding stesdy, high speeds, a Po- 76 $i $ N rth | Heavy cranes were used to | hus was to have heen used to | a soldier driver when the brake |seau and Andre Lecomte, both ofl At this point only Pouliot and levis submarine hes a fairly mecoe f, 0 | Hit this 40-passenger Army | transport Army sonnel to 8 | spperently slipped "on the (he weekly ton Alain, another man with small ehence of being discovered bus from its precarious perch | Safe and Skilled Drivers com. | emply bus, ; : | Brousseau wos armed with 8g yecord, had been Involved in| and sitacked in the stretches and RA 6-1611 over the Rideau Capel, The | petition, It had been parked by ~(CP Wirephoto) |revolver and there was anothe:| the plot |depths of the ocean -- -- BR ------ ------ ME room, Both were ro Eventually there will be 45 subs [| . there nso were REVIVED APPAR Neimilar fo the Weshing | 24th Parliament my ants tape recordings eon It was early in ovemher that ton, If sll are equipped with the h | trumped » up evidence Gevard Gagnon, who glse had & . | N F Of ng the names of Liberal! eriming! record, thought of re a . members nas involved viving the whole affair to drop I U orce distribution of counterfeit! zs "a hombshell ngainst the w ooting pens (®) ay T h [ ] money, Police could not find Liberals'! In the newspapers, ec nicians trick photos which they #150] Nouvelles Tustrees published 4 new existed eV nise ame | tig t By KEN KELLY (ment. The Governor » Generel OTTAWA (CP)~The army fa "The eotor-genersl's { i gf Oe shame) nves f f e Canadian Press Staff Writer |inspects the 100-man guard of A Ha Inspecior-generas report names Iu ; ear, | » OTTAWA (CP)~For the sec-|honor from the 2nd Battalion |YOTS # new makeup for Con mentions the names of J, D,lgive the names did not appesr.! TORONTO (CP)-The shooting . / RC HON nr U { Rn { Tui pr aR ond time this year, Canadien leg. | Canadian Guards, in the paved! ada's standby United Nations| Begin, chief Union Nationale or My, Lepaime sald RCMP re-lof a Jorge grey owl in suburban 4 Store Gathered today br aril dena Re of tha Peace [0160 informants sald Wednes ganizer, Raymond Maher, Que-inorts of their investigation would Eiobicoke is being investigated argams y (} yar PE Ww, Tinate In ti sual coaniae of aiTowpr day, ee City lawyer, and notary Ray. ihe made public today ww the department of lends and gh? RIO ps 0 Lh Tho army would prefer to keep mond Cosselte, former ehalrman The sltorney . general's state. forests hey DRFIIAMEntary session, Received at the door hy Prime in readiness for UN duty a force of the Quebec Catholic School! Tniaietios pe ainbly] Me: cw li MPs and senators have been|Minister Diefenhaker and govelof techniel ther th 6 ment in the legislative assembly, The owl, perched on an Apert E LD ealled earlier than usual to begin| ernment leader in the Bengt fantey "attaion, "Phe ah 0 Jo. ommlssion 9 iminated a stormy sitting dur- ment house television rerial, was E the fourth session of the 24th|walter Aseltine and their wives, now designated for UN d "ty is! Mr Begin, Interrupting Mr. ling which Public Works Minister shot hy dogeateher Herb Smith Parliament since Confederation, the viec-regal party proceeds to|the 2nd Battalion, Royal Capas -ovalme's remarks, admitted| iene Levesque sparked angry with a shotgun » In an effort to get business con-lihe Benate chamber, dian Regiment at London, Ont meeting persons connected with protests from the Union Natlon| pee, H, D, Clarke, chief of [} eluded hefore next summer, The Meanwhile, it was learned (hat ile opposition when he sald nolo den and wildlife branch, said last session began Jan, 14 and|TAP ON DOOR the tour of duty for Canadian transaction, no deal, no PUP: |Liae nue protected hy 1aw in On » ® stretched to Aug, 10 Maj, € R, Lamoureux Gen:|sofdiors serving with the UN chase wag ever done end that the shooting Most of the slow-moving cere.|tleman Usher of the Black Rod,| force in The Congo will be six patronage in mind under the for: ieee" an explanation," He said mon/al will he the same as at then Is sent to the Commons months instead of the normal mer administration, nee |B Police elgim that the grey owl previous openings but this one|chamber where elected MPs are year because of harsh elimatic » lean he dangerous to children is will alse the 'unprecedented | assembled, He taps the elosed and other conditions, The tour of or 1 £ [4 "ridiculous," en fi ( oF HOVE | C1 . ; Jeu © + former governor Common, dor ith bi oily Bit and doco 1 Accused Claims | i Ind. a4 ' one year, VANCOUVER (CP)~Mr, Jus While Governor-General Vanier! heing admitted, informs Speaker po. 14 hy D R [1] reads the speech fre m the throne | Roland Michener that the Gover. Hove i lsidiers wil A n Io Tree nathan Wednesday Did ) Kn PROSECUTER " Iver oltons outlining the government's legis-| nor-General awaits the Commons|ihe six-month period 1s up next gave irene Rebrin permission to 1 n ow ative plans for the session. (heii the Senate chamber Februnry, however, Rotation wil Ld, Oltawa Journal report NOT PROSECUTED Regular volues wp to man who occupied Gen, Vanier's| In procession, Blaek Rod,|depend to some extent on tech. Hehard Jackson to her libel suit 1 1.69 d post for TH yenr $, Vinoont Mas-| Speaker Mi hener, officers of the|nicians available 80 that it i ie 1 ante Ie ke ram un ire NORTH BAY (CP) -- fam youd, sey, will he seated on the floor| House, MPs and Lt.-Col, David|possible that some soldiers may |"® PUBNERer and a reporier Robinson, summonsed for of the Senate chamber, Currie, VC, hearing the mace as|remain in The C ig 0), Miss Rebrin, University of 87, JEROME, Que, (CP)=Mrs | U0 th tse © earing Mace psiremin I The Congo elght or 101 iiich Columbia Tecturer who Js| Beverly Ann Weary, 29, charged ye Ja ive hat ie us RSP 10 J ! marble corridors to the Senate! There now are approximately! pesling a deportation order to|with manslaughter In the shoot 5 Somps ned a a had wh form : g wernors : Bonoral chamber (280 Canadian soldiers and 25 the Bupreme Court of Canada,|ing of 33-year-old Clifford Broce Specified end that the de 8 in 0 attend parliament There. » i hehind «| RCAF personnel in The Congo. Started suit here last spring Bridger, sald Wednesday the peel a ary openings hut Mr, Massey iere, ranged hehind the brass ) (He ire Mast | J death was an accident seription of the ear did pot {|bar at the foot of the chamber,|Ahout 140 soldiers are in Leo.| Bhe Is euing The Telegram, death Was ¢ A fit his, to accent MPs remain standing while Gen, poldville, the "capital, and the!publisher John Bassett and re] In a 8000.word police state For the first time since her ap Vanier reads the speech from|0ther 110 in six outposts: Stan. porter Peter Dempson for dam. A fa Jury here. Ms identical licence plates had imo 11 Los shee | ap | rord fo a 12:man Jury heve, Mrs, | 30 c a0 own Attors pointment in ns mada's remain seated, The Governor: Pourg, Coquilhatville, Matadi contained In an article published| Weary said she had not known oy EA Tilley whose car in Wilson, 75, will miss a par.|Ceneral 1s expected to hegin and Kamina lin The Telegram March 21 her rifle had fired until told by 6 Hamentary opening, The Liberat|"68ding at about 8:80 p.m, EAT -------- y ounded tending court, . wounded The ticket was eancelled ing from surgery er deparfs, once again recely:| Mrs, Weary, wealthy heiress, 18) ang new plates are to he is The capital, fog ,» hound and|ing a 21-gun salute, | (®) the great grand-daughter of Bir rainy for the last few days, was| Meany ) © ps | ays, Wa feanwhile, the Commons re . * general-manager, perature and cloudy weather as|is introduced and members ad. Rridger, n former RCAF man Gen, and Mme, Vanler drive fn|journ until Friday when Donald Xing 1rms aid the father of two children &n open carriage with a mounted| MacInnis, Progressive Conserva. in Mrs, Weary's Ste, Adele, Que Kel:jof the - e ' " to Parliament Hill Remi Pi Prog An home May 18 Their arrival at the grey stone AHA MD or Bacar {A soy, Vancouver accounting exoe oe l ker | The trial Is continuing, fort ament Tilldings 1s heralded|nonge - Delanaudiere, move and! Wve, Proposed a simplified #l speakers welcomed the -------- -- y a 2l-gun : " ave it a good-natured heave-h of | ry, 80th fleld regl- the throne speech, lings at Wednesday's conference|on the ground that, in their opin ---------- " lon, It 18 not politically feasible taxed when they ave earned and Emp F then, when they are pald out to » eror or shareholders in any WHY, are . . of the shareholders' personal Ethiopia Paper taxes Under Mr, Kelsey's proposal] ADDIS ABABA (Reuters)--Ca for all when they are earned, at|has asked Emperor Halle Selas. whatever rate may he deemed [gle for permission to take over necessary, but Canadian-vesident [the Daily Ethiopian Herald and | ther taxable on what they re {the eountry, It was learned Wed: | eelve needay Charles Clavsie of Montreal,| Thomson sald Tuesday before the nal revenue, eemmented: [v it that the emperor had V | ink it Jo Nondertul, but agreed na private audience to vr, Kebiey should get himsellleonsider the proposal and give a " i across, 1 ean't Imagine any Con The 6 sa r.ol sher oo of Canada.Limited. }t features styling and safety refinements |servative or Liberal g eat, tryout ne Pi Top ew, more pow i, p roved brakes tit ) : 3 more powerfu ou such as improved brakes % ving it 1a abolishing taxes oniupited States, Canada and Brit a Rew, Dalit 1) arly a wonderful paver Interests in Nigeria, "Mr, Kelsov alsa recognized thel, Thomson also said hefore his | fin f 0d We departure Tuesday that the em. . lle men should hase their deels-|fy + dinlom p ions w 3 } Sih nlomatie relations would In New Vauxhall Victor |In Accident [ii beso ind drs: and \ . He saw his proposal as accom: | aes : i DELAWARE, Ont: (CP) = Alplishing the broad ohicetives of 290 Canadians living here, New good looks, new colors,| The panel is finished In body|f0ldler and two women were ex! methods, and at th and hetier visibility -- these are|car, On this model the upper half| hel ear was In a four-car eol-\ta Canadien investment and on THEATRE GUIDE [ the hishlights of the new Vaux is faced with resilient "Royalite"|!l8lon, three miles west of here) cnatiiation of Canadian equities hall Vie'ar automobiles, intro-/in color matching the leather|®® Highway 2, {held abroad \ Love", 7 and 9.30 pm, Last of Canada, Limited, # four McGilp, 20, of London, Ont.,| in adie complete show at 9 o_o The most important appearance NEW RAEARINGS stationed at Camp Ipperwash:| "As to the comment, 'the rien! . change is provided by the new,| The Vauxhall poliey of progres: | Lillan Sylvia Riley, 89, and her|will get vicher,' ww they are which is six square feel In area. expression in the incorporation|of Christina, Ont, present system, Surely there ave The new good looks of the new [of new high lead. capacity steel] Police said the ear was In the |hetter wavs to diminish ecanamie Vietors come also from a erisp [shell big-end beagings in the new multiple smash-up invelving two |inequalities among peapler for all models," except the Victor engine, and a fourth hy Bertram Wig: | he high! or let the vight to pass Standard, the headlamp cowls| These new bearings ave in| 8ins, of Don Mills, Toronto sub {on wealthy hy inheritance be re have ohrome-plated cappings, [tune with the highway age, for|"™h, Wiggins was taken to hos |strioted, 'perhaps much more ing military threat, he man hemarrh fn ceneril [en e Provineist most of the time) the com a eerebral hemorrhage venersl of the Quebee Provineis { the afiair took place fn sie gap with the Boviel Union uneonselons fair is B machinstion, apperently|@ection on setive duty reduces North Britain or France, i porty mutes in the affsir,|#ffalr, Pouliot told police Mr \erediily decdly thermonuciesr|ture, ft should not he for) button, Ht JOHNNY MeMANN Ilustrees, was the Union Sation| The police report says Chet giroshims in 1945, rines, screen" and the button, hotel room Tuesday night on nlf counterfeit money deal tied tn enemy attack, While well-simed| 36" 3 9" 10 AM. IPECIAL FIRST T0 ACCEPT sergeant-at-arms, move down the! months, who retired in 1950, 1s the first ' "f J We {ment In her own handwriting, Pollee discovered that the throne, Senators and otheps|'eyville, Elizabethville, Lula for libel she alleges was first woman senator, Mrs la friend that Bridger was VO8 ticketed while he was at- senator from Oftawa ig recover. This duty completed, Gen, Van: sued to Mr, Tilley, police sald, || William van Horne, first CPR Yi promised a haliny 48-degree tem-| turns to its chamber where a hill] was shot during a drinking party RCMP aseort from Rideau Hallltive MP for Cape Breton, and] TORONTO (CP) =D, J proposal In principle, but also tite from gunners| second the traditional reply to| method for taxing company earn / of th 11 Thomson Asks At present company profits are subject to n second tax as par profits would be taxed once and|nadian publisher Roy Thomson shareholders would not he fur-|establish a news service within former depuly minister of na-|leaving here after a four<av| elected to Parliament and put it|decision later in six eylind . -- fg) : ; " oylinder engine and many dividends and thus glving out ain Te recently acquired news Three Die political ehjeetions, but sald pubs lnenan had expressed the hope for the canntry Canada, There are about a redesigned instrument panellcolor an all except the Delyxe|ltlled Wednesday night when same time viving encouragement Brock (Whithy) = "Lel's duced today by General Motors seats, Dead ave Robert Gordon Ral: | GETTING RICHER ' y Lets Make 18 per cent larger rear window sing Improvement finds its latest| cousin Maryhelle Riley, 28, both! already gotting richer uhder the easy to-clean radiator grille, On|version of the Victor #2 ou, in |cars, driven by Windsor doctors, instance, lot consumption taxe 2 they prev ital In fair condition suffering ii aw," EXTRA STIFFNESS \ey provide the Vietar eagine than now p.m, "Bachelor of Hearts", 2.17, 8.81, ade Changes at the rear inelude a pew turnhutton lock built inte the name plate; the trunk can now he fastened, if desired, with: out being locked, The lower part of the trunk lid, where the lle ence plate is mounted, now has a series of small vertical flutes to improve appearance and pro. vide extra stillness, Above thes», en Deluxe and Super models, there is a new horizontal ehrome- plated moulding, A Inside, there are new refine. ments for the driver, with a full. eirele horn ving on Deluxe, Super and Estate Wagon and an attrae tive new instrument panel and in. strument layout on all models that gives the driving compart: ment a neater appearance, The heater and ventilator eon trols, moving in a vertical plane, are now located in the centre of the Instruinent panel, The ultra « efficisnt thermostatically- with even higher load-carrying capacity than before, to cone with sustained high speeds These bearings will ensure a smooth, longer-than-ever trouble. free engine life, able on the Super; six an the standard Victor; 13 for the estate wagon and 16 on Deluxe models, These include seven twostone combinations on the estate wagon and Super and seven on the De. luxe sedan, LEATHER UPHOLSTERY Upholstery 1s in leather for Deluxe models, tyganrayon or all Vynide interiors for Super models and, on Standard and station wagon models, interiors Sixteen body colors are avail, rom a fractured rib, | Dr, Marian Tuszewskl of Wing. | sor, who was uninjured, pried open the door of the MeGilp car with a wrench, Two occupants were dead and one of the women | Yee later on the way to hospi: | Police pulled a second man George Clifford, 40, of Forest | Ont, from the wreckage, He suf | fered possible internal injuries! and cuts to the face, In the second Windsor car, Dr Jack D, Stewart suffered a cut hand and leg, and knee injury A passenger, Dr. 8 M, Affe sting, Sandwich West, suffered a out leg, Delaware Is 14 miles southwest of London, | ---- | GOES TO MISSION exterior color schemes, The Vietur 1s built in England are all Vynide, In a range of! shades ther harmonize with the! GRAND VALLEY, Ont, (CM Rev, John Honeyman, minister Knox Presbyterian Church Grand Valley and South Luthe controlled heater continues un by Vauxhall Motors Limited and! Church, has resigned to ac changed as an accessory for ar Wl Vietors, Is distributed In Canada by Gen leval Molory of Canada, Limited, the position of interim secretary 'of the Scott Mission in Togouto. | At another point in the disous slon direct pravinelal sales taxes rather than Indirect, were sup ported hy retail vepresentatives They favored, If a sales tax is necessary, the system now pro vided by law and followed in the ven pravinees which levy sales taxes--all hut Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta p.m, Last complete show at 8.48 pm, | 4.30, 895, 7.85, 9.45 pm, Last complete show at 9.45 p.m, | Marks = "Roots of Heaven", | 145, 840, 943 pm, "Under Fire", 12.80, 4.25, 8.25 p.m, Las! completa show at 8.00 p.m, Cut From Red Brand Be STEAK | Plaga = "Midnight Lace", 1.30, PRIME RIB ef SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF PN mw. §P¢ GOLDEN LEAN MEATY F. RICHARD 136 SIMCOE N The Examination of eyes And Glasses Children's Visua! Trainin Fitting of Contact Lenses EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 3.4191 BLADE LEAN CROSS CUT SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET STANDING 6th & 7th PRIME RIB BLACK, O.D. AT COLBORNE 9 9 39 45 49 ¢ FRESH PORK Ib FRESH PORK BUTT LAMB LEG HALF CHOPS SHOULDER WHOLE SHOULDER LAMB 39 3) 49 39 Maxwel Instant OR Tulip Grade "A" Large Size Loose or In your container, Peek Frean Digestive Col{ee Margarine RIPE 0 0 1 8.0%, PKG, ! | House . A AJ .

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