Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 28

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44 Houses, Apts, Floh For Rent CENTRAL (neation ant for rent, frrmohed 15 roughe with ng eRiaren. God he ser wx. Tainghone KA SOW for further prwrtionlar THMEDIATE posession, Brownd (leer thransoom spar angie Grong reasonatin WA 81555, or 181 King East FARM for rent, #0 Wawa, winetire, oil heated "Ad water, large bank Barn three yenes, these miles fro Avalighie immenintely, 5 Write Box 297, Oshawn Times BASEMENT apartment private enirance, bot mer Bim di] Teicphone RA is WARM bright upper Aupies tained Reni wales, slecinie Ingerstar included, ¥75 monthly BA 398% after 6 p.m Fors hegt and hydre i Phone FAONTAINED apartment urhen and ded hawt hot IRIN gay renmanie HOT ant SETRS, RIEHL ate wi fehawi th . one he atant wash ad water $15 per d wih am Hove, re nant "mirance FOAM #p private HA # water Appi tains, hui hare be f piurnished romms st adiad Heat, nydrn hone FA FEPNIsHED lerge, clean tragsportation rh wigptied mom apartment near hospite 194 Simeone twn centia App FOUR mom heated Ble entrance, on Reh $4212 74 Bond Vast 0m FRONT (our ord apariment. New on n apn ' ad floor wr wl ent ain and refriger RA 54585 moms slave re roam nen aking apartmer Shap i" pace RA 610% or NEARLY new ia noo Cs tae SPALTON wished he we ' GLANSTONS 0 pater y ' ref ' Our Py STOKY room he heats ft furthe ng ent self orm apart tme heated ngle rer SEL CONTAINED ehildrer ate no APARTMENT firierson Street ox nA AVARTMENT or nt He all child THHEF room | with mode bedron Chur HA on pom FOUR rou r ment, oil heated pa sundry ated North Oshaws Adult rome, Newly decorated. Phone 1968 HANCH Ineated in od Tudin In or hal hedroom deoorat bungalow Whitt three onmpletel n torms 3). Phone alin Creens roon Aer fA 1604 P THREF vith ile yoon sell contain entrance apartment ed and | 5 month! 2112 " centrally RA ated APARTMENT, five rooms, rated, with refrigerator available now Murina 580 per month phon newly deco and stove HA Te ROH 44a--Rooms For Rent NEW Aesired ROOM or ome, for or mwhaws and Whit Phone RA 3.0088 4 I RNISHY n ground central, 1 furnished h Ph hoard 8 home 0561 large excellent from home room Wervioe HA hoard girls on hu room and no new ne wo hetween h route two rooms flon sronable also single refrigerator M Centre FURNISHED ol, phone, full now. Telephone COMFORTABLE Light oom in wee district for single gentle n. Centrally located near stores GM and bus Apply Fast ekeeping cooking fa HA #5 hes all A housekeeping north Mreet CLEAN comfortable also double room, with twin hed while efined gentlemen, ver central 114 Elgin East. RA 30187 single room CENTRAL ot and Phone Ras SINAN "i, threes ind LARGE Street tran BA HA Apartments Elgin | (A4g---~Rooms For Rent MSGLE » lia nem gantiamen nein wien gantin BA a int an preiey Foy a or i Hom wr further ONE wngle with # a clean respests Sires ni M Ae POTION tari rh right spacions hed CI wie 19 Ferniill Blvd BA 5720 NICE room tor girls, two sndle eek ing faciiltiee, DIY ale LERNER, Reps BOY BA #194 » Hillcroft Street TWO turpished housskesping bedroom and Kilahen elrigerator pRTInG space. Apply Agnes Street in Shopping Cant > # rentel bed 5 15 [7 15% gemtier oe toed Fr nee ar adi idan Street. RA ne spin EL wh Eom FURNIsHED gentiemen 16 LES pry Phone HA Wher 5413 mer furm 0 5.8505 Vr 18 Ce wie on ne or SE REPINE man | A phane RA 8-928 HOOMERS ad rome, single hes ne Ka WH wi comiorabie weekly clean central i Coltho hii ONE furnished Apply 62 Bh BINGLE en and mom for gentlemen ene Nort hed Kitch clean ne of on firm ce BA . tl ONE nom anise LARGE large ur furnished VICE kit Phone Street West ATTRACTIVE n private shed oor avil ome ark Road HA firnished Jashing RA Ban Two wisek coping $ Aiilts partly pine. use of 1h Drew Street kite HA furnished nm new home NICH tHeman. Phone JOMN BOLAHOOD IMT IMCOE 57 RA 5-6544 ATTENTION TOF LAWYERS COLUMBUS DOX( ETC well finish Hoor bath Large well | ot $5.000 with bl $14.90C € liffe | at BEAUTIFUL BEAU-VALLF itive tyled phi ituated ind offerir and luxury ime wrifice price ment 1 th Tec 544 r MN Ted Cunnin 5:6 RA | NHA RESALLI I; five roe beautiful | | Antl ill 6544 RA ha District Real Estate Board WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR nent Private ness couple FOR RENT RENT Large ground floor hathron Phone twa.reomed fridge and table fo MOB 2908 apant stave busi Slee on or n holsekeeping Appl ence 0 oni Whith any Street We on FOR Whitt after FOR RENT keeping room Apply 342 Mary MO 2m FOR RENT~Whith ern and twa bedroom suites irically equipped, drapes, TV In vasher, dryer, parking " #100 monthly. Contact a MO A A J Sohatls, tor, MO 83%) REFTH tanks ew tanks Insta 0d Chestnut West. Mane IVPEWRITERN just neq Midt Broek MO B08) FOR RENT Two roamed apartments Parking space, Apply Whithy APARTMENT FOR RENT = One hed , heated, ologe to schools and shop parking. OL 3381), Brooklin RENT ail hemi eall MO K 3006 bungalow in MO #3000 he Phone Furnished Hight house with private entrance Street E or phone mod ole apartments nne antal | Real 50 the sanitary Walter Ward, MO 8-256) New cleaned and sin wn | th tour nee and close '0 00 High room nnE CASH prices furniture and almost 1 paid for uae eIriger al stoves, skates any artiels. Midtown Furniture Broek Strest North, Mo #4081 ATTENTION hunters! For rent trailers ents, Coleman o HEhts, sleeping bags guns, bi motors and trailers Rental Service, MO §3206 oabiy and shot ats Wilde boat and OWS, mixers notguns, FOR RENT «= Box trailers, chain aws ement sprayers TAL Sales MO 8.3226 FOR RENT Luxury Apartments WILDE REN ervice and Dundes E natin y ® Pp West upped ™ 8 Dun Phone MO 4174 COLD WAVE (Le en 5 expert shape Ken, Whithy's Ph olin with outlet, A Furniture, CLEAN wood is Wear house orl them Oshawa Classified 1.0402 FOR today! BALE Adin, new S125. Apply WANTED Experienced farm dairy farm. Father and son team pre ferred. Modern buildings and aquly ment, Phone MO 83026 after 4 LIVE poultry alan Highest market prices Parker, MO 8.3644 collect FOR RENT main floor Ing room ereation paved LETTE) RIDE WANTED to West Toronto m. Phone WHITRY ing, ample fessional commereial use reasonable down payment and one mortgage for balance. Call Irwin Cruik shanks. RA 8.513) FOR SALE gardens, MO Basie WARY budgies for sale eady for | Ath ol 1855 RUCK Edsel tutor hardiog ATTARES finance SEWING machines | antesd repairs in vachings, Call Sewing «entre Wi MO 8498 FOR RENT room apartment Adults preferred FOR RENT private entrance Phone MO 8-428 FOR SALE lianoes. We are some Prices arly as there Alse Simplicity washing machine vith [1% year warranty from 390. Midiow Furniture, 111 Brock Street North, MO a1 PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW | We have a large variety of Dutch bulbs. Nursery tock Land aping BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 north of Whit hol 03 Byron feathers raid wanted Take Apartment two bedrooms four piece hath room parking modern kitchen plus large television outlet, dr adults preferred on fiv re RA Soldier wishes ride Has to report by 8.20 MO B4310 after 6 p.m n Central parking offices twostarey huild suitable for pro Blagk loam, manure Whith for all talking strain Arp! n reasonable ne hls pt trade MO #3740 Will a Ph Can ne ant. alan guar W n Bernina North akes and Broek Street Decamber | Twa hed In apartment hu MO $3381 Whitby ling Furnished room with in respectable home Now Kelvinator clearing all our below oost . Hmited ap stock Come in quantity at | sidence MO 8.4 topmiahan | niet] 1008, inte Times | fos no-longer-used | cameras, 50 Articles for Sale LOVELY we lot Sacrifice apartment RA #01) S. MACKO REALTOR BEDROOMS Pe x ov dowr the baler cled of 7 with one mort £ GIAGINS O 4 me £ fe Modern 5 f 5. HHA id trey i" nesr $ miele hinds Garage 0 on a 0 Tere ne bur 4 f tale od Fs kitcher HE venetian d ter &f ay VARIETY nd screer a decorated Ws show you Priced of frie with ervice Mary Jack auick ole wn. AN STORE n they Her mone other ex11gs y been estab andi mage ¥ feo! RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS TATE 9 Jw ERNIE HOLMES PAYMENT REALTOR DOW Ralph H. Vickery REA FSTATE AND MELURANCE 46 KING ST. WES OSHAWA, ONT SURED INCOME partment house JSTOM BUIL 8 le down yarking large ly kiteh ven, stove Piers d } beds ind nil qerator nd plug-in and spe Pr 6278 " ¢ modern with | ref ir i aerial lice RA B 7313 beautifully ' planter ittached fow, all 126" Must 8c will $125 bungelow d tile nd pi ch garage n lan Full IT 4 ated at price. $12 800 FOR RENT and se y limit 1 LLOYD AYERS REALTOf RA 3.2254 52993 GIBB wo } rtatior Immed monthly ¥ prompt acti Ralph 4 | ening RA RA 144 Walle G. MILLER JAN MILLER, BROKER IN I Fe mbined 52993 hrick rer hungal wilt Ver Reasonably priced m Ww Pn DCREST Income tment and. twa home, Iw bathr home with m 10€ pen type painted white een will PHOTO CO.OF f RA WILSON Realtor Oshewa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 BADER AVENUI ood district, 3 bed recreation nicely " L shaped ly hedged ing ished room landscaped lot MASSON STRI n of the ro Ask pric $1 BEATRICE STREET f this five roomed home, North | he nice living room with new hr Jarnge po ALL DAY SATURI ect 2.9500 section of adioom nice 3 froom th nice deep lot an ment OPEN EVENING ANL AY RA 0581) Rani RA 3 le ne, CO 3.2397 Dick Young, RA 3.7183 RA 5.6588 n 2537 Bill Nearris PORT PERRY featurir ndis m in excellent ¢ adl jarage Large | k house with fireplace, br ' uble n large WHITE Here ) 8 brick. Ap J280 drapes Milde ) R214 witifully de and' many extra includes M( REYNOLI uced ult V ' \ 1] Y uth ! m yeatly includes broa ull price $16 474) settee Call Phylli living: re Thorndyke m rapes. wo hever. | 00 M( MO H ew tu all Audrey h ( MO BR 4088 th OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 30 Brock St. N., Whitby MO 8-5853.4 many t Reg! Esto Beord 45~~Real Estate For Sele 45---Real Estate for Sele house on # EMERGENCY TR a | | | | A5---~Real Estate For Sole UNVINISHED five - room tingalow " a ri? 5% Benoklin with one were of lend 4 side. (see » Randy man can complete this home - Telephone Wichmond Wil, TU _40000,(0 S00 natin mee ein seal EXCELLENT building lot in Whithy, 5-466} sewer Wd Water, 0 u 140. Asking VIN. | gies DOWN sparkling far room| Open to offers. Joseph Bosen, Reiter, | hungstow with an attached garage, New| RA s070 __LFA of furnace, three - pace bathroom kitahen, stirpctive Int ny by! SACRIFCE home in Whithy, dos to . schools, Will sacrifice for cash 18 mor. Jeundry taps 18 Dasement. Ente | Honalty ERITYING harges Omi wages. Cull MO B4010 tor apmomiment| CEI LO i pat AB 44 Ah meen [ROME SL SR SMALING price siuated Jost wast of sity limits. Besing is be Heving. Call Boh Severson KA Lid BD. Wyman, Resitor i WOALOW five ron 0 yearn oid, close 1s ak vena, Apple Hill BA 3.27% LOT lor» x i BA HOUnk brick, roomy sue NEW NODEEM 6 ROOM Ranch-style house oil heated me boc TF eiephone ch hopping end Close to J Morth ser service wes! leaving Telephone RA 5-627) LLOYD REALTY LIST THEN CALI LOW PRICED $7,500 $8.500 to choose er 100m bus ad "sewers and waler, 4 3007, tion Owner city n - storey hard Law five wm, 1h inside, wing wand floors, RertR-eas "om down pryment. BA B5571 ONLY $685 down one mortgage oy helance Ad hig 1 867 monthly, new, dee large fot, private drive, sodded and front, Wises, schools pewers | all sonveniences. Yes sn, W Laminin nek | shopping hent, KA Estate 14d {TWO or three hedraom landscaped, - adincent bus, + phat drive. Substantial down ymeni, BA AS37768. Private sale p i MIXROOM modern brick #8 518 Drew {Street This elght-yesr old home is now {listed Inr quick sale with only $1500 down payment, $75 monthly payments Belling at only $11.50. This Is an out standing buy ust he sold. Stephen Mackn, Realtor, BA 5 8) MIX roomed, § slovey (rame house, on deep lot, In quiet central resdonting wren, close to hus line, New forced nesting eleatric hot water heater and storms thrmighowt. For appoint nent phone BA Hoe FULL down payment, siktoom brick bungalow, § per cent NHA, two years old, 22 living room, fll base ment, tully decorsied, immediate pos session priged for quick sale, Mr Lau zon, WA 84043 Brethour Henl Estate [F7 INE DODGE sedan mow tires, Completely e-conditiomed. Will sell for ool cash oifer. Private bHI% WITH LLOYD YOUR MOVER ent heantiful home, on hureh fo Pay | heated One five location nd East off Phone Bill Mile 5123 n oft RA B LLOYD REALTY L REALTORS 3123 RAB RA 8.5125 SIMCOE 57 To nif RA B 51 24 i101 large | ing aren. T I hardwe floor up One half acre. Paved drive and garage Full price $11,300 INCOME HOME nd bath dowr 2 pc. bath g up and new irks and repainted, and W480 nr elon Must sell, MO ag! ehen e | file v f wr fairs sixronm ranch style hungs on erge lot in Brougham, owner must sell. All reasonable offers con sidered. Phone Wiitehall 2.2677 ONLY 81060 down, one balance, carrie $75 month awa, Landscaped trant and ream brick many extras seen, Call now. Ask In at WA 56544 or RA 58342 Bolshood, 144., Realtor MUST NHA 6 per one year old. Modern 5% room and stone hungalow in Hillsdale for: race. Beautiful Hollywood kitchen, full valance in ving = room Aluminum storms and bereens all around, Full devoputed Priced at 815.000 for quick Ith $1300 down. All services pre Jes Wond paved, Many other extras Contact Stephen Macko, Realtor, RA LL | FIVE mom modern th roam hasement af size living three ily size bright kitehen, tied hathroom Attractively decorated! throughout. Aluminum storms and sereens, Large landscaped lot, paved driveway. All this plus the hasementy spartment rental of 850 mosthl to R( Public and High ing price of only $15,400 {down payment needed, [tor, RA B-4661 f m norigage for north Osh hack, five Must he Bill Swarbriek John A J Yhres f Full price $7,700 Please ad for JOE WANNOP RA 3.2333 or 5.1396 JOHN F. DEWITH REALTOR AND JENERAL INSURANCE 1341 france sell rent restle, brie hungalow rtmen oom bedrooms with | Good: | fam: four-piece | Newcast!e Phone 40.0 IAIRY milk FARM with 3, large re | Close | School, Ask Bubstant Macko, Hesl ( foal 40 extra with barn, milking par! bulkeooler, stream 7-roomed home hot and d $30,000 with ng ar barr unning A $10,000 co | ASK any good huilder about the cost of [building & six-room brick bungalow on # 8041 Jot in north-west Oshawa. Then see this lovely home which listed for SI2500 and compare. Definitely priced to sell. Joseph Bosco, Realtor {RA 50870 2000 DOWN, near north room brick, attached ed, immediate open mortgage evenings king il Wn 200.q9cre DAIRY FARM a joing concern with all mach GM Harage possession, One oar RA 656165 or RA 3-0454 Ristow and Olsen Realtors DOUGLAS L. seven heat ner bred cattle in $30,000 nd pure Asking arranged oll luded by Terms 50-acre farm at Myrtle with large L-shaped ale m bank barn Howe with waterbowls, jouble 47 Automobiles for Sale 1958 FONTIAC, mn very good condition COOF ARTE Breen, includes Sen View Telephone HA SA471 for further par tiewiars 98 CREVROILEY wher oly 48 new Hilitny Makors [1058 VOLKSWAGEN. perfect condition low mileage, only W905. No down pay a Hiiltap HA 8680 Ie PONTIAM CERRARIISHION, Fun radia U0 miles, $1100, Private 'B® CHEVROLETY station milange, my Tit CEFR ehy Can finance, Telephone RA 0 GME theeeton stake binek, racks Included, in very good condition, rea sonata, Telephone BA 59955 anytime 'PONTIAC, Wine, above condition, radio, hest offer $4293. Apply Town Line raneh Ww CHEVROLEY hardtop, white MON, ORE OWREr ERE, FERRITE phone COlax 1330 alter 6 p.m Vi CHEVROLEY dition, Priced fm ow down payment wler 5 p.m ihe DOHGE 5TH defuse, me ities, Wane BA B00 nt fatnmrs Laurentian, miutamatio ton Lone MO B54 wagon. low Muni sufi v 16677 YET ARE Phone KA wl Turkey Impala atamalic tw n-Anar two Aver qinick sale Phone don ld i] HA sedan, S185. Call HA Vi VOLKSWAGEN, or wer iw take over payments whim LLB phone " LEU PONTIAL cylinder trade on ne W. Apple Claremont Laurentian sutomatic, radio whitewalls windshield washers. padded instrument panel, fender mirrors ently tuned np, winterized. $1975 $5700. BA 54351 We OLNSMOBILE reasonable, KA 3812 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance 2 per cant, Six months personal servis ye Anni MM OLDEMORILE (ransmission he seen at 16 serlih gh healer " Hydromatic 7 For HA if 0 pa home e al #nnn HA Slreet motor and private Sing CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W ANDY NAGY BODY SHOF MERCEDES DKW SALES AND SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3.7132 CLEARANCE Open to reasonable BENZ CALE offer MERCURY hardtop, fully 14.000 mile Tw equipped 60 daar CHEVROLET 59 automat white METEOR Four luxe SWAGEN new VOLK like Deluxe CHEVROLET Deluxe Tw Wer door one « FORD 500 Four-door Fairlane PONTIAC clean Deluxe pecial, only 52 METEOR $150 living quarter convenience arranged all Price modern terms GOWER REALTOR GLADSTONE AVE RA B-4651 and 100.acre with hen Janel bani [1] king farm 56 house house Te near 36' stream A ville x 4) barr med $8,500 m FULL PRICE Brand new 5Y% room brick bungalow in the north end, close to schools and transpor tation. Features beautiful Hollywood kitchen lorge living three family sized bedrooms, 4 pe. tiled bath, Pierson windows it ting on a very nice lot with deed Call Mary Clarke $12,900 near Oshawa barn, sile B with all mod Excellent 10.9 with farm large home enience roomed ern con arden garder room located 6 tream wale 7-roomed Consider 100-0cre miles. fr hiproofed bowls home farm Oshawa hankb jarage, etc; heavy wired 1 Oshawa m In front house DOWN well kept home $1,000 Exceptionally ) 150-a¢re LJ Hope bankbarn young cattle roomer farm stream, L-shaped extra bam f garage home with mad nvenience i room good with 100ms reens torey real Complete and 2-pc. Bath Aluminum rv Taxe in with condition 3-pc w etc; 7 storm antenna, gar $125 ond one mortgage for the balance Call Mary Clarke After 9 PM, call RA 3.3889 For Buying Power call Doug Gower new onsider Part house Bowmanville or Hope 92-acre workable, 2 farm | 87 acres best of land, haped bani farm the nds, | I running water, drive 7.roomed hon top. Asking $15 j law wn hed I walter 000 on with 1068 CHEVROLET cellent condition, down payment 6.6801 station wagon radio, white wally Hilltop Motors nx Na RA ment 120.acre farm | 8 mile from aled Oshawa 100 acres workable, stream, 90 32 hiproofed bankbarn drive shed, garage; 6-roomed with modern conven Asking $22,000 10M BUICK four-door hardtop, powered, deep tread white walls No down payment | A601 1058 PONTIAC convertible, fully power equipped, 350 HP, 348 cubic inch motor, low mile Excellent condition. Will accept rade, RA 3.3770 1008 AUSTIN Ad40 sedan, in good condi tion, with very good tires and radio, | Rest offer. Telephone RA 5.0115 after 4 pm 1088 PONTIAC, white wall fires, twa fone ved and white, good ~andition. | Apply at 188 Church Street after 6 p.m, | 105% OLDSMOBILE, fully power pod, two tone, In good condition Offer telephone RA 8.4305 Oshawa, Darlington Blvd 1958 CHEVROLET deluxe |sedan, very good condition, Telephone RA 85068 after 4 p.m 1008 CHEVROLET deluxe, two tone two door sedan, exceptionally good con dition, new tires. Telephone RA 5.2017 1004 PLYMOUTH sedan, very good oon dition, M75. Will take trade-in as down Payment if nepessary. RA &.002 1000 CHEVROLET Biscavie, alitomatio, radio, white walls, privately owned | Telephone RA 34507 after 6.30 nm W DODGE custom Hoval ha olean, good-looking car, extras Robinsen Motors, 874 Ritson South 'Wh VOLKSWAGEN Uke new Open o'elock Apply Ritson Road W DODGE custom loaded with extras, very Wn fort a demonstration tors, fully radio Hilltop Motors, RA home iences Terms farm with an ex set of building large bankbarn with steel stanchions, waterbowls drive shed, ete; 8.roomed brick house with modern con $25,000 50 .acre ellent tream equip host Pr had TT venience Term four best doar 200-acre DAIRY offer cated close L-shaped FARM lo to Oshawa, large modernized bank. barn, machine shed, bulk cooler, silo; B.roomed h with all medern convenience Consider house for down po ment me | 57.0cre DAIRY 612 cans quote, ther 100 acres rented; 8 roomed house furnace, water. Asking $5000 with $3,000 down 16-a¢ tarm Bowme i 0" x Bank bam large pig stream, drive shed, elk roomed home with modern nvenience Price and terms arranged FARM bam, an with flop, a Apply Road low mileage eVORIngs, until Robinson Motars South just ] " re west 16 barn ocated Royal, four door clean Rohinson 874 Ritson Road South RAUICK super tres, will sell RA &0689 come | Mo \ rood offer wood tor pondition, | $278 ar best! 13.0 with med juarter fouble Orang ence 13,000 home BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 807 KING ST OSHAWA lust East of 1.4494 + 1SABYAN MOTOR 1 SALES LTD. ST VRERAKER, SK wast N 134 RITSON RI UTH SHAWA RAnd : | | modern co Price arranged Ga \ge Term 8 roomed home with all mod garage in New ae 000 Wi Re ox locat \ Price §¢ ellent astle " \ n } 5 Cre land tu Down $1,500, Mas to old soon, with 6 sil nace be Franti RA 3 AM Hunter 2974 A 3.3950 ONT 1461 Clarke 223) Tel ph | 47--Automobiles for Sale | TRADE AND TERM SHAWA CAR AUCTION 25 GRENFELL ST, RA 8.5179 SPECIALS BUICK tw yell matic 57 door hardtop, and white W au transmission, | teering, power brake radio, whitewall owner er one $1595 CHEVROLET feurdoor der power ONLY Bel LA brown Air Sedan lin tan brake and $695 DODGE yellow inder wdan 6-cyl tr $695 four-door and white automatic in mission PONTIAC dan, blue BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD 1271 SIMCOE I. N RA 3.4675 WELLMAN'S RA 3.4431 FALL ROUNDUP SALE "NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED" '89 AUSTIN A.40 50 mpg CHEV, BISCAYNI Econ No, 6 Buy Town MORRIS CONV excellent conditidh DODE REGENT Whi walls, dise and radio HARD white Ur-door € $395 0 Up 1 "Sharp' 'o8 my Best n FORD 2.DF n tone, radi walls and dist METEQR 4.DR tamily buy Sharr PONTIAC 4.DR tomatic No, 6 Au Radio, | owner PLYMOUTH Gl white RAMBLES | owner WAVOY with wall ner ming AMERICA immact | condition BEL Al white wall me late CHEV 1] ch disc CHEV hod DELUXE m A AKEF aver MANY RAMBLER ON DISPLAY Wellman Motors Lid, TUDE Qa "ANI 1961 NOW MORI 100 Nona ' Cost] {motors 3 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, The 47 Automobiles For Sole 1955 Me AOBILE a dort hardtop, rami. #ew FLYMOU TH ¥ fo onditing 1057 LBs HOBILY we WH CHEVR wie mer " i " ox PONTIAC wits » MOY BAZ76 Wi OFM OBILE fires wh wl hat rt WAL BA 3790 aft 190g STUDEBAKER Hilltop 48 Automobiles Wanted WANTED ot Sor Hl GME Dave, BA LAKESHORE Aw for Mar HH A onenwner, under a Gn Ka THA 2: nes wrecking. Mig POT CASH PAID FOR | Good cleg ao DOD D MOTOR | 114 PARK RI i A Va AS r SALE MACKIE MOTORS KING 57 Al HOUSTON'! AND SERVICE BRAKE SF A PLETE BRAKE MOTOR TUN GENERAL REPAID GARAGI STATION 50--Articles For Sale AWNING Prompt now £4 rental fore 4 UseED of wri washer mptor FRIGDAIRE 748 PIANO Telep ther ELECTROBOME |The finest in TV hest trade-in a Television, 018 I Color TV on displa VACUUM part attach teed vehuilt machine Hentals, Vacuum Clea e, HA time |GAUTHE heal rectal 18 feat of § Wilson Road 1 cleaner nent 01 ar vith dual con ne $40. 115 valued hed atire an astounding amber 3 Ka Furni 2 Where | roam | offer 1s terms site Hing imeoe Street South Price Lower! UNPAINTED the purchase of an furniture. Student drawers dressers {Church Street WINK hookeases, only Hi unfinished $10.00; ohest $040) van Furniture, 20 piece of Hesk hookenses Wilson's 17; $26. and cider har iW ua ize Oshawa Hard e and Wleglri |# Church, HA 57624 ELEC TRI machine, unpacked held onable Wing nd t rane Ji pp ier etal 2071 a, HA |DEMONRTRATORS | powered tape self Phil portable 1.00 two portable recorders, $60.95. 1 Ips tape recorder, 800.50. | Stereo record Pla er, complete I portable, si | rd player (849, Trin Tole lon, 171 Bond | East DOMINION Reatt Bro Market. Ha ap fax 5:3041 NEW Applian now Jungle | terma 88 down, 52 cial 13 gauge {10 Dominion | treet We [DISCONTING En erin for Wich horderies veekl shells He 81.80 pe A Bond shotgun Tire patie rial d floor coy ny ol reduoed half § Furniture ard. Wil linoleum AON & SELLING furniture huteh We'll toves, eto. For tog tint Prine hand AINN ni rangeties and buy it 1 treet, Phan B18] Hen ity st $0 and washin \ nes, $14 Nl nd upi chrome and chal alrfoam) writer phone RA n PIAND high fell upright, a reconditioned 001 SKATES new and changed, | est Drayton's Cyele used, sold ection Bond and in \ trent East TYPEWRITERS 1d hing New otrie add multipl SUID, and your trade. ® Ashburn, Brooklin ORDERS (a) Ar Alumiy 0 i Phone FOR 04 GL ACLOTS milton iW Ashe nate BALE leeps and light rent, three Jupp or five d Rental NG) ENCYOLOPAYDIA Ui Knitting RA a2 nachine " an now. Teley WINTER 0 NG heat SPACE 8 ¢ THREY Band tre for USED makes « to washer Hampton tionad Market SKATE ost ing and co 10ve Paddy' * aM exchange selection, and Sportsman [ South, Whithy Friday VW TOWERS 4 hot dipped hanne! head new lengthwi and used, lar sharpen Byron Spm ner. 10 eet Open until Fhuvsdays and selt-suppart ga eed wit A installed and Trin guaran Televi $1 RUYS a holstered chair a trilite ehas This amazing ember ¥ Furnishir Where | ALUMIN AND W an up and valued IUM DOOR! CALL ICK ALEX VAIDA WwW FOR QU ERVICE rsdoy, Movember 17, 1960 27 50---~Articles for Sele Eakm mont all wees, 5 spd EF. Goodrich Sores, BA 54040 FAINY 92.9% gallon A fia a Elecivig, # ow £rin terion Civar wntasd "nA VINA Hore Hardware trust, HA CARRIAGE | writ 825 lady wt, We rie hanred 7 FREEHON H nnerifien ot atom nA hep a wood tim. RA Wir ¥o HA # "ma makogs In very good $487 for pirther gait standard, ter further 7 sale wlrrioont Ld fe new dition culars Will nt ESDERWOON type oh 4 PIANG Eom tition. WA 8556 right, nex £194 whined fo fe phone grand stisclerit 1A pi ine dition. Te partite CONTIN NTL twin hed I oie with head Velo ne HA Tain far further FWING CONE bine attachmaen Ling of bation Hg -tagunr and wasonahly priced 514 BABY e Ker pink Nght attach Telephones carriage 1959 Deluxe ant eondition, RL piles Condon LL washing ma edition. BA lady's, white gloves wn ol KATES size {ho ii intique ing Lain HA A382 enmiination windows 4 tr BA slorm oY woon elves ' Appl ir 0 Ontario BOLRLE | ' p priced hard phone feel sla I erly wil Telephone condition ith BLACK Pe y § BHAND ne Hy Phe spe ( " id A Best offer HA wuthenrd ane pear finish HA as HA A alan I" sell 8714 second change AMEFM tune Telephone IVLIFER range i wilt Road four hurpes eonditi 62 Park FLECTHIC in very good nahi Appl for tall HECONBITIONED tele Meagher HA EF] WTERVIELD hires piece wd r f quanti of ont Malaga Batum bushel ) apartment trae winter ize 4 TWINS three plece po ' Wen als and ENOYOLOPAEDIA I! i" J] fi iit i lume aii warn, 928 (ie n #hti Stree BEAUTY Shop equipment mditioning Aryers, steamer ol ennerelie ling gn, All : ' MO B96) GUITAR, Gibson alued at $170 aw. Includes HA 30447 LADY 5 muskrat 8, reasonable 490 p.m frantic chair no excell electric Belling for wane, cord lid hod) $160, Almost and strap, "ens Sy alley coil Phone sige I RA 3745 BOY » ol three « plage ondition aulil Hept Phone HA and term Mare. ammanition new and used Dominion Tire Bireet. West. HA H6511 WE pay highest ned furniture Store, BA 4 ore ni down i Bond prices in the Pretty's Used § 1471, 444 Bimene ily top WIR and We buy and sell wey terms. Anything in Hamilton, Ashhurn, Brooklin store tanrnnt now trade in une Bi ment a WOODEN mile form rates partienlar GOODRICH Ntores 5 hits slvinator vefvigeratoriCs, tele Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5.4543 in oom WPIIng names, dis wk from sash Phone made To orders HA 5.6068 for fur) LL teries sion BiG wale, hers hedding bunk lowest eight Ir slashed pwoe tresses, hranded tiekings, close ogntinental beds, springfilled, eight only, out the complete, spe foam pillows h Wilson Fur prices pleces ontinued 14.88 ing n, al nid 0 ' pots oenis ture Church WAREHOUSE Street and Man n clearance some slightly brand liges top desks. of odds marked oils forgolte regular $20.6 aver davenpor regular W0, spegial valnut and bland end-tables. plan And fancy, values to 840.05, out the d from 847 triclight floor lamps, regu 10 9 11 #0 model metal 348.05. vedu 336; lovely assorted iar to 824 five Furniture, 0 Church hur ite sale 1m smart covering ¥ 5 to od for quick offee only #8 tables, veg Wilson f " ntract nothing lawn Aluma Seal Co NYTIMI ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNING DIRECT FACTORY PRI MANUFACTURED LOCA FREE ESTIMATES 10 QBLIGATION Aluminum S$ RA 8.4614 Colamial le SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE ALES AND SERVICE Lome nmere \ 90 ( car whee! 3 each, alse body solder older SHAW AUTO WRECKING EAST i L: and plastic BLOOR RA 5.2 3 3 \ Al i NUM DOO | ND WINDCWS Re Re ell the t th FAST EFFICIENT SERVIC IM ELLIOT RA 3.2866 FOF 5 Lymer Aluminum Co RA B.538%

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