Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 24

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oe Quebec move bulk cargo thls winter. 375,002.42 Ward feet ot the end snd the powerhowse come soon THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Wevember 17, 1960 23 for example, and less gen of Ociohe snd were glready after. But the canal was closed i wa | sift "? et pet was! a 4 » - # Wo ( : 2 a of the 1950 eplaced hy he seavway |n Ice-l ree Ports ' VERE ya od hid French «vib Cargo Ak he S00 tia of wr ge and 4 op ee oh 4 Loh ot gr a Holstein Bresders on January W, gdansg 4 slides of WA setivities wn the United States embergy ¢ 4s amiitions #5 # Slevedores' wages wn Hatax hoard feet YApn iain. DEINE replaced wy? and local pletares of gd f / inter po "i V ie Bisco 4 . i fet y i -------- Wi Bein dat V welior Ks , § Swint Jon i big sg A Po a vo [ea wewiyn, there was mo need Mis Gladys Archer resigned as B.7 wezt mesting will be the wnt, Saint Jo vB. 5 oF Phew i+ Wh sult bits rer, wy He o " od for the powerhouses 0 ret i and member of the wnnusl ncertain u ure e vont, Bois Jn NB. be Cog 1 as akon She En SP uads oi Sewloandind. me Oldest Power mG oowehope. soretary wed member of 'theSunasl Cheivings Pari /e ie or 8 ed rk Wet oo ey HH Gils io ¥ a 6.000 tons of cargo bound for the ® Ama Rp all anz meeting, Rev. My " ' » W as 7 RE | ine £ heen re uperintendent who had dwecied dog oe y ARBRE, Sher 4 ia pie ada B ' sland provinces Raving Braham insialled the follow or og big MA ' ' yf GER UETIRE CURR PARE TE y, the Dan Fi wed through North Sydney ouse He operations tox 7 years, 16) ficers for 1961 - Pies Haan of Port Sa * E 4 ~~ ' N y : de é 45 y 7 y 4 4 aka a ¥ A ' ¥ FRG Gomi (Rat CRRAGR » THO (hy Kuropman | mw We nit Stator." mas of the Chives Last year 16 shi To a Yorioy (onnags vas hog COYEAY du LAC, Que, (CP) '"¢ JP OF DUILIRG [he 06 poo igent, Mrs, A. Fieiding; bore was with nd Eefiee somporis Nave we " ' sow he _ i hadi ade 2 Wh and port offs. SHEN wo fr thie your, SIBMIG LL" Lr 0 nada's ddest power. [ASWoned knite swiehes to shi ey Wires. Prank John WW, M. Holtby for the long tRemssives thie winter be simhe ooo on ia Hd EE I Dy Da pred calls will het" dy ig ". hg ge host liouses has been closed after 61 off the two generators son corresponding secretary lend Let's Haid the tine and Rene O i Cahacd Wong I 0 HVAC ET oii ean Toasls tig Pre gH 1, 77 6 ih years of continuous operation Bain: recording secretary. Mes, Toylor snd daughter Ww het we have : " psi . 4 dd same pevion last year rendered ohnoiete by the 86, Law. Wre 4. KE. Holthy, assistant sec-touffy I. B. Michell, Balter por' « word he CHUN 1Fhe one i Ino ' il trattie om the Wi. Wchell mentioned (We rence Bepniy MANCHEST ER wlary Mrs |. Thompson; tress-iMrs, C mansger, put i this wey (e "A why Bain ' pent 4 FETE as alee shiished key commodities Wn wiih Bali The red brick bu iding on the wer, Mes. ¥. Lamb; hospital Mrs, SOE te any Boom year. in | SEEK WORE TRADY azar 3 i. Vs wd of in 5050 season seven Ia% Wine wllic increased Last) south side of the Sowlanges Canal - in . * auatliary. Mrs. Cawker and Mrs, expect 10 hod very wel So wriow y 4Bion COW wove outinsiem th iE wade 41 calls at Quebec, ve ver 190. grain, wp 10) generated enough power 10 operr VANCHESTER --~ Mrs. Fred pain. parsonage, Mrs, Gray, Wi On the opposite const, Vane sidered in Ottawa i 15 AP tangs pe E.: wd 1 winier seven vessels 19% toms from $200. and ate four locks and seven bridges Lamb entertained the WA la (6 Franklin: program com: or looking ahead 10 a0 RVEY ' . ad bs Jam ' 4 jis son 15 that the MEde 4° ¢ cride off, 2708704 tons from and Haht the entire "anal Phir stay. The meeting opened in Mitt Mrs, W, W, Holthy, Mrs, ik ear, The port Manse er deputy nw "yr 0 ae Mud S08 Wes | # hsihax ¥ oh aid 1°} $854. The powerhouse looks like # the usual wa th hymn an ' dre, Toombs; menus, Capt. B. D, L, Johnson, 6d (he 4 the ( asi ond Wr Ve don't anticivate aw parteia. We was confident the same medieval Vrench castle, with tur- prayer. Mrs, Bain read the min. Mrs, Fielding, Mrs, Stevens and i Haan ne Prop iit €F Compt ies == W pe ahi indication thet # dro akan shipoing Wed we comtinie this season, rete and gargoyies al each cor previous meeting Crome #re SREpPNE Ww wow, 'th wer ( 4 int 9 A Aveta Wimler could tho " « fro aah gr. In Vancouver Capt, Johnson ner and (ancy gingerimend work which were approved. Eleven The offering was received and " 3 " ands and an ¢ aid there enild he significant #l ove Inside, brass rales and members and two visitors were i pr iW be average in % © CEperied Wen pre on for the "#H y # 4 i. icated. The meeting closed, with the last five YORE, b a 0 sew Whe eh tore or TWF SURe" nereases in the export of cont |8rills protecied the marble con. present Thirtyiwe dollars a ih hymn and prayer and Mis, Ii tae Diekground of these com: CONG He Gone 0 DIENER Cann GUEBKL EXPANDING ertilizes and lumber this winter (trod pane! five cents was turned In for] y ments, ot east 5s far 7s the east © ade hopes thers Winter shipping 18 Wn its infancy CARGO TREND ALTERS Lumber exports, in fact, had. The cansl was built by the Christmas cards sold in October [lamb and her group served Const pore are congerned is on Asither Gause of unceripimy on the $i. Lawrence and has only He expected Halliax to handle heen high sll year, standing at'depariment of transport in 1899, Ji was decided to eater for the'lunch. Mrs Lamb then showed ; -- p---- SAVE $3.00 CASH 4 REDEEM THESE VALUABLE OUPONS ar A&P A&P Supermarkets Located af: 17. SIMCOE STREET NORTH ------ -- 1150 SIMCOE ST. N. rei parkinG '2. AsP CHOICE PEAS WITH THIS COUPON WITHOUT COUPON OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 PM, 32.98 | 33.48 This Week's Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Features! Siork Bow Bir Silvan wo € vies ViVi oie Sokirday: Mossrsheo Wik, i THIS COUPON GOOD FOR B0c¢ OFF THE PURCHASE OF "wor mi. ASP CHOICE PEACHES Ontario's Finest Grade (as displayed at Royal Winter Fair) McINTOSH 3 WITH This COUPON WITHOUT COUPON APPLES Tous bay 5: s5.50 | 36.00 Limit One Por Customer ~ Gaupon | Unt! Saturday, November Vth, #80 Valencia, Choice Grade, Size 150's iS COUPON GOOD FOR B0¢ OFF THE PURCHASE OF A CASE OF 24 A P CHOICE CORN WITH THIS GOURON WITHOUT SOUPON Flarida, Marsh Basdioss, No, | Grade, Bias 98's I California, No, 1 Brads, Large Original Bunche s4.1 o] | 34.68 GRAPEFRUIT 6 bor 39¢ il BROCCOLI sath 29: kimk One Por Customer Coupan Valid Wnhil Saturday, November 19th, 1960 Galifarnia, Fancy Grade, Red Emperar i Califarnin, No, | Grade, Bello Wrapped GRAPES 2-25 iil CAULIFLOWER ah 3 5 . THIS COUPON GOOD FOR $0c¢ OFF THE PURCHASE OF No, | Grade, Christmas Stosk, Late Mawes Variety {il Native Grown, Nao. | Grade, Tender, Crisp, Pasea! A CASE OF 24 L CRANBERRIES ..--25. CELERY STALKS 2-19. |! wai ve. ANN PAGE BEANS varus | WITH THIS COUPON WITHOUT eOUPON Califarnia, Frosh, New Brop, Me. | Grade {il ~~ ®larida, New Crop, No. | Grade DATES ww19c || CUCUMBERS ~~ 2-19¢ s 3.21 | 33.71 JANE PARKER QUALITY Limit One Per Customer -- Gaupan lL Until Saturday, November Hith, 1960 2 BIG MONEY SAVERS! BAKERY FEATURES! Fabulous WI-FI Record Offer! UAKED IN AGT OWN HAKERY OV HROTER TA ra ~, THIS" €OUPON GOOD FOR B0c OFF THE PURCHASE OF me 59 ct Aap wh TOMATOES AND FREE 26s COUPONS ONY Coach | IANE PARKER 20.02 TINS ALBUMS NOS. 4 & § NOW ON APPLE PIE WITH THIS GOUPON WITHOUT COUPON SALE WITH 28: COUPONS envy §. PY " Full Details at Record Display in AAP Stores Lar, . $ 18 $ 68 LITTLE & IVES « COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED each 3 ; : | . o Ld J Limit One Pear Customer Coupon Valid Until Saturday, November 19th, 1960 BOOK of SCIENCE Reg. 406 -- SAVE 10s «etl IN ¥ SECTIONS WITH DELUXE BINDER STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE SECTION ' « 2@¢ EACH THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 28c¢ OFF THE PURCHASE OF Sewell 9a SPANISH BAR CAKE ui29: "vom AP TOMATO JUICE DELUXE BINDER EACH " Jane Parkes Reg. 4e--8AVE 108 WITH THIS COUPON WITHOUT EOUPON COFFEE CAKE rivet twist wh 3 Se 2 3 NOW! "hk ine Su" Giazeo powurs "iis L783 | 3300 GLAZED DONUTS wus 29: SUPER S U DS BREAD . 2 fot oe THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 28: OFF THE PURCHASE OF CRACKED WHEAT 24.02 loaves [4 SPECIAL! sine Ly eave te rao Asp oe PLUMS THIS WEEK AT AsP CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 29: eat awe wlll KING SIZE TWIN ROLLS 2 vormieSe $ 3 71 | $ 3 96 Jane Parke Reg. box Mo-SAVE 4 5 Q POTATO CHIPS Wor box 5 Se Limi One Per Customer Coupon Valid Until Saturday, November 19%h, 1960 LIQUID DETERGENT ALL PRICES IN THIS AD gen GAY 4d 71 (ER ERSTRON MARGARINE Parkay Regular 2 1b pkgs §7¢ Reg Price 1.65 -- SAVE & ROMAN MEAL Dr. Jackson's pkg 41¢ "0

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