ike the Buy Rima ofl "Vthe some East-West agreement a Geneva nhs ernment Ire; tg bth; Cana. were cruelly shatiered by the tion in the Commons for 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Movember | 17, 1960 Hon. Howard Green A rgnad Arms Alone DAVE McANTOSH dian services with nuclear weap: Bovier stallout from the Press Stall Wr hs ng Mr, Green argued hat 8 woULIN'T GIVE UY armament. pegmiations In like fashion THE SAVINGS ON THESE AYLMER prODUCTS AT | ALP THIS WEEK | meet. pressing for resumption of Gls He was against walking (or any thal agreement to he put inte of he wide fect. He was In favor of e's 1a) D {| He was fst £lecied Mr. Green kept mediate adoption of small 'pack: | what hb king shout hecas issue of disarmament alive age deals" of helanced conces-| even after bis cherished hopes o sions on both sides years before Wis party Rasy in 199 i Fhe CRE 1H power (Washingion) wa He once 1614 & friend be didn't wpisl 192]. Canada ve # second thought 16 work: reseniplives WB more Sa EEE EEE i (ITRER Was RPDHRIER WTKs IW » 4 MA Isler ARG ALing mimsier ol fe 0 tian p- fence production He wn WH medisiely drew the privale #. ing long hours, day and Bight, wn comminies. The depariment"s an ger of some MPs apd wars * the government because Wet be- pusl kuduet is more an i, heelers by declining tn Rave any ucation t ng I the government was #2 O00, most of HB I foreign thing whatever 10 Ba With Pe treat aller mire then we Aes economic aid ades in npposikion Mr. Green wis In the opposition, the tall, wap BL, Boy. 5, 1095 eae nosed Vancouver lawyer cated there and & was ned for Ws grinding ner of Toroots. He sideration © If he wanted an answer Ww B of his Closest friends certain question, he would A velerin HW Herries could not preach disarmament Even after Soviet Premier the CommMans » sion hall the' MP for Kootenay West while acaniring new arms, es Khrus hehey's ala Fum § in the might until he g He | : 4 ° Rf ad auring the pecially nuclear ones, By June of Ute Notions, Mr. Green Wept\micGrsy WHINER - or th 1960 the government was saying it had not yet decided whether nuclear weapons would we oh tained for Canadian forces " He picked up Nowadays, when the opposition SPRIE BAMELRE WY) with # smile, he knows| #9 (accuses them of "whining." And mn : po ihe was one of the biggest whin-|Commons in 193 fds his 55 WE WEEK-END SUPER-RIGHT MEAT FEATURES! FRESH KILLED CANADIAN LEGS | FRONTS UT SHORT GUT SHANK FULL © 63:2 LAMB CHOPS +79 LAMB in BASKET Roast, Chops, Baw Buh CHOPS - 3 : 59 BRAISING RIBS +29 WIENERS 49: BEEF HEARTS 27: PORK SAUSAGE + ier 59 PORK SAUSAGE +49 CANNED PICNICS 1++1.33 A a 20, BACK BACON »T9¢ veot Pigkied, Contre Guts ar Slee Soe ws 9 9e BACK BACON «39 COOKED HAM » 39 FISH FOOD PORK ' SHOULDERS WHITE BASS FILLETS +47 Quality, §i BEEF LIVER Maple Loaf, Smoked, Rindiess, Sheed SIDE BACON ashe TD SAUSAGE RINGS 69 BOLOGNA rise PRIME RIB ROAST +69 GROUND CHUCK +59 SIDE BACON ~~ ws 83¢ BACK BACON +59 PORK SPARE RIBS +45 MINCED BEEF "39 STEAKETTES rem 27: FEATURES! HALIBUT STEAKS »57¢ sity ond won the respect--perhops ai: OPene Comet on ChEISHaRl The study lor the evens s tection is not too strong # wd EGuchtion mel gt the new Boro sistence espech ally during con in the First World War with the k-{ forget the opposition rn of slertieizing the a0mimel rst another Green with : 4 y serie this uses the same tactics Mr, Green|" Me Beseried, thy ers of them all returned in every + lect Mr. Green is used to an uphill) Mr. Green heads a department general election fight. He was a member of the of some 2000 employees, Wo of REJECTED PATRONAGE, immer of Po Progressive Conservative oppos- them foreign service officers. When the Conseryal 22|The department was established) sumed office June 21 AP Super 1 CIGD FORREE M overs EEDRON On Monday, the Lalion Oespile AERIMIBEIONE 7 CEN 4 V WH Whi Bek po ) of this 1 Bithy pip division of theldilerences We ithe form of a dlscussion by af i [ i i] of the pppo hin Educational Centre with fiftyl panel composed of Re s oy spending estimates. 54h Kootenay Batlalion and one] Long engl Ope Present, TepEestnting #l- J time pd uf em. RIE most al Protestant denominations "iillier of Brolin United Chron ¢ ott y int WF 5 the pres Bev, BE. W. Fuller of the Anghiean ter ak wis year in the om The meeting began with alt hureh Byookiin few non al Ne han NH De FW WH "Perry of the Ashi pot to he charmed om oH sing song led hy Mr. and Mrs trian Church and Res v hoes hy Mr. Green and i erviee was effectively condueied The discussion followed wp last Mr Green dislike ' ting fv Mr. Ralph Milner and Mr pity ' theme of "Teach ar 4 f 4 4 =! Ik Med of okdin erdie pointing owl that H nd until his appointment as ex 100A dediand of Brooklin, Mr ernal affairs minister Fred Ormiston of Brovkim wel Should be the purpose of chris hel een back ta Europe on Hl comed the delegates, and made|Ion educaion in help children nil First World War His # Plea for unity in christian edu Brow Christin service. They wee | GOI he led 10 Lake TRSPON sibility, and to share thelr en ergy, talents and money i Inn sons, Lewis and Ji live at Manotick, Ont. aad Agas-llis first wile, the former Marion Green is fond of paying with hisimarried the former Donna Kerr HOLD MER) grandehildren. After the eith ofdof Duncan, BC., in 19% ------ Fhibud CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER PEAS 3S Reg. 2 tins 41. =~ SAVE 6: CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER wv CORN 2.27. Reg. 2 tins 35: = SAVE & AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE 4...49. Reg. 2 tins 31: = SAVE 13 TOMATO CATSUP "iif 2.37. AYLMER SOUP "55° 2.-.31 TOMATO JUICE "45 2uun59: PEAS + CARROTS "Xi %" 2....35. ynsvine Marg Juict More Savings at A&P! ROBE BRAND MARGARINE CAKE MIXES TEA BAGS VEDETTE LIDO COOKIES GHEF BOY. AR-DEN PIZZA PIE MIX RIDDELL AUATRALIAN Reg, pha Me---BAVE CURRANTS ry A I FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! FRENGM FRIED Hog: § phys Me~BAVE & AP POTATOES 4-63. A&R FANOY Reg: We--8AVE 4 KERNEL CORN .--45. SPECIAL! -- 10: OFF BOKAR 8 0'CLOCK COFFEE COFFEE «1.85 | 1.61 WE GREAT AMARC § TROT TEA COMPANY tee, s All prices in this ad Rag, # bas 400-BAVE be 2.47 Reg, phy Wo=BAVE 2-65. Rag phy T9e--BAVE 4 ad Be Reg: phg 150-BAVE be 39. Reg, pkg Me-BAVE ny { « B guaranteed through Saturday, Nov. 19th, 1940 periencas ot # five ner work with children, held w Hillier inawecied toe new Alicers lor the coming yess, Past President; Mr Werry, Kedron, Presiden; Mr. Bey Brawn, Raglan, Vi Kedron Secraiary/ Treasurer; rection Hay Sets, Cobbs, Dives 8 lor of Ging Work; Mr, Douglas Ashburn, Beeretory for Young People's Work; Rey, J Smith, Wiithy, in chergs of Lend ership Training Almonds Chureh, ge Wissiomary pludy; Mrs, EE, Bere © her partment; As Brookiin sit, BL espe ive and M iounce of Vancouver, Mr. reen ARLE The evening ended with 8 soe | Mrs. Gordon Mitflin of Whithy isl howr Heron of Ashburn, The Worship Butler, Whithy United Chusen, Ashion in charge of Temper