JOY SOMATA YIN, Thwwdey, Yoruba V7, pie i KEEP IN TRIM Back Up Diet With Shape-Ups (3 4 And Lose Pounds And Inches |} By IDA JEAN KAIN exercise Wn which the machines | Pj Exercise plays the beauty role do the work, He Is quite likely to in reducing. Precision calisthen- advise walking jes Bre Simming: diet d C This trio of exercise is effective ducing, There's a sieable differ without being rugged 7 ence, Slimming refers lo inehes Lying on back on floor, simply, B reducing to pounds sdr-eteh, pushing down wit What happens when you diet toes, sireiching arms back on}"3 but shun exercise? Well, the fat floor pull, Btreteh again, and comes off the places where it can twist end turn gently until you) J be least spared and clings feel the stretch clear to your to the spots where it has been toes, living longest, For most over Now stretch on the bias, eross| gg weights it is not a question of right leg over left, touching toes pt f 2M A RETAI LERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 4 »- diet or exercise, but a combing. to floor as you stretch right arm tion of both that brings beautiful back on floor, Pull, Then ero y: i results, Regular exercise oan left leg over right, and with lef! 4 2 #7 » § I help you to look and be slim, firm arm stretched hack on floor p oH 4 frase TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA and shapely pudd, Repeat several times, { Normal weights need exercise From same position lying on fi ; : / on The sore ti, ic vc" Tot J 77 SHINY SAA A SW RRO OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. keep soles of feet flat on flabby muscles, sooner or 16ler floor Raise hips just sligh the figure soft around the floor tilt them up to edges and measurements spread. vioht as you pullin forcibly v y : ] Then too, exercise is a cireuld- (he sidefront museles, Return to § ¢ Ay ; | ® Check the quolity and variety tion rouser, and good muscle Lone center. tilt hips to the left side ] 14 Vol lath p " Hig i 5 ft 4 YY 3 es end active circulation: enhance gud aagin pul) up and in strong! A § g f . of Zeller Sale Yolues ! yeilbeing Reveal: 8 to 19 men, aternating AY [od / ® Benefit by Special Savings-Prices | in GIT Summed wp With exercise sides \ ik 5 2 / 7 ¥ alone, you can toné muscles and These simple exercise move- EW / 4 7 ® Wonderful Gift Assortments | § b A SPECIAL TOYLAND "BUYS"! elim measurements, With di let ments help tone the figure con ¥ : | 8 ! / " 1 alone i" welght hut do no Iing myesecles and slim the im- 4 it if) of . 2 tone the m s, Back up d portant middle measurement MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS -- Cood with shape and you can lose loctiing brushed rayon in euthen pounds and bulky Inches HOUSEHOLD HINT GET DOCTOR'S ADVICE, Fasiest way to putty windows 1s tic Tartan and Ombre" plaic "8, M, L Giftright for Dod! I uy Are toting a derable!to mix the putty with paint $2.98 Value! Sale-Priced! "PY IAMA DOLL" -- Pert 12. | 30-IN, DOLL ~ Santa's fove in, plush Doll with moulded | orite for young tots! Lovely f ohered pouch fo "Saran" hair, fully jenited vinyl face; zippered pou if 7 Yvinyl body, Complete with hiding away pyjomos. $2.98 | panties, patent leother shoes 5 sai So eres 1.917 Sole, Solum. 4.99 GIFT DOLLS --Amusing figures with moulded vin heads stuffed bodies, Many to choose from ¢ 1.29 value ! SALE-PRICED | , rreseni EC ---------- amount of excess poundage ask of the frames, This elim. * y d 0 a bout exer. Inates the tedious Job of painting ¢ising ay suggest passive the pully later - ® Timely Cardigans for Ladies and Misses at Pre Christmas Sale Prices ! LADIES' "BULKY" CARDIGAN -- Sizes 14 to 20, 8 High-bulk "Orlon" in white, beige, leaf, lilac, Smart WONDERFUL % "cable'-stitch pattern, 7,98 value ! ] SALE PRICE ' ' ' LURES YOUNG MISSES' "CLASSIC" CARDIGAN -- Sizes B to 14, Shape-retaining ""Helenca" textured yarns in FOR BAB 'S ie slate blue, od, coral, Varauels s€, Sure-to- 299 A pms | a -- BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS ~~ Smort knitted cotton Shirt wide, wide stripe patterns; kind boys like! Sizes 8 to 16, $1.98 Value! Sale-Priced for Pre-Christ mas Sole $ ANRAAVRAAARANDAR « THE VALUE STORE FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING | BE + © A FISTS speriy TIMELY MONEY- SAVERS! 15-LIGHT "MULTIPLE" SET § SPRING HORSE == for young Christmassy colored electric | "Cow-pokes"'! Sturdy metal (py frome 31 by 17 ins, with LINED P"] bulbs for outdoor use, Set amt | volvmem fore ver Special! GLOVES ] will net burn out if one light | hours of playtime fun! Handle, 11 " na fails, $5.49 value! $6.98 Orlon FOR "HIM" | ® or Priced! Nove pis & a9 ig 'i Cardigans » pam | 2.60 COSY-WARM FLETTE. PYJAMAS 2-1one trims, "'Bulky"s knit" Cardigans {07 WARM GIFT! -- Give the FOR BOYS & GIRLS Gris in wie, are, {wanton your Gi iy sl GD Ld Vzellers smart Coperkin 4 SIZES 3 YO 6 =~ Smart-&-practical Gift mas Sale, black, cork of grey, Pops Idea! Cosy flette In prints and colorings ular slip-on style, Warm y for young-folk! Gift-wrap these 'Jamas' ® nef | § 2 37 0 sn Ye dif J & for your faverite tinies! $1.59 Veluel ['] L] he > LINED "SLIMS"-- SIZES 71 SALE-PRICED ! WINTER-RIGHT cotton bedford cord Slim Jims are a "® Smart-and-practical gift! Choice of black, willow, red, antelope, 2.98 value, 1. 9: PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE PRICE ,.....000s. WANA ANAVRARRRRRAS LOVELY HOLLY-TIME SPECIALS ! Priced! Sale-Priced, TERRE i a a A ARRAY ARR ng -~ » rf » Le =3 DUSTERS SPECIAL FOR PRE.CHRISTMAS SALE! «= Gift-right Dusters in style sketched; flocked floral de- signs on white, pink, blue, maize, #4 mint background, Lined, 5, M, L, Ney GIFT NYLONS v ¥ i SALE PRICED! 3 # SMOKER SEAMFREE! = You'll want several pairs p Giftwrap this handsome for Gift-Giving and for i Ri chrome or bronze finished yourself! 400 needle, 15 A ) Smoker for someone speciall denier r Nilo J In love wv { & Complete with B-inch glass shades ) to 3 § § ps Pre-Christmas Sale Ri C ash tray, $9.98 Value! Sales MR ad 8 Cal i | x ELEGANT DRAW DRAPES (us 7.77 PRICED ! STOCKING in} x SINGLE i PRIS or ono 7 57 ) FOLDING 9.98 value !| SALE-PRICED! / oF LOVELY HOLIDAY ""DRESS-UPS FOR THE HOME at Pres TIGHTS a i: \ SNACK TABLE Chirstmas Sale Prices! Fine quality rayon drapery fob ics . decorator-smart patterns and colorings, Pleated, ready to hang; i Lovely decorated metal tray, 12 A we "Stretch" ) \ complete with pin-on hooks, GIFT-RIGHT! Stretch Nylon L by 1714 ins, on sturdy fold-away P P Stocking Tights; priced for Pres brass-finished legs, About 27 TAILORED PANEL CURTAINS -- Lovely window highlighters Christmas Savings . ins, high, Grand Gift Idea! for the festive season! Rayon marquisette in white; colours, Smart in red, beige, $1.98 valuel 1 1 42:by-81 ins, per panel, $2.98 value! 2 31 black A Sale-Priced! 10 Salespriced, pair i. ivi tessa nay, ae LX 3 » Happy second helpings are the order of the day when you serve these marvelous "main dishes" with nutritious leanings, Gerber Strained ind Junior Meat Dinners are chock full of juicy, ivory meat, The extra meat (3 times as much as our regular dinners) is flavour-blended with garden-good vegetables for a taste-sensation supreme, High in protein, they're an excellent ource of vitamin-A value, too, TEEY Appetites put their best "tongue" forwar vith these ecpsserole delights: Beef, Chicken Veal, Turkey, Liver and Bacon, Chicken Rice and Beel Noodle all with selected vegetables Gerber Meat Dinners are made in Canada especially" for Canadian babies, by specialist who work in the interest of better nutrition or royal, Taree Ladies' sizes S,M,L, $2.98 Value! mn OE CUP-&- ELEGANT GIFT LINGERIE 8 < In lovely designs with attractive \ floral decors, Gift-smart for 5 B Young Homemakers, Reg, value 69% each, Sele » Priced for :: Je Sistas : 2 tor 1.00 & FOR LADIES & MISSES! -- 3o Botany Wool "Bulky"-knit USE OUR Mitts in gay winter-smart pats CONVENIENT terns and colorings, Sizes § © 7 SM LA vem @ "LAY AWAY" GIFT IDEA! Ry : PLAN LOVELY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS SPECIAL ! GIRLS' RAYON PANTIES SPECIAL FOR PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE! -- Attrac: \ tive patterns in decorator-lovely colorings. Doubles SIZES 8 TO 14 -- Gift-lovely for @ Young DOWNTOWN ZELLER"S SHOPPING CENTRE | 1.04 'ize. Deep-pile cotton chenille backed with @ Miss! Dainty styles in a oi of white 4 for 07: 5a 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 226 STEVENSON RD, S. heavy-cotton i 1 97 N , PHONE RA 3.2294 LIMITED PHONE RA 3-2209 | 1298 value. «ov vuvivnnnsssnnnssnnnss Bo 3 paste Special for Pre-Christmas Sale \ Babies are our business ... our only business! Gerber 2381 Niagara Fally, Canada 2 » Sorby SLIPS ply full-length Slips, beaus ttull m anent pleating, rich looking wetate-8 co, Sees 32 to 42 White, colors » dim om TEER DAINTY WALT LENGTH GOWNS .. Rayon, ned Ww v and acetate-&-nylon Av ferful ft r p in sandals ' , $2.98 value! © 2» br LA A A A SEE