Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 9

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Eleanor Salter, Lorne Wood [Stouffville Wedding ier", me 4 fm fue me. ie, "amen bs hens wet and Mr, Jerry Lewis copie left, the Wide was Wears |Hooisma-Skinner | A reception wee held at the ing & brown brocade shesth, Wed In Afternoon Ceremony | Ee 15s Sa CY bl Lu ahet 300 Wt 4 f ha I CEWVER IR RB lofeR Breen lacs cessonies " : Re 0 Os wa nierest sheath with brown aeccssories, Mi, and Mies, Hovisme ol Simese Street Uplted Church! streets nth dresses of scarlet. Ringwood Christian Church, #86 the bridegroom's mother who make thelr home in Oshews, wes the. scene of p wedding on Ted sik velvel featuring porirell Stoullylle, was the scene of # Resisted, wes In Dior Wue crepe Guests were present from Osh Beturdey afternoon, November 12, necklines d ; k wedding last Saturday afternoon #04 lace, sheath style with awa, Port Hope, Toronto ond Us when E £RNOF Nettie Salter # SIEEVES WHR Short while Bloves, when Robert Terry WHooisme, Oustry pink Recessories wrdge Lorne Eimer Wood, both of Osh. They wore matehing nerrow has of Mr, and Mrs, Martin Hoo: " -- ----- ave, were united in me¥iage ih tehing Mush vells isma of Oshaws, took Bs his ' ; " . y g ; / wd § ' a rie all Skinner omen's Edi diel RA 3-3 The bride is the daughter of Md corried cascades of white hride, Parcs Ha b do Aldwinekle, Women's Editor | the late Mr, and Mrs, Gordon PU LLon chrysanth vermis, Wise daughter of Mr, ond Mrs, J, H - slier and the bridegroom is the Flesnor Ford, small piece of the Skinner of Stouliville 3 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, Wovember 17, 1960 Ye Mr, and Mrs, George Pride, wis flower @n, in 6 short. The Reverend H, B, Pike of od of Bale Verte, New Bruns. Wi-skiried frock of scariet red Vietoria, BC, performed the bd 1S wid silk velvet with doves and head cevemony, Mr. Clarion Bkert 1 1 A dress identical to the senior al Played the wedding music PERSONA | Fhe Reverend John K, Molfnt EE She eprried a basket of Hrs Pu lcle Colbie of U rites (periovmed the ceremony, Wr ; "Phe s Prayer' : 6G. Geen vievel the wedding white bution ehrysanthemums sang ie Lord's Pray and) 1 ks 1 4 IR 2 : Wood '0 Pp " ' > at Fugenis ' Te; OF Le 6 i Love" | Guests from out of town at Eugenia Nedozytko, Terry Wiki = Mr, George Todle of Toronto "0 Perec he rh Ford wedding were fovuk, Bohdan Perowak, Lue * Lvrind nd seeompam, od Me Bons wes best man and the ushers The Jide wae gen i" arf Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Bumble, Vet y, Yelenting aT 4A Wo were Mr, Edward Sloan and My, riage by her father, Gowned Wn {Mr, apd Mrs, Stewart Rum Love" ond "The Lord Is My , oll Carion y nw while pesu de sole with long ¢ \Richmond Hill; Mr, and Mrs y menko, Dan EBemeniuk,|d erd "' slees p ape George Cal Mr end Mrs viene Bhewehuk, Robert Sho- Shepherd The reception was held in the eeves, a hell skirt and chapel i h | } | Given in marriage by her pi | len. EGIN, She carried a erosecent of Howerd Lilley, Mr, and Mrs dy, Olga Sich, Carol Stezik, Na 4 Piccadilly Room of Hotel Gen YEN, She | : y tra ' George Fice, Mrs, Margaretitelie Zadovorny, Eugene Zahridbrother, Mr, Glenn Saller, the ocha where Mrs, Fr James of Ye carnations and ivy (rales LADIES Fice, Miss Dorothy Fice, Mr.belny, and Joan Zunkeyich, Mr bride wore & full length gown of Oshawa, whe received for Miss Helen Hohat o, Toronto, Jemes Fice, Mr, and Mrs, Wil-lLuchek, in his address welcomed) earnption whi ie sik velvet The ride, wore Ad phi nium Phe silk Was mid of honor and Miss James ) | fm pc i, hh, ts a a i, gd og, nfs de IMITATION FUR Vd oskow y Mis i ith the variou "lr nian g sheath sleeves Phan. seoom doche hridesmaid, Their g | Teskey, Mr, and Mis, Reuben } 7 8 a Bi "a feath ved mptching eloche hal ont de pole were vied of ol all of Toronto; Mr. end Fraterpiti gt many Canadian neckline inset with a A stud-' and white gloves, Ass sisting was Ped 3 Li Willett, Thornhill; universities, He assured them ed with seed pearls, A erown of the bridegroom's mother who sheath Hine "p With be 8. Rar. s lsobel Cowie, Guelph J y come from a very riehi seed pearls and sequins held her chose teale Wine French wool oe Agi BB in ores yh ; i Ad Rumble s6 cultural background and that! finger tip veil, and she earried a with a small velour het and James ey are fortunate to he living in Bible, hound in white velvet and matching necessories They hoth ---- Mr, Regingld Malachowski ----- Bengaline lined with Gros grain band, y they are permit-ierested with clusters of slepha- wore corsages of white gardenia in the faith of notls with white tulle florets He cited un Mrs, Harold Ford was matron Vor the honeymoon trip to east NEW , Ere Many of honor for her sister. and the ern points, the bride wore # y ) ng | have " 10 WO other attendants were Mrs, Ron- sheath dress of beige French n i mie ty, 'The DFO-igld Templar and Mrs, Robert wool with a brown top ost and # and / ra 0 With & SIng-song Munns, sll wesring identical corsage of stephanotis, On their + SPECIAL ( fie 1 ¢ > i > i {orl . ay 5. Mollat wa oly nthe couple will live in f PRICE rl at the laughter of Mr. W. J. Hambly of © A MEANS A BRAND NEW Sa FE tion on! Winslowe, PEL, and the late WASHABLE TOYS in. phe Mrs, Hambly and Mr, Crawford Washing the W ¥ HAIR pe Audigy The members of the Bt, | atu y hahy foys at ud Vomen a i is the son of Mr, and Mrs Tran pigh tempers ures is the only FASHION TO LIVE IN TORONTO sorvinok Branch" gponso ts at the Wood: Crawiord of Wacknell, NB, The fective means of keeping them Lh 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER } yd eel Orthod it vod ere Mrs, Leo toute hove the Qoughisr, es free of germs, HAIR STYLING K 4 sch 3 y i k, Michigan, YWibur MackKeen, am Wee Pletured after their wedding | Mr, and Mrs, Reginald Frank nis attending high se ir yal nH he vands oN "We recently in Si, John the Evan | Mor of Ovhara and the by y of Oshawa who pil a' Mrs, V, M randsons lu yu VOMEN POLICE And BARBER SHOP POWNTOWN OSHAWA gol ya thol arch 1.7 adedadiatians ba ¢ , krainiar Gri ake a Valley niaro 1 . | women's police field reserve H CH A Ly 8 ¥ Mr "Roh groom 1s the con of Mr, an id j i Jo Ha d and Mrs, Mall M Ff. A. English, Toronto, isto bolster the regular force in Wilson Shopping Plaza OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE A ¥d or Tavior (| 447 de feNeill, Bale Verte, N.B, [Visitiog her sister, Mrs, A, 8, Me: eases of emergency, is heing re oH Bt ir Ta hel | £ese, Arthur street eruited in Southern Rhodesia, 8 former zabeth Joan Aker the daughter of | Free Parking RA 6.235) Mrs, Percival Frank Taylor of |, tehak comed th fudents| colm Toronto d the Reverend Dmytro Lu Photo hy Ireland k led in praver, Mrs, Waller irs, Captain Roberts of Whithy Kuch proposed the toast to th | open the annual Home [9 ween and Mrs, John Masiewi sue Bazasr and tea to he held Mr, Norman Sisco Addresses I Rb lat oy! School Open House Meeting tf nese: Open House wi f in-| William, publicatic M All em Ila Rolotenko " lohn iii ) W, 4 PLES don | clor G huk ori [ cent Massey 8 i nection Stone, parent edi) ation 7 M1 "4d v Adds | Den he M H A Twi v eres J on ne ih t ! a with Fdu Week rior tal, A. Cameron, eitiz M i Irene Kawzeniuk | man Gifford and Mrs, | their Home and Sel meeting Donald A, MacDonald 1 . NE a " for Novemh Ir J Wheeler n Mr. Norman ) vineipal ship, and My Rohert Peat 0 that the report ecards would } I Wilfred Hambly of Dr, | Doneva ) e, hospitality ¢ out the beginning of De erta it a dinner party al was the ar | Attention was drawn to the "ember, The ela Viki { hor My. and Mrs, Har tall titled 4 d hlication table 1 ner wa nh dacty wlord of Prestonvele to Prosperity" ( ) hi i So} iP Ane Ww. J. Arm ite their 25th wedding out 1} " WY¥\ing to be held on November 2a HH mm On arrival, Mrs, | had chi wad sue) nt n Pl BALA Pd It I net 1 ! ! f vho was wearing a t BE, A Lovell School, M f {1 { chan red a Are b ember meetin ule nder of ite flowered silk ors ert Peacock and M C1] i hetter te etter equipment delegates to ti direction of Mi I 1 7 presented with a. eors '} regates to the (&] mare | | ) in the form of eo ve i : I ren's read ( el e of white chrysanthemums hy PAT but! amy FEROI id) } an interesting meet s Betty Ann and Bever: + in Peterborough earlier A 1elp unless month | on, A presentation of an } ttitude, B ( 8 hy ele frying pan, pop-up toasts vas the The principal, Mr. W. J, A the mol irade 8 and 6 ep, and hammered aluminum tray Par ng, gave a few remark 1 direction of Grad made to the hridal eouple of 1 If they wished to ha A other Mrs, C, Smith and Mrs. [25 3 5 ago, And from thelr ith thelr children { f t MeCarl and My H, M grend hid en they recelved an meetings could he agrang andi Rice "ornament, Mrs, Crawford Is the ' thew felt that if ehil:| dren v d things too easily a ehildren rew to he adults d t into an adult world th ould expect the same : thing, Anyone eould achieve suc cess and happine if they had a pr § i's true sense of es, values whieh Tr went heyond material thin At an early age children must he ne / J ra 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH i, taught how to face hardships of life. he said Fing! for the Red Feather foie? ihe, 4% NY : | LE ECONOMY Wimiey, irae he Wrduen tei 'Kitten'-Soft Sweaters i TWIN-PAK Brow ad Each pupil gave a talk on the functions of the Rarminty hes in ih Far and Dyed -to-Match of the TH Association, told of the Oshawa-wide survey helng eon 4\ 7 awed he" wher sor of inl HAY YE 'Glenayr' Separates he president, Mrs, C, FE, Twin ng, introduced the committee p : is i a ; J.\, | rite) : CANADIAN na CANADI Mrs, © Norman Roe, Dprogrs 4 ; oh feman: Mrs, Bert Mel varam % Are : # Mrs, HI, M. Rice, social conven ! LIC 4 or Mi John MacLean, ehil b ? oy A | CES drems reading Mm. DR Busy Co-ordinates ; SLICED Jo lian Ford = PASTEURIZED PROCESS CHEDDAR CHEESE Joy Lillian Ford ; 0 LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE Becomes The Bride oy bie » J ve indispensable Sweater "N' Of David Cowie Skirt Sets scheduled to make The marriage of Joy Lilliar non-stop appearances from now Ford nd David Jame aa onwards! In colors from Fall's f | Street United Chureh ; palette are the luscious new | we on p - Ne. Bor MH sweaters, cute and soft as a kit» py " -- , and the hri ten's ear , , , skirts and slims that PANES th of Mra 3 A match exactly, 'Glenayr' » de- Cy § signed and tailored - 0 ibid { . ' lee long fashioned cardigan: with i X ¢ e and ™ pel ( mbswael fabric | 1 'and Perfeet Sizes + 42 d « ¢ brown, Each 13.95, \ \ ; Te Wore : i he" to | in | CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES fiven izes 18, Bach 17,95, | KRAFT BOODS LIMITED MONTREAL, QUE x 10 10 18 hride wore a fl n of l aver taf Matching | weal short-sleeved pullover, oped ne pe and lon Sizes 36 10 40, Each 8.95, tvled the bodies and 'Shetlandex' Jumbo knit long-sleeved cardiaan with THIS COUPON WORTH 10¢ On the purchase of ane package of Kral ECONOMY Conadion 16:Shice Tconomy TwinPak, -- | "16 PAR TO THE GROCER: Xiah will woien ! bursa you 10¢ plus 2¢ for handling, i Ges provided you have compliod with the [] ¥ taste! Even at the regular price~it's econo- terms of this after. Proof of purchase of Cod, 1] Tg Hake te caver caupans a SLICES SLICES be thawn upen request Redeem only XE § . . through aur representative or by malting skirt which fell inta a Queen Sizes 36 to 42 brass, gold or violet g Ba Arpa train, A erown of pear) Each 13.95, 1 y sh ¢ held her fia tort » ve gt 6 Geelong lambswoel pull ver with three-quarter on the most delicious cheese slices of all , .. carvied a bouquet of pe SOS sleeves, soft turnoy ar, Sizes 34 to 40 ! ri white carnations Viole lack Ie ) eke Wo "Miss Rarhara Dobroshinsky b black by ap '09, Niekery brawn ; LB 2 Anne Barnett and Marilyn Cowl i€ brass, aold, beige or hickory ine and save 10! on Kraft Canadian Cheese Slices and full t hey ware dar big collar. matching t 16 the Rack. Sia \ white and bronze chrysanthe Slim Jims, Each 10.95, hest man. Ushering were Messrs and long sleeve ehureh hall To rece the peaw-de sole sheath with a sown iy All the latest shades to Co-ordinate with all our plaid Slims, Skirts ther was in pe Kh nM ding tip to Quebee. For going Quebec, Cash valve of coupon 1/20¢ Wd bla coal and bla 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 5.1912 | honor an the] oF Pine areen, Bach 10.03, | it's the brand new Economy Twin-Pak of 16 All were govned in gold velvet brown Bach 7, 9, | Kraft Canadian Cheese Slices! 18 bi full. 18 big toh bi ¢ 6 4 \ feathered hats with matehin to 42, Violet, gold or black brass, Each 13.98 ounce slices of the cheese you can really in the new 16-Slice Economy Twin-Pack! mums William Gelsberger and Ronakl peansde sole sheath with a b feathered hat and matching ac with a pink feathered hat "Bot Fone bride wete a whi Open Friday Evenings until 9 o'clock YOUR GROCER'S NOW, ,, FOR EXTRA ECONOMY! ar SANS Buetepa 314 104 viy wedded # leated nylon tiers enhanced th ihetlandex Jumbo-knt pullover with boat neck ) Now Your Grocer has an Extra-Good Buy wwidesmaids were Ne issos Kitten Gee! ng mbswoal straight skin, Sizes # hridesmatd he rE ong avbawsol straight. ak 10 { present it at your grocer's check-out counter, designed th round necklin gloves and carried nosegays o Mr. James Pyetle acted as Batany Woel Ban-Lon Cardigans, short sleeve Harnden mical = and right now, this new 16-ounce A reception was held in the | 1.95 8.95 9.95 bray package is yours at an extra saving by using posionies. the bridegraci's wo and Vests this valuable GOUBENA + ss sa vv vs vst vtva ware corsages of chrysanthe Wms ¥ ET THE TWIN-PAK OF KRAFT ADIAN SLIC a rg chs, LADIES' WEAR LTD, |° OF KRAFT CANADIAN SLES AT Mh ! A with a white hat and TNR NR OR TER RR ORR GR GR WR SR RR WW ER Re PA Will dve WB Oshawa, tl

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