Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Council Studyin he Osha Times THOUGHT FOR TODAY Al times one fears that the pers lod from the eracking of the atom to the erack of doom may be much shorter than one hopes, dw, BE % % l | Rep ir Pollution WEATHER REPORT Wet, thundery weather is ex. pected to continue, Colder Thurs. day. VOL, 89--NO_ 266 Price Mot Over 10 Corts Por Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1960 SEGREGATION DEMONSTRATOR Orleans meet in New Or Tuesday night attended the meeting to hear segregation leaders of the stale Demonstrators in front of au New lean dience sound off and wave signs al start of Citizens' Council of Hearing Reopened On Natural Gas and all of n the service responsible, " WASHINGTON (AP) Ihe Consumers' Gas Company of Tor onto made public Tuesday a chal lenge to Representative Clarence I, Kilburn (Rep, N.Y.) on his support of a proposal by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to supply natural gas to northern w York counties A letter from Consumer Cary who has well served my whole district for years. New. 'was eased an Federal 5 miner a. to let pr Power Commission reopened a hy-night outfit from Canada Th recessed hearing on applications in and try to serve only one by the St. Lawrence Gas Com. county in my distriet, 1 under: pany Incorporated of Ogdens stand that if the Canadians ever burg, N.Y, a Consumers' subsidi- want this gas they can shut it ary. and Niagara Mohawk of off el Syracuse, { : serve the counties |'WE MUST oBJECT ixaminer Howell Purdue earl: Jones agreed Niagara Mohawk this vear bad recommended is a responsible company but that 8t. Lawrence be authorized! said for the service, Lawyers for New 'We must York State Natural Gas Company sorintion of of Pittsburgh, which would sup: fy. hy ply gas to Niagara Mohawk for resale in the Ogdenshurg-Mas seni area, protested and asked reopening the hearing WANTS US, FIRM Jones' letter to Kilburn was in reply to one Kilburn had written to the commission chairman July give New York from a American company Jones took particular exception lo this lettir well - ruy ier object des our to your company as but quite unrealistic, Even a cas of that St company have revealed rence"s parent Canadian communities vear 1848 and has a credit stand Thousands | of two New Orleans elementary northernjcation want ) I paragraph in Kilburn's ple 0 'The Niagara Mohawk Corpor. |ation Is & responsible company, | | | Reward Posted a posted a $2,000 reward for night outfit from Canada formation leading them to the since this is not only Incorrect|daver of ual check hy your office would ution Law-| ig! lum, was placed against one of Canada's largest utilities, age wall in the seamy east-end has been supplying gas to major Cabbagetown section and since the the Authorized es Second Class Mah Post Office Deportment, Oftows TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES | 'BABY BUDGET' HINTED fy # { ol 10 SPARK AR i> : Harris Blasts Tory Spending Walter E minister of fi nance in the Bt. Laurent govern ment, was guest speaker Tue day night at the annual meeting of the Durham County Liberal Association here In pointing out that the Liberal party had been out of office for more than three years, Mr, Har ris sald Our all our { ¢ ' Rh i : " rq ORONO Harris stall former do not now enjoy as much of the Canadian market as they did, No corpdation is today planning to expand al even 50 percent of their 1056 rate, We did one time plan for, and thought had fairly launched secondary in dustry but pessi mism today. | once thought that we had cleared the way for re umed trading th Europe but the Government seems to think this is too difficult, And about the only trade we have with the east is the result of our start ing the Colombo plan and not enough at that "We cannot afford to have the United Kingdom hecome a jun to France and Germany in I a good there a enemies have acce to most intimate secrets They haven't found anything we hould be ashamed of, and they haven't found anything that inti malted we didn't measure up." The speaker said; "In the three years that the present Govern ment has been in control of fi-|lor |nances they have increased the|the European trade and influ net debt over 'one and one half ence, Instead of warning the billion dollars'. Your weekly in-|UK, against ensuring her future § terest charges are now nearlylwe should be joining her in $4,000,000 more as a consequence, grasping every hand in 'the new This is partly due to thelr trade Kurope and trying to overcome policies and partly due to the in-|the present (rend towards region efficient management of the pub-lal trade associations lie debt." I have no desire see Can |ada with only two voices greater reliance on North Ameri can trade or greater reliance on Commonwealth trade Rather we should have access to all markets and if the Government cannot manage it a Liberal Gov ernment can." Seaman Killed In Fall On Ship TORONTO (CP)=Andrew Mil. lar, 40, of Glasgow was killed to day when he fell 45 feet into the held of the ship on which he was working In Toronte harbor. Mil lar was an able-bodied seaman with the Irish vessel Roonag- head, New Welfare Building Open of S speak regarding the integration | schools AP Wirephoto to WOULD EXPAND The speaker cited the National {Unemployment Insurance fund, Canadian American! ghout three years ago it totalled about $026,000,000, The fund was f cordiality and co-operation, | secure from the day it started We might also point out that|and was slowly building up in Niagara Mobawk controls | total, each year, Foday after electrical distribution in and|three years of Conservative gov. about Fort Erle, Ont, and we ernment it 1s less than $300,000, oe never heard of any respon-|000 and may be as low as $200, raising a bo 000,000, This fund. has been de- man of international friction in| pleted, and the government may that connection similar to the have to make a direct contribu suggestion in your letter," tion out of tax money for the wrm-- rns wne-- [unemployment insurance fund, | The speaker said, "Our trade is in the doldrums, It couldn't he otherwise when the Govern {ment hasn't been able to decide {what trading position we should (have, or who we should trade with," "Our that is somehow not to be trusted natural gas relations are a world-wide exam Canada as a source of #higr LONDON, Ont. 5. Tomes Pugh scrubs her hael, B, after he was res clay pit by W, J§ Williams, Clay still clings Michael's face, Indicating his head lay near the surface of the wet clay, It took Mr. Williams 20 For Gang Killer TORONTO Canadian manufacturers o.* DOG PARADISE or" IN THE PARK ago SHEERNESS, England (Reuters) The Sheerness town council Tuesday night decided to plant trees in lo cal car parks--for dogs he Royal Society for the (CP)Police today in Lorne Gibson of a gangsterstyle two weeks Gibson, Toronto hood A gar a minor hot in A Hoard the the needy families of Oshawa this bullding back milestone was reached for on opening the Detectives the believe of head FROM CLAY JOB DRIVE Session To Hit Economic Ills OTTAWA (CP)--Twin problems| post-war peaks for the time of of unemployment and national year development--both under inten The second problem is a more sive cabinet study in recent fundamental, long-range one of months--will be front and centre finding ways to beef up the basie on the parliamentary stage duf- structure of the economy itself ing the new session which opens through increased production that Thursday will provide new and permanent At least some of the govern. Sources of employ ment and ment's proposed remedies for the Strengthen existing industries, country's economic ailments are| On this score the government expected to be unveiled in the|ls reported to have considered speech from the throne at the several moves, including creation opening ceremonies of a national development fund However, it is apparent that to help finance establishment of some moves, reported to have|new business and industry, and been under serious consideration, various incentives to encourage would require tax-change legisla- Canadian--rather than foreign-- tion of a kind that could only bel investment in the country, introduced in a budget speech es 5 - i There has been press specula- COULD EXTEND SYSTEM |tion, as yet unconfirmed, that] One possible step aimed at Finance Minister Fleming may|meeting world competition in ex- bring down a "baby budget"|Ports would" be extension of the early in session to permit speedy Present system of export credits action in this field insurance to meet a demand for Whatever action the govern-|longer-term credit on sales ment may take has been a well-{8broad, This has been under guarded secret, though Prime study. Minister Diefenbaker in a recent] Another move, on the domestie speech indicated big things may| scene, would be establishment of be a foot, He told an audience of|the productivity council proposed party supporters that "we have|by the prime minister at his na. Just begun to fight," tional smiley ment conference last month, FACES TWO TYPES This kind of legislation, how. In the economic field the gov-|ever, would be a long-range ap- ernment finds itself facing two proach, The immediate problem "Be is "he. imimdiate. issue Spokane have. soit ne is the ynemployment this winter and how to Inject new ull mediat : into an economy that Is slowing! lux cuts ; {down on many fronts, In recent spending or Dief To Extend For P.0. Farms | Civil Rights? to give young farmers easy pays! OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-|tutes on the books now, as well ment loans that will cover 90 per|ter Diefenbaker hopes to carry as orders-in-council and regula cent of the cost of setting up alhis civil rights beliefs into a new|tions which have been in exists farm will be proposed by the| parliamentary endeavor -- a re-'ence for many years, government, Premier Jean Le- examination of all statutes and| Main purpose is to ensure that sage sald Tuesday night administrative orders-in - councilithe principles of the bill of rights, After 10 years, one-third of the for infringe ments on human| passed by Parliament last sum- amount the young farmer bor-(rights and fundamental free-|mer, are adhered to in all law rowed would be given to him as!doms. flowing from the Parliament of an outright government gift, Low Informed sources say that in Canada, interest on the loans would be | addition to the standing commit-| The government intends to con- payable over 30 years tinue its policy of submitting de- PIT TO TUB minutes to pull out the boy and his own son, James, ~CP Wirephoto 'Easy Loans For P.Q. Farms 1 urging that the commission overrule the examiner report Russians Wait For Kennedy NY Ar | revenge killing ordered hy ignore the impli-jone In the Toronto Ing second te none Nor can we Port Arthur Strike Ends PORT. ARTHUR (Cp A workers trike hy city-employed telephone 338 unde also members of | "TONS NATH remained on strike made on disarmament Kennedy ad UNITED Ru only Cp wil ol | la ha do hu with the ministrat Valerian ne neoming erviee and threatened other! although onveniences ended selves, have ht, But in neighbor: picket lines set William a similar strike phone workers with wider eflect The telephone R. Wilson expected to public not strike refused up hy on lo mn he in, Soviet deputy the arked an Ambassado x ) May \ y palle continued workers wt fram US Iran up picket I. Wadswort posi or Norman an sel A unjustitier jations with Fort William today and all Local 439, Interna. cations were that the step w hood of Electrical halt bus services. Earlier which represents Ing halted garbage collec service men and snow vemoval for a here RUS SERVICE Mayor Wilson that Port tight" in its wa the TREW, called negotiation meet urs of ne ot 1 : United : 3 als of ¢ i and Wadswarl Hrothe poditical commitiee {CLL d a lhe 1 lelephone . mitted 8 Hydro employees who walked i hy ff their jobs last week Fort William, 41 fairs ol Zorin thi Soviet n India and uncommitted \ n on h short the 00 ny group o The politic coammities eduled to take d ain today € np ed county Sl STOPPED who sald ea Arthur would ¢ hg In telephone Ww arma A sel up men LEADS TO SNIPING Indian Defence M shna Menon esolution 11 countries od essentis disarma esulted ng hail in the city's bus service While the meeting was in Chest Total + At A Glance .% i. $210,000 ter wy, $200,000 Pp er V K posed 1 compromise i W co-aponsored by all-and It ca a renewal of East:Wes otiat but vitter bet vorth exchange left homes ent ns Rn he ectrical TI | serviee hint that the f(ailure eel connection with only in jibes ween Zorin ere and Wads the the he to 134 emphasized Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals asked for the trees claiming they would provide when Mrs. RG. Milis |. 18 Worship said there are a past president of the Women's yy (he Welfare Board, but people Ue will encourage the childr Welfare League, turned over the will he able to get help by com. of farmers fo stay on the land morning Speaking in throne speech de times when help cannot be given! bale Mr. Lesage said the meas. | ON hroadeasting, the Civil new 1060-61 session probably will have special committees on Service Act, divorce procedure, and pos [ive set up at each session, the " Ahout ind Hydro workers that tied up 36 Hydro employees in that city them Cross were unced the settlement here alter around transit system garages in ploket time b dispute with through the emergency pected to deal with preliminary he said, the addition to Simcoe Tuesday atter union plekets had caused allegislative attributed and international matters ghts or other was had any rike shade to prevent dogs in un attendel cars suffering from heat Councillor A. H, R, Cop land said: "I have no doubt the dogs will find a different for them keys to the new welfare building ing to the new welfare building, to Mayor Lyman A, Gifford, His) The mayor too paid tribute tol Worship gave the keys to Mrs "that great humanitarian Harold R, E. Richardson, president of McNeil for the work he carries the Women's Wellare League, [out at Simcoe Hall and the as. The building, located on Short sistance he has given the needy Celina street behind the Simcoe of Oshawa, "This is a building Hall gymnasium, will house used Which will be well used for the clothing and furniture which will storage of used furniture be distributed free of charge to clothing," Mr, Gifford sald, needy Oshawa families Women's Welfare League prosi- In the front portion tho/dent, Mrs, R, FE, Richardson, ex building, the clothing pe Pressed pleasure at accepting the stored. On either the keys from the mayor, She sald clothing storage is he Is sure the building will a fitting room { brove its worth shortly, It Is a women strong bullding for a storage functional purpose, she said TO REPAIR FURNITURE Rev, H. A, Mellow, pastor of Fla. (AP) In the rear sector, used furni- Northminster United Church, of- John Kennedy ture wil he Nepaired and Hored. fered the prayer of dedication, "shy 18, too ¢ give 'e flies today to the Texas ranch of needy families, All clothing and the new administration's vices nat re ate: , -_ president, Lyndon B, Johnson, for furniture is donated by the citi dons of Oshawa planning of the forthcoming switch of power from Republican EE. Cheetham, chairman of the hands Oshawa Public Welfare Board, The Kennedy-Johnson talks be. sald the building is nothing in ginning tonight and continuing comparison lo a city hall, post Thursday also are ex. office or police station However Kennedy Talks With Johnson ind. PALM BEACH ould, President - elect neal of will of there men an side room, tele for lines rie it of a congressional Hall will serve an important program against the purpose in community life hackground of campaign prom He tribute to the mem ises on a wide range of domestic he of the Women's Welfare League for the work they are will carving on and what they have and he meeting for the first time done in the past. He mentioned since their election Nov. 8 aver ihe charter members of that 00 Republicans Richard Nixon and gpganieation saying these mem di Henry Cabot Lodge bers had been working for the Kennedy arranged to take off needy of Oshawa for more years formulation ws paid one The Democratic winners The farm le ans announcement sibly the Unemployment Insur- was one of several made hy Mr, | esage between attacks on the| "Ce Act ' o"" former Union Nationale adminis.| The new "scrutiny committee tration which, he sald, had left|the prime minister favors would the province in a "sorry state," De patterned after a similar body He sald his government wil|in the United Kingdom Parla. take political patronage out of ment. Tt examines every draft temporary civil service jobs order-in-council and departmens Only 90 of 24,000 civil servants tal regulation -- usually before were dismissed when the Liber. they go into effect--to see that als took over the government here is no Infringement on 'in after the June 22 election com. dividual liberties and that they with 1,662 of 11,028 when|d0 nat go beyond the powers the Union Nationale came tol delegated to the administrative power in 104d, Mr, Lesage said, body by Parliament His government will introduce! Mr, Diefenbaker wants the Ca. legislation proposing family al-\nadian committee to go farther, lowances of $10 a month for each! In addition fo newly promulgated child between the ages of 16 and orders and regulations, he wants 18 attending high school the committee to study all sta! tailed departmental spending budgets to House commiifees for review, and keeping as many of the standing committees as busy as possible, Kitchener Hikes Nurses' Salaries KITCHENER (CP) Daily rates for private duty registered nurses will be increased to $16 from $14 in this area beginning Jan, 1, The rates are for an eight-hour shift, Charges for each additional hour will be increased to §2 from $1.75, The rates are those recom. mended by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Temperatures at the time of the from his vacation headquarters than he cared to mention evening blackout were in the high/late today aboard a chartered jet ' i os. . airliner. From Palm Reach he TRIBUTE TO DIRECTOR The city's flies to Austin, Tex. and switches! Mr. Cheetham paid special vorkers union there to a small plane for a 80 \ Simeoe Hall director, A increase mile flight to the LBJ ranch at i: Me. ell, who was unable on for 1960 and 2 3 000 cont Johnson City to attend the official opening, 0 ( 1961} A for the work he has done in co $1 0,000 The union went last BACK TOMORROW NIGHT operation with the welfare hoard Wednesday Kennedy plans to be back at . 1 'al This building may not he any $75 000 Basic h y rate n tele Palm Reach, where since last | «Bd y Naborate. but ' phone lineman $244 Friday he has heen staving at the MAE HHA 2 pea oh n Work ho $50 000 i Port A iro Ww his parents. hy midnigh ould 3 ia ho AAR ) $25,000 Your Greater Oshawa fare Lea COMMUNITY CHEST Needs Your Support $175,000 $150,000 A the current 14 sembly's attempt arms deadlock fae tha As the delegates Genera otter aceopted aN to telephone ay tu per-cer 1539 pe percent for on strike M ADPrOva ™ to Wadswor announced an draft condemn | wasn't acceptable farm because, in the wed toward S tre \ for N wages for . presen vik ! demand mament \ le CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.11 FIRE DEPT. RA 3-63 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 3 VOTE {f people « omen did to got _ poe Hal Mr Cheetham In accepting the keys Lyman A, Gifford sald it pleasute to accept the keys this orida ambination of slay has been work and relaxa wm. Tuesday the president-elect {conferred for two hours with one of his earliest and staunchest sup agreement porters, Governor Abraham Ribi p-leoff of Connecticut. Then they joint proprietor of the new e-periplaved nine holes of goll-and ¢ building. He congratulated Ribicolf reported Xennedy the the Women Welfare {winner, Lup in oateh play. land the Oshawa Public on they Ly ' sald » it claimed the pew contract did notjt provide increases for 10 of the eligible employees The Hydro worke provides for |erease Lon oy © THE KEYS TO the new wel fare building, which is an addi tion to Simeoe Hall, were turns ed over to Mayor Lyman A, Gifferd this morning at a short opening and dedication geremony, The building which welfare commits tee, Mrs, Mills presented the Keys to Mavor Gifford who turned them over to Mrs. Riche ardson. Mr, Cheetham acted as master of ceremonies at the ofs ficial opening -QOshawa Times Phote Cheetham, chairman of the Public Welfare Board, Mrs, R. KE. Richardson, president of the Women's Welfare League; Mayor Lyman A, Gifford and Mrs, RG. Mills, a past presi dent the Women's Welfare is jointly owned by the Women's Welfare Le and the O awa Public Welfare Board will be used to store used clothing for the needy Oshawa Shown to right ¥ Maver league family was a a per centlc Is gue ae NAY s as cent " 9-80, and Ure h of 1960-61 and per of and furniture each families of abpve left of League and a member of the 1961 8 League elal Welfare ¥ are A WAS a a a SN

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