Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Nov 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, Movember 15, 1960 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN -- .. Transport Probe Findings | [WTERPRETING THE NEWS 4 To Be Released In April | Majority OTTAWA (CP) ~The federal figure out the cost of rail move government will probably get its ment of grain THE CRY FOR YOUTH WAS NEVER $0 STRONG Mr, John Wacko, (the reformed radio announcer turned realtor), should come right out and state why he wants to be elected to City Counefl, (beyond the reasons already given.) He's # personable chap, bright too, He could pick up a lot of votes if he would be more specific about his platform ~ what we need is plausible assurance thet he 1s not going to be another fence ~ sitter, which breed 5 occupying too much chair space now, What attracts us at least temporarily to Mr, Wac~ ko's entry In the race is his assertion that he wants to see a greater youth reps resentation on City Couns ¢il, He even wants to lead @ youth crusade into that rarefied municipal atmos« phere, Mr, Wacko has made such statements before == for instance, in 1058 when he ended up 17th; out of 18 in the sldermanic race . but somehow his prom= ises have more allure to day, perhaps because of his dogged determination in the face of political re« verses that would discour ! long-awaited preseription for eur * Rival ecomomists---the West on| ing Canada's transportation trou- one side against the rallways--| bles before next April are meeting this week in Mont The MacPherson roysl com- real ta try to isolate the areas mission Monday extended its of disagreement, public investigation into Janu! Their conference will form the Tyrannical By DAVID BOWNTREE Canadian Press Mall Wriker The "tyranny of the majority" ary--thus passing He own pre-|hasis of eross-examinstion on the yoo for years been sn pont of Christmas target for wrapping Manitoba « Alberta eost suhmis:| ooo ment in democracies up the year-old inquiry But, informants indicated, the commissioners are shaping their] ideas so that onee the public inquiry is over, they will be able to put their report into final form pnd get it into government hands quickly, GRAIN 18 LAST | The last hig issue to Wi thrashed out before the six-man leommission 1s the one they started withthe issue of West ern Canada's grain rates The grain question is tricky and fraught with political over tones Out west, Prairie governments and farmers view their low grain rates as the backbone of West ern Canada's farm economy, The low rete level was first insti tuted in the Crowsnest Pigs agreement of 1807 and then con | firmed hy Parliament more than 125 years sgn slon next week, The suggestion is being pl I In Samarking January, for the forward hy some politicians and Ast puniie hea 8, the cp i! 4 1 od Slates thi sion pinpointed Feb, 10 as thel united she! Wied a final deadline for written. A dar vole to Richerd Nix- missions from all parties, | ou G's Der cont, President-elect - pnedy has no clesr mandate to pursue icles distasteful to Statement nearly hall those who voted, But those who are most insls: {tent In thelr claims that John e | Kennedy's slim margin in the popular vole count limits his " range of action are not usually ection oney to he found among advocates of i reforming the College of Electors QUEBEC (CP) Miorney-Gen-| The electoral college majority, eral Lapalme sald Monday helby which the republic has chosen will make a public statement on Lrenidents ever since George published reports that a Quebec| Washington became the first nolitienl party had planned to use| the line In 1789, was convineing, $2,500,000 in counterfeit $10 Hills| While the outcome continued in ns campaign funds during the doubt in California and Alaska last provincial eleetion | Kennedy had 300 electoral voles Mr, Lapislme's announcement to Nixon's 168 followed a statement in Montreal]! Probably the chief point of Supt, R, J. Belee, RCMP! complaint shout the electoral col majority, gets sll the stple's electors) voles Kennedy shows little concern over the narrow popular vole margin, 1 won and that's that," he says On more practical grounds. he makeup of Congress may Himit Kennedy's freedom of action While his own party controls both the Benste and the House of Rep- resentalives, the Democrats are # "conlition of groups," . Conservative southerners were not at sll happy with the choice of the Boston millionaire as their party's presidential choice to he. gin with. Nor were mony of them greatly impressed hy (he choice of Benator Lyndon John: son As viee-presidential partner, Senator Harry Byrd of Vie: ginia, patriarch of one of the of most influential southern states, not once during the campaign made a favorable remark shout Kennedy or Johnson, Nixon ears ried the stale {evr PARTY LINES {A similarity of ideals and alms lJ The rallways claim 870 000.000 .iiminal investigation branch of- lege is that it exaggerates a can: | will make even closer friends of 1] losses on grain traffic in 1558 claim disputed hy the govern ficer there, that the case ap- didate's majority of vietory, The peared (no he one of "political man who wins & state on popular Byrdian Democrats and the ultra conservative element clustered ments of Manitoba and Alberta oearing rather than & erimingl voles, no matter how small the around Senator Barry Goldwater and the Prairie wheat pools, To offset the alleged losses, the two matter Supt, Belee snid his depart of Arizona, who has let it known (hat the Republicans a ' rallways have advocated a fed: oon has gathered all available 4 [might have had a new lease on age less hardy souls eral subsidy nlormation and forwarded it to 1J a oon {the White House if he, not Nixon, JOHN WACKO , a , | voon y oy federnl Justice Minister ¥Yulton {had heen the candidate, Goodness. knows, (he KCONOMINTS MEY "There are contradictory | There is. nothing to # Ken- | A key to the grain scrap Is ! d 4 sworn statements made by the nedy « Johnson Democrats and POLARIS LOADING DEMONSTRATED the technical matter of how lo same PEFsONS whote first sworn) (4) ay Pp | Rockefeller Republicans joining 18» ( § y 1 ) f p NR was loaded ? George Washington wil il statements touched off this re orees, Loo, office » Mr acko is Bo d as far as he goes, but we CHARLESTON, B ( Com sub Wal loaded with 14 Polaris I ' hp ; Ho yo wn y port," he said, HAMILTON (CP) Victor, Governor Nelson Rockefeller of think he should go further mander J, B, Osborn, skipper | missiles (white tube) capable | lomorrow for "somewhere in ane Ia Mr, Lapalme did not say when|oonns a Hamilton advertising| New York may have an. open Where does he stand on industrial expansion? | of the submarine USE GeOTge | or pore explosive power than | the Atlantic his public statement would be 18: oxeculive and candidate for|track for the Repub) res: Washington (left) demonstrates a " v sued y | ial ination § ¢ ve the railw tracks from King street J w the i used in World War 1 e (AP Wirephoto) |Board of Control, said Monday | dential nomination in Would he move the raliway 4 (0 newsmen how the atom his 12-font captive balloon aeross|io- win re-election | . . (and how?) and what would he do to improve the K 11 A A ; _ tion, ork ! from the new city hall will stay state (and he'll haye iy fouduuliding Viegram 1 8 II ce University Changes|i when iy, . General hard to do that) before he ean » . ' Mr, Wacko, in some ways, reminds us of another Standardize anki iam : > - . Vanier officially opens the new! shoot for the big prize, 1 NORTH BAY, (CI The | ToC } ) 1 Requirements {hullding next Monday, It will he interesting fo see young Oshawa political hopeful who was kicked around crash of a CF100 pll-weather jel . . - pte i ' i "We have no desire to embar- whether, as has heen suggested, inmercifully by the electors before they accepted him Court Costs interceptor returning here from| TORONTO (CPI--A change | e.oe jis Fxcellency," Mr, Copps|a shift to the left is taking place . . Remember Michael Starr, Canada's present labor ( 'ommissions Bud : a routine flight Monday night University of Toronto enirance| caiq "hut we think the balloon in American polities or whether minister, who was rejected ats the polls three times TORONTO (CP)The Ontario| claimed the lives of a Second requirements has heen proposed ons (0 he flying that day to Rockefeller will have to move [i 047 y ' . attorne general's office sald|World War flying ace and his jp Bt. A, Woodside, princi cing the erowds that the ad- closer to Goldwater to em asize (1938, 1089 and 1042) in Oshawa's aldermanic races be~ By JAMES NELSON He recommended a lem of Mond {0} fake eps Le mg adjutant > (] T's U i int ' ! rene ii " y JAMES NEL i } Monday it has taken steps tolyoung adjutan cipal of of T's University| ministration over (here isn't all|the differences between his poll: fore he was finally elected in 1044 Canadian Press Staff Writer direct subsidies to the coal PEO standardize court costs in the, phe hodies of Wing Cmdr, | College day that it might be," {cles and Kennedy's, Mr. Star was 34 in 1044 OTTAWA (CP Recommends ducers And help for thy Sop win. provines C, KE, L. Hare, 38, of Montreal Instead of the present Grade The balloon, hearing Mr, Copps'| 4 Mr Wacko is 31, a nice age to get started on a [tons of ven royal commis tons ers of Lane boton 10 ie » A py Hp directive ha heen commander of the RCAF's all: 19 udents Inanding 1o go unl name in large black letters, is : . 4 on subjects ranging om ! f ent to all magistrates and crown' jet 414 Squadron at North Bay, versity would return ar Grade er f ] | e he political career price of bread and conl to the] prime Minister Diefenbaker attorneys drawing their attention J uadron at North Bay 4 anchored above an old house: he and FO Jack Dawson, 26, of 12 for a special year at heh io cing' as campaign headquar-| GOOD FOOD Mr. Starr was elected mayor in 1040 because he |ireatment and punishment of sex said last month the government y the schedule of court fees by|Prinee Albert, Aask.. were found school aimed at fitting them for jo. ¥ pale Jar. | ' a y > st tie criminals will be hefore the new. was considering what "could be A A Russell, administrator of "" tah " 4 miversity f promised to campaign hard for the construction of a an of Parliament. which] ome about the Rand Teport, Teaal offic hy re cue teams in. (he burned. BREAKFAST, LUNCH, BINNS vi1ty hall and lice static « he kept that promise H fp } out wreckage of the fighter plane $0 E new eity hall and poll ation e Key at ¥ bids ang Thursday which has stirred protests among pn. nove hy the atlorney-gen 4 / ' FINAL POINT HOTEL LANGCASTE well, while writing one of the most glorious chapters Four other royal commissions he miners of Nova Scotia and : ahout 15 miles northeast of here Fifteen Hanged i eral's department was prompied hy a dispute last month between), JSC LiL SoC et In'S. Ririca Jail GOT SYMPATHY | STUDIED O11, two Kingston area magistrates] ep r Of ia: AT gute cause of the crash TORONTO (CP) = Gerald lethargie, clique = ridden Council is badly in need of some kind of youth transfusion after three years in of progress in Oshawa's municipal history on publications, automobiles, New Brunswick q : 8 rallway transportation and (he Mr Wacko could be on the right track; like all TRIWAY od of government of t i ties § } Id read u I g ) 0 8 HD Also In the [eld of re ¢ other young political hopefuls, he should rea p on ganization--may produce mi 0 J recommenda. one magistrate lowered the costs) The pilot of another plane In| PRETORIA (AP) A white| Banks, 84. up on an impaired gE € 16 Y J ideas for legislatly action be: development 18 a Be 4 ; Mr. Starr's arly plunge inte the world of polities 44 the sonnlon nds! next sum. tion by the royal commission|set by (he other the same flight sald he noticed man and 14 Negroes convicted of | driving e har ge pleaded not where Mr, Starr suffered plenty of rebuffs, but none ) energy, headed hy Henry the CF-100 veer sharply down: pape or murder were hanged! guilty and offered these points | | me on ) 5 he rena A anlp serious enough to discourage him completely "Fhe new session is expected to] Borden, suggesting the oll in ward as it began to prepare for) Monday in South Africa's Central| in defence Monday a [ | i a landing, When he radioed the! Prison, The name of the white 1, H eech was slurred s WHS wate t he st kept coming hear lengthy mments on the dustry find North American mar ¢ I | is 8p ' : He was kicked and beaten, but he Just kept coming Le Subledt 'of royal commis kets for Canadian erude or face fact to Wing, Cmdr, Hare the re-| man, condemned for rape of his) because he has hroken front | back for more sion inquirie the Hansard in- the possibility of Canadian im-| ply was, "Roger, No problem," six-year-old daughter, has never| teeth That's politics dex for the last session of Parlia- port quotas on crude imported RAW . heen officially disclosed, Judges| 2, His eyes were bloodshot ment carried these two entries hy tanker, mostly from Vi ne: | ue Town AY FLAMES ordered that his name not heeause he is a CPR yard fore i% YOUR oa hi . y west lependent Moments later [he pilot saw] published in order to protect the » train lights bother "PARENTAL DOTAGE" 18 CHARGED indicative of the argument ola, The western independen fl AW | published prof | man and the train lights bother 4 ames from the plane thild | hye W ' 1 comm ns, Nttle ef producers want to hulld a pipe HE 1 1! 3 dia his ovis The following letter was received from a former Royal commissie line to Montreal, but large Cas| OTTAWA (CR)-The Crown Isl Wing Omdr, Hare, was a vel:| A He stumbled When he fort to implement recommenda : b b44 . h OCCT student in response to a recent letter herein res [tions," and "Royal commissions, nadian exporters to the Pacific|being sued for $121,800 damages eran of 000 hours in the air i walked because he has an in ling Oshawa's teen-agers too frequent resort (0) Northwest territories fear loss of (in the deaths of two Americans fe joined the RCAF in 140 Char ed With fured kneecap garding Os awa § n-ag | that market if Venezuelan ofl 1s /In an air ae ident at ; MeCall serving with the Royal and Royal g 4. He smelled of alcohol only Dear Mr, Gearin: COAL BEGAN CONTROVERSY displaced in Montreal Field, Calgary, Aug, 10, 1959, The Australian Air Forces in the . because he had two heers two The letter of one, Elizabeth Schofield, which Most eontrover lal of the ret Recommendations of a. Diefen crown Jue _oniored a eounter United Kingdom and the Middle Abductin Son hours earlier, and his superior appeared in your column last Tuesday is the prize dnmendations | awaling Bi n baker + appointed royal commis expected to he heard next spring Jan Be A ik against a | example of parental dotage, This over indulgence are those made by Ivan C. Rand, sion, which examined. the spread) pn winiam J. Gane. 80. his ni dsose by Ske lutiand ALLANRURG (CP) -- Anthony| wall erying when arrested he- of today's teenager is the scourge of tomorrow's dean of law at the University of in prices of food produets be: prather, Charles, 81, hoth of Phil 8 ie RB abe Bali HetUnet | Wantola of Welland Monday was| cause he was taking his ociety. So what If the Oshawa football team |Western Ontario and former Su oon the farmer and the con: adelphia, and RCAF FIt, Lt J.G. iis medals: included. the | Dis. |CqMmitted for trial on a charge) mother-in-law to the train and didn't have warm blankets and bench coats? I am (preme Court justi, A Qne-mah umer, are difficult to pass law (debh) Kerr, 25, of Welland tinguished Flying Cross and the| ahdueting rl ihree vearold| wag afraid that if he was de. royal commission who investi alae king were killed when 'a small Piper| ain Force On j : e jon July 8, A charge of Kid: 1aved his motherdnlaw would ire each boy has a winter coat and that the | gated the plight of the Canadian|on, since they centred on parking hate ecupled by tie to. Amen J ares aro le was mar: napping was withdrawn, miss her train, veather conditions of Oshawa and Peterborough |eoal industry away promotional frill {oans was in collision: with the!' 1% ut had no children Father and son were missing Magistrate C, A, Thoburn for about four months and were dismissed the charge, don't vary to a great degree, Probably, the play- RCAF ots Sabre jot Aghter the ohject of a widespread po: one mie wes 0 a elf er erg just didn't have foresight enough to take along C a a wiembar of Ula. ROAT'a Woman Tri S lice search | . proper clothing ongolese Tour Golden Hawks precision jet fly-| p En lish Nab hy pas aL, 40 eu noe. Holdup Artist (NEWS IN BRIEF | 219 uf this tear-jerking account, has let her emotions ey ! ) t y Oshaw 8d { ors maintains that the accident! . id B S ts un rampant, In my opinion, Oshawa has an Military ollege vas due to the negligence of TORONTO (CP)--William Sha WILL ASK STUDY | unco uspec adequate athletic and recreational program, The vivo, 27 Tara . Ca : youngster's interest can be a Sara active Rents by fo euniral town Spt Moiday was ehargod with armed TIANA (GPl=d ealition OTTAWA (CP)=-RCMP head: NOTHING DOWN ¢ Anspo f vg 1 pr f ? v ¥ paling oy quarters here confirmed Mon: é . . : A hhery after a man held up a i tes ranging from basketball at Simcoe Hall to or both ro I tee study of the textile industry . Congoles rmy officer North Toronto branch of the Ca.|'®F SHH% at Geor ) hobbies being offered at the CRA Lied. ou r amy in Ftlations UN soldiers "so that it could say| It is seeking $30,400 damages nadian Bank of Commerce | Will be placed before the parlia Th Bog ui Bed Eat) payments over Youngsters can be amused with anything from a lin Quebec province Monday with that 'we attacked the UN {for the death of each hrother and| police were aided in making] ™" nary feusion opening Thurs Columbia on charges of conspir:| 5 YEARS softball te .a piece .of paper and a pencil, The ourees| over court costs, It hegan when MONTREAL (CP filoven the UN apparently hoped that ated contin: | Congolese troops would fire on|ment ih { \ y WM. Jos Ts 000 for loss of the Piper A " 3 m, day | a visit at College Militaire in| Meanwhile Capt, Joseph Tshat. (#3 I the arrest hy a d4l.year-ald Top 08 ling to defraud the public, have problem with th lolescent that } "Wal nearhy 8t. Johns, Que hi who heads the group ald in| The crown, In a counterclaim, |onto housewife, Mrs, Sally|Prooke) [heen arrested in Lo Eng on monthly gas bills anie } § Hee i J ¥ . ol 0 on A "aN 1 Wi i R n y ¢ ap "nn ! ! 'e adolescent 1a thal he snl a |" The group arrived in 8. Johns Montreal he wa irpriset je argues that the accident was due|Strauss tripped a man as he ran HELPS PAKISTAN land, They appeared in court) $14.60 Joaiathh Homplate w lewed to use his initiative, The popular trend is after visiting Camp Valeartier| find that news Feports but hi the to-Wealigente an. the part of Hu down the street near the scene! GppAWA (CP)=The Canadian|and were remanded pending ex sluding 1shour and ma: to organize his recreation time to the extent that {near Quebec Cit Congo are "'slante ® 46 no Pines milot of the rohhery Red Cross has donated $16,000{ tradition proceedings to relurn lerinh to goneet with we are progressing toward a society of stereo- | Capt. 4, Puatl, a member of elaborate M 1 ger hi He was only a little fellow." | fam the international relief fund [them to Canada te Bi 4 ! bia the group and supporter of Congo The group arrived in Monirea Murs, Strauss sald, "Anyone could for use in Kast Pakistan, scene Smith, a 40-year-old publicity ly Installs 8 types, Let the teenager create at least some of his strongman Col, Joseph Mobutu, [Saturday alter, tomieting a it have done it," OY eh on Rte ual Ar Ian. an Talent on AR $5.60 ! ion ii 4 me oy \ ol day su \ led States mili . np . : 05, I Sais 1 § J i own amusements, ald in an Intervie v i 4 pie day Wh vey u > Rie Stain i Palos Sound the 3.400 ake 0 fairs Minister Green announced bail (about $17,000), Bail for Cal mast furnaces, I say Elizabeth Schofield is a poor loser rather EY Suniy ome h rilly of don today to tour military base arl ou op: the rohhery In a shopping bag | Monday Mare than 10,000 heaple dough, a1, was sel al £11000 EHANGE-OVER CAN BE than a fighting citizen aajan A bad faith. \ tern Europe are reported to have heen killed | (about $31,000), Ll Since) provocation and Jag fall. Hed n Western Kurope [and 100,000 left homeless by the| The men left Canada early this DONE IN A FEW HOURS neere.y, Later In Montreal ho gi un ew oyolones, year after Caldough's office was| Units for all types of home heating Michael Johnston published reports quoting im 28 . . C 00 us | | 4 raided by RCMP | A FREE BURNER SERVICE Carleton University, saying AN ish drawn from 0 1ce ait . . Ll, TARE pane | The charges concern issuing of Ottawa, Ont ih the United Arah Repub MORERT (CP)-S8chool child 1vorces 1 | Sadi 5 I (a false prospectus to induce a + WN oh I " ) iy uinea F I a rants ren from this northwestern On {a i ) lg of Sanada annaineed | ponson to become a shareholder 0, Morocco i é : aking onday it will take part in a . } i aus : mm tario community got a natural| HAMILTON (CP) A naw] ai y In a company Y 6 1] BARRERSHOPPERS HAVE BIG DATE ON NOV. 26 MOROCCO NOT INCLUDED or 19 history Josson even before they| generar Roberts says ho In eanly[SLIdY of means of BrOMOUNE | =m Ieluphans Sanvamore. For informe: The Motor City Barbershoppers are preparing for He sald he did not refer to reached school dent only a minority of Ontario sop Five opt 00 operative! Hon en licensed . to tall 4 big date at the OCVI, November 26th, That's Yvhen [Morocco and that his remarks Examiner Says Up to 30 caribou crossed the|divorce cases are rigged, land labor organizations are ive Never Too Old bo anna: ol ar Wie they present a program of barber 4 " [were directed against some | Trans-Canada Highway, foreing! He told a MeMaster University|ing nav 3 agi Re ro rm 4 $ 3 atberahiop harmony. he troops from the other three coun gRARFORD, Ont, (CP)--Hoh.|& school bus to stop on its trip| Progressive Conservative ob ng part In the study, to begin To Bootleg Qasr hee 8 also inc ude such splendid SPER- {ries art Yeomans, driver's licence ex from Mobert to White River, 20 meeting Monday night judges| , : Consumers' WQSA organizations as The Viscounts of Toronto, the Capt, Puatl said International oo foe Tor 12 years, re-| miles east of here should not "let the wool he pulled! WILL RUN IN ALL NEWMARKET (OP)---Seventy: 48 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH ! R ' : § io he ' { HEM y A \ 3 Casualaires, Oshawa, the Rlend Renders, Secarboro, TE rep tan | slaned Monday following the av Lands and forests department| over their eves." Courts should WINNIPEG (CP) National) year-old Mrs. Elizabeth Barnard 3.3468 " pn » ww 0 hlacks : ALT ve Sature \ y . \ an J he 08 3 § sthe \ wi yy y - and The Twin Tones, Kitchener, The feature attraction aired 8 ola a | turday of four men for officials described it as thel he A apahle of deciding whether a|Soc fal Credit president Dy Roh of Thornhill was fined $100 Mon ! § obtaining licenses hy false infor: largest herd seen here in recent |divoree is rigged ert N. Thompson, says his party day for keeping Mauer for sale : ' The N avn will be provided by The Nighthawks from London, Ont, mation years. The caribou make an an. The question of whether di-|will have a candidate in each of | ("the quartet that wowed them from Dallas to Bucking- . He said he was told his resig nual trek from summer grounds|voree proceedings should bhelthe 263 federal constituencies for ham Palace") and the East York Barbershoppers, the in- Big Bou er pation was the right thing to do. lin the north te winter fn the/changed was a matter for fed:|the next federal election wd will] ternationally popular medalist chorus , , , , Jeff Fry, [Police have arrested 20 persons Pukaskwa region just north of eral, not provincial governments/have 170 candidates nominated) All new 1961 TV and Stereo sets are covered former City Hall reporter of The Oshawa Times has F . ht in tht hy ARAL wabk Wn Lake Superior {to decide hy next Spring, Sy | been appointed news editor of the new Toronto televise un reig er cence through false information. | 'The modern way to by an exclusive Double Warranty on all tubes including 2 FULL YEARS on the big picture ion station (Channel 8) that is to take to the air Janus | Mr. Yeomans said he did not . 1 tube. Any size, any make carry this exclusive lary 1. He has been with CRC.TV . SAULT STE, MARIE, Ont|...q a written test. He took each DOUBLE WARRANTY at regular prices, Same CP)-United States Army Kno ant on a road test and Travellin Overseas NU-WAY g easy terms, no money down when you trade gineers have found a huge boul: I get is $1 for my trou London Fire chiet inspector dar the Ontariojder in the upper St Mary's ples» " ire marshal's office in Toronto, River believed to have sunk the | arrived to launch an investiga: 21,000 US. freighter John Sher Ee kt aloe: walk outa Ui . tion o {2h bday office and picked up. any appli} RUG & CARPET Still Smolders eae what Is said hy te the win Oct, 30 cants as they walked out if they | | ® NINES | The channel has been under jaaked like immigrants | SALES mill Department Store hlaze 23 going inspection since the vessel, "The police don't hother to downbound from Duluth, Minn, warn them hefore they go in,' LONDON, hy (CP) ~ Fire: years ago, men con o iy i Ry + Ags the| Cant: avid 8, dea A So Hr uid Mr. Yeumams Siig Thi town eart Ack while fighting side in the channel off Birch -_ Today on worked ried to| Monday's Yan ad Hive fire Paint, 12 mile § west of the Sault . . py wall, Ei » travel is by air,' b / | « : \ cut off an ignited gas main, | when 8 Retted Tih otygen How the huge rock got into the Store Blast Victims | arpels, aly i The gas main, In the basement | smoke channel was not known. Since Runners, of the gutted resta t, thousands 'of ships, some of M M that 4 burning Aibey a al ol fuk 100 firemen mare than deeper 0 ov THA Shel win Still In Hospital $1,000,000 fire that destroyed the] control ours to get the fire under have passed over the spot, some WINDSOR (CP)-- Windsor Wellington and Victoria build ' - For information regarding ings, a hall block south of the More than 30 people were river 'bed may have forced the mare than 80 persons injured in own. mechanics any form of travel , bo DIAL RA 3-9441 ot Kelly's new Furniture and Appliance Stare hos i authorities believe a shift in the nial Monday reported 11 of Installation by our h evacuated in their pajamas from city's main intersection of Rich. rock upward A Metropolitan Stores Li ; R . 4 ( § p Amit ervations mand and Dundas and damaged ig a iments, All lost| "ne vessel has been refloated blast Ay A hg - ted 174 Mary Street We have a direct Torante telephone line for prompt Airline Reservar several others Pos NE ree | ANA, WIth temporary repairs tal, All are in satisfactory condi Demolition men worked ee a m= Imade, taken to Cleveland for ex: tic ; 2 KING ST. EASY, floodiight to clear debris fram NO SKIMPING tensive repairs in drydock en persons were killed when TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE RA 8 5153 0 RA 8 5154 - -- . the street after a huge iron ba Rreakfast and the wnoonday The \ \ \ ) was used to knock down the sag. meal should each supply one: largest { 1 La ad i SRO RA 8-4681 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.944) arg ¢ : Ke vad y Ww busy afte an shop ging walls of the restaurant thin of the daily nourishment, been in. service only since the ping session. A public QU Owned and sperated by Thomas Meadow and Co. Canada Md Monday night, R, J. Simmons, say putrition experts, start of the 1960 shipping seaspn, | will be held Nov, 29, {

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