Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Nov 1960, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Movember 15, 1960 Enters Plea TORONTO A Bowmanville man found seven miles from the scene of a fatal nevident a King ston road snd Midland avenue July 2 pleaded guilty sterday io charges of eriming! negligence and failing to stop. Mr. Justice E. G, Moorhouse remanded him to Nov. 5 for septence Francis MacDonald, 92, nd mitted heing the driver of a car which struck Lambo Ballovieh 64, of Midland avenue. Mr. Bal toviech was propounced dead on arrival wt Fast General Hospits) Constable Vincent Freer lesti ye fied thet MacDonald evaded two) roadblocks and forced a police of ficer to jump for hs Yife during chase slong Kingston road and No. 401 Highway at speeds up tn #0 miles an hour His car finally observed pgainst an embankment on the outskirts of Pickering Township MacDonald was arvested beside 8 garage on Island road Constable Freer sald a hresth plyzer test given MacDonald showed a blood aleohol content of 1.8 parts per 1000 after the ne cident, indicating that seven pints of heer or 10'2 ounces of whiskes were in his system ai the lime Wi pete for |eolors Pack Bs ai ae Sie ikl é though neither country cin eom seplority with Latin Ameriesn and her four centuries of development ? A new book, and one that is long overdue, has heen publish ed 10 trace the history of Cons- | dan art, while showing some of J is finer works The hook OGY OF is, "AN ANTHOL- CANADIAN ART" 3 (Oxford University Press) is edited by Dr. Robert W. Hub-§ bard, chief curator of the Nation al Gallery of Canada, whe is slse ¥ the editor of "European Paipl- ings in Canadian Collections", This book is an anthology of Canadian art and ecomains 123 monochrome plates and 14 In which gives a ehronologi-! eal selection of Canadian art over (he past three centuries! The selection eonsisis mostly of paintings, interspersed with ex amples of architecture, seulpiyre and crafis Dr. Hubbard, in clear and pre cise prose, describes the history of Canadian ari from Ws hegin- ning in the settlements of New France to the present day, Dr, Hubbard pointe ot that Canadian rt todpy has a greater richness than ever hefore. While the styl the Canadianism, seems lost lores we have gain e unanimity er ed to counterbalance thie loss & surprising number of individual artists of quality, For the first time Canada has ceased to lag hehind Europe in the accepiance of new styles and she is now her self in the vanguard. These works display quality of the tradi tion which has brought eontem ddr canndlan, antisly Lal WILL TRY HERE {ion hunting here in @ personal|blanketed Ottawa end Montreal y "I OTTAWA (CP) Electronics| lest of his theory thet Britons Monday tying up shipping, air. today g This is & hook to he treasured worker Donald MacKay, 32, Mon Ssgrinied wb their say in line fights and traffic, Trans |Canada Air Lines cancelled 70 by all who are interested in Ca- day traded United Kingdom un anyway {fights at Montreal. All airline nadian art, 1 is handsomely il-lemployment lineups for the 4 - ---- lustrated and the text by Dr. nadian variety with little in his ; a {flights leaving Ottawa Were can FOG HITS CITIES leellu! and flights scheduled to Hubbard is well worth the price wallet but hope, He arrived from OTTAWA. (CP) Thick fog land in Ottawa were reported ¥ield Kiwanis Chicago Canadian h Cy Powell Le st mount Kiwanis Club; Ted Hutton | newly elected president of the Kiwanis Clubs, Ontario, Que. | regional Gerrie erviee representative International, - from president of Clubs of the | Bowmanville Club Robert Stroud and Mari and right the W Bob Branch Westmount Al Rundle chairman The Kiwanis Club of Bow manville held is firsl meeting Monday at the Flying Dutchman Motel, Among those present at the organization meeting were, from left to Bowmanville Kiwanians Attend First Meeting Ihe of the test Anthology Of Art Praised Many people are aston learn that Canadian srt three centuries. Ariisls were ae tive in New France hefore 1670 therefore, goes RECEIVES CERTIFICATE William T. Neill, of Ajax, | course in tool and die and the second person to graduate | mould making since the com from the C. J. Power Automatic Tools Limited's apprenticeship | P*™ moved to Aj from Wind- Photn 1 Bialesman Johny Kiwanis Club building | het Westmount J mes Munro sor in 1956. Making the presen. tation is Mr. James Power, Drevident of the company. of the Govern will be planned by the sponsoring Westmount Ki He said the next meeting gular club meeting their exislence . the Wanis ---- will a rE run by the | Cy Powe Westmount Kiw he parent elub president of the inis, told the new fellowship | from end the whien shed to Covers members 1 hh other will will derive We Kiw om an fon the club, that ike up his 411) 2 Club. veek Kiwanis Ll tmount aboul three helped or il Ala eral amendments Fl one wno mind wheth to the club 13 he feels it wa best steps of his life the new club luck and wa BOWMANVILLE (Staff) He told the The Kiwanis Club of Bowman. couldn't m wile held its first meeting at the er or not Flying Dutchman Motel, Monday years avening. There were 31 new mem- One of the bers He wished The new club was sponsored by many years ol the Westmount Kiwanis Club of Kiw an Lieutenant 5 : Pont it shail po Py 4 Hham hite welcomed the club known as 16 KIWANIS un o Rahawa aod by the Peterborough Wiliam If of Division 6B of the Bowmanville its jurisdiction Kuluy Gordon Buck William | The meeting was mainly eon- Kiwanis Clubs hall Darlington township he Cameron, Ross Jackman, Harry eerned with the organization off Munre Gerrie low Taumion road, The an Gerald W the new club, and the election of who is the Field nual po ing day will be the, last f. Collins, Cranston Scott the new executive Kiwanis International ular m g er, Mem. i Robert Stroud, of Oshawa will he $10 ark, Satay is Govemor of the Onlario a oid Si bee, and Maritime region hay day, dom E. the first speaker of the evening | De Hor Tog ww, E. Derry November EE i ds L. a Meeting Held Fhe Ted Hutton, presi- Bickle, Terry Price, BT. Taft Ross Jackman, first vice- N, J. Cobban, J. C. Aldread and president; Jim Colliss, treasurer. Harold Peck ZION The November meel Mr ing of the Woman Association Laurie was held on Wednesday. The de- and Mi Directors are: Cranston Scot! Peter Feddama, Gerald Brown Bi 0 Fl i votional was taken by the group, da Cl D The theme was Stewardship Mr 0ses own Casey Den Her Tog, Lloyd Me andy Harry Locke, Bill Cam and Dr, Derry Hubbard arence MeCanley was selected ¢ executive as the elub sec Mrs. H. Haas told a story aboul were Bund Stroud, pre DETROIT stewardship. Mrs, T, Bobil sang My Mrs ident's pin to Pres. American a solo, Mrs, M, E_ Atkins gave a 5 ident Ted Hutton, He told the eluh the reading, Mrs. ¥. J. Reed gave a y had made a very wise choice Nounced talk on "Cathedrals and Parish o Hutton. The Governor told the oF 1960 Churches" that they visited and geqje hart Jent will have! The Pitsl aw during their travel of the ' ambi int' al oF ide " A I i ave 1" | ny British Isles, Mrs. Ray Cameron ted Ar ed y more ponsiniiity than any of gion of gave a report, sted hy Mrs, go nei Reed. on WA Preshy Kiw will tremendous, and | ret joining the club brought Canadian art hy hey and 4 not re join 120 LANE now of the hook alone | Britain Friday by sea and went were also ay Kiwanis Club, | Members of the Kiwanis Club the club shall meet 4 Bowmanville are: T. €. Hut Monday; 1t shall bs Brooks, Floyd H, Me Greetings from the Lind ago. Club to the Ki nie hylaws were decided upon these were alt 6.30 pm ueeess Governor ton, Ron + v WELL DAY YOU 35 to try this new self*raising flour What is a Self-Raising Flour? BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR is a finely milled high quality enriched flour with baking he Chieago the Locke Brown, James from Representative guided the meeting neeting Gordon! Farence John john E.| ip Initiation fee Feddema ith the annual dues at $20 NEW OFFICERS with new Kiwani the election of officers was 1s died through a nominating man through the organ. at who club member Que- lzation work Wa He reca ears done the meel ong Morton Hendry er a little over helped or oo | 0 | two ago thal he As customar ym Neil Metealf, | uh CF are dent ited ynd 11 { Maple p nley (irove I eron salu r Ww Davidson and Hert Morri cp The IArges ore carrying fleet Lakes Monday is ending { vil ernor Robert and Day, Osh: sented the pre ani Mr Ken Greal an and Mrs it ted Mi Westhill and Mr Mi hu Henry Dart and and Mrs, Walter bunda he operalions pre he h steamship divi Guy Ch Te Steel Cor poration said Lhe hier Olds Is last of the fleet's United Biate and as nm Oshawa Ire and thelr new bah Oshawa, on Sund J 1 anis Club of Bowman the terial Rally at Ajax. The group December is Mrs, T. Bobil J, Stainton, Mrs, Fred Wat for Mrs son Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association will hold its meeting in the school Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, November 16 Mrs. Charles Naylor is a pati ent in Oshawa General Hospital Mrs. Navior is suffering from an unfortunate fall at her home Monday evening Mrs, James Stainton and Douglas, and Mrs Stainton visited Mrs, Roy as, Scarboro, on Monday Visitors at Mr, and Mrs Cameron's Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Roy Graham, Mrs, Tom Horton and family, Blackstock, | Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Metcalf and) Rosanne, Orono Mr, and Mrs ny and Kathy Perrault, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Oshawa, on Sunday, | Mr, and Mrs, E, J Perrault | were weekend visitors with Mr. | and Mrs, Harvey Armstrong and| ly, Winchester, yy Dave McCullough, pave Rickard, Ron Dickinson, Newcastle, Misses Margaret, Marilyn and Pearl Pascoe visited | Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Credit, | Sunda Mr Vand Mrs, Erie Brock and| Duncan, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, Ken Wood, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mitchell and Terry, Mrs, Russell Copp, | Toronto, were Sunday visitors | with Mr, Russell Perkins wd] argaret Perking, ot and Mrs, Murray Abbott | and family, Bowmanville, visited | Mr, and Mrs, P, W, Davidson, | onday, 1 and Mrs. 0. Knapp, i and Margaret, attended the wed: ding of Aranham Freemantle at| the pdrsonage in Omemee on Sat. urday. Reverend K. J Seaviod the ceremony performed Mrs, Frank Perrault and shen, Mr. Jack Lavergne, Oshalva, were Saturday supper guests "with Mr, and Mrs J Perrault. Potato , Chips Join Salada TORONTO (CP)--A potato - chip manufacturers Stratford and Toronto have hor come afiliates of Salada-Shir rif- Horsey Lid., it was anounced | Monday President the companies David Russell | Thom-| Ray Ken Wood, John-| visited | Wood, | L pair of in Grant Horsey said) are Made Rite aotato Chips Lid, of Stratfor vg ha Food Products Lad of Toronto and King City Made Rite markets Is prod ucts in Ontario and Western Can ada while Watson sells its potato chips in Ontario The affiliation was considered an extension of Salada Shirrift Horsey's entrance last year into the field of potato processing with the opening of a plat to manufacture instant mashed por tatoes, Terms of the new affilia- tion were not announced. and visito Davidson night is tentatively Monday, Feb, 6, 1961 Gerrie {old the the first 13 weeks of charter lat d for Viunro member Mr. and M George Patti, Whithy vith Mr PW m VOTE and Mrs club pected Lo be Wh hoats It is herthed for the mn operation ter later this month Finer taste 1s a Seagram tradition tells the truth about whisky Mie this simple, inexpensive test at home: Pour an ounce or two of Seagram's "83" into a glass, Add ice if you like. Then pour in clear, cold water® (plain or sparkling) until the mixture is just the right shade of pale amber, Now lift the glass and . like fields of golden rye in the sun. That is Seagram's "83" as Seagram's and Nature made it breathe in that clean, fresh fragrance , . with nothing added but honest, all-revealing water. If it tastes better than any other whisky with water, then you'll be sure to like it as well with any other favourite mixer. cago. '83° CANADIAN WHISKY Now in a distinguished new decanter in powder and salt already added and thoroughly pre-blended, pu wo This means you get 1 once, Even blending Accurate measurements you sift only no chance for 'hot spots' with too much baking powder or 'flat spots' with too little, Perfect leavening - baking powder Brodie's exclusive is heat-controlled so your batter cannot rise prematurely, You'll find a recipe folder inside each bag of BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR, . » or pancakes , . . or biscuits--see if cake . Try a Brodie you don't agree that there is a difference in flours and BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR is the flour with the wonderful difference, Here's all you do... To get your 35¢ in cash, buy any size bag of of the recipes you'll inside, Brodie Flour, Bake any find on the recipe folder Then clip the premium coupon from the top of the bag and mail, along with the coupon below, to the address listed on the coupon. Ww S$ len Nang | EE ' ord sd ' ph) P.O. NAME ADDRESS OP ES I've tried BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR and | include the premium coupon fgom the top of a BRODIE flour bag, Please send me 35¢ in cash plus my free Recipe Book, | understand this offer will expire December 20, 1960, and if ia limited to one per family EXTRA: As a special bonus, we'll send you « free copy of BRODIE'S colourful 24 page Recipe Book, ey BRODIE FLOUR OFFER | Box 690, Montreal, Quebee, SIAR RNANNERERR RR ERR 1130.86 there is a difference in flours... BRODIE xxx SELF- RAISING FLOUR makes the wonderful difference!

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