. -- - -- rw 4 Ae ---- Mrs, Mamie Eisenhower pre. | sented this smiling portrait to | photographers on her arrival in Lincoln's Is Stressed In New Book The enduring sppeal of Abra ham Lincoln, 180 years after his most humble birth in Kentucky, is still evident in the large number of books about him that econ tinue to be published, one of the latest of which is "LINCOLN FOR THE AGES" (Doubleday of Canada Lid) which is edited by Ralph G, Newman, a column ist the Chicago is also president of th State Historical Boclet) Lineoin most profoundly affects th tho 8, atl tudes and actions of modern Am erican s discussed in this hook by 78 of the most distinguished U.S. writers in a brilliantly-con ceived eollecton of original papers Historian Allan Nevins writes of Lincoln's welurn to polities) in 1854 after five years of pri. vaet law practice, Senator Paul H. Douglas reappraises the bitipr campaign of 1858 between Lin eoln and Stephen A Douglas. | There are also colorful articles) by such writers as Henry 8, Com:| mager, who vividly deplets Lin coln's moral interpretation of the Civil War. Mark Van Doren look upon Lincoln's best days through the eves of a dramatist, Adial Stevenson, Paul Angle David Mearn John Hope Franklin Frank Vanlive others gontributed fine papers Rarely has there heen such a group to tell the Tribune inois for who { lives and also gabher ed SLOT) past and continuing, of man and re-create decision yhoo ha American Mr adit in president his hook the tim and phila never really scene. What Lincoln? How this his 150th gentleman eput Are the est and do they st of the motivation a man the hecome of stands the ' Does the ation fl ophy of lef ha ea old ris him sound | enrich the live ent n shareholde that constant holds mil This book the image of Lincoln Iv greater and h renewing meanings Hons I indead one of the kind on the subject ham and it will take it with the hetler anthologie kind to glve hette tanding of thi ueh an n the country on mankind JAZZ proves grows memaor for he finest} books of its under man delible Impression on of his hirth hroade great who left indeed A ROOK ON Tage will welcome publication of a new pletorial | hook, "JAZZ STREET" {Double:| day of Canada Lid) with photo graphs hy Dennis Stock and text hy Nat Hentoff, Here {s American Jaz its religion ts humor | its vitality, and its people, This is] not a "who plaved where in what| style" almanac, and not a gim:| micky, romaticized tour of Amer fean 1 Spots Th heautifully Nustrated hook explores, as no other hook has. the infinite variety and es sence of the jazz world Dennis Stook has some haunt ing aphy of New Orleans street bands, folk singers, the Workshop Planned BROOKLIN recently announced Women's Institutes of Canada national study project Eat to Live" the Home Economies Ser vice Dept, is introducing a Dis. trict Workshop on the same sub ot wer the In line with the Federated] The workshops will be conduct ed hy members of the senior ex.| tension . staff, suggestions for school lunches, debunking food fads, where to obtain speakers) on special food subjects ete. wil | be discussed hy those in attend: ance i The District Workshop "Eat to Live" for south Ontario, will he held on Thursday, November 3M 10am 4 pm, ia the basement of Township Hall, Rrooklia, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendoy, Movember 14, 1960 who! are 1 ham -- 'Rugger Between Boers, English Brian Barrow is a Souih Arican Journalist whe was born in Bloemfontein, grew up among Mrikaans speaking , and for several years been reporting on problems of bis country, In | this siory he discusses the | harriers dividing white South Africans, By BRIAN BARROW CAPE TOWN (CP)~The only time Afrikaners and English) South Africans get together in grest numbers with a single mind is at an international} rugger match, ! A pathological love for their| national game is simost the only living tradition they possess in common, Their relationships are| never happier than on the eve of a big match, And a victory for South Africa scis like a nareotic,| dulling the pain of racial and po litien! tension Unhappily this spirit of shared pride is lost as soon as the ex citement is over. Thousands who found themselves talking football] over friendly glasses of heer and brandy return to the petly things that divide them, ¥nglishman and Afrikaner go their different] ways, spedk their different lan guages, and continue to hide | themselves from each other be {hind sll kinds of barriers, some real, some imaginary | The main sources of division are historical and go back to two tragic wars between Britain and the Boer republics, The differ BO |.ncos have been sharpened over Ithe last 60 years by the Afrikan ¥ ' . ® er's struggle for recognition and d s a self-realization 4 pdr y y | FIGHTS INFERIORITY He has had to fight for his| FIRST LADY IS 64 identity, his language and his Augusta Sunday, where. she culture, Even today he is trying Club, Mrs, Eisenhower Is celé (ty overcome & feeling of social joinea President Eisenhower at the Augusta National Gold | day brating her 64th birthday to- and economic inferiority, He has become Intensely nationalistic, | isolationist and sensitive to erit) leism, He has also been embit tered by a lack of sympathy and understanding from his English | | speaking countrymen | | "In many ways the Oct, B vote in favor of establishing a South African republic was the end of this political struggle But the gulf between the o | BPOUPS appears to be deeper than ever. There is still hatred, sus picion and lack of trust There 18 hardly any social contact, and there is little understanding The trouble starts early in Enduring Appeal greal Mahalia Jackson communi. at the men and women of jaz cating in full and glorious in close-up and perspective W God and with the world, the Dennis Stock 1s a young photo master innovator Benny Good. grapher in the Magnum group man and others, If the jazz world as associate of some of the could be revealed in one great|world"s hest photographers, His ymbol that symbol might be appeared In Life, Look childhood, Most white South Af Louis Armstrong as he appear wherever the best In rican children inherit thels ? pl n this colorful hook: the inher demanded, Natt! ents' prejudices, In mixed ¥ng ent minstrel, the ebullient elowns me of America's best lish and Afrikaans Sommunities graphical ed on jazz subjects the children play together but arther apart; thelr relationships f become more and more inhib ited; mutual dislike and distrust] No, 288 OKS was held In theltertainment followed great majority who start work ' " . set | J | M JOE Temple, Queen street,| At the conclusion of the regu: immediately, the young Afri with a splendid attendance of lar meeting, Blue Ray Chapter kaner usually goes into govern elses In fine fashion and all offl-| plified by the Toronto Assembly cers were in thelr respective posi 2. which is = , ; 1 sponsored V | my ; : tions with the exception of one Chapter, Order of |The Afrikaners have their o equivalent of service clubs, the ecrelary Helen Colbear PM. a membership of approximately | and the business deriving from! 48 between the 12 and 90 OWD banks, insurance companie dealt with, All annual ve. yea and and plans made companied hy the Supreme Dep. to attend the Installation of 'Hun. uty, Mrs, May Holdsworth, Moth-| Rainbow Chapter and also the er Advisor Mr Thelma Dudley, | Advisor three Presiding Patrons to the the capable supervision of Wor At the conclusion of their meet Kast along with seven past Ma Advisor Miss Darla Polter|ing short words of praise and trons and two Past Patrons during the degree work when two appreciation were extended by personalities and teaching the appreciation was presented to the fying to see so many past ma: rudiments of organization, obed | Assembly on behalf of the mem trons and past patrons of Blue!lence and respect to their elders, (hers of Blue Ray Chapter by the This is an unsentimentalized look! and is editor of the Jazz Review, Ar® always copscious that they follow members and visitors from varl-|was - very happy to welcome ment service, the police or the The guests were warmly Toronto, This as Rod Cross Boclety Yuh i were received from the The Order of Girls though of course there is no real ervice which was held in! Past Matron of York Chapter, No, | Advisor REGULAR MEET new candidates were Initiated Worthy Matron Margaret Carne Ray Chapter present The members of the Order of Worthy Matron are "different," When they enter OES Chapter GO SEPARATE WAYS ous chapters in the district members of Fidelity Lodge, railway administration; the comed hy the Worthy embly one of 13 assemblies and women's organizations, even various conveners and the finan.|Journeyved from Toronto hy bu division in the business world, In Anglican Church, 92 and two members of the Grand! lovely Ch niots ronranonted wore Dia into the Assembly, This organiza. | gle and Worthy Patron Leonard voice NOrK has Holiday Photography Is Hentoff is al known portra writers olf gers the amazing South Africa The result Is No duality of white Reache wel: ¥ Matron the Wor vn istorn Blar social taft af nung ages of / 1m finance corporation ports Rainhow clal treasurer member along tions were wdvisory board chapter were Girls presented Worthy Darla Potter and Mother elma Dudley with pink feathered carnation corsages in honor of the occasion see the and they all made a charming dis heam etwareh St. George's Was siding thy separate English and Afrikaans medium Jehoole the differences Holds Meeti > On leaving school, those who PORY PERRY The regular) The meeting closed In regular! go on to university attend sep The Worthy Matron, Margaret which accepted an invitation to|young Englishman goes inio Carnegle, and her staff of {come and witness the work of the] sommerce with the assistance of throughout the Dominion and was thy Patron od in 1928 with just a few the Boy Scouts, The Afrikaners) have thelr own chambers of report presented by the|bringing 20 officers and three the ne s ities the Afrikaners and Alma Reesor, Invita with five of the the English live mostly in sep Oshawa {Executive The Worthy Matron welcompd| It marvellous to tion is a henefit to all young| Colhear of Blue Ray Chapter and Starlight, Sunbeam, Sun: girls and 8 a grand training injthe Master of Fidelity Lodge, land Whithy Laurel York are emphasized, They drill meeting of Blue Ray Chapter, form with the Farewell and en: arate institutions And of the carried out the opening exer Order of Rainhow Girls as exem | The minutes were read hy the girls, They now hoast of = commerce, They even have thelr received from various They were ac. 8rate residential areas three Pre Matron a noi reverence and efficiency under play in thelr pure white gowns public peaking forming fine |Clinton Midgley. A small gift of Reaches and Ontario, It was grat NIAGARA INES 74 Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company BILLS? pay them all with a fast NIAGARA LOAN From $50.00 to $2500.00 ~jl¥~_ (sometimes more) S21, NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 286 KING ST. W, RA 8.16369 -5 Mon, « Fri,.=9 - 12 Sat. FY = ™ 'N FLY 3 {level |ain"s bigge Makes Peace BROOKILIN To make things even harder groups take part In social and Vrs there are wide differences of civic functions, snd attempt to Meeng of the Woman's Associa Who & in Brooktin United Chureh, to ga the vackground, characier and oul mingle, the efforts of one to con Hon ol look, They even have different verse In the langusge of the senses of humor--they laugh aliother results In unnatural ten different t hin gs Nevertheless, sion, The Englishman's efforts to every day they meet In their speak Afrikaans sre often re thousands in hisiaess and profes. garded as eondeseension i sional life and on the sport fields, and as lon oP Slits is Both have a passionate love / he POICE I8\ for their country, yet each side kept out of the conversation the coouces the me. po aloraity A \ s€6 f differences lie submerged |The Englishman regards the POLITICS BYERYWHERE | Alrikener's patriotism as narrow But politics is almost a religion #04 sections), The Mrikane in South Africa; a way of life |" nks the Englishman's loyalty It is always in the sir; it mars '® diluted by his deep attachment friendships, business rela to Britain and the concept of the tionships, social and eivie fune | Commonwealth, tions snd national festivals, and' There sre other irritants has been known to break up smong them different attitudes marriages, to thelr nonwhite countrymen Only in the last 30-0dd years and the Afrikaner's rather self with the Union's rapid industrig) righteous, narrow Calvinism growth bas the Afrikaner moved opposed to the Englishman's to the cities in large numbers. more tolerant view of life, There his friendly rural informal-l There is also the fear that the ity has cla on the socislione group will be swamped by with the more conventions! the eulture of the other, And the English way of life. Many Arh-leven grester fear that both will kaners have become "anglicized" he swamped by the 12,000 000 but most of them have become nonwhites who outnumber them more nationalistic and MOTE four to one oF, English Undoubtedly it blame, Smug that will knowledge that theirs Js the together Sut the dominant culture, that they be: "syentually" implies a period of long to the grent group of En time and white South Africa sn speaking nations, Her hase't got time, U d 8 attitude toward the Arikar, pa ny ud Alt has been tainted with snobbery. kaner must come soon if thes The language question is SUL gee to face, let alone sol the a source of bitterness, Most Afri problem of their future relation kaners can speak ¥nglish, They shin with the non-whites, How to are compelled to because I 18 qohiove this unity is the dilemma siit! the language of commerce. confronting leaders of both sides But most English people in the nationhood as they desire it ean cities do not see the need 10i,ever come from an endless speak Afrikaans and thelr 8th sories of International football tude causes offence matches BOTH LOVE COUNTRY As the leader of the Progres Yet, perversely, when sive party, Dr, Jan Steytler, put NEWS IN BRIEF it, umity can only come from a fundamental ehange of heart, not APPOINTMENTS DUE the toward one another, but of the whiles OTTAWA (CP)~CNR Presi-| the _non-whites dent Donald Gordon is eontiny " " " img in office "for the time he ing" although his appointment CROSSWORD has expired, Transport Minister Balcer said Thursday, Mr, Bal ACROSS cer told reporters that Mr, Gor 1, County, in don and four or five other un Pngland named federal appointees whose 8. Pish terms have run oul have been 10, Singing voles 10, n Hall, Following cises, Mrs Mrs the membrance Day and is ing." mann Mrs were read by Mrs, Alyes cial statement up 10 given by Anna Patierson, Plans were Dee.'3, at 230 p.m ence received from Mrs vaylor, of Hamplon, her sceeptance of invitation pen bazaar is this greater eventually must share the and secure in the fear force the Blind in Robert Visits Mrs Kellar the om Land word the story as Mrs lish appeal for aid for tor Mission, Toronto, whelming, was their social hour and ment laboriously at this reading new and all sorts of clusion of cartons of clothing, good the only of whites for tre be ready Toronto to were packed toward portation Wu 8 Kind of dental tilling 4 Muitle volored horse 5. Bizabeth Regina (abbr) 8. Animal's fur 7. Beard of rye 8. Bpecia) dress 9, Excuse 11, Thither 13, Fragment 16, Mushroom pileus 19, Affix 20, Vuse 21 Nepne tive vote Froahe walter fish Merde ful Wine vessel « Weighs ing machine (dial) Pikeliles fish 20, Romanian monetary unit 82. Stay 33, Manolete's victims 22, 'asked to carry on for the time being." He gave no Indication of when announcements would be made on re-appointments ACQUITS WIFE TROIS-RIVIERES, Que Mrs, Georgette Girard, 25, was 1. Unstamped acquitted Thursday of an at coin disk tempted murder charge laid 16, Close to after the shooting of her hus. 17, Kind of band Alphonse, 67, two years bean ago, She admitted the shooting, 18 Ventilate but said she had been provoked 19. Malt by drunken taunts beverage i . FREES GOVERNOR 20, Supple ment LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)---Bow n ing to United Nations 22. Dressed Joseph Mobutu Sune [Ay frocd | 30- Mohwm- the governor of Leopoldville Inadans province Cleophas Malay law Kamitatu, an outspoken admirer , (PukL) of deposed premier Patrice Lu of, Distar mumba, was seized hy 10, Pres lese troops Thursday and con fined as 'compulsory house MN in Mobutu's. home ( Arabian : FIND TWO garment GLASGOW (AP)--One of Brit: a5, Math manhunts ended in term Sunday with the ar y Day teen-age girl and he in Octobe wanted by Pol ag Nute the killing of a 3% Nuts i outhern England CE charged, John Terry, 3a', illy murder and Valerie 4% Move vith receiving stolen aidowise VIER 48, Spirit lamp | 44, That 1s, PRESIDENT'S nome | 10 Tat The White Washing ton has 132 and 20 baths of which 5M and 16 bath are In HVIng quarters campanile 12, Bulging jor 13, Nickels op and dimes 28, #6, Place of Christ's first, 89, Tin 42. Yes (Mp) Lamitatu Congo i tion term Enclosure t guest" ico.) a quiet hote rest of a friend hoy hoth ee investigating bank guard in Detective 20, with Salter, 18 money House in DOWN 1. Ceases 2. Grooting the seid on Thursday sfiernoon, Nov the Christian Education opening exer E. Acton, assisted by Elwood Stevenson, present ed the devotional service on "Re Mean |" iHepresentatives of six groups of WA reported activities of the Saunders reported litera ture procured for WA, Minutes Norman In the absence of teasur-| er, Mrs, W. A, Heron, the finan-| dete was finalized for the annual bazaar of Woman's Asso ciation, to be held on Saturday in the Chris tian Education Hall, Correspond ( contained to An interesting and educations! film was shown, entitled "Helen Bible Stephenson on behalf of Reliable Group, read Jack Pallerson operated the projector, The splen did and generous response 10 the the Fred Vic over The ladies cheerfully gave up refresh and worked willingly and project at eon Twelve large used | he foolwear knitted articles, children's cloth-| ng, casual goods and beautifullyl wrapped Christmas gifts for ehil-| dren, home made candies, ete.) 18+) dis-| tributed by Rev, Fred Hunniset!| Brooklin UC [ZE7E™7 Group Meets By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTY The president, Jack Patterson, chaired the har sre exlended to 8 The Brookins Community Club is sponsoring & binge, to be held on Friday evening, Nov. 18 # he Township Hall EXCHANGE IDEAS The purpose of this meeting is ta collect, discuss and exchange children ews in order to provide sulighie programs on "Eating snd Healtn" for local groups. ---------- and of Fred Viet Mission, to needy families. 6 nis helpers this worthy cause hearts of and pdults at the Ch son COUPLES CLUB The November meeting of the United Links Couples Club. of Brookim United Church was beld stmas ses FAVOR SOVIET VISIT OTTAWA (CP ~The board of Arectors of the Co-Operative Us Wednesday evening im the on of Canada has appro. Christian Education Hall, The sponsoring the visit of fies ident, Mrs, John Med) imembers of Soviet e president, Mrs. Job Wedlatd:| unions to Canada, An asnousce- ! Worship! n serviee was conducted by MyM a uiiday we "oud d the snd Mrs, Alex Blair, assisted by]: { old 12.94 for Mr, and Mrs, Lew Barrett Thelorovsl" Jute R's: valve remainder of the evening was. nding of three Canadians sent in erokinale games. Wi unin to, see rw the comers 4 a ¢ e works e, Mrs, Norma Jamieson; Charles tive movement pe---- Hamer earried off first prize for| gents, | The committee served refresh ments at conclusion of games, YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The Young People's Union will meet on Tuesday evening in the Christian Education Hall, SCOUT MOTHERS The first Brookiin Scout Moth ers' Auxiliary will meet on Thurs day, Nov. 17, at 8 pm, at the home of Mrs, Gordon Hurst na Mrs, Varoham dent of the Oshawa District Board of Scout Mothers' address the installation of ollicer BUYS FOR XMAS LONDON (Reuters) ~~ 'The Queen did some early Christmas {shopping Thursday when she vis. an exhibition of articles made by disabled ex-servicemen Among her purchases after an hour at the exhibition were & toy and a nylon saquirrel, » baby's blue jacket, travelling rug, 8 length of tweed, a yellow mohair sweater, 8 garden bas and a» black leather hand ited rabbit Oshawa, presi Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort it alkaline r fale esth and talk In mors A Auxiliarie will meeting am preside at for the ensuing year WMS The Afternoon Auxiliar WMS will meet on W noon, Nov, 16 at 2.30 p.m Mrs, 8, J. Hillie FABTEETH, 8 pilose (non -seid) powansr mare firmly. To ent af Le home of drug counter miracle 87. Aly se Of Astolag | When it comes to saving here's a trick worth knowing. Avoid writing cheques against your Savings Account. Impossible? Not at all! Open NOVEMBER 14th, 15th and 16th Tory Op Boel Bil Box phy 27: 47. Tender Juicy CUBE STEAKS STEAKETTES BASS FILLETS ou COD FILLETS «vc 20049 HALIBUT STEAKS «ivi n 57 a Personal Chequing Account at the "Royal", Use this account for paying bills. Keep your Savings Account strictly for saving, The bank 'calls this the 2-Accouit Plan --a sure-fire 'way to save. It makes sense. Give it a try. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The bank with 1,000 front doors Oshawa Branch: §. F. Donnelly, Manager