Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 15

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18 euphoarts, Ren det sunk Kir LARGE househsoping room. Private ep | brance, man Hoor iy 218 Coline ov me Ba 4 lable rent, bus stop BA 329 om fog two EAR tiemes, caniznl, 9 Pork Rend FERN Jig Jooma with with - 44a--Rooms For Rent [13hsol Sule For Sule (45--Reol Estate for Sole |v igen] ons men i Co hr nturpiched hoary A wf soe in "os. 2m " newly Kvakatte now, pd (iB errs bv "Jor ss r 0 shore | ROOM Jor pontiemer phage, M, 0 bus, Doris 14 Hopes Bisist, RA 65508] A |Goop LOCATION fr kd age. BA S203, Worren Avenues, besutifully kept two storey brick home, modern throughout, loeded with extras. For further infore motion coll Gerold Borrow, Broker, RA 5-3852, 0 rooms for Quiet couple, pd ot door, Phase peA = SR TWO . roow fermished suit lady, iy entrance on (hy floor, ger A prions vacont. Apply 51 Nasess dr + owe Turpished oom lor gentleman, Mote rth hast Cn 4 les, refrige y wi i, id . Apply Black's ons fravenleness. rr liad Apiiy unfurnished roo i ink ------------ » 0 , roomy wavsrimant 414 ny Blreet| BWY -- at 178 Colborne, 45, po fri Apariment #6 1398 Wing Bast, $40, janitor nriment, 46 Fairbank, Phorr L, Hancock BA 84700 FOUR room heated ppariment, pri-| jae entignes, on second floor, RA , 74 Bond East oh oom, selleon apart: ment, Aowntown Mistriet, $65. RA B-5036, | FOUR - room apariment iret fieor separate entrance, two minutes to bus top 855 monthly, RA 8-161] LARGE, clean, unfurnished, (hres am acartment, all modern conven) ences, built-in cupboards, stove, refrig erator, five minutes from down yn 875 monthly, RA 54344 PAC TOUS two . room apartment, fur nished stove and retrigerator, private bath lar eloset an nard space well heated Soniral RA 0633 FIVE room house for rent Mill Street, Oshawa WO | yoams, partly furnished, one child | welcome. Apply 978 King Street West 15 COLRORNE Bireet Bast -- apart. ment for rent, $14 weekly . SELF contained three room apartment, comulete bathroom; one or two en welcome, Occupancy November 8, 157 Rosehill Blvd TF, refined lady would share hor] riment, Ideal opportunity for coi enial business lady or oople Would ave furnished. front hed ing room Phone BA 8-264 2 THREE Foom fat, small child, 835 month diately. RA 5-0167 Apply 6 Available imme MODERN 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT at 15 Gibbons Street Adults or children over 10, Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET A] #4a---~Rooms For Rent WNIBWED bed sittin or two girls, kitchen i Opposite Lovell: school, m fer, oy LJ Jon TOWED bedroom for business rl or gentleman, nice location Mp i Central Park Boulevard North -8302, ai TWO rooms with private baih, large bedroom and kitchen, vacant now, $48 menthly Apply 246 Bruce Stree ONE, twa or three furnished rooms, for glean respectable persons, at 77 Onfarle LL an LARGE front light housekeeping room, all conveniences, suitable for one or two persons, $10 weekly, RA 8.0618, 184 ion i new home, kits Phone furnished room, chen privileges, for gentleman RA 57854 after 5 p.m GONE furnished room In new house able for one or two single girls, or Phone RA 6:-5068 after 3 suit gentlemen J spacious bed sitting room, with modern furniture in clean home, cooking facilities if desired, One min ute to shopping ee dik Man only, 36 Fernhill Blvd RA 5.7205 NICE room for girls, two single beds, light cooking facilities, private en trance, near hospital. RA 81014 or 61 Hilleroft Street LARGE, well furnished bedroom, spring filled mattress, continuous hot water parking, 5 Elgin East, RA 5.6146 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bedroom and kitehen with refrigerator, parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street SINGLE room for ane gentleman, close to Shopping Centre, comfortable bed, closets, 63 Grenfell Street, RA 56721 LIGHT housekeeping room with use of located, Apply Ld 4180 central RA &41 refrigerator Blgin Street East wo no objection to|%' Apply 62 Bimene SL ih id Ho, w Daching, rel, clean 54190. Vole home, very central, mattress, suit gentlemen, 108 Elgin Stiwet Fast, | SINGLE furnished voom, sise two fur, nished rooms ah | light Soing privil SERS, use central aon, {Apply 180 Bruce og I ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, - able in private home, #2 Park Road) North, 8:7 pm. BA A467) ONE furnished room in new bungalow suitable for lady; use of kitchen and washing machine, Call BA B1685 TWO portly furnished housekeeping rooms, use of washing machine, adits [48 Drew Breet, BA 34152 alter 5 pm |BINGLE furnished room, quiet, close 6 hospital and bus stop, Night housekeep ing if desired, Apply 35% Bimeoe Breet North NICE furnished room, new home, kiteh- en privileges, for gentleman. Phone RA 57854 after 5pm HOUSEKEEPING room for one or two gentlemen, close to Pediars, Fittings, {South End BA 32625. 47 Elena Street ONE large unfurnished room, reason able rept. 26 Prince Street [ONE large furnished room bathroom centrally ld only 165 Warren Avenus ONE Targe furnished (ront room, dioind| floor, use of phone and parking, house keeping Mf desired, Call RA 34130 LARGE furnished housekeeping yoom, with refrigerator and cu hoards. Ap ply 867 Ritson Road South ONE large furnished oom suit two gentlemen or Apply 194 King Street West |45--Reel Estate For Sale | [1% Foom bungalow, three-piece hath, | & acre garden, five miles from town Tele, phone RA 4-285 7 housekeeping couple | NEW MODERN 6 ROOM Ranch-style house Close to school, shopping end bus service, North west sec» tion, Owner leaving city Telephone RA 5-627 4 BEDROOMS $1,500 down cbtains a nice family home of 7 rooms, los cated very central, near St, Gregory's church, Complete with storms, venetian blinds, rotor TY, antenna, garage One mortgage, Vacant now, VARIETY STORE Handling tobaccos, refresh: ments, magazines, shelf goods ond ete, This is a proven money-maker and has been established for years, Owner must sell owing to health Asking $5,000, Stock at ine voice, Lease available, Im- mediate possession fog Christ- mas trade BEAUTY SALON Well - equipped hairdressing salon en ground floor in @ good location, Nothing to do but step in and take over, Full price only $2,500 If your property is for sale, give us a call, In urgent need of new listings ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 KING ST, EAST RA 5-2363 Kelly Bolahood, Representative RA 5.2363 WHITBY CLASSIFIED PRIVATE SALE new, centrally located, large down pay: w= Fiveplex, ment reauired Priced to sell App 608 | veniences, Green Sirest FOR RENT m Te 7 room Lo and 2hedraom RAFT eats Bowman and Gibson, phone MO 8.3521 BACHELOR apartment, sull hie two, love vefrinarator rivate utilities supplied, MO B-8577 APARTMENT for rent in Plokering, peep duplex, twa hedronms. Avidiahle Peoe mher ' monthly 2.6883. Pickering, FOR RENT Two, roamed apartments, Parking space Whithy FOR SALT and heat and four 'a sehoals hroe lose for ath, ad 821 Dundas West Phone Wi | Apply %00 Migh Wrest, = Wwe oll soace healers, sonable. Fhane MO will go nearly FOR RENT = Three hedroom, modern, | type bungalow, all eon reasonable, "Als two hed. | Apply 308 Watson | 8645, {new ranch room apartment Street East, LU FOR RENT « Hright warm furnished hed-sitting room and kitehenette with refrigerator, sink and stove, linen sup. plied, private entrance, suit one or two OR SALE ~ Black loam, manure for bi Ry Call MO 8.4414, Whithy FOR SALE = Girl's hievele, (hres speed, good condition. Reasonable | Phone MO 84763 FOR RENT December 1. Twa bed room apartment, in apartment building Adults orved. MO 83501 Whithy, siding, pastel colors, free anywhere ALUN goad condition, © 82490 FOR RENT Twa self contained apart ments, heat and water supplied, Avail able now. Apply Apartment §, Centro Street South, Whithy FOR RENT Perey 4room apartment plus hath newly decorated aundry and dryer failities Phone Sunderland 83 R § ROOMS WO RENT Hreakfast if de: sind, gentlemen preferred. Phone 8 TYPEWRITERS, just arrived. New and used, $49. Midtown U ot Furniture, 111 Broek h MO 80 APARTME"T far real, eT. nine | Roo FING. room. bedroom, private hath and tranpe. Heat, lights and water supplisd Apply 504 Centre Street North or phone | Groen X NO 8.200 oon Street, Whithy, MO 8.4338 \ FOR small Ajax manufacturing firm, w following qualifications: gen BA Woda roll and Bookkeeping, YMG, Pay AN eral affic Write Box 780, Ajax APA FORENT oh RENT = One bed room, heated, close to sohoals and shop ping, (arking. OL 5.3611, Brookiin CANN prices used furniture, aerators, article ny Midtown Furniture, Brock Street North MO 84881 slaves an \ a Wikle A NTION hunters! Hi s his Salemi Nave Hive Sleeping bags fights Thi motors and trailers Renta Service, MO 8-326. wave (Lanelin enriched) [ in jos masterful shaping. sham y/ pr by Ken. Please call MO 30a 6 for appointment FoR FOR the best in INSULATION 0 estimate call H. H. 'es Lid. 801 Brock North, MO ba ------------------ RENT -- Box, boat and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, shotguns, vifles, ete WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1419 Dundes E, MO 8.3224 #18 private 10 ha, n MO al some prices below epst tor a. skates. and Mma 1 For rent, ost Phone MO 8- 4487 Tram use PAR. Save money and install | M, or we can do it for vou. For Fs Goode and! us Yroon Street, \hithy Mo Harner L} A358, FOR RENT -- Purnihed foam win 40 KING ST, E. JOHN A. J, " BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR = INSURANCE - 167 SIMCOE §, RA 5-6544 LARGE HOME SMALL PRICE $11,800 for this six room brick bungalow with cement block georege. Large lot 57' % 132, located in Ritson Rd, S. eorea, For oppointment to see coll Anthony Siblock RA 5-6544 or 5-4362 A REAL BUY $11,900 full price for this seven room brick, one end 4 half storey brick home, just whet you ere look) for, Situated on Stevenson's Rd, N. near shopping centre. A big home for a low price. Call Anthony Siblock tonight, RA 5-6544 or 5-4362 STEVENSON'S RD, N PRESTIGE HOME Extra large bungalow, Kite A large 6-room brick ond chen with lots of work space, stone bungolow with eftac hed well decoroted living room, gorage, situated m4 ols three clean bedrooms, full Yolley id in o pre erred ol60 basement, oil heot, Large lot Ah AL ddd ig sodded front and back yp Bi ey Beautiful stone fire ious 10 sell, Call Bill Roteliffe Dloes in She pratentious bv: RA 5-6544 Wo de baths, both tiled, and vanities NORTH END ond colored fixtures, Walk Look what we found for you out basement, Call en Ne Feeters, evenings RA b Only $1,000 down, three eeters, evenings spacious bedrooms, large liv CHEVROLET STREET ing room, spacious kitchen A Attractive 6-room brick bun with lots of cupboards, Your aolow, close to school, In @ own private back yerd nicely nice residentiol area. Attroc fenced and well londscoped tively decorated in pleasing with flowers and shrubs, This colors, Fireplace, rec room is a brick house with excels Roomy garage with plenty of lent terms, owner taking back storage space, Built-in break. one mortgage at $70 month. fast nook, Carries at $56.00 ly with 15 years to pay. If principal and interest, Re the $1,000 down sceres you, quires substantial down pay let me see an offer, Don't ment, Call Russ Reeve, even: walt, this is a hot one, Call ings RA 5-4B40 ow Cab RA 5- Reward Mecobe a 5 List Co-op through this office Member of Oshawa and of Oshawa District Real Estate Board LSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 $500 DOWN Balance on 10 year plan = ~ §78.00 per month, Five large rooms, newly renovated, large lot lose to oll schools and bus, CUSTOM BUILT HOME ON KEEWATIN "Sacrifice $18,000 full price, Immediate possession on this Kassinger built 6 room home, Built-in stove and oven, twindow, storms and screens, double stainless steel sink, full natural fire. place. For further particulars call RA 5.6588 today OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL: Lloyd Corson RA 3 Asa? Charlie Rankine RA 5-6588 Dick Young RA 3-718 Bill Nerris RA 5.6588 A Elliott RA 8.0581 ~ METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED DIAL RA 8-4678 $950.00 DOWN---ONLY 2 LEFT At this low down payment with ene mortgage for balance or as as low as $475 down if you qualify, Your choice of location In Harmony Heights, Crestview Gardens, or Wilson Rd, N excellent location close te public, separate and high 'schools == close to shopping, bus, ete, You may have one of these fine homes completed in every way for $12,500, Other models with slightly higher down payments, SIMCOE ST, N, Country living In town == 3 bedroom split level with attached garage, finished recreation room, dining room, tiled bath, bread loom, patio at rear, completely landscaped, Asking only $18,000 For better than average homes in BROOKSIDE ACRES, BRESS- BOROUGH DRIVE, SOMMERVILLE AVE, contact this office for further details, In addition our competent staff are at your ser- vice for any inquiries re lots, business properties or land, SUBDIVISION LAND 40 acres of choice residential subdividing land located at Prestonvale and King St, Partially wood with creek, A very scenic spot for a good subdivision, Just listed at $35,000, After 5:30 call Joe Maga at 5.919 AFTER 5:30 CALL Joe Maga 5-2191, Marion Drew 5-7610, Dick Barriage 5-6243 Lloyd Metcalf §- 5:6983, Everett Elliott 3- 9290 SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, REG, AKER, Pres BILL MCFEETERS, VicePres, $1,500 DOWN--- CENTRAL 2-storey brick home, 6 good sized rooms end full size di- vided basement with hot oir furnace, Good garden, low toxes, Convenient locetion, hondy to store, school end bus. Immediotte possession, Price $10,900 with $1,500 down, belence on mortgege, reasonable monthly payments, For information, coll Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243, SUNSET HEIGHTS S-room brick bungslow Jo cated on @ quiet street, close to both seperate ond public schools, 2 blocks to bus, Aluminum storm | windows Asking $12,000 with terms Call Don Stredeski, evenings B-B423 ond Board Member Distriet MO 8-425 han = 330 per month, in Pact FOR RALE = Well railed manure, why | w alt tl) spring. $6 ner load delivered | 10 8.2077 {nllanoes, We are clearing all our stack Come | early as there is a linlled quantity. | Also Simplicity washing machines with 13 year warranty from $8. Midtown Finiture, 111 Brock Street North, MO sing, eavestr aughing and} blown rack wool insulation. Free esti mates anywhere. Phil Harper, 238 PTI0 TANKR cleaned the alled Walter Ward, We he , Phone MO 30 | DRESSMAKING | ALTERATIONS ALL KINDS OF SEWING anitary 617 BROCK ST. SOUTH. PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW We have a large variety of Dutch bulbs. Nursery Stock, Landscaping BEVENWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 miles north of Whitby PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 83-4738 SALE = New Kelvinator bff |741 KING STREET EAST J. J. VAN HERWERDEN. REALTOR |~ OSHAWA RA 3-447 50-acre Farm, loam, Barn 100 x 30 feet with hydro and water, 7 rooms, stucco and clapboard house with bathroom and pres. sure system. Full price $11,000 with terms "HIGH INCOME" DAIRY-FARM WITH THE FEATURES OF A GENTLEMAN'S FARM 8 miles from Oshawa, 200 acres clay loam land, 175 acres workable, Painted barns, with bulkcooler, stable cleaner, waters bowls, 10-room stone house, fully modernized with all con. veniences, and a very nice view, Creek, drill well, Steel imple. ment shed. And moreover, a valuable road frontage of 1,75 miles. Full price $60,000 with Terms ANOTHER "CLOSE TO TOWN" GENTLEMAN'S FARM § miles from Oshawa. Nice house with all conveniences. Excel lent steel barn with waterbowls, steel stanchiors and pens. 2 creeks. Nicely rolling land, Full price $39,700 with terms A CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, lighter land, 29,000 Christmas trees (20,000, 3-7 years). Barn and silo. Drill well House in good shape. Full price only $10,500 with only $2,000 down. 98.acre Farm, on Highway. Barn with hydro and waterbowls, House, 6 rooms with bathroom. Hot water tank. Full price $19,500 with terms, HOUSES Only $6500 3 Room clapboard house with furnace, water, hydra in Ashburn with bam and henhouse. On paved road and joining school In Whitby, very nice 5-roam bungalow, everything in A.1 shape. Full price $10,500 with $2,500 down Lots 50-80 feet wide in bulitup area in Whitby. Full price $63 a front foot. Terms. l-acre lot on Trull's Road North; enly $1,350 full price == with terms, Nicely treed j45--Real Estote for Sole Se marigevs Tov Welanes | SEVEN Bay 4 ad Hema. Sol Header, I | | | Exchange OF {E Auth, BA 54429. 15166 FURL down Gayman, FOIOL (nimace, Barege, a: fenced yard, RA #1 he es (47 --Automobiles for Sole |(50---Articles for Sole og i By Fg iE tie al oll ion mattress, prog ZX Cg iy gd or rads 9 ene ----r oy Br AD a fake ger ps pevments. ; Arrienisly vo 8 -- [7 home, loepiad in quiet Owner forced 14 a EE ORE PER ATILE RE Al ments Phone Harold Segal ot £0, Wymen, Rewiior i ACRES -- good sol, ol conv weiss, byden, $12508 wity property. Tindsll Rel brick bungalow, 6 "nt years old, 27 Bving room, ment, fully decorated, immediste WO] ae ase LOT Tor swie, sewers and wales, # x 199, RA 540 SIX roomed, 2 siorey Fame house, OB dep ot, In quiet ceptrgl peed wren, close to bus line, New forced sir heating wit, electric hot water he; end storms Hhroughaut For ment Phone 1 Ih, Assured Income Mew 6 suite apartment house for sole, Specifications ond plens available of our office, emtiiated in good rentol dis trict, ready for ogcupency Dec, 15th, 1960, Double pier son windows, hot woter heats ing, built in oven, stove ond |sedp LL | padded dash | miles |'80 CHEVY |quoise and white, |valve joh, only 8765, Van Heusen Motors refrig or gain TV, en tenne, parking ores, fully lar ped, For informa. tion phone K, §. Donevan, RA B-6228 or evenings RA 13-7313 fal terms or 4 Hr session pps for quick sale A so BA & Erethour Rent H 3 Ee Vs Com 8 VONTING sods, excolant cylinder, swiomatic, radio, hesler, 4 XA PICKAP po | 8 8004 Aly wool eB Be gh rest, WC CHEV Blacayne loon door 1a Cat Best ofier over) BA re 3 ve 1A Bibh, condition, WIS Bown. le Phove KA TW OWEY, deluxe Iwo lone, two door cedar, Sxcevtionally #008 condition, new tires RA 52917 whier b pm, COTA Tor ssle, condition i) (on engine, 166, Brame RBA 54128, hn | ALLSTATE he. Tnsuranes, | "Wave wp Tol 0 per cent, Six months pay, For, Fi service at your ome coll BAG 7b DOWN, WM Chaviglet "sedan, take ied small payments, ry nd condi. , BA B5526, BALF Aon pick-up , $45, 136 $2815 evenings BA 3-44 \WINCRESTER of Bd gy ALS yr oof Hib ry pol rg an Adrata i "hone M0} stared Shalt or # trilite, valued pt FOR Bale. "47 Pontiac sedan, 4008 con- hase of spy dition, $125 or best offer, RA 34563, {This id Ryd is 9 VOLKBWAGEN, okay In every way,| Fumi ar a. Baton age, Wh ay Forged Ar Ol Use your own burner, Free delivery. 10-yesr warrenty, must sell, ean finsnce, RA 51687, Ww DONGE, fwo-do or, radio, four "how | tires, A-1 condition, beige color, res eaTivGT | sonable Phone MO 8-922 18150 I'S CAPMAAC Eid 0, convertible, | Wiis Heating and Air CondIIOnIng, (swerkiing white, band white 9399 Dantorth Avenue. OX B55 leather interior, automatic, power seer: |g 4 YRDERS taken for slorm sashes, wood Hind CRF windows power seats, Wonder: or aluminum, free estimates, terms, DEF ¥adio, wire wheels, heastiul condi: | prone RA 54989 (Hom, 39,500 miles, Never winter drive: -- --- [Fake trade, san finence. Full prices ROOMS of furniture, only $0, Includes chesterfield, chaly, 72% Automobiles for Sele 3 MG, TF series, take over payments, vod condition, RA 349788 aller 6 pm, WH OLDSMOBILE convertible, all equippe wood motor, Bowmenville, MArket 34400 METEOR customline V8, radio, condition, leaving country, mu sell, Apply #25 Crerar Ave, BA 54849 "YM CHEVROLET sutomatie, radio, hester, power brakes and steer: windshield washers, positrastion. 55246 ing HA 1 NASH economics, aller 6 p.m 5: DOPGE 57608 Tow mileage, Call BA 50624 Metropolitan, best offer Call RA sedan, $189, Impala, two door hardtop, one owner car, reasonable, CO 250 B NASH Hambler, motor and hody ex: cellent, needs minor brake job, only $196, Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King 8 BUICK hardtop, automatic (rans mission, custom radio, new tires and battery, $200, Phone RA 52068 5 PONTIAC, in very wood condition, reasonable price, RA 47201 WM HALF TON (ruck, VE metor, mile age 45,000, Price $625 and "60 Vauxhall Vietor, 18,000 miles, $1425, KA B8-8168 #0 CHEVROLET plok-up fruck, 6000 custom cab yadio, Flestwoo hox, John G Fie, 1033 Simeoe North RA 65-8120 '51 METEOR deluxe with VE meter formerly owned hy school teacher, res sharp, only 81085, Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King 50 OHEV, Biscayne coach, really clean, metallic blue with whitewalls, only 81605. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King FURLIO car auction, every Wairday, 10 a.m. Approximately 100 ears offered for sale hy auction, Free admission Oshawa Car Auction, 28 Grenfell, RA B-8170 'MORRIS Oxford sedan, ideal see: ond ear for the family, Only 8195, Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on Kini 8 CHEV, Belair, hardiop, standard transmission, radio, besubiful red and white, only #495, Van Heusen Motors, apposite Brewery on King PLYMOUTH sedan, beautiful fur: just had complete opposite Brewery on King, 51 PONTIAG in A-1 condition, custom radio, heater, all new tires, Phone RA 3.7043 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, =~ OSHAWA (Just East of Wilsen Road) RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 'SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 ALISON RD, abl DSHAWA, ON Tel RAndolph 3: he. CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W, ANDY NAGY! S 0DY SHO MERCEDES - "BENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE ° | 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3. 7132 Do You Go For SPORT CARS Why not come in and see our selection of new and used ones, '58 MGA, Custom radio, seat belts, good .top Your for only $1675, Sprite, clock, whitewalls, other extras $1495 Austin Healey 3000's Electric - overdrive and wire wheel A real car $3378 Austin Healey Sprites, with a full year's guar antee, tonneau cover and heater, Only $1895, Austin A40, very good condition, 1 owner car An economy must $345 Chief, Ex» $1895 '40 radio, many Pontioe Strate whitewalls, radio cellent buy MANY MORE EXCELLENT QUALITY CHOICES AT WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST RA 5-033 AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE Bel Air four door) |81205, Telephone duys RA 65443; eve. This nings CO 32670. chrome sel, bedroom suite, matiress, A ---------- wns | SPFINE, olep and coffhe table, houdolr | i lable |; 4B--Automobiles Wanted |i." is. pillows, ele. 23 down (WANTED -- A oneowner, undercoat |Borons' Home omnes, 454 ed '51 or "Bl GMC) also Go Kort less Street South motor, Dave, RA 52856 LIQUIDATION sale, $50,000 stock must| CAKESHORE Auto Wreckers ~ want A Weve shally Shovbed, briets on ud ars for wreck) fighest hese! 2-piece Kenn mir-fosm ' " racking : hey prices iad [and frieze Koehler chesterfield reg, S49, liquidation price $156; xury Spiece, foam sections] suite, eustom | *® | bine B, 4 Serta, tallored i, "tarpet thick" high pile oven reg, $348, liquid | ation price Hm) 0-plece mplete Wy: {ing room irl X ren fri Wi {smash bargain, liquidation price $148; SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars, Trade wp Mi pou Heavy duly slaves, no AA , $19 ond "| nine e (ariom) $605 step tubles, hss Furnace, po "a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 19, 1960 as A |50--Asticles For Sole BEER vie rind WOH roe Cow eg Ba oy AX Prins VE 310 ita sed vench, Bh SI. BT = SE ns Galgrwy CLEARANCE SHOW-ROOM SAMPLES DOUBLE WIDTH READY-MADE DRAPERIES Selection of modern or florals wi me 4) feta Ww) 19 ahd wp; 01 chime table and chal, dining Ys 00; chester Ao R fr cleaner § or shige K A 81131, Com Sore, 19 pom Street, wa, oingle, one double, 1B #004 condiion RA 51283 PLVOTRIC oiler nd smpliier, $30. Apply | 20 Front Bt Fil continents) bed, Vike ¥ ow, BA {or Bo # smooihlop mattress, valurd ir "we with the purchase of any hed {Fam sulle over $150, This solounding is good until December 3, Easy {olla ms, Barons' Aig Furnishings, 44 96" |hmeo Brest South, "Where Prices are ation sale, Wgantie savings! Shredded foam pillows, reg. $279, only 99; broadioom sesties fle A cash and carry, 51.20; tilight flacy Yiamps, values to $16.95, liquidation ing V if 1X a pring filled crib mattress cash and enrry, 95 oh a, ro. [oo cases, reg, $5.99, only S¢ with the purchase of any pli] | furniture, students' desks 814, chest 817, vanity dressers 826; floor covering: | GTi Tanks, Three. oot of yards, reduced to 25 per Doce bath on rsiams, these. $24, 95 PAIR CHERNEY'S KING ST,, OSHAWA 51--Swap & Borter or down, Liens paid off plece Early f steel sinks and * enbinetss vanity Pasines |miite with fosm [tapestry covering, great saving, owt i goes, S166; A-septor chesterfield suite, foam cushions, Parvow style arms, choles covering, 289, Nauidation price $169, Wilbon wniture Co, 20 Chureh Street C A S H AWNING, plain colors oF way iriver, Prompt service, Free estimates, 0) now for errly delivery, Chalr and tani | 4 rentals, Cleve Fox 412 Simeos North, fore 4 p.m, RA 50993, DINING room suite, 0 pieces WAINGE, in good condition, upright Blane, Arion other pieces of furniture LS Be WIG bedding 1 To town, bunk beds, eight Na plete, our slashed pri $56; filled mattresses, branded nam continued tiekings, close $14.68; continental beds, single size, eight only, out $23; Rollaway eots, semi, $14.88; flake joan, erry, 99 een whi sath, end Chureh Street, WAREHOUSE clenrance of odds ends, some slightly marked, famous brand lines, costs for) borite top desks, regular DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3.9421 For any choice clean cor MACKIE MOTORS __KING ST, E. VARCOE'S RD, HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING 5T, W, RA 3.7822 50~~Articles For Sole IC [} DUNCAN Phyie walnul dinette Table, | walnut and blond sia abies. yo good condition, Telephone RA find fanoy, values to $20.98, ou 716, ' a a Hom $41 trilight oor, Ey FOR Fale, Two voulh eds And mattress: | body' sareieres Cates oF iron es, natural finish, good condition; two high chairs; tricycle; sidewalk bleyele, | Phone } MO B-3684, : ae AMERICAN Flyer", uleetrle Train | Street, with accessories; also blond fires uo ehina_eabinet, Phone HA 68-2018 after 6 Hig Eh 2 ANDREW Malcolm 0-plece dining suite; | 5-7 modern chesaortield suite; (wo large | varpets, rubber underpad; two hall run. ners Lloyd haby carriage; two ends and coffees tables; dishes; saurepans; frig, and stave, RA 5-580, NATURAL gas space heater, duo: therm with pipes, excellent eondition, #30, Phone RA 6 £360, coverings, , hody carriages ed for quick coffee tables only #4, Wilson Frirmiture, 80 0 Cnr Hod fk pi By AOL x 4 AF underigy, Be eagh 6.1611 or KA #-1617, AKATEN, new |ehanged, La pri Drayton' s Cyel NEW Jungle i; wold and ex: t otion In o e, 204 Bond Ment ast, oy oo hines, 100 Vibe - mere | 41) A A | 0 ONDITION ED " fefoviaion tn elal 18 ule Shatin Shelle $1 do per r 0 eagher"s, in iveet West RA 3080, hy 20. Powinton Tire Store, 48 Bond ONE two-wheeled trailer In "good eon: |p p 4 dion. Phone MA 36040, Bowmunyllle, HR ay (i how 8 LADY'S muskrat coal, sise 10, cost Ushaws are #85, vensanable. Phone RA 37458 after | Church Street, RA 3.96 URED was furnace, wo Rial ok burner and gontrols, 1 b-4460, 4.90 LA m Brock Street North, Whitby, te NEW Volkeswagen pan nuiton radio and aerial, fit "58 to '60, % vost $64.05, CHRISTMAS TREES PRUNED OR SHAGS Will sell for 874.05. RA 6-540 BOY'N (hree piece outfit, size 0, exoellent eondition, Phone HA 5-087 LJ MATHRNITY dresses, worn during one Scotch Pine and Red and White Pines, Any size, Ab» solutely lowest prices, Fowler Forestries, 306 King W,, RA 5.1685, pregnancy; two corduroy suits; one party dress, sige 18, like new, RA "0815 GUNN, ammunition and hunting sup: plies, new and used, terms 10 poy cent down, Dominion T Stove, 48 Bond ftreet West fi OIL stove, used ye n goad cons dition, Phone HA ous wi f pm TWO tables, dining ream ond Kitehen) Indy's winter suit, size 14; dooss, size 10; ski pants, sige 10, All like new, RA 8.0872 TWO standard size Fronoh Auores Lloyd baby carriage, Phone MA 3: WE pay highest prices | nthe aly for used furniture, Pretiy's Used Furniwire Blove, RA 34271, 444 Bimeoe south, OFVIOK, store and restaurant equip: ment. We buy and sell, new ar used, Easy terms. Anything In trade, Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin TYPEWRITERS, aiding machines. 889, New elegtrie add-multiply-subiractors, $110, and your trade. Rill damilion, Ashburn, Braoklin, NEARLY new black Persian lamb coat in excellent condition; also brown squir, HR janiials slaes 18, Sacrifige, "hone Mor Mah "ohair, spring "ooking | horse, small sige trioyole, child's rock. | ing ohair, blue goeart, YY horsepower Mereury motor, RA 8.8741, FOR SALE or vent, three cabin trail ers, sleeps five, equipped with gas TT wlave and lights, toe box, hydra, pki Rental Kervice, MO 81-3336 SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows enly $18, Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8-5385 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial 180 All aluminum products == Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates gall == FOOD & FREEZER 'Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME PLAN ALUMINUM WINDOWS You may have tried the rest, DOORS, AWNINGS Now try the best, (Example: DIRECT FACTORY PRICES average family of four $16 MANUFACTURED LOCALLY per wk, covers food and frees FREE ESTIMATES er), 80% qroceries supplied, NO OBLIGATION all well-known products, high | Colonial Aluminum Sales est quality meats, Life-time RA 8.4614 warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping, No down pays ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS ment, Call now for Demons stration no obligation, 8.4969 We Sell the Best - and Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens, ete, PORTABLE FOR FAST EFFICIENT R FA EN SEWING SERVICE MACHINES WITH 20 YEAR GUARANTEE | YEAR FREE SERVICE $54.95 CHERNEY'S "White" Sales - Service - Supplies | (TIMES BUILDING) | JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Cary' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 481 DREW ST, RA 3.98351 Sewing Centre ul rd Wires, most ail sizes, 89 And up, pritien n consent and Many 05, wale 810.05; space saver 33 venport, smart »l pista #0 5 ular Ld ol $30) loved 28 boried papier plywood cash, Phone RA wn, (his farm manager specially to ats 5, Sin, " size rej 90 pr lawn mowers; outboard motors; Hiring leg: Hauidation special $23; end ta les, wal nut and bond, plain ond Joncy, Values and fin 4 ol inde Ai, y ivy , rb ble y! ay af mattresses, durable tickin Wi the 'Mi | 52-=Logol y last, Nauidation price $1 () sales fing), No exchanges or Fel Wilson Furniture Co, 20 Church 8, 13H othe 18 onsite for & y debls Furniture _€ rigeen UNPAINTED hookes only "We with from this dats, November 9, 1960, = i Ja Purchate of Any of oa inished George 7, up ur on 5 ches as Twill not he responsible 1a # { dyawers, 817: bookcuses, 85,99; contracted in my mr name by Fn a fi ty dressers, $26, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Lawrence Chureh Street this date, Hovember 8 avi Teonnents b Stores, RA 54543, Eval v BRITISH BRIEFS 4 Canadian Buys Ayrshire Bull By M, McINTYRE HOOD bullding i Lut, Dodiordehire. vial London (Eng, e theatre will seat bya] ouion Chop) be equipped for stage shows, tures, concerts and films, and will For The Oshaws Times have an adjoining roof garden, AYR, Beotland ~ A Canadian| The main part of the library, Ayrshire cattle breeder, Gerald a vile work Hartcd recentlts Ont will be four stories high, bul dh Brawley, of Ontario, paid the i, be jour Series bi Wo fe P price of 1060 guineas (2070),y 06ina™ "rises eight stories, at the annual sale of pedigree uion's largest sssembly hall at Ayrshire bulls held in the burgh/the moment is in the town hall, of Ayr, He flew to Beotland with|seating nly 100, OLD CHURCH IN DANGER WALTHAM, England = One of England's most historic churches Is In danger of crumbling unless restoration work can be started immediately, The church is the Abbey Church of Waltham Abbey, in Essex, which in May of this year celebrated the th annie versary of its consecration, The stones are beginning to fall away from its ancient walls, A total of 30,000 is needed to restore the church, and a public appeal for this sum has been launched, tend the sale which was a feature ol "Ayrshire Week", His purchase was the fifth prize Junior bull, Bankend Expectation, from the fgmous herd of J, J, and W, Stevenson of Cumnock, The bull is a nine-months old ani mal sired by a famous Scottish bull, Bankend Welcome, TOWN PLAN SCRAPPED LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Eng: land ~ The council of Leighton o Buggard, in Bedfordshire, has) & been forced to scrap an ambi tious plan for redevelopment of the town centre, The plan has been abandoned because the cost of buylag land and property has almost doubled in the last year. The council was almost ready to go ahead with its redevelop: ment plans, but backed out when informed that it would cost near: ly double the amount in taxes that was estimated when the scheme was broached a year ago UMBRELLA MEN GLUM LONDON - Umbrella makers, in spite of the almost daily rain of the past six or seven weeks, are In a glum mood, With inces. sant rain bounding off countless umbrellas they are far from happy, "We are In a terrible state," sald one of the leading umbrella manufacturers, "We are com: pletely sold out of stock and are weeks behind with deliveries, The trouble is a shortage of staff, be- cause we oannot get enough women for sewing." PICTURE IS CHANGED LINCOLN -- Six weeks ago, there was a glut of potatoes, and itv looked as if it would cost the overament a few million pounds 0 take them off the market, Six weeks of rain have changed the ploture entirely, and a serious shortage is now being predicted, Thousands of tons of potatoes are lying in waterlogged land and in many cases the farmers have given up all hope of harvesting them until spring. Conditions are the worst since 1944, when the potato harvest was not completed until March, 250,000 YEARS OLD IPSWICH, England -- Archaeo- logical experts have decided that this town of Ipswich in Suffolk, England, 1s at least 250,000 year: old, They reached this decision after examination of two stope implements, a hand-axe and a cleaver, found on the banks of the River Gipping during bridge building operations, They have dated them definitely as being of the stone age, which supports a theory that there was an ancient settlement on the site of the pres. ent town the county council while fosters THEATRE IN THE SKY parents were found for them, But AUTON, England--A "Theatre it has never heen full, and some in the Sky" is'to be built on top weeks the cost worked out at £30 of a new £230,000 public library|a child, OPPOSE DRIVE-IN ESHER, England ~ Because he considers the English climate is quite unsuitable for drive-in mo. tion picture theatres, Charles Als derton, Esher council surveyor, is reporting against an application lo build one ~ the first in Britain ~ on Sandown Park racecourse, The Esher Planning Committee has asked the council to recom. mend the Area Planning Commit. tee to refuse permission for the cinema, The council fears that if the venture fails, the buildings and screens might be left as an un. slghtly white elephant on the racecourse, RIDS FOR BREWERY LONDON « Canadian E, P, Taylor, the world's biggest brews or, hay initiated his 10th big brews ery deal in the British Isles, This {ime he has moved across the St. George's Channel to Northern Ire. land, His British company, Northe ern Biewerles, has made a bid of £285,000 in cash and shares : Jor Ulster Brewery, The amounts to about three hes for each Ulster Brewery By BRICK SHORTAGE NORTHFLEET, England -- Shortage of bricks for the builds ing of council houses at Northileet is holding up construction, and members of the council are charging the brick manufacturers with discrimination against local authorities, One of the councillors vharged that while work on coun oll houses is almost at a stand. still for want of bricks, there is wo shortage of bricks for houses being erected by private builders, The attention of the minister of housing has been drawn to the situation, CHILDREN'S HOME FAILS DEREHAM, England -- A ohils dren's home at Dereham, Nor folk, built as an experiment for £20,000 eight years ago, has been closed down ause it was too expensive to run, The home was intended to accommodate 30 boys wd girls, taken under care by de ASE. a pc AAS

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