Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1960, p. 17

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ones | G10 OHO Times Apia bpd 2 ul and. e ns | Memorla Arens "on Saturday, SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960 | nvember A 700 a.m --Hawks 745 a.m ~--Pirates 8.9 a.m.~--Braves 9.15 a m~Canadiaps and Leafs 10.00 a.m ~Bruins and Bears 110.45 8.m.--~Flyers and Cubs 111.26 a.m ~Tigers and Tee Pees 12,15 p.m. ~Bombers and Rams 1.00 p.m. ~Giants 1 45 p.m ~--Bisons 2.30 p.m.~Raiders and Comets 3.15 p.m. ~Orphans and Maroons Practice times for Saturday, November 19, PEE. WEE LEAGUE 7.00 a.m ~Rangers and Wings 7.45 a.m ~Hawks BANTAM LEAGUE 8.35 a.m ~Huskies and Braves 920 a.m.--Pirates and Lions 10.20 a.m. Tigers vs. Flyers ATOM LEAGUE 11.05 a.m, ~Indians and Giants 11.65 a.m --~Barons 12.40 p.m.--Hornets and Barons J 'ONS MIDGET -~ MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL | Browne, New York, Beverley ( left for Toronto where they | bers almost 'continually, The | JUVENILE LEAGUE WINNIPEG BALLET left Osh- | Barkley, Vancouver, B.C., Len- | have a three-night performance | event was sponsored by the | 1.35 p.m. --Generals awa today after a performance | elte Fry, Pretoria, South Africa, | at the Royal Alexandra Thea- | Oshawa Liitle Theatre, 225 p.m, ~Comets vs, Orphans at Dr, J. F, Donevan Collegiate | Elaine Montieth, Calgary, Al- | tre, The colorful ballet troupe Oshawa Times Photo | 3.10 p,m, --Maroons ve, , Raiders Wed, night, Seen here, from | berta and Virginia Wakelyn | performed before a sell-out left t right, are; Rachael | from Banff, Alberta, The group | crowd that applauded the num- 800 Turn Out For Ballet I Chest 'Peg Troupe Wins Favor [Total $154,741 was announced Wednesday Jackson Supply Limited By PAULINE VAN EYSSEN a piano concerto by Felix Mendel- her second visit to Winnipeg, It a that $154741,17 had|lritish Peticletm 14d, Montreal The visit of the Royal Winni- ssohn vas an impression of travelling heen contributed in the Greater |¥, W, Woolworth Co, 14d. * peg Ballet Company captured the Simply a musical impression players. Again there was no Oshawa Community Chest Cam-| ¥ Bargett = soo) PAST , PRESIDENT Jack | ondary School Teachers' Fed- | D, Lee, Sutton, first vice-presi- | Christine Thomas and George city's interest to judge by the with no story to it, the hallet was story to it, so that anyone who paign, The list of contributions, gg, Saunier 1.00 JUDGE turns the gavel over to | eration, Ronald L, Mercer of | dent of District 20; Jack Judge | Wietcher, chairman of the capacity crowd that packed the very highly praised when it was|finds a story difficult to follow not previously acknowledged, fol-| Dorothy Barber 100 the newly-elected president of | Stouffville, Shown, left to right, and Ronald Mercer, Guest | Board of Education. Dr. F. J, Donevan Collegiate first presented in Montreal, Crit- through ballet was in luck last lows | games Linen go| District 20 of the Ontario Sec- | at the meeting held in King | speakers at the meeting were | Parish : MET suditorium Wednesday night said that any professional night Cloverleaf Motel 50.00 Bh Street United Church are: John | Dr, A, E, O'Nelll, Alderman An audience of more than B00 company in North America would! It was a great experience for Dininion ore 10.00 Konya Gabona people saw the full range of a be proud to include it in its reper- an Oshawa audience to see a first gy C0 oF VIE rad foal modern ballet compan eper- toire class ballet company without go-| §, Keeich 3001 Eisie Allen toire ranging from the classic Again the audience had the|ing further than one of the local 4 Mcp hee 300 Ann Horvath » \ " ohnson / y Bobkowite represented hy excerpts from pleasure from this selection of high school auditoriums, The pol ho ah 8, Kellar 2.00 | an CRIGarS Sleeping Beauty to the barefoot, seeing ballet in the classic ished performance of this adven.| WH Bird kh 3.00) Linda Wallis modern interpretive--which some style with its charming ballet turous, young company was a p MaCullows : 1.00 Colin_Davies balletomanes do not believe war- tutus delight, Tt had everything that! 1' gesery 100 nie Baransthat i ewma ti 1 rants the name of ballet Two of the ballets had not been the audience could have desired ss M N wan hao Lola Entabrooks At a guess, it was the classic brought East by the company he. or would have seen any vhere a 2.00| Rite FALL ballet that most of the audience fore, The first of these was But a gymnasium stage is not Ji 4 jd sheila Hicks was looking forward to and ex-|Grasslands, described in the pro- the best place for a ballet per- , Pon ny Barrister 25.00 | Hsien, Droswiek pected from the performance and gram as a tribute to the pioneer formance, There were members| Anon yD George Bleep bp Sleeping Beauty excerpts g {f the audience at the hack of! Al Ars it (Al's Bi-Rite Stores 00] Donna Drinkle the Si ] 4) hy in fl PI8 spirit of the audience A I Mercury Welding and Machine 5.00] Bonne Van Schepen went a good way to please them | my. wag (he barefoot interpre. the gymnasium, and even those "gio pitery 5.00] Annie Coleshaw They were chosen as show-off tation, In its own way it was not so far back who saw none of | Gilbert Mills Rad Ferne rant "ef of xeerpl § : po + dancers' " W pr, G, E. Hare M esterman pleces and ¢ N h xc di K 1 "dramatic, 1t was robust, There the dancers' foot bork. who did w GK Hara 200) Shy Wester trated the superb footwor © were touches of humor in the not know that one of the dances). ivi ation of City of Oshawa d Beverley Grant controlled movement, the grace choreography, But to some seri. was being performed by the additional 106.50, Roseanne Allen elv ton " Brewers Warehousing Co McLaughlin Coal ind Supplie and the lovely costumes popu-|., yalletomanes it represents an dancers in their bare feet 'D, Keeler 500! Te aan iina: Supplies PAGE SEVENTEEN TT i) a 22 ~Oshawa Times Pholo Violet Davis 1.00 Lg i Dist. 20 OSSTF Teachers D, A. Brown 10.00 Gay Company Limited 200.00 wate Vote For New Officers Le caro . J Viliatus EH Members of District 20 of the|lieve me, I am wot in the red, new army private's first encouns H, Gavel 200 Ontario Secondary School Teach: but in the pink," he added, ter, by the sergeant, Fo shar 00ers' Federation were warned by| "I will not confer one more| "They boast .of things they Turkoclo 100 Dr, 'A. E, O'Neill Wednesday benefit on you by sitting down," would change, until the situation Bhpak 100 night not fo be disillusioned by|Dr, O'Neill said in closing, [urier, then they realize they 7, Williams 160] "the educational program,' Representing nis Wor shiplcan't handle it," he said, , Maudsley 1.00 More than 200 teachers attend-\Mayor Lyman A. Gifford at the| "Phere Is also no room for Me oy ney (Real Estate) 10.001 ed the election of officers for Dis- Im eeting, Alderman Christinel ities in the -educational pres wre ¥. V. Lander 300 oo trict 2) in Centennial Hall at the Thomas spoke, PO ' 4 David Lander 100.00 King Street United Church "Wemen should await matur-|8ram," said Mr, Fletcher, "If we Lander Stark Oil Lid | Said Dr. O'Neill: ity before seeking positions' inlare mindful of the problems of 3333888228 23 8 2333832 0 BO tn 9g gu ee ee Zgzssss » 1 23338 £2 Ken Clement 282 J I ( of them, cupled a large part of the pro-| pianos and the stage lacks width ! ¢ s3 ES A rt Be BA I a Pr 22233333383 3 2 Ss 3ssss333s2 3020 020 90 Se 9 od 8 a =33s=s33zz333z=2332 Reports on birthdays will be received only between the | hours of 8 am, and 10 am, | Phone RA 3.3474, | ar \ » 1 , 5 5 ladly absoclited witn ballet. had €Xtreme departure and the less It is also difficult to feel the J Yates 300 R, Bair why om 1200] "Teachers who think they are|public life," she said. others, they will be mindful of ver: thing the experts demanded *cTious ones last night were dis- atmosphere of real ballet when I, Clarke 5.000 Alex Campbell Wn. Stewart 1200 underpaid should not try for an| George Fletcher, chairman of|ours," every g the I J é appointed perhaps that this oec- the accompaniment is one or two Hi. Miche 3001 DL, Chaps Lo Bo Asien 12.00 office in the program, If you| the board of education, suggest-| In closing, he added, that "the od ueha ] i'. " ' ' SS Nee 5,00 A. Maguire 12.00 (think you are underpaid, try run-led that some newly elected offi. gram on the only occasion that 8 The dancers are to be con 4 Jucchler 5.00 0 Comtar E, Brock 12.00 | moulding of pupils was the re- The elassical technique . ; | R 00 | Ray George 1200] He suggested teachers wishing that they, and they alone, should also seen in the first ballet pre-formed locally, acl Oshawa's Little Theatre commit / Wasiluk # |8, , Perkuson Ann Sheremeta 10g serve the public best, should pid oh Toad Ry thelr wi sented, Ballet Premier, choreo-. The last excerpt was The Come- (tee who made the arrangements! A Jay ! "Giger Margaret Andarson 11.00 | ot spend most of their time look. CELEBRATING shoulders," pr mold Spohr fore Her Majesty the Queen on'company to the city Dionne 2507, J. Ha Jim Amales 12.00 \ : own members, Arnold Spohr, tolfore He ajesty | ? pany ) . ghuraiee al June Hirvie win. "Kee 12.00 | done, BIRTHDAYS tion of officers for the 1960-61 1 te Ton ponte Basseit's (Oshawa) 11 wooo "If 1 am an example of the team ended the program. H 0 Harry Andrews (Home Dalry) on d paid teacher of the past, be- . * 49 NEW HOMES owmell Superieat Bla 00 | 3, "Coionh Tolal to Date hd Widurpaly teacher u . Congratulations and best Those elected were; Ronald L, Dominion Tire Store 10.00 | Fred Lioyd " Foote's Garage 5.00| I, Martin dents of Oshawa and district . pr : . Douglas Gower Realtor: oo | 1 Philips | Prime Bishop who are celebrating birth flzal vice ~ resident; WA do. d e 0d days today . William Toller, third vice-presis | . | To Speak Here Anna Marla Bycok, 31 ik. the elk secretary treasurer; ° Stephen Macko (Realtor) 10,00 D, Trivett al ors sau street; Don V ure oc g on JW, K ain e; district councillors od Genevieve Miller (Realtor) 10.00) A. White | Most Rev, Dr, Maximilian Survald Food: Trek = Carl at-large; E11 en Rusk, district 00S ul 1ng O a Kl Prenton (hunocs Beruice Stn) j0.00| Shirley MoCarron [Rude, Prime Bishop o Jie, Polish Er oy SREY delegate-at-large; Jack Judge, v0 § f E. Hughes "atholiec Church in Poland, wi 4 Provincial third vice-president; : Marge Tiling, RR 3, Bow. p i Newton Hodgson 2001m, E, Fairhart (Brewer's Arrested celebrate High Mass at 10 a.m. In iid ha ony and Karen |and Allan Colbeck, OTF board of Jack Van Herwerden (Realtor) 10.00] "'waighousing Co St, Joseph's Polish National Cath:| cy) "74g ovenson road south; governors, ar i ) J 0 permit D. W. Wilson (Realtor) 5 datricla mo r(C ™ 4 arts and service building, Gener: struction, Wilson road north, §10,-| necessitated a $i a Patricia Mewitt PORT COLBORNE (CP)~The . lov. 18 bi Motors of Canada Lid, account-|000; Hartwig Construction, Osh.| Sproule Groceteria got a $1000 Liord Corson == 2001 Elsie Mareinek 20 crow embers of the Evetel Sunday, Nov, 13, avenue; Jackie Crew, 693 Ray Minera ton, a vessel owned by Scott Following the service, Dr, Rode Tennyson; Mrs, G, Aasen, 500 0 n ac 0 October building reports total $11,000; Kassinger Construction,| store canopy | pars G. fe nics 100.001 ielen Powlensuk : will be the guest at a dinner in| Dean avenue; Marilyn Value of the GM permit pushed Colborne street east, seven: one| ¥. J. Rundle, Riverside drive Dorothy G. Bentley = 200.00 Lou Thempaon | arrested today when they walked ' : hu off the ship Rev, Joseph Nieminski is pas Prop, RR b Hampton) Nom Enters Race 4 d PC an tool |C, €, MeGibhon (Barriste 5 , ' » new chure! 8 rs, 21 McLaughl . over $2,000,000 from the October,|$16,500; two at $13,500; and one fur Somsiryction ol a pew loo Mary oF oy oarsmen), 2000 id Tremble Port Colborne police made the|'o" 0! the new church, Fanders Ve ASLaughiin bot 1959 total of $1,258,679, at $14,000 Rey. Norhet J, Gignao 10000 WJ, Storke CBGR 8 i y illegall bandon-| T'3 : : an will van for ap issued a $118,000 permit for a new|wood Cresc,, two at $10,000; R.| The following permits were ls Tonia Hyman, QO" 35.00 ii Sarge Ly violation of the Find Dead Woman f he fin Hive a Ti io n ois Dec's for alderman in Ye h f | { Canada Shipping Act, . orm the Oshawa Times of J ok v T ) or "hel repairs anley " their birthdays each day will ohn Wacko, who got 1807 A $215,000 permit was listed for $10,000; T. Kleinstuber, Wych-| repair Jlaniey Turner Also arrested was Lyle Trudel, Police Fear Murder receive double tickets to the [votes in his first try two years . y rth, home repairs, $1500; Me. I ; a e : : Whe | » YWORTNEUF STATIO! . | BR A Medical Arts building on King|nekoek, Verdun road, $12,000; Rorth, home | oy, Simcoe street south, builds] Lloyd Harding for the Seafarers' International PORTNEUF STATION, Que amie Teas The: fda {poll with 302 votes, He finished street west, ' {Graceful Homes, Toronto, $10,000; Callum Japon, Ritson, road) ing demolished, $500; C, Cath.|, Rite Boneham 0 (Union (Ind) who has been|(CP)--A housewife was found Jourweek Jorja, The « Hi it 7th in a field of 18, Te) py. 73 3 ) © rejocations, a ) ' . a Oe ve 3 ON " n a6, i A y wr VY he y " 49 SINGLE HOMES 8, Guida, Lowell avenue, two at Babak, Albert street, home' re.| oir, Guelph street, cellar alten A charged with persuading seamen|dead in her homo today and pro. quapniooios Mr, Wacko says city govern. There were 49 single family $10,000; 8, Jackson, Arthur street, pairs, $1400; E, Duffel, Mill ations, $00: H, Browhlee, Park 'E Rtn : i tzsnad. .. $10,000: i ¥ % 4 a ; th, home addition, $600;| Kia Soanes rations she was slain, y g cltize 8 well the old. dwelling permits Issued in Oc-$:0,000; 8, Usminso, Chadburn| Pairs Af 500, Toad south, hon ¢ | It is expected all those arrested |c young citizens as well as the old, tober 8 treet, $11,000; Goldman Develop. | $reet, home repairs, $500, pp, w, G, McKay, Simcoe street 100. Kewln | 9 will bo transferred to the Welland| The woman was identified as| He would like to see more youth DePalma Brothers, Athol street ments, Park road north, $10,000 Sirceoe sirost south. chUTe | north, office alterations,. $5000, Gerda Deer County Jail, Mrs, Hubert Piche of this Port. on council, including himself, east, one at $11,000 and one at/SEVEN GARAGE PERMITS |e Bo®ee) 000. Osborne, | + Haas, Champlain avenue, meee (Uf County community 40 miles : ' ; cellar alterations, $1400; United| northwest of Quebee City, (never hurt any council," ley bouevard, : oe ol Sie and ey; Centre street, $600; E Ce, M. Stapicton, Aberdten Ry: alterations, $5000; D, - Burden, Says Teamwork Son, Arthur street, five at $10,- Booth, Eastmount street, $600; | Pelow, Albert street, home addi- Pht "chor, Golf" sree ar Senec. vg | stree 000 : + "her 4 hp ' 000 each; A. Judar, Seneca Gilkes, Hortop street, $900; v tions, $300; R, Hilscher, Wilson home additions, $2500: T. Pelow. J, Allen Construction, Wilson Rr, Wright, Ritson road north.|home repairs, $750; H, Polson, home repairs, $600, road north, two at $10,000 each; £1000; M, Burnett, Toronto, $600.| Masson street, home repairs,| Wilson: Nassau alioet. home| ve | Rusnor Construction, Downsview,| Irwin Construction, Toronto, got| $1000; H. W. Clarke Grierson | : yon, sau 1 home The secret of a successful all the charity organizations, It Roth, Switzer drive, three with|detached home, H. Gruyters, Dubinsky, Gibbons street, gellar) Mary street, home addition, $300; work," sald Bert Beaumont, at its highest level, Tt pools the une at $10,000, one at $11,000 and Athabasca street, received a $14,- alterations, $500; A. Crowe, Kings: od south, shop addition, $1630; | { Buest speaker at a luncheon experience and thinking of those one at $12,000; Loupan Develop: 000 permit for a duplex | dale avenue, home repairs, $750; d meeting of Community Incorpor-| citizens from every profession ments, Willewdale, Ont, three at| E, A, Galli Brothers, Toronto,| A: Kolodzie}, Taunton road west, |» ~ 008 t0 US Har. : E : Toronto, | ira. $9000. fire repairs, $4000; USW Auditors| pogqay. ous problems that erop up and to $10,000 each, --- {were issued a $23,000 permit for lum alterations, $3000 Mr, Beaumont who is the ex. incorporate that thinking in its Florell Developments, Tecum construction of a day nursery, STORE ALTERATIONS H, B. Reed and Sons, Bloar ecutive secretary of the Brantford deliberations." R. Mitchell 6.001 DL, Chapman L. E. Astrop 15.00 CLASSICAL TECHNIQUE was major ballet company has per-|gratulated but even more 80. 8, Cowling 5.000 ¢ Farrow Ed, Chappell 13,00 MING for public office, cers were in comparison like a Al sponsibility of the teachers and " y s of the company's dians which was performed be- for last night and brought this! D. J. McNab ! . Glover ie 4 : graphed by one of the company's dians P ¢ Frank Sidler 12.00 ing for appreciation for deeds Following the meeting, the elec. Bill's White -Rose Station 5.00 §, Ihlenfeld Boswell Supertest Station 10.00 J, Kolenko ! -- -- wishes to the following resi~ [Mercer, president; John D, Lee, L J * Kugene A, Patterson 2.00 | Fred Rose W. 0, Martin 5.00 | Robert Sage an 1 1011 Grodan saltor) 10 0 W fharpe o Mrs, J Goyne, 18 Hilloroft; dent; J, Parkhill, elected by Jan's Garage 5.00] YL. Green W. C. McAuley (Realtor) 2.000 C Weeks Lindsey, RR 2, Oshawa; Ristow and Olsen (Realtors) 15.001 Anonymous With a $2,033,200 permit for its une at $12,000; James Allen Con. swering Service, Bond street east,| john Waoko (Realtor) 5.00 ; flan 5 pl Ga \ A PERANE RI -- h | oo | Hayden MacDonald Ltd.s olie Church at 150 Albert street Mrs. Ted Ingle, 325 Saguenay ed for almost 74 per cent of the awa, one at $10,000 and one at{permit for installation of a new oshawa Engineering and Joan MoMthan | Misener Steamships Ltd., are |Misener Steal ps Ltd, were the parish hall Vachon, 553 Howard; Norine the total to $3,970,524, up welllat $10,000; one at $18,000; two at{north, was issued a $1000 permit|ingustrial Acceptance Corp 200.00 Bier { arrests and all 26 have been a 'e) ree , A ll.year-old real estate sales. Grace Lutheran Church was, Modelaire Homes Lid, Glen. ADDITIONS, REPAIRS Fred T, Storie 500.000 wm' Crvderman Ing, Queen street, Brooklin, | ) church. Jeffery, Masson street, four at|sued for additions, alterations andfA W. Rundle Garden Centre 25.000 Thompson construction of Oshawa's new|wood street, $10,000; G, Pan A, Branton, Simcoe "0 west, store alterations, $1500; R.| dna Dewhirst 27, of St, Catharines, a dispatcher Regent Theatre, good for « |Aa£0, actually led the Cedardale Ward's Dry gras Dry Goods 14d to abandon their ship, vincial police said there are indi:| ment is the responsibility of | St, Andrew's United Church, And, he adds, 'a few changes | vel 1) eo permits were 8 Wr, 4 $10,000, J, O'Malley, Cedar Val.| Seven garage | Jarvis street, home alterations, | giociuarkors, Albert street. off log ie cr ------------------------------------------------. i ---------- ! . street, $10,000; N. Uriadka, Low-|Stanley, Wilson road south, $1000; | road south, home repairs, $1000. | Albert g reet; home repairs, $500; ell avenue, $10,000, Hl, Lamers, Gibbons street, $500; J, Szczwyclak, Veterans road,|y Norwich Taunton road west, ive Y renalr ' R g I 0 J Ont, two at $10,000 each; W.'a permit worth $14,000 for a semi. | street, home additions, $1200; 1, |[hepairs, $1100; Rosslynn Estates, Community Chest Drive is teams|recognizes citizens participation D. Cook, Adelaide avenue, plant: |aieq at the Oshawa YWCA Wed-|and walk of life, to consider vari. ne at $10, nd WwW 'ity. . ) oy, King ree 3 8. | 5 s¢h avenue, one at $10.00 a A new sign for City-Wide An-' I, Bouckley, King street|street west, shop additions, a Community Welfare Council, ex:| 'Perhaps the most important smpremrssosess plained why the Brantford Com:|part of any Community Chest or munity Chest went over the top in two weeks in its seventh suc. cessive, successful drive, SPIRIT OF SHARING "The secret is teamwork and co-operation with a spirit of shar. ing, In every community there are power groups, well entrench ed community forces, There are people who have their own chars ities and there are people on boards who have been there for years, these are all good people, It takes time to learn to share, to see the other person's point of view and to look ahead to the future for the well being of all, New conditions bring new needs, Qrokress needs inteligent action, herever we work together somebody has to give up some. thing but usually may benefit." "The secret of success lies in the Community Welfare Council, Brantford changed from the old United Appeal is its budget com- mittee, Budgeting is a key to federation, A good budget com- mittee is not always acceptable to every social agency, but in time it is appreciated." MANPOWER CONSERVED "The conservation of manpow- er is most important, Our eiti- zens were becoming fed up with collections, They were always | on a campaign and so the com. munity began to divide up the| | work so that no one had too great a load to carry, This year's community chest drive had 1200 persons involved, No one had more than he could do and prac- tically all the workers enjoyed the work with a sense of satis faction and accomplishment Mr, Beaumont also said that in Brantford every step taken by the Community Chest and the organization it serves is made pattern of an association of the| known to the public, When mis. LAB TECHNICIAN AT 0.G.H. existing social agencies to a Wel./!akes are made by any of the J fare Council composed of citi./oréanizations, the public is also] One of the laboratory tech: | celved word of his passing of | Hospital where he has been zens from all walks of life. At |informed, The respected citizen] nicians on duty at Oshawa Gen- | the Canadian Society of labora. | studying under Pathologist Dr, ; this point the community works in a town does not merely live| eral Hospital 'is Edward Mol | tory technologists bacteriology | R, M, Clark, since he started " and plans together for the good! there, he gets his respect through| dowan, of 300 Conant street, | examination which he wrote in | work in the hospital five years REPRESENTATIVES OF | dress by Bert Beaumont, execu: | left, are B, Lewis, director of | Ruth Higgins, Community Ine, lot all" |his contributions to the commun.| Ed, started working in the lab | Sunnybrook and the Toronto | ago. Plating a culture is the Community Incorporated, at | tive secretary of the Brant | the Children's Aid Society: | chairman and Wendell Brews | ity, at OGH five years ago after | Hospital For Sick Children in | growing of infectuous germs to their Wednesday luncheon | ford Community Welfare Coun | Charles Ward, labor chairman ster, CRA direct CITIZEN PARTICIPATION "he Community Incorporated] completing his grade 13 educa- | July, He is shown above plat. | determine what antibiotics will meeting In Adelaide House, | cll, Caught by the camera, | of the Brantford Community | 5% / rector, "The welfare council in Brant- holds meetings every second] tion at Oshawa Central Colleg- | ing a culture in the bacteriology | kill them. were privileged to hear- an ad- | following the meeting, from = Chest, Mr, Beaumont; Miss ~-Oshawa Times Photo, [ford is the incorporated body of| Wednesday of each month, iate Institute, He has just re- | laboratory at Oshawa General «Oshawa Times Photo A

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