Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1960, p. 13

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VW verre rey yo. Fry | SHOP . . . WOOLWORTH'S + + » The Santa Clause Store At our famous Delicatessen all pastries are baked fresh dally in our ovens on the premises, DELICIOUS BOSTON CREAM PIE REGULAR 65¢ special... GO¢ NEW RECIPE Devil's Fudge Bar Cake REGULAR 49¢ special... 4 5c ceensannieite BY Open Friday Night till ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CAROL CAKE NOW, Shop with confi. dence where you see thi f satisfaction, to honor the players south of order, As the present flar howling signs of wear and Mr, George Read on his re pisit to New York purchased flag and presented it to the t the social evening on Fri- he president accepted it on of the club with sincere lation, HANEL INTRODUCES ©5 SPRAY COLOGNE reg. 29.95 PLEASURE D GIVE~ CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD, NO EXTRA CHARGE OF ANY KIND Holds "Open House" At Meetin gi The regilar meeting of the hers present, The prize was won Behool Assaciation took the form out by the pupils of the school Manor with the Jackson, president, who explain-lvarious classrooms to learn more oresided, Scripture lesson was be held November 25 gt the CRA, objectives, and urged all those|(oachers, They then returned to| Philip Bell end treasurer's report Mrs, Jock McQuede, ettend the meetings regularly, las Clark of the mass survey TB| Favorite hymns were sung by Steven Dyl ip would commence the thirdione to avell themselves of this| Mrs, James Braunds, : were sure GION Bazaar help of Mrs, R, D, Heard, to or-| next Council meeting would be PMA, Mrs, Charles Elligett, who Mrs, Horry McGrath, delegate he on "Visual Aids", She also sn-|- Roll eall showed 25 members| dian Legion Bronch 43, held its A report on the meeting, the members will he held at Massey (a lovely flower plant of ehrysan-! Mrs, Herbert Bathe welcomed all president drew the mem. "Met the Press Panel", and the who was attending the meeting,| Mrs, Edward Madman opened ¥ dinners for refugees, |the Home and School officials on| Organist for the afternoon was the worlliy causes and donations id announced that report cards dian Picture", | preelation, The conyeners for CONNAUGHT PARK AUX, her would be examinstion!the mothers of the pupils In Mise ' its November Mrs, Lloyd Burktet; Country retory's report, Eight get well| children's wear, Mrs, Thoma e nited In Aft C | The president, Mrs, Herbert' eron Oke; faney work, Mrs, Dan emoon Leremony | ---- roadbent was solemnized on|length gloves and carried a nose Ca The bride is the daughter of] Mrs, Kelvin James, sister-in dhe he son of Mrs, John Broadbent|satin peg-top sheath with a side The Reverend Warren G, Dick-|!ine and narrow self helt and James, brother of the bride, and|in taupe and brown and her flow Given in marriage by her fa-|were Elizabeth and Janet James, | mosaic blue satin faille with a|with panels of tucks, V necklines fringed cummerbund accented| yellow, and rust chrysanthemum Mr, Robert Broadbent was best | E : E 3 bnet, | njoy Evening | bride's mother wore a jacket Club has resumed its popular {mother assisting was in plum first one for the season was held|sages of pink roses, and Court Whist were played, was wearing a cocoa brown r. Ronald Snowden, Mrs, Bert|a sheared beaver Jacket, Her Bonnetta, Mr Rundle, Mr, Jack Mouncey, Mr,|Oshawa, Out of town gues's were The success of the evening was| Sunderland, Dunnville, Comber Mr. and Mrs, Jack Anderson as|Pennsylvania, | Bruce McGregor and Mr, and] ounced that this year the social sly, He also stated that the then the Lawn Bowlers hold flag, along with the Union ® # The November meeting of the| ation of the parents on & survey of Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club by Mrs, Florence Morphy, of Open House for parents, who for this school district, A the Menor as guests, The dev afternoons in the, elubhouse, the purpose of membership in of the course of study pursued fn read hy Mrs, George Whithrezd,| The Christmas party 1s to he present to | Refreshmen's were served by Mrs. R, J, Manning announced committee spoke briefly on the|sll and solos sung hy three mem. "EVER Dyl onday in Januery at the home! opportunity to help check TB Birthday greetings Jz the group, This will be the held ot the ©. A, Lovell Schoo! | will be eclebrating her Both birth-| Complete Success fo the Area "C" Conference in|pounced that m very Important) present | semi-annusl bazaar on Tuesdsy e of which was "Wake Up,|Hall on Thursday, November 17,|themums was presented to the present and introduced 'her eo * sitention fo a hox at the panel will consist of literary peo. Mrs, Josie Shulman, who was in|the bazanr with a few appropri {the subject "The Place and Value Mrs, Wiliam Reed, Refreshments ¢iven by the auxiliary, A small ould go heme by the first of De.| 0 i Refreshments were served hy SONNAUGHT | hooths were as follo eandy onth, He asked for the eo-oper-| Margaret Patterson's class, meeting in the clubhouse, Store, Mrs, Harry King; Toueh and sympathy cards had been! Bent'y; nprons, Mrs, Mary Cook The marriage of Dorothy Isa-| white velour felt and french flow- a Cony afternoon, November 5 Jom of white roses and stepha: ue r, and Mrs, Farle W, James|law of the bride, was matron of ae" Oshawa and the late Mr [drape overskirt, The bodice was son officiated, The wedding music| how, Her hat was a small mode! Mr, John Campbell was the solo-| ers were yellow and bronze chrys- ther, the bride wore a semi-| nieces of the bride, dressed alike] sweetheart neckline fashioned in|and sleeveless with houffant with a diamond clip, Her hat was|and wore crowns of the same man, Ushering were Messrs, Ar-| A reception was held In the Of Cards dress of Dior blue with a fuchsia | monthly Evening of Cards for its| shade French crepe with a match last Saturday, There was a splen As the couple left for a wed: Those lucky In the draw for|sheath wool dress with a hat of Joseph Kerr, Mr, | corsage was briarcliffe roses, The Arthur Brown, J. W, Dyer, Mrs, Avern Taylor,| present from Toronto, Oakville due to the energetic committee mere, Islington, Peterhorough conveners, with Mr, and Mrs Mrs, Roy Mann as assistants, enings would he held on Satur BURNS pnthly Club Bulletin would be annual Gold Cup Day it Is CHAITIN i Tan til Ea reg. 295 Now 15.95 BULOVA Precision Electric Razor * | 32 King St. W. RA. 3-7022 | & . 8 gh H&S Assn. (GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES . 3 ' (J PMA CLUB Braiden, presided with 13 mem Duke of Edinburgh Home and pre-school children being esrried wag held recently at the Hillside were welcomed by Mrs, Gordon! The parents then retired to the president, Mrs, George V, Lee, The bell teams' benquet is to the Association and the sims andthe school asd fo talk to the ecretsry's report read by Mrs, "eld December 8 at the home of hecome members andthe a.lhy Mrs, William Reed, he auditorium where Mr, Douz. hy Mrs, Mrs. Herbert Braiden end Mrs, thet a parent education study coming clinies and urged every. hers, Mrs, Lee, Mrs, Bell and of Mrs, V, C, Malloy, with thel The president announced thelfor the oldest member of the rst such group in Oshawa, {on November 22, the program to|day November 11, The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cans Peterborough on October 29, gave! meeting for Home and School Before the close of the meeting| evening, November 8, President ome and School", st 8:15 pom, The theme will he oldest lady of the Hillsdale Manor) convener, Mrs, Norman McEvers, nt of the room for donations! nle who will challenge some of her 92nd year, late remarks, outlining some of Mr, Kelvin James spoke briefly of Home and School in the Cann. were served, rift was presented to her in 8p: 'mher, which meant that No.| Park Ladies'! Virs, Milton Oster; ho rnoking, Auxiliary held th R Mrs Harry Poloz vead the see-|end Take, Mrs, Alyn Elliott y James, R. J. Broadbent |i: bt an 0 AY Gk wlle James and Reuben Jame: |ers, She wore white suede elbow- t Centre Street United Church, |notis, OFfof Oshawa and the bridegroom is|honor wearing a mocha beige I "Broadbent, fashioned with a sabrina neck was played by Mr, E, Kelvin|of matching flowers and feathers ist, anthemums, The two flower girls| formal duess in' jewelled tones of|In apricot slik organza fashioned | a surplice effect above a wide|skirts, They carried baskets of flowers, | Lawn Bowlers thur Hawkins and Willlam Broad: chureh hall, To recelve, the The Oshawa Lawn Bowling feathered hat, The bridegroom's members and friends, and the|ing satin hat, Both wore cor| did attendance, and hoth Euchre| ding trip to New York the bride guises were Mrs, Ewart Alger,[silk beige and taupe petals and Mr, Ernestinewly wedded pair will live in Mrs, Edward Goodman, Rochester, N.Y,, Parry Sound, which this season is composed of| Whitby, Audley and Titusville Reginald Norris, Mr and Mrs. | Mr, Jack Hunter, president, an y instead of Friday, as previ. tinued, ® ed courteous to fly an Amer- eciric § "Wonderful Gifts For That Man In Your Life" reg. 3475 Now 14.95 . HE AT One . RA 3341) Mrs, John Poch gave the bingo) women residents reports, Games sre held Wenes| fel Guiliinan; draw tickets, Mrs.(Mrs, Charles Gibhs, Mrs, E.( 13 cup flaked coconut Robert Williams; tes room, Mrs. Elleget, Mrs, Edward Stonebridge 1% a reliquelied pasteurized Erie Jacklin; tes cup reading lend Mrs, Jeon Reed, Floral| powdered skim milk (gceord Mrs, Joseph Rompling ped Mrs. centrepiece was won by Mrs! ing to package directions) Robert Holdaway; pouring tes: Horry King, » 2 tellespoons melted butler Mrs, Jack Jackson, Mrs, Frany! A financiol report of the bezeer' 4 eggs, besten Davey, mrs, E, Williams and will be given ot Tuesdey's meet| 4% eup sugar Mrs, G, Milton, The bazasr was! ing, November 15 nt 7.4 pm, teaspoon vanille a decided success snd 8 sub ----1 'k leaspoon Bulmeg stontiol profit will help provide Ys teaspoon salt the necessary funds | or many | teaspoons all-purpose flour yorthwhile eauses, winner of M aches hie cedar ehest and contents was|B Slees while brend, trimmed). " Soster bist, otaies Mrs, Leslie Magee, Other prize end cut in Linch cubes ed Binch squere pan, Combine winners were; Mrs, M, Jollow,| # cup sliced canned peaches, di % well remaining ings is; mix Me, Ben Jackin, Diane Heard, " drained Pour egg mixture over bread { THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Movember 10, 1960 1 3 PLEDGED THEIR EYES TORONIO (Cv) : imen of the suburban Scarbors joush ¥ / re Department Bins PACK A BURPRIE. aE yn os Be When baking a custord for the Ay Ai who died in family dinner plen to cook some # traffic accident Jost August it individus) custards ob the seme "is conoukced Wednerdsy, | time for the student's or Worker's Jieonedy re iremen Tnerh lunch box, As a surprise Place 4) er i -- 4 enstord enp before in the cinnamon, in the hotlom of each custard 4 pouring mixture, Bake in moderate oven! (599 degrees) 35 minutes, or unt set, {1 i PEACH BREAD PUDDING (Males 4 servings) I COLLIS & SONS HOCKEY GAME Fun. for young end old, Two complets™NHL, teams, plastic nets, ond fast rolling pucks, Players con revolve, shoot, score, pass, sticks ond block, 91 7 4 Brightly constructed of duroble mesonite metal { corners ond rubber tipped "ployer grips' Ad- 4 Justable score boords on egch side, sof 4 3 / 32" long end 14%4" wide, | pi 7. WEA TOYLAND SUPER QUALITY SPECIAL TRIKES Sturdily Built SPECIAL 7.99 DOLL PRAMS & STROLLERS In o wonderful assortment of styles ond solor, A sure pleaser for ony child, f FEATURING A FABULOUS 88: TOY SALE REGULAR VALUES, TO 1.95 POP RIFLES , , ,, veers BBe CHILDREN'S UTILITY SETS ...., 88¢ B8¢ 88¢c B8¢c BB¢ B8¢ 88¢ EDUCATIONAL WOODEN BLOCKS |, DRESSER SETS BINGO BEDS rit atars AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINES MODEL PLANES AND SHIPS ,..... JIG SAW PUZZLES (17 x 21) COMPENDIUM OF GAMES (6 gomes in 1) DART GAMES trees MUSICAL ROLY POLY POLL ,,. 86¢c LITTLE MANGLE IRONER .,...,.... BB¢c BLOCK TRUCK BATONS ..:..ovotsrievrrvsenen B86 MUSICAL PULL TOYS... 11+.+ B88 Plus Many Other Toys Not Listed perry EERE EE EE RE ENE SLINKY SPINNERS ,,.... FRICTION TRUCKS AND BUSES . 88¢ FRICTION CARS veers BBe MECHANICAL ANIMALS ,..,.. BB¢ WATER PAINTS ...o0ovvvvenes, BBs TOOL BELTS .....ovvvvrrvnes. BBe EERE EE EER Prams from4.98 Strollers from 2.98 DOLL SPECIAL Remote Control Toys Trucks, Cars Tractors Graders Wagons Electric Footbell Games Pogo Sticks Hobby Kits Building Sets Toy Musical Instruments Boxing Gloves Basketball Games Plush Toys Toy Luggage Sets Cosmetic Kits Sewing Sets Hundreds of Beautiful Dolls ¢ Doll Prams and Strollers Sewing Machines Irons and Iron Boards Toys for Girls Paint Sets Dolls Furniture Electric Baseball Typewriters Rocking Horses Base Ball Games Dolls Houses Panda Bears Pedal Cars LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN SET Ready to run train set featuring Magne-fracs tion and headlights, INDIVIDUAL VALUE OF EACH PART INCLUDED IN THIS AMAZING OFFER 1.PIECE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE ,, 21.95 1-PIECE MATCHING TENDER 1-PIECE GONDOLA CAR .... 3-PIECE CONSISTER FOR CARS 1-PIECE HOPPER CAR ,,.,...., 1-PIECE CABOOSE 9-PIECE TRACK ..... 1-PIECE AUTOMATIC COUPLER 1-PIECE 35-WATT TRANSFORMER 1-PIECE LACKON 11.PIECE GAMES BOARD ..,..\\\\ 12.PIECE TRADING CARDS 15-PIECE BILLBOARDS 22-PIECE TRESTLE SET ,......... TOTAL 80 PIECES TOTAL VALUE... 47.25 FREE SEE THESE FAMOUS DOLLS FEATURED ON TELEVISION DELIVERY | POLLYANNA " THE a 4 MOON ss DOLL ALKIN BABY OF 5.00 THE FAMOUS WALT "Chatty Cathy" with the OR MORE DISNEY CREATION by Mattel "Peek-A-Boo" Eyes l. COLLIS & SONS OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. Dresser Sets Toy Phonegraphs Trikes Bowling Games Hockey Games Gun and Holster Sets Cowboy Suits This doll has Sere on rooted hely, obout 19" tall and iis beautifully dress sed, Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Reg. Value 595 SPECIAL 3.95 278 3.15 1,50 6,75 35 As 30 JA3 2.00 : Sizes 2 to 8 yqars REG, 4.93 1.99 SPECIAL Headquarters For JON GNAGY Learn-to-Draw Supplies and Presto and Sparkle Paint Sets GIGANTIC VALUE! EERE ER) 50-54 King St, W, Corner of Church . RA 5-6311 USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN

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