Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Nov 1960, p. 8

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Nr do MR AND MRS, C. RUSSELL BUTSON ~Photo by David Enge |Hoedown square dance has been Kemlo, Jean Wright, Women Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 '8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 9, 1960 guaciress, May Leng installed chaplsin, marsha! and organist. The chaplain wr the y was Alberta Wood, Mrs, Martha | Bunlop gave an impressive floral ceremony to each of the Points and presented the WM (with & floral star, Iva Cliff filled ithe station of warder snd Lloyd Wood, the station of the senti- inel, The organist for the evening |was Gladys Morgan assisted by |Emeline Henderson, | As the newly installed WM took | er station, Eleanor Tran gave & parody to the tune of "Mighty 'Sunbeam Chapter, OES Installs New Worthy Matron, Officers Marianne Girard was installed tress, Jean Seott; chaplain, as worthy matron of the Sun Blanche Keith; marshall, beam Chapter, Order of the East-| Young; organist, Gladys Morgan; {held in the Masonic Temple, | The other officers are: * Kerchern; Martha, ipstron, Willlam Henderson; as Elliott; Elects, Donna Lohnes; sociste matron, Mabel Alpin, warder, Ann Coakwell; sentinel, associate patron, Frank Train; Elsie Miller, secretary, Meta Moore; freasur-| More than 250 members and er, Agnes Kemlo; Cora Lyons; associate conduc. McKinstry, WM, assisted by Mr PERSONALS Under the convenership of Mrs, J. Murray Macleod, the decorat. Gow, ing committee for the Autumn|Creighton, Tena Roberts, Agnes Lindsay, and Grand Chapter of Ontario; DDGM Flora Currie, District No, busy making preparations fo|presiding past matrons bring the outdoors indoors at the patrons from Whitby, Port Perry conductress,| Visitors were present, Mrs, Betty WP, opened theled Frank Train, meeting and welcomed M18 sijewel, After which followed a so- Helen Ford, Grand Esther of the cial half hour and refreshments 11, PDDGM's Meta Moore, Jean mittee, Mabelle Stewart, Ann {Like a Rose," Beri Wight pre- sented her with a gift from her hussand and family, also a bou- gue. of red roses. Duriog the evening Miss Flor. ence Langmald and Miss Sybil L id were p d with life memberships for long and Laura|faithful service, The meeting closed, the fare ern Star, at Hs annual meeting Adah, Thelma Beerthuzen; Ruth, fi Betty Me Wilma Taylor; Esther, Mary Me.|" CL Dein given by -Betty Gladys Kinstry, "nfter which (he Past Matron and Patron were escort. ed to sign the honor roll, »Mrs. Nance Mcleese presented Betty McKinstry with her past matron's SOCIAL NOTICE | ENGAGEMENT Me, and Mrs. J. L. Cramback of Oshawa announce the engage ment of thelr daughter, Edith Louise, to Mr, John William White of Toronto, som of Mr, and Mrs, John White of Halifax, Nova Seco- | tis, The marriage will take place | on Seturday, December 3, at 2| o'clock in the chapel of King Street United Church, GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES HARMONY WA The November meeting of Har. ing was held with reports given on catering and also the report on # turkey dinner A jewel and Eleanor Train present PP, with his served by Cors Lyons and com- i \ HOUSEHOLD HINT and separated i a teaspoon of were made to as-| sie! needy families in the com-| munity, The next meeting will be in the form of a pot luck supper on December 7, in the church) hal! Pollowing the meeting the) members assembled booths and materials for the bazaar to be Rice grains will keep white] held on Seturday, DUNN'S feature These Sensational Specials FOR THURSDAY ONLY -9 a.m. to 12 Noon! REGULAR TO 9.95 LIMIT 2 TO A CUSTOMER MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR RA 3.7611 LIMIT 2 TO A CUSTOMER DUNN'S 36 KING E. "Where Smart Men Shop" w-- HE" Family Honors Prince Albert Pair vee. wiv en" i Bovmasvise, si Cada. tue eno 1» ssn to soe asa of , port, A shopping Centre depart. were 19 past matrons and patrons water, " » {ment store has kindly donated|from Bowmanville, Whithy, Pick. -- ea ure At Rece tion on Golden Wedding z= sutumn decorations for thelering, Willowdale, Lindsay, and! I Ss 8B P {dance which is sponsored by the Port Perry, All other visitors and I ' Women's Welfare League, fo as- 'members were warmly welcomed EDNA ANN I I Mr. and Mrs, C. Russell Butson Jack Weldon, of Rodney and 5 Wy § | of Prince Albert were honored by | Miss Effie Brawn, of Raglan, ut hn their Lravtiople en to all Xevust ol She Lod] their children to celebrate their| Assistant hostesses were Mrs ting committee are Mrs. Roland| Wood, auditors' report by Mrs. | golden wedding anniversary at a|Clarence Butson, of Port Perry, oie "Mry, Roderick ©, Ross,Nance McLeese, treasurer's te reption in their home, recently, |Mrs, Kenneth Barnes, of Can-wer "ion Miles and Mrs, Neil ort Dorothy ind | One hundred and seventy-five nington; Miss Greta Brawn, Of | Fraser " p by Dorothy aley, secre-| relatives ad friends called to|Raglan; Mrs, Forsythe, of Ux-| lary's report by Meta Moore, express good wishes and con-| bridge; Mrs, Joseph Roberts,| Original members of the Toron.|, Upon discharging her commit. gratubations during the afternoon and Mrs, Melville Roberts, of\(, and District Square Dance|'€® conveners, Mrs, Betty Me-| Fall and evening. The guests were Windsor; Mrs Murray Geer, of| Association, Mr, and Mrs, George| Kinsiry, retiring matron, was welcomed by the daughter, Utica; Miss Iris Morrison, of To-| pattem will be the callers at the Presented with a gift from Mari Helen (Mrs, Elmore Wagg) and{ronto; Mrs. Albert Jeffrey, off Autumn Hoedown on Friday, The noe Girard on behalf of the their two sons, Milton and Clar-| Prince Albert; Mrs, Harold Red | couple trained under Harold Hor. Chapter and Mr, Frank Train, re-| ence man, and Mrs, Roy Fowler, of yn" who 'was provincial director|tiriog patron, received his gift] Official congratulations were Port Perry, The three-tier wed: s recreation from William Henderson. received from Governor-General ding cake was made and deco-| As the WM and WP and their | and Madam Vanier; the prime rated by a friend of the family,| Guests of honor at the Knights officers retired from thelr station! minister, the Rt, Hon, John B.|Mrs George Lawrence, of Osh-{of Columbus Polish Night dance|Mrs, Eleanor Train sang a solo Diefenbaker; Premier of Ontario, | aw {] last Saturday Included District|to the tune of "Around The World| The Hon. Leslie M, Frost; the! Outof-town guests were pres-| Deputy Grand Knight James A.|in Eighty Days." Sunbeams' own Hon, Michael Starr and Mrs, ent from Cannington; Black. Tracey and Mrs. Tracey, Co-[PM's and PP's, 22 in all were! Starr; the Hon, M B. Dymond|water, Sunderland, Greenbank, bourg; Grand Knight of Cobourgigiven a warm welcome and and Mrs. Dymond and an official] Uxbridge, Utica, Myrtle, Raglan,| Council Ernest W. Gallagher |thanked by the WM for their framed certificate of congratula-|Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville. and Mrs. Gallagher; Deputy|ioyal support during the year | tions was received from the pro.| Cobourg, Port Colborne, Welland,| Grand Knight of Whitby Council Mrs, B tod | vineial secretary on behalf of the| Rodney, Chatham, Toronto and Edward Samanski and Mrs, re. Bert Wight was escorted| people of Ontario, Telegrams| Windsor Samanski; Past District Deputy|'® the East to take over the were also received from the The happy pair received many|Jack Bawks and Mrs, Bawks, duties as installing matron, Regan family beautiful and useful gifts among|Oshawa, and Grand Knight Osh-|, hin Installing board and who| The tea table was attractively|which was a presentation of alawa Council John Fox and Mrs, |!nstalled are as follows: Install. table from their|Fox. The gathering was also hon-|!08 Matron Mrs, Bert Wight in- Arranging with a unique centre walnut coffee piece of golden candelabra and|immediate family and a pair of ored by a brief visit from the stalled WM and Associate Matron Fashion BEEF"! STEAKS and ROASTS Wing T-Bone & Sirloin STEAKS Clearance eo HATS eo DRESSES eo SKIRTS All sales final en ~ . B SEE _JH3Z. 55%, vow wma | fifty golden roses, Presiding was end tables to match, from rela Mrs. Butson's mother, Mrs, C, O,|tives, They also received several Clay, of Whitby, who is celebrat.|jarge baskets of golden roses ing her 91st birthday in the near| which made a colorful back. future, and was assisted by Mrs. | ground for the reception. A rose p | colored leather footstool was pre sented from the grandchildren and the oldest grandson and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wage, of Oshawa, overwhelmed them with delight with the presentation of a great-granddaughter, who Is to be named Arlene The bride of fifty years ago is the former Helen Louisa Bryant, daughter of Mrs. C, 0. Clay and the late Mr, Henry Bryant, £lar- | ence Russell Butson is the son of p Mr, and Mrs, Robert Butson, all of Port Perry. They J were married at the home of the | bride's parents 'by the United {Church minister, the Reverend] Robert Leach, October 19, 1910, | They were atlended by Mrs {Oliver Roberts, sister of the bride, who was in attendance for slebration and the late Mr, | Percy Costello, of Epsom Mr, and Mrs. Butson have {made their home in Reach town 7464 [ship all their lives, settling In and around Port Perry for many years, They now reside in Prince Albert, The Butsons. are well known and respected citizens of this community and have enjoyed good health and Interest in all worthwhile activities. Mr, Butson for years was connected with the Canadian National Rallway and for the past 16 years has been an b |lemployee of the Pedlar People, of Oshawa, He has been a promi nent member of the Orange and Black Knight Lodges and both he and his wife take a keen interest in their church work. Mr, and Mrs, Butson have three By ALICE BROOKS living children, Milton and Clar. Practical! Cuddle slippers with|ence of Port Perry and Helen bells for trim really hug a child's| (Mrs, Elmore Wagg) of Oshawa. foot never fall off! {Jack died suddenly some twenty Jiffy-knit! Each slipper Is just|years ago and Ada, James and one flat plece ribbing added |Jean died in infancy | est of St. Gregory's and the Rev- erend Felix Kwiatkowski of St, Hedwig"s parishes Pastor and Mrs, Harvey John. son and family of Moncton, New Brunswick are visiting Mrs, Johnson's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Mark, Harmony road north, while attending the conference at the Oshawa lege At a meeting of the 4th Osh: awa Girl Guide company recent. ly Patricia Walls was presented with her All-Round Cord, the second highest award In Guiding, Teas, birthday parties, weds ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of inter. in this column, Write, tele phone or visit the social depart ment with your item of news for which there is no charge, Tele phone RA 3.3474 Miss Chrystal Fallls, assistant superintendent of nurses at Port Hope General Hospital, was a guest last week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. D, Ferguson, Division street At the bazaar and bake sale to be held this week in the memor- ial hall at Simcoe Street United Church under the auspices of the Lenore Group, receiving will be Mrs. A. A. Crowle, for whom the group is named, Mrs, Robert Holden, president of the WA and Mrs. Frank Black, president of the Lenore Group Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Butt, Taunton road west, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Garnet Jordan, at Zion, Neighbors and friends called to extend good wishes and a pleasant surprise was a tele gram from their son, Mr, Wesley Very Reverend Dean Paul Dwyer|and Star points, Installing patron Missionary Col.|conductress and associate con. | EDNA ANN HATS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open all doy Wed, Clifton Moore installed and Associate Patron and Warder and Sentinel, Marshall Dorothy Haley pre-| sented each officer at altar to be Installed and escorted same to thelr respective stations, Flora Purdie installed secretary and ireasurer. Agnes Kemlo installed -- SHOP WOOLWORTH'S THE SANTA CLAUS STORE 16" VINYL 5-PCE. FULLY JOINTED TODDLER DOLL She hos rooted saran hair, ribbon bow, moving eyes, Attroc- tively dressed In Taffeta outfit and frilly pinafore apron, Mas pants, shoes ond socks. Each in an Attractive Window Box, ony 2087 conruer Thursday, Friday & Saturday Only DECORATIVE CHRISTMAS 8-LIGHT SERIES SET Complete with clip-ons for indoor use. ONLY 77c¢ Boneless RUMP ROAST Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST 79 ONLY Ib. CLUB STEAKS =. 59- THURSDAY ONLY! STEAK FREEZER BEEF Fy pad SIRLOIN (Cut & Wrapped Free!) FREE Fresh Made VEAL PATTIES SPECIA matin LOO " CUT-UP CHICKEN ne on, Made of knitting Pattern 7464 dren's Send izes 4 to 13 included Thirty-five cents for this pattern (stamps cannot|and Mrs Oshawa awa who held a Dept, plainly|the evening relatives called and PATTERN a social and happy time was en- The Arts Print be accepted) to Iimes, Household Ontario ADDRESS Oshawa NAME NUMBER JUST OUT! Our eraflt Book 1961 home furnishings, for fashions knit, crochet, embroider, weave, received in a two-piece sheaths | ~ bazaar styled dress of Dior blue and the! quilt gifts items. FREE popular vell caps. Quick 25 cents today sew toys worsted, | directions for chil: couple was entertained at a sur. (coins) | wedding date, at the home of Mr Needle Over 125 designs for] and six designs for| pair send! feathered gold carnation corsage Prior to their reception, the prise party on their original Elmore Wagg of Osh. turkey dinner, | for the immediate family, During Joyed reminiscing, Several gifts (and presentations were received, an address was given hy their son, Clarence. Mrs, Butson| were presented with a and boutonniere { to sufferers from RHEUMATIC, ARTHRMC, NEURITIC PAIN, BACK-ACHE TEMPLETON'S wf LAME-S88M with each box of T=R=G"s you purchase (dan (Thelma), two married sons, Butt, and family in Vancouver, | Mrs. Butt is the former Mabel Huggins of Pickering and the couple were married in 1925 in| Brooklin by the Reverend Mr. | Dell. They ave a family of four; | one daughter, Mrs. Garnet Jor. Shop with conti. dence where you see this seal of satisfaction. WW » << (3 WO00 Ly, Wesley and Elmer, and Maurice at home. Mr. and Mrs Butt are not in the best of health, but they were well enough to enjoy the celebration in thelr honor, USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN--ASK ANY SALESGIRL 2 LWORTH Night Till RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS SPECIAL! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 77« Sizes 2 ro 6x. Warm flannelette sport shirts, long In a variety of colorful plaids ond checks. Zeller's Sale Price slegves. Specie! 21 SIMCOE ST, S. ZELLER'S LIMITED 3 Ih. 1.00 Lean, Sliced Breakfast Bacon 2 1b. 1.00 Legs & Breasts 2, 89° » 29° Wings Necks 2 we, 19° Roasting i 39. Chickens STUFFED & OVEN READY FRIDAY ONLY! Lean, Peamealed COTTAGE ROLLS = 49: | COOKED HAM SATURDAY ONLY ! Lean, Sliced bh. C Fresh PORK SHOULDERS SAUERKRAUT 2 lbs. 29¢ Skinless WIENERS 2 Ibs. 79¢ Mild Can, CHEESE 1b. 49¢ Nippy Old CHEESE Ib. 5%¢ (STUFFED AND OVEN READY) Ib. 49- BUEHLERS \ 0.5 Tender EAT'N ( - TRUE-TRIM BEEF : RA 3-3633 3 of, As Dg ~ 4 12 KING ST. EAST

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