SOLVE A "NATIONAL" PROBLEM | doll was sent fo The London Daily Mirror, Now "Miss Eng lend" can take her place with the dolls of all nations, dressed hy Oshawa ladies' clubs of European background Oshawa Times Photo Thelr- smiles express achieve | ¥ngland hy making a regal cos ment, Mrs, Robert Lee, Mrs, / tume in red, white and blue, i. Hammond and Mrs, Kath: | The project, a club donation 10 aring Milner, all members of | the Hospital Auxiliary's Festi the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Old | val of Gifts, touched off trans. Country Club solved the probe | Atlantie correspondence when lem of dressing a doll as Miss | the question of how to dress the | | GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES ONT, REGT, ASSN, AUX The Ladies of arin Regiment As mel at the Armories with president Mrs, Hem Davies, presiding I'he secretary, Mrs, Belly Bher fan, read the minutes, and Mys William MgNelll the treasurer's report, Three new members welcomed Final plans were made for (he azaar which is to he held No ember 22, at the Orange Hall al 7 pm. A quilt made hy the members was on display which Is 0 he drawn with a hamper groceries at the haraar Mrs, Alfred Gower and Harey Woods are to look he knitting table: apron Mrs, Betty Sheridan and Mrs|" Willlam MeNeill; novelty hooth,! 2 Birthday | work and facilities of Willsdale hy Mrs. ! Manos Charle Hefreshmen erved members of the Evening Guild ae CLUB he id December greetings were 'homas Peters Merrill CHRIST CHURCH EVE, GUILD The evening guild of Christ Me-| The filty-fifty elub of Simcoe morigl Church held its regular Street United Chureh held its meeting recently in the parish regular meeting recently with the hall, The president, Mrs, W. G0. | presidents, Mr, and Mrs, William Jaukson, opened the meeting) Trotler, presiding vith prayer Following the report of the Final plans were made for the/hominating committee officers rummage sale to he held on Vri- for 1061 were elected, They will day, Novemher 11, Anyone hav-(be installed at the December of 118 Goods for this sale were ask meeting, Donations were author. "led to contact Mrs. W, (, Jacke lzed by the club for the Church son who will arrange for goods tol renovation and addition fund, the be pleked up, Plans were also dis Missionary and maintenance a fund and the Sunday Sehool Hook: ey club Bhort reports garding Auxiliary on sung so iat ion and My ay hy ay My fey Booth [cussed regarding catering for neheon later this month On Bunday, November 18 lowing the evening service, ! heard for Were arrangements re the fol { CORRECTION led the Day Clavion Les Mrs ' pit A iy Mira Mrs, Robert Andrews and "van work "Visitation Sunday" ness moeling the club went to t ol to be held N he next meeting to be held No- oo im work on articles for ' of Albert Btreet United Chureh|hear Mr, R, D, Johns of Hillsdale For Class of 60 talk on "Stewardship of Small ly, A large attendance was rea put into the world against armies! The regular meeting of Queen Glaspell, Brenda Stewart, Lorna 1e singing of the hymn 'Chris: [of the thy stress assisted| Sobil, Pouglas Peeling " nankind to live life as an adven-[ were presented hy Sisters Elva/the association president, Mrs put acknowledge the challenge of [awa hospital dressed and toasted the grad man, lve in faith and leave the! Histers were reminded of the sented to the graduates hy the 'Give Me This Day," accompan: alse reminded that next meeting speeial evening was the presenta The president reminded the man were won hy Sisters Ger by Howes, Brenda Stewart, Paul 0 N ) \ (Mr, Joseph Zaporogan: Panto CHALLENGER Group tos Ap, Juieth Saporoud y Denny Zapororan man, presiding in the 100F Hall, Lady Victoria General Hospital Lady Amelia Weeks vead (he dressed the November meeting of Stewart Graham David in preparation . for the regular incorrect Edward Clayton Lee gave the fimaneial will be the Inspecting officer. A! 8% socks and handkerchiefs for Mrs, Edward Bould and Mrs. Wil: 6! 2 Hosth Wi shoak and sho : t Yams Yi | Bva Hase speak ane W A dam Andersoni home hakin ilides of her Sunday School cara. (Uh and the New Year's party Upon adjournment of the husi Henry Davies; tea room, Mrs WAI SVEY Tor of the Bapkih Charles Fry, Mrs, Duncan Fore Will be visited Is on Novena 9 King Street United Chureh as man, Members were reminded to" guests of the Happy Doubles Cluk bring thelr touch and take gifts to! NeXt meeting. on November 17 L wh | , No Will be a work night when the ' vember 13, the Christmas bazaar, Mitchell 8 H&S ALBERT STREET WMS Following the business meeting H | B Mrs, Lawson Parker opened! the Guild joined with the other] £10 ds anquet the regular meeting of the WMH organizations of the ehurch to with prayer, Mrs, Samuel Gibhs| Manor, whe gave a talk on the led in the devational period Mrs, | | The Mitehell's Corners Home| Arthur Howard vead the Serip {and Behool Association held its lure lesson; Mrs, Gibbs gave a LODGES AND annual graduation hanguet af Township Hall, Hampton, recent Rleasings." The seripture records SOCIETIES the fact of the multitide being {zed fed by the miraculous power ol - | The honored elass "60 gradu Jesus Christ, The Disciples went QUEEN MARY LODGE ates were: Gall Hircook, Marilyn and empire in recognition of Mary Lodge No, 07 was held ve Melferty, Sandra Seo, Nina stewardship, Miracles can happen cently in the Orange Temple with Kapustin, Jacqueline Wood, Ross in any consecrated life, The mes.|Deputy Mistress Sister Dorethy| McMaster, Mark Wilcox, Paul sage was followed hy prayer and Phillips bresiding in the absence Wheeler, Larry Nemisg, Peter or | inas, Follow Me {by Junior Deputy Sister Margaret! The program included an en Mrs, Walter Cole introduced Martin joyable sing song led hy Mr, Ross he Reverend 8, C€. H, Atkinson Prayers were read hy the chap: |Metealfe, the school musle vho gave a message encouraging|!n, Sister Hetty Atkins, Flags) toacher, a welcome was given by ure with Hope, Faith and Cour-|Cowle and Vi Ambrose William Nemis, who introduced ige that come only fram true| It was reported that Sister the head table guests aliglon, "We must nat worry] Annie Toms was siok and that| Mp, J, Mundy, vice-prineipal of ibout the mistakes of the past, |Sister Reta Butt was In the Oshs Courtice Seotion High School, ad: he future, No man is ever alone; | The warrant was draped Injuates, A reply was given hy the tod always goes along with us if memary of Most Worshipiul Sis top student, Master Douglas Peel we want Him, We are urged to/ter Georgla Taylor, Past Grand ing seep our faith alive in God and | Mistress of British America Pins and diplamas were pre rest to Him, fullilling His oom: (bingo to he held on Wednesday past principal of Mitehell's Cop mand, "Go ye into all the world," evening, November 9, at the ners School, Mrs, Ernest Gil Miss Leah Carrow sang twelhome of Sister Ina Milgate, 230 hank : solos, "Alone with God' and Athol street east, Sisters were An added feature to this year's led at the plano hy Mrs, George will be the election of officers tion of trophies hy the Fleld Day Fleming, Mrs. Henry Hogarth! Dpaw prizes donated by Sisters chairman, Mrs, H, Oyler, The thanked all those taking part Ini parathy Phillips, Margaret Map. Winners were: Lynn Rowers, Ril the service tin, Vi' Ambrose and June Good. |v Kuzenko, Valerie Stewart, Hob members of the mission bale i trude Logan, Mary Hayes, Isa Wheeler : be packed during the week _Albelle Reid and Winnie Barveit Entertainmeny for the evening social hour followed the elosing of After the meeting a baby show. Was very Well provided by an the meeting er was held for Sister Mary Far Oshawa Talent Group,me d by a ~ mime by Dennis Taylor and lee Phe regular meeting of (he PATRIARCH MILITANT AUX, Westley: Highland dance, Jill Challenger group was held al 1008 Wovester; Singer, Dey Rrowpleo Albert Hiroe! United ( heel With Ladies' Auxiliary, Patriarchy Dancer, Penny MeCabe: acca the president, Mes, Fred Coles Militant held its meeting vooently qianist Mrs, Vietar Phaiv had charge Magee, president, prosided, Lady of the devotions, Hymn 4 was Dorothy Holdsworth, vice-presi \ sung for Mrs, Arthur Walker wha dent, assisted and gave the sick Aly Douglas ( lark of the On has heen a patient In the Oshawa list report tare County TH Association ad Mrs. Henry Hogarth in minutes in the absence of Lady Queen Elisabeth Home and prayer. Ann Coakwell through Winess School Association last Tuesday vhought for was Practice of all memhers was A report stated that he address read hy Mrs Mrs, called for Monday, November 14. 6d the October meeting which is MeCann and Mrs Hol: meeting, Wednesday, November As = land 16, when inspection and muster HOUSEHOLD HINT Mrs, Harry Longbottom read ing in will take place. Lady Ruby Keep a tray near the ironing the minutes and voll eall. Mrs Johnston, APP, from Taronte, board te hold small items sueh report hirthday party is also planned for easy transportation to bureau Capsule sister banguet will he that evening drawers ell bill wade with Free! Marie Fraser's exchtiv ' Avallab » DAIRY FARMERS OF IT . able in quantity regular December meeting of the! Mrs, Lawrence Allen, vige president of King Street United Churek WME Allerpoon Auxiliary, nyesided at Hs monthly meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs, Wilfrid Harris After a prayer for World Refy gees, Mrs, Jack Tape gave the 7 secretary's report, Mis, 1, H Muldrew gave the (ireasurer's report pnd poled the group was down wm givings, Mrs, Joshua Kis sey, Lileralure convener, aDROUN. OLE, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Digl BA 53-3474 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, November 8, 1960 PERSONALS {Devin - Lyons wedding wars ten hig winners Busan Wilson and man Wirsehing, associate mem Mr, and Mrs, Weston Bonneville, IMr, and Mrs, Beverly Sampson Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Devin, prizes in the sllemoon kindergar (Mrs, Thomas Smith, Toronto; lien class taught by Miss Laugh asked members to ¢ Mr, and Mrs, Donald Bape jin, walle in the Grade | classes Sick ans shut Ine Searborough; Mr, and Mrs. Don: ferry Fie ond Susan Trimble Mes. Finest Brown ald Gibson, Kedron; Mr, andlyon' for Miss Kylie's room, 4nce convener Mrs, J. V. Burridge, Prestonvale; [goiniy McCune and Tony Vander. he Dr. dan Linton on Alcohol Mrs, W, J, Rolls, Alex; Mr lucent for Miss Kalen's room, and ism and its efeet on domes Kennelly, Mr, and MF. | jou0 #haler and Dale Glover for ind boss in manpower and men Daniel Kenoelly, Napanee! Mr Mrs, Payne's goom, Grade 3 win: 19 health and its. Burd Ngan, Divralt ners included Jean Bastedo and Veronica Bdgar, Mr. ond Mrs, MOY Shepherd In Miss John Phomas Hyman, Midland; Me, S003 room, Janice BCIAGN ANG Donald Wheeler, and Miss Joy Brad Logan in Miss Fox's room Tohiston, Montreal; Mr, and Mys, and Deborah Haller and Danny | James Fair: Miss Mary Vagan, Cioodehild in Miss Fuekrin's room Group | Bowmanville Miss Blevenson's Grade 2 ond 4 Seokt lass had winners Karem Gulliver : Mr. and Mrs, femper banguet an December 10 (0 be held in Centennial Hall of the program, Mrs Brown, leader of the introduced Mrs, Clarenes wha led in the devotional eharge : Mrs 8 i 3 ' Grad 1 Ronald J, Bib- and David Hove, while in Grade! (Te, 2000 top Tor, Wek held a reception and bulfet 3 Christine Pox and Robert Mc for the Homeless" luncheon for family and rela. Naul were chosen from Mis World Refugee Year would tives at their home, RR 1, Osh Bayne's room, and Margaret oon cq ii the end of awa, following the haplism of Spicer and Bobby Irwin were Sha mentioned that there (their haby daughter, Busan Di: chosen from Miss Marvin's room MARY HAWORTH' "Home's he 1060 were Lanne, whieh took place In Bim: Grade 4 was represented hy lan coe Bleeet United on Sunday, Oe: iiegh! and Richard Mellveen from tober 30, Out of town guests were Mrs, VYallegu's room, and Carol ed that the pew hooks had arrived | Out of town guests at the|Greenfield's morning kindergar for the reading shelf, Mrs, Nor: Bobby Bennett, Nancy Mcllveen hers and community friendship and Govdon Kirkpatrick wou the convener, sald 64 hospital and 66 home calls had heen reporied and ontinue to call read an article by economy The WMS decided to caler to a The Cheerful Givers Group had Howard Brown chose as and mentioned World Refugee Problem, Theme Of King Street WMS Meeting forty million refugees n 4 &if erent coilrigs in the world, One willium of these in Hong Kong, and million in the le Fast the result of two World Wars apd political wp heavale, The World Council of Churches wow Employed 9 peo ple to nssist in this work, The speaker 16) that Canada had fall en (ar short of her responsibility tp these unfortungle people Mrs, Gordon While spoke of the the two refugee children they had adopted and told of the good fag ing and satisfaction they, as fos ter parents, receive when letiers and photographs are sept Lo them hy these children and how mueh they appreciain the gifts whieh arg sent to them af Christmas and birthdays, Most of these ehil dren are orphans end live in homes snd to kpow thet they have foster parents who love them and are interested in their welfare makes thelr lives more meaningful Mrs, Harry Bouch and Mrs John Minnis sang a duet "Come Haly Spirit" accompanied st the pana by Mrs, Clarence Beolt, Mrs. Harry Souch and Mrs, Blan: lay Gomme as companied hy Mrs dati Minnis led in the singing of "He Has the Whole World in His Hand Mrs, Allen reminded members that volunteers were needed to help at Hillsdale Mano 5 MAIL one This is Mrs, Doris Tonkin, My, and Mrs, (Copeland and Bonny White from Robert Tonkin, Brastford, and Mrs, Evans' room, Miss Annette Mousseau of Ajax birthday anniversaries, coming and Associa- goings of guests and your own elation and friends enjoyed al noliday plans are always of inter night -of cards recently at the est iu this column, Write, tele home of Mrs, Evereit Warne. phone or visit the social depart! ; Dear Mary Haworth: 1 come 1 Park voad south, The prizes ment with your item of news for Jou for advice and help because were: first ladies', Mrs, Cecil which there Is no charge, Tele- my parents are divoreed and | MeKnight, second, Mrs. Oliver phone KA 8-8474 have nobody to go to, 1 am just Day, consolation, Mys, C. Morr past 17, dnd married two months on, The first men's prize wa Mr, Beverly Bampson Tor lo Joe, whe is 21 ywarded to Mr, John Richardson, |VOnte, cousin of the bride, was| 1 had known Joe for five acond, Mr, Clifford Knight, eon master of ceremonies at the Dev olation, Mrs, Mervyn Allin, Re. 10 Lyons wedding reception at Bt. [year hefore we ran off and gol freshments were served, This is redory's Auditorium, Mr, Bamp- married, whieh | probably should he first of a series of parties Ao" prinelpal of Willowdale not have done he given hy the Oshawa Liberal I"Mblie School, Willowdale, Ladies' Auxiliary, The next one vill he held gt the home of Mrs Ialph Jones on Wednesday, No vember 80 Teas, The Ladies' Auxiliary executive ding of the Oshawa Liberal of year I$ me fo get married, bul now he says he was Just giving me a line We still aren't married in the church, and Joe wants to walt te | TV VETERAN Arthur Godivey retuing lo Lele "Candid Camera" CBE Last Monday, October 81, Dr, §,| Sunday nights starting Oct, 2, Phillips Behool held a costume parade of the junior grades, in ohservance of Hallowe'en, Crade| peter Lind Haves, whe forms mothers and thelr assistants] g comedy team with his wife awarded small prizes fo the best| Mary Healy, played mn vaude costumes In each room, The ville with his mother at. nine (Winners were as follows; Miss years of age in 1932, annulled VAUDEVILLE GRADUATE \ marriage, and want to Just keep on living with him {heen doing recently, CLAIMS RIGHT TO HIT HER it Is all right for a man to hit his own way, He wants to do what all friends ave doing, that is, go oul a lot with the boys, drink friends are fighting with {hel wives and some are around with other women want this to happen to my hus band How ean 1 get him away from his friends? How ean we meel nice couples who are happy? I haven't wanted Just got married, 1 will appreei ate your advice as to whether 1 am right or wrong about the situation, Thank you, FN ACT IN SUPPORT Dear ¥.N.1 Taking into account Joe's scoundrelly theory that this ian't a honafide marriage--~that he [] Mmply living with you hehind a legal facade that may he an nulled when and if he chooses 11 think you should leave him al once, You need to get away from him as a matter of self-respect, and he needs to have the yanked from under his hoisterous hully-hoy performance, He needs to find himself in a position of having to work at getting a real marriage established before you undertake the role of wife in good faith again, It doesn't make sense to try to put a hrave false face on the demoralizing situation he has cre ated hy first talking you inte elopement and thereafter treating you as a ereature despised, TO LIVE IN OSHAWA I do love him and he hegged|by him vision as host of the halt-heur see if 'we get along, If not, hel Sometimes he hits me and says his wife If she doesn't do exaetly| as he tells her to, I think he Is very Jealous and always wanis his and fool around, I know some of his playing I don't anyone to know we don't get along, since we Tug wa. Daughter of Divorced Parents Needs Guidance Re Elopement | Let the truth of your disillusion ment come out, Don't try to hide it, A proverh says, "Anybody {may make a mistake; only & fool] {won't learn from experience," It would be moral cowardice to tolerate Joe's abuse just for and we had been engaged for a|the purpose of pretending to peo ple that you and he are getting {lulong when, in fact, you are neglected, slapped and insulied insulted, for example, by ois mocking claim that he was giving you a line, not speaking g| from the heart, in hegging you to yi marry him You say "We still aren't mar series says he can have our marriage! ried in the church," which sug | gests that you feel the marriage stay annulment? Ts he (hinking in with Joe, But I am afraid that if terms of church law, or the laws of the public domain? Did you he will mistreat me, as he has|/falsify your age to get married in a evil eeremony? CALLS FOR WELP In any case, whatever the de tails, my advice is to get fist hand guidance from "a profes. slonal counsellor in taking the necessary steps to restore order to your life, Possible sources of help are the pastor of your ehureh (even if you aren't a member In good standing at present); a Family Service Agency specialist; a sp celal worker or attorney at the Legal Ald Bureau; or a staff counsellor at the Ted Cross or Y.W,C A assuming, of course, that there are such units in your community o Mary Haworth eounsels through her column, not hy mail [ap personal interview, Write her lin care of this newspaper, Mrs, E. L. Pipher To Officiate |At H&S Bazaar Mrs, Jack Westlake 1s general eonvener for the Home and) Behool bazaar (no be held at Dr {Robt, Thornton School, Scott voad, | RR A, Oshawa, this Saturday, | Opening the event at 2 pm| will he Mrs, KE, L, Pipher, King ston road west, one of the first members of the Association since Its organisation in this area, almost 25 years ago, | Many a Christmas shopper will find gifts galore, as well as {other Items such as sewing, knit ting, home baking, candy, and white elephant articles, Afternoon tea will he served, i i | k i : Wha could resist Shawn's in vitation to play hall, Son of Mr. and Mrs, William Browning, I am preity sure I am preg.|isn't really morally valid, But! nant already, and I want a happy what is Joe's idea of grounds for HOLIDAY APRON By ALICE BROOKS Santa comes but once a year [be ready for him! This apron Jingles and Sania greets all of {your friends too, Apron is green; [Banta 1s red and white, Pattern 7284; transfor Santa head; applique cap; apron direc tions, Takes less than a yard, Send THIRTY «» FIVE CENTS (pole) for this pattern (stamps "LET'S HAVE A GAME" He is the grandson of My, and Mrs, Joseph Coldyick Mr, and Mrs, Frank Brownisg, sll Photo by Ireland Ritson road north, David Shawn | of Oshawa, was one year old on October 1, | items FREE ~ six designs for popular vell eaps, ol Sr TODAY. "Quick ~ smd Westmount WA i Plans Bazaar An "International Bazagr" will be opened by Mrs, Frank Ward at Westmount United Church tor morrow afternoon under the sue spices of the WA. The various commiltess have boen vory | busy SrTonging the ooths, each booth repr: different country, 88 Mrs. Percy Neal and her com» mitteg have Enarde of the aprons, They have as thelr country, Eng. Mrs, Ebert Small and Mrs, Kenneth "Markle will have all kinds of baking in their booth and will be known as the "All Nae tions Booth," Mrs, John Warris with "Can. ada" as the theme, will have the tearoom, An added attraction this year Is the booth "Holland" whigh will feature plants apd fl and 1s convened hy Mrs, John Pearce, The membars have heen busy making eandy for gam hy Booth gnvenad A Mi. Stuart all with her helper, Mrs Fe ence Melnroy, hor' hooth will represent the land of the heather, "Keotland," Mrs, Marry Bennett apd Mrs, Rupert Harrison will be in the "Irish" booth and have pillow anes, he ehildren have not heen for. gotten as there will be a Mexiean hooth convened hy Mrs, William Ward whieh will joatire tough and take articles for ehildr cannot be accepted) to The Osh. awa Times, Household Art Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, Prin plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT. TERN NUMBER, JUST OUT! Our 1081 Needle: craft Book, Over 125 designs for PERMAN DONE BY EXPERTS home furnishings, for fashions knit, erochet, embroider, weave, sew, quilt toys, gifts, bazaar Murray Holliday, Mrs, James Watson, Mrs, Leonard Pipher, Mrs, Douglas Kerr, Mrs, Lloyd Butler, Mrs, Glen Crawford, Mrs Arthur Joynt, Mrs, Joseph Roth, Mrs Robert Stewart, Mrs, Ross| RUDY'S Fashion Hair Styling and BARBER SHOP Wilson Shopping Ploze Free Parking Phone RA 8.2351 Lofthouse and Mrs, Alex Beaton, | ET -------------- Other conveners are Mrs, Ever. {ett Coody, Mrs, Patrik Wina fpott, Mrs, Hartley Delaney, Mrs Mr, Ralph Turpin and his | 8 D, Sleeman, Port Hope, and ides dba oormer Mise Maly the bridegroom is the son eof L N clure low. | a 9 N Ya ing thelr wedding recently at | Mr, and Mra, Albert Turpin, St, Paul's Presbyterian | Oshawa Chureh, Part Hope, The heide | In the daughter of Mr, and Mes Photo hy Udvarhelyl, Port Hope TULIP BULB SALE!! 0 ¢ It's Not Too Late Plant Tulip Bulbs For Next Spring !! ® Single Early! @ Double Early! @® Peony Flower! © Ooltage! (All Top Size Bulbs) 100 for 7.95 Le DAFFODIL BULBS 100 Bulbs 5% 11.95 Other Bulbs Still Available at . . A. W. Rundle you how to for you , . Mrs. Marion BEAUTY CONSULTANT , will plan a personal make-up chart to look your very best with AN GARDEN CENTRE ! IL | Budner SPECIAL Du Barry Sha will he In our Coametic Department care for your complexion , and will show you how DuBarry Beauty Preparations, By Richard Hudnut' ar New! DuBa The fabulous new automatie darale your laghes! Waterproof! Smell-less! Smearsless | Reg, 2.50, i hid PLUS bb bd id hdd ibhdld © cream to namie eyes look lovelier, Reg, 1.50, | EYEDO' Special DuBarry Offer! rry MASCARA-ADE EYESH BOTH ONLY (Reg, $4.00 value) In elegant golden cases ,.. leading eye fashion shades, Limited Time Offer from Richard Hudnut, mascara to curl, color and y DuBarry ADOW STICK larger, positively brilliant, Le Ye! v