Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Nov 1960, p. 4

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es Rev. T. Fleetham =i wd At Caledon has been of Mr. and Mrs, Wil 1 p | List Visitors | At Enniskillen | ENNISKILLEN and, |e, Fred Pays Blackstock, liam Forder, Blackstock, Mr rs, Clarence Gin, Miss Marion Reid, Mr. Allen! (Cadmus; Norman fiinson, En Warren, Harold, Ont, Miss Joye ficld; My, and Mrs, Weyhurd fieid Alex, were Sundey visit! Adame ond family, Mrs. Jock ors ot Mr, and Mrs, Bruce ot Peer Fengioons. | «| id's. visitors st or) 8 | Mr ond Mrs. NE. Wright, Mr Mr. ond Mrs, Lloyd Clarke 4 soc"y Wright Mrs, Fred Billy snd Laverne, Ballyanll, : of Mr. und [1b EE ond Yan tee, Bloor street, ellowiees, Mr, and Mrs. M, Stainton, were Mr, and Mrs, A. Werry end) visitors with Mrs, Elsie Heddon | Beech siredl, spent the w visiting Mrs, Bd Parieh, Pine street snd Mrs, Jim ' Haliburton i] few Y Mr, and Mrs, / family visited with Mr, snd Mrs Columbus Boss Lee, Kedron | Mr. and Mrs, A, Brunt were Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ashion, with Mr, and Mrs. O, Jeffery, | accompanied Mr. had dinner on Sunday with Mr. Port Perry, | Bret and rs, Ivan Sharp. | Mr, and Mrs, W. Ferguson, Mr, and Mrs, P, Rowan #06| soon Sundoy with Mr Mrs | Miss Sinor Martin Donald were Bundey (en Guests| Vigicolm Kilord, Port Perry. | of My. and Mrs. John Oke. Oh Mr, and Mrs. Keith MeGil awh, Miss Donna Woes, | ong s were with Mr, and Mrs, Visited her grandmother and gia- Tn Boe, Jew many ile, | he Cure, of the v | Mrs Roy Hil, spent ¥ri-| d| Mrs, EC. Ashion, MBP) aay evening with Mrs James) Nh oine ¢ |Grove, visited Mr, and Mrs, O | Woarth, Hampton, {"W Ashton, Charles Ashlon wes eho-|™ ser "ob sies R gy) Ormiston gy afternoon session from 2 to vessels, carrying 2,000 000 bush- | so they could unload, Space be- | off for use in the Quebec re els between them, that were | came available when 200.000 | gion, forced to wait seversl days for | bushels sailed for West Ger- harbor elevators to make room | many snd more was trucked The Great Lakes grain esr. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Civil Service of Canada) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICES, 1 10 5 for tions In the following arees; Position Classification and Job Evalue tion, Recruitment, Selection and Placement, Orgonization and Manag lysis, Staff Development ond 9 Wage and Selary Research and Administration, Personnel Administration, Starting salaries -- $4,380, $5,940, $6,840, $7,620 and $8,540 respectively, Civil Service Commission of Canada, Oftawe NURSING CONSULTANT -- HOSPITAL INSURANCE (with & Boccaloureate degree in nursing, registration in a province of Canada; at least ten years of acceptable experience, some in position of leadership and @ brood knowledge of nursing in Canadian hospitals), National Health and Welfare, Of. tawe, $7,500-38,700, For sdetails, write to Civil Servies Commission, Ottawa end ask for circular 60-897 SCHOOL SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR (university dradugte, with a number of years' experience as a teacher or school admin. istrator), Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa, $7,260-48,340 MECHANICAL ENGINEER ~~ HEATING (to Investigote and prepare recommendations on technical methods, procedures and materials related to the operation and maintenance, re« pair and minor new construction of heating installations), National Defence, Ottawa, $6,840.87 860, Apply by letter to Civil Servies Commission, Ottawa, Attention Functional Di. vision, giving full details of professional qualifications, re- sume of experience ond names and addresses of references, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER -- UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION (to investigate and prepare recommendations on technical meth. ods, procedures and materials related to the operation end maintenance, repair end minor new construction of power distribution systems and associated equipment), National De« fence, Ottawa, $6,840-87,860. Apply by letter to Civil Sere vice Commission, Ottawa, Attention Functional Division, give Ing full details of professional qualifications, resume of exe perience and names and addresses of references, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS FOR HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES (with a good knowledge of and experience in hospital organization, administration and the functions of the vere Bowmanville, Keith Cryderman were with Mr, and Mrs, 1, Stanton | Mr, and Mrs, Fred Toms were| sen from his own school and was!, y oe of three chosen for Darling-| "cre, Sunday visitors with Mr. |g' mm, The event was : " bray, ] ton, His topic is "Big Time) oy, and Mrs, §, Thompson, En. |deseriptions ere offered sale Bygits wud Mrs, B. A, Werry | miskillen, were Bunday callers at of baked goods, A small eharge ing with Me and Mrs Albert Yil-IAT PARTY | afternoon tes was served, . Fis versmit's, Maple Grove, and Mrs, Fred Billet, rier Sir Thomas Shaughnessy Mr, and Mrs, Walter Ferguson fearboro, were callers at Mr LL New Club valor here She was m-- Lee, Oshawa, | Master Dale McGill entertained ew ! Mr, and Mrs, E, O, Pethick,|& number of his little cousins tof Pl Y ] Y ht Cl b Why Is Town Toronto, were visitors of Mr, and his fourth birthday, his grand- n u e ac u they visited Mrs William Smith|party also, 2 H Hall Locked land Mr, snd Mrs, Alf Graham, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Trewin and Ayn Li htin Newcastle Carol, Mimico, Mr, and Mrs, dA aN Jrvie ghting t banque Te eg Ly Ng A A Ty | questioned the town eounel) atl Mr. 806 SI Ph DEG BACH G | Mr. and Mrs, AL Wearn,| ol Noroun was organized It was decided at 8 meeting of owmanville Monday as to why D8 ' usan and Lorna, attended the ap-| 0 y, and will meet every the Bowmanville town ecoune! x ; 4 ' 4 f ' Monday, to help the Chamber of Franehinaw's Boy Jothi Livh Yoshi ohh. Near Coiodote, council meetings, and committee] Mr Grant Werry. and were ten guests of Mr, and Tuesday at 630 pm, The only ere eet the special heir hanguel d "| meetings {were Sunday guests vr. and Mrs, E, Harris Cotman street lighting, lana: Hill Banquet Room on Saturday trophies mestings Mrs E. A Werry Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Lamb nt thi will ro ih esting? vi . i it this HE PA P ' won, |Commaodore Tom Tomblin was obtaining the most points in the trouble getting into the hullding Mrs, Kenneth Lamb's. Port Cred.|Shortly, The Ajax Club will re-| ares his Chtlstmas i ne|master of ceremonies, He intro- Blue Jay races during the sea if he is 15 or 20 minutes early for| Robin were Sunday visitors af it naeth Lamb's, Port Cred ot approached hy the president nately ng can usually get. n> yaw i I Lamb,| Miss Mary Griffin Bowman.|PIans for projects are already " n 0 p oy { p, Horne Lamy, | ! | r discuss of the Bowmanville Chamber of|also J svt Jon Rasa Seived fic ladien Ria Miroir through the police office How: Ms ) Bi ne The rer Board of Directors Commerce to see if the town was dona y K ever this entrance too is locked Mrs. Clayton Yeo, Port Loring ents, and accompanied Mr, and vould help in the erection of the) Ross Fertile was presented with| if the police eruiser is away Mrs. Clayto ' ' o| Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Weather| fights "We suggested the Town|® | WIRP" Week haven't secured and Dale, who called on Mr, and|31Ver! WM A y a rs Works Send t ruls ve 10 Osh als orty ir tickets for the turkey sup: ] 'baby! « Mason, Lorne BAF Public Works department could) first ne ae. S Duiave and his he Wubie Droperty Somuice bor on Nov. 9 Barry Haydon pell, Maurice Barash, F. Martin . rst i ! 0 ' | " Joly Behoensie received the trophy| y real soon p dante src ovaved, nee FOTO Again Ee naan ors oy | door open ll ot least 4.18 pm, (POUL MOOD. or Denthom ino by is extended to Mes. of mig club will he heard: of 4 ; { a Yacht C le we "Lhe Dass from time to time said the hoard of works could] BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Ant of the Oshawa Yacht Club pre Bowmanville were visitors at W fron ) | 2 sented the Usher Challenger mour., Rev, Beymour, was one tle concerned about the financial Bowmanville High School, The Trophy te Herb Usher, Sr, for Mr, and Mrs Ross Sharp and|of Enniskillen's pastors a few vl FARMS wid end of it as he said, "we have 10| week began Monday morning and family were Sunday visitors at|years back, We have had the| In the Orient, spec po watch our board of works budget! will end with a Sadie Hawkins, Deputy Reeve Ross Hawthorne Mr. and Mrs, Harold Skinner's, was guest speaker, He spoke on folks on thelr way home from|food fish per acre, compared Councillor Glenholme Hughes) "PWIRP" spelled out means, |the changes in the way of living at ncreases | "Mr, and Mrs, John Griffin visit.| Florida each year, Iwith perhaps 50 from the sea, said his property Sommitice was "The Woman ] Requested to new v ' led Mr, and Mrs, John Kirby, Or- willing to contribute money irom Pay", During this week girls at Ridges Development is complet] BOWMANVILLE (Btaff) | angeville, I f yA ior Le:| ed, Two films were shown on sail: Clerk-treasurer R. B, Reynolds was moved by Councillor Leé-\open doors for boys, carry their Ra D M and| thangue, and seconded hy Coun-| hooks, and treat the boys to dates, batt's, Prize winners for door|cll that the town's population was| family, Fort on ond : i eillor Wesley Fice, that work to The young Sir Galahads are re-| prizes and spot dances were Eva now 7308 persons, an increase of || 4 erection of the special Clikistmas sels ""TWIRP" book, for each|Pertile, Norma Binger, Mary and] Mayor W, D, Carruthers sug Mumination be done by Hie own favor, or courtesy shown, The|Don Thorne, Merv Pearce, Ron|gested that as many members of | The estimated cost ¢ proj. young lady garnering the most Clark, Neville Lawrence, Joyce|the town council as possible, at. y again im on public speaking ot Homp-| ond Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn, Com \rom 7 to 9 p.m. Artiches of ui were visitors on Baturday even.|© AVerY's: (was made for admission, unloads her cargo into an ele ~CP Wirephoto (were with Mr, and Mrs, Donald | and Mrs, Roy McGill's, At Aj Mrs. 8. R. Pethick, and together mothers and aunts attended this| t jax BOWMANVILLE (Staff) |C. E. Horn, Oshawa; were with . 1 is Club, | BOWMANVILLE (Stef hy the Dunbarion Kiwan il on| FRENCHMAN'S BAY ~-- The Yacht Club end Ashbridges Bay "ow "sen we iovked prior to Y#O'S. niversary services at Almonds and Mrs oroblem facing the club at pres | He said thet quite often he has ed for the downtown sh for their bers and friends ohn Herda won the trophy for i { Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and| were Sunday visitors at Mr, and | ceive its eharter in January 1961, was approached by the president|duced the executive members and son, Mrs, Marjorie Lawrence re, oly he can usually get in | spent the weekend with Mr and | Ville, spent Sunday with her par are: President ¥, W, Ainsworth, a trophy for placing first on 8 The question was referred to] Those who | for the (rkey sip, Mrs, Alf Garrard and baby A: Bath, do the work, Thirty-six lamp stan. per on Nov. a |€, Azzopardi and ¥. Hindle, More {for open class racing, Art Bry- - » the passing of Rev, R. M, Sey spare the men, but he was & lit: This is "TWIRP" week at the P ] t Moore's Ss 'ropuiation pleasure of seeing these nice|yield as much as 4,000 pounds of very closely' |danee at the school on Thursday Tyrone, the bay when the Bay their department the high school are required to and ing, through the courtesy of La- told the Bowmanville town coun Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hope be done in connection with the, ioeq"i0 ion each young dam | Playford, Audrey Shewan, Harve|105 persons gct exclusive of labor Is 82400. \ipwippr signatures from differ. Fertile and Gall Carmichael, tend the Armistice Day services, The This will be paid for by mer. chants in the downtown ares, The retail merchants in down Bowmanville have some $1800 during the past five years on strings of colored lights and downtown decorations, SWEDISH ENGINEERING Employment in Sweden's engl. in 1060, was eight per cent larger than 12 months previously town neering industries spent August, "Lil Abner's" TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1lHamilien CBLTTV Channel 6~Toronis | WGR-TV Channel B--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel é~Buffale| WKEW-TV Channel T-Buffale WROC.TV Channel S-Rochester TUESDAY EVE, 5,00 PA, Family Theatre f=Rin Tin Tin v= Flayhouse Fun To Learn &~Three Blooges 115 PM, Mischief Makers Herb Sheldon 8180 PM, I=Early Show Sky King Playhouse Five Big Mac Show d=MeGiraw 6100 P.M, d==lvantoe g=Highway Patrol Hild Pm, Club § 6:40 PM, 11:53 News i145 PM, Gd b- News SeHuntley Brinkley Heport 700 -PM, 1-Family Theatre &~8even-o-one b=Real MeCoys =H and Allen Show feJim Backus Show HN PM, Tw=Newsi Weather Ti50 PM, 1=Wyalt Earp 7=Bugs Bunny Show Directors' Cholos &3-- Laramie 4=The Calitornians RELL 116=Chavy Mystery ahow T==The Rifleman t=Andy Griffith Show 880 PM, T=Wyatt Earp S3=Alfred Hilehoock e=Dabie Gillis 100 PM, 116=Front Page Challenge 7-4-3--Presidential Elee: ton Hesulls 1:80 PM 11=Mavie "Flaminge oad 6 + 4 Presidential Elee: tion Results 10:00 P.M, T=Alcoa Presents §3-Dean Martin Show t=Garry Moare Show 10:30 PM, 114 Twillght Zone (Coronado ¥ S=Royal Canadian Mounted Palio 11:00 PM, 138.54 2--News! Weather: Sports ms PM, t=Late Show &= Viewpoint 1:80 PM, ll=late Show G=Sports Views S3dack Parr =Theatre 11:45 PM, Il=Late Shiw G~8parts Hour WEDNESDAY 100 AM, t=Papeve F-Today =Nows Roundup AM, 4~Caplaln Kangares 9:00 AM, Hi~Romper Room J=Deputy Dawg B-Hehind Closed Doors 4=Popeye's Playhouse ~My Little Margie 30 AM Movie Y==Romper Room S~Home Cooking 4=Life of Riey F~Busie 10,00 AM, =December Bride §2=Dough Re MI 10:30 AM, Dr. Hudson §8--Play Your Huneh 4=Video Village 11300 AM, Y=Marning Court S3-Priee Is Right 41 Love Luey 11:30 AM T=Love That Hob §-&=Conoantration 4=8erial Drama 12:00 NOON Bugs Bunny and Friends ¥=The Texan §3-Truth or Consequences &=Nows and Weather 130 PM, 7=Queen For A Day fi--Movie Matinee 88-11 Could Be You d=Nearch tor Tomorrow 12:48 P.M, 11e=Nows Guiding Light 1100 PM, 11=Movie Matines 2-Mid-Day Matines About Faces S~Feature Movie Meet thy T=Divares Hearing The Warld Turns 2:00 P.M, T=Day In Court 6-Ches Helene 8-Jan Murray Show 4=Drama Series nn 11:8 Nursery Schoel Time Home Cooking 2-Loreita Young Theatre House Party 3:00 P 3 M, 116=Halls of Ivy {Beat The Clock §3-Doctor Malone =Millionaire 1 Pp 11=Publie Service Guide T=Whe Do You Tram §3-Fram These Roots 4-The Verdier Is Yours 4100 P.M. i=Papeye with Capt. Andy T=Ameriean Bandstand f-Sweet Success §8-Make Room Foy Daddy The Brighter Day "4 PM Junior Round-up 4~Edge of Night 2=Three Slooges b--Here's Hollywood didi GJunior Roundup WEDNESDAY EVE, 8100 P.M, Family Theatre 7+The Lone Ranger S~Playhouse 4=Fun To Leam #=The Big Rascals 5115 PM, 4=Michief Makers <= Herb Sheldon 30 P.M, Y=Early Show G~Huekleberry Hound b=Playhouse Five 4=Felix The Cat 4=Big Mae Show 6100 P.M, G=Nows t=Western E=Highway Patrol 618 P.M, fea Hunt 6:30 PM, 11=News §8----News; News: Wealhey 6idd I'M, 11:6:4-8- News Be-Huntley- Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M, 11=The Hebel f--Seven.o One ~The Rebel 4=The Tracers &=The Quarterback il 7118 PM, T=News; Weather 130 PM, Weather 16=The Nation's Business Y--Hong Kong 83--Wagon Train 4=The Aquanauts 7:45 PM, 116 Country Time B00 P.M 118=My Three Sons 0 PM, 11-6-First Person t.Ozsie and Harriet =Wanted Dead ar ive §8=The Price Is Right 9100 PM, 11652-Parry Come =The Hawaiian Kye 4=My Sister Elleen LH WM. 4=I've Got a Secret 10:00 P.M 1h8-Mantavanl Plays Whig ¥=Naked CQity 58-- Peter Loves Mary 4-Cirele Theatre 10.3 PA, 116 Explorations f==Interpal Calling §=Film Feature -Best OF The Post 1:00 P.M, HG 4-3=News; Weather) Sports 11:18 PM, t=Late Show = Viewpaint 11:30 PM, 11=Late Show f= Trackdown Mystery Theatre ent young men will rule as ""Miss| The final sailing races of theSunday, November 13, TWIRP", or something similar at|year were held on Sunday the Sadie Hawkins' dance The participants at the dance Playford came will dress up "Dog Patch" style, |Clark second, Neville Lawrence second and and the young "Daisy Mae's" will present their own with a vegetable corsage "TWIRP" week, and the Sadie Hawkins' dance, are based on the comie strip stories, "Freckles" and "Lil Abner" at 10.30 at the Cenotaph Inl@m the first race for cash prizes, Ron first and Ron ford was first, Neville Lawrence, Tom Tomblin Jr, received two Frenchman's Bay third, sweaters for placing third, In the Mr, and Mrs, Eric Playford second race for consolation prizes|left Sunday morning by plane for donated by Herb Usher, Ron Play-'a two week vacation in Mexico, | 'CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Blacks Smith's" shaping tool 6, French river 11, Watering spots 12. Force 18, Cuts 14, Muscular contraction 18, Music note 16, Dulls 17, Like 18, Merciless 20, Bhip's kitchen 22, Lapdon's foreign quarter 268, Walking 27, Assistants 28, Chinese | Communists 20, Young eels 30, Roman magistrate 32, Latvian river 4%, Method 46, City train 47, Forelgn 38, Area under tree 41, Bherif's deputies 42, Bet firmly 48, People of Hern 44, Letter 1 DOWN 1, Call for help 2, Strong. box behind pleture EST 8, Biberia's location Armos 4, Obtain rial 8, Large worm bears 6, Passage« ings way 26, These 7. Bpontaneous saly 8, Reach mourns Across tain 9, Robin's 27 Entire [§ home 20, Norse 10, Trees goddess 16, Purchase of healing 17, Culture 81, Band dunes medium (G.R) 18, Btinginess 88, Charts 10, Soak flax a4, Below 21, Danish (naut.) weight 88, Unless 23, Poem (law) or i Yewuterday's Answer 86, The Orient 88, Mineral spring | #9, Hawaiian | yam 40, Ordinal numbep suffix | Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY 'The modern way to travel is by air' a For information regarding any form of travel , . . DIAL RA 3-944) Wo have @ direct Toronto telephone Hine for prompt Arline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and by Thames 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA wns ue, Conade Lie. DIAL RA 3.944) 'Dog Control 'Record Given By GRACE MILLS AJAX ~~ At the last Council meeting, Councillor Owen Ashley reported on the dog control rec: ord for the period from Jan, 1 to 0f Oshawa grd for the ne Announces During this Jietied there was H revenue of $1216 for dog tags, an $135 in pound fees, The Annual Against these figures was ex. penditure for dog control of $1006.47 Councillor also stated that the Dog Contre! Officer, B, PEANUT ed 69 complaints, which was quite a relief for the Police Depart. ment, who had previously investi. gated these matters. There were y 48 warnings issued, and voll ¥ From groundhog, 1 hamster, 9 rabbits, | and a number of birds, It was] pointed out that In most munie| ipalities the dog control officer re. | fuses to have any thing to do with | animals taken in, and owners) may be sure that their lost pets are well looked after and owners notified, In fact the Ajax pound is more like a Humane Soclety J. Severs, had found new homes charge was laid, In the eourse of Monday Nov. Tth any animals other than dogs branch than anything else LIONS CLUB for 141 dogs, with the majority placed outside Ajax, He answer. the year Mr, Severs handled 80 cats, 2 racoons, 2 skunks, 1] fo Thursday Nov. 24th Warm, clean quarters are pro- | Please support this drive, vided at the dog pound for all) Buy assorted nuts when a Lion knocks at your door, BATHS FOR FAMILY? 4 4 BOTH THE SAME DAY? WHEN YOU HAVE A GAS WATER HEATER There's nothing lke having PLENTY of hot water for far aes nd Runiy bathe-.uhepever you need 4. Get a fast, sconomical COMPLETELY AUTOMATI GAS WATER HEATER today, No other equal Natural Gas, wl J CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF BUY 3.2 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THE DRYERS ON DISPLAY SALES - seavicE " Call Today MO 8-3328 Per Month NATURAL GAS or PROPANE lous departments), National Health and Welfare, At Moose Factory, Ont, $6,660-%7,6B0 and at Norway House, Men,, $6,000:86,660, plus isolation allowances, where applicable, TECHNICAL OFFICER (university graduste In education, the social sciences, arts or commerce, with @ number of years experience in education, statistics or related fields), Demin. ion Bureau of Statisties, Ottawa, $6,420-87,140, EXAMINER OF MASTERS AND MATES AND PORT WARDEN (with Certificate of Competency os Master, foreian-gaing, and thorough knowledge of jaoxigation and seamanship), Transport, Torofto, Ont, $6,420-87,140, PROJECTS OFFICER ~~ ELECTRONIC TUBES, Canadian Mill tary Electronics Standards Agency, National Defence, Ot tawa, $6,420.87,140, EXAMINER OF MASTERS AND MATES (with Foreign.going Canadian or United Kingdom Master's Certificate of . petency), Transport, St, John's, Nfld, $6,420.§7,140, TRANSLATOR = LEGAL (with demonstrated aptitude for translation from English inte French, and some legal train. ing and experience), Bureau for Translations, ttawa, $6,180-96,900, y TREASURY AUDITORS (with professional training end expers lence In accounting) Comptroller of the Treasury, Finance, various centres, $6,060-$7,320, TECHNICAL OFFICER ~~ INTERIOR DESIGN (knowledge of and experience in design end manufacture of furniture, furnishings and fabrics), Architectural Division, Transport, Ottawe. $6,000 $6,660, INTELLIGENCE OFFICER (to collate, evaluate and interpret ins formation summaries of a highly confidential nature), Dis rectorate of Air Intelligence, National Defence, Ottawe, $5,460.96,180 - LABORATORY TECHNICIAN «= PHYSICAL TESTING (high school education with courses in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics), Public Works, Ottawa, $5,100 « $5,640, ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, MALE (to investigate cases of suspected fraud in relation to Unemployment Insurance Benefits, and recommend necessary action), Unemployment Insurance Commission, Headquarters of present vacancies at Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver, $5,100. ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR, LABORATORY SERVICES (with high school graduation and a good knowledge of mechanical Sngineeting os applied to machine shop practice), Testing Laboratories, Public Works, Ottawa, $4,440.85,160, INSPECTOR, FOOD AND DRUG (university graduate with train. ing in chemistry, pharmacy, bacteriology or a related Fiona, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $4,380. 4,920, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS DRAFTSMEN, Government Departments, Ottawa, $3,450-$4,500, CHIEF OPERATING ENGINEER (with volid 1st class Provine clal Government Certificate, ond at least ten vears of practical operating experience In @ high pressure steam plant on a regular shift), Veh fairs, Wi Hospital, Londen, Ont, $5,820 $6,420, SUPERVISOR, FIELD MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS (will be required to obtain Provincial Chauffeur's Licence and g Des partment of Transport Restricted Rodie-Telsphang ir. ator's Licence at own expense), Airports and Property Management Division, Transport, Malton Airport (Toronto), Ont, §5,460-§6,180, - STATIONARY ENGINEER 4 --~ NEATING OR POWER (with valid 1st Class Stationary Engineer's Certificate or provine ela! equivalent), National Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont, $9,400-$5,940, plus isolation allowance, INSPECTORS OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (with a number of years experience associated with the manufacture and/or inspection of electronic equipments and ), Ine spection Services, National Defence, in Ontario. $4,440.%5,160, TRAINING EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (to design and manu. facture various types of training aids), Nationa! Defence (Army), Comp Borden, Ont. $4,080-34,800, CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN (with ot least four years of related experience), National Defence (Air), North Bay, Ont. $4,050.54,500 STENOGRAPHER 2, Indian and Northern Health Servi Na+ tional Health and Wellare, Moose Faetory, Ont $3,090. $3,540, plus isolation allowance various centres Except where otherwise Indicated, details and application forms ot main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices

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