Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Nov 1960, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Disl RA 3.3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Movember 7, 1960 7 PERSONALS of To [Verohiea Edgar, Mr. and Mrs ronte, cousin of the bride, was| Thomas Hyman, Midland; Mr master of ceremonies at the|Donald Wheeler and Miss Joy) Deviin-Lyons wedding reception|Johnston, Montreal; Mr, at 88. Gregory's Auditorium, Mr. |Mrs, James Fair, Miss is principal of Willow-| Fagan, Bowmanville dale Public School, Willowdale, Out of town guests at the Deviin-Lyons wedding were Mr, and Mrs, Weston Bonneville, Mr, Beverly Sampson The community of Thornton's | Corners will be sorry to hear that| Mrs. Madeline Ashmare is g pati-| ent in the Oshawa General Hos | Mr, and Mrs, Beverly Sampson, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Devlin, Mrs, Thomas Smith, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Donald Snape, Searborough; Mr, and Mrs, Don ald Gibson, Kedron; Mr, and Mrs. | J. V, Burridge, Prestonyale; Mrs, W. J, Rolls, Ajax; Mr pital and her "CRA Herald" ae! tivities will be suspended for the | time heing Among the guests from out of | town at Parkwood on Saturday, were Mr, and Mrs, Waller M.| Edwards of Washington, pel a James Kennelly, Mr, and*Mrs OUTSTANDING GUIDES OF FOURTH COMPANY At a meeting of the 4th Osh awa Girl Guide company re- cently two Guides were pre. sented with Gold Cords, the highest award in Guiding, and | three Guides were presented | with All-Round cords, the see- ond highest award, Realed are Bonnie Crouter and Kelitha Mosier who were presented with their Gold Cords by Mrs W. E. Gardner, District eom- Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Donna M. Lyons, The Roman-Catholie Church of St, Gregory the Great was the| seene of a wedding recently when| John C. Devlin white silk organza over taffeta with a bow knot bandesu to match, and her flowers were a missioner, Adelaide district, In the back row are Karen Mosier, Gloria Parry and Patricia Wade who were presented with thelr All-Round cords hy Mrs, E, A Mounce, divisional treasurer, ~Oshawa Times Photo | Yes 3 | {entrance hall was turned into a Daniel Kennelly, Napanee; Mr and Mrs, Edward Nolan, Detroit Michigan; Misses Caroline and Col. RS. McLaughlin Kindly Hos At Annual Chrysanthemum Tea Assisted hy three of his daugh ters, Colonel R, 8. McLaughlin re-|1f ceived several hundred guests al|lriend the was the annual chrysan-land a group from Toronto was Parkwood on Saturday, The oc casion themum tea and rare and beau- heard tiful specimens were used to de- come to Oshawa to meet reception genial host with 8 warm welcome corate the halls and rooms, The curving staircase in the bower by cascades of "Lady-| smith", a soft pink trailing vari | ely, and in the sup room a white chrysanthemum with a greenish cast, called ""Nightingale', in ma jestic bloom, made a conversa tion piece, Many varieties lined the howl smart small, elegant furs, Black pre-lare the uncontested favorites on| FOR TOMORROW dominated but there were some such occasions, served with pip-| heige Miss pure silk twill cord of royal blue Mr, Edwards Is on the foreign editorial staff Geographic magazine, | A Simple, Delicious Dessert For The Popular Club Hostess of the National Clubs, home and school, ehureh | Tt was a most successful party (8nd charitable organizations are k delightful to hear old 811 scheduling meetings to plan greeting each other for) thelr fall and winter activities first time since "last year Before you know it, you'll find yourself hostess at such a meet had tol ME with the responsibility of The! Providing simple hut delicious was f lt to that they SAY Bake 30 to 25 minutes about onto yack, VIENNESE COFFEE RING [SOCIAL NOTICE about 20 minutes ready to bake, Remove edges and Let eool 1ift ont MARRIAGE I The forthcoming marriage Is) announced today of Charlotte] Pressprich of Oshawa, daughter of Mr, Arno Pressprich of Akron, New York, and the late Mrs, Pressprich, to Mr, Torquate Korczynskl, son of Mr, Ronald Korezynskli of Whithy and the late Mrs, Korczynski, The cere- 175 degree V HAIRSTYLING hefore ring is 360 KING 57, W, (CKLB BLDG) RA 8-4351 loosen spatula then rom renire oven, with 10 minutes | refreshments , , something that ean be served without taking {you away from the discussions) The fine day hrought out many {for even a minute, ensembles topped with! Home-baked hreads and cakes greeted each guest tels, a ciel blue, mistletoe Ing hot coffee or tea, with your| green, cafe-au-lait and soft rose. prettiest china and daintiest linen carefully, There's a tendency to:| napkins, And there's good news this season for busy hostesses with the introduction to the Can |adian market of pre-sified flour, Isabel MeLaughlin wore {mony will take place at North- minster United Church on Friday, | THE STARS SAY December 16, at 7 p.m, By ESTRELLITA This day's planetary influences suggest you waleh the hudget LET US GREATE A ' Nuw=HoicFoskion. 2foryYOLUl ward extravagance now; Through| another, you may attain a goal hitherto considered almost un-| attainable, Donna Marie Lyons was united miniature basket of the same ling alley in pinks, yellows and 8nd black with side draping andip oq. oi" by one of Canada's flowers as those carried by the senfor attendants Mr. James Cole performed the duties of best man and the ushers were Mr, Kenneth Noonan and Mr. Laurence McAllister The reception was held in St Gregory's Auditorium, where the bride's mother received wearing a sheath dress of silver beige] in marriage with John Charles Devlin The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Harry Alvin Lyons of Osh awa, and the late Mr, Lyons and the bridegroom Is the son of Mrs Charles Patrick Devlin of Osh awa, and the late Mr, Devlin The Reverend L. T, MeGough performed the double ring cere mony and said the nuptial mass Serving were Masters Neil Tall ing and John Bourrie, Miss Mary beige velvet hat and matching accessories, Assisting was the Pagan of Bowmanville playedigroom's mother in a taupe the wedding musie and accom-|satin hrocade sheath dress with panied Mr, James Fair of Bow: a three-quarter length jacket, a manville, who sang "Ave hrown and beige velvet hat and Maria", "Panis Angelleus",| brown accessories, Both wore "Benedictus" and "Hall Holy corsages of roses, Queen", For the honeymoon trip to New Given in marriage by her bro. York City and Washington DC, ther, Mr. Donald Clair Lyons the bride travelled In a willow . the bride wore a full length|green suit of wool houcle, with sheath gown of carnation white/s caramel brown small hat, a satin peau de sole having a boul: hrown muskrat jacket, and a cor. fant overskirt, edged with Chan-|sage of white orchids, On their tilly lace, and sweeping into a&(return the couple will in chapel train, The slim bodice fea: Oshawa. | live satin brocade with a small sand * {their very best with vista after] Mrs Mildred Turner of Corallcess entirely, Queen | Gables, Florida, has heen spend-| pastry recipes, only one sifting | ion during { | DANCE CONVENER Convened by Mrs, W, M, Shaw, a committee of the Women's Welfare League Is planning a square dance, "Au- tumn Hoedown at the Ontario Welfare Flying Club next Fri. Jacket, Mrs, Mildred bronze, banked with gesnaria, an|? short unusua' hothouse plant with rich,|Turner was in medium blue velvety foliage and spikey orange|draped chiffon and Mrs, C and vellow flowers Churchill Mann was in beige silk The conservatories were at ach wore an drehid corsage vista of prime blooms, of the chrysanthemums was aling a few days with her father mauve-pink beaut alled Passion and other house guests were of the Cherry Blossom that stood Mr, and Mrs, W, D, Clarke of nine feet, four inches tall, IFParmington, Connecticutt GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES MARY ELLIOTT SMITH MC The Monthly meeting of Mary Elliott Smith Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs, Frank Swackhammer, The president, Mrs, Robert Moon, presided, The secretary and (treasurer gave reports, A letter was | | president, Mrs, W, R, Jones; vice » president, Mrs, J, R, War- nica; secretary and press report. jer, Mrs, D, I, Macleod; treasur er, Mrs, William Morrison; social convener, Mrs, 1, L, Elliott; card convener, Mrs, M, J, Bell Methods of interesting new members in the organization day, The proceeds will be de. voted to welfare requirements at Simeoe Hall, | read from Baptist Mission Grand Ligne, thanking us for a box re- celved from thé group Tecently were discussed, It was hoped that |mothers, especially of Cubs, {largest flour millers, this all-pur {pose flour can be measured di [rectly from the bag when bakin |hread or other yeast recipes, e |iminating the tedious sifting pro- For cakes and |18 necessary before measiring When you can turn out dell cious home-haked goodies with a | minimum of time and effort, why not start a file of easy-to-bake fancy breads? They're ideal for [the coffee meetings and dessert Wncheons so popular these days with busy clubwomen , , , and kinder to the waistline than the elaborate lunches that once top- ped off such meetings! First recipe for your file might well be this fragrant Viennese Coffee Ring, as good to look at as it is to eat, VIENNESE COFFEE RING 1% cup milk, scalded 1 cup cold water teaspoon sugar ff | while the next 12 months will he| FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your hirthday, |your horoscope indicates that, generally excellent for financial affairs, It would be advisable to avold extravagance and specula- he next two months, January, however, should he fine {for career matters and, if you take steps to further goals now, that month may bring some highly gratifying recognition, Social and domestic affairs will be under good aspects for most of the year, and there will be a great deal of emphasis on ror mance this month; also in May and June, October's outlook alse promises an increase in -personal popularity and business prestige, and those in the professions should find the first three months of 1061 exceptionally rewarding, Look for an opportunity te travel late in July; also mext October A ehild born on this day will | | | Styled by Fnankling HAIRSTYLING I Styled by Franklink HAIRSTYLING | would realize the urgent need for their help, SIMCOE STREET WMS The regular meeting of the package fast-rising yeast 4 cup sugar Va. teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening egg, well beaten cups "'Pre-Sifted" All Purpose Flour cup raising tablespoons chopped peel TOPPING 3 tablespoons sugar 14 teaspoon cinnamon tablespoon chopped nuts Add cold water to scalded milk | in mixing bowl, Cool to luke warm; add 1 teaspoon Sugar, Sprinkle yeast on top, Let bubble 10 minutes, Add sugar, salt, [shortening and beaten egg, Add had/l cup of flour, Beat thoroughly, 260 KING 87, W, (CKLB BLDG) Doubles' Club 50.50 Club | Rundle, Mrs, William in prayer, Mrs. Vernon Oshorne presided for the debate, 'Resolved that . M . women work harder than men." | The affirmative side was upheld] Joint eeting by Mrs, George Pearce, Simcoe King Street Happy Doubles | Street club, and Mrs, Ross Law, [Club Reid its regular meeting re. King Street, and the negative side cently with the president, Mrs, by Mr, George Pearce, Simcoe : Douglas Forrester, presiding, Street club, and Mr, Percy pel, Members were reminded of bowl: | Fletcher, King Street Mrs, Walter Nickerson thanked pot, Mrs, Charles Dolley gave Ing at Motor City Alleys, Now| The judges gave their decision the speaker, The next month's the Preshyterial treasurer's re. vember 12 {in favor of the negative side | meeting will be held at the home| port which showed a decrease in Northminster Doubles Club Refreshments were served in of Mrs, Robert Moon, | Sontritutions as compared With ge airppa x 4 4 | f Centennial | . [last year in October, Members dance at the airport, November he banquet hall LB the «IND GROUP COMMITTEE [were urged to make an effort to its huiness period at Simcoe newly opened chapel : The November meeting of the ralse the amount Md Parents Committee of thel Miss Evelyn Everson tured a batean neckline and lily point sleeves and a back bristle bow and full length streamers complemented the skirt, A coronet of seed pearls and sequins held her finger tip vell, and she carried a prayer hook bound in white Chantilly lace and crested with a white or- chid and rosebud floret caught inf the long ribhon streamers, | The matron of honor was Mrs Weston Bonneville of Toronto, formerly of Oshawa, and the other attendants were Mrs, HWryce Blair, sister of the bride, and Miss Marie Devlin, sister of the hridegroom, both of Oshawa They all wore identical street length dresses of avocado green satin peau de sole, fashioned on A The Reverend gr Wack hug {hammer gave a talk on Feller Shkuce Jed College, Grande Ligne, where he 360 KING 87, W, (CKLB BLDG) RA 8-4351 be sentimental and home-loving, but given to making promises he cannot possibly keep, has for many years conducted | Evangelistic services and In such wMS of Simcoe Street United measure has influenced many| Chureh was held recently with young people in decision to fol|the president, Miss Millicent low Christ, The 40 decisions for| Luke, presiding {Christ during last year can in a| The meeting opened with pray large measure be traced to his Mrs, Harry Smith read the faithful presentations of the Gos | secretary's report and Mrs, Rex Harper gave the treasurer's res HOUSEHOLD HINT Paper toweling makes an ex. cellent "blotter" for draining foods that ave fried in deep fat, 1% Ya a4 SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! During . .. WARD'S 41st ANNIVERSARY sheath lines and having billow: ing full length overskirts, The slim hodices were designed with sabrina necklines and long sheath sleeves, They each wore bow knot bandeaux to match their gowns, and carried an arm hasket of yel low and bronze autumn shades of chrysanthemums with bronze ribbon streamers, Miss Sherrydon Benson, small flower girl, wore a long frock of Street Church and the clubs join-| Mr, William Trotter, president ed for their evening together atiof the 6050 Club, thanked the ? o'clock, Happy Doubles club for the in The group responsible for the|vitation Mr, James Souch, Jr, program conducted the worship) thanked the Harding group-, re- service, Mrs Glynn Pearse read| sponsible for the evening's pro- a story, The Scripture was read|gram and refreshments hy Mr, Ross Law and Mrs, Wil.) . Oumorte. sani n_ duet, "Make| PAW Rites Solemnized Somebody Happy Today" accom: panied at the piano by Miss Hazel In Columbus United Church on Saturday afternoon, November §,| Lenore Jane Marguerite Dalby became the bride of William Pawlowsky of §t, Catharines, | The bride is the daughter of| Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd N, Dalby and| the bridegroom Is the son of Mr, | and Mrs, John Pawlowsky, all of | Oshawa | The Reverend R. H, Love offl.| elated and the wedding musie| was played by Mr, Harold Ellis, | cousin of the hride Given in marriage by her fa. ther, the bride wore a white bal lerina gown of Chantilly lace and net. The full houffant skirt fea. tured net ruffles from the waist, | Wa |A erown of seed pearls held her| |tingertip veil of French illusion A and she carried a cascade of red © [roses and stephanotis, | Miss Marlene Dalby was maid of honor for her sister, She wore a ballerina gown of archid silk | organza over taffeta, Self hows of} {velvet over net formed her {matching headdress and she cars ried a cascade of yellow and white chrysanthemums, Mr, Daniel Pawlowsky was best man for his brother, At the reception, the bride's} | mother received in lee blue bro cade with mink-toned accessories | and a corsage of hronge chrysan. lowsky-Dalby | {Douglas Kirkland, gavt their re- {ing, Mrs, H, L, Kells, proficiency Girl Guide Association was held! charge of the program, Miss t Guide House with 12 mem: (Phyllis Glass was the soloist bers attending, The president,|She was accompanied by Mrs Mrs, Frank Ball, opened the|Ann Potter, Mrs, Edward Rose meeting and welcomed Mrs, John| gave a review on the study book, Kitchen, Mrs, Victor Kitehen,|"The Ship under the Cross," by Mrs, John Calder and Mrs, E, A.|John Webster Grant Lloyd as new members, So , hg hyd Skuce SXbhussed The secretary, Mrs, William thanks to a those who contribut Arnold, and the treasurer, Mrs [fut to the enjoyment of the meet spective reports, Mrs, Kirkland| |Add raisins and peel, then re {mainder of flour, Beat for 3 {minutes, Turn mixture Into greased 8" or 9" yim mould and spread evenly in pan, Mix sugar, cinnamon and nuts and sprinkle over dough, Cover with wax paper and dry cloth, Let rise in warm place (78 degree F, to 85) degree I) 1% to 2 hours or until | doubled in bulk, Heat oven to| also gave a very encouraging re. port on the result of the recent| rummage sale, | A donation was made to Guide Captain Miss Betty Naden toward | the weekend camp expenses of} the Guide Company and for ma- | terial for ties, An enrolment in| the parents committee will be! held at the December meeting with five members to be enroll ed, Any other interested mem bers were asked to contact the GLECOIT SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD, SOUTH OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M, OSHAWA ppresident before the next meet badge convener for Adelaide dis Specials For Mon., Tues., Wed. triet, spoke briefly about the Newtonville Guide Camp, Mrs Harry Ross volunteered to re present the Guide Company at the Local Association meetings, The hembers decided to hold a pot luck lunch at the December meeting with an exchange of in BUTTER ™ ™ (LIKE BUTTER) MADE FROM SKIM MILK SILVER SPREAD .. 49° uw 69° expensive gifts and a program Foilowing the meeting, a touch and take white elephant sale was aeld after which the social con vener, Mrs, Henry Thompson, served refreshments, SIMCOE STREET WA TRY OUR SWI Every Cut Gua PROTEN TENDERED BEEF FT'S PREMIUM ranteed Tender (Group Three) Group 3 of the Woman's Associ ation of Simcoe Street United Church held its November meet- ing at the home of Mrs, Leo Gray, Somerville avenue, Mrs, Edgar Rradley, group leader, presided, Reports were SKINLESS SA GRAPEFRUIT * USAGE .. 49° 6... 39° ALL THIS WEEK New "Bi-Flex" Brassiere ! A new longline model that lives and breathes with you , , , Embroidered nylon marquisette front and criss-crossed double elastic under-arms and all elastic back for complete freedom , , , front hook , o + White enly, Sizes A, B, C, in 32 » 44, Ordinarily 4.95 ,,., Penman's Botany Wool Hose ! Fine Botany Wool reinforced with nylon for added washability and weer + ++ no-seam comfort foat , , , Slight imperfections account for savings of 1.40 on each pair , , , Choose from Beige or Gunmetal in sizes 9 to 11 "Orient" Lisle Hose ! A Timely Offering , , , "Orient" lisle hosiery are full-fashioned and knit from the finest of combed yams for long wear, warmth end comfort, Colors of beige or black, Sizes ® 10 11, tov ninrsnnsnsannnnnrnns PALANAN RRRR RR ARRSY 39 35 Colors of Rose, 3 Ke airs isinateness 3 for 10 IRERLE) EEE EE EE EE EEE ER ER ERE EERE RE) Linen Tea Towels! J patterns , , , one color and multi-color stripes and plaids, Yellow, Aqua, Pink, Green or Blue, Sizes about 18" x 30", Each EEEEEEERERT Draperies ! Dozens of pairs of this season's finest patterns gathered for this big event , , . One of the largest assortments of patterns, colors and fabrics we have ever offered at this special Sale Price , , , all are finished with sewn-in pleated taps, heading hoods and sateen linings , 4 « FOR WINDOWS: pe 4 I Wl caesar sinavansess pie 18 Upto Bf wide . airs rtssnssssnanses pr. 25.98 Up 1 12 1 with 11a v attra sasansesess ph 39.98 {themums. The bride gr oo m's| received on the sale of calendars mother chose turquaise silk with for 1961, which the members are NEW CABBAGE ... 10° i was bu in the } The ne Gloria Purdie and taht ? Leandro Bortolazze, both Oshawa, were married re Mr, Aly at St, Gregory's Roman whinitholic Church, The bride is y he iL] ww a winter white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Among the guests present were Mrs, Mary Sytayk, grandmother of the bridegroom, Mrs. Clara Blair and Mrs, Rose Dalby, both > v va A WEDDING PRINCIPALS i bride. For the wedding trip the bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, wore winter white with royal blue Jobn Purdie, Oshawa, and the accessories and a corsage of yels bridegroom 1s the son of Mr, law and white chrysanthemums Vittorio Rortolssae of Maly | The newly wedded couple will and the late Mrs. Rortolazzo reside at 24 Gayle cresceat, St, ~Phote by Mary's Studie Catharines, of Brooklin, grandmothers of the! selling, Plans were made for group's Christmas party, which will be at the hame of Mrs, W. A Dewland, Westdale Court, on De cember 2 At the close of the business, the hostess served refreshments, i | ATH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, ! | The Fourth Scout Mothers'| Auxiliary held its annual meet the VAPOR-RUB CIGARETTES BREAD CHRISTIES ng at St. Andrew's United Church, Mrs, Alfred Irvine, wh has long been a valued member, (installed the following officers: | VICK'S REG. 64¢ Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. 49+ PER CARTON 3:09 2 FOR 33° 5 * Drapery Lining ! A heavy quality that is woven very close to give your draperies that best +» + Width about 50%, Light beige shade, Reg. 1.00 yd. ., WARD'S noon w= Fel, % am te ® pm 77 RA 5.1151) Free Delivery protection ever Simcoe St. S. at Athol St,

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