THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, Movember 7, % , ROY THOMSON HONORED Canadian publisher Roy | ever head the corporation Thomson wears the chain of of- fice following his recent elec- tion in on, England, as president of the Printers' Pen- sion Corporstion, an organiza- tion to help needy printers and their dependents, Mr, Thom son is the first Canadian to New Face For cluded kings, prime ministers and well-known authors such | #8 Charles Dickens. Sealed at left is retiring president Sir Guy Harrison, a sixth-genera- tion master printer } (CP Wirephoto) Management || TORONTO (CP) Labor was! select committee, "waxed elo- warned today to wateh for "a new| quent" about the injustices done face of management" in which|to workers by their unions, "not employers "will appear in a new| one employer organization raised role as the worker's friend de- its voice about the sub-standard fending the worker against his wages being paid in the unor- own organization, his trade union| ganized garment industry where and getting legislative protec-|wages of 50 cents and 60 cents tion," an hour are not uncommon," The statement was made by| He said "we must press for David Archer, president of the/more and better public works Ontario Federation of Labor, and welfare programs , . . hut when that group's convention labor emphasizes first and opened here foremost, the need for federal A text of Mr, Archer's remarks|and provincial government plan-| was released to the press in ad-/ning for full employment." vance of delivery Among measures neces sary Speaking on the recent report|now, he said, was a move by the of the province's select commit. province to "immediately amend tee on labor relations and its/the 48-hour week legislation to recommendations, Mr. Are her provide for a 40-hour week sald: "Employers will appear in a new role as the worker's| NEWS IN BRIEF friend defending the worker| against his organizaiton, his trade union and demanding and MAY FALL BEHIND getting legislative protection NEW YORK (AP) -- A study "In the final analysis, the only prepared for the U8. Army says weapon against his new face of the United States in the next dee- management and restrictice leg- ade may fall behind the Soviet islation will be the loyalty and Union as a world power, the devotion of the individual em- New York Times reports, The Ployee to his union and, in effect, study says that if the U.S, per- is willingness to risk dismissal| nits a gap to develop in its cold and discrimination." war outlays and those of Rus. 'NO RULES DRAFTED' #ia, the US, may become a Despite a new bill enacted in world power inferior to Russia the legislature to govern fee. Within 10 years charging hiring agencies, 'no DIMS SUN qulations y Mi ren sues regulations have heen| NEW YORK (AP) -- Sunlight He paid tribute to immigrant Teaching the earth was a tiny workmen who braved discrimi-|{Pit feebler today when Mercury, nation, threats and loss of em.|the sun's tiniest planet, passed ployment to associate themselves between the earth and sun be. with their organized Canadian tween 9:35 am. and 2:12 pm, brothers," {EST, The event happens only Mr. Archer said the Builders' about 13 times every 100 years Exchange, in Its brief to the on the average, "ELEGANT NEW SHEATH AND CAPE \ PRINTED PATTERN A548 by Mr. Blackwell whose former presidents A } EATON?'S Floor-Wide Clearance! Fur-Trimmed & Untrimmed L COATS Save 20.00 fo 50.00! Reg. 69.95 to 229.00 EATON SPECIAL PRICE, EACH 9°. 179° PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Some of our most elegant styles in luxurious im- ported fabrics have been set aside for clearing because of broken size and colour ranges! At ex- ceptional savings, you can step into the Wintry season impervious to the winds and confident of the fashion impact of one of these impressive coats, A choice of styles in wools, wool-and- mohairs, wool-and-alpacas, and tweed weaves. Fur-trimmed versions have extravagant collars of Canadian Beaver, Mink, Norwegian Fox or Natural Lynx, All stylings have a regal note - many dis- playing lavish shawl, stand-up or chin-chin collars, tapered sleeves, patch or slash pockets, straight or slightly flared lines, Warm chamois linings and interlinings! This season's favoured colours are re- presented in Junior Misses', Misses', Women's, Petites' and Half sizes in the group. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 244 New Millinery Stylings in Brushed Wool! An exciting collection of hats . . . in fashion-wise shapings . . . at a moderate price! Styled in soft brushed wool - choose from pert cloches, snug turbans, ripple-brim types; "jewel-tones' of moss green, sapphire blue, purple, coffee - and ever-popular white, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 204 99 EACH PHONE RA 5.7373 A superbly shaped sheath combines with a marvelous swoop of a cape-coat, and here it is! the most striking cos. tume of this or any season, The inspired designer is Mr. Black. well; the locale -- California Pattern A548 looks fabulous on, and is fabulously simple to make. The distinctive seaming of the dress makes fitting eas fer, and is responsible for that curvaceous but controlled look from shoulder to hem, The cape-poat is just twin circles of fabrid seamed together, sleeved and fringe-bordered. The Orig. inal in fluid wool jersey is an | exciting day-to-dinner costume for olty wear. For pela dates, consider raspberry satin with gold-and-raspberry hrocade or black silk crepe with satin or brocade. Printed Pattern ASME is available in Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18, Size 16 dress requires 2% yards 54-inch fab. rie; cape-coat requires 3% Jards. Send ONE DOLLAR for inted Pattern AS48 to The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario Please print bainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS wit! ZONE, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. FREE !FRFE! EREE! Send immediately for oft new Fall and Winter brochure of Prominent Designer Patterns. address above. Welle Thinking of buying a piano? Come and see Eaton's collection of fine instruments by Mason & Risch Do come in and try one of these fine pianos. . , discover for yourself the pleasure you and your family -- and friends -- will receive from it for years to come! Illustrated: "The Hepplewhite"--made by Canada's largest piane manufacturer, this is a beautiful instrument with extra string length, endowing it with magni». ficent tone, In gleaming hand-rubbed mahogany veneer, ws §05.00 / EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms may be arranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT, Your present piano accepted as part payment EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DERT, 360 PHONE RA 5.7373 'p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Frid Nights until 9 p.n