| Arctic's Relentless THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, November 3, 1960 35 Cold Moulds Ground » GEORG] Al Simply, this is what happens; AXEL HEIBE RG ISLAND, The cold makes the ground NWT, (CPi~In many parts of tighten and split into the poly-| the north, the earth's skin 's pat-| gona! pattern, The crack, which terned with eracks like the glaze can be 30 or 40 feet deep or even on an old teapot, more, fills with water melted ol Seen from the air, the network|the surface, ! of eracks can be so strikingly or-| But the water Is trickling down derly as to seem man-made, but! into permafrosi--the everdrozen| they are made hy the unrelenl- subsoil of the Arctic--and so it . immessurable forces of the! freezes, filling the crack with jee in A This is the start of an lee wedge, And they can easily unmake, Af the next contraction, the lee whet man tries to make in the splits because it is weaker than Arctic and sub-Arctic the ground, More water runs in The soll polygons can be of and more ice is formed, The ice many shapes, regular or irreg-|wedge expands, Century after| ular, Squares and hexagons Are century, the same patiern of ususl, Around shallow lakes alcracks can reappear, spider-web pattern of concentric] In Alasks, Dr, Lachenbruch| circles ith radiating ribs isisaid, he has seen ancient ice often seen. Esch figure can wedges 45 feet wide, Wider ones cover large areas of ground |were known, In Siberia, where ice wedges 100 feet wide had| ICE WEDGES been reported, the land in many | Figuring out why and how thei pisces is mostly ice, with some earth splits Is one of the fields) soil between in which youthful Dr, Arthur La- a chenbruch of Pale Alto, Calif, is| SUDDEN APPEARANCE one of the world's acknowledged! In some areas the land al the leaders, | surface is soft and during the Dr, Lachenbruch, 34, a special melting season it runs together| ist in ground heat-flow, was bor-| and obliterates the erack pattern.) rowed from the U.S. Geological But at the next contraction, the Survey by the Jacobsen - MeGill| pattern reappears, sometimes University scientific expedition overnight, to Axel fleiberg Island, a lonely, Dr, Lachenbruch theorizes that land 2,000 miles north of Winnl- under the soft soll the ice wedges peg. are still active, The erack reap- "What Is significant to the pears first at the surface of the engineer is not so much the solllice wedge, then propagates up polygon," said Dr, Lachenbruech, ward through the soll and down "hut the fce wdeges in them, [through the wedge, "It's because of the ice wedges| People have heard the cracks that a road can sometmse turn|appear with a sudden. sharp bark into & canyon 15 feet deep, Even|liké' a rifle shot, engineers with Arctic experience] A greater danger is the uncov are surprised sometimes to seelering of en Ice wedge, The their airfields suddenly look like| ground, the vegetation, even the an alligator's back." snow, form a blanket atop the Need Engineers For Congo Port By BERNARD DUFRESNE work Immediately to prevent Canadian Press Staff Writer [heavy silting, an ever - present MATADI, The Congo (CP) problem in the muddy Congo This Congo River port appears TRAFFIC DOWN headed for trouble unless com: (nder Congolese government petent sngieery og: euiclans policy, no imports now enter the arrive eep od operal- country, except foodstuffs and ng orev, i ! Murast K equipment brought In by the UN hat § the view of AUBUSL KO- Exports, down drastically from now, Norwegian - born shipping pre.independence times, Include agent hired by the United Na-inaim ofl, hardwoods, coffee, co tions to manage the inland har+/oos bananas and a few other bor after bast July's red MEH products gt eign rom Congolese riok ayinoraly from the ore-rich Ka it good 2 tanga and Kasal provinces, once couple ie obo d shaj Konow big Spit item, are nowhere in an interview, "But when|" ound, hol equipment starts to break Matadl is the farthest island down for lack of expert mainte-| river point to which ocean ships pance we'll be In trouble." {can travel, Here, goods go by Konow, who has spent the last rall to Leopoldville, where they eight years In the Congo as agent are loaded on river boats for the for a Norweglan shipping clo] 0 said the 5000 - odd Congolese] One big problem is the lack of| dockworkers and rallworkers can river pilots to bring the ships in| handle the unloading and loading from Banana, on the Atlantic, to nd transfer of goods to| Matadi, SL Sle od pry y | Under its former Belgian man. |agement, the shipping system NO GUIDANCE had 15 Belglan river pilots, | But without the guidance of There now are five, | Belgians who bullt and Ravage The UN Is attempting to train| the harbor facilities there ars) Congolese pllots, jee wedges that keeps them from being too badly melted by the summer sun, But man often finds it necessary to strip off the in- sulation Dr, Lachenbruch had a unique changes to see this happen at Eureka, the weather station on Ellesmere Island, where airport workers had bulldozed away some topsoil to get fill for the runway. Within 8 week, a gully six feet dost, had melted out, and was rapidly widening and creeping back toward the airstrip, "When winter stops the melt ing they can cover up the ice wedge again," Dr, Lachenbruch! said, "To cover it up now would Just seal the heat in" ! It was the removal of the na- tural insulation that caused such things as roads snd construction sites in Alaska to be cut to pieces by great canyons, REASONS UNCLEAR The reasons crack - patterns form as they do, and where they) do, sre not clearly understood, | it Is known that where the soil! les atop stratified rock, as on the slopes of gentle hills, the cracks will appear along the lines of the layers of underlying rocks, then at right angles to these main cracks--a squarish pattern, Dr. Lachenbruch believes he has established that polygons around a lake or what was once a lake bed depend on the tem- perature gradient, A lake Is a great storer of heat, The ground near it is warmer than the ground farther away and there is a gradual fall in earth tem- perature the farther away from |the lake you go Dr, Lachenbruch believes the cracks will form along lines of equal temperature roughly par allel to the lakeshore, and fur. ther cracks will appear at right angles, This would form a spider web pattern SPEED OF SOUND The speed at which the crack propagates also has a bearing on the shape of the resulting pat. tern, It has been found that a crack rips along until it reaches a cer: tain speed--the speed of sound and then it forks, Each fork is at 60 degrees to the starting crack, and each races until it reaches critical speed and forks again, The cracking continues until all stresses are relieved, and what remains Is a hexagonal pattern on the ground, The rate of fall in temperature is more significant, Dr, Lachen bruch believes, than the amount of the fall, Like toffee, which stretches when pulled but breaks when struck, the ground may contract steadily as temperatures fall even If they fall very low, But if there Is a sudden, sharp drop in temperature the ground may split, even if the lowest tempera: ture Is relatively high, "There Is a great deal to be discovered I" about soll poly gons,"" sald Dr, Lachenbruch, | rectally the mathematics of them, I wish we could explain a quarter of what we observe." bound to be bottlenecks if squlp- ment breaks down and activity| becomes too heavy. E V 1 S At present, Matadl, 90 miles| at from the sea, Is operating slightly more than 50 per cent of CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilion Its pre.ndependence capacity of waR.TV Channel 3-Buffale 100,000 tons of goods a month, Nestling on the south shore of WKBW.TV Channel 7---Buffale ION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6=Toronte WBEN-TV Channel é=Buffale WROC-TV Channel S-Rochester the Congo River and eal by high, bare, brown hills, the] THURSDAY EVE, mile-long harbor looks not unlike 5:00 P.M, 5 8=~Today a Newfoundland harbor--from a|i1=Family Theatre #100 distance, ' T=Rocky and Mis T=Popeye "It reminds me of a Norweg: pike w | lan fjord," sald Konow, 32, whose| ¢~Fun To Learn LL pretty, Danish wife, Lena, works| b=Thise Soo on 9:00 attic Worelary 18 the local UN! 4=Misehief Makers rr 4 Romper Gi Hern Sheldon Deputy Ll LEFT A MESS PM, S=Popeye's rived here from Leopoldville| 8=Playhouse Five July 19 "the place was a fright: Imliuonitbny Sung ful mess." 4:00 P.M, 1 L=Movie T=Romper 4=You and S-Busle 10:00 8: 8=Dough None of the equipment had u--Metre News been damaged, but goods and S=Drama Series cars abandoned by fleeing Bel: eHishway Jatrol glans were "scattered all over| g_pop Pete's Sake the place 0:30 PM In a week, the harbor was i1=News open for business, though it was Tic milowet Weather slow at first, i ELT] No dredging was necessary in| 'esant'ey Brinkley the harbor, which has a draft of 643 News 10:30 4=Video V T=Morning = Love and clay bottom, Downstream, Love Th live dredging. equipment was put to] g.Seven-o.One Mine Fields 11=Wanted Dead or ' A Ba Ih | 1 er Comed yy a gy Rugs Bu S~Bhotgun Nlade T=Nowsi Weather Flew 7:00 PM, Lookup 12:18 P TGuestward Ho ! fi--~News 0 I0 ec | S=Rachelor Father Speaker Me The Outlaws [ 12:30 PM Ihe Witness 7:48 PM, Sean 8:00 P.M 7=Queen ¥ Movie N Cuban Base HAVANA (AP) The Us. , Die Navy's chief in the Caribbean heats Py disclosed Wednseday that Amers|ji6-Klondike ican mine fields were planted a| '--Real McCoys few weeks ago along the fence| Pa Rat Masterson enclosing the 43 - square « mile vey Theatre Guantanamo naval base--just in 200 P.M case, 0 finer, GNA Hockey "The mine flelds are labelled| I~My Three Sons plainly," Rear . Admiral Allen! peney Frew. Smith told reporters at that base. 2:3 PM "Dr, Castro has stepped up his] #52 Tennessees Ernie tempo and we have taken steps! . Ford accordingly." "Anh 'Sothern Sho He said his forces at the base| 10100 TM id are strong enough to repel any! 6-Peter Guan attack until reinforcements can 33=The Groucho Show be sent-perhaps for 73 hours, | ¥=Peren To Berson The defenders are a few hun WER N D dred US marines, squadrons of Foothall | bd marine and navy aircraft that T---Interpal Calling come from training, destroyers 3st hile usually anchored in the bay or eJune Allyson Show F3-Dr. Ma close hy, and a fow thousand mil; 3=Tombstone Tervitory | 4=Millionair itary men staffing the base 1:00 PN, i Sat Cou 11=Newy =Guiding S~Featy Powell's Zane Jaature B=Mid-da 1:3 T=Divorce ToDay in S3-Jan M $2 Loretta 1 r 1:00 dferial Dramas 4=Neows Roundup Burns and Allen T=Early Show b- Konow sald that when he ar+| é--Roy Rogers ' MY plerele S~Home Cooking WM, 4=December Bride §:3=Price J Right about 20 feet over a rock 7:00 PM 1:30 AN 4--Serial Drama S:d=Congentration T=The T nid PM, | - "Weather Consequences i16-Live a Rorrowed 12:45 PN 8:30 PM, 1:00 PN TAbout Faces 4=Meet the Millers 4=The World Turts 2:00 P.M, f-Chea Helene Drama Series nw 118-Nursery Schoal 11-6-Open House T-Read Ta Reality T-Reat The Clack 8Here's Hollywood ay of Night Three HNtooges AM. 1148 Junior Round-up | M, FRIDAY EVENING | Kangaroo 5100 P.M, | AM, U=Family Theatre Room Je-Allvahiures of Rin n Tin Dawg B=Playhouse 4=¥Fun To Lears Big Rascals 8:18 P.M, 4=~Minohie! Makers Room Herb Sheldon aid0 PM, d-Barly Show "ry | AM, §~Playhouse Five | Re MI S=Ramar of the Jungle 4=Rig Mag Show AM 100 P.M, Playhouse Your Family 7=Dr, Hudson's Journal | ¢_ o ba-Play Your Wunch | Sopeito News Make =Feature Film AK Tmilifhviy par JANN 118 P.M, Court *=Rendetvous M | 1=News H 48~Newsi Sports 6:45 P.M, 63:4.8-News NOON 7:00 P.M, nny H=Questward Ho an fi Keven o-One B=The Flint Stones 4=Father Knows Hest S=Resoue 8 M, 7118 Pm, T=News: Weather 7:90 PW, 11=The Real MoCoys T--8ea Hunt f-0n the Scene at Bob of the House or a Day Tatinee d~8earch for Tomorrow | 53-Dan Raven t=Rawhide, Western 500 Mm 116 Country Hoedown Light T-Harrigan and Son Masquerade Party | be 130 PM, | id He You 11=Mavie Matinee § big Show Mo he Flintstones SHY §3-The Westerner Matines 4=Route 66 PM. _ hi00 P, 7-17 Sunset St'e §:8-0'Conners Ocean 130 Pw 116 Danger Man { Moh 4 Presidential Count dawn 10:00 P.M, 116=Have Gun Will Travel Hearing urray Show Nixon « Kennedy Debate G=Porry Mason #=The Detectives 4-Twillght Zone 2-Miohae! Shane 10:80 PM, 4 11=Peter Gunn PM, fFaothall Huddle Young Eyewitness to History tone # | Tee Faces West y 1100 PM, President Osvaldo Dorticos Fri.| P8343 News: Sports 11-Public Service Guide reitera \ 1s PM, day night reiterated that Cuba Pedaate Shaw wpaint will not try to take the base by| svi force, areal As Dorticos was speaking ms Pm, Premier Fidel Castro continued] Late Show to tour concentrations of the mil $< Midnight Metre itla--his workers' army. Many! [Raia toa militiamen appeared on Havanal streets wearing brand-new Caech| 7:00 automatic pistols, 100 AM, T=Ruitale ¥ AM, t=Wha Da You Trust f4=The Verdict Is Yours $3-From Thess Roots 100 1M, 11-Popeye With Capt Andy &- THA $i Make Room For Daddy 430 PM, Friendly Glant 3 Pod aripan Randstand | mM, L884. News: Sports 1:18 PM, 11 News- Weather Flate Sho =~ Viewpoint 11:13 P.M, Late Show | =Gunsmoke 33 Jack Pare 4=MGM. Mheatre 12:00 MIDNIGHT #- Wrestling 7s Quality Guns for the Outdoorsman... See the big selection at EATON'S We have a big choice in hunting equipment , , , and were ready to outfit you com- pletely for this thrilling Autumn-Winter sport, A awaits your inspection, wide range of prices - A large selection of guns -- at a "Winchester" Carbine - The Popular Model 94 With dependable lever action, 7-shot repeater EATON Special Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 261 BOYS' "MOUNTIE" Nylon Jackets Only at EATON'S ! This jacket Is light in weight, yet warm; styled to take rugged wear and still have a smart appearance! Of water-repellent nylon lined with quilted rayon over warm Interlining, The collar is faced with heavy bulky-knit weal, Novelty buttons down front cover heavy zipper, 2 slash pockets, storm tab on collar In navy blue, charcoal grey or loden green, Sizes 6 to 14 have detachable, wool-lined, zip-off hood; sizes 16 to 18 without hood EACH 0.95 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 PHONE RA 5.7373 30/30 colibre PHONE RA 5.7373 Men's SHERWOOD Quality Broadcloth Shirts In crisp white, handsome plain shades, striped patterns only at EATON'S Well-tailored shirts of good quality broadcloth; styled with short-point collar, convertible cuffs to wear buttoned or linked. Colours: White, tan, blue, grey; stripes in assorted colours, Neck sizes 1412 to 17V4; sleeve lengths 32 to 35", EATON Fries, : 2.99 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 928 imited () nin, specials On sale at 6:30 p.m, Friday and only while quantities last PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS UPPER LEVEL WOMEN'S BOTANY WOOL PULLOVERS--REG, 5.95 -- End-of-line clearance; soft "8 wool pullovers with V-neck, long sleeves, Pink, royal, red, black; sizes 36 to 40 in the group. Each 97 SPORTSWEAR, DEPT, 246 "LOVEABLE" BANDEAUX TO CLEAR! «= Nylon taffeta, embroidered; white, for 09, 2 1.35 . Sizes 32 to 36 A cup; 32 to 36 B cup. Each. ,, MALL LEVEL MOOREHOUSE JAMS -- Three tangy flavours Georgian marmalade AUTOGRAPH BOOK TO CLEAR---Popular with teens CE ESR SRS SE ENE SE SUR SI SY «++ Seedless raspberry, Gooseberry 6-ox, 'avs or ie Exh any or 19 , attractive books with wine, blue tan, 88 L) or white covers, vari-coloured pages for signatures, remembrances, etc, Approx. 5 x 6", Each 'CASHMERE BOUQUET' BATH SOAP -- Generous bath-size; delicately perfumed. 10 cakes 44 » Specially purchased, unwrapped. . LOWER LEVEL PHILODENDRON PLANTS Healthy plants, potted in enriched soil EI EE I I NS SS eet 1S ELECTRIC CURLING IRONS -- For quick touch-ups; curls and waves hair easily-- simply plug into any 60-cycle outlet, Complete with wooden handle, rubber cord. Bach , 2.66 DINETTE CHAIRS -- REDUCED TO CLEAR -- Ends-of-lines; handsome chairs in walnut 1" 05 » or mahogany finishes. Each RE EEE EE EE EEE ER EE EEE} Opens ot 8:45 om, Ra 5.7373 iil Assorted Towels Much below usual price ! Hand and bath-size towels in gay array! Thick, absorbent terrycloth, in a good choice of plain shades, floral designs and stripes, Shop early, while the selection is at its best! EATON Special Price, each 3911.75 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 236 PHONE RA 5.7373 Ball-Point Pen on Stand With Memo Pad in Matching Case An attractive twosome for student's room or office . . . efficient ballpoint pen in its own stand; and memo pad to match, Pen stand is round; made of metal; topped with simulated leather; memo pad bound in simulated leather on metal, White or brown, embossed de- sign the colour of gold, COMPLETE 1 69 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 208 PHONE RA 5.7373 Everything For The Photography Enthusiast! See the wide selection In EATON'S Camera Department , , , we've listed three camera outfits from the comprehensive price range. | Gift Sets by Kodak 'Brownie Starmeter' Outfit Compact Starmeter camera with built-in light= meter ;set includes flash attachment, batteries, four flash bulbs, 1 roll film, COMPLETE 2875 'Brownie Starmite' Outfit 'Starmite' camera with attached flash; kit also includes six flash bulbs, batteries, 1 roll film. COMPLETE 0.95 'Brownie Starlet' Outfit Starlet camera, flash attachment, batteries, 3 flash bulbs, 1 roll film, COMPLETE 1 2.60 Ask to see our range of quality camera and gadget bags . «+ visit EATON'S Camera Department for gifts for the Camera Fans on your list, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 512 PHONE RA 5.7373" 12 OFF USUAL PRICE! Manufacturer's Clearance ! Floor Lamps Ordinarily 19.95 to 34.50 An exciting collection of handsome lamps , , , values you won't want to miss! A big special purchase enables us to offer them to you at half usual price == but do shop early Friday, while the selection Is at its best! Styles include those suitable for traditional, contemp= orary and period settings , , , some have extended arm, some In Colonial design; some with urn-style 'breaks' and gleaming brass finish; others in a pleasing antigue-white finish EATON Special Price, each 9.95 «. 17.45 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 377 PHONE RA 5.7373