rénch-spesking Canad wish and i was fuestionatle whe (tersom, founder of the Siratiord ithe proposed Juilliard Thestre | . he to become career sdiors Abe the C peovie were New School (Ont, Shakespesresn Fe 61.1 val, Schoot mn New York, is the pr: 1 1e increasing saadlly, he seid, sulficiently aware of this, | Wednesdoy described the opening tistic wdvisor (9 the Canadien size of the Army Wes ME OP TRN DRCORAYER | the Nelimal Toesice Schon of Wionel schon nd there were more nada as " GOFS T0 STRATFORD ies, Betore. the Second World| Gen, Allerd seid miliary torce Of Theatre werd in the development of 8. The school's premises hd o ean Bo longer he considered the ; ps ¢ Bin ow Compared wh ORR 0 ce ward hs pode A 1€e (®) oin 50.000 today. tn ap the spread of commun . Opened y WINE y p hing. awhidh ism, mist infiltration was) by Michel Boint-Denis, one of the how oe ona Soo Ine thing which had Sasol accomplished so subtly thet the {word's lesding suthovities - butding. fulke [4 Press Sialt Writer |Korean ceasefire Black from the army prior to the eh those of Econ iis Sina MONTREAL (CP)~/Tom Pot cchonf i the extemination of seven The schoot wil move to Sin : y @ a hk 4, as - | OTTAWA (CP)-- Mah Gen, 3! He sald he particularly Wels. Toys paris ie Said, WA%| iclieetuals, : gears vienning by leading then cach summer fof Y, Allard, #7, vieevhiel of Ihe the assignment because he WoS\ io ic" It was understandable, A mative of Sie. Monique de ire, end a Bnight of France's pegs ighont Cotada , | festival, ; Canadien Army's general stall) in commend of welldrained, pe thet this situation did not facili Vieolet, Que, Jean Victor Allard Le of Honor, He slso holds) Some 190 applicants new! Said Myr, Babnt Denis; chuckles when he recalls how Be fessional soldiers, many of them) oo." oor uiting left the family farm to siudy at|the French Croix de Guerre, (school were guditioned earlier] "The opportunity to train lied about his age to (ML Bi veterans of the Second World|" po. ino the war, Gen, Allard), Laurent College, on the put As vieechiel of the genera) his year end 31 from cross der one roof both childhood ambition to become @ Wear served for three yenrs PA Cana. Shirts of Montreal, and at $t, Je-i staff, Gen, Mlard has re were pecepled, Frenca career soldier, | A'pandsome, herrel - ehested| dian mititary attache m Moscow |Tome College in Kitchener, Ont. sponsibilities Including tre ; Tie frst French-Conedion 19 giant wig may in time become! Speaking of the Communisi|it Was In Kitchener that he per-|operations, weapons Indigent hold such a high-ranking post BC first French-Canadian chief threat, he said people should not|rected his English, {and the srmy's budget policy, |Sehool the army, Gen, Allard Joined Le or cat "Gon "Allard says the mill allow themselves to be misied byl On his uniform he proudly "I have hed 8 very happy Regiment de Trois - ore or lary profession has never beemithe Boviel propagands, which) wears many decorations, He won| career in the Army he seid, "1 age 14, He fold the enlistment Ok os Sell understood as others by simply was 8 front |the Distinguished Berviee Orderlhave heen rewar for my ef ficer he was 16. ud vied, Pople from French Canads, | The mennee of Communist|with two bars, He Is a eommaniforts, bul | also believe | have | That was In 1927 aud le Inaried = yi coer, the number ofl domination of the world wes verylder of the Order of the British) been huey" ¢ i 3 § § RY GUY RONDEAU 1654, shout one yesr after the French : the start of a brilliant militar CRYEEr, | As commander of Quebec's Royal 22nd Regiment, he partic ipated in the Second World War invasion of Waly, Later he led ithe 6th Canadian Infantry Brig | ade aeross the Rhine and through | Northern Holland KOREAN COMMANDER He served in North Africa prior Hal Lg AM fr THIS EEK AT- 5 EEEEEENEENENS the post of operations officer at | WwW hen quarters of the 1st Canadien [ . ' Corps In Britain, ere s F u |" However, it wes in Kores, he wl ' said in an interview, that he had - the most interesting experen of his military career, He wa * Stylish, fine quality, 3-pe. bed. o-! ander of Copnadign (roops shrusey, 1953, until July room suite as pictured below, of a second SAGE is essential fo . . "as the Bomare, But it will " SMOOTH TOP innerspring also enahle the fighter controller to give 8 manned interceptor a mattress course by voice in a very few | seconds, i |? The Voodoo is equipped with ® Sturdy steel bedspring equipment known as data Tink ich enables SAGY, to transmit jh A rH a pilot without the need a Two boudoir lamps complete for a human intermediars fi The main reason for Bomare with shades. would he to handle a saturation raid coming in at one point--that is, a phalanx of hombers. To do [J Two foam pillows this, the Bomare would require COMPLETE 10-PC a nuclear warhead . PY with SAGE, the radar system § ® FREE BONUS! Orlon and vis- cannot he overwhelmed, With in terceptors and nuclear-tipped Bo cose blanket BEDROO caleulated that the mares, it 1s ' ORAL TET I y defence system itself could not ; A BOMARC SUCCESSFULLY TEST-FIRED be overwhelmed, though some an rpr-- "i bombers would be almost hound | " 4 i § i to get through, Fven at target t : | i § » sites in the UBS, especially 1Ir & ence ground the bomber bases, are short-range anti-aiveraft missiles such as the Nike-Hercules Perfect Soon [ie . les Sv ol Cr' : It is unlikely that the alr de ' fia X HT 4 fence syste an he jammed. SHS a. A nl i / pb 8 i ORLON & adi tem can mined " bi . VISIT | p heref By DAVE McINTOSH (that by late 1962, with deployment! B1t means wherehy 4 ming would he prevented are so § 7 i ah " Canadian Press Staff Writer [of the Bomarce-B thee out the tol that a very fow Pate. dh | ; ht ) by " mW OTTAWA (CP)--By late 1062, system, there will he enough _oo™ 00 ™ qafence headquarters i. Y id wo . y hE . we the North American air defence weapons to hack up the radar poo shout them or are given j ] ey ii oe system against the manned complex secess to the information " wt a : bi: bomber will be about as perfect] At the moment, the RCAF still This, and not radar, intercep: / 7! err ¢ 4 | TONIGHT Lo as human ingenuity and re: does not know definitely whether tor or Bomare sites and bases, J (017), pr 4 oa g 4 Wo 5 i gources can make it it will get the American Voodoo is the most sensitive area of al 0.i 4 / gi : | It won't be foolproof, of course, interceptor to replace the anci- defence, No secret is more clos: @ / fy PL io J Diss Far from it. Bul, experts say, ent CF-100 jet ely guarded here it will be effective enough tol 'he rating of the CF-100, now Ts defence against the manned b x . ! make the Soviets think not once 19 years old, is so low that the pomber obsolete? » 0 A hh da ail i | 8 ry Bhyy hc 1 or twice hut several times about| government has sald it will bel Certainly not, the experts say.| 4 ba ' ; making any premeditated faken out of service in 1062 it 'never will he until it is certain} bomber attack on this eontinent.| Phe RCAW has the responsibil: that any potential enemy has ' : bi a By late 1962, the two Bomare| ity for defending the Lakehead: gserapped all his homber Na __ i " a a i do pntaioral Missile, Dases near| Windsor-Quehee City triangle There Is no present defence . 2 North Bay, Ont, and La Macaza, | that portion of Canada which juts system against the intercontinen Que,, will he ready for operatlon|iike an arrowhead deep Into the! tal hallistle missile nor Is an ade. i u 8 an ing a ue in e ver- opu ar ang wil dave be Bomares onl United States quate one in sight, 'But even if 1e launching pads | er udden selentific The SAGE (semi . automatic) MATTER OF SECONDS breakthrough in this fiend, J 3 | | 4 Fi H H i h f T ground environment) unit to con-| If the Voodoo is nol obtained felt that the present alr defence a nu mis e [1] e wi a er a ops trol Bomare flights and intercep-|to cover this area along with the cuciem would he required as long tions will be Installed at North|two Bomarc squadrons, at least gs hombers continued in the in three U.S, Air Force intercept mherd 6 he J Bay a rons He Pore Merceptor ye ntory of BY pale ph fl at ke Good-looking, well-made, you'll have no doubts about this 10-PC, OUTFIT POWERFUL RADAR Consequently, it is impossible in Canada hi . | I J hn J : i { w long the defence sys exceptional value when you see it. Just as pictured in wal New radar equipment much| With the improved radar to tell how | ' y P COV in a 7 iy ore pave hl than the original vage, the defenders would hope! om hifainat the manhod bomber nut er natural finish, smoothly rounded waterfall tops == as already been Installed In theito engage any enemy north of the : 4 iat alga and it's not skim: W's full size all the way throuch and 34 Pinetree radar stations in Can. heavily-popilated oY continue to be further developed py, L ¢ e y ol Can-|, " and refined Y : ste : ada ada--and far enough north sol: includes dresser tc give you @ complete bedroom grouping Seven new heavy radars to[that a homber could not launch| PLUS your FREE Orlen end Viscose blanket, Exceptional cover the Prairie gap and (olan air-to-ground missile at { [0 f an air-to-g illo a tar Q f strengthen the network far north| get such as Montreal or Toronto How Your Mind | Yass) Yon vam Lanett of Montreal and Toronto will be] With increased flying speeds installed, Contracts for two of available hoth to the aliackers (an Keep You Well these bases have heen let |and defenders, time has become Some 45 gap-filler radars to de compressed until every second is. Are you among the 50% of all * Gholoe of Four tect low-lying bombers are he. | i t th liseane you Thi L D bi D « rail Ra Delightful fin installed now si precio - the cardinal reason for pation] oN 4 Most iam a eme-- & arge ou [] resser . Kiss I'h In short, there will be blanket| SAGE which is, basic ally, a high. agree that much physical illness control radar coverage across d e , § Of i by ti atient's ! S$ it h Pl k St I T d i wp Ts wi Finishes in aad fae aeross| power 1 eomputer | is caused DY hep oi HAM ! u e as an yle ops an : " 3)! depth, Control radar means the AUTOMATIC PLOTTING valuable guide-to-living in radar that tracks ineoming hamb-| In Canada, the control rad November Reader's Digest p ; é 6 bl T i P IB k ham Beh : thi Larg ers and uides the tnerceptorye St manuilly onorated. This] 1t eould dave you. years of su | : ables, . Twin Panel Bookcase |" | 8 Large manned or unmanned--to them, Means that it takes a human| fering, thousands of wasted A RTIRING eight or nine minutes to plot a! dellars! Get your copy of V B d L Ch i Fe I wae! 1 i »» p RETIRING CF100 ourse for an interceptor Reader's Digest today 18 Sy ; ] "os arge 8s & s Radar, of course, is only a pa SAGE will handle this process, articles of lasting interest and a | V ive weapon, But the experts feel automatically in only a fraction long hook condensation, | ho) : gf ri Zo -RING-UR= [10 SLOWER F000 | Ps "GERERLT-MEAT-MARKET" | fill seid. 95 73 CELINA ST. OSHAWA (behind General P.0,) RA 8.3911 Sn 1 = MORTADELLA i. Ib. 3% i | 8 4 > FR ai POLISH KOBASA ... . Ib, 79¢ 4 Tay oH oA) ot \B. nidetr LEBERWURST coo Ib, 49 & yJ 3a) : KRAKOWSKA Ib, 90¢ | ' Ls ¥ 3 rut You can choose from walnut, seamist or mocha mahogany or smart ebony and ig, BAY 4 Bh A oe \ \ white in this good-looking suite. Styled just as pictured with roomy double dresser, PEPPERONI Ib, 75¢ a 5 5 Ey : ¢ LW bar bad and chest. An outstanding value from our regular line ot 8 dollavsaving p AE ! A | i | 8 A price for a complete room grouping, You get all the group extras a handsome Liver & Blood HURKA Ib, 3% he : 1% arlon and viscose blanket FREE. See it now at Rutherford's, SIRLOIN, T-BONE, ROUND ih OUTFIT * | OPEN FRIDAY NM Th 3 700 i Pl Features that leak, could and should cost much more. Here 1s i a practical, roomy suite with many extras = yet offered at 1 . g a money-saving price during this great sale of gomplete beds | room groups. Includes \aige double dresser with expensive n mirror; full size bed with twin panel bookcase headboard; SPECIAL | roomy, good-size chest. Includes all the extras for a cdmplete FREE! ) BUDGET bedicom grouping. Orlon and Viscose Blanket FREE! PORK hy TERMS 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. in OSHAWA RA 5.6559 A CALL TO THE STORE BRINGS A CAR TO YOUR DOOR