IME USMAWA TIMES, 20 SPORT OUTDOORS WE bith) IIE BLING phil AOTITASE I lh 5 4 iF vio 0 HITE pf A id Hie Deh pl FOR é {ih SHO AH Hp OF 41 18 Pr Ereiikh A TR TRENG PATE Calgary IBursaey, Movemesr » RL By Jack Sords a (7 ls 4 BOT REO, £5 ARE THE wha Siw in np ' HEE (AIH 9 AY T RANGE ARE WE ORDER, Stable Plate Winner? By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Staff Writer A horse bred in Western Can ada never has won the classic Queen's Plate, but "with a little luck it car done says Lou Davies of Edmonton, who has heen In the racing game nearly #0 of his 80 years In Toront he other day I receive a plague from the Jock Beneftl Association to mark election hy the jockeys men of the year aid in an interview that most likely to turn (he Bell of Calgary stablished a new in Alberta and it takes time of the Ar the AVE nis racing as Davie the mai el Ma Ma has # stable at Okotoks e contd do | aid the hut eneral manager Racing Canada 0 ire other breeders on ready for the season open ng Calgary in May, That doesn't give them muen time io condition their horse for the Plate running Yoronto in mid June The century-old limited -only and Ontario-bred until 1944 when i for horses hred anywhere country, It is a $50,000 takes al 1% miles The West has lengers East but the do was lake | econd Lord Valrmond, owned bred hy the late R, James Bpeers of Wimipeg, won place money hehind Last Mark, owned hy the lim Pair of Cains ville, Ont,, In 1948 Two ye later another bpeers hred horse, Bir Birome, was sec Nv sk n "la Ontario-owned three-year-old opened up in the added $i 0 Was sent many chal hest it could Vo) and (Jim) iale ai Many Children Enter / CYO Hockey Leagues ow Bei seam slats bow Oshaws Chil Bundsy eve boys from #18 are CYO Begins wh A oN ROC ey he CYO ot the dren's Arenas hie wing. The Atoms will stort at 5:90 to bring thelr equipment The Atom teams are as follows Canadien: Conch, Hugh hy, BA 5-397; Tony Flontek Randy Dittmar, Len MeAvoy fumes Dionne, Pal Floniek stephen Sheridan, Michasd Per John Vandermeer Lanbourne, Wayne Lather Bchneider, Péter chk 'and John Gallagher foals Conch, Doug Brysm IRA 52475; Allan Boland, Jim (Clancy, Greg Bryant, Bruce Har {per Ken Blowin, Paul James iNeil rBockman, Eugenes Balfour Wayne Bryam, Paul Harper {Roger Blowin, Dan Baltoyr, John Bathe and Wayne Mclaughlin Bruins Copch, Henry Mon aghan. BA 37840. Greg Price Don Pleard, Don Murdock, John Horaheik, Richard Mette, Gordon Moore, Anthony Goepirich, Philip Dillon, Michael Boyle, dim Mo ett Frank Mel arthy Crag Soamenrtne, Richard and Jan Prammowsk) Black Hawks {Riordan, RA 51806, James Me {Askill, Larry Birkett, Kay Brise hols, Paul Noonan, John Riorden | Bernard Lacroly Br Brisn Healey, Robert Voddin Rongld Black, Ed and John Kwas and Allan Taylor All players (Cros pee Witehell Welny Coseh, Jon Mike sehiois mewskl 200 MEN WANTED! | Mark' Hed Wings Coneh, Bob Bo movie, RA 52168; Pat BNormoyle Bill Yaneh, Jim Yanch, Dan Begttie, Larry Wry, John Biv dek, Joe ludehskr, Greg Duquette Doug Kirkby, Derek Ballick, John Bradley, Michael Normoyle, Paw Bradley snd Brian Delves Rangers -- Brian Pritz, David Mosier Fem Mosier Yervy O'Reilly, Jim Brooks, John Weld mark, Jom Cannon John hieholls, Gary MeCormick, David Belch, Billy Branch, Larry Pear son and Tim Monaghan Sunday, Nov. # BW, Brum: Red Wings: 6:10, Rangers vs Canadiens and 6:50, Leafs v Black Hawks Immediniely (lowing Aloms, the Bantams and he Minor Midgets, boys from 13-15 ake lo the jee. These boys are requested to he at the Arena al 7:00 sharp: Robert Schneider Daryl Leach, Peter Kaplan, Jim Wilkinson, Tim O'Neill, Gerry furkey, Ron Cullen, Don Flintof $i Ml Tim Dittmar, Band lenard, Donald Wood. John Ka) kovie, Mleve Blephini Walle Mazur, Diule Gallant, Jim Roesch Bill Taylor, Dave Keenan, Brign brad Gerorge Ketiela Jim Davis, Barry Couture y achon Las Galley doh Mowat, Ed Dawe, Charles Brem er, Brendan Calder, Jim Smit) Pat Drumm, Chuck Brisehol Frank Conlin, Michael Mothersill Johm Neate, Robert Pierre Jack Ll Frennein Hitler and blichas Hon Terry Ward Loyd Cullen Michael Jarret) The Midgets and wis, boys from 1547 hold thelr practice on Sunday evening from 5.0 to 9:59. These ws Rare asked to he present Pal Jubenville, Wayne Dittmar Kon Burnett, Charles Love, John Plews. Barry Leach, Dave John sion, Daniel Smith, Mike Mur doch, Mike Riuehie and Ferry Cunsingham The Minor Juve will #lso Peewee 1eain witl hold heir first praciice Sov, B starting four o'clock The Minor Bantams will hold eir first practice on Saturday Sov, 12 at 6:80, All boys playing CYO please nie the new changes in the pge groups Sunday, Nov. # 7:80, Bun tams and Minor Midgels and 8:30 Midgeis and Minor Juveniles REMEMBER WHEN? , . By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ne hetier known Was Nearing hokey Canadiens on al Lalonde @ lacrosse siar end of his grea with Montreal he was iraded lo Basks the old Western Canada league ago to Canadien Aurel Kehange Wh outstanding In halt-century in 1950 Ws Fl the reer when toon of hockey fa) Ado iat chosen Canada player of Ihe ss poll Ci yes gettin In & New Cron in a Canadian Pre | BOWLING NEWS WEMORESGUE BLIND LEAGUE High bowler lor live week Lovest (178, 28) (78, 19) B25; BI Meeks (i Mary Laseh (95, ®) 85; Ade Bonoweh (78, 16%) 5 Frade W (95, 85) 182; Bove Wakely (9, Wi) with bandicap, Yers Biliosk (91, 199; Bone iachinks (88, 9) Clarn Buddard (55. MW) Wie tn thank our ronches snd se ld WICREL PLATE LEAGUE pots, Itiowss closely by the matics, Tonkers snd Siiners with Beat come the Polishers Fs 2, far behing Misses The Gyros hend the league with 14 Aun Cmte Wh: Pai Mol onneti is Wilk Lod wi) id i». We wold HE 7 ond Only toe trigies over "oo tis wank Bittner B48 and V. Williamson £7 Hah 6 Games yer IW ai 4. Smith 1% Metiithivney i Guise 295, | 1. Forestall 211 Aepemith Wi, 6. Mathes 81, W Wi end J. Calton 0 No Lemon Lesguers TOWN AND COUNIRY LADIES LEAVE . Wigh Triples 4 Milne 547 (228), B White 515 and M. Bannon High Singles = T. Patterson 99, Price 206 snd B. Yuill 2% lemon |asgie MM. Pree ®, Abramott 9%, 93 M. Goodwin #4, Crug 9, 67, 4. Collins #8, | Hw Tuesday, . Iegore Mi} Wilem os a wh, ys # he ah # " i Welsh 4 0, Fisher #8, B. Dunn 88, D, Omend #5, B. Yuli #85, A. Ashby #5, 8. Le) #4, 1, Brysnt #3, 6. Slovell #9, Ti Mountjoy 78 and BR. Preston 78 Feam Blandings Maonmanes Diamonds 17, Bapphires 16, Pearls Opils 16, Emeraids 11, Rubies § Bloodmones 1 MOTOR CITY SPECIALS Laundromptes took tour points | Freezers. Covlers ook these from Hangsites Jeh Triple "wh Inmis De Long Amie Florence Ru: and Hazel Weddup Ws, ¥ Muller High ws, ia High mingle Vrupees Behonesy 2%, Marion Wilson 2 I elles howl 2% hire Slohads W0, lash FO Re « 1h, Copley 4 and Vreesers 2 To Take Advantage Of DUNN'S SPECIAL CHRISTMAS M is LJ ond om Lid soelh wv Mar elle H Kap ~ ply tempered | lades, "SAMSON" DELUXE OUTFIT » designed for player on the way wp! Speed, balance, protection Buiktein arch ounter, A Features the balance and strength comfort . Just the outhit for today's and tomorrow's stars! Muscle - straining stops, sudden manosuvers performed "so easily on these professions) - style skates ndably, ton! Host of exceptions! features, including: Mae- Kay welt leather soles: Chrome plated tube skates, copper riveted tn heels; Steel shank, Spring heel, A joy tn skate on, whether for league action or pl ure, season after season, SIZES 57012 of higher priced ouffits! By far the hest nutfit combining attractiveness and quality workmanship that we've seen at so low a price! Check the Wignlights they're usually avail. prim only in more expensive outfits [= ---------- MASTERCRAFT "EXTRA-SPECIAL" HOCKEY on lining padded tongue, Are moured toe caps, built-in tens don guards, Boots rive ted in speedy "Bi Lawrence' tuhe skates, Bizes 5:12, Worth $16.00 MEN'S "DAOUST-LALONDE" 95 hol ~ & ton HOCKEY OUTFIT- 14-3 "C0, Warth $18.00 top buy for the "semi-pro'! Black grain leather hoot with rose . stitch od leather lining; Built-in tendon guards; Leather soles; Large padded fongue; Contrast ing red leather trim, Riveted to excellent quality tube skates with spec ially hardened blades J ond McGill, owned hy Vince Sheridan of Toronto. Bince then no western horse has finished in maones fo to the win get that could Plas a matier of ane Purses in On are nigher than those in the i this Ineentive 0 into the hreeding givies Lying UIT SALE Men! Here's your chance to outtit yourself for Christmas and New Year's at no immediate cost to you, Just imagine with the purchase of o new Suit you take your pick of either a Sport Coat or Car Coat abso: lutely FREE! These Suits are all luxurious fabrics tailored of Rich wool worsteds ranging from plains te muted self-patterns and Glen Checks, All are expertly tailored with the skill and craftmanship that has made DUNN'S Suits known and admired from coast-to-coast, Come and take your choice of slim line two. and three-button single - breasted models in sizes 35 to 52 for Regular, Short, Tall and Stout Builds. Don't miss out on this offer! Only 69.50 tired Fis ihe Dut its he Davies had one parting shot on ibject of night racing I'm i" The reall this sport yomen, bright I "wh noney the LL) things are un don't agains ean that make extensive on nore I roomed fast night ime, money tall On A couple of centuries old a fairly horse stuff," ind breeding in ant that new game DOWN Atend ATTENDANCE WCOUVER (CP British Columbia Lion Wiry game here fell shightl season, Total attendance al and two exhibition games 266, 947 with 261 15 Daoist « Lalonde Fine, full-grain black leather uppers, tan VA CLIMATY By Ane frp hieedor Queen Hmate IN OBSTACLY facing west In their search for this uineas is the cold leas Ow and breed heck of a Lime getting 244 ance al he ohstacl he 1 Ownes Wit compared SAVE UP TO 39.50 - FULL SELECTION OF PATTERNS AND COLORS LINO TILE Reg. 11¢ ¢ EACH [o ling tion of [ i colors. Buy this week and save x 9 only SPORT COAT In tine all wool English and Canadian Tweeds, Cheviots and Worsteds tailored for DUNN'S, All two- or three-buttoned styles with patch pockets and centre vent, some with side vents, These come in colors of Brown, Tan, Grey and Navy, Sizes 36 to 48, In regular, short and tall fittings, COME AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE FREE WITH EVERY SUIT PURCHASE, OR You May Choose This . CAR COAT "Dan River polished heavy corded Car Coats, Lightweight fabric that is both shower phi, Bh and wind resistant, Cleans well, Easy flitting with heavy Orlon lining. Two large slash pockets, side vents with top closure, Colors of Beige, Amatonh ond Grey, Sizes 34 to 48, FREE WITH EVERY SUIT PURCHASE, 13.14 EUR HARE PRO-STYLED EQUIPMENT .. 'on FOR LEAGUE ACTION R-"Super" Shin and Knee Ne"Pro.Style" Elhow Pad Pad All plastic, Thick felt Leather covered molded soverage to thigh, ealf. 2 fihre eap extra leather covered rolls Pair helow knee cap ful EHelmet 22%", Pair w thick felt 1) Pro Shin and Knee Pad--All plastic, Thick felt coverage F--Mastereraft Youths at thigh, calf. Leather cover. Shoulder, Collarbone Pad ed roll below the Lined with thick felt, Laced knee, 10" overall, Pair front, back, 12.16 years C=Pro-Style Hockey Pants Pro-Style Shoulder Red or blue with white Flexible, Quilted und: stripe sturdy cotton drill; at shoulder, arm Quilted hip, thigh padding Usually 04 y 4.95 Fihre thigh protectors, Laced Li OG Hoekey<Sticks Made \ 2. \ hg 2-44" want 5.50 fram selected clear . grained Simi hardwood. Available in 81" Boys' Hockey Pants lar to above. 26-368" waist 398 poi A room 9 ARMSTRONG EXCELON VINYL TILE Reg. 16¢ 14. EACH duced for "BUY OF THE WEEK", Reg I A mom 9 x 9 only 20. 16 ONE WEEK ONLY... ORDER NOW! Beatifully Prefinished RECREATION ROOM ony piywood | "HOW-TO-DOAIT" "w" Mahogany Plywood re 0 E06 | MANUAL KITS . ' "| FREE for the Asking Panel SHEATHING Fir Plywood 3.59 Per 4 x 8 1.95 A--Masteroraft Adults' Hoo key Glove Solid cowhide in standard eream and tan 3 rolls on back, extra roll at hinged fibre thumb. 18" overall, Pair 6.96 Mastereraft Youths' Glove Tan and yellow, 3 extra rolls on back, 2 fibre pro tected thumb rolls, Molded fibre cuff, Solid leather palm, 12", For 10-18 years, Pair 5.76 Adults' Hockey Glove Bei ge and tan, 4 rolls on back. M olded, hinged fibre thumb with extra voll at joint. Molded fibre cuff All cowhide Warth $10. 14", Pair 1.98 ' Leather eovered Al the plant \ Tay ind metallic lar st ] Pad fihre Mastercraft 53" lengths, all lies. Priced om 39 fo 1. REG, 8.95 Down Payment Necessary! Natural Random V.Grooved 3/16" Mahogany Ply wood, Per 4 45 . 4' x §' Panel REG. 5.43 Interior Slab MAHOGANY DOORS 4 95 EACH slight detects GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP SERVICE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT T0 9 PM, Easy Budge! Terms NO DOWN PAYMENT sheet REG With any Wood Combination Door (any size) FREE Only very LOCK SET AND 3 HINGES DEPENDABLE Quality and Service BEAVER LUMBER MO 8.5818 ASSOCIATE STORE Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. 417 DUNDAS EAST 115 SIMCOE ST, §., OSHAWA DIAL RA 8.4272