(emer, Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3- 3474 8 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 2, 1960 i Mr. And Mrs. Howard Felt, Barrie Honored On 50th Anniversary A social event of interest wis also 8 member of the Scottish Oshawa took place in Barrie on Rite 43rd degree with honorary Saturday when Mr, and Mrs. A. membership in the Supreme Howard Felt of Kempentelt drive Council of Canada, AF and AM celebrated their golden wedding Mrs. Felt has been a member | anniversary, Mrs, Felt is the for-lol the Collier Street United mer Aleda Eagleton of Toronto Church Woman's Missionary So and Mr, Felt is the son of the ciety and Woman's Association late Mr, and Mrs, E, O. Felt of for many years and has held Oshawa, His sister, Mrs, E, A, executive positions in both Lovell, Oshawa, who was one of groups, Mr, Felt Is an elder of the bridesmaids, received with the church, the couple During the war, Mrs. Felt was Mr, and Mrs, Felt have spel in charge of the church's Red their married life in Barrie where Cross Sewing Group. as well as Mr. Feit operated a Jewellery working with the Active Service store for many years until Wis canteen, The couple entertained: bp appointment as secretary" Areas: many servicemen in their home, ef of the Barrie School Board, He. My and Mrs, Felt have ome ; was business administrator and! daughter, Mrs, Thomas W, Evans secretaryAreasurer of the Barrie! (Muriel) of Toronto. Their son R MARKS ANNIVERSARY Distriet Collegiate Board unt i Donald, a pilot attached to the WITH A BIRTHDAY BALL GOLDEN JUBILEE CHAPTE his retirement a year ago the Btn Squadton, BAY, was killed s a charter member of "in action July 2 v 4 / wmual social event the | had as her capable assistants ton, and Mr, Houghton fhe and Mrs, Robert Dewland, Mr pile Er , Club and ha ; Miss i 8 Ki nzie greeted gL Vii ? uw Au (0th Birthday Ball of the Gold Mrs, Walter Famme, Mrs, R, | greeted many of the guests, Thé | A vy walker and Mr, R, J heen secretary for 25 years; Post guests at the door, Pouring tes SHARON AGED TWO en Jubilee Chapter IODE, was | L, § yer, Mrs, Roy Irwin, | hall was tastefully decorated in Gil Dr. W. D. Warren and Master of the Corinthian Masonic were Mrs, W, C, Walls and M ; 7 held on ¥riday at the Airport | Mrs, Donald Brown, Mrs. Gor- | red, white and blue with the ad Mrs. John Borrowdale, Mr. and Lodge, 20 years as secretary. Hel, 8 Clarke while Mrs, Arthur Recreation Hall, The outstand- = don Lofthouse, Mrs, Allan Ban- | dition of foil "'diamonds i LY | J. B. 1 McKenzie, Mrs, C. M. Norri Posin happily Jor hes pie and Mrs, James W. Camphell Peg 2 old & My / 4 4g ate the Diamond Ju r 5 Oppings are seen " fo ovell & fop LUTE Sharon Goldie, daughter nsinglor Prince Ed ws ng music of Frank Bogart and | field and Mrs, W, L, § reeborn comme Murat Dian ug IS ie TDiNGS die So os and contests. Square dom Mrs, Stanle y 1 well, Mrs. Peler 4 wht Pho silo ig | Kensington, Prince Edward his Granite Club Orchestra did The Honorable Michael Stary bilee of 10DE in Canada i § An Sinclair and Mrs, Oliver Cameron y y ! dig Island, and great - granddaugh Ine I HOE " n each Edward Bind and Mr John ne followed Sharon is two much to make it 8 most enjoy ind Mrs, Starr graciously acted = esses pinned a rose o h 1 bins acted as hostesses / } p ble o on we : Vrs 4 Fd vard as patrons and together with | lady as she entered the dance Hou n, regent 4 A short business meeting Mrs, T. W. Evans, Willowdale £ is the grand. | ter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex he A and Mrs, Clar Clarke, Castleton, Ontario held a dinner party at her home 1 py J 0 § ( yughe ps We ( hy Mr, Oshawa Times Phot jucted by the presidents Mr Bind _convend the dave sud | te segent, Mus. Join Bough [H00, prives wows won» Po Sone Mrs Joseph Coles, The min 5 : ence Ellie Oshawa, and Mr Photo by Ireland were read hy Mrs, Gordon for. her parents at the weekend 2 ™ A Utes Among the guests were My ' " 9 r ! Del-Mar Group R b k h Lod e No 3 Doubles Club Rao. TH ps aide it eso Mrs Felt's uncle and aunt, Mr, and HOUSEHOLD HINT treated with a combustible clean Sess REES e e a g ' 'H 11 4 P guest ns Mr, and Mrs, Mrs, T. V, James of Toronto Never place a garment just ing agent in an automatic dryer, : i ad Bridge, Hat Show ' aliowe en arty . and Mrs Ross -- The members of Bt. Mark's An- Backus and Mr. and Mrs, Allin Successful Event Holds Installation Ceremony alow Church Dovoies Crs met| Beko Fred Mack, Mr )e ; Saturday evening, October 30, in| Plans were made to hold I Chrysanthemums were the sel: Sister Ann Holt presided at the Muriel Button; color bearer, Sis) gp Par 1 Hall Tor 4 Hallowe'en icemter meeting in the form of a 4 1919 ng Centennial Hall on Tues: regula meetin of Rebekah ter argaret Lockie pi The hall was decorated) turkey dinner, Tickets for the a ST iay night for the bridge and hat|lLodge No. 3 ter Viola Keeler! Right support of Noble Grand; ly pumpkins and black cats and' nual dance to be held at the Osh how ch vas sponsored bya ting a ice grand Sister Mary Dyer; Le A IPPOTL] 1 ghost itches" pirates, cow- awa Airport in January are now he Del-mar group of King Street The minute vere read also|Sister Evelyn Twiddy; Right dup, ho ind Hato and others available from members ] United Church [cards of thanks by Sister Nelda|port vice grand, Sister Fea rliobo i in the err atmosphere] The meeting was closed with 1960 The evening was opened by the Thompson, The sick report was Peacock; Left Support BISLEY | 0" ohostly music, Prizes for the prayer by the Reverend A, Wool president, Mi Donald Cooper [8 ven hy t ice grand Vera Wirsching Inside ard hest costumes were awarded tol cock | Mr Jack Plerson was the con A guard of honor was formed Sister Hilda Packard Outside Mrs Donald McGlashan and Refreshments were served hd ener and her committee were: | and the assembly officers were in- guard, Sister Mary Yost the Reverend A. Wooleoek Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Rae r vi Walter Morgan, Mrs, Wil-| troduced and welcomed Approximately 125 members| po oening's' activities wereland Mrs. Kenneth Kerslake and liam Johnston, Mrs, Donna Pas Sister Mary Dver introduced and guests assembled for the under the direction of Mr, and|Mrs, Joseph Coles 1d coe, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. (Sister Edna Jr. DD and her in-|evening Mrs, Arthur Winter and featured! The next meeting will be held Erie Booth, Mrs, Jack Thalen, | stalling staff from Port Hope, Sis Refreshments were served in November 26 in the Parish Hall. | Vit Barbara Lavietoire, Mrs. !ter Flossie Ball introduced Sister the banquet hall by Sister Annie Stacey Arkse Assembly Grand War-|Shorten and her committee hite and black candles were ln, MeDougall display: |den, Sister May Bunker introduc placed on either alle of the tow YOU CAN BEGIN Vi ( by king varlety of hats| ed Sister Gladys Stoneburg, DD of I Tea wa poured by: ere modelled by Mrs. (No, 7 Sunshine Lodge PERSONALS Arnold Schell, Mrs, Frank Gaz CAREER TRA ne Nov. 3rd to Nov. 12th Perk vp m ized tites with the fomous sunnysweet Rover of Blue Bonnet, Coneda's favorite margarine. So deliciovs # mokes just chow! every: thing toste better. Good for growth, 100, becouse W's gll vegetable. Buy i in the handy Yellow Quik package Blue Bonnet MARGARINE was Baxter Mrs, Douglas le Mrs, Harold Pascoe and Mrs r, Mrs. Douglas Coop 5 Douglas Wilson, The refreshments Mi p wl Hermansen, Mrs, | Tea birthday parties, wed- wore sopved hy the executive of THE 9 i Pierson and Mrs. Donna' vel ding anniversarie coming and ihe Home and School Association, Oshawa TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Another year == another ANNIVERSARY SALE = ond another yeor of serving the citizens The new off of guests and your owh Mps Robert Barr, Mrs, John | of Oshawa, "Quality merchandise ot Popular Prices" os during the first year of Word's business, end each and every hmenis were served by a ad goner in J Ro, vice wliday . plans are a nays of in Richardson, Mrs, Lloyd Gardiner Business College year since, We wish to thank oll of our ¢ s for their tid ond p ge, which we will slways strive gra ister Lol bh 1 (6 y this colt te, tele cor rio 8 i i i d by: Mrs. 1. |, cording secretary, Sister Nelda Ton : . i it bg i y ep "0 5 "hoy ow Hod 5 " | Il year and our method te merit and deserve, Our anniversary Sole is one party and we have tried to make this ene en enniversery te be ¢ won by rs : A phone or v 0Cial aeps mn Benson ! Horne Seeley en 0 b : 1] ", Cook, Mrs, | Thompson nancial Secretary, | ont with your item of news for A Mrs. Frank Frankfurter 4 u dividual instruction permits bered by our 5, We have marked mony items ot substantial savings te you end have mede money Mrs, J, G. Porter, Sister Goala Couch: treasurer,| iio, there is no charge. Tele you to start at pny time, "special" purchases which we think you will appreciate, We have also quite o few gifts to give away, This is your ils, M ot | Sister Lena Harper; warden, Sis 8.9474 | ' Mn A harks due Mis. Alben tar Eva Totter, condoeia: Sis. Pho RA 38 Quick Hel 8 DAY-SCHOOL invitation to come slong and visit ws agein on our 41st enniversary, J Kenneth Mat COURSES FROM ; Harold Bennett, Mrs, D, A, ler Alleen Barton; Chaplain, 8is-| The Reverend Campbell, Mrs, John J, Fox. Migs/ ter Ann Cooke; musician, Sister thews wil ope h the Tao's Io 2 be for Baby' S | WHICH TO CHOOSE | b i Ii tr a ¥ Mi Be er a . Muriel Glover Miss Margaret eld this week a Ake's © y I | A J Y f tt ty Jackson, Mrs, G. Attersley Mrs, Harry Gibbard, Mrs, Frank byterian Church, Rosslan i road EVENING CLASSES i | J : bf { i ! Mi Bert Bicknell, M Roy | Hoag, Mrs. Leo Gloy Mrs, Wal. west, under the auspices of, the | iy Hd A f . pus, Ber Lokne 3 I t, Roy| Hoag, Mrs. 00 Glove LY r Mrs. | Ladies' Guild p unmy 3 pse S TUESDAY and ; ECE : At a very special price , , . 10 lovely patterns end a big choice of My A. J, Lintner, Mrs. Willlam Car Bradley Mrs Gregory n't ose fr P lide tummy THURSDAY t 5 N color combinations and ground colors , , , Each curtain is cares § sy Carkeek enter Melee M Ross Glover,| O'Regan Mi stanley La ? i fully lined with f omes complet th all neces > * ¢ Upsets worry y suse baby 10 hecome { Fy ully lined wi Ine sateen and comes complete wi 16ces tained at a tea for her mother h le RE SHUM as] Agi fe 7:00 T0 9:00 PM H 1% od ¥ ve ' i 1 j it § hooks , , . and 'FREE' track goes with each pair too , {Mrs, Sidney Turpin, Richmond dependable relief from common digestiv BJECTS [ "4 ut ary 9 4 p H fpentive CHOICE OF SU ¥ : i i i i 84" to 95" finished lengths Sister Ann Holt as presented with her past grand's collar and cers are: Noble! goin upsets resulting from need for a correcti ' : : | street east, on the occasion of her Sewing from ve, b i | 1 birthday, The tea table was! ®¢ Pabys Own lets, These little tablets L CLASSES FOR | : ; Club's Enthusiastic Response hn? Thi ve BTR nel] smc, cussts LITTER TH e REE (RS 16.98 1e gift of the mity Group' ao hy 6 " H ( nepesially helpul RKERS, | 8 y : : KE PAIR J Demands Full-Page Treatment [Vim uu' church of fh rit se si" ufiaf SIFY WORKERS, 10 pee TRAE vehi war ho ¥ windoms ch Mrs "urpin Is an active colicky, frerry and gassy. Clinically and time A : A 4 33 ap Because so many new or tations are the results of [me i Mrs, - Carkeck helped fesed, Haby's Own Tablew are th roughly Free Literature Available : py : PAIR SE . rustworthy, mild, gentle and sct promptly are taking part municipal growth -- new [her mother receive the many i Wink tly sikirine me Amol IMCOE ST N \ Reh El Triple width (for 12' windows) ent in their Home and School associa guests who called during the do or al ut Baby's Own Tablets, Get a . " yi : i : | : 4 bt | Package toca at your druggin I ---- tone ennnenken Hons because of the many afternoon, Mrs. J ph Broadbent 4 hy their activities, the y ! poured tea, and assisting in serv. ® NEw! Bay's own couon svar] DIAL RA 5.3375 \ new school eh have heen i made sspecially for babies. Soathir r ment of she it A i re 3 of nanagemen of The Osh buil ne church roups ing were Mr Robert Latham relieving... pleasant... won't up iwa Time has decided to tarted in the various new [and Mrs, Frank Singer, Jr the format of the ubdivisions, and so on "TRULON" CURTAIN PANELS Women's A welcoming tea was given hy Activities re As there are over 100 re The review will be ports ta brint fi . the Adelaide MeLaughlin Home " " " rags ip Shy ANNIVERSARY yr : Co ; nread over 4 ry: he annual and School. Association for the B t Ih ¥ y ¥ # One of today's marvels a fine net curtain that is overal issues edition and most the ® ks a dith J most of them run of the kindergarten i J - easy to wash because it is pre-shrunk and requires no page regular new from 500 to 1000 words, it |mothers . RAPERY TRACK é . Y complete with the needed runner reatment, to accom would have heen impractical pupils and mothers he Ww in the % Tr 4 9 d ] WP ' ironing; starching, or stretching lovely patterns of 1} he many new organ to cover all of this at one |8red, at the home Frank #8 8 * dy A brackets and end-stops with each pair of regnular ready-tos that ean be used throughout the house ) vhich wish to take printin Beginning Monday | Frankfurter Glencalrn avenue i 28 3 4 i hang Draperies or custom-made drapery order placed during and at a tremendous saving too, Each 1 this year Ocgober 1, and continuing | Mrs, Mortimer Brown, president, Fraltioliad I our ANNIVERSARY SALE . . , Buy your Draperies now and EE es 1960 over 100 organiza tha_ following Fridays and [received the guests at the door 3 d I a get your draw-rod FREE Pane' approx ms have sent in reports, | Mondays. look for the report and introduced them to the exec i on 4 ympared with 87 in 1950 and of your organization in the |WHVe I'he table was decorated ' ] #1.in 1088 regular issue of the Oshawa | With a bouquet of white and red 2 } 1 ; 4 Ro ene vow erga Chrysanthemums Und Wiha | Jie Price Factor earance black how representing the A Tl ak! LU . / school colors, Two polka-dotted| --- "Shetlantex" PULLOVERS Brushed Mohair CARDIGANS | e A -- . ; A avantity of hee K willovers. of de A group of better quality Cardigans cleared to = - 7 ANd HEY, MUM! ch ST W : i ON rey Allover, of Lohada s us for this sale , , long, sleek as a kitten's best known sweater brand, cleared to us for thi Top quality shoes sale Some 'subs' are included Al are fur, Mohair fashioned in Classic Cardigan style, tong Sleeve with classic ribbed neck ond waist ribbed collar and matching pearl buttons ris, HA . at almost unbelievably Bans. Caer Inside Brown. Colles: Gd. Sau) light factory ~ defects account * partly for' the \ r harcoc d White: Siz y low price . colors o ue, Green rown, low prices! a Charcoal and White: Sizes 36 to 40 ree tora Tots of Blue, Green, Brown, y Reg, 11.95 . RZ, ' . 16.95, Each 7 QO INCLUDES INCLUDES FREE PEARLS FREE PEARLS A dressy, but rugged mio axon The thal kien, [ior b ® 00. ® 3 shoe, with long-wearing Neolite soles, In black or walnut brown quality leathers, Sizes 8% to 4 4.98 [| & FREE! ¥ A lovely string of SIMULATED PEARLS with brilliant clasp 'FREE HewETson with purchase of any ladies' sweater or purse during our ANNI« VERSARY SALE, One to a customer, whilé quantity lasts You Can Get So Much More doth ors | | SUITINGS--COATING When You Shop | pr f A grand group of 'ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS'-- from ERT ] : \ lar stocks and some 'Special Buys' choose from ' SMALL DEPOSIT at KAYE'S ~ FLANNELS in All-Wool, Wool-Mohair and Wool-Fibrene iw WILL HOLD ; effects Gand sticction of colors and all in 56" « 57% width, ANY ARTICLE \ REGULAR TO 4, } : YARD (FREE 'DEAN' TAPE TO EACH CUSTOMER MAKING TILL XMAS FABRIC PURCHASE) A 60" 'Dean' Tapemeasure will be given to each customer make And Dozens of Other 'Specials' in $B ol chase durk wou At : : RE 4 feria yur oy ploy Su ® Children's Wear ® Linens and ® Corsetry OPEN A : . Birthday Gift to you while the @ Lingerie Towels ® Bedding BUDGET OR i | . COME DOWN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY WINDOWS AND COUNTER DISPLAYS CHARGE quantity lasts, TOR MANY OTHER "ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS", ACCOUNT NOW CORNER KING AND SIMCOE Jf TR i WARD'S SPORTSWEAR LADIES. WEAR RA 5-345 Kaye S 68 SIMCOE N. We feature footwear by At Athol St. RA 5-1161 : ® OPEN ALL DAY WED. ¢ HEWETSON Store Hours:--9 a.m. to § p.m.--Wed. bd a.m, to 12:30 Noon--Fri, 9 a.m. to 9pm. A a % i EE mol 2 A <