| - cr mp (Lady Curlers |" ms Wuimte, heb 360 3 WHITBY and DISTRICT Marion Wis 7 2 |onganie For Claims Restaurant Industry Wanrer: Lioyd Robertson 14 90. s70, New Season Should Talk Back To Public By CLIFF GORDON ICE CHIPS , , The Berests! mye ooneral meeting of the La £ ', Toronte Marlies - Weston Dukes fond the Warlies just a little too s Section of the W) Curl! . 3 NEW TOWN HALL IS.MAN 3 DREAM handed "the Whithy Hillcrests uch, and with Topping off his fie Liston ol Mis Jit 7 TORONTO (CP)--~A sales man: A. BR. Patrick, Alberta proving (their first set hack of the year TEBWar game it made I hati vos, Oy fons " with presi. Wer Tor a large Canadian food cial secretary, tod the panel his at the local arena last might i» welped off Lx WP WE dent, Mrs, Flo Lott, presiding fim says the time has come lor province had hailed uatavorsble 4 J ted we vy a 72M oe # spake Wy 18 anadia 5 seuss miei dame, 8 it Same ik Ee To St eal bos ihe Casati Festa date) CTiliom of lat rv by oe ; } Mar : a ; io ' tart ta Ca stitut) tineshi I nifting game with no less than |IN8 out the extent of Wis Iniry por" (oc ort at rertation for Sart talking back to the Ca- etituting apprenticeship training penalties handed owt, 27 minors, Phere were Oghts galorel gh. oqort which has heen put Median public, systems and certificating persons 10 majors and two miscondueis, | 1a%t wiht is the leerings were Atisere chub setivities and to outline! 1. F. Evans of the H, J. Heinz, workng in the industry The misconducts went to Tran) 8 mighty igh peak White the program for this year Company of Canada, Les) He ted that legishotion of Whithy and Cullimore of the| [Ne ERIE Wis GR THERE WETE SOME geports were read by the var: ton, Ont, told & panel at the an ! lows Ww ist have {might st to {winners lor deawing two majors i Hows ne i ust ha y [hough ints executive members, Special musi convention of the Camadion| | ih still he "ion prevent {in one game. The Hillerests were 0 toe | COMMENt Was inade on the grept-| Tourist Association today "every wrther expansion of "greasy { [somewhat off thelr game last WEIS G8 Ehey WETE REPRE BEM bo mproven facilities and decor. one has criticized the restaurant spoons" so safeguards will pa. {ight and gol only Fair goal tend. | BESET Mig Jn ol » sors ating both in the kitchen and the! industry," villel those placed on other out: ling as Topping appeared away WEEE TE Ballo tank aud they BEE, the results of eopcentrat-l Her sald there ore no com '#1 {off Wis game fanning on Bl least) Pons BRASH HEH BIE, BRE FEV eq effort on the part of the house' plaints from the average Cana. The Government must set 85 & four of the seven goals that heat| id not have the decency 10 WAVE! oon mite, dian when & train or plane is walehdog to see tourists were + he pe ne Ae Ron Udi) Bpecial events for the year | inte, but they dress down a wail-| taken care of rather than taken | Brien Bradley poced the win 2 A e Is he on #1 hue the Ladies' "District tank: ress in langunge "they would not In.' It showld try to provide Lners' attack with two goals with Hrany ; -" when i 2. jagars ard" in January, the annual dare to use on their own em- more atiractions snd better bigh | single JE umErs ng to di is Flyers wil Je. the vi ov Bridge and the Ladies' Bonspiel| ployees," ways Els, ike Gracie arm ew BA We LF +h Hike Ld Februsry i pa | a or teed Dok Toul oa |p in Yebriory and Me i 851 oo many people talked shout! Logis Pare, "general secretory Seored once IST PERIOD (whos paem ership will take 10. Amtinetive Canadian ewisine of 1 Quebec Winter Carnival For the Whithy team it was 1 Marlies: Bradiey, mw ative part in all phases of PERE served, but they were the seid other centres should try to Ted Napiorkowskl and Bob Tripp MeKnight B01 Cite aetivities to ensure & SAME ones who wanted roast develop similar attractions, Tt with one gon) each 2. Marlies; Bradley, Elis 13.311 00 ©. tll YORE. 4 beef for a hanguef, acted ns #8 trade stimulous when Tie Hillerests will travel to! Penaltie Meknight 1.40," -- [ " retall sales were at their lowest Newmarket tomorrow night to Flood 10.45, Sneddon 1312, Fuller ASKS CURBING Reial sales in the Quebee re. pia / 16.57, Napiorkowski 19.33, Moore A, Mackie, general manager' gion increased 44.4 per cent dur » R" play an exhibition game there 16.57 M t ] | of Canadian Pacific hotels in | ; : : o 98 Morrison 16 v ' ing th rm 4) and return here on Saturday) 19.45, Me be lg 044 i 0 orcyc 18 Montreal said unless unrestricted hast six Srtio period In he night for a game against fhe END PERIOD : development of motels and mo- + ---s LL {Niagara Falls Fiyers (formerly| 8, Marlies; Ellis, Flood 4) Fi d 0 tor hotels was not curbed they . Barrie Flyers) of the Jr. Al 4 Marlies; Gracis tree BAR ine n {would result in eut-throst com league, Last night's game @t-| 5 Marlies: Blewart, 3 tracted just over #0 fans and Harbaruk y ' { petition popn & SOUTER Lio | He sald he was not opposed to (i f i 4.9 the one here Saturday. Wght' 6 Whithy: Naplorkowsk es uor ount shot e thal re 7. Whithy: Tr Elliott motels, hut felt they should he should double tha 7] With op He : restricied to highways and sub PAINT and Spence, 2, of $ b WALLPAPER STORE There were two goals scored in ¥aplorkowsk i852 { Dou the first period, hoth by Marlies! Penaliles Tripp 1.8 Shear |g i Beech and 2 member off HV \ and hoth off the stick of Brad- er, minor and major: Pau i den Hawks motoreyels I regret to say 1 do not find 107 BYRON §7, 5, WHITBY wi He got ie first a om a and majo 2.5 3 Co lett, 4 A uesdtay fined $50 and the same Lourie y extended to MO ¥ 2 1 thigh deflected shot and the Kec. Bonhole, dm: Wes, © ) nonth, when he Visitors to Canada that is se ob {ond one came while the locals Fuller, 18.13; Held, major J i aiilty before Magistrate! vious in the country south of were short hapded major, a8; Badwel dd 8 Ehhs to a charge of illegal Ws," he sald YOUR The p § of | Fle ( | p | The bok als fuel sould Jo gel! Flood, 17 tn PERIOD consumption of Hguor He said Canadian hotels must e.1.L, Paint Dealer untracked and the Marlies ran i v Spence was picked up Batur- modernize their plants and train : the count to bh) hefore the locals) 8 Marlies: Fini AZ guy night in an OPP raid on a personnel--"a training program Painting & Decorating finally managed to dent the seore| §. Marlies: Paul, Reid 646 party being held near the is an absolute must." Contractors sheet. When the locals did elick! Penalties Harbaruek wks clubhouse in an East Whit wre' ip The: ta Eh . Gyotes, Paperhanging they got two and that was it; 5:2 Tran, minor, major and miseon Township mutomobile Brave: wer J & di NUSINesE ull 'Wall Murals at the end of the second duet, 2.88: Cullimore, minor and : € huing perse cited hy the The score did not look too had major, 2.48; Luke, 3.04; Middle Constable Erie Trowel ih J aay Act that Jorhids the land many of the fans felt that|ton, Westhrook, 545; Stewart.| . 1 when he and. other officers IE Souvenirs on Bunday |" perhaps the Hillerests might pull| 11.22; Middleton, 10,52; Westfall ed at the clubhouse, they : i oout of the five but no luck | 12.86; Middleton, major, 16.1010 iar e fire burning beside if AERIAL SHIFT The Marlies added two more as Cullimore, major and miscondug | Whe : police arrived on the secene,| TORONTO (CP)--Use of the WHITBY AUTO TRIM the penalty hox was the husiest| Kadwell, 16.56; Flood Na-| taged heer party |" . {Hu | 3 5 ann |B Eroup engaged in a heer party (Toronto Island airport by the |place in the rink | plorkowski, 18.83; Shearer, 18.221. ciicved into a nearby bush {Toronto Flying Club has been § IGFET ALLE HLTA The officers found two fulllaporoved hy the transport de- eases of heer and one part Case partment, The elub was forced | in the area, Bpence was found ing 0 its ai YOUR SLIP COVER CENTRE} ¥ Assessment Ap peal ln" fo mov, te aversion om i | COATT ll] J owell sa b " a wh d in FC Trowel sad, te | XP ARSI0n of airline facilities) | STOP SERVICE $50 fine was denied hy the magis-|"_"" | FREE ESTIMATES g8 Hears Two Witnesses |= | -- 1 Ga yo from 25 per cent to 30 per cent WHITBY Family Monuments An appeal by three municipal: counsel listening to his evidence ities against the equalized assess His evidence consisted of cover- of the replacement value of the ment of the County of Ontario) ing the county, municipality by properties was the assessment PERSONALS swung into its first day in Whit-| municipality, to explain why he figures | Createa To by on Tuesday with hints that the had added to, relieved, or left un The hearing continues again to . a Individual the three-man touched the local assessments of | day | Saturday dinner guests at the Requirements hearings helore ' | 9 , " court may last for four weeks, the municipalities to arrive at the home of Mr and Mrs Gorden | On Friday afternoon, the | bequeathed to the town $100, | shown in the lower photo, His Woror, G00 Groen slrenl. were | p " The appeal has been brought by equalized assessment for county | dream of a former Whithy busi» | 000 a1 his death 16 years ago | new town hall has been bull | gio omng Township and the lowns purposes Jailed Week On and Mrs. Mirra Lee: and. the STAFFORD BROS, to he used for & new town hall, and architects have made cers p y Mis r £8 d thel : of Ajax and Whithy Starting in Pickering Township, $54 Mev, Mustay 1 St ee wit Monumental Works (: Bt. J pssman will reach its elimax pessman will reach B% | By the time construction starts | tain that its rear view, shown i The opening day Included evi: he sald that he found land assess with the opening of the new | od interest on the securities | in the upper photo, will never Mr, and Mrs, Keith Heron, all of 318 Dundes Bont municipal building by the Hon left had swelled the fund to | appear barren. The design of |dence from County Assessor Gor- ed at 88 in many cases, an as D -.. Ch Hida William K, Warvender, Minister | $147,000, The late Mr. Allin, | the front of the bullding has | don Hepditch and municipal con sessment, he sald, that held true ring arge Greenbank MO 8.3552 39! BUNDAS ah ha of Municipal Affairs, For it was | shown right above, lived in a | heen retained on all four walls, sultant Paul Mantha, of Ottawa, for land which was being sold for Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Walton 0 8-4009 -- WHITBY a dream of the late Arthur Al- | house at the corner of Colborne | The official opening takes place [the latter called hy Pickering 840 or $40 per foot and also for| Archie Bt. Cyr, of Fairport spent Sunday with thelr son and lin that a new town hall would | and Cireen street and looked out | at & p.m. on Friday (Township, who is first presenting land being sold at $16 per foot, Beach was Tuesday sentencell to|daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, he hullt and to this end, he ' on the vear of the old tewn hall Oshawa Times Photots [Ils case He sald that he had raised Pick: seven days in the county jail when Norman Walton and family of Early in the proceedings, solic ering Township land assessment he appeared hefore Magistrate Oakville | itor for Reach and Scugog Town hy $264,120 to hear some vatio to F. 8, Ebhs on a charge of hav | i V ti | S ae Senior Citizens ior fo Reach ald S0ugtd "ME te valve Ing care and control of » motor| Mrs, Tom Dalson, of Brampion » \ y d| 1 " a a Hi 1 V e 5 ( ) 8 B y y PF ocational oervice Hallowe' poi Condit ob ny 4% Give, AwATEMENT fli wie, in You noua 1a soning 8 few dare 0 ropica a 0 3 an hb p nh ( ( i LO allowe en Party no CrOSs-eXA § 4 permitted, | Ajax, he said, had Increased) said he noticed the accused's car of Centre street north | | counsel present Is assessment by $1,168,860 dur-| in a diteh on Brock street north, | . Last Friday afternoon In AN] Every municipality in the coumy i, he ue . : ! . i | 4 i g the year by a reassessment! near Starr avenue, Oet ] tle . To 1C For Rotar |8aints' Anglican Chureh the Sen|18 represented at the appeal with) i= Th ta ™ ee? ty tial de had | ww ) ! | Mr. and Mrs, 8. Wheeler spent ® ir the exception of the villages of © Nad When he told the accused to get [the week end in Camphellford ior Citizens Group met for thelr ly dd and Pickering, Hel flven this town an abatement of out of the vehicle St Cyr re. where they visited Mp, and Mrs [[«] y na pe] i sing SX) or ] 290 26 y 4 n t ¥ b : Whitby Rotary Club, on Tues:|cases, hard. to practice these Wee ly Sothering, A Hallowe'en| Ho § 230,260, a five per cent location plied, "some eorner eh". T he Frank Beaudoin, Mrg Beaudoin is day, was given a complete de- principles but that those who did [2"¥ Was held, Miss K allswance {keys were In the ignition when |the brother of Mrs, Wheeler and . b p ) ' a motion was that the hear. | ription ie alms and pur, . had baked a nicely decorated such a . "In Whithy, he said he i{ PC Mason arrived y 1 : vere really successful in sharing . hoy ing could drag on three or four sald, he foune [ arrives is confined to his home with sick poses of Vocational Service in the Halloween cake and other re weeks. Some counsel, he suggest that land assessment was nol up| He said the accused had a 1056 ness BLACK A [] SOLD DANIOS each " 39 Wilson sald that the main reason fol 5 { + the ideals of the third avenue of fresk ants y SRIVE i . N r 5 i [} eshmen wer Serv b y aN A 3 Rotar stem hy a past Disirie ati rs]. BPI Sith Ae ; ere served ed. were helng paid $400 per day to the standard of Ajax and temporary Instruction permit | JOVernor " ational serviee \ others Mr, J. W. Rainnie played the| zn sural municipalities could nat I tekening village and he had add: with him the night he was arrest N Mi ahd Mrs Join Newton, RR ZEBRA DANIOS Introduced by Rotarian Geergel The speaker related methods Plano and various games were ok i did not wish 6,060 ed, According to the officer, there NO 1 \ithy, celebrated thelr -- afford this fee and did ne 8 1e1E N 39¢ A "es Bevan was Maurie Rector, |f dither Rotary elubs in promot enjoyed, The lucky winners of the to not he represented Kast Whithy Township, he wald,| WAS no doubt St, Cyr was intoxi.| 20th wedding anniversary last ANGELS 49 hatrman of the Metro Counell of ine orinciples of vocational sery. SW aW Were: Miss Gorrel, Miss K |= when he reported the $400 per had been the goal of "greedy|eated Thursday, Far the occasion they ' c Rotary and by vocation, the Wilson and Mr. Rainnie, All sen-|qay figure, the chalrman of the speculators" and now has some| Sgt. Clifford Partington said |Weradinner guests at the home of § RED BRICK and -- ioe - president of the Griffith!1¢€ He said that the Bradford jor citizens are cordially invited hoard quipped that he was on the fringe development around Osh:| when he was questioning the ae-|M? And Mrs, Rol Daniel, 112 Cen. | GREEN [] FANCY Laboratories in Toronto Rotary Club set one day aside to attend the weekly gathering|wrong side of the appeal business, | awa, He had added $70,480 to its| cused at the police station, 8, Cyp|tre street worth, Members of| SWORDS h 49 G IES 15 Phe speaker defined the true when the Rotarian employers in. SIArtng at @ pm, each Friday However, he did not allow the| assessment told him he was "an undercover thei fomily Wore ase dibey 12% ye Er meaning of Vocational Service vited thelr employes to the sion and the hearing will pro San man for the Metro Toronte Po. BUests motion OUT OF STEP lice Department's moralit { | | ad sald that although it repre: Rotary meeting, In addition, he . | coed with all municipalities being Reach * sented the third avenue of Ro- said that this club set another| allowed to submit any evidence! 'E8¢ h Township he sald, 1s the squad." tary service, it was the most im: day aside for the Rotarians tol rive that is ruled relevant and all ny soldier in the platoon out of step partant aspect In the organiza. invite and bring their chief com counsel heing permitted to cross meaning that It is the only petitors to the luncheon meeting COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF | ARARI( CENTRE awn BUNCH PLANTS BUNCH 23 Calro's population fo more than 3,000,000 fram some municipality in the county which | B | p A A ] examine 4 dl awn ow e 2,000,000 since 1060 | ator supported (his) Mr, Recolor sald that it was | ops uota COUNTY ABSESSOR hs ie vouey attusy 1s : | ® BARGAINS ON AQUARIUMS * tatement hy saying that voear not enough for Rotarians to ac 5 Io Reac H H | : tional se as tb basic pe POs J 4 The first to give evidence, how 0 Rea h, he sald, he had add ir cl C shion | 3 99 5 kal - Service wa I DASE cept and agree thal they were! At (he October me oling of the ever, escaped the cross-examina:| ed $83,270, representing a 10 per n eason a e u : 0 1 00 essence of what Rotarians tried ny lans bh 5 y pe 1 ald po atlats Because they We Te hoard of the Victorian Order of tion hut will later he recalled. He cent hike on the urhan building thought lished & F 3 a ought, accomplished and sald members of Rotary clubs, He Nursing Service, it was an./was Gordon Hepditeh, Ontario assessment in the town With Banquet Holds False Teeth n thelr husiness and professions ald that all Rotarians should 1 WAT In Part Per gh | ; § nounced that t . County's assessor for three years \ Part Perry, he said, hound He »aid that all employers, who practice the aims of Ratary Sa he objective of) {In fact, he was appointed on Noy that land values were not phoper . (1, 1987, sa the occasion was alsoland had added $90.835, He had A very successful season for Ti ht } Was exceeded in the recent provided a vespeotable place of including vocational service VON campaign : § | | work te 1COUras od furthe 3 20 f } encourage and further which he sald, needed promoting [an anniversary for him. His first acoented the assessment of Seu: the Whithy Lawn Bowling Club,| e sticks ta denture & il S Pump Filter ets , , 6,95 he educati advi "Me . 4 * The hoard has a fg | le educational advancement of preaching and practising e hoard has announced that evidence required that he list Gog Township because he felt that closed Wilh a dinner served hy |g nds daily "Rxing" XY thelr empl I though all od CANARIES Pravin Guerantend Bingen 5.95 employees Ve TRAIT He 1 danatioy Vere ¥ nL in Vana were notipig qualifications, qualifications it was well assessed the WA of Almonds Church; fol-| Sous brsod Dente Cushions ste WHC the principals of voes A In, the total receipt ft d y Reaping " n nelpats 0 Not ' NOTHING SAFE Pals Wr ld be id ot Cam whieh brought amazement to the, No change was made in the as: lowed hy the annual meeting held | winmph of science, & SeSatoRsl Rew ever BUDGIES TALKING STRAIN lishment A a SIMCOE, Ont. (CP)--Charged he VON ] eves of more than one of the sessment of Uxbridge Township, at Red Wing Orchards recreation | soft plas fe hining hat ae of he . ' It 0 hoard wishes t A) he sal " a ae > annoyance and fear of lonse ¥ i with stealing a policeman's re: press their ) ex sald, hecause here, he also hall falie weth. Snug eases sare, irsitated gums | i | " . - n SHARE RENEFITS volver from the officer's hell deep appreciation te [found the assessor had done al Trophies won by the olub dur | due © loose denmures Helps prevent » R od | the general public of Whith " good job." The same iy cricles from lodging wader plates. Applied | Reetar said that those who hanging in the police office here, (heir generous contril t y of a ac ac jE . } The aamme Was true of ing the past season were on dis Epi makes wabbliess plates stay | [ paid special attention to the pro: a 3i-vearold man was sentenced if witions to ithe town of Uxbridge, | play namely: The Read Trophy; fmiy in place gives perfect comfort. | nation of these principles of vo. io si th 1. Th ward the continued nursing sery Soott Township, he said, was Oshawa, Corbin Gold Cup; |B Avpthing alk, laugh = plates "sy | cational service shared 00 SIX mons in Jail, The U0, jees to the community | also assessed properly and he had Belleville, Sinelair Trophy; ™, Harmless © gins or defies al service shared the bene: taken while the officer left ta an - oes 0 our accepted their log al Asse sment. | Claremont P t Per T n V ' Snug relines fa la vn tod Roath, ii oifets with other telehhe 4 1 S805 p arama: Or erry roph Stay soft and pliable == do not harden an others wer a telephone eall, was nd Brock Township, he sald, ve:! Port Perry, Red Wing Rose Bowl: | min pla eel right out when replacement 105 BYRON SOUTH WHITBY He added that it was, in ) a ACOUSE 5 N Ti F : i "oe > \7 : " as some at the accused's home ; 0 lime for Fine, David Cecil Dollimore, 17, of ceived an abatement in its as-| Whithy MeGillivey Trophy eu ah et, Yel 1 Sves | OPEN THURS. and FRI. TILL 9 PM H [i pH hgse brotner go Magis [sessment amounting to $12,430 be. Whithy for upper or lower plates $1.30: Money back ate 8, Ehbs "has an obses:loause he felt that y the mo i if not saristied. Al druggists, GT, Fulford awk Grounded slon of insecurity without a wea y Re that on sales) The 1061 executives ele ote d| di A RENO R \ analysis, the buildings were some " a y aside! Mok Phone MO 8-3618 A 16-year-old member of the PON", was Tuesday fined $50 and |\hat aver Assessed er M 4] ba 4 Drcaiden | oh WHITBY Oshawa Golden Hawks motor Osis, or one month, when he | x met { Xe : ( AAT gs r Jy "phd pleaded guilty in magistrate's NOT UP 10 SCRATC [0 and Aen Luniitfe; secretary vole club, Russell Milburn, of!" Ny RAatinic P T0 SCRATCH Frank Wells; treasurer, Neil RR 1, Whithy, was Tuesday fined | OWrt here to a charge of carry Fhorah Township, he said, also! Gporive ay hair Now Playin Evening Shows at 7 and 3 $30 and costs. or one. month In ng an offensive weapon received an abatement. in the ui reed Jiney ehairinan, Clad \ ; ; r F . Lat Complete Show at 8: jail, when he pleaded{ guilty be Joliimore was found at an amount of $4380, heoause of its tournament ohairman, Ross fore Magistrate F. 8. \€hbs to a hpi aan rn With 1 name made high building assessment. But in Howe and: Don Tutt; greens " Mackjack, fashione Wa PO: | Reave AT wy : i charge of obtaining liquo\ while a! Heeman's billy ho hi ae ket RO: Heavertan, he said, he felt that) chairman, Ward Rick mina [ Tawn Con table Eri Eri Ksor the building assessment was "not| he 1961 Ladies exeon a wmstable ¢ CRSOR up to serateh" and he had adde 3 ssident | OPP Constable Jos, Tullock| said while on duty at the arcnalgds 330 y ad added | fives preside nt re avd o told the court he, in company Sept. 3, he had veasan to speak| The village of Cannington. he A o yi Be hy Frank with other Whithy detachment|to the accused around 9.358 pm. aid had heen treated properly Riek! si Mis Biloen 2 bing , ; . "| ells; reasurer, Miss Eilee fficers, acting on complaints] While talking with Dollimare. [and its local assessment Was ac:| MeBride. MeGUlive tournament, from area residents, visited the|the officer noticed a bulge in his| gq J : FROM 2 pled Mh » \ : olden Hawks' clubroom in East Suchet He became FE ious and] y Mara Township, he said, he A enn Tull, committee: Mrs N S== \ Pro Ltd Whithy Saturday night (asked what It was, The acONS:(iali' that some buildings Were|Harry Lott, Mvs. Herb Wilson. ; \ in . \ 1 wy 00 y 3 a PC Tullock said when the offl| q oduoed the home made hilly high and had given an abagement | Mrs. Ray Howe Mrs, Earle xg I ly The weapon was a large metal ; ] leers arrived, they saw a big fire holt enclosed In a Fubbercanvassi™ $14,300, In Rama Township, he! Judge, Jintey conveners; Mrs | | anva \ | DEVILS beside the clubhouse, but the | ike covering. It was exhibited in| i he felt that the asse p ¢. Mayne, Mrs, William Love [party of Golden Hawks dispersed | oqurt y {looked too sternly at fh lock inte the bush. He found the acl , " e > RG sessments and he had Speaking on behalf of the accus cused asleep in the front seat of ed his brother said Dollimare| Abatement of $313 LOSE KEY PLAYERS an ald car teems ta have some ohsassion | During his three YOuIN As POUR: VANCOUVER (CP) Import Milbura's father said his son|of insecurity when he does not|!Y assessor, he' sald, he has quarterback Jim Walden of thel \ liravelle hs \ A has a motoreyele, but he did not have a weapon on his person travelled 56.000 miles within the We a Interprovineial Foothall know he was a member of the! He noted that his hrother never/POUMY and has in those miles Union Reitish Columbia Lions Golden Hawks. He admitted he used a weapon he carried with|travelled every passable road and has received his draft notices) has had trouble with his son at| Mm. In addition, the hrother said(¥ alked many impassable roads. [fram the United States Army home both he and the other members of] In the afternoon, Paul Mantha, The former University of low al his family have tried to discour- (8 municipal consu'tant, called hy star has been andered to report | Yo u ' ! J wT Uh Telvied A TOQUESt ooo the younger Dollimore from (Plokering Township, veparted on ai once for a pre-induction medi: |} N i an or time to PaY| carrying a weapon spot evaluations he had made inlcal 4 ws ne, ® magistrate said, he nis Worship refused a request [every municipality in Ontarie Randy Duncan, Lions' other! fe intends to put a stop to teem! sar time to pay the $30 fine "1 County pival, left here far his Des agers drinking have no time far this kind of nov In addition, he compared the Moines. lowa home Monday One way do 11s at grant CONSE, NOP (W 1 grant time to va on with the local assess alter saving he did not think he ng any time to pay these fines." pay a fine for this kind of aon. ment on that same property. His would return to the Lions and wt said, sense," the mygistrate said {averages, he said, showed a range Canadian football J GL. i &