Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Nov 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Movember 2, 1960 -- Es HAPPY HALLOWE' EN SUSSEX, NB -- It would take more than these young ghosts to upset forestry minister Hugh City Kids New Bru shown | at Love The F arm |: By 7, W, TIRANA he PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- How you going to keep 'em in the eity after they've seen the farm? That's the switch on an old song at an unusual school where city kids are introduced to coun- try life, raising chickens, milking cows and tending erops There are some 300 eager pu pils at the Philadelphia High School of 'Agrieulture and Hortl- culture, How eager? ~~. poultry, year show they handle the emie farm work They are mathemati and science German, hushandry omy and pe We have to induce themNo go! zing In one of these the last two home on weekend," says Xthe years school principal, Bertram § nD The vity ton. "They stay because hey wif the worried about a ealf being bern ture,' plowing te be done." Says time served by nw or MUST BE BRIGHT Started as an experiment 17 FARMERS ago, the school now grows, When the $12,000 to $16,000 worth of eggs, girls 16 nis John Flemming To he admitted, subjects They also relation many The form premier head er nswick his campal n ef and vegetables IT are bright enough double load of combined years ol history given four es, English and three ye tudy horticulture ultry raising ir animal agron i peel child ha of Lutton sitting iachines AREN'T HICKS are 15 and the are seni work 1 false man and na He spend down being hoy to TELEVISION LOG CHUHATY Channel HHamillop WUR-TYV Channel 2-Bufiale WKHEW-TV Channel CELT TV WREN-TV Channel I=Hultale WROC.TV © Channel 6=Toronts d--Ruffale hannel S--Rochesier 9:00 AM, H=Romper Room Deputy Dawg ward Theatre WEDNESDAY EVE, hid PM, Theatre i 4 3 Ii=Fa 7=The Lone Ranger = Playhouse Little Margie AM, t=Fun To Leam «The Big Rascals 9:40 Wu 1=Muvie T=Roamper room i--Home dLife #-Busie 10:00 AM | a Dn Ha Mi wia PB | d=Michiel Makers | Herh Sheldon | vie PM, Show t Hu ieklebervy Hound Playhouse Five ¥ we Cal Mag Show ih P.M ugh December Rride : 10:30 AM Big Medie r Huneh ae AM, ] Morning Court 8 ee 1s Right ' 1 ave Luey 10 A M Love That Western Highway Patrol ils PM, &-8ea Hum ido + PM, Weather 3 Weather rm Cancentration serial Drama 12:00 NOON Bugs Bunny and t hidd Arinkley 164 Huntle ' Repant 4 The texan 0 Pm, "2 h i Consenuenoes N Weather 19 1h PM f=News Speaker of the House 80 PA A Day Matinee It Cou 1 Be You | Search Sling 148 PM, News Guiding Light ! 1100 P.M, | | | ne 4 Quarterback Mm Weather TH PM Nation's ess ang Kong Waran Train The Aquanauts | 146 PM, Country Time 00 PW My Three Sons A= Mavie TER LAT 4 Meet the Millers Fix t Person 1:40 AN ¢ Ana Harriet T--Confidential Fle Ww anted De - Alive The Prige Wn High LS) 1 ' 11=Mavie Malinee T<Anout Faces 116 4 2:00 PM, Day In Cdunt Chez Helene lane Gray ek RH 114652 Perry My Siler LIA] I've fiat a Seorel AL FLUE LR | 11-6 Rockel Richard 7 Noked Clty 2 Poter Laves Mary i ~Steel Hour 0a BM, Explorations = interpol alling S«Film Feature d-Best OF The Post RELI] & A 3-Nows Weather: Sports | ni WM | HA PM, =Publie Service Guide Late AN Whe Da You | wn Viewpa mt #4-The Verdict 11:30 fa, wis 1-Lale Show Fram These Roots 6 Trackdown © PM, §2-Jack Pare 1=Paseve With Capt Andy . T--American Bandstand | Film Festival 12:00 PM, §-0n The Scene 52 Make Roam for $= Mystery Theatre THURSDAY Packt U0 AM, The Brightest Day Bb Popeye Today Sdust Mary News Roundup H Here's Hollywood 15 AM Bee of Nigh Captain Kangaroo He Big Rascals [| }! Shaw i 4 28 Nursery Time LE PM lane Grey Show 7-Road Ta Reality Talk Of The Town 2-Laretta Young Theatre House Party 10 PM, 16 School 1 sig The Clock Malang Millianaire i » Is 2 + li 1" As The World Tums | 7 ¥) 4145 Junior Roundup THURSDAY LVE ao P.M Fi i heatre His and fo dear Li 1h P M. hief Makers Sheldon pie Bm Early how Hoy BH Five i i ind Big Mae 8 i 00 | UY] Me ows a Series Patra 1h PM Far Pete's ke ido P.M ews: Weather dd PM Huntley Brinkley Report ¢ [REY owy 1:00 P.M Dead or One 10 Beaver Caw Topper ody Shotgun Shad HEM 1=News: Weather Term Lackup Guestward H Bachelor Father 1 [ 33 The ve The Witness 145 PM, 4 Sean f:00 PM 1L6-Live a Borrow Lite Donna Reed £190 PM Klondike Real MeCays Masterson Paw Grey Theatre LTE | ~ Junior Bid Hockey My ¥ Sans | : §2 4 I's Zane 13} Fancy Free Racheloy athe PM #523 Tenn Ford shee T-Diet Ann Soil 10:00 PM Peter Guan The ho Porson To Pe 10:30 P.M, this Week In a 5-2 Show son on Show A V territory i: 00 A 1365-42 News: Sparts 1:8 PN, T=Late Show 8 Viewpoint +-8p 1" 20 P M, I=Late Show Midnight Metra 32 baa t=Play of the Week "| children must with idea } quarters just after he ecetved word Oct, 31 that he had a hy-election in Royal Riding on farms in during the summer and for Minnesota or Vermont in Washington visit their children what a farmer Is ests Parents ean to find oul Lutton explains They he vil earn is not a hick hut $8,000 a se man year in n to college Some sters attend college 4 cent of the inte farming estry soil scape gardening or teaching Of the 60 girls in the everal intend to hecome Others plan nurses and teachers 70 per cent of the About hoys eventually Other ent for ronservat land young 19 per 2 go or on, school veterin careers ¢ arians is hiologists COSTS MORE The school began in 1943 when the Philadelphia Board of Public Fducation decided to recruit oungsters to help in a shortage of farm labor 'They hroke into my peare lass and asked me (anize the program ton, a former reporter with old New York World and later Philadelphia high school teacher Lutton, who also farms In | Bucks County, arranged for stu-| [dents o work under the depart ment agriculture The pro gram successful Lutton asked to expand it to teach farming during the school year The city eventually hought an old eounty poor with 75 eres land, Two years ago a new huilding was put up I to train students al the hoo! 8774.14 a ye mpared with $414.55 at other 1 school But Lutton ay vorth it Camels Visit Canadian West | REGINA (CP dians In the etting their Shake to or Laut the a a | Was 80 house of schon! costs more agricuiture sf ar « high iti A lot of Cana West have first look at camels th fall during the ( otur of the Black Hills Play from North Dakota The three camels have ' an" parts in a Jerusalem n the play They travel hy trailer and dur stopovers are housed in stalls Ti thelr handler, W I Shorty) Nelson of Spearfish N.D,, insists on calling dressiny rooms One mather camels heen anad Passion 8 an valk SCO i" Katie, is two ather Hest starring va in movie David Hathsheh She hh heen much n demand since then, but he tween her regul performances the Passion Play she has sed a family of elght In North Dakota Veteran members of the com said Katie and her offspring play the the feel them." Katle once the: whale production was producing a new of the family She is a one-hump eamel, an As wn dromedary, hut her mate n North Dakota is a two-humped Ractrian and the offspring are a hit mixed up in regard to humps In Regina they seemed dis untied at conditions, kicking r hooves in all directions, en they get really angry, they pit their cuds out at anyone in the male role and camel of the Katle the 1 in pany 'ust they up seenes Way held while he mem her PROLIFIC SILVER CREEK Four calves in les the record of an n cow RC (CP) s than a year Ayrshire cow wed eter Rempel, Two sets of twins born since October ay are thriving is hy TENDER APPROACH LONDON (CPM London's inew-style police cadets will be kept away from police stations $0 they won't see the seary side life, The assistant commis mer sald they might hear po 515 Fine, Costs | IA |Home-And-School Anest Follows Truman Calls' Plans Meeting By GRACE MIMS AJAX Parkside Junior School Home and School Associa tion will hold its November meet ing at the school on Monday November 7 at 830 p.m | Speakers for the evening will be Mrs. Hope Fairley and Mr Tom Houghton, Inspector for this school section, They will both speak on "methods of leaching Reading", from Grades 4 ov # This is 8 subject interesting to! all paremis and all are wrged io attend AJAX ~~ Lord Elgin Home and i18chool Associption will alse meet lon Monday, November 7th at 8.30 paw. in the school, All teachers) will be in their rooms at 8 o'clock] for wmterviews, Mrs, M, McDon ald, public health nurse, will show £ims and speak on General Health of pre-school and school aged |ehildren | Grades 5 and 8 will enterial the narent nder the Aivect of Mr, 7 Those nar tieinating ed ref ments and enter the adits AIAX Mrs president of Tord and School Assori the Wome A Crohn! held in Peterhoro on Mol I he 1 rk or i f ned wi are served refreshments BJ Main atte Area Servers Home 1s / ation ference nrday Here 18 H and 8 Association affiliated with the Pickerin Home and School Conupefl Mrs isited Mrs and lyn, formerly of Ajax Mr. and Mrs, Harry Churchill avenue are ing a couple of weeks York City Mr Fxeter ding a 1 | Due mostly to the rainy even ling, Hallowe'en night quiet all round the distriet "Three Youths Draw Fines Severs alan P, H, 8 Patell with Mari Smith snend in New and Mrs, Fred Johnson road, ecelehrated a wed lversary on November was pretty The down the embankment fer Fatal Accident a MARY LE am Gerry BIrres mari Police { tachment ¥ a B o "Oromo & bob gins didn't have such a good time y usually do Yothing uniowerd happened In town beyond a few store window erties and some farm er's cow was found Lethered to a én tree In the Lake Vista Gardens sub-avision Pickering evening here as Py Wine al wm fas gE 19 Caen eharges getivities CINaIR # (4 gecident Hig anit two miles port which Na i BEE wh whi Newt asta } 3, of BR § struck by sn r died in the Hospit Fight pm reported # ne omy exelement was shout 2.9 am Constable C, Daniels of the Town | CHOMGINE, ak Police noticed a car with) Bowmanville Mem: leenagers coming through seeifemt ocurred town with licence plates trailing 4 a Together with Constable Monday Holmes he chased the ear as far oy whenl?, Bowman ship three Pe LL rain gpprosimaiely # Gerry appeared briefly in Mag as the sutskiris of Bowmanville, |istrate's. court Tuesday, and was where the driver missed the hair {remanded out of custody om pin turn and crashing the guard] ¥2000 bail unt it November " trail on the south side, careened FProvinciel police indicated that Barry Me other chorges may he pending Donald, 18, of no address was the! only ene hurt, He was taken into custody, hut the other two dis appeared, A wallet was picked dp wesie ar was later isted as being stolen in the metro the ear TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. Station CBLT Channel 6 SEE and HEAR ( Hil 1] " RY old Anthony treet Hux 6 ¥ dy was thrown from & Sunday, while visiting at his uncle's home near Whithy, Tony was taken to the Hospital for Bick Children, To with undetermined injuries A farewell party tendered to Mrs, Elsie Closs at the home of Myr, and Mi dack Woods Durham street, last week, when ahout 20 neighbors and frie nds resented her with a lovely paint ig for her new home Mire Closs as heen residing with her daugh ter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Boh Gilbert, Durham street for some time, and has many friends here On October 28, Mrs, Closs mar ed a hrother-ndaw, Mr, Oliver Closs, in Lanark, Ontario, and they will reside in Clyde Forks Ont, The were My DD, Rohins Brown and Mrs, A. Bilk vara pony on onto Was eo-hoslesses Mrs, B Hon, ALVIN HAMILTON MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE In the Television series "The Nation's Business" The Progressive Conservative Farty PHONE RA 8.4751 For FREE BELIVERY on any order over $1.00 from Oshawa's newest ond smartest restaurant V kJ RESTAURANT & FOOD SERVICE 355 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Med when TRE BCTOBE Th ET Officia; Speed a fis morning stroll. Both. Donsld Sizon and the vies - president have bad the vice-president was Bot nyeiyed Truman's reference to the dog apparently went back tn the 1992 campaign when Nixon, replying 4 Prodi whl io charges thet he had pecepled while in Congress, said Ihe EL he had pecepled was oi aL 4 g Pros hy a Water ible at x EMPha at a Wie Nixon Loan Customary' ; og, Checkers NEW YORK (AP Former president Truman said (oday se ceplance of a $1950 logs (rom the Hughes Tool Company hy the rmther Vice-President Rich I ord Nison wes '8 customary Starts In U. g Niwon procedure will have WASHINGTON (AP) eecranin pee provided at the me ad he jie #84 hi nes ha io Ie letter The orig i» od alter Ms whe the automatically desiroy of 4 CALEBLS BAYER DEER se facsimile 1s sitomutically sesled The vice-president #t the receiving end $+ 4 to get a bigger Bn se The With Specd Mall, & letter wiles Truman said when asked shout United States post office depart. uses & sped whe-Page combi the loan to Dongld Nixon while on ment Tuesday launched Speed nation letter snd envelope, OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE Presents Gt DONEVAN COLLEGIATE - AUDITORIUM Wednesday, Nov. 9, 196° 8:30 P.M, SHARP Tickets on Sale at: HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE BASSETT'S -- SHOPPING CENTRE SNELGROVE DRUGS ~~ WHITBY RESERVED SEAT EXCHANGE AT; Henderson's Book Store Soturday, Nov, 5, 8:30 -- 6:00 p.m, Monday, Tuesday, Mov, 7 & B 4:00 - 9 pm, )/{ ; npg Dallet Canada Anniversary BOWMANVILLE (Biafh Magistrate R, B. Baxter handed down stiff penalties to three Osh awa youths eonvicted in Magis trate"s court Tuesday of unlaw fully obtaining liquor The youths hop, 18, of 76 Daniel Royal sireel Ronald Bis treet, Osh 20, of B2 ind Denzi 183 Bimeoc were Royal Nichols Oshaw Charles Rohertson/ «street south Rohértson and convicted ing Aiwa a of Oshawa charged ari was also for carele Bowmanville P court they first pecel of being in on Ogt told the a report diteh i al lee ed fa he Simpson avenue p.m The police they had a Bowmanville parent that the youths had tried to pick up an Lisyear-old girl outside the hrew er's retail store, Bhe told police that the youths told her she would Cal OF also told complaint the court from a BOOKINGS NOW BEING ACCEPTED wr OF CHRISTMAS PARTIES we GAN Jim Bourke, Mgr. of the = Flying Dutchman Motor Motel BOWMANVILLE MA 3.3373 have a good time," Robertson told trio had bought hottles of heer hefore inother 12 about an hour hefore the accident, They said they drank it on a country Robertson was fined $75 costs or in default 10 days Nichols was fined $100, and costs, or in default one month in jail. Bishop was fined $100 and $3 costs or in default one month in jail Driver Draws | the 12 the court, of noon, and| a Case had Mad and 83 in jail, | 1) ROWMANVILLE package Bartlett, of RR 818 In Magistrate day, when he nperating (Staff) Paul Bowmanville court Tues was found guilty of motor vehicle while his licence was under pension Bartlett told the court that had only used the ear to get and clgarets was of elgarel bh cost a "8 he gas Driver, 18, Fined $500 BOWMANVILLE Henry Huma, 10 street north Magistrate's driving a leence fined $15 and $3 costs aff) Liberty sa00 ia | h St of fined Nl [i SUS Was in eur nator Was under Buma had lost his mit under vith 13 point arrested the sent his lg ment of Highways Magistrate R. B. Baxter told Huma the court could not he weak kneed In the matter of pen alties if the demerit system is i) h hil nsion Ve driver's demerit Palice same ence to | per vstem id he w he had Depart the n he THE NEW SCREEN MUSICAL IN GORGEOUS COLOR by the composers of "MY FAIR LADY" M-Q-M in AN ARTHUR FREED PRODUCTION Hn LESLIE CARON MAURICE CHEVALIER LOUIS JOURDAN HERMIONE GINGOLD « EVA GABOR JACQUES BERGERAC + ISABEL JEANS wt ALAN JAY LERNER + "FREDERICK LC OEWE (") Soy A din, aE i BECK BEATON w ny VINCENTE MINNELL ABDED_ FEATURE Ma 6 & 2) A Lave Altair with a French Flair! HCOUNT YOUR BLESSINGS" Deborah Kerr going to work AAA RORY CALHOUN vem "The TREASURE OF PANCHO VILLA" IN TECHNICOLOR WITH SHELLEY WINTERS THE BUGLE BLAST that echoed thru . history! Al STAN * LAUREL * OLIVER HARDY ret AN "GREAT GUNS" GREAT DAY IN THE MORNING Aomeostorr {licemen talking about vice, and that isn't good for boys of 16 / eo TODAY ONLY o "MISSISSIPPI GAMBL "BHOWANI JUNCTION" "YELLOW MOUNTAIN" J Clin "BUSY BUDDIES NEW COLOR CARTOON "KING of the KEYS" NO MAN LOVED MORE SCANDALOUSLY... played more divinely «lived more fabulously than FRANZ LIS SLI! 4 SHOWN « (INEM ~e fain FEATURE TIMES; 2:00 DIRK BOG WDE, GENEVIEVE PAGE | ie fan y ib STARTS 200 HUNT "WISE -- W THRIFTY? 450 AS TO-DAY GIFT TICKETS NOW § snow | I WDOR Av

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