Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Nov 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Worember 3, i940 , » CAMPAIGNING ON A 'JACK'ASS Kathy's father is Robert Ken- nedy, younger brother and campaign manager for the sen ator Ninevearold Kathy Ken- | er of the Democratic Party nedy rides a donkey to give | The donkey, nicknamed "Jack her uncle Ben, John Kennedy, | was used today by Democratic 2 hand in his campaign for | Headquarters to give school president as the standard hear- children a few bareback rides BarnsBurned Gold Rush Little Help By Vandals |To Canadian Interests | ~(AP Wirephots) STRATFORD (CP) Police By ALAN DONNELLY to sell to the government or have are investigating several com Canadian Press Staff Writer the gold stored for future sale plaints of Hallowe'en vandalism, OTTAWA (CP Nearly two on the open market including the buming of two years ago the door was opened, Thus producers can § iteh barns at a loss of $18,000 wide to make it easy for Can- markels easil Besides gold Police said the barns and an ada's gold p ducers to take ad destined fo! the feo marke ra shae we vantage--if they could--of siua- G0es jecessaril ay abandoned railway [Bach Wore tions like the present, where the through the mint ave 1 ? 5 delberately 8 I "tree market price of gold has|/two other private custom 're Might fluctuated high ahove the official finers which can purify gold to All the windows were brokeh|yi,iseq giates priee the degree required for gold in a school in North Easthope.| gut officials see little chance market dealing At a school at nearby Science that most Car Hill windows were broken, de hs ROW weltered under a govern - overturned and the buildings and pont cost-aid subsid j on P t P t classrooms. smeared with paint. ques into the open market to sell an Y ira es estimated at $10,- their output Damage was im the Nov, 8 US | election, (areas, But Bite, shots anymore, even considered a hard 'conservation [Gilbert and Lawrence Farmers' Vote Better Crash Going To Nixon? (CheckSought By STERLING F, GREEN WASHINGTON (AP) Regn ican Vice » President }§ ard Nixon will harvest a sight me Ljority of the Midwest ferm voles presidential in the opinion of farm editors mn 2 dozen important {agricultural staies The newspaper and farm mag azine editors, polled by The As sociated Press, reported substan tied «oins hy Democratic Sena tor John ¥, Kennedy in mis they made special in virtue every stale thet the farmer doesn't call the in the farm belt The editors found thet the problems rm prices farmers' income and' erop com trols, far from being a dominant factor in the Midwest' gre pot the decisive with the farmers many areas telking about fairs, religion, the ca experience, and the ove mestie economy In those cases where the farm editors ventured opinions on how their states' electoral voles wil oreo ey 5 voting SHES ever themselves international af #ll do be cast, as often as nol it wa opposite to the farmers' pre sumed preferences | The following tally of farm sentiment Er cam Pini ( i oA Illegal Moose Hunt | Brings Stiff Fine SAULTE STE, MARIE, Ont (CP)--It cost three United Slates moose hunters $600 to try fo fly out two moose shot out of season officers re ported Tuesday The men were identified as Wells and a Mr, Behlang, all of Gaylord Mich Gilbert Wells was charged $200 release fee for a station wagon and $100 each on charges * illegal possession of moose neat and illegal transportation of moose meat, Lawrence Wells and Schlang were fined $100 each for obstructing an officer, In 1960 Farmers are ndidates' | oy the ples mamed wi £6 ov, % NIXON The Republican nominee was given the edge among farmers in six slates with 92 electors! voles Wisconsin, Winoks iehigan South Dakota, Kansas and Ohio In none of those sigies did the editors consider the farm vole jikely to be decisive KENNEDY The Democratic ¢ date was rated phezd among farmers in five oates with 44 electors] voles 5, Missouri, Nebraska, Min end North Dakots, Only braska did some editors be the farm vote might bave influence In the 12th 3 ORLISIVE Indiana, with the editors' was that the rural vole plit "fairly evently Two in the election, a presi andidate must capture east 20 of the 57 voles in e electoral college, Generally winning a majority of the popular voles in a slate takes gil of that state's electoral college yoles, The unpopularity of agriculture ecretary Fra Taft Benson with', y { canagiaale may pos MONTREAL (CP)~John Gal gher, year-old Trans » Can ada Air Lines caplain, wanls the Canadian Ar Line Pilots Asso cistion 10 press for public quiries Inte alr crashes as more democratic method of in vestigation "We may know sn secident wes not the reswit of a pilot's er- or but we have Bo way of prov- ng it now," Capt. Gallagher said Tuesday pt the CALPA conven tiem - Blame tended to fall on the shoulders of the pilot, he said, "We've studied reports cover ing the last four years and the department of transport has se copied the word of an onlooker against that of the pilot every ee At present, the transport de partment conducts an official in vestigation and the airline in mived usually makes one also Once the cause is fixed, there can be no appeal "A pilot can be pronounced silty in Canada by men who bly share in the guilt, Cept. Gallagher, director of CALPA's safely commities said URGES DRUG USE He also recommended that pi lots be put under hypnosis or so- ny formers 1s i clor favor zt Yemod % " " " dium pentathol and questioned wih ! ! ident al as in within 4% hours of a crash be £ as if ad nti i" » #" my ; als fore Yofficials can make up their 956, the editors reported, But : Re mind as to what happened farm proposals of neither candidate in this campaign have enerated any great enthusiasm House, Car Painted In Union Fight ST, THOMAS (CP) --~ A Cana dian Timken employee whose wuse was smeared with black paint Monday night, found Tues day night that his ear, left on a plant parking lot, had been daubed with yellow paint Ben Farrow, a non-union em ployee who has been working. af the strikebound plant for eight veeks, complained to police INTERPRETING THE NEWS Canada Tests Atom Concern By JOSEPH MacSWEE Canadian Press Staff Writer 000 when a barn on the Downie For most mines, the open m 0) i P F r Prank Canada's proposals on di Township farm of Robert Moun ket price isn't gone ay 0 a nt should provide a tain was burned, In a fire whieh|enou h or 1 1 up le fairly accurate test of just how destroved the barn of Fred Me: to make it worth while LONDON, Ont, (CP)=Univer- much attention the nuclear club Kenzie in Blanshard Township! But the current free market sity of Western Ontario officials pestows on the countries without damage was estimated at $8,000, buoyancy, olficia Ay, may per- Tuesday imposed $30 fine on the homhb - lade some lowcost mi meh gach of 286 men student in At the United "Watior on | already are selling on the open volved in a pant raid om a school of thought says the Soviet market from switching over to women student residence, They pl i " | \ X Union and the United States e collect the federal subsid so lifted a susper laced on 3h d 5 " 3 i these two particularly---¢are not The subsidy, paid under ~the two students who were caught hy : : . Emergency Gold Mining Assist i at all what any other country : {an » Th # ii of ig y 'n po #6 i} thinks about disarmament, since ance ( ( i 0n He 1] aed an i Ap ( y n ni e ed wi 4 : ¥ ! dg f ) the ultimate power is in thelr INET production oo exceed student representative who mel hand n . , 1826.60 an ounce Furthermore, wit niversity official RIES TORONTO (CP) we A 37-year: C00 ileiied output must be. The two suspended students! Britain and France, # Is sald old Toronto woman was charged Co 0 oF be allowed to return to their In this thinking, alse are inclined Tuesday night with murder in classe The othe involved in to deprecate the importance of the stabbing death of her hus: FREE TO SELL Sunday night's prank gave them. Middle and smaller powers--al band in a west-end apartment Bince March, 1936, producers caves" un Tuesda though Britain courts support Raymond Reinhardt, 43, was have heen free to sell on the among non-nuclear countries In dead on arrival at hospital, Po- opes market, But up to the end its campaign to reopen disarma lice said he suffered a knifelof 1058, government regulations ment negotiations wound in the heart, His wife in effect meant delays of eer aC Canada's External Affairs Mary was arrested hy detectives, much as three mon ht fore Minister Green obviously doesn't Reinhardt, elad in trousers and selling could he viteched from helong to this school of thought an underwear shirt, was found the mint to the open ma ket n 70 eric hecause the main thesis of thi slumped in the apartment build Since 1068 altered regula proposal to the UN Tuesday, wa ing entrance hy a neighbor who allow gold to be sent to the m wy GODERICH (AP)=A dry spell jpae™ ihe middle and smaller ald Mrs. Reinhardt asked her with simply a letter of advice Ia ted jo 46 youn ended powers may he able to bring a help in reviving him, The apart-|saying. whether producers want tuesday when the Hrewers'|gecisive weight of influence on ment owner called police Warehousing Company opened the great powers, Police sald the stabbing appar first heer store in this Huron ently domestic quarrel foitowed's A Sausage Co, Some Beer completed. the. I 1678 will have And Freedom |" under construction! Perth County last arid trace of Temperance Act vanished Licensing For Small now 1s un Control entire Ontario provinee Liquor are Green GLASS BOWL Modern diplomacy, In the view, 18 conducted in a glass bowl and no country---re power can Ignore Soviet Premier demonstrated thi to the UN and eon gardless of world opinion Khrushchev hy coming BERLIN (Reuters)--Surprised Act i ducting a campaign whieh, in hi West Berliner Monday saw an Huron and Perth repealed the C¢ ft 0 d East German policeman in uni- act in a plebiscite a year ago 0 Ira ppose form march up to a bar and de I'he act was passed hy Parlia C P, DOCTOR ' mand "a wsage and a beer, ment in 1078 and at one time was TORONTO (CM) Fhe Cana- please." Then Walther Kurth, the rule book for 28 counties and REPLACE EAR dian Tourist Assoclation Tuesday 28, said to the proprietor And two cities in Ontario alone, In| vent on record as opposing com- now please get a West Berlin 1000, following a trial period BRADFORD, Ont, (CM pulsory licensing of small pleas: policeman; 1 want to ask for after which many areas voted! Vincent RButrinas of Toronto ure eralt operators political asylum West Herlin out the aet, local option provis- was recovering in hospital to The association's general meet police said Kurth made his way wong were brought into force une! day from a car accident in ing unanimously accepted a res. In uniform through all East Ger: der a provincial liquor act, which he lost an ear but later olution introduced by Robert W. man border checkpoints Early this century the prohibl:| regained it due to the vigil Kelly. manager of the Allied tion seetions of the old act were Boating Assoclation of Canada I . vated into force in Manitoulin, | asking for deferment of govern nvestig t Huron, Perth and Peel counties gate ance of a police officer and the skill of a doctor, -- Constable James Murphy ment action in this respect Manitonlin got rid of them in| was patrolling Highway 27 The resolution said licensing 1040 and Peel dn 1951 ! near Cookstown Monday night would affect many members of when he saw a truck go out of the tourist industry, create hard ship without accomplishing sig nificant good, while there ivas , nothing te prove it would reduce boating accidents The CTA plans to urge the de partment of transport to stimu Faulty Dock ; ERIEAU (Cp Fishermen Tuesday were promised an offi clal investigation of their com plaints that their boats were en dangered by a storm Monday night throug! py late the improvement and expan i Big fuilty Song ud slg op ¢ enforce y sion of small craft law enforce: po oomonic dock here ment and education, 5 : A representative of the Ron: commander of British land] deau Fishermen's Co Operative forces in the Far East says Com: | "Laundromats Chinese Must Expand | Into Russia TORONTO . (CP)--The former {sald 22 fishing vessels were munist China's rapid population] moved from the wave - lashed increase will force her to ex! {government dock, completed less pand into Russia | Farland 'In control and plunge into a diteh, » The driver was unisjured hut Rutrinas, 48, was thrown through the windshield After the constable took the injured man to Dr. B, W, Me Bradford, he re turned to the aceldent scene, found Butrinas' severed ear and brought it back to the does tor's offiee in a bottle, It was then heated to room tempera ture and stitched into place Bradford is about 30 miles north of Toronto than a year ago, 19.4 slip near| Gen, Sir Neil Ritohie, 64, told a e azar the coal docks a Toronto meeting of the E ni | . ce Fishermen claim the original [lish-speaking Union of the Com. | Shooting Victims . design they approved was monwealth Tuesday night that 0 1 ren scrapped to save money in cops Russia will look to the West a struuction 'of the dock In this popt keep out the Chinese HAMILTON (CP)~Unattended 16 miles southeast of Chatham. He urged admission of Com automatic laundries are a hazard, Harold Danforthy Progressive munist China to the United Na to children using them as play. Conservative member of Parlia-[tlons as the world then could rooms, Alderman F. W. White- ment for Kent, said Bb and a keep a closer wateh on her house told a licensing committee representative of the harbor and! Sir Nell, now president of a hearing two more applications docks division of the department Canadian insurance company in for such establishments Tues. of transpart will inspect the dock Toronto, predicted India and day Friday Pakistan would leave the Com "Some children pushed a little, At Port Stanley, further east monwealth if South Africa con girl Into one of the machines along Lake Erle, about 12 fish. tinued its policy of racial segre when no adults were present," ng vessels which sheltered in Hation he sald, Three of the machines the harbor Monday night were were operating, he added, still ved up Tuesday as high AFRICAN SUGAR Nevertheless, the alderman Waves continued ta sweep the! VANCOUVER (CP) First said, children must be educated lake, cargo of South Afpican sugar to stay out of automatic laund.! Harbormaster George Wilson since before the Second Warld pies, Just as they are taught not denied an earl report that War arrived here, a shipment ol to cross streets in mid . block, freighters were among the ves: 6.000 tons from Durban, It is ex The two applicants were granted sels which sought shelter in the pected three cargoes a year will permits, tharbor, {be imported, ! H ; Said Recovering EGANVILLE (CP)=Two Kganville sawmill workers are reported in good condition after being wounded by rifle bullets as they worked on the outskirts of this town 30 miles southeast of Pembroke A flurry of gun shots broke wit Monday, wounding George Kilotat, 81, in the back and Her man Welk, 43, in the ¢hin First reports of the incident said the men were wounded Tuesday by shotgun peliets, Dr E, E, Reinke said the bullets he removed from the men were from a rifle Police said a hunter may have been responsible jew, would enhance the Russian among smaller countries Green said that his proposal vith its central theme of a UN roup to watch over a disarma- ment hody--was not intended to he controversial "It seeks neither to endorse the position of any one side, nor to cast eriticism in any one di ' sald Green, plumping renewal of nego image rection simbly for a tiations, 0! the seven resolutions now hefore the 99-member UN pol itical committee, the Canadian proposal seems the most adven turous attempt to pull the prob lem away from the complete control of the malin antagonists in the cold war So-called neutralist eouniries including India, with its high prestige, Indonesia and the United Arab Republie--have al veady heen defeated in thelr re quest for new summit talks be. tween the US, and Russia Attention now will he focussed on whether the Canadian draft vill command any support rom the great powers Pilots usually had difficulty re calling routine detgils after an pecident, but drugs or hypnosis vould allow complete recollee- tion and possibly provide clues to the cause Walmsley & Magill OFFICE EQUIP. LTD, 9 KING ST, E, OSHAWA RA 5-3506 vow NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 aaa Direct of The and 100% P We cordia see the re 74 SIMCOE N (-- [acks- B MEN'S WEAR LTD. Announces The Arrival ' Continental' Polo Shirts Swealers 14%.16%.17% ~ MEN'S WEAR LTD, "The House of Style for Men and Boys" From Haly NEW ure Wool lly invite you to drop in and markably fine craftsmanship, RA 3.3611 4 < 4 4 « 1 4 Sprowie's rid brand beef Conade's finest grode to assure quality flover ond tenderness, Ih. 69: ih. 39 rt A (First Five Ribs) : SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED HOCKLESS PICNICS FRESH Pork Shoulder Roasts Po Ih. 35: Pork BUTT CHOPS "49: CLOSE -TRIMMED We trim our meats fo trim your costs ~ cutting off oll ig bone ond for before weighing and pricin ! You poy only for whet you get=--and wh of is more good-sating meet in eve + + +» MOTE tasty, pol meat for your "Jew ort trimming your budget with SPROULE $ meots--the biggest values in town! SPROULE"S RED BRAND STEAKS Porterhouse STEAK or sin ROAST 1b 89: Take Your Extra Savings in Cash at Sproule's STOKELY'S FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE GEM MARGARINE TREESWEET 20-02, TIN 10° LB, PACKAGE 19° GRAPEFRUIT JUICE mw §° TIN FROZEN FOODS-. : BIRDSEYE PRODUC rs { CHICKEN Sen 3 tor J Ge FRENCH FRIES 9.0%, 35° PKGS, PROCTOR AND GAMBLE FEATURES FLUFFO 3¢ OFF PACK 29° 12¢ OFF PACK GIANT PKG, 75°* TIDE tn 216 WAGSTAPPE'S Ww 83¢ RED ROSE TEA BAGS MONARCH Sponge Puddings 4 Hoveurmmapple, ehosulers, 2, 49 BRIGHTS FANCY Applesauce 15.01; Tin 89° ESQUIRE Boot Polish Tin 25¢ : Scuff Kole sole 33° SARAN WRAP ri 28° FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HOLLAND MARSH WASHED CARROTS 3:48, POLY BAG ' FOR 25 { OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES NO.1 w &3° POT READY SPINACH NO.) 2¢ CILLO BAGS 29 GENUINE NO, 1 SPANISH ONIONS 2 jor 25° 73¢ BEEF ESQUIRE Cut Mixed Peel Lysol Disinfeclant FREE SPONGE SNOWFLAKE SHORTENING offers you MELMAC on every package wet Snowflake Shortening at We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you

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