Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Your Community Chest - Investment In Humanity Temperatures in southern One tario are expected to drop to- night, Chance of some rain, RED FEATHER FACTS Your $6 contribution would pro- vide overnight accommodation and breakfast for three welfare cases through the YWCA, dhe Osh VOL, 89--NO, 254 Price Mot Over 16 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, W. EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1960 ato Time Authorized os Post Office Second Class Wail Deparment, Oftows TWENTY PAGES GREEN PROPOSES DISARMAMENT | 'Little League' Route To Arms Talk Success \ CP)side was reflected later in a by a UBS, delegation that he would make on the Canadian UNITED NATIONS, N.X Canada has asked for a sharper statement approach to disarmament by thelspokesman middle and smaller powers put- no comment ting pressure on the nuclear|resolution glants Reminded that the Canadian External Affairs Minister How:|idea of a UN committee has been ard Green outlined the poliey|rumored for weeks, the US Tuesday by calling, in the 99.|spokesman said; member United Nations political] "we have yet to enmmitiee, for a new UN body 10) waghington about it," work with the great powers onl gn.uesmen for the British del disarmament, ation more warm in reac hear from were Green's idea plumps for a non Huglear comunitiee of perhaps 10 or 12 members which would work to put a firecvacker under theigp, member UN sigarmamnent nuclear powers the United) commission to work with a negos Htates, the Soviet Union, Britainiiiating body including--of course and France on disarmament| he great powers talks Green--in his speech and at a In the third week of Uisarma ubsequent pre ape conference ment debate in the politica COM oi ressed that Canada still believes mittee the Canadian formal the most effective negotiating POSE dying ol y peo) ol i od 3 4 ne rable iv hody was the 10-nation East-West i racte iderahl tention among del HOLD BRIEF MEETING " Chest Total Meanwhile James J, Wadsworth and Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valer fan Zorin met briefly Tuesday night but didn't agree on any thing Green's wasn't aimed committee to be appointed by the on tate plan either statement that ml to eriticize $210,000 $200,000 $175,000 $150,000 $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 Your Greater Oshawa COMMUNITY CHEST Electronic Brain Helps Train Plans OTTAWA ured out cp how The CNR ha to run trains in on fi both directions on an elect be Din dent 1 ngle track hi CNR 1 onl it ll told tran em Vice pre he roya comm 1 on ahout It Tuesday He sald the CNR probably ha develiped the "most advanced hie of It Kind for n America | t ( portation i fn) North n new hit formance ofl ol nulating trains running inf hoth directicas along a single track. He said the new technique provides the CNR labor of vith a PANT tion to the Canadian proposallof five so-called neutralist coun | DOESN T whieh envisages the ginger up| tries, jo Fuesdiy, Cuba and C At A Glance U.S. Surprised By | issile Veto of- (facilities of the station itself, But' today they said this does not affect the Mac's WASHINGTON (AP expressed surprise Prime Minister Maemillan's tatement that he ain to be consulted Polaris missiles submarines serviced tish Macmillan stated Tuesday as he announced to the ( oy fieials expect before fired at at are a Beot hase { | House of Commons a U.B.-British' stressed United ¢ States to keep a mobile subma- the supply line of U8 "LAN AT UN | agreement to permit the tender and a floating dock Clyde River estuar { submarine ine in ths Wherever eH nay he," Macmillan sald perfgetly sat these missiles will taken without the fulle consultation commitment was made when the agreement to es the siation was state depariment ever he possible previou No such which be disarmament commitiee ablish negoti ated Soviet-hloc walkout [said confirm that the under questioning out the possibility |¥ ould fire the Polaris member to the submarines only after negotiating body, Soviet Premier|tion with Britain Khrushchev, ing the West! Such consultations would he de {with turning the chambers of the|sirable but whether there will he jcommiltee "horse stables' time for them in case of emer. |with an unbearable stench, has|gency is anybody's guess, offi |said Russia would not return to|cials commented addition COVER SURS The agreement, they explained, foresaw prior consultations in periods of emergency coneerning the temier and other umbled Gene in June of Green not rule of additional in va cause But did " United from the consulta into negotiations without the In other developments al the | ommue| 4 nist supporters lost their fight for| the use of an immediate UN assembly de {hate of eharges the U.S. plans! an invasion of the island repub.| lie, The assembly voted 45 to 20 against the Cuban attempt to up 0 Ch | Ww set the steering committee's ree n emica ar ommendation that the Cuban] WASHINGTON (AP) 2 Army complaint be sent first to thelsources disclosed today their assembly's political committee [hopes to triple within five years Eighteen nations abstained thelr spending on development of The assembly then voted 53 to|bacteriological and chemical 11 with 27 abstentions to follow | warfare agents the steering committee's recaim-| The emphasis would he on non mendation killing chemical agents of the To the surprise of many, 18/kind which leaves exposed per ian and African nations rallied sons helpless for a time without {behind Cuba's demand causing them permanent harm, | | Conference Hopes To Change Act Ihe Dominlon. find a formula for amending i Provineial constibutional confersiin Canada, It now is a British ence reconvened on a apisit of statute, amedahle only by the p 5 a ra mol Boo / Bi ih tokay fe i A eh ex. British Parliament In matters in [Roudne yy paper between the which there 1s conflicting federal ltwo levels of government, {and provincial interest, | Justie Minister Fulton, ghali«| Attorney » General Roberts of ing the meeting of provingjal at Ontario told reporters letters and tornevs-general, said the donfer. drafts exchanged with the fed ence would pick up where \it left! eral government and among the off last month after falli\g to/provinces indicated there is waree on anything mere than wide split in the conference, that attempts shoud he made 10 yopgg yor PROGRESS reform the ganstitution "1 am optimistic," he said OTTAWA (CP U.S. To Spend More opinion hase I am 8( fied no decision Lo {go officials bases They added they could. nol|intermational | | | | | | | | ise of the submarines and their " may be," as Maemillan The sel up in in station in Scotland, to be next February, is not a the sense as the air Britain are, officials The purpose of the River station is to shorten subma- rines patrolling the high seas, These vessels, based in New London, Conn., and Charleston, would visit the station only refuelling and crew hases lyde repairs changes While hases in Britain of the air gre the "operational stations" the plenes--in_ other words starting point of their operation ar--the operational submarines Is waters, There n case of w of the Polaris from the territorial wa ters of official MAYOR FOULS CITY MACHINE WINNIPEG (CP) = Mayor Stephen Juba demonstrated a new - German made street sweeping machine so enthus« iastically Tuesday that he jammed its mechanism, The machine, made in Han. over, Was seen by the mayor during a trip to Germany, He returned with glowing reports that its suction system was so effective that it could sweep up bricks, City council bought one of the sweepers, Mr, Juba, anx- lous to confirm his reports, tossed 'bricks hy the armful within range of the suction chute as the city demonstrated the machine on Main Street, However, one of the bricks he tossed was so hig that it plugged the vacuum tube, City engineer W, 1, Hurst warned the mayor not to be so "silly" as his erew unplugged it Dunbarton Boy Killed On Highway A Jimmy after being sald 12-year-old shortly west: Dunbarton boy, Wallace, died struck by a "0 hound car. driven by Bryan F,| young doctor, equipped only With! month since February and the Walker, io of Ajax, late Tuesday on Highw The boy was carried 192 feet the | Brit- missiles "wherever these subma-| any ines from! phrased jt in is slates certainly no intention to fire the the United Kingdom, an NIXON IN ROCHESTER Republican candidate for War Memorial in Rochester to President Richard Nixon and | speak to a packed house, Mrs, Nixon as they entered the AF Wirephoto PRICE THE SAME Big Gold Flow From U.S.In 1960 WASHINGTON (AP)=The 1060 foreign governments and central outflow of gold from the United banks States has passed the $1,000,000,-| On Oct, 20, wild speculation in 000 mark, the U.8, treasury dis- the London market pushed the closed today, | market price of gold to about $41 The latest treasury financlal|(U.8,) an ounce, This prompted | statement showed that the United a restatement of the U.S, treas. [States owned $16,417,000,000 of ury's determination to maintain compares with an in. crease of £13,000,000 in Septem. her and a drop of £03,000,000 in October, 1959, | ves have risen every| | gold as of last Friday night, This|the $35 official price, The mar. [represented a drop of $45,000,000 ket later retreated, though it has from Thursday not dropped as low as the U.S, | Since the first of the year, the 'price, loutflow has totalled $1,089,000,000,| © Since the speculative hinge he-| [of this amount $05,000,000 has| gan, the outflow of gold from the moved into foreign hands since| United States has totalled $164, June 30 1 000,000, | The United States buys and lsells gold at the official price off LONDON (Reuters)--The ster. | an ounce. It deals only with/ling area's gold and convertible { currency reserves rose by £11, | 000,000 last month to a total of £1,121,000,000, it was announced | Cuts Off Am today, This 'With Scissors | | BRITANNIA, B.C, (CP) = Al The re a pair of fivedneh scissors, a net gain so far this year is £144, {miner's lamp and some morphine 000,000 compared with a net loss tablets, Tuesday amputated the of £16,000,000 in the correspond. PREMIER FROST HINTS SALES TAX IMMINENT | 'Cannot Afford More Ont. Debt' TIMMINS (CP)--A strong hint that a provincial sales tax is im minent in Ontario was made to- day by Premier Frost Although not committing his government to a definite sales tax, the premier deplored a fed eral government that would force {a province into imposing a sales tax to meet its heavy burden of education, municipal assistance health and welfare costs and thighway construction "The federal government would {do well to recognize," he warned |" that a provincial sales (ax would do them no good," He declared the province had not asked for a 'nickel too much' at the recent federal-pro- vineial meeting in Ottawa, HAVE BLED SELVES "We have bled ourselves white through financial assistance to municipalities and meeting the constantly rising education costs, "We in Ontario have heen able to hold things together only by Ny American be based at Holy Loch, Scotland Prime Minister Macmillan an nounced the agreement hase Tuesday in the Commons, House of isfied that no decision to these missiles will ever be taken without the fullest possible pre vious consultation," American' officials sald {Washington the United States has {made no direct commitment to in | Britain of such consultation, British officials maintained si lence about the American state- iment, A reliable British source |sald, however, the American offi cials evidently misunderstood Macmillan and should read the {full text of his statement, [MAY BE IMPOSSIBLE According to this informant, the prime minister implied that in certain circumstances full con gultation might not he possible, Meantime, 332 Labor MPs an-| nounced their opposition to the | Polaris agreement, They sub: | mitted a motion, warning against the "grave dangers" of such a base over which the British gov- ernment could have no adequate control, The motion calls upon the House of Commons to realize Britain's eclvillan population has no adequate defence in the event of a nuclear war, Many socialists Scottish areas in representing Parliament for the He said: "1 am perfectly sat. use|the House of Commons Tuesday expending our debt, The provin- cial debt is now about $1,000, 000,000 and we can't continue to keep expanding that debt--inter. est rates alone would kill ws," Mr, Frost said, "Our backs are up against the wall," he exclaimed, "We are one of three provinces that have no sales tax, Other provinces de. pend upon our selling our goods in the markets of the world and they depend upon our produce tion," Referring to the federal-provin. cial sharing of income and cor. poration taxes, which he claims is not fair treatment for Ontario, Premier Frost sald the other {provinces should remember that {if a sales Lax becomes necessary, as it appears, prices of Ontario goods and production costs would have to go up, "This," he declared, have an adverse affect other provinces as well tario,"" "would on theo as On. Polaris Base Angers Britons LONDON (CP)~A new (rans:|were left winger Emrys Hughes aflantie vow 'flared today over|and former defence minister the gontrol of missiles carried by|Emanual Shinwell, Polaris submarines to government Invited leadmg offi o[elals to 12 towns and counties in As protests were raised, the the Clyde area to a meeting at Greenock Thursday to discuss the base agreement, Prime Minister Macmillan told that Holy Loch, the Clyde yacht. Ing centre 30 miles from Glas |gow, next February would be. (come a base for servicing sub. |marines that can fire the 1200. [to 1500-mile range Polari§ mis. (sie from under water, | | Fear Lynching Asks Move Trial TORONTO. (CP) = Lawyer Hugh Latimer sald today he will ask that the murder trial of Owen (Mickey) Feener be moved 'right out of Northern Ontario to Toronto," "Feelings In Timmins against Feener run almost to the lynch ing stage," he sald, Feener, 23, a former Halifax resident, has been ordered to stand trial at Cochrane for the fatal stabbing of Kay Chouinor, 26, of Timmins, He has also been charged with causing indignity to the body of Cathy Essers, 24, found early in October near a New Brunswick highway, Mr, Latimer would not elabors ate on his decision to defend Feener, Feener had no lawyer at atory tool to examine the effeet The objective is to bring the elon the front of Mr, Walker's car mangled arm of a miner trapped Needs Your Support atin running ! 0 changes British North America Aet, 1867, into Canadian jurisdiction and No Victory Boasts I'rom Kennedy's Camp LOS ANGELES (AP Sen ator Kennedy's camp is suffused with an air of quiet contidence In these final days of the UNS presidential campaign, but there 15 no attempt to exploit it or dis play it ostentatiously the reverse, in to be Kennedy's policy is followed by all his to avold grandiose claims letory p Kennedy people keep wey expect the result They decline 1 claim easy victory in any state, though usually state party officials do it them Nor do they try t the } |} ape tually without train any Salinger reply We don't care to play thar game" NIXON REFERS TO CROWDS Nixon, at almost every speak ing stop these days, mates or even solicit them from police officials, They let the re warters do that for themselves if hey wish NIXON DIFFERENT close to the vest is a considered mentions one at a previous stop, policy of Kennedy and his strat.) He says if such a crowd turns out Last weekend news for him he is sure to carry that stories emanated fram the camp|state Vice-President Nixon, the Re:| He also often savs publican nominee, to 'the effect! gipong tide running that he believes he can carry|that he is certain most or all of six big northern! Nav. 8 industrial states and will have a| winning margin in electoral voles fact, It gists he senses a in his favor {victory say y he o \ close 0 the other erowds hand in Kennedy, on never mentions speeches, He appears get his message Nixon will hardly {or 0 m nd {pene ds Lenn candilate ya T de as The stories talled rundown of how ates figure his chances in roar ils the sections of the country, There might want as been at least one report thal) resumes Nixon himself was the source of} Ay each {these stories, but stipulated that|finds a ericulates the figure [they should not be altributed div'y crowd [rectly to him Then he | The stories got wide display, In and the official's name among the interest of achieving full cov-|/the reporters covering the rally erage, The Associated Press| This makes things easier for asked Plerre Salinger, Kennedy's{the reporters. hut the some ress secretary, whether the sen: times find that me ator any of his a'des desire vd es contained a that he crowd ac 0 even uge § stie oro ratic ove ey ¢ dy Dn most oe : \ approval He rapk Nixon \ as rt and very aide ats nag draws a ere ey decline orowd a Fally an al and estimate from . him \is SNe he own esti CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.65714 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 ' police i 08 n on or ora estim are by )» give their own estimates on a flated exuberant state by state basis, felals, a local - his| $0 eager to] would hope that a patlern will bi set this time by getting some definite decisions. 1 hope we can get somewhere in fairly quie order." In the Oct. 6-7 meeting, Quehee was In favor of seeking imme. {diate transfer of the BNA Act to Canadian jurisdiction, to be fol lowed later hy agreement on how amendments can be passed | ior THis mother, Mrs in Canada, Other provinces said! wa) Kk Miding was and dropped within feet of his home, The bieyele Jimmy was struck by an east hound driven by Charles Hann ton, and carried 30 feet direction, Dr, I 8 and carried home where oar in that Hertzberg was called the hoy into his he died moments Leona 47, and five other chil: ace, the amending formula should be qren were in the home. agreed upon first, The meeting is expected to last left any ago, formal statements would be is- whereabouts, is asked to contact two days, Mr. Fulton said sued after they have heen agree upon in the closed sessions, He \ takes note declined to make public his apen:| This sort of playing it cool and of the crowd he has drawn, or|ing remarks to the conference Haid against 'Mr, Walker, The father, Henri Wallace, who his home several months or anyone knowing his Rev, R, W, Wighton, RA 8-6086, shawa, No charges as vet have been a | LATE NEWS FLASHES | Cabinet Works On New Session OTTAWA (CP) Minister Diefenbaker said November 1 The cabinet met today for what Prime was further ment's program for the new session of Parliament opening work on the govern. | Printer lailed For Counterfeiting | HAH EYBURY (Op and engraver wha | countertell money | tentiary today - was | MARIE, Ont John Sherwir An SAULT STE sunken freighter the sunken vess air 1 starhoard side dock dam a will be i John Joseph Troscinski sald Montreal gangsters forced him to make A COMPres Damage examined whea the 47, a printer entenced to five years in peni | Crew Tries To Refloat Ship A crew went aboard the in an effort to refloat will he set up to pump the entire length of the vessel reaches dry op) toclay S01 to Glendale drive, Dunbar: | ing period of 1050, two miles beneath the surface, RE | Dr, Barrie Flather, 28, said | Henry Wenzel, 44, begged him to {out off his left arm at the shoul der because otherwise he could not crawl through a narrow es cape tunnel to safety, | Wenzel, father of three ohil-| dren, was in satisfactory condi tion today in hospital in Vancou ver, 23 miles south of here, He was trapped 5,000 feet down a mine when a deep-rooted earth {tremor knocked out shoring and showered him with rock, | His left . arm. badly crushed, | Wenzel lay in the mine for seven| § hours in a Howe Sound Company | copper mine, Wenzel's mate, | Tom Archibald, escaped and went for help, | Thirty men worked in shifts to| tunnel more than &0 feet through the debris to reach the trapped miner, They dug horizontally for| | 40 feet and vertically for 12 feet, | Behan Praises Immigration Office TORONTO (CP) -- Irish play:| (wright Brendan Behan arrived in| Toronto today for a television ap pearance and had a word of praise for the Canadian immi gration service. "1 went to the US, immigra tion 'and they gave me a pile of forms," he told a reporter, "1 went to the Canadian place and they asked me if I had a wn ion card. They warned me there wouldn't be: mueh work as a painter if 1 didn't have one, Was 1 coming aver at my expense? 'No, at yours,' 1 said A crane ship transfers irom ore fram the 'freighter John Sherwin to the G.G, Post in the St, Mary's River near Sault hou se A] signed the motion, Among them/his preliminary hearing, ---- _---- Ste, Marie * Ont Sherwin, almost under (upper right), sank Sunday after she hit an unknown object, The 710: The John SALVAGE SUNKEN CARGO foot are carrier is one of the two largest vessels om. the Great Lakes, CP Wirephoto

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