Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Nov 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Coll The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 Movember 2, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM to 5PM MONDAY to FRIDAY, SATURDAY 8 70 12 1-~Accountants | _ ee BOB CLANCY'S Oniarie Accounting Services offer complete bockkeeping | services for small business, 184 Street West, Room 1. Office BA 5007. | Residence, RA 37608, UNTING flat rate, all and hookkeeph phases Including ments, income tax, ele, In your office or mine, Write Box 208, Osiaws Times, MONTEITH. MONTEITH, BIBL, snd 5.9527 €o., Chartered Accountants, RA 5" Slmene Street North; Ajax WH by | a ler untanis It On RA WF, DEWAR spd Cu, Ace and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario baz, YALE, ¥ FRIEDLANDVR, HUNTER | nd | Co., Accountants and suditors, Licensed | Trustees in Bankrujley, 64 King Street East, Oshawa: B, L, Yale, CA} F ' Comm., CPA nd Company, Ceri) Mr niants, 172 Kipg| awa, Ontario, SONTRITH, MONTEITH, WIEN, on) Co, Chartered Accountants, RA 53527. SA Simeoe Street North i Ajax WH) y. WILSON. ew | ceountant, Oshawa, Ontario, 3721, 2---Barristers PONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister ind Solicitor, 26% King Street East elephone; Business RA 32201, Res: dence, A 8.5973 JOSEPH FP MANGAN, QC, barrister, solicitor, Money to loan, Office 144 King Street East, Oshawa, RA 65-8232 Residence, RA 53405 2. 1. BALMERS, BA, Barrister, soliel. for, ete, 134 Bimeoe Street North. Office RA 55741, Residence RA 55542 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or lew Cosh Chorge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 876 402 # not pag within 7 doys the Chorge rote will apply Above roles opply only lo originel orders for consecutive Insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered of 0 later date constitutes a new original order Professional ond Business Hatings $7.50 per month tor 3 lines daily foch edditionsl line $100 per month Each intial letter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, higure, counts os @ word, Box charge |5¢ additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 5 p.m. the day be fore publication, Office hours; Bally 8-5. Saturday B12, 5 REGULATIONS The Oshgwa Times shell not be responsible tor errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than n writing, nor for more thon one mcorrect insertion of any adver tisement nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And olso reserve the right to classify advertising eccording fo is own glossification in the case of display advertise ments The Times will not be held responsible for mo es the th which the oct eror occupies + The publishers e your 10 reproduce all advertisir atier correctly but ossumes n ? jiahility i ony inaccuracies in form of ndvertisement ore tained therein, 225 148 "n any cor GREER, Murphy and MacDonald. Bar, risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 54717. Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald BOWMAN David L., Soliel tor, 3% Bimeoe South Hesi dence, RA B-0264 RUMPHIEYS, Bovehyn Barristers, Soligitors; Hum reys, QC; G. 8. Boyehyn, BA; W, A iiman, LLB, 36% King Street East Phones: Office, RA 51177; Res, HRA} $:4606 or Whithy, MO 8.2761; RA 55203 Money to loan MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simeoe Street North RA 5.3566, Charles C. MecGibbon, QC; Edaar F Bastedo, QC. JOUNA, CAMERON, harrisier, soflel-| tor and Notary Publie, 18% King Street East. RA 32200, NHA and private mortgages Danas | RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli eltors, 130 King Street East, RA 86246 ortgage 10ans Available BOWMAN, DAVIDL,, Brrister, Bolicl 4 Simeoe South, RA 5:9502. Hesi » RA 8.0264 CREIGHTON, FRASER, "DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors No tary Publie, Bank of Commerce Bldg,| § Simeoe Street North, RA 5.3446; T Creighton, QC; NC, Fraser, QC; G Prynan GL. Murdoch, NHA mort. | gages arranged THOMAS M. RUNDLE, harrister, soll eitor and Notary Publle, 2614 King Street East, Phone HA 8.1763 Barrister, RA 59592, and HIman, ¥ | } finished IBULLDOZING 8---Building Trades HARDWOOD floors supplied, ald Old floors re-surfaced WH 2.0654 WATERPROOFING specialists cellars For appomtment, Write 1255 Bowmanville ULLDOZING and excavating MO §-5612 ree ales Brothers, 26 Hilleou rive ALL types of carpentr chimney work, Terms estimates, Phone RA 6:5 ahd excavating estimates Drive Roof te Box Dia Taylor Whithy eoncrete arranged, Free ¥ or MO B-5612. Free Brothers, 26 willeourt PLUMBING tings, fixtures, new ing from sept'e tank clally Installations at sonable ri information and estimates free on any of plumbing, Dial RA 5.4241, J | Foley [J Whitby tng NPE und used 1h sewer # and he BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom sup. plied and fixed, compiete with four fittings Large color © range 90¢c sg. ft First class tradesman, Phone anytime RA 8-1177 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Sollel tors, ete, 7% Bimeoe Street South, | Dial RA 32278. Residence phones, A M. Greer, BA, Sc RA 53308: Ter ig Ly V. Kelly, PA KC CL, RA 8.5832 py 5----Nursing Services ANDEN Nur:ing home, Oshawa, new ownership. Care for elderly je RN supervised. Inauiries reasonable rates, HA 65-2330, 6-Optometrists F RIOWARD WLACK, Dr. of Oplom etry, the examination of eyes, contact | lenses, 138 Simeoe North (at Colborne), | evenings by appointment, RA 5.4181, lé C. WH TUUK, RO, optometrist, Please qd y accounts at Downtown Domin'on |4 Bank or 74 Burk Street, Invalids ex amined at home, Dial RA 54587, under | peo | § | 5 nw I--1 r « 7 Surveyors @. F, WORTON and Associates, tario Land Surveyors, Professional En ineering, 396 Dundas Street West, hitby, MO 8.5091, Ajax 728 |s DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, Or! taro Land Surveyor, commercial blue printing, 12 Bloor Street East 5632 "8--Building Trades ATL types building repairs eavestrough, chimneys, firen walks toops, RA 8-0304, CUSTOM chainsaw work, trees cut and removed anywhere. Free estimates MO 82508 or RA 3.30867, ALL plumbing and heating Phone RA Harold R Ltd, plumbi ng, heating and ing, 255 Simeoe Street South, DODD &, SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates call DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby OSHAWA SUB- CONTRACTORS BRICK BLOCK AND STONE WORK Phone MO 8-4122 or "MO 8: 4259 'Whitby "HOME: --COTTAGES GARAGES "Norden Aluminum "Glider Windows, Custom-made Kit. chen Cabinets Free Esti. mates, No obligation, Terms Long Sault Ceonstrn, Corpn, Ltd RA 8-4614 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 '-- MO 8-809 204 CHESTNUT ST, W P.O. BOX 329 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 0 ( roofing, side ac Gor supplies Stark engineer Invited, | rented garage, IAT LAST located in 8.6366 9--Building Materials LUMINUM Repl yp all makes alumin torms wind ow and | T1--Business Opportunities OUR unit apartment and full equ tore with replacement pent over $0000, fair ould be tripled, Full ies and some del boat storage house or good reason, $20,500 principal onl RA 5.8023. 480 Drew Streel HIP wagon, fully eq ition, Apply 206 Albert pm. RA 8.0308 ful i eat fael nh fpr very, large oh pped Str good oon eet belore oppartunity I tore ith luneh ) centrally Excellent busin or 154 William you have the ent a good tohac ounter, Established Oshawa RA & ele hone 1071 ON | Street East FOR LEASE two hoy service statior and living our-plece bath, estab n highway No nd Whith: Hent he negotiated or full particulars call ©. A. Mc auley, Supertet Petroleum Corp. Ltd Jshawa RA 50742 between 9 and 4.30 nm quarters hed gallon hetween Osh nack bar ATORE space 24 x 20, can be 1 hop or store, situated at 406 oer May, [Street, RA 3.2625 RAPIDLY EXPANDING DISTRIBUTORSHIP requires agency representative in Oshawa Whitby areas Applic of man ant must be capable be bendable ane to make smal for initial stock REPLY BOX 109 THE OSHAWA TIMES 12--Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of ! rate. Phone RA IMESSMAKING o-nan DRESSMAKER Women's, Children's New and Ff lelling all types of furs Low prices, perfect va Mrs, Irene 92 ROWE ST. PHONE RA 8 6706 OPEN EVERYDAY UNTIL © PM 13--Gardening & Supplies | and prun I k )- 3486 all reason and alterations b ue | FOR weed Killing, spraying I'] your hrubs ana evergreens or complete Garden Service, Call RA | Oshawa Home Landscaping CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL--SAND Back Fill ts Levelle RA 5-2156 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sand, Crush Road Gravel, Pit Run VALLEY FARM RD, Phone Mobile Operator __TEmp le 9-2541 FILL k ng { Stone, The t home of Quality Dut hl BULBS Van Belle Garde ns East on Nc 3 wmany MA E Open Evenings and Alax, | and Dial} Sacrifice 13--Gardening & Supplies ANY king of gerden yo wy expert, reRsonabie rates RA» CEDAR trees for vr 0 lve, Any sie Deliveret, done, Fres estimates uaranteed NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS HEN manure, horse manure, manure, two yard loads, Phone 54981 LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weeds treated, field nursery sod, top soil, grovel, sand fill, Complete service. Weed, control, Free estimates, ED. KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 OWEN BROTHERS CO, LTD, TREE EXPERTS We specialize In tree prune ing, tree planting, tree re~ moving, cavity work Phone RA 5- 5287 SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICE Specializing in Typing, Short. hand, Dictaphone, Bookkeep- eing, Direct Mailing, Mimeo- graphing, For fost accurcte office assistance MO B-B181, 15--Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Baton, Tap, Boys! Academy, Ballet, High Ane. Register now, 424 King Wesi, RA | T6--Insurance ALLSTATE AUD Insurance, Save up 10-20 per cent, six months to pay, Far Pevsonsl servies st your home, call RA I¥ Hardy Privet Chinese Elm Shrubs, 10¢ and up , Be ond up Ever. Trees, Roses, qreens VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING RA 5-9642 Oshawa Home Landscaping |i SPECIALIZED IN FALL PLANTING AND SODDING, SEEDING, TULIP BULBS, COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Call RA 8-6366 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE disced, trees | Gardens ploughed, landscaping, wood cut, removed RA 8.1798 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] FALL SPECIAL FRESHLY DUG 16 fr, Well Branched HARDWOOD MAPLE TREES Regular $12 NOW $5 Oshawa Garden Service 86 Taunton Road West RA 3.3222 PATIO, FLAG AND ROCKERY STONE STONE PLANTERS TOP SOIL AND SOD SUPPLY AND LAY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3.3222 NO. 1 TOP SOIL 6 YARD LOAD 7.00 Phone RA 3-3162 |14--Household Repairs Guaranteed ates | 12 to painter, paper hang work and 'materials, Al. Conroy, RA 80086. FURNITUR ¥ repaired and re-uphol. ed. See our materials for recover ing. Bruce K, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, [TA 37212 [CHESTERFIELDR rebuilt, recovered, like new, Why pay more? Our rates Aare rearonable. Satisfaction guaraneed [Ma attresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery 10 Bond Sireet West, Dial RA 0411 CHESTERFIELDS and old ehairs re covered like new, Get the best for loss Modern | 12 8imeoe ith Call for a free Free esti i holstering HA 8.6451 estimafe A | FAINTING DECORATING interior or exterior, Roxa work guaranteed, Free estimates 2558 LY tone RA [YOUR loeal | | chimney cleaner. Chim. | |nexs built and repaired, gas linings in | stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti mates RA 3.209 Ls. FENER SERVICE Rug, uphol t cleaners, wall washing, Phone IR A 8.2531, "Our business Is a satisfied customer." PAINTING ana paper hanging, pro il work (ree estimates, work iranteea at low prices, RA §0818 STORM washed and put wp Phane Bs \ FURNACE : SALES. AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co, Ltd RA 5-5954 Service labor plus parts SEGERS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS RA 5-7488 in wall to wall window Mack *RA Cleanout | | | { ializing ypet 15--Instruction PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor 16 years' experience, by interview only Act now. RA 510M LILLIAN Mae Marsh, dance educator, dancing s¢ heol, ballet, tap, baton, ao rob. pre-school, character, Friday Masonic RA 37253 [LEARN TO DRIVE At the | Saturday Temple Oshawa Driving School Lic Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 DRESSMAKING COURSES 2 dos Monday, Tues 7 to 9 ut vour own pate and w' for the whole from the children to ! I weekly fav evening Le tern family adult Ca @tween S and RA 8.5771 ensed by the Police Commission] 17--~Money to Loan FIRST and second morigage, pgresments purchased and sold. Hen nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, HA 3.7292 WE HAVE clients' monies available for loans on first and second morigages and also purchase of mortgages and agreements of sale. Louis 8. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, HA 3 4643, CLIENTS money to loan on Hirst mort gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgage arranged Creighton, Vraser, Drynan and | doch h. MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort. gages; for first ond second mortgages ch all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sole purchased, Apply M, Swartz, 26V2 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3.4697 19+~Personal LADIES ~ Have your hails nad mateh your outfit. Bridal, velours, vet and fur trimmed, We also model, clean and block, RA 5.7608 SPECIAL Edward's to vel re w= Permanent Waves Beauty Parlor, § 3.7633 MRS, ANN PROFESSIONAL PALM READER Card reader, and Bring vour problems to No appointment nece Open daily from 10 AM 10 pm. RA B-4141, __Simeoe South ELECTROLYSIS Removal of halr Marie Murduff will in Oshawa, Nov, 22nd and 23rd Phone Genosha Hotel these dates for appointment 21---Personal Service PETER PAN Nursery School, 2:5 years. Monday to Friday monthly, Contact Supervisor, eoe Street North, HA 8.2604 advisor her ary to 140 superfluous he on children from. §15 HBL Sim WAGAR'S Driving School, Government lleence, fully insured, dual controls Call evenings, RA §.BA20, FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION'S CHRISTMAS PARTY AND BANQUET HOT TURKEY DINNER AT $2.00 A PLATE INCLUDES MUSIC AND HALL FOR DANCING Smorgashord, steak, chicken and other menus quoted on request RESERVE NOW DIAL RA 5.2737" LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH, Off Harmony Road North 22--Radio Repairs. rr SAMSON TOWERS LIMITED Announce that we have appointed OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY LTD 36) GIBBONS STREET FOR » T.V. TOWEKS OR T.V. SERVICE SEE US 40' Sampson Towers installed with AC, 8-213 All-Channel Antenna ONLY $55.00 FREE SURVEY in Oshawa « Bowmanville CITY 1. V. 802 Simese St, S, RA 5.7844 or | Pr 8.5804 DID YOU SEE QUR NEW ALL GALVANIZED RADESS TOWERS w=Expert workmanship = 1941 All Wave Did You Know That We ~~Have Same Day Service ~=Employ expert Technicians w=Take Service Calls till 8:30 pm, | Antennae TRY US T.R.1LO. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-678] | wale Mur 86.80. | Celina | Whitby | TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish ond 28b--Hunting HUNTERS wanted for the Haliburion ares from November 18, 15, $50, Tele [36--Femole Help Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent PART time sales help with camers OF SPOTUng goods skies experience Customer rT TAT Co, 144, » phone | A 3791 mabe ATTENTION Wuniers] Desrs skinned and ou up, by minrisiced butchers, |" #4 per deer, Phone RA pre dlndd deer hunters, Established camp has accommodation for deer hunters, mens, i Breet Oh. severs wanted, Office, go A ping Contr HOUSEREEVER "for "father and five children, lve in. BA 30097, rs 44---Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent Coreful adult tenonts wish to rent better closs two bedroom bungalow, APPLY BOX 14) OSHAWA TIMES A B10 AVAILABLE Jan, 1. Very mice self -conteines chips, homburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER---RA 5-3887 |22--Radio_ Repairs LosY Lady's Grae sar #8 keeprake, Phone RA vin Eons wos Passe Wa" Sao STENOGRAPHER Required for interesting posi tion, Must be fully experi- . enced, For interview Whitby, radio, esr wade repairs, a (mv... Thompson Electrobies, {Eliott Avenue. RA 34793 (Fred), (GEORGE'S Tw servi Kid seria, rotators, towers, 858, w ials moved, repaired pie WA \anywhere in ity and surrounding dis tricts, Phone BA 56525 or RA 37521 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT == DAY OR NIGHT! T.V, and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS A0-ft, self-supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint, Complete with Wave- Master all-channel antenng Total. price, installed ond guaranteed for year, $59.95, TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3553 SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMSON TV TOWERS 40-ft, tower structure with single Radess AC 2:13 all- channel head. $59.95 coms pletely installed and guarans teed | year RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS ST, 23--Women's Column permanents LR Page Hairdressing, HA 5:5363 GERDA'S BEAUTY SALON 621 KING ST, E Lanolin perms 7.50 up, Mone from 30 to 7 p.m, Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m, to 7 p.m. Saturday 9 am, to 4 p.m, For appointment call RA 8.2641, new SPECIAL! Heat Cold wave $6.00 106 Pine Avenue 2 day (24---Market ot Bask et LARGE Phone blue Ho grapes limited quantity wmanville LAL) MA 3271 IPOTATOES, fleld run, $1.00 per bag, {32~Articles Wanted MO 8-8101 44---Houses, Apts, Flots For Rent - hisdog or business offies, oom house, dow) petied HA 84646, TWO - [business Jody preferred, ng fo, shie district, Heavy (2 wera), laundry facil entrance and So wha Adults, Call B 4 bo tor 4 ba #ls0 8 Wehiioh, hogy. room ApaTiment, hot water, ad [7 NOS -- Ten upright or Fake oa i win sh, State price, Write Box 204, fi 2% a ORGANS wanted -- Slate size and 60% dition, Box 117, The Oshawa Times, I] CASH FoR SCRAP | | BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES; PAPER, 5, etc, Ope All Day Seturday M. GREENBERG & SONS RA 37999 308 Bloor §t, E SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, ete, bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone RA 5-231) 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS . TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD PAPERS---RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE «~~ RA, 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET ROYAL COIN AND STAMP STORE RA 8-3221 64 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA STAMPS AND COIN ALBUMS, By Whitman, Minkus, Regent, ete, Wanted to buy, all scarce Canadian ond Ameris con coins, Highest prices paid for old gold coins of the world, We buy stamp collecs tions 35--Employment Wanted HOOKKEEPER typist, experien desires permanent position, able to take complete charge, own ear, Phone Ajax WH 32-5255, MIDDLEAGED widow would like prae teal nursing, with light housework or as housekeeper, HA 8.8512 TWO young girls would like Hight house: Allan Downes, Pontypool HONEY - white d or processed Ritson Road 2441 [CARROTS onions bushel half-mile Courtice ORDER early Ktore amber and golden, R Anderson, | North, Phone RA bushel; Spanish (amally $150; (large) $2.60 Bring containers, W. Eymann, east of Nicholls Garage, Go north to first corner avoid rimoenlous winter in fruit cellar, Good till ¢ wholesale, five bags oh, velall $2.50, 78h, hans, tres delivery RA 8-190, RLUE grapes for sale, also door, regu. lar sive, Call after 4 p.m, at 1162 Cedar Street 25---Pets & Livestock DEER hound, registered, Walker, Phone MO 82417 BEAUTIFUL white puppies, champion hred, reasonable, RA 62377 REGISTERED dachshund pupples six weeks old, also grown stock, Cedar View Kennels. Telephone RA 5.5062 BOARDING, trimming, deflea ing, Waubena Kennels 21 0 eents $30. miniature poodle show quality, hathing, RA 5-63 BEAUTIFUL baby budgles, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Hroad, 114 Elgin Street Kast 26---Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promplly 'hone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.3721, targwill Fur Tyrone Farm WELL voted manure for sale, RA 8.8053 OAT straw for sale, 55 acres in field MO 83144 'SAOINTERNATIONAL 300 Utility trae: torque am. lifler, power take of fast hitch, 552 hours use, east over 53000 new, sell cheap, MO 8.4783. 27--Fuel & Wood DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur naees, stoves, fire laces, ete, §5 large load delivered, Phone R a, 28--Summer Properties COTTAGES, camps, homes, acre in beautiful Kawartha Lakes distr ai tor ren -- keeping and baby sitting, day or eve: ning, Phone before 7. RA 5.2000, YOUNG lady, 10, requires office posi: tion or part time work, Has full High Sehool education, Write Hox 211, Ore wa Times, | school girl on shill wants work at general housework or haby sitting, |experienced. RA 8-374 EXPERIENCED housekeeper requires work by the hour or day, Phone RA 68-2050 after 6 p.m EXPERIENCED in knowledge of switchboard, typewriting and office work, Write Box 10 Oshawe "personality job, | Times RELIABLE experienced women, avails able for baby-sitting and home making Haby Sitting Bureau, RA 3.4821, Closed Thursday afternoons, LADIER Trave your ohiidre while you shop or work, diy nn. Reasonable rates, Phone with me or eve: RA EXPERIENCED day care for children in my home or haby sitting at night Phone RA 3362 36--Female Help Wanted WAITRESS exierienced, for ovenlng shift, Apply from 830 a.m. to South End Restaurant, § Bloor hH APPRENTIOE wanted for hairdress. ng, neal appearance, Phone RA "YOUNG LADY Attractive personality, pleas. ant and courteous for recep- tionist and switchboard opers ator, Some knowledge of switchboard and typing desire able, Excellent working cons ditions, usual fringe benefits, Apply MR, HOUSE CHERNEY BROS, _BOKINGST. E____ \ miles northeast Toronto. For free Nst ini folio, write Bowes and Cocks Lim ited, Realtors, 243M 28a~--Trailers I'M TEE NEE boat traller dition, private, Phone RA 535838 King West Can be seen anytime good oon. 10088 | sleeps 4 or 6, with travelling ohn, Butane ght, threeburner stove, joven, 16 gal. water tank, pump. New | antl used models, end of season prices. {Lansdowne Texaco Station, RA 3-3938 {FOR RENT Tent traller by week $35 {accomodates six people, Phone MA 1-4362 Trailer 28b--Hunting | uo. SEREEPING od deer hunting lp.m | HUNTERS | We skin and process Deer | cottage for rent RA R6180 before § for freezers WILSON'S ABATTQIR SEE the new compact 12 Shasta Travel | HOUSEWIVES Cash in on the big Fall and Christmas Selling season, Be an Avon in your Peterborough, Riverside | representative neighborhood, CALL LE 6-0627 for more information, NO OBLIGATION PRESTIGE TRAVEL CAREERS BE A' STEWARDESS -- AIRLINE RESERVATION. IST -- TRAVEL AGENT CLASSROOM INSTRUC: TION GIVEN TO TOP AIRLINE PERSONNEL, WRITE TODAY CAREER COUNSELLOR THE CANADA AIR CAREER MO 8-4842 SCHOOL 11 YORKVILLE AVENUE, TORONTO §, 37---~Male Help Wanted FOUR salesmen, full or part-time, for od mans, Port Hops, Tremen- commissions, Don't pase his wp, For appointment call RBA # SERVICE Station Ai ~ Reply Fimes Box m, NEED sok men x once, Bo SAIER EX or {Eetopnone Wh 8.2905, Wo - ble, - Antenna yer, paved pa ping "Centre, ing oe FOUR stove, Frigidpire, Wier, hasisd 12] ately RA ™wo TWO + bedroom rir in new od HA i wie 6.30 ONE and new fe A A #nd twos bedroom 0 and refrigerator, furnished, HA 53045 or BA for, ples 1B i i 5 Avalishie art | refrigerator « Foom and stove, le a, centrally | 227" i BA $1909, ~ room duple of parking space, a. buyers {ling RA 33492 for » Iriendly Writer WANTED = Reliable man as dealer in Durham County and Oshawa, perience not Necessary nity to step into old profitable business | where Rawleigh Products have heen Big profits, Products Write Rawleigh's,! Mont sold for years furnished on eredit Dept, J-310-163, 4005 Richelieu, real ACCOUNTANT with experience in in dustrial cost and general aceounting Musi he capable of setting wp and intainin let pr Knowledge of office and factory time study, Inventory tem organization, eontrollership of small Salary in keeping Write Box 214] Can lesd to company in Alex with qualifications, Oshawa Tl YOUNG MAN 16 TO 20 YEARS FOR MEN'S CLOTHING STORE No experience necessary Reply to. 138 OSHAWA TIMES Have YOU \ a Plan for Your Future? Be a mon with a plan! Join one of the Canadian Army's crack infantry regiments to day. Applications are agein being accepted for enrolment ini The Canadian Guards The Royal Canadian Regiment Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada if you are 17 to 25 and single and can meet the high enrolment standards, here is your chance for an excellent carreer with a good future , a life of challenge, travel 'and adventure and an interesting and healthy man's job, Enquire now at your local Army Recruiting Station ati #507 College Street, Toronto, Ontario Telephone: WA 4.7346 Please provide me details on Royal Canadian Infantry Corps career opportunities, | would like an interview at my home 0 at the recruiting station [J Name Address City/Town CRT I III IL] ea RaEReRRRNS SIRI ILI Province ERE RRERE EEE] Phone "ay Last School Grade Completed Age EERE ELLER) EERE ] "£60.33 ~ | 39=--Agents Wanted MEN = Pleasant outdoor work, Aver age 82 per hour No experience neces. sary. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept, Lalo-VV 4005 Richelieu. Montreal bi INTMAS Card agents, Bell Can best selection of rsonalized greeting cards, Over 850 cards to choose from, Special business cards, Write for your free album today. L, Smith and associates Lid, Ajax, Ont, 41--Room & Board IN OLEAN, quiet home, good meals and bods, lunches packed, hot water, parking, Day workers, #1 Park Road outh ROOM and "Board avaliable for two en te 0 are, single beds, 316 a week, FOR one in Whilhy, pe vate room and home vileges, ¥ f har Whit information, eal GENTLEMEN -- "meals, Tanches jasked, home Pr iegen, RA Phone bt or Thom and board, Kood meals, close to th GM, hospital and four corners. Aply 340 Division ROOM andl board for gentlemen, three minutes (ram four corners, Apply Charles TWO friends to share room and board, All conveniences, sink in every roam, Apply 836 Lorraine or RA S116 ROOM and board, six days a week, home cooked meals, TV privileges, RRMA hd, close to Pediars, Fittings ROOM RE "hoard, clase | North GM or hospital, Phone RA § ROOM ana board for two gentlemen, two single rooms, good home cooking, Apply 292 King Street East FURNISHED basement apartment, three rooms and bath, in quiet homes, central RA 39800 after § pom, ROA! and are for elderly ladies, separate rooms, private home, close to churches, shopping, Whithy, MO #4368, ROOMS and hoard \f desired, close to downtown and NGM. Apply 23 Elgin Street East ar phone RA LAL With or without board. 306 King Sireet East, near Rit son Road ROOM and Baar for gentlemen, good meals, continuous hot water, Apply 348 Arthur Street. RA 53008 TWO gentlemen fo share single beds, hame his home cooked meals, Tlunches packed RA 5.7043 ROOM and board for gentlemen |Hinuous hot water, hame privileges (Ply 341 Ritson Road South, com Ap $ ry 4 centre, large rooms, electrically equip cameras pon Fis dy Bell yours easily by - Adls Ex from Oshawa, $50 monthly, New A fine opportu: ga CLEAN (hres : control and budgeting alse desirable. | Weg TWO -- A Bap Fh | efter § pm, d, TV outlet, free washer and di supplied, Available Dee, Add hmm 1] a: nt, SEVEN Toom frame 1arm garden, piece hath, garage, iJ Two bedrooms, ilehen, |» | hdd ApATiment, yoom bungalows vo Ap 101, olf HA 3 , wove, rev ova RA rate entrance, bath, adits, $96, fo pom. RA B14, id 70 0: room hastient -- stove, furnished or uni Rowd South TWO 00m unfurnished ment, rangeite supplied, $35 670 Edith btreet, Phone RA 59146 THREE rooms snd sunroom hated Li adults, inished; Ritson Telephone WA 6-318, wpstalrs i , very central, modern, parking, Wo, Wa blame Ph HREE : room furnished Arment, 15 per week Dus, slestrit arin A 81584, Living room, Dalhreom, modern, corner | Wentworth and Ravine, $55 monthly, Phone RA 5-3741 or RA 65-6643 evenings, THREE - room apartment, uni "atk ed, all conveniences, LA North, 03 #43 Ritson Roi ni, TEA bus at door, 34817 me Whonping Cen room sonable rent, close to Lvaiiab le now, Apply 630 Ki apartment, hydro supilied, close ther on bus line, paring. | room unfurnis rivate bath, gas range, gluded, 780 Bimeos Birest privale part onl or, hab fh and hospital A | conveniences, business cou ed, HA # THREW-room no ire ol tr ly RA 80125, Wh nko 6pm 00m, -- storey 3.2 wit hes rage, trend wir oll eat Apply 14 duck. won NEWLY decorsted three-room apart: ment, Bireet ground floor, stove, frig, all prefers ad --- " # 3344 nd bath yi nt, 2 3 replace a LL oy outlet, Pr A i+ +d ved Ol, bi M collage, eh shed, oll space heater, FURNISHED | RpATIMENt, TOOm, ny (refr) rar, slave) hath, ! UA ose hopping centre, $12.50 Sokly, Ll Monirave Avenue after 6 4 IROOM house wilh two baths, sioss 0M to downtown and General Motors ute Bhie for rooming hous rm sublet A Th furnished, very central thur Street oven : room prick home, all panes, seve liam Btre we to downtown, Realtor, O Shopping Centre, THREE room _ apartment, privale hath, near South G lage Ross, App! ber i OPEN Tor w modern apartment for vent, | two bedrooms, [4 frigerator, stove, wither, y 148 antenna, Wo lose w' Reppis Centre, ¥ d Monirave, RERDENTIAL - Sell pontained. } heat: be ed three rooy trance, haleony, an bath, stove, refrigerator, monthly, mature fenants CR quiet household, Box 71 Port Yor. MODERN Jou room vison | gr three ieee : heal: | BA Ll . time RA hy * " a: ox room ranch style bui 10 schools, a A ni, a ie THREE - room heated FT 'ep entrance adults only, 74 Bond $60| THREE wn unfurnished Toma; i private hathroom, semi-private entrance, Heav! fur Yoaa Apply 471 Bimeoe Bout ly Apply H "oat newly reeres ool: #40 mon FOR SALE or rent with option 10 buy, four-bedroom brick hungalow, decorated, storms and sere tion room, private pay lent condition, golden opportunity, own: or transferred, Available [ad week No: vember, Whithy, TWO or three roo ness flats or single, or 801 Elgin Street hi. wuilabie for 3 Phone RA 5.0887 FOUR . woom apartment, sl cu rds, mn 18 Arey hoa so availuhie how, Phone 58115 after 8, THREE 4roome 8 Including Wi Hite hen with Ph RA I pm nd ) nm, FOUR + room apartment, separate sie shee, Wound oor, bathing, laundry is A oor, Rol RA #00 pply 165 Verdun VACANT now, only #70 monthly fo lognted fi id ot AJAX = six rOOM ator, ™ outl pote rebate at end of o A NEW six-room duplex spariment, com: pletely private, 20-minute bus ties, farge furnished bedroom, 370 Windsor, THREE - bedroom home, close to busi: ness section, immediate possession, HA 3.9554 SIX room ho PVs we Ffooms on third floor, "ann L) Nov, 1, RA THREE and | frigerators private ent oom riments, Te ves, sinks, Supbearts, 00, Child welcome, * | G0BY, our PR AL for business eous 14 RA LRLLH uy Suphoards ) bus line, avallable now, oy of tora Ll shared bath, RA 89468 ot Are | oh, spect call Jack Ap ii 3308. 4.3308, John A, J, Bb ahood Lid ROOM furnished apartm ut ator, Private entra: bath, olan rh washing facilities, water, lights Included, adults only, RA 54585, "bedroom Srariment, "stove and Ly Rite, wo to town, L - Howard St ONE apartment Fuitable or for rT poupie, ladies or gentlemen, Day care Niven 10 ehild while Oe works, Apply Elgin Street East, FURNIEHED (wo « room apartment, private entrance ground floor wash: room, refrigerator, parking, also single furnished room, very eentral, A Centre Street ator, it bulldi 'Phone "A408 8-08 Hi did ailable now, ™WO : 1 + room apartment, _--. firs nished, refri Hi oUpPhoAr 5p reasonable = THREE nd (wo rooms. Boih ARATE vl contained, with own ens trance, Apply James Gibson (upstairs) 14 Celina Street, RA 5.7663, HEATED modern three-room, kitchens wi LARGE four room modern apartment, ! parking ie an her, d y Phone MA 300 Apt 13 King West: ile, A in 3 wiring, stain: AM ly sink, Phone A 81780 after § pom, Adults or one baby welcome, ATTRACTIVE th street level, private stove, rel erator, nome, central, RA Saturdays THREE wo armen 0 in harman ng. ain ret, plea ply 103 Wilson Ro: a ny 5 SMALL SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT, suitable for ~ bachelor or newly weds, rea- sonable rent, Available Dec, 1st. Logue Apartments, Apply 795 KING ST. & RA 3.9292 UPPER DUPLEX, L-shaped living-dining room, bedrem, kitchen and sun-room, bathe room, nicely decorated, hard- wood and tile throughout Ideally located, T.V. outlet, je5. R RA 3-7905 or RA § MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT at 15 Gibbon Street Adults or children over 10, Apply: 21 GIBBON STREET OSHAWA'S FINEST PARK LANE APTS. | = «= 1 AND 2 BEDROOM w= ELEVATOR SERVICE «= EARLY POSSESSION Contact DON HOWE Realtor 67 KING ST. EK RA 5-772 | MONTH FREE RENT Immediate Possession Deluxe 2-bedroom new apart ments, Hollywood kitchens, electrically squipped, broad: loom, drapes, outlet, logker, hot wale! and parks ing included. Call Apt, No. 1, 309 Adelaide St. West: RA 5.6608 before | pm, or 1) central location, private Sntranee. WHIT stove and vefrig dry Iso store on Ma Street, TWO + Team furnished apartment, trally located, quiet distriet, Shild web come, Abstalners only, RA 8603 GROUND floor, we bedrooms, wis sonable, possession, "x yd immediate an Poe [back and front, al. adults le wiring, or| 33000" § tn. ol THREE + bedroom bungalow, im 0 possession, near south plant, 404 Byron Court, FIVE + room house session, Phone RA OUR ~ room apartments, fie bath, on, Reuter, 1A vie idrapin, Shu onl, erator, \e yi oy soph Rosco, WHITRY «two + arking, fae VY Apt, 01 Crayden Road, bamboo drapes inclu WAREHOUNE space, approximately 808 a fy main floor, central, RA wit FREE 2 weeks rent in very modern one bedroom apartment with balcony, 105 Croydon Rd, Whitby, Phone MO 8.4770 Two bedroom apartment La Salle Court, available now, Phone RA 5.3813 or RA 8. 6485. PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE« (PARK RD, & KING ST, DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION let, resiclentiol street, <bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V, outlet, drapes, parking, etc Rents from $20 monthly PHONE RA 8.7272 RA $5787

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