Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 5

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Vehicle Output | ___™% OAwa TAs bode, Outer 0, W665 WHITBY And DISTRICT (Whitby Midget LOOP [snows luweases |, 120s nese ime: TORONTO (CP) ~ Canadien motor - vehicle production this ------------------ Organizes For Season iin : rey the Canadian Automobile Cham: Ke ; , her of Commerce ' The Midget Lesgue of the Sheedy, Lloyd Bradley, Paull 700 pm ~COF vs Cook's Esso pis SY total was made up! CER PAINT @ Whithy Misor Hockey Association Douglas, Garry Davie, John Bish-\pEe, 13 of 6,175 ears and 8) trucks com-| WALLPAPER STORE will oper its schedule on Tues-ion, Dieter Markikowski and Bill| 600 p.m. --COF vs Pickering pared with 5917 cers and E day, Nov. 1, with two exhibition Waters 740 ~Look's Esso vs {trucks the previous week. J SHIRT LAUNDERERS 107 BYRON 67, 5, WHITBY i . E games starting at 600 p.m Bandsmen Coseh Chain --1 3 E| The league this year is made Luke; John Cuddy, Bruce ed DEC Bandsmen BORN IN KINGSTON , MOTH AND BURN MO 8-52 1 up of four teams, The Bandsmen man, Mill McBride, John Be 0 Cook's Esso v5 h ; " HOLES REWOVEN YOUR i sponsored by the Whithy dard, Doug Ing, Donald Dair, ; "Pickering | TORONTO (CP)--Gordon Pat iy Hh R (Brass Band, Cook's Beso are thom Bassett, Denis Vorvis, Dov] 700 p.m, Bondemen vs cop "20% 8 native of Kingsion | wiiTeY RA 5-3558 I C.J.L, Paint Dealer [sponsored by Bud Cook's Esso Swain. John Shuttleworth, Greg: 4 and retired executive with the The ¢ Poiming A i service station, 'Dundas street cry Heffering, larry Pugson, DEC, Dictaphone Corp Limited, died es no ing Decorating east The third team, tormeriy| John Goodall, John Eliott, Raby = Bandsien ve |undar. Me. Palersn avid 9; Substitute for or 14 Brock Street Motors, is sponsor: AG se Robert P & | Dictaphone' s ener i nana i A apeshonging led this year hy the Ov Abcrman, Wane, Wile, Re Don| 7H COF vs Cook's Bsso'for Copada and later as Snter Experience! Fon Mun Order of Foresters and the ri Berend : JAN, § rationel director of sales. He re team hails from the Village ofl Ted Keenan, convener of this| 9 ~COF vs Pickering itired in 195% Pickering, year's Midget League, would| 799 ~Chok's Esso vs The Bandsmen, coached by|iike tg, remind ali the players who! Bandsmen Elgin Luke, will host Pickering'do nof have their Registration JAN, {at 600 pm. and at 700 am Forms in yet to bring them with) 645 im. --Cook's Esso vs Cook's Esso, coached hy hard nem on Tuesday night together Pickering working Gord Platt, will take oniyich their registration fee, 700 p.m, ~Bendsmen vs COF the COF, who are coached by Following is the game sched JAN, 19 {Frank Mackay, who is no strane until the end of January, A esas vi {ger around the local rink oe Will the following players take] WMHA Schedule 7.00 p.m ickering Ean notice of the team they have| 1st Game: 600-700 2 hy ve § Enso heen placed on nd Game: 7.00400 JAN, Canadian Order of Foresters: NOV, § 600 p.m.~COF vs Pickering |Conch, Brapk Mackey; Ray Ree-| 6.00 p.m Cook's Esso ve 700 p.m, ~Cook's Esso vs son, Russell Willard, David Law-| Pickering Bandsmen | rence, Gerald Jorden, Bob C amp:| 7.00 p.m. Bandsmen vs COF -- = bell, Diech Conrad, Stuar i NOV, 15 | " Evans, Graydon Colville, Terry! 600 p.m.-Bandsmen vg Whiteside, Tom Jensen, John Pickering T \'/ Mayeock, Peter Bell, Richard! 700 p.m.--COF vs Cook's Esse Ld Ld Carr, Barry Goode, Don Sweete, NOV, 22 0 Richard Mathew, Philip Waltham 600 p.m. --COF vs Pickering AERIALS 5 Michael Lavoie, Neil ( altherwoaly 7.00 p.m. --Cook's Esso vs {and Bob Daniels Bandsmen MORTGAGE BURNING pS 8 Jaga. y of Ah pi ne, n Cook's Esso vs special dance, held at the Whit. |Liddle, Gerrit Hamer, Skip Toy Pickering hy Legion Hall, In the picture [Dennis Stevens, Scott Lindsey 7.00 p.m. ~--Bandsmen vs COF Mrs, Roman helps the presi- Ted Rivett, Frank Steffler, Dave DEC, § dent, Ernie Kent, right, burn |Maundrell, Boh Munroe, Alex, 600 p.m ol andsmen VE : : Adams, the distiller who made history with the mortgage on the home of a | the community, the associa - ere ! . . member of their community, | tion's benefit dances and Teen. | frey, left, looks on. Whithy soli. now famous Private Stock, has done it again! i rs, Ken Roman Mrs Roman | age Club, the Wh hy Brass citors, RM Helfer and Terry | . Moved ~~ Repaired 7 9 Adams now presents Gold Siripe, ther lost her hushand following an | Band and the Black Wateh | Moore dongted their legal serv: | ori a an Install 7 ¥ anol aul hile & lent last Feb. | Regiment Toronto, The Rate- | ices free of charge to finalize 7 a mode ated automobile acciden TI eh | ment in Toronto ¢ r | I: ree of charge to finalize ' Custom Blend, aa rate price, cre ruary Spearheaded hy Presi payer \aspRation celebrated | the mortgage transaction dent Mal Femia and the PVG | the occasion on Friday al a . Oshawa Times Photo Greets Canada IN D E P E N D E N T | i i especially for the Ontario taste, SALES & SERVICE } (WHITBY) LTD, ! Next time you buy, try mellow custom blended I { LJ i Florida goodwill and some|thousands of Canadian visitors # wn i 111 t } | al < banking news were spread into|who come to our Suncoast each MO 8-2081 Gold Stripe in its tall, handsome flask bottle Canada last week hy Bradley year," Morgan L. Bmith, Citizens . 7 ] : Veager, vice - president of the president, stated, "Our purpose ---- ---- in 25 ounce and 12 ounce sizes, and you |] agree, Citizens National Bank of 8t.|in making this goodwill tour was ; J alnot only to assure our Canadian ] b : Adams has done it again! . * * i Petershurgh, Designated as m ress V Oo 1C or "Sunshine Ambassador' by May-|friends of a warm welcome, bul or Edward ¥, Brantley of thelto tell them of a new service in- ay On Friday night, members of | Ratepayers' Association, a fund the Park Vista Ratepayers As. | was sel up to pay up Mrs sociation and their friends met Roman's second morigage on for a very happy occasion, It | her home, The $1000 mortgage Fund Chairman, Harry God- | | | was the burning of the second | was liquidated by the people of | the mortgage while Roman |Ploeger, Larry Hill, Micha ell | Florida city, Yeager carried the|augurated al Citizens to facilitate By CLIFF GORDON ceonds as the Frontenacs came look better, , , , Bob Tripp ap.|Pest wishes of Bt Petersburg to|their financial transactions," Whithy Hillerest halked uplright back on the next play tolpears in tip top shape and will|the people of Eastern Canada,| Citizens has installed a special another very impressive victory score a fine goal with Ron Brown! make the road to the Whithy goal|PPECI8l Visits were made (0 the| Mapl Leal" window in the here on Saturday night as they the. trigger man on this one, The EY mayors of Toronto and Montreal, { whipped the Kingston Frontenacs| loca vere victimized on al ® TOUgh one when he is out there. and a "Red Carpet" = greeting" © their bank which will 11.8 In & Jr. B exhibition hockey couple of cheap penalties in the| » + » Geo. Ashby, a midget play-|was extended to Thomas Clough, be devoied entirely to Canadian game played hefore some 300 next 10 minutes bul managed toer of last year, appears to he President of the Canadian Bocie-| activity fans, The Whitby team displayed hold the fort, Middleton whol making a big bid to jump right of Bt, Petershurg and Ll "Since Canadian currency and a tremendous driving spirit with|played one of the best games wel, 5 k Ritchie, his 2nd vice-president lehecks e wntly ha | plenty of corm puneh an! have seen him play put the locals A 5 ranks, as is Rowland EHS CUFTERLlY have a premium Pent air tight dofence nd some out front 81 at the 15.15 mark Mackey, a big 175-pound right The Red Carpet was the one|value over our own money, Cs: | stellar goal 1eoding as he clicked on passes from WInger, , , , Butch Kadwell, a used hy Queen Elizabeth at the | l0Mers will he given immediate | ond wu The scoring for the Whithyv|Tran and Fegan local defence stalwart, handed |inauguration of the St Lawrence| C71 " He Hifteronte, Smith 16.00 P team was evenly divided with] Big Buteh Kadwell of the PUl A couple of bone tingling|ge ¢ year, Citize Phi A the past | has Ne i| ( 1 ¢ ¢ BUNS Beaway last year, Citizens Nas quently been the practice to ac Pete Bhearer he only repeat|scene for the next Whitby goal |eheeks on Saturday night that Bi Y ! at ] " H tional purchased it several weeks qe Ie INS ar r seorer as he bagged two, BSinglelas he carried the puck the full|¥ Il make some of the Ingston ago A physical symbol of their gop bin " Jem it 4 a 2 Ni B V K A J ie case of a depositor, to er counters went to Elmer Tran,|Inegth of the ice, fed a drop pass| Players remember to keep their| advertising slogan, 'Red Carpe p Lyn Middleton, Rowland Mae: to Westfall who in turn flipped nls up, , , , Don't forget the Service'! § Sogon, pt fhe Prem ui only after a Shack AUTO TRIM key, Jim Fegan, Stan Westfall, puck over to Mackey who went in| PIE game here tomorrow night], had forwarded for collec: Ron Elliott. Gord Luke. Ken Rob and made no mistake as .he| When the Toronto Marlies of the "We are all aware of the many tion," 307 DUNDAS WwW, erts and Bob Tripp caught the left hand side of the Metro Jr, B league will be the si For the losers It was Ron| net about knee high, Fegan scor-| Visitors, with game time called] A a Ph. MO 8-812 Brown, Bud Anlesworth andied on a solo effort at 17.21 to for 8.40, Peter Mantrop with a lone tally |eive Whithy a4 lead a ih SUMMARY Th each clubs skated 0 ee lee at e | Ist Pe Mike Morrison was the only end of the first period Whithy Wd player on the Whithy team from| ! " 0 45 si year's team who played Sal:| DOZEN PENALTIES a Miadieton re 348 urday n ho failed to score Phe second period was a real| # Kingston; R, Brown, | f ho failed ] Curran vr 2.50 0 Ww e¢ did pick up one|hard hitting atfair with feelings] TL "OUR ORE ming to almost a hoiling point Whitby Middleton, va n 4 \ ran, Fegan nner 3.8 The Hillerests will have anoth.|many a time There were a total pe er very hu veek ahead of them. |of 12 penalties hande d out in this] % Whithy Mac key, | . § Tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 1) the! period and almost as many more| Westfall, Kadwell ,,,,,, 16.06 A Hillere vill play host to the|went amiss of the eyes of the two Whithy Fegan 17.21 Ma i Met rol referees, Captain Ken Roberts of Penalties Fegan 6.26, West 0 ithy Tos i gr prom on to be thelthe Whithy club fired a hot one fall 9.10, Kadwell, P, Ford 16.47 hardest test of the season thus|from the point to make it 5-1 as gnd Period [ far for the local entry who have [the Angston is im Was playing 6, Whithy: Roberts, von three in a row to date, The|short handed, Shearer, a strappy Luke, Middleton ,.y,00,, 8.44 A Marlies are a farm team of Ae head for the home team| 7. Whithy: Shearer, | nnounces Marlies of the A series and have made it 61 as he dented the Westfall 16.21 7 some terrific hoys on their team {ri gin behind Cain In the losers' Penalties Warmington 6.45.1 On Thursday night the Hilk|cage, That was all the Scoring igor "Westfall 8.08, R. Brown, | NV crests will travel to Newmarket |for the middle period . | Middleton 0.29, Naplorkoski 12.10,] i THE to play their arch rivals of that The Frontenacs changed goal-ig. 15.28, Wsetfall 16.59, Fegan town. Then on Saturday night thelles for the third period and the 120s 10 os CR biggest test ever to face a Whithy [poor fellow, Demmer, must have ja a , ain 17.80, J, Ford fr. team will come Into being, [felt it would have heen hetter| f | GENERAL ELECTRIC Manager | 1 Davie hax arran had he stayed home in bed I'he drd Period ed I the Niagara Falls Flyers [Hillere ts came out like a band| 8 Whithy: Westfall, Tripp 30 forme Harrie Flyers) of thelof goal hungry tigers, Westfall 9. Whithy: Shearer, Ashby 53 Ir. A league, to play an exhibi-| blinked the light at the 30 second) 10 Kingston: Anlesworth, | : tion game here, The Saturday mark, Shearer followed just 23 P. Ford 4.41 4 . and the Whit bhy{ll, Whitby: Elliott night game will start at 8.00{seconds later p.m. while the game tomorrow team was really rolling. Anles Napiorkoski, Norrison 5.00 gain Ma vill go at 8.50 warth scored for the visitor fol: 12. Whithy: Luke, | 5 : ; ; lowed hy goals for Whithy off the Middleton, Tran ....... 10.12 ' with NEW TORRID PAC) sticks of Elliott and Luke, Man-|13, Kingston: Mantrop, The same here on Saturday tron got the final marker for the| - Anlesworth de) "DAYLIGHT BLUE" vehi started off at a torrid rate|losers at the 14.01 mark and then 14, Whithy:' Tripp, of speed, Both teams appeared Boh Tripp finished the scoring Tran, Middleton 15.564 | | us if they were going to try tolfor the night at 15.54 on passes| Penalties Ball 1.58, 11.16, hase the other fellow right out! fram Tran and Middleton Kadwell 2.48, Ford, minor and "" " " othe Tink. Anlesworth got al ICE CHIPS + . , The Whithy| misconduct, 6.43; Bobbie 19,35, COMMENCING DELAWARE 23 clear eat break awa) or the team appears very strong both |e a Kingston team at 1,17 but Top:lon the offence and on: the de I UESDAY NOV Ist A deluxe console, Beautiful slim:line cabinet in walnut i nthe Whithy de all eo. TI Iso hi a top I aR ye I Sh Ea ain ; Nim Tappin opi MOGKLIN CONCAITE PRODUCTS LIMITED ' hd or mahogany finish, with sculptured legs, Includes ) ital the 2.43 mark nroduet of the Oshawa minor : : "Glarejectar' system, Set-and-forget tene control, 27. as he fired hom + Middleton hoekoy league Lyn Middle: | 3 : tube functions. Automatic Fine Tuning end Lighted pa fe St on appears headed for a banner \ ] Phe lead lasted just a mere 16 year as we have never seen him | Brighten Your Home With Channel Indicator, Quadruple speaker sound system, 3 Bulbs From The Kinsmen "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SANITY" | : BRO CK Phone MO 8.3618 > 4 Model Ne, €C-307 Now Playing ovine shovest? end 420 a | 3 pe Precast Concrete il JHEREARESTILLA PEW SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT GOING AT ONLY 129 00 WHEN POURING ON SITE. OUR QUALITY 15 GUARANTEED. : x Current Range of Products include: ; SEPTIC TANKS ® CURBING are | INDEPENDENT 'see ON TV e CHIMNEY CAPS i $V 0 osm by f SERVICE er : CUNCRZTE TADDYETS (WHITBY) LTD, LL nookdtt SPECIALISTS IN | We Move--Repair and Instal TV Aerials AY No TY ATO CUSTOM PRECASTING Ph. OLiver.5-3311 WHITBY PLAZA WHITBY MO 8-208! --

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