Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 17

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Fr Construction is well under way at the Durham District | High School Board's 500-pupil Courtice High School, Excayva: tions began shout five weeks ago and now the foundations are in, the west wall Is com pleted 10 roof height and other walls are partially erected. The new school, which will cost in Football wie ii 1 a ¥ COURTICE H the neighborhood of $616.45 was designed by Pentland and Baker, architects, of Toronto, and is being built by the East wood Construction Co., Peler: horough, The school, when eom: plete next September, will have two wings, one storey wing and the single-storey wing. I n other a will cop- wor | IGH SCHOOL PROGRESSING RAPIDLY { tain 16 classrooms, holler room | and gymnasium, Harry Bart | lett, vice-president of the East- wood Co, 1s working full time at the school sité in the capa eity of construction superin. tendent, He sald this week, that before the foundation could he poured, 6000 yards of fill had ito he dumped INDUSTRIAL OSHAWA ToTheFore Grand Trunk Factor In Growth Bt Donevan By BARBARA GREENE The beloved halls of Dr, ¥. J Donewgn Collegiate Institute are once more caught up In the frantic pace of school life, Head ing the list of popular activities are sports in general and foothall in particular, Clubs and dances are tied in a close second place Education is fast gaining an im portant position FOOTBALL FEVER Last week in foothall star Seniors dealt blows to Pickering and Ajax They recei%ed further fame the form of a victory over OCVI No less glorified are the Jun fors, who defeated OCVI last week. They were caught off ward hy Central on Thu Wit promise retaliate with a tremendous triumph over our worthy opponents CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT A centralized government heen organized at Donevan great powers are Myron president; Barbara Holmes president; Carolyn Werr tary: Carol Holmes, treasurer and Boh Grace, social convener The fashion for leisure hour has become clubs of all sorts and sizes, The GAA and BAA are pal vonized hy the more athletic types and the drama elub hy would-he Hamlets, There are Rembrandt's in the sketch e¢lub and bilingualists in the French Club, For our intellectuals, Current Events club is being formed The Davies of Canada provid od a pleasant change in our sembly last Friday, They favor ed us with many selections ac companied by their mother on the piano The GAA mel the coming gob Hins' eve with the weirdest event of the season, the Witch's Whirl It was a ghostly success, In con. clusion, may 1 wish you all happy haunting this evening, Church Is Praised For | Liquor Stand YAleoholism Is doing more to] pollute our national heritage than all the industrial waste and sew age that contaminates so many of our great rivers, Dr John Linton, of Toronto, general secre tary of the Canadian Temper ance Federation; declared In a sermon delivered to the congre gation of the College Park seventh » day Adventist Chureh this weekend Dr, Linton was guest preacher al the morning worship serviee this Saturday as the congregation ohserved "Temperance Day" part of an international obhsery ance marked hy Seventh-day Ad ventist' ehureohes around the world, Mr, Linton, who has recently returned fram a world confer ence an aleaholism held this year in Stoekhalm, Sweden, padd trib ute to the global scope of the de nomination's aleohal prevention program, He expressed the wish that ether churches might hrin to "their support of true lem perance a vigor and vision dis played hy Sevemihday Adven tists in almost every country the world." Dr. Linton eited statisties re leased hy the Ontario Aleahal Re seareh Foundation revealing the fact that there are more than 200,000 chranie aleahalies in Can ada al the present time. Authoris tes estimate that on the aver age more than five people are intimately -atfected hy the prob lems created hy each aleaholic "On this basis, we have mare than a million perkons sulfering ram the consequences holism." Dp If people insist on thinking of aleohod addiction as a disease, it { our all smashing n da In nom ha I'he Mech vies en a as as of Ww ACH Linton pointed out 18 time they displayed some const sistency and faced up 10 the fae! that with such stati we confronted with an epidemic st alated cases 0 say Dr, Linton' called for a two pronged drive to assist these un fortunate, though often talented people. He atressed the need for 4 spiritual and social approac that would n \ effor W ami addi 0s are nol fe weal on nte ¢ (William will Follow series of the ne Osh EDITOR'S NOTE; n the with is another dealing elopment nm arviecie dustrial dey 0 awa By RON DEVANEY Writing in 1024, George W, M¢ Lau to ahou he Railway creep 1856 had t Frunk nto Oshaw The coming rallwa ettled permanently Oshaw facturing it hin 16 say Grand ng an £ of he a's su cen 48 4 ma rity Prior Imaost impo fon ade erie peri Ire to operation i] f n certain vith the ) ei T throu goods muddy m Car laden 0 h road In the ed the hor lake Lime hlock jammed the har navigation on the yinter no nads; lee fe and ma impo PROMISED REGULARITY kind sari! ratiroad promised some hut not Industr A of punetualit to ning hip out (A soclologleal rival on other could omparative vegularit nece owner goods effect of the tenuous de know reached n times railroad a towns he pendence Ing they th emergency I'he path the Toronto - Montreal line should take through Oshawa was 'a matter of some concern' Long time resident Abram east of Farewell pointed out a "peculiar contours', point at whieh level ground was found at a height which It wa thought indicated the shore of a pre-historie lake It was along this ridge that the Grand Trunk Railway was built through Oshawa; this is now the location of the Canadian National Ratlway main line LAKE SHIPPING CUT Although the completion of the GTR heiween Oshawa and To ronto was called "hoon to In dustrial progress", one of the ad verse effects was a gradual de. crease in shipping goods hy water Port Oshawa and the hurgeon ing harbor fell into comparative disuse even though water ship ments compared favorably, as to with rail shipments Even though train schedules in those days were sometimes un predictable, trains were [asier and were not so much affected by condition of land a weather conditions as were ships rutted roads Passenger service slowed and finally the ships stopped eall or ing, Hoth Oshawa and Whithy are no doubt liberal, libation Proposal Residents Money the build Strong of Oshawa General publie support Hospital ing fund has enahled the hospital hoard of directors to save money for the ( County of Ontario The City of Oshawa authori § ant of $300,000 ta the hospi tal, and the County of Ontario ¢ pant of $240,000, Money for these grants could he raised hy sale of debentures, but the hospi tal hoard has proposed that they he pald aver a period of years $100,000 a. year tor five the case of the eity vear for three years for the eoun thus enabling the payments ene revenue APPIOX years | 1y 10 be This means a saving imately $00.000, a h a 20-year program of deben made fram our \ Unemployment Survey Planned Starr said Sat surveys will mploayment in of Delore and Laboy irday made Oy Minister federal OR Us Tio areas All K Nationa) Employment Serviee ils will be directed ta study the districts should jelassed as surplus labor areas {which could enable wnemploye 1 ree jobs elsewhe My. Starr met Friday tawa with a delegation fy United Steel Workers of CLC speaking for of the Delore Smelting and ! pant Marmora of the Iron Company She a era Ontario he due KO n off whether 0 8 Te mM the mn An Re ng near Ore dig The fan NF 1a 1981 als from ¥ \ Beolley Stadty AR A up I Atike FI kan ity of Oshawa and the the \ and $80,000 a compared he the he franspariation to new America unemployed and Atikokan in Northwest Delora plant is "iis beginning fo feel the need for harbor development in the last few years, Whithy has received funds from the fed. eral government for harhor im provements, And an announce ment momentarily expected relative to the membership of Oshawa's new three-man harbor commission CENTRE OF GRAVITY Another effect the railway had on the town: Bceording to Dy Hoig his tory of Oshawa the GTR w responsible for drawing centre of gravity of the town southward, Whether his had, or has had a detrimental effect on Oshawa 1&6 an open question One pulling" Tool Shop, one of dustries the time, w moved from its Richmond street west lo cation to a spot on Oshawa Creek outh of the rallway, This is the present home of the Robson Leather Company The community dardale grew up to the tool shop: Cedardale was a separate municipality until 1923 vhen it was annexed hy Oshawa town, then one year away from hecoming a eity Still another effect which Me Intyre Hood mentioned in relating the town's story was the dis appearance of toll gates and toll roads IMMEDIATE EFFECTS This, in turn, had two immed jate effects: it dealt the team ters of the time a had blow, For a hrisk trade in portable goods had developed between Toronto and Oshawa (and points eas! particularly Kingston) Becomt~With people travelling hy rail, the eustom of hoisting a drink with friends on arrival in towns dotting the itinerary ceased | Quoting from My Hood: 'Re. | fore the advent of the steam locos I motive, there were 14 taverns in [the 18 miles between Whithy and Port Perry," ("This line was a result of Whit hy citigens' desire to have a rail. {way ton, More than $60,000 was {raised and construction was Ihegun in 1860) | It is strange to ponder, The [coming of a railroad precipitated the closing of many taverns meaning finaneial ruin for some And also signalled the end of many a customary convivial, and | .| Just now 8 As n the the rallway"s the Whiting the leading in of or example po known as surround To Save ture financing, for Oshawa and about $130,000 for the county, The hospital hoard does expect first payments on these grants until the spring of 1061 and therefore may find it neces SAry to arrange some temporary financing until then, since con struction of the new hospital | wing 1s already underway, But! this arrangement is only possible hocause of what the hoard de sorihed as "the splendid and heart warming support given hy the publie, individuals and or ganizations In Oshawa, Whithy and the surrounding distriet, to the hospital building fund." The United Counties of Dur ham and Northumberland have heen approached about guests to the Oshawa General Hospital, hased on usage of the hospital facilities hy residents of Darling ton township and other areas in the United Counties, No decision has heen reached hy those muni cipalities, but the hospital hoard expressed its hope that, since the requests are reasonable, the de olsions' will be favorable. The United Counties grant would cam plete the OGH financing of the new 220:-hed wing not STREETS CLOSED following streets will he for construction today street, closed at CPR bridge: Richmond street east, closed from Simcoe © Ontario sireel: « Stevenson north from Annapolis avenue to Ross land road west Wilson road south fram Olive avenwe 10 Shakespeare avenue: Steven. sons road south, closed from Gibb sireet to the CPR Whenever pos sible will be kept open for local traffic. Emergency con W could re The elosed Albert road streets b \¢ quire ¢ Ag of streets aot oF : | | | Rotary Seeks 'To Reduce | Tensions Rotary cubs in 116 countrie are upied wn these difficult times £ imlernptions. tensions In endeavor to promote understand ing, good-will and pesce through ot the word That wae the message Archie] Turner of Fort Credit, governor) of district 707 of Rotary Interns: tional, brought in the Rotarians Oshawa 16day, dllowing # nee with local Botery of v P In addition to the activities of more than D600 Rotary within their own communi $5 lo promote this objective Mr, Turner explained, Rotary) Internationgl has awarded granis| of more than 3,500,000. In the past 13 years through its program of student fellowships, which en outstanding college grad-| uales to study lox one year in| countries other than their own as Rotary ambassadors of good will wns around the which measures approximately 25600 feel view floor area SUYUArE Seen here is ahle eral of new school Durham District gh School Board members plan a corner sone laying ceremony aL 2 pm Oshawa a Een Ihe Nov, 1 1947, when this program established 1322 Rotary] Fellowships have y heen awarded to students in 68 countries for study in 45 coun Blame Matches 1, with grants averaging #2. 0. This year Ann Goerk of Mallon goes on a Rotary Fel For BlazeIn Sind Park Rd. Home Univer Children playing with matches caused fire 87 Park a ¥ Pe Ince Motos Photos, | goundation limes w ¥ es Miss im, while Lancashire to Toronto #1 Rotary With fellowship and others as is keynote ides a common ground for 500 000 business pro executives throughout pro nearly bedroom af and the O [] road 4 ( sional | SECOND SECTION ( The Oshawa Sunes em-- PRESENTING THE Keys renovated down: and dart rooms of Oshawa Unit, 42, of the Ca Corps A tof ta e newly cium Association, Bal are Hon Dekth and Mel pariners in the Whithy Hon Construction firm, urd Gore Mel k OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1960 Mel-Kon Construetion 14d Just $27,000 worth of renovations the unit's headquarters build ing, The new downstairs in ¢'udes a large lounge and one of the most uptodate dart rooms in the province, i regardless of differing es or customs or political and religiou the Rotary distriet emphasized Turner urged all loeal Ho tarians to attend the Rotary d trict conference to he held in eo! Toronto in February and to make for the club he nied at the 5nd ention of Rolar will held next world stionaliny partment reported n [ Lhe f ulting timaled $50 damage was ting when the fh ent summoned to the Fire demolished a car the Charlotn Transport Lid ing on Richmond street early Sunday Ihe caused minoy to of the Oshawa I (RY in an « lan quickly « eid Age fs y I 1} o [ depart was hells 0 Cent rasa ernoy 1 Inside huild f f the ast morning a mage pian 10 Fepre ol buildin The Fire was called out to flush f Intemational, Tokyo, Ja-| { annual eo Department which Ne in Wa May pan Surgery Is Drain On Blood Bank anees in used in ( in oline afler Vo ite aeei 1 h ind one treet epa pay dents, Sunda One al I and Wilson road and Vr way 1] AImeoe nl Three doused ing arm atl the minor fire h e departmen a centre ne eekend An i hoppin vered CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS he n I'e district hirth an ad lence ry heing with increa | frequent anadian hosy tals are cau y { hloog led and hin Hed ( harp } demand fol 1 dl erly hari Hond officials revealed here Congratulation the Osha ined celebrating wishes to follg ition dent who days today Mrs, William € i [ | | | of a IL e ered WHS to are fay On heart' operation the fapen requires more average every Young, 64 PLEA FOR CARE BY CELEBRANTS varping to Hallowe'en f than on ill he more ind wiltenes tonignt vi Police nioff sald Her. I extra men on duty ! He catght will Chiet today he have ng n order nat anyons property he nloff made i a BPE to parent dren to keep hief. Warn them ch traffic too," he said he dark and treacher They the heing he reels da ol reminded hefore rule ed owt niet children oi not stand truetion,' "We want out and But we property { iad { ime for OH Ro have a will le has | completed approximately | to | The | PAGE SEVENTEEN ] dart room alone 1s one of the | only ones of its kind capable of | aecommodating 86 dart teams playing in champlonship games, | according to regulations laid | right, are the contractors pre senting the keys to Unit Presi dent Frank Hughes, Colan Thomas, unit second vice-presis dent and Harold Oley, unit first vige » president, are looking om, ~Oshawa Times Photo down by Ontario Dart League officials, Bhown ahove, left to Canadian Corps Unit Opens Clubrooms husiest places in was the newly One of the | Oshawa Baturday | renovated downstairs club and dart rooms of Oshawa Unit 42 |Canadign Corps headquarters on Richmond street west Nearly 2000 Corps member from all paris of Ontario, Unit 42 | members, guests and eivie digni taries dropped into the new club room during the afternoon and evening Renovation old eluhroom BO rather three esti work on the tarted ahout Corps officials mate the unit has spent nearly $27,000 on their two rooms and refrigeration system, which heen newly installed that time addition to the $27,000 ex of the men of the unit auxiliary has spent an weeks giant has also ince in nditure | pe its ladies CHEST AGENCY Kiddy Frace, east; Carol Lane mm Laptuta, mith 2, Osh 473 Rit Helen auth Pre Lireey Donna Grandview Lailey, 64 Eileen Fra avenue Bowmanville Park road north 408 Bloor street Rrady, R70 Park ene Mi Sophia 1284 Simeone treet Charles Lindsey, RR awa; Frank Macko son road south Vii Rudka Cadillac Freemans Billing vale road; Gary Cadillae south Donald, RR street; Mrs, Mary Burk street; Mi er, 513 Miller Moores, RR 3, Ernest Volka, 1104 Greene street, Whithy; Mrs, Robert Andres, 216 Burk street; Mrs Olive Menard, 630 Grierson street The form their receive double Regent Theatre four-week period attraction 1s "The Ringing" Reports on birthdays will he received only hetween (he hours of # am, and 10 am Phone RA 3:47 hinod,' Clini H Strou Ten He vould af Osh oh Mi [han 25 hottles of {Chairman Robert out today i pointed a month the entire operations in count for almost fuola ol a 0h pint i wid said The goal of for the coming this Thu Auditoriom | 1 10 month awa i i | ) of hlood slated for 100 hottle elinie at eem f i to quite] remote heeause the indiffer [ence of many people who could] and should volunteer thelr hlood, Hard Cross aides have found increasingly difficult to dapors for the fay Al i of donate working Red It to be recruit monthly tn Gary | ¥ 1 new clinies If Oshawa {benefit from | niques in life {medicine "then public {have to realize that the monthly| [Red Cross Blood Donor Clini thelr tment In good health |which must he supported each {month,"" Don H, Howe, Oshawa Society president tol, tech an wil Hi residents the latest aving surges I'y the ton of will first five person he Oshawa Time birthdays each tay tickets to the od for a The current Hells Are | |1 [ 1 mnve Red Cross de | elared I'he elinic | Thursday at tarium on from 1.80 to | this Audi ( ns thio will he open St, Gregory' Simeone street 4 and from 6 Py Vi My M fi held Bridge Club High Scores are the played member the ite Bridge Club at Clubhouse high score last week h Oshawa Dy Woodvie I ITN n I ol Mie 13! Vi 188; My Washington R. N Coles, ( and My M North-South BR. Davi i Mir Jame 176% { | Vell 711 Fast-We 107; Mrs M, Culp 8, Kandel larke and J and Mrs Mi 1 Rundle Dr, an Mrs 179% Heror G, A 108; 1001 Davidson William oun 0 recently joine contract bridg he holding games that club has American and will master point I'he he f ar Due to the fael lubhouse is being redecorate November 1 game will bh at Gertrude's Paris King street east lal FE a "WHEELCHAIR DONATED TO HOSPITAL == The Oshawa Nava Club donated a the Oshawa Genera Friday to he Ww Wright, the hospital treme left I Veterans selohair to is pletured at ex accepted this the Tans W As he mam \i | W Ve are left { 3 a ark ivas Naval Vets; student | \ Miss M president Johnson: Al Oshawa Na ation » ARS ASS M Oshawa Tim Phota Tel: (of Woodviey al and To many people, the Salvation Army means "bands, bonnets and banners," a religious foree which proclaims Christ's gospel in an unusual way, but the army is a religious force with an ac.ile soclal eonsclence, Mrs, Edith Nelsoh, who Is in charge of wel \ Ww V. (fare for the Salvation Army in |Oshawa, says | The Salvation Army is one of R, White, D, Cal:[the 18 agencies in Oshawa which|and gives hundreds recelves financial assistance from the Community Chest Few people realize, Mrs son says, how extensive the need for welfare work is In this ity Peaple of all creeds and nation dialities come with thelr pohlems el lt may he hecause of long terms unemployment or illness that there is no food for the ehildron vine money to pay hills; rent didue; medicine 18 needed e help Is sought from the hition Army Welfare MUCH HELP GIVEN | Since January, 1060, Salvation {Army welfare has provided 205 food vouchers, 30 fuel orders, 15 imedicines, 27 pieces of furniture, 3000 articles of elothing, 800 meals for transients, two pairs of eve glasses, paid nine hydro bills and supplied 10 stranded travel lers with bus tickets or gas emergeney assistance with rent for room for 12 people, and over night accommodation for 20 | people Salvation Army officers are trained to give counsel and guid ance to the many peaple who {oome with moral, spiritual and domestic problems, | Resides the wark that the Osh lawa branch of the Salvatigh Army does in this eity, it eon [tributes to welfare services of the |Army. across Canada, whieh ave {available to people from all com munities HARROR LIGHT CENTRES These ave: The four Harbor Light centres for aleoholies where men are helped baok to respectability hy a relatively new Salvation Army service ul Nel \ 18 and Salva » The Homestead where women who have heen hrought low hy addiction to aleehal or prostitu. tion are helped to rehabilitation Although very new, this work has already proved its worth In Canada the Salvation Army has 18 homes far the care of un married mothers, In Ontario last vear, out of 16800 cases received nto Army homes, two « thinds were girls who became expectant mothers hefore they were 18 CHILDREN'S HOMES There are three centres where unwanted children and children of hroken, homes are caved for One is 'operated on the "Village plan" and consists of an adminis tration building surrounded hy {six or seven cottages in each of {which live 12 to 14 children with la parent couple in charge. The hushand goes out to seonlar em ployment during the day and the pla wovides for conditions re the family home as he s¢ Win VOSS "The Nest" is children who are 1 home 1 of the or 0 | Salvation Army Aids The Needy additional $2100 to furnish the new|play at one time during league quarters competition and can facilitate But, according to Unit First) players as for distance from the Viee-president Harold Oley, that|board and room as laid out in One is not all that will be done to|tario Dart League specifications, he three torey building, He| Presiding at the official opens sald Saturday that the unit willing, Eugene Haessaker, presi continue its renovation to the see-|dent of the Ontario Corps Assos ond and third floors as well, |ciation provincial command, Toe The newly renovated down.|ronte, threw the first dart, then tairs includes a gigantic up-to-| outlined the progress of the local date refrigeration tem, unit since its formation in 1046, trophy ease, which has heen fill The provincial command presis ed long hefore if was Installed | dent told the nearly 500 listeners a semi-circular har, a lounge|that Unit 42 began its operations with a capacity of holding nearly in a rented room on Albert 400 persons and one of the most! street in 1946, shortly alter sere up-to-date league dart rooms In|vicement began returning from the province overseas duty during the Second The new dart room, which is World War, one of the unit's proud boasts is! From the single Albert street tated to he the only one in On: room, the unit moved to various tario in which 86 dart games can| locations around the eity, Two of its onetime locations included Hotel Genosha and the Ora Temple, on Bruce street, Haessaker sald, 415 MEMBERS He congratulated the 476 local unit members on thelr purchase of the present location at 30 Riche mond street west, and on the splendid job it has just completed on its downstairs floor, He pald tribute to the ambition displays ed by unit members, not only for phans or who are from broken the work which has just been homes | sampleted, but for the intends FRESH AIR CAMPS ed renovation of the two other Fresh alr camps are operated gf ing the ladies by the Army at Roblin Lake for RAL spent $2100 to complete the mid Ontario Division of which MA ¢ Oshawa is . par, and many ehil the firnlahings of the new lounge aren om Hs area Ave ne 10 days at this camp, The Jack: Ad, Albert V, Walker, who son's Point Camp is much larger represented Mayor Lyman A, of poor chil: Gifford at the offielal opening, fun and extended civie greetings and eons f gratulated the Corps on behalf of elty council, He congratulated the group for its splendid work which was just completed, for the charitable work it has done in the past and expressed words of encourages ment for the future te the unit, ilies for them All Oshawa ex » serviceman's Across Canada there are social| groups, which included Branch 43 service centres that carve for 3000/0 the Canadian Legion, I'F8L, men every night, In Oshawa hun. 420 Wing RCAF Association the dreds of transients are supplied Naval Veterans' Association, the [with meal tickets and elothing| Polish Veterans' Association and oVerV Vear | Sergeants Mess were represents | ed 16 HOSPITALS EVE y dren 10 days of summer fresh alr Just north of Toronto is the House of Concord where hoys placed in the Army's eave hy the courts are helped to readjust to solely Army police court officers visit prisoners and contaet thelr fam Canadian Corps The Salvation Army operates Units from Brantford, the Niage In addition, nen Osh works nt the army Welfare denartme en \ those whe really a i Ww jes ta m 5 \ LU ne h h ne he in rifles Disaster Emergency fund Is held in readiness Thousands of articles of cloth ave collected and distribu df f ture distribution in the Tarante Industria Hin and na Centre for needy neonle In Osh wa and other centres Mrs. Nelson quoted an adedvess hv LW. Rrockington, CMQ. QC LLD, when he spole at the Sal for is Ww have hey heen m 16 hospitals in Canada and each a Paninuula, which Mnelidee ear (rains over 1100 nurses lagara alls, ? Atharines & y In iy A in hr large RRoroi and many others were city, there is the League of] ate . ; Mercy, a band of mn and wom some of the eivle, digniarie in en who pay weekly visits to the 8t'endance included 1, \ NPN ick and shut-ng in hospitals and My) Thomas, MPF and Ald, homes for senfor eltizens and dis cu ting, Shomer, Ald Finer tribute copies of the War Cry, the Ya Walton R B LT Ald i Home Leaguer and literature for M hy a iq an ALL a "A ohildren, At Christmas time Sun iat Hey ad phibids A iS A shine hags are distributed and ¥ Floral bouquets from many or Christmas services and musio ar anizations were received to mark ranged, The League of Merey the offioial opening ohairman In Oshawa 1s © H " -- Cathmoir and he is assisted hy a group of Salvationists wha visit the Oshawa General Hospital and uto 0 S Hillsdale Manar every week, as well as nursing homes in the olty and elosehy, Two homes for old people, in Iseéna {Toronto and Niagara Falls, have - recently heen huilt with the help COROURG Ren Mitohell. 17 of public donations of Oshawa, and Donald Davis, RAND VISITS HOSPITALS 18, of Ajax, ave being held at the The Salvation Army hand visits United Counties jail here while the Ontaria Hospital in Whithy, detachments of the Ontario Pro he Oshawa General Hosnit ¥ vinelal Police continue their ine plavs at eivie relizions services! vestigations of a sevies of break» and does' the anmial serenadine] ing in:the Lake Dejrvmple Area, A W a routine cheek o po 8 on sta tine Jt {ake the hy Nocated bg , Auhiy TOS a » a sic Ne , not #0 ta ohureh and Pearl handle revolver, for which i 410% Sa rh nd her Sou sold produce 8 A 0 P. day schoal The discovery of the revolver a was only the beginning With the City A check of the trunk revealed: they 12. gange-pump shotgun, hwo 1% dange shotguns, two 23 92 rounds of ammunition, witless of liguor, a camera, primus stove and other miscellaneous goods Questioned about the gens and ther equipment, the youths said had been sold to them hy a man, | e, however, believe that he guns and supplies ave the woduets of a series of hreaking in the Lake Dalrymple area be Crkfield and Brechin, vation Armv Services Report where a considerable nwmber of meeting in March 1950: "1 won. cottage breaking have recently fer what wend heen ifiheen reported hadn't villing ta! The two youths appeared in " lens and magistrate's court at Cobourg " {Fridan " NY h \ TN hien their so oh

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