Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1960, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Mewspapers Pegs 6 : Lat Limited, 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Om ---------- er 29, 1960 ermm---- Safety Along With Fun In Hallowe'en Frolic An important tresk with tradition has been made over the past five years on Halloween night, when children many communities have asked for money to sid UNICEF, the UN Children's Fund, instead of demanding candy and other treats for themselves, Young Cane dians wearing UNICEF tags have cols lected many thousands of dollars--last year the total 8200000 = aver this period to buy food and medi eine for children in less fortunate parts of the world, wm came to Hallowe'en is more fun than ever for YOUnESIers, the added faction of much-needed while on To 1} lowns who have §iLI8 doing their A joh exciting rounds make and Ontario sure young back SUKLESTS the policy, Funny faces are as much a part goblins Come alive, the Safety League break with tradition another "see and be seen of Hallowe'en as black cats and Jack'o lanterns, but why not discard the tradi tional masks whieh cloud vision and prevent ehildren from seeking approaches ing cars? Makeup ean provide an even bettgr variety of disguises, and still leave the child free of blind spots so dangerous when braving traffic after dark, To help your children be seen by who have to be extra watchful on this night the year, light colored costumes are best, but you ean decorate dark costumes with touches of arivers ome of reflective liquid or tape Right st home, too, there are several ways to make Hallowe'en safer for you young visitors, Light your porch and clear all debris from around the outs@egf the house, to prevent falls in the Ii you have a pumpkin in the window, try using a flashlight inside of the and steps dark instead traditional candle, which can cause a hire He vious ure to stress safe traffic beha nd above ull see that pre-schoolers adult are accompanied by or older child an When Sentences End An sentences often-ignored fact about that they end real Brar reminds us, Ye he is released | what has mn prison Mont what happens 1] the to a man alter just As 10 his whether mportam happened him term Often i to jail or he and conditions during prison iH Freedom determines he w return he a useful eitizen can as unsettling as detention, and that leave m rules Prisons for hut then less in ers progressively prison existence Purpose The rules just Fulton, the Minister of Justice be welcomed further the new announced hy ie Mi to Hs Important ile the steps in slanting of our prison ministration toward rehabilitation release of prisoners in good readine to handle themselves outside confidently and capably, In restrictions ill In others they are to be reduced, and since the limit hy requirements, officials Odd Report Soviet writers on history and econos centres lifted minimum security on VISILE are new is dictated SeOUrity against FeComs mies make a strong point of being "scien they In practice, they are often inaceurate to the the tifie", whieh ought to mean that begin by getting their facts straight point of absurdity, To prove the Financial Post Soviet publication A work by A, G, Mileikoviky called "Canada and the Anglo-American Con seriously hy intellectuals Here Mileikovsky's discover Canada Second Warld reactionary point, points. to a recent traditions" taken Marxist are some of Mi 1H] very and others 1hout Alter "most es War ( elements" en the an adla's gaged in "open propaganda for a cosmo politan concept and a denial of national In the Was sovereignty" same period, Can ada's "army separated from the Empire's armed forces controlled hy Hritain Canadian 'eapitalists the al promoted building of a Churchill on Hudson Ray "The latest act in the port US monopolies for control of cheap hydro nm C Milei "is the plan 10 build huge hydro trugele of nada," says electric kovaky The Oshawa Times TA WILION, Publisher and Genvral Men € GWYN KINSEY Edm power Datari 640 Cancer Sheet Me BSCRIPTION RATE ' Wha \ Atraal Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 mendations that they be done away with completely there as well, it may be and means will be this lift to centres WaYS all EeCUrity lifted Inducements expected that found to give morale, In minimum all restrice tons on mall are in others they ire eased to work for transfer to minimum security eonditions and all to the abwvious good, Vi shorten is the decision to which ry sound, too the hours during men in medium or maximum-security prisons shut alone in their cells, Isolas tion in idleness is demoralizing and 'des. Are up tructive, and evening activity will make life that I'he prison much nearer normal life Even grim regimens purpose 18 not to make mn wgresnble tation behind bars forces some into a tale which they life "well inter mn prefer They they life of Its security 10 on their own become so id justed" that ted are no longer They are the the in normal extreme examples results of unnece restrictions, On Canada St THR electri tations on the Lawrence River All NONKENE these statements .are, of course, the Post protests, For example, it was only against prolonged American that the §t project Lawrence finally half-share opposition nen took the electrical energy will be publicly ewned thi I'he of all this that it reveals the shallowness of politi Mileikovaky, Russia, way and power shape; and Canada's ol n country, point interest in 1] cally slanted scholarship in economies heavyweight in to give Marxist in Canada purports in this book the real, elentific lowdown on what's happening his work actually has as mistakes has eas many an a dog Other Editor's Views SEAT (St HELTS FOR SAFETY Thomas Times: Journal) During the 4th July 442 people lost their lives in traffic acels the US. The Ontario Safety League reports that subsequent inves holday weekend dents in tigation showed that not ane of the Vi( tims was wearing a seat belt, In 42 per invols pedestrian, investigators stated that belts would vietims' lives cent of these fatal accidents not Ving a lefinitely seat have saved the hese are striking and give It would ap- will figures cause for serious thought that if car ewners not buy manufacturers should make them pear belts standard equipment, Bible Thoughts weary Let for in due season we shall reap us not be in well-dong, Gala ans 0:9 The immediate rewards of godliness are seldom But he who serves God faiths fully tor love and not for profit will find lite Always satistving He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption oN When there " 1 al Galatians lite the 1B no higher aim wn sty passion and pride fetuins are always hitter and empty, to your children before they go - OTTAWA REPORT Good Reason Seen For Fall Session Wy Prime PATRICK NICHOLRON Ineten speci Minister John confirmed the nth baker ha Ago writen col Parl on tion lon hat 1 He vational mn ment called JH tn the Progre embled announced thi Executive of Lhe e Con servative part A here lagi wee There dood should well in mid are at least thre reason vh commence It advance January Parliament 1061 se he salon of Customary fale . One that the prime will thus have cleared the lative decks, and be Is minister efi ready for early sums emphasize - olreums petion wn the 1061 if and | Hig the electoral mer of that word QUEEN'S PARK mike an politically Conservative at that time io the stant aloet hi an appear he irahle for vernment Thue meeting and Cabins fre day that the unwonted eoond is ol length in (uen and in committee ses month tudy of I'he in time and' evenh for everal a detalled has heen making Canada economie phigh time long past when holes our economic dike can be plugged hy winter works programs and imilar stop-gaps. Vivid, imagin and radical steps uy gently required to cereale _an economic elimate which will fo ter more permanent year-around jobs for Canadians, In fact a lone Is ative are Brief By Onfario Gives No Answers Ry DON O'HEARN FTORONTO-There will he solution eoming from here tor unemployment problem One takes thi the Ontario hriel Commission on the dustry he about as no Lhe conclusion from the Royal automotive in try s good a reflection of the automotive tnd employment Lion as could find It exemplifies the position socondary industry generally And though our brief recognized it did not offer any practical whieh might cure its aches pains ou One of thi slope and WHY LOSING? It found that automobiles had mereasing Canada of Canadian-made declining Also the number in the automobile been going down though ol heen 1h steadily the had heen in ales emplayes had ol maustry Various NEP this One POARONS given for was that Canada to an than the US the threat reater degree had stimated of European car Another than UN of the Canadian industry acted down the the Canadian content other diveotion And it al mation and other | shrinking BY-GONE DAYS 10 YEARS AGO Thompson took over the new general seore Oshawa YMCA even undere domination had re cutting Keeping and in unfavorably n export market ow a took note of auto uel a markets, acto Overseas JJ duties as tary of the his A hylaw was passed to change the names of the following streets to eliminate duplications and facilitate mail delivery, Welling street to Ontario, Kingsdale to Freneoh Ontario to Gibbs ton and runk L& ement the GTR » hetween and the Osh darted ex AN improve is 10 A 10 and 120 The Grand awa Rallway tensive enlar ment commdiate extra oars in R. H. Mulet the General Maotars golf trophy for the second vear and was entitled permanently won SUC essive Nn retain Aid ni Nn AOTK In the Kode y raise and The Children launched S00 for i county oily A threats In Oshawa was averted hy heavy rainfalls in the Central and East orn Ontarie distviets Pawe hartage Mrs, TH of the Red Cross ter presentat ve hame a member ehener Chap tea and of Mrs wm valwed Everson \ Was honare t A A Ds he fervives which pool vere contributing to the tate of our industrial health In other words, it outlined the But it did nol up cure-all Calne with any OTTAWA MATTER It Nd mention some should he hat the Canadian content of Cars manulactured in the country should he kept up and that there hauld he more hearch and de slg done here---now they are al most exclusively done in the U8 Again, that it should be made possible for the Canadian parts industry to sell in the UN its sales there now are negligible And that all Canadian subsid aries should be independent units and should have free in the export market Farviffs and taxes it dwell As being the the federal government But when one does into i, practically everything touched on in the brief belongs in the fed eral Held Perhap in fact, the greatest lesson to he taken from it is Hitle control we in the really aver ow health We encourage ment corporation taxes succession duties ete, as hetween the pr hut in the overall ploture Ottawa that oalls the play GALLUP POLL ---- Com steps that taken Ie SOON did field not on of really how provinees have eoonomie oan give through We vinees early this Fall have heen desirable 111] ad during the eoming if the Cabinet had readied hy then he third reason for than normal start to the Parlla mentary wssion is that such normal practice has become ahominahle Government 1s 80 deeply Involved in our national life nowadays that is huge vol ume of work cannot reasonably be completed in less than seven months, even with the much. criticized prolonged working Bo a mid-January opening that Parliament must sit mid-August enslon would opening bring winter its plans an earlier hours ean until hig of Lhe wmmer MPs long timetable enjoyment holiday al deprives of the home, This, vith 80 many MPs having young families, whose school holidays run from late June to early Beps tember imposes a sad loosening of family ties Wi iim side-effect ol these late summer sittings, which have for years disregarded, 18 that there 1s a large body of workers on and around Parliament Hill, which is condemned to stay al work so as Parliament 18 meeting, vith no predetermined rece those workers themselves cannot their annual holls 0 make reserva rall or ship, or in hotel, motel or cottage, they are unable to make the most ecos nomical and attractive plans for their families' summer enjoys ment, THE ANTS MUST WORK For many years, these tollers on the Parliamentary ant-hill have thus had thelr annual va cation dependent upon the une reliable thread of Parliamentary progress, Among such workers, in addition to MPs and Senators the stall of the twa Houses, fram senlor official to page-hoy; the staffs of the restaurant, cafeteria, post office library, reading rooms and barber shops) the secretaries and other statl of ministers and MPs; and In many cases the deputy ministers and other senior civil servants, Plus, of course, us poor inky» fingered seribblers; small wonder that we look with jaundiced eye al each pathetic mumbler lugubs vtlously reading his prepared peech from his typeseript In Parliamentary overtime and holding in Ottawa while our children impatiently long for and while we fish and wells wiant Our EOVEInIments long Worse date of ke MP plan ahead tor day, Unable tions hy plane are us heach or collage dream of hungry earned repose May the Diefenbaker precedent an early start to the session in the fall hecome a permanent practice! Rotter, may he initiate a pre « determined adjournment date, to be followed hy a Sep tember elean-up session if needed following the practice of other and perhaps better « organized legislatures of Clearer Party Image Shown By CCF Backers Ny CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PURLIC OPINION Although the COF fares a little worse than either of the main political parties in oveating a public image, its awn members have a better understanding of what it stands for than Conserva tives or the Liberals have for thelr awn identity. It voters weve asked 10 deseribe to a young Ca nadian what each Federal Panty stands for, 84 per cont would he sent on the Conservatives; 62 por cent on the Liberals, and of wr cont on the OCF However those who belong to the CCF are more likely to positive phrases for thelr party than other Abowt six in ton use favorable desoriptions in CPOrting what they on resents, This compares with abowt four in ten who do so for thelr OWR party among either Consey vatives ar Liberals Question pat 10 a national oross - section hy the Gallup Poll or day's report was the same as far other partie SUPPOSE \ SON JUSY YOU WHAY have voters th i YOUNG TURNED 2 THE CCF PER ASKED PARTY STANDS FOR TODAY WOULD YOu WHAT TELL HIM About a quarter of the eleos orate NN per cent on the average, say that the CCF today represents Socialism or state ownership: that the party stands for the working man, or the coms mon people; that it means so elal reforms and is concerned with the farmer and cooperas tives, However among CCF and Social Credit adherents 61 per cent use such definitions, od same segment of the voting pubs lie a solid segment 14 per cent believe that the CCF eould he the party of the future excemt that it 8 not strong enough in the East, and that it lacks expert once AL a time when the OCF and Labor groups have decided to merge into a new political panty, public association of the two forees Is very slight. Nationally only three in a hundred would say that the CCF represents Labor interests in partionlar Among OCF dnd Soctal Credit nembers figure 5 & per the {World Copyright Reserved) U.K. OPINION Major Changes Proposed London Area Government By WM, MeINTYRE Hoo Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDOS Far-reaching changes wn local government in the Grenter London area have heen recommended unanimously by the Royal Commission appoint el to investigate thet subject three yesrs ago, Us report in cludes some drastic proposals which are sure to meet with vio ent opposition from entrenched interests in the municipal hodies of the aren ailected The main proposals of the come mission include Abdlition of the present Middle: sex and London county councils and thelr replacement hy one authority, the Council for Great er London; Reduction, by amalgamation, of the present 9 local authority aress to 92, to he called Greater London boroughs, covering a pope ulation of BAY2190 The new boroughs would take over some of the important fune- tions of the county councils, in addition to those of municipal authorities, including housing, planning, education, health, wel fare and children's services, and Yoenl roads which are not main bichways, The main thorough fares would be a responsibilty Gi the new Counell for Greater London The City of London would re fain its special historie powers but would also hecome one of the new horoughs as well These recommendations, which gre aimed al a large measure of decentralization and strengthen ing the power and influence of local rule, are already the sub Jeet of eritigism, The most fierce opposition, however, is expected to come from the Labor strong hold of the London County Couns oll The Commission's report, which will require legislation from parliament to make it effective, Is Hkely to prove one of the most controversial subjects affecting London for many years TWO LABOR PARTIES There is a direct threat there may he two Labor parties on the opposition side of the House of Commons when pay lament resumes, the official hut right wing party under Hugh Gail skell, and an onofficial but ore ganized left wing party, possibly led hy Anthony Greenwood or Sydney Bllverman, This Is fore. shadowed in a letter sent to Mr, Cinitskell by Mr, Bilverman, In it he sald bluntly that he and his associates could nol accept whip to follow Mr. Gailskell's lead in repudiating and overs PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM Khrushehev's tantrums at the UN session explain why he was 50 keenly disappointed in not be ing allowed to visit Disneyland when he was in the UB, some time ago that "Brigitte Bardot Attempts Sul: cide," Headline Query to umpty million girls: How would you like to be as beautiful, at tractive, seductive' and popular as BB and care as little about living? "If an H-bomb were dropped in Chicago, It would destroy Mil waukee," says a nuclear physi elst. And it probably wouldn't do Chicago any good When a girl quotes, "Lips that toueh lauor shall never touch mine," it isn't elear whether she's opposed to drinking or Is stingy with her liquor throwing the policy adopied al the recent conlerence, which pol Jey they believed to he right H Mr, Guaiiskell Is reelected head of the party in partiament without having changed his po sition, Mr, Silverman's group pro- poses to fight tor the policies ap- proved wl Scarborough, And he suggests that this will be done in an organized, orderly way, with officers, a right to recognition as RB separate group and probably with its own party whip, % Meanwhile, the Shadow Cabinet har supported Mr, Gaitskell, but the real test will come when the party leadership is the subject of a vole of all the Labor MPs, LONDON KEY TO BATTLE The Conservative party plans to go all out in an effort to win London from the Labor party in the municipal elections nexi spring, The Tories have the scent of success in thelr nostrils, They have been given a pep Injection hy a public opinion poll which shows Labor support from the electorate down 3 per cent, They are conf iL that they can capture a majority in the London County Counchh, AL present, there is a Labor wfajority of #3 in thet bady Holand Yreeman, director of the Conservglive London Municipal Society," said the party was pre pared to "throw everything we've got" into the sampalgh One source slates that it has £500,000 available for the hattle, As a first step, the West End publicity firm of Coleman, Prentis and Varley, which "sold" Mr. Maemillan as Prime Minister in the 1059 elec. tion, has heen engaged to master: mind the hattle to win London for the Tories With the present decided swing against Labor, it is quite on the cards that the campaign which Is planned may resull in a smash ing Conservative vietory in the elections which will he held on April 3, next FINLAND MAY JOIN The Ouler Beven of the Ewo pean Free Trade Association may very soon hecome the Outer Fight, The minister of Finland's entry has been i clause in the Finnish trade agreement with Russia, which prevested sg. tion, During the recent visit of Chrushehey to Finland, how» ever, he made i plain that he realized Finland would benefit from joining the EFTTA and indi cated that Russie would raise ng objection This might be a bit of bad news for Canada, The Finish lumber and wood-working Industry Is the most important in the country, Finland's reason lor Joining 4 EFTA is to secure i larger share of the British market for timber and wood products, UV GO FARES AGAIN London's bus drivers and cone ductors have been granted ane other wage increase, the second in six months, It amounts (6 an incrense, in all, of 26 shill '] week, on top of the 10 shillings increase granted in May, Bus crews are lo get 18 shillings a week more on thelr basie wage and another seven shillings for early and late urns, weekend work and spread-over duties, And as 8 result, the bus-users are going to he hit again, London bus fares will go up lo pay for this £2,200000 wage settlement, No more will there be 8 minimum fare of threepence, It will go up to al least fourpence, And since underground rallway fares always keep pace with bus fares, they will probably go up too, And so once again, Mr, John Q, Publie will pay the shot HOUSE FOR SALE AND REMOVAL Sealed tenders will be rer ceived of the Administration Office of the Board of Edu- cation up 10 and including Mov, 15th, 1960, for the sale end removal of the frame end insul. brick house and 9 losated ot Colborne 51, Kost in the City of Oshawa, The highest or ony tender ve of Finland, Anti Karjalainen has been in London this week having talks with Reginald Maudling, president of the Board of Trade The object of these talks has to pave the way for Finland's entry inte the Kuropean Free Trade Association, the Outer Seven This has been under discussion for some months, The barrier to not ine p p mey be arranged by colling of the Administration Office, 179 Simeos 51, South, CKUS, Administrator, Board of Edusori Appointment for 0 ion of SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOC Wing Ne, 420, ANNOUNCES THAT THEY SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN CHASING SICKROOM EQUIP This equipment will gonsist invalid walkers, crutches and HAM COUNTIES, FREE OF Cl this community operate project entative's letter of Introductio This is to eliminate person Or Ac WM, DB, EVANS, President W, PATERSON, Ist Vice-President Residents when called upon should request fc any misrepresentation ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE IATION Oshawa, Ontario ARE AGAIN SPONSORING A FOR THE PURPOSE OF PUR. hospital beds, small equipment of wheelchairs, miscellaneous and will be available to any resident of ONTARIO and DUR. HARGE FOR HOME USE, Your MAGAZINE ORDER (new or renewal) will help further and every resident is urged to go see the repre» n signed by Wing 420 Officers by unauthorized Donations Are Not To Be Solicited cepted N, K, JOHNSTON, 2nd Vice-President JACK RATZ, Treasurer ---------------------- Emperor's Dinner A MENU FIT FOR A KING Chicken Birds Nest Soup Bar-B.Q Ribs and Honey Ribs Sai Wong Duck Dep Woey (Vegetable, Water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, snow pea pods, Chinese greens and beef) Young Chow Fried Rice Almond and Fortune Cookies Tea or Coffee WAS ENJOYED BY MR, AND MRS, B, MURPHY, 1435 BALA DR, AND GUESTS MR, AND MRS, G, MURPHY, WEDNESDAY EVENING AT CHOW'S RESTAURANT Hong Sui Fish Spiraled Oranges of a FREE Dinner, % Next Draw to be Made SATURDAY, NOV. 5 YOU may be the lucky winner With each purchase at AUTO. MAGIC you receive a ticket for the weekly draw of a FREE DINNER FOR 4 THIS WEEK'S WINNER: Mr, Ross Porteous, 20 Grandview North, Oshawe Auto-Magic-Wash Lid. (Your FINA Service Centre) 116 BOND ST. WEST RA 5.0322

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