Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Oct 1960, p. 5

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© kK WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Bureay Office; 111 Dundas $1, West Oshawa WHITBY (Ball Cor (shin is motoreyeiist, David Howard Kyle 16, of i Creighion avenue. wi Manizers Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO, - fwarded $7500 In the Fill As lelues of the Supreme Court, Fr day Mr. Justice Barlow ruled Mrs Betty Cruwyz, Wl Slevenson road wrth, Oshawa, sae negligent when she drove her car Wo the path of Kyle's motorcycle m he eeming of July 81, 18 The accident ocenried # fi Tudo of Blevepson road IR and King street west The youthiul cycle rider Hered two hroken hones in his jeii rm, & dislocated night hip and muitiple cuts and hrvises to Wi hands and arms Represented hy Terence Kell of Greer and Kelly, COshawi hyle lestilied he was retiring 19 Oshawa from Whithy on Hig vy ho 2 when Mes, Cruwys civ drove nto hig palh from Bie ensan road south The entrance from Bipvensm oad south onto King street west has three laneways: one lor ca) inking left hand turns; ope Io those going straight through and wilt one tor those gomg rast along King street Mis, Cruwye's var wis in th middie lane and gnother car wa mn the left turn lane The car making the left proceeded mit inl Ihe inieyser tion and turned west along Kn reel. Byte, travelling asst alon Bing passed hehind the car mal ne the left hand turn from Bie onsen' road ante King WHITBY PERSONALS on. NEW EXECUTIVE OF WHITBY LIONS CLUB o TON Entering into thelr second | is executive for the follow president and Herh Visser Hankine iee-president and ear of acl Whithy Lions | ing sear. Front row, left tn = Virepie ell, Bark row, left fn Brent Dodd. lien lamer. Ah My. Thomas Russt, of 51. ren Beh a ) f Club. the newest service Fein righ, are Poul. Conth, pas! right are I} Behatgmann, dl ent fram the picture is Ken Quehes returned home aller recion Mal Femia, Lreasurer Hahh the tall Iwisler spending a few days al the home ization in Whithy, has elected | president; Lawrie Housled Roger Pve, secreln (ROTEF Oshawa Times Photo [of his son and danghter-in-ia My. and Mrs. Larry Ruest. of LJ | {Athol sree! CLUB CALENDAR | Hillevest Home and School A sociation held an executive meel Ing and It was decided tn hold IMONDAY, Oot, #1 the November meeting on Wed United Church YPI iy May. Nov 0, instead of Nov 2 Whithy Baptist Chureh Explorer Ail hithy Education week the teachers of Hillerest Sehonl i he in charge of the pro TUERDAY, Nov. | aram wo read have heen given he Cosordinator-Fubli Nill The Coun af Ontario KEme United Chureh WMS a hylaw to establish the County|vival of the County of Onlariol gen Measures Organization yi g Hit ' Shureh CGI | The weekly euchre club wa of Ontario Emergency Measures Emergency Measures Organiza: shall in each year prepare an i ih) ApHst Chireh H held at the home of Mrs. Grace Organization. The county and the tion shall he the Co-ordinator estimate of the expenditiires ne A 1 Baptist Chuveh YF Hicks, Byron street north, Whit City of Oshawa co-operate on Public Survival of the J ai nt eessiary during the forthcoming Salvation Army Cuhs - hy, with Mrs. Rose Barrington a ih an organization and shave Emergens teasures Commitiee vear for the operation and main. YHIhy Baptist Church Women's hostess. The price winners wei on a Ma ha 10 per cent of for the County of Ontario and the tenance of the organization and Mission Clrels fival, Mrs. Ida Wamsley. 0 the total cost of such an orgamiz- City of Oshawa hall forward such estimates (no 50 Andrew's Preshyterian Chureh' awa: seeond, Mrs. Millie Carlton ation Phe Co-nrdinator-Puhlic Sim the Jdnint Emergency Meas WA Whithy: low, Mrs. Howard Bail Jeiore 'the third reading | § | imple. @nd Civil Defence Committee mn 81 John The Evangelist Chureh ley, Oshawa, Tasty refreshment M al 1 esponsgible for (he imple given the hylaw which sets up the! mentation of policy as farmulated ®ach year in time for such est 'wi were served. The next -suchre EMO here, a meeting of the by (he Council and under the di- mates to he considered hy (he will he held al the home of Mi county's committee on civil de: peotion of the chairman the du- Joint Committee and for such es: WEDNESDAY, Noy, # Fdna Rawyer, RR 2%, Whithy fense will he held to decide who ¢ wetormed | the Conrill Himales, or so much as may Is J ) ) I rordin § ihe officers of the arganization ator-Publie Survival include the! appraved by the doin Committe Wai Hed Cross work room Wi and Mis. A W. Carr, Ah vill he, For the time being, how: followin tn he ineluded in the annual esti: 0 20 Jil Anglican Church WA Broek Mreel north are eelehral f a i ates ta | 3 fl work meeting ING thelr wedding anmversary on Rye ne i Clore Willa Mas) Coordinate he Smteaty (ont Oilalh Jpmiltey by | i Bl, Andrew's Preshyleens Saturday, Oel, 30. Their friend the EMO for the eounty plans af municipal departments of ge County of Ontario and the Four Leal Clover H and § Asso, Wilh them many happy refirns and norvicion havin immediate re-| 5 elation af the day Following are outlined the pur Liisa iy pe in the event of alciy of Oshawa pases of the HMO acearding In hte event of natural disaster, Knights of Columb : : f national emergency and natural the Council may submit through Benevolent Rehekah Lodge, 132 Almonds anniversary services ho h Wi Rimi no y disaster and to prepare plans for (eo te Bi a ' "will he held on Sunday, Oct. 50 ne viunmieipm ni an y hi " 4 | 1] wenn Ha RU Rn ¥ al | f Oak wn vil puhiig urvival is A | | ay red Lane, n akwnm v Ag hd nia m hal PO Coy work closely with provincial ve Hy ; iia ar a Alling ind 'THURNDAY, Nav, 4 he guest minister al hoth mornin ] ne i] Ng airinal men ll arin nr an . The \ lerk, membel Appro. | Authorities whe may he assigned fhoriy io call oul regularly en. P8IVALION Army Women's Home and avening sarvice x isted h | | ) ¢ in priate emplavees of the Corpora [tn eomparahle dutie rolled emergen measures civil League ie chair With speelal mn tian of the Count of Ontario I'n maintain effective haison defence volunteers fn assisl he Al inti Angi Mn Church St Mrs. H. Bootl and Mr. H. Mace Such additional persons as with the appropriate Canadian municipal anthorities tn conteal Argavel tiutle vill attend the Home and Behool may he required ta ensure the Army authorities in the area the disaster and to alleviate dis Lp Cull convention to he held this Satu co-ordination of all emergent fo conduct civil defence orien: tress when if has heen deter. Faith Baptist Church WMS day in Peterborough services who shall he appointed | tation courses for the training of mined (hat the manpower pe fram time ta time hy the Warden personnel who would have an sources under the direct control FRIDAY, Nov, 4 Monday alternoon at 2.0 p.m and five memhers representing emergency mle al the municipality have heen gs, Mrs, HT. Fallalse is opening nenior Clligens Group N the County of Ontario on the Joint Tn conduct a public sell-help committed to disaster operations her home to the executive mem Emergency Measures Committee, educational program and 11 has heen found that these SA hers of the Viseount Greenwood Recrelary the Co-ordinator! To perform other related duties are insuffictent or inadequate to TURDAY, Nov. § o Chapter 10DE 3 Survival as required hy the Counc effectively control the disaster (United Church 4 W's Public By ! 8 i ! Mrs. Fred Baker is attending | {the Area ' conference tn he held | Organize H&S At [Lift Boycott | M Whig y d e ' rant Mr. and Mes, Thomas Linton M04 Ryvon street north, are cele R.A, Hutchison . rating their 30th wedding anni On Monday evening al Dun On Teamsters Io Oshawa Hos ital vaLsArY on Monday, Hest wishes das, Blreel East School an TORONTO (CP)=The Tasanin are oxlonded th My a Mes. Lin ( Meet Wi held tog . PY tan from thelr many Iriends pen Necting Hufehison Home Building Jrades timed gd Fhe county of Ontarie has now Mary Reid, af Ajax, Deputy:renv | A 1 Mrs, Don ka eivod approval frome the On Elwin Smyth, of Ajay, andl Eleanal and Chuck Kemp, Dun ani »ohon WLS LAR the International Teamsier Lin ( A \ tended {h hie ald, Oshawa Distriet Organizer, on (ind + and allow a resumption tavin Municipal Beard to make a Depuly-reeve Fdward Cyler, of M848 sireel, atiendes #INARIRT vas present and addressed the or work in 11 T \ | grant of $240.000 10 aid in the con: Reach Township ade dance Friday evening al the group giving nfarmation on the Wap RN A ran 1 aed 4 struction of a 930-hed wing to the The county, at an earlier ses CAhawa airport Jresenied the , \ ix eemen dustin f , Home and Schaal creed, ele industey. has heen paralyzed h hawa General Hospital. As a stan this year, adopted a poliey Ontario County Flying Club Mrs, Gaitskill and Mrs, Owen Jurisdictional dispute helween |, ul, a bylaw confirm the for making hospital grants, Ag Mr, and Mes. W. Burton Smith Oshawa Counell members wer the two labor bodies grant, was read a third time at cording in the poliey, the county Mes, William Roach and Eleanor also present and offered AER ayeToanneil vail it would ena § MORON of the counell in Whitby will pay 70 per cent of the eost| Kemp attended the Hoskin greetings for the Oshawa Counel the hayeatt pending the outeams this week remaining atter federal and pros Vaughan wedding at the Anglican All the hey exept v member i conference called for Mon AL an earlier sesston, the grant Vinetal grants are paid, but only Chureh Saturday evening wel sworn in as follow hvlaw p Hive | i a per cent ol the actual paunty | . day hy Ontario Labor Minister MIAN Was given twa readings ¥ PVR Van President a i Kyle, Daley. Members af Local 200 ave and sent on to the municipal 0 Made of the hospital, Com | Ante iy it i President roaiont : Mir 1. ta vate Sunday on whether ta board ior final approval. When Mutations hy the eaunty's speoial| Hi pel iy ( Nn y awal W weeand Vviee:§ y the third reading os } y hospital committee arrived at th ! By Hpi We b, ! wl a walkout called in protest He \ fading came whore ia ® J \ Hal Bigg a Aa Ne oN elhy ot Hic any NE aii pie pouneil, all members supparied it Eure of $240,000 he aren Bay Ad TL 3 A A \ } wi 1) 11] A din Bp Hp ary with the exception of Reeve Mps, Hefore the Ontavie Municipal and tales gud LS Was served Ws [) Probert: five executive FOREIGN WORKERS Hoard ai the present time is § (c"nethociags. The Buests were members as follows: Mus NUERNBERG, Germany (AP aw 10 authorize the Bisuing ofl aii members of the Oshawa Fly Movie alse press cortespandent bai TL TB TR hi + Da li ht Time ht hentures he amount af Ji ing Club; Mr. and Mrs. J. Evan Mrs. Gallinger, Mes. Derry, Mrs many totalled 385,000 Sept Y g AE ar the purpose of granting Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Fowler, Lavy ¥F. Calhy. Mr. Hogg, principal of three times more than el to the Ross Memorial Hospi Mebean Laurel Gates, Rleanor R. A. Hutehison School, was alsa Year previously. Halians num Ln Lindsay and Chek Kemp made a member of the executive, hered 16700, followed hy Greeg n ) onig representing the teachers with 20.600 and Spain with 16,400 Me. Ernest Volker, of Ge MANY, al present visiting with On Saturday wight the pon WHITBY ple of Whithy will have ta eamply his son and danghterin law, Mi : with the time changing miles of D and Mes. A BE Valker, is oele : daviight Ving Hine, otherwise ., - heating his 64th hivthday an Mon BROCK (W it y) - 6 the churchaos Ms will find them day. For the oceasion a dinney anged with elves one hour early for the 1 GRANTS TO FAIRS party has heen Arrange N Pl i Evening Shaws ot 7 and 9 PM, AT Serine ftarie County Counetl. at guests fram Whithy and Ain ow ay ng Feature Starts ot 7 & 9:25 PM, Offiolally, daylight saving time session mm Whithy an Thursday ames to an end on Sunday. Oot made grants of $380 ta each of GREER DRAMA - g [Yon the means thal all i agriowlure societies Wo thel A great festival of classical he FUNNIEST PICTURE sce fun was horn it RAL N he dy a i COURLY tn assist in their annual drama under auspioes of the UN H . 4 | hetare rel ie foe ee nt fay {airs A hi were made (0 the educational, seentifie and oul BR Nm iy Ho Soot Agriculture Society and th | UNESCO) = : Those whe religiously observe hd the tural organisation " pe MERVYN LEROY'S sas. aha Sunday morning Yo the consti Hroaklin Spring Fair Association heing held in Greece in 1982 tutional "lay" can all enjay Wn extra hour of luxury' between the sheet Courting eauples can cash in an WHEN LOVING CARE COUNTS this hay 1 he all oe day date; When They can Your Fine Rt JHE good night" 8 mare Himes A AM 1100 AM 1H00 AM or hers ge Molo Olothes Deserve vs, hw Ohad Ben ina Cue Y a hi time o he year The Our Exlra Dare ? ea "nn ve under ® vean haniow Wanhin i WHITBY sa af eight. on Saturda midnig ) orignal n Rngland Ra We'te DAY tothe 0A Wh 8 HILLCRESTS b ENTEC OSTAL TABERNACLE he First Warld the mati ta heh 'he \ a Yh RN 4 { bi hid di Bagi Jive u ' when ou we he nuh + b ur thorough, meticulous dry 307 RROCK. N fuel far lighting and heating hy v y hg - REV JOHN SCARR. Pastor Phone MO 8.57722 Hin wople up and gelling * The newest, most modern plant in the ares them (no hod an hour sarlion * Group or individual taurs on complete prasessing TO IG HT 8 p at any Nme « 4 d W . 845 AM Radio Broadcast CKLE Oshawa oN HIDDEN TREASURES = AY 9.45 AM Sunday Sehool FACS: MOORE WARN WeCHY ssi [oii ners Sinan | CaRelinal Cl RNING V KOVACS MOORE - WARDEN - MeCARTHY 2. WN A Row ho - Jhungary ar n eaners Whi b Co RS 11.00 AM MORNING WORSHIP SB AN ALL COLE Show sae bv the Nadi during he CORNER THICKION'S AD. AND HWY. NO 2 it y mmunity Arena 100 PMA RIGIAL DIVINE HEALING 5 ast war a I hidden in } SER SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1:30 P.M mien west Austria, acconting PHONE RA 8.3611 Ad \ 19 4 HUNEATIAD Rewsaabe wits 78¢ ~- Students & Children § PATI Sah 060 we Wh: Hu seventy 1S 8 Runge \ 0 aper reach Fran Piok:Up and Delivery Satiatnction Guaranteed Rr Oc ERYONE ye ATTEND R 'Award $7500 To Uxbridge Group Cyclist \Entertained By » Aide Vreshyinens held AL the same lime W on Home League stad HEELIng 18 the frm of wyL, inking theme was not "Hilowe'en Party La fit Commg from the west, pulked whim Army Women's Home home of Wiss Beversey Rodman, | Family Monuments ma the mersection p y ld wemkly meetin (ames and Aaneing were en I was ab this point that wn Thursday evening at the Cita: 17% Fis # as Ioilowed wy he sevitiomnl led hy Mr. Currie IRARGIEYEIR CRETE Ihe IWEVSE: ded in the Tarm WH #7 Costume 8 the ose of the even e Hom fiom Ihe weet, Seeing Mee. . ee FATT ' ye. iy . SR] CYUWYE ar GHErng the imies atlowe eir-Party'. Ladies of the Ireshimemts vere served. Thanks Irv domi section and rembizing he what Vetridge Wome Tes were mm . Reaunrements slop ww time, Brie aitempied 10 vited gue WER IW CEMEBETE IERIETG HIG isn avoune the car io the lef! ary 4 a IFRYRVING # ts were distribied tn winners # miles pov howr. Kyle, wit s Mus. Horswe charae of Monumental Werks Pwglne Matthews on the Bah games. assisied by Mrs. Kane. Al 318 Dundes Bow i the matareyiie, crashed to 4, isle cuslon wis held the lett from tire of the ear wn. charge of Mrs. ¥. Locke Atl MO 8.3852 He and Matthews were flung the sl week MEELInE sei | sual aint Md wer wh Eruwyre em guest speakers have heen invited ! She told His Lordship that she § 000 a erved hy WM . aia not see Ihe mtareyelR Be Archer. Mi I Reid. and My cause I was without Hghts. ME. fiannithorne. The meeting elased Justice Barlow riled that BERL: with u devationsl led by the | TOWN oF WHITBY CFE Nod necessary wl this BME bridge aifleers N E T™ of year with Daylight Saving ? OTIC OF FIRST SI ING ime 1eing used Dr. Daniel Blurgis of Oshawa OF COURT OF REVISION and Dy. Warren Stoddart of To onto, testified thet Kyle's hip Take notice thet the Court of Revision of the Town of Whithy wild he permanently impaired Hew will hold sittings in the Town Mell sammensing because of the aeeident an He ow th TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1960 accident and | don't think it ever , SMOKELESS of 10,00 o'clock am, will he," said Dr. Stoddart te hear and determing the the A i" His Lordship, aside from oil FURNACE Roll of the Town of Whithy for "" your 1960 tor taxation awarding the ¥7500 1a Kyle, or purpesss for the year 1961, 1] at an additional S82LY # And further take lice that all persons whe have apnealed loss of wage he paid. My. W Ei 27 g { f 9 nents are hereby requested to attend Nn Happs, Byke eaiher, re gre { } ceived 7 0h fon hick wo. IRON FIREMAN DATED ot Whithy this 2141 day of Octoher. 1860 hal were owing tn him "LSTOM Markl JOHN FROST, Clerk, CLINI vial Town of Whithy pro Users report Ys savings on #4 " | oil, euis service costs... gives ideal home comfort ; oo \A., Randall | & Sona. Lid. 100A BYRON § MO 8399) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Serwdey, Octoher 39, 1960 § Presbyteens Have Hallowe'en Party were eulended lo Mrs, Badmn for her Bospnatitg. A gay time Wak ERves hy ah Be new mesting of Nov. 1 will he held a ihe Church $ Subscribers' Seats NOW For the suppl i appr ely 10,000 gal ant oor ons | AVAILABLE Whithy, tor the 1960-61 heal ng period. Tenders will he re FOR ceived hy the undersigned unhil WHITBY TN Tuesday Movember Bit 1960 Lowest mar to ar weer oe 1 JUNIOR "8" Wine Mildred § HOCKEY Sacra ; Please Contact a6 fund seer || ARENA MANAGER Mhithy, Ontarin MO 8.2988 | / TOWN OF WHITBY NOTIOE RE DAYLIGHT SAVING Citizens of the Town of Whithy are remind» ed that DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will come to an end on SUNDAY, October 3Qth, 1960, Citizens are advised ta sef their clock back ane hour hefere retiring Saturday night W, §. Martin, John R, Frost, Mayer, Clerk, and watches KINSMEN Announces ANNUAL BULB DRIVE The CLUB of Whithy THE COMMENCING TUESDAY, NOV, 1st Brighten Your Home With Bulbs From The Kinsmen a] Ed hurches Whitby TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE DISCHARGE OF AY LAW NO. 231) af the Tow I Whithy i After April Yar, 1981, it shall be an oftence tn discharge f water inte the sanitary sewer system and persons con victed of Ad to comply with the provisions at the by law are lable tn a maximum penalty of $3100 00 During penads al heavy ram, real wal | Vol pire treatment) seriously taxes the tac (1 \G Freatment Plant and causes Hooding of NET ton All Owners of Buildings in Whithy should eany out an im mediate check ta determine it wale from root | hutlding 1» being un mia Nary - sewer nel HF this found 10 be the case. The Reet Water Leaders Must Be Permanently Disconnected fiom the | ewer net ats than April 1st, 1941 Real water m Hsposed: at hy running (1 en the ground and letting | 1a the nearest treet gutter ditch ar water gauge, ar | ling a storm Wer connection Anyang reguining additional tama wld ca he § yneer's Department LH. INKPEN Chairman, Health & Walla 0.H.A. Junior 'B' Hockey KINGSTON JUNIOR "8B" FRONTENACS Whitby Baptist Church Re IM Ward, Minister Mis. W | VIMY ATCM th un M nl honl 11:00 AM F lM Waid 00 PM f IM Wh ST. ANDREW'S | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MARSHALL ohn 51 REY. D Byron St 5 ar Bt 45 AM UNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS 1100 AM MORNING WORSHIP AND EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV GERRIT REZELMAN Third Canepssion Road Wes, af MN 12 Highwa 1030s Halland Service, Whithy 10:30 English Sunday Schaal Whithy 10m Enalish Worship at Bowman ville (in Pentecostal Chureh 130 Sunday Schoal at Bawman vi 00 English Worship at Whithy Evarvane Heartily Walsams FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY Rev. E € Corbett, A. Th Pastas 18 AM Radin Broadeast M 945 CKLR Pinle fcheol Hour 100 AM So Mr. Douglas Wf Central Baptist Sem 21.00 PM Our Pastor speaking Speaial Musie by pecial Lowry nary WHITBY UNITED CHURCH mith, BA, BD Mis) Beaten, ARTC Minster Organist Rev. A, M Butler, Assistant Minister MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM EVENING HOUR 7 PM Mi Vee Wright r------,

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