a nines $i # Anis " THE WEATHER OFFICE says W will remain sunny and mild most of the weekend in On 1d ww . par bh 5 Lah rib) Gis 7 wim wi ie RY 7 ad aiid in taro and Quebee, Owmiario experience Inereasing cloud Mental illness Big Challenge BOWMANVYILLE all) Dr, M, B. Dymond, Ontario min ister of health, 103d & meet the Bowmanville Rola Club here, Frid ening Vi } greatest challenge Lo medicine Lo day 1s to Hind pew methods, and new discoveries of treptment fo the mentally 1 Dr Dymond sccepled The Rotary speaking engagement lite Thursday to replace Madison M Waller, the head of the Royal Bank of Canada who sullered a Tuesday afternoom and Mon stroke on 8 In eritical condition in a treal hospital The Rotarians thut Dr, George W emeritus of The Blatesman had with the Montreal hospital earlier in the day od lam ell Canadian heen in were adv tay contact and had heen old that Mr, Walter had heen allowed up for the first time on Frida VISITORS WELLCOME Dy. Dymond told the Hotarign the proi onal aspect of treat INE meta Hh patient hold he left with the government. Ho ever, he contended he elt wen nthe community have the greatest responsibil Farmers Are Guests Of Rotary Club BOWMANVILLE (Kiaff) Ihe Rotary Club of Bowmanville had a very successful ""Rural-Urban Night! Friday at the Flying Dutehman Motel Guest speaker for the evening was Dr, M, B of Health for Minister vho spoke Dymond Ontario on the activitie of his depart ment, and particularly in the Held of mental health, Dr, Dymond was introduced hy Reeve Garnel Rickard of Darlington Township Tribute was paid to George W James celebrating his birthday on Friday, Dr, James Joined the Bowmanville oH, 1081, dnd n 1031 und 02 Among the many dinner were Alex Carruthers pep Durham; CW. Wood ey, J, R. Melealf, Lloyd Ayre Bruce Link, | Blanley man, Orono; Herb N, Sool Bell, Bowmanville; Wilson nell, Peterborough; | ngs, Orano; V, P, Irwin EK. Courrier, Orono; L, | Howmanville; €. Van Dam keton: Hilton . Fink, RR 2, How manville Alive HH Allen, Bow manville Bil Hurk, Bowman Lewis N. Wood, Bowman ville; J, ¢ MeNah, Hampton Watson Bowmanville Hen Hrown, Bowmanville Jim Wright, Bowmanville; Ed Young nan Pantypool i" 5 He Hampton: 1. 8 Moffatt, Ovon Don Maples, Orono; 8, B, Ruther ford, Orono; I, J, Tamblyn Orono; Sidney Cornish, RR 1 Howmanville Robert Hendry RR 4. Bowmanville; A, 1, Hlan hard, Hampton: Charles R, Wan en. Hampion; Gorald Brow RR 4, Bowmanville: Gordon Har t Howmanville l W Werry, Enniskillen Plan Lighting For Christmas ROWMANVILLE (Start At a meeting of the Rowman ville Chamber of Commerce proposal was pul forward to put Christmas decorating lights on the downtown streets fap the com ing holiday season Rert Sver, who led the disous sion for the decorations, was slected chairman of the Hghting committee. The proposal will be further discussed al a chamber of commerce meeting at the Ral moral Hotel next Thursday Rotary elub on Nov was ts president BUests at the for Chap Jim Gor Hill Oronn Allen Huy ari ind peapie Can Conrinue Zrentest wespons in ie He ago people wer fue he eith explained ong nthe Ona today not welcome fH ii8, However to them is ral hospital, He sed Lhe ariang to spend as much with the patients hie Phe of what a people lo 6 gen Ho time aE weleome adv as pos health minister told a story erviee elub in is ahle to aeeomplish last year He told of diffieult ara in the Ontario Hospital at Whithy in hirh many men me of them had heen for (a1 He ald them would am Peas ever Phe ward stall dq hien thelr ive wit) ne Were elder there nan man pa¥en in ried to hr flowar eloths on the table I'he auched and table lodh mashed and tory plano plane wa the flower vere [reque OUFLOOK CHANGED he health minister continued 1% me staff members invite roup from a erviee T] ] 1 vard 1 unnamea ory pe elub, appointed a hospita committee and hedan to visit the rd In May, Al first they were nred, But they continued twiee weekly visits, and one of the elul nemhers plaved the plano, Little hy litle patients hegan to stand aund the plane and to jain the ities AL Christmas, members of the club had a party, and not one of the patients remained in hed, One ol the patients amazed everyone hy getting up and playing the plano, Dr, Dymond sald all thi ook place a year ago, and now many of the patients in the ward will | of 8 | (CP Wirephote) ness with risk showers night Whithy | OBITUARIES GEORGE WIRAUGHAN George Thomas Straughan, 174 Wilson road souih, died suddenly al his home, Friday, Oct, 2% He is survived by his wile, the former Rose Prowse; two daugh f Ir Henry Shortt (Reta, nd M Walter Bushley (Irene) Wilh Oshawa x sons, Logan of Ajax, Vrank, of Goodwood yonald, Edwin, Fred and How aid, all of Oshawa; 16 grandeni dren and 13 great-grandehildren I'he deceased was born in Ber ick, Boeotland, Deg, 28, 1880, the on of the late George and May iret Btraughan, He married at hitevale, Ontario, in Oclober 1905. He resided -in Oshawa fo the last 12 years. Mr. Btraughan farmed in Pickering Township from 19056 until his retirement in 1048 he memorial service will gm the Armstrong Funeral Home, Mond Oct, 31, 8L 2 p.m I'he service will be taken hy Res 0. A P. Allen of Bt. Paul's Pres wierian Chureh, Interment will he in Mount Lawn Cemetery HARRY SHELLEY The death oceurred at Hillsdale Oct, 26, of Harry Oshawa houlevard shelley, who had en health until the mmey vos in his 9nd ar Vida 108 nor v joyed good pasi year George W roline Shelley, the deceas horn on the Isle of Wight ind came to Canada when about years of age. A resident of i vears, he had pre in Uxbridge and vas married in To \ on of the lale ol wa two Oshawa tor lived He viousl Foronto ronto retiremeunt in 1948 was employed as a worker hy General Viator more than 30 years Mr, Shelley was & member of Bt, Andrew's United Church and was #otive In masonic elreles [He Joined Alpha Masonie Lodge, Prior to his Vir, Bhelley metal for heel have heen cured and sent home [Toronto in 1908 and was a past! "Phis," he sald, "i whit 18 master of Uxbridge Masonie meant by Therapy of People" Lodge; an affiliated past mas:| | " of Cedar Lodge, Oshawa; a LARGE WiF ter 0 { LGE BUDGET former member of the Royal Dy, Dymond told the Rotarians Arch Masons: a8 member of 8 and thelr guests that imprehend year, He feomprehend amounts to hut that he understand many of the thing whieh his department Is able to accomplish with the money, He sald mental health, which 1s the number one health problem, ac counts far about 5 per of Vs department's budget He sald $46 million | the MN hospitals and chools in the provinee $20 million 1s being year on bulldings these amounts do not inelude money spent on patients who are out patients at general hospitals or those under private psychiatric Are Dy in his depart $02 million he could not #02 millior vhat ald what this ean cent spent in hospital Another spent this He new Dymand concluded hy tell the Rotarians the time Is when society 1s ready to recognize mental health and that longer eon consequence of had or the pun ripe to move patients as mental ne dered a hlood, immoral Hving hment of sins Accepted Part Of The Spoils 20, of people noe sok Thomas Altiman Oot AN John Oshawa, who pleaded tn Hu which @ sept sentenced tn three years nthe Kingston Penitentiary, hy Magistrate FF, N Ebb Friday he CNR Fhompaon his 10g as a ing Magistrate F, § day, saul n't! enter the hooded gunman. But you with him hefare he went in knew what would happen. Even after the shooting, you stayed with him and accepted part of the spoils." the magistrate said willy as an sory CNR rahbery railway employee 10 aovoe during was shot Wa rey lost shoot nplavee, Pe 0, of Helloville result af the Ebhs the were You station with 7:00 P.M, te 9:00 PM, RED CROSS HOME NURSING CLASSES COMMENCE Tuesday, November 1 AT THE Hospital School of Nursing ALEXANDRA ST, OSHAWA ® PHONE RA 32903 Fris| You apparently did fohn the Almoner Preceptory and a past patron of Sunbeam Chap ter, Order of the Eastern Star His main hobby was gardening Predecensed by his wife, the) former Catherine Crawford, in 1083, Mr, Shelley Is survived hy two daughters, Mrs, Gladys Stew rt, of Ottawa and Mrs, H, Piatti Margaret), of Oshawa Also surviving are a brother, | George, of London, Ont two grandsons and two greal-grand children The funeral service will be held the Melntosh + Anderson Fu. Home at 2 pm. Monday, | Oct. 41, followed by interment in Oshawa Union Cemetery, Rev, | Dr, George Telford will conduet the services A masonic at the Funeral Sunday held | pm service will he Home at ¥ ONE AMBULANCE CALL Fire Department reported a quiet night Friday here was one routine ambulance call and no fire alarms he Oshawa io LJ | CITY AND DISTRICT IMPOUND AUTH Harvey wiole & car hoonging 1 William DD. Baker, 165. of 0 Arthur Malloy, 50 gr na Taunton road east, was lined 950 street, Oct, 19. The in Oshaws Magistrate's Court, appeared from the Priy oo Friday, when he pleaded goity plant parking lol, It was recov to driving while Wis Neemee wis ered, wong wih Harvey, In suspended, He told the court he Peterborough, later the san had heen on Wis way 16 Dapanes morning eolieet Bis snemployment wh a surance when he was charged ENJOY ORGAN MUSK Magistrate ¥, 8, Ehbs impounded, George Norrish, well - known Baker's ear for three montns Oshawa pianist, emertained resi dents of Hillsdale Menor, Osh BENCH WARRANTS aWa's newly opened home for Bench warrants were losued 19 (he aaed, Friday night, Mr. Nor the arrest of Larry Legree, of WW pish olaved & new organ which Snowdon avenue, Toronto, 8 yes "recently installed in the Harold Thomas Seeman, of 9 Manor Vernhill bowlevard, Oshaws, when neither appeared 16 swe (charges In the Oshawa Mags AUTO HITS BRIDGE trate's Court, Friday, Legree was Damage was estimated at ap to appesr on a drunk Orving proximately $20 when a on charge, Seeman was 16 nppenr | AVeR by Morris W. Weston, 21, of on break-in charges, and atlempts Vestieton, collided with the cor ed hreakin charges, They were "er of 4 bridge on Wentworth both remanded to Nov, 1 sireet, about 12.15 p.m. Friday Police sald Weston lost control REMANDED FOR SENTENCE. of his vehicle while travelling Andrew Kroontie, of 229 Nas cast on Wentworth street as he shu street, was remanded lov sen wis npproaching the bridge, The tence by Magistrate ¥, 8. Ebbs driver was not injured and no when he pleaded guilty, Friday, damage was reported 10 the to willul damage of & truck wind: bridge shield, Oct, 5, The truck wis own ed hy Gordon May and the wind eld was valued at more than $44 Kroontje said he intended to pay for the damage ance hy using obscene langungs HEARING ADJOURNED Three people charged with as on King street east, Oct, 7, Po da two oceasioning bodily lee Constable M, Michalowsk harm, were remanded for id he had the ing Nov. 18, when they appeared out of » restaurant hefore Magistrate ¥, 8 Ebbs, ahusive language to 8 waite Priday, Barans Sallal, of 91 Ce: "When | got Bim om to (hu ling stree remanded on 60 street, he started shoutin . assault charge. Robert Willis, 117 using wr ie Fuelid avenue Whithy and stable James Brayiey, RR 3, Bowman ville were hoth remanded on charges of assault OCCRBIONINE hodily harm FIVE CHILDREN BAPTIZED Friday afternoon, Oct. 26, Rey Warren G, Dickson of Centre Street United Chureh baptized the following five children of Mi and Mrs, John Hubert Hicks, 43 BAD LANGUAGE Kenneth Roy Rozell, 16 Wi Nassau street, Was fined $10 ini Oshawa Magistrate's Court Friday, for causing & disturb nea taken Becused for using Wi oh snd Ange the eon IS BATISFACTORY doyce Wilson, 4, of 750 Kin treet east, who was struck hy dump truck on the Nongquon road Wednesday afternoon, was report ed In satisfactory' condition al the Hospital Bick Children Toronto, today The girl was iken Lo the Toronto hospital from the Oshawa General Hospital, suf fon Madison avenue Brenda Lee fering from head injuries, lacer Millie Eleanor, born Jan, 31, 1957; | ated groin as well as bruised and Huette Darlene horn June vl abraised thighs and hip The 1954: Mary Ellen, horn Sept, 31, dump (ruck was driven hy Ale 1950; Hugh Hubert, horn Dec, 11, Campbell, 256 Windsor streel 1958: Paulette Joye horn Oct, | Oshawa 24, 1050. The baptisms were sol ; ; emnized at the family resi NTREETS CLOSED danas ™e following streets will be closed for construction todas 0001 SENIORS WIN Albert street, closed af CPR Oshawa Central Collegiate In. bridge; Richmond street east stitute Senfors defeated 1 he closed from Bimeoe to Ontario O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational street; Blevenson road north institute Seniors by a score of from Annapolis avenue to Ross 66:18 in an interhigh school foot. 'and road west; Wilson road south hall game at Alexandra Park Fri. rom Olive avenue to Shakespeare day afternoon | avenue Btevensons road south, GIVEN YEAR Daniel Frederick Harvey, 10 of 77 Gibb street, was sentenced to one year definite and Six months Indefinite in the Ontario Reformatory, for ear theft; hy Magistrate VV, 8, Ebbs, Friday CELEBRATING | BIRTHDAYS | Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth days this weekend | I'hose who celebrate today | are! Sandra Sauve, 108 Brock street south, Whithy; Rene Pleau, 200 Bond street east, | Oshawa; Claire Glendenning, 320 French street; Mr, Frank Wiley, 1 Cromwell avenue; Mrs, Clara Wiley, 111 Crom well avenue Mrs, Charles Gibh, #07 Pacific avenue; | Orwell Muirhead, 240 Gibb | street; Ricky Anderson, 666 Farewell avenue Shirley Sheehan, 16 Albert street, Bowmanville; Patricia Hick ey, 168 Albert street hose who celebrate on Sunday are: Ross MaeDon ald, 1124 Cloverdale streel The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of | their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to the ! Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The current attraction" is "The Are Ringing Reports on received only fm RENENE Bells birthdays will hetween the 10 am he hours of # Phone RA and HOME FOR THE NURSING S Must ganizatianal and super i ¢ efit clude Cumulative Sick #50. Group Insurance, Persian Pla Applicat treated in confidence ember Ath, 1940 3 f © i) part ® § al pre 5 expe NILLSDALE MANOR, and will be redaived un prince, gradual AGED, OSHAWA UPERVISOR iatrigs train sry ox ¢ Ge Leave, Ontaria Haspital/Biue Crows, tl 5:00 pm a | ding present acoupation B. FLEMING, Parsonnel Officer City Mall, Oshawa, Ontar Emergent M heath Al CEDAR LODGE AFF, & AM, 270 ly ted to attend @ War, Bre, § F, Farrow Secretary are wig Masonic Servies to ~ late WOR, BRO, HARRY SHELLEY 7:00 o'clock ot Melntosh-Anderson Funeral Home Sunday, October 30, 1960 Masonic Clothing Wor, Bre. J. F. Riley Master of LOCATED ON WILSON RD, | WEATHER FORECAST Ideal Autumn » Weekend Seen TORONTO (CV) --~Forceasts Is sed ny the weather office at § am. EDDY Synopsls ~~ desl autumn weather will continue today in Southern and Ceniral Ontario with temperatures reaching the 0 mark, about 15 degrees ahove Fined $25 For Street Fight Melvin Gaateh 9 2) Clark street, was fined $25 Friday, for causing a disturbance, Oct, 14 Police Constable Savoie sald Grateh was Highting with another man at Prince and Bond streets "When 1 picked Bim off the other guy," Bavole said, "he threatened to 'clean my clock', 1 as so stunned hy the he was dong in front of me, Ihe other man gh away from me" yole testified Gepteh sald he fooling around had been just closed from Gibb street to the CPR. Whenever possible streets ill be kept open tor local traffic Vmergency conditions such a eather could require the closing streets not on this list ol CONTROLLED SHOOTING Controlled duck shootin wen established for Darl inglon Provineial Park in this an experiment this year have special and must use specially construc red blinds, at a fee of blind, Maximum number of hunters that can he accommo dated is 30 aren fa All hun [ ist ed mut iimle Wr ¥ leences normal, weather has and somewhat med northern regions Regional fovecasts valid until, "erated throughout the midnight Sunday Lake Erie, Lake Huron regions | Sunny and nersusing Windsor, mild today Lamdon Sunday cloudiness followed by # continuing yp Sundiy Lake Ontario, the day Winds light today, southerly W) cde Niagara, Georg|turies fall away to a time when lan Bay. Haliburton regions, Tor North Bay, cooker nto far] INE VIMAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October », v8 3 Hallowe'en Recalls cate the spirits of the desd. To Them, it was the end of the year and the beginning of winter Tui Ia | On that might Semhsin, Lord of the Desd, gathered all the | WASHINGTON ~~ Hallowe'en is souls of those who had been con is'. fined to the bodies of animals {lan world both 8s » istry spon death, and sent them on to {might of tricks or treats and as their final resting place a solemn religious observance Druid soothsayers of ancient In the tangled historg of Gaul and Britain recited mage Europe sei aside Nov. | ss Al hallows, or All Saint's Day, and the night before as a hallowed eve, superstitions peoples desig. nated a day corresponding io Hallowe'en for ceremonies to ple were, |e holiday, it was not alwys so, rines In rings of stones, such ag nary: Bunny and mild today, Sun. onto, Hamilton day sunny but cloud in the soitherly 15 Kirkland nos with nereasing| alternom, ing mild. Winds light today, and conting- to 4 Bunday Lake, uskasing regions today, Sunday cloudy and mild footwork vith rain heginning in the after Winds light today, cant 15 to 20 Sunday, Timmins Kap Mainly sunny south Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, Windsor #t, Thomas ,.. sitehener London 7 Vir n Toronto ele m orongh Trenton f, Cathay Hamilton Tiuskoka Killaloe witom Sudbury orth Bay Kapuskasing White River Moosonee Ld 4 nH 2 highs Sunday; Li] Hh Hud. Over 25 yoarv TORONTO WHITBY =e OSHAW Ar BROOKLIN==FPh, MO 8.3304 NEW, LOW 7-DAY Toronte te Glasgow 'eo Toronto te Londen 'ee Yoronte to Manchester MRS, MITCHELL Torente to Dublin EM 3.0958 Christmas in the Old Country EXCURSION FARES $304.00 $331.00 $318.40 $318.00 Donald Travel Service frave return return return return the Nations! Geographic Society the grest circle at Blonehence says, As youngsters in masquer-\in Wiltshire, The Cells of Scot: ring doorbells and race land and Ireland gathered on through autumn's leaves, the cen- windy hilltops around huge fires The bonfires probably were Hallowe'en was with '(shied to guide the spirits of the grim pagan rites dead to their final resting places, Long before Christendom inior to ward off witches 1131138 F) Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF G marked Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues. STEAKS" » 79: WikG CLUB STEAKS Ib. 58c FRESH MADE Veal Patties 3 1bs.1.00 FREE! BUY 51b. SAUSAGE MEAT FOR 1.00 ET 5 LBS. FREE! Only 4 Left!! LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS 1961 Model Homes... IN CRESTVIEW GARDENS NORTH Constructed By Loupan Developments (OSHAWA) LTD. A Choice Location Close To SCHOOLS--CHURCHES--SHOPPING OPEN 1 PM. TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, and 29 (3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING) : This Model Home is Priced at 512,500 With Down Payment as Low as 473 Sold By LLOYD METCALF 40 KING ST, EAST REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 8.4678