Your Community Chest - Investment In Humanity WEATHER REPORT Your $6 donation would pay for Sunny Sunday but with in» the average drug preseription creasing cloudiness in the after. for an old age pensioner for one noon, continuing mild, month through Simcoe Hall, VOL, 89--NO, 25 bo OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1960 Fenn Olt" Dagens, orrons EIGHTEEN PAGES BOTHERS CUBA | Cubans Charge | U.S. Pretext HAVANA (AP)--The arrival of [possible to avold using our a contingent of U8, Marines at|rockets," Guantanamo naval hase today! ' . AI for the weekend was expected Lo| INVASION REPORT DENIED launch Prime Minister Fidel Cas. Guatemalan President Miguel iro into new charges that the Ydigoras said Friday Cuban United States is grooming an in. Press reports of an invasion fleet vasion force. y assembled at the Guatemalan Cuban officials showed great port of Puerto Barrios were f completely false WF. Car Probe ois poz | Entering New Phase OTTAWA (CP) ~ The royaltario, The big three in produc- commission study of Canada's| tion, in order of volume, are automotive industry closed down General M ' ! its public phase Friday, Now| "¢hera Motors of Canada Lim come private inquiries ited--turning out paris as well Vincent Bladen, University of Ford Motor Company of Canada Toronto economist, the one-man Limited and Chrysler Corpora- commission, hopes to have rem- (jon of Canada Limited, edial recommendations ready by Both GM and Ford also sell March, His conclusions may well here. British. ca ade k apply to secondary industry as a diarie Hish- cars made by sub sidiaries whole, some briefs suggested Week-long questioning by Ca- Studebaker-Packard of Canada nadian foreign auto producers, l/mited, producing cars, and In farmers, labor, and Individuals ternational Harvester Company pointed to Dr, Bladen's interest of Canada Limited, turning out in exploring whether cost cutting trucks and station wagons, are greater volume can be obtained the others, American Motors by working out production-shar-| (Canada) Limited will start pro ing with United States plants ducing Ramblers near Brampton He made it equally plain that Pext year, any action resulting in higher| Canadian production totalled Canadian prices, such as tariff 368,587 vehicles last year against boosts, was viewed with reserv-'a peak 480,959 in 19 Imports ation, totalled 165,564 against 58,475 in interest in the announcement ri | i 1953, and 120,396 of the 1959 im- f ash| 5 al The Cuban press almost Ig , LA ' rom Washington that 1450 Ma , WORRIES, TOO ports were European passenger Ivines: on manoeuvres in the nored the departure Friday night the U8 of U.S, Ambassador Philip Bon- end of #al, recalled to Washington for consultations for the third time ok 3 m Yuhane . fh 4 3 since he came here early in 1959, involve telling Canadian auto pi compared with 68,111 in 1946 and The Cubans did not comment The ; HP olive teitin A io pra sold $7,000,000 worth of vehicles But Castro was to make a tele-| The diplomat left smilingly , ducers, all five 8 pers fri 8 ker a 0 S 0 y id! pd 4 and components to the U.8, com 7 vision speech today, amid Jeers from dockworker as P T-BELLIED P 0K an subsidiaric If you under | I nach niay aovernment.| he boarded the West Palm Beach . 3 id pared with American imports i Kan. [take to buy in Canada an amount a00 ferry and cheers from long lines Canada U.8, auto integration 18 cars mostly from Britain and "exciting In its prospects bul weet Germany worrying too," Dr, Bladen sald : One method to be explored would |Caribbean will land at {naval base at the eas Cuba for rest and recreation Canada exported 11,763 cars Barbara Linville, 2'4, peers | paration for Hallowe'en visit- | wood, Kan, a suburb of 4 ) i vorth $480,000,000 i controlled press said the ty, plans to keep the fire. |(In parts) equal to sales here 4 lr abt G of Cubans waiting at the em. cautiously into an old pot. | ors, Mrs, George Martin who As City, plans ! ve'll let you import cars and 7 y Marines already at Guantanamo EU bellied stove that has been | designed the spook and placed pox "Py hp eo 4 Bodin other parts free,' No politic al ac EMPLOY MENT JOUN industry were polishing up their raining bassy Vor Visas 10 leave fo the 4 pid Lg v 4 > y : # 4 ! 4 with mhat exercises, A Ma-|* pid ' converted into a witch in pre- | It on her front porch in Lea | Hallowe'en (AP Wirephoto) Hop would be required of the yg gallon below 42,000 this year oc rine Pasig 078 killed Sd three|8bout 45,000, are being handled More than 80 briefs were sub. €OmPared with 54,000 in 153, MINISTER ON SCENE have heen injured hy mines at 8 rate of 400 a day, British cars enter Canada duty- planted along the perimeter of mitted to him doi x of ( free and other imported cars are Ontario Resources Minister | of 11 persons Oct, 25, With him [ F General the producers - 'the hase, these reports said » . Result At alls Nova Scotia pan pos cars Ri protec-|subpect to 17-per-cent duty plus| Robert Macauley (eentre) in- | is 8, W, Clark (left), deputy re- | Cuban authorities at Santiago, $1 Millio tion through tariffs or tax, Op. the excise tax of 72 per cent| spects the scene of a gas explo. | sources minister, and Ontario [near Guantanamo, were said to and sales tax of 11 per cent on) sion in downtown Windsor, | Fire Marshal Martin Hurst, he concerned that the United all cars sold in Cana Ont,, that claimed the lives (CP. Wirephoto) |States was preparing a fake at posed to higher tariffs were gov Coal obs ernments of Ontario and Baskat ' £ : (0) e Aroil H 16 er chewan, labor, farmers and other | jack against the big naval instal 0 esearc primary-producer exporters, | ation as a pre ex ar armes ; : . 3 be . The industry came in for eriti U.S. ELECTION 1 aggression against Cuba NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)-/teachers and the woman a law n an er cism on grounds that American nl 4 The UB state department ™ One thing sure about the Niag- yer g market considerations, based on asked a Fresial Shunation com. t nstitute mittee of e Organization of ' ara Falls federal byelection next! Their platforms vary, but all "built-in obsolescence' of style hd od Monday, no one Is sure who's are aimed at bolstering employ: yAyIFAX (CP)--Unless some Changes at high cost, left a Ca Kennedy Aiming Get More | American States fa investigate TORGMNTO (ep ue tons of Soviet aire) rileld Yesim i" | plac the ont | going to win, {ment in Niagara Falls, which (yo cr diteh solution is found, one nadian market vacyum being ais on ha LJ heen shipped ba wong 000 at | T Niagara Falls 1s a key riding, [suffers from the jobless troubles' = ool poet: N pat or BEC Hlled by foreign makes. Two N -.. an that beset other Canadian indus. 1. every: three Nova. Scotia. coal oye ges proposed atonhiin: : p h t Winning or losing It could mean i a lot to the Progre s Conserv trial areas miners, will be out of work within gion ie" necessary, Communist technicians to train|of the Banting and Best depart. ho oe a BE a tin ie $ cautiiate ehosenld few years, ; (®) u orl Cubans in their use, The com: ment of medical research at the gam being set up by the CCF by ti woman hy Sais Hounkta| dust how long before 2 800| ONTARIO 1S CENTRE Lhd [mittee was set up last August to| University of Toronto, 4 fa the hd Labor Con oy hy HA By | aMas gy Miners lose their jobs appears to The commission was estab look 'into U.8,-Cuban disputes, George C. Metcalf, . president ng g ssignate : . p lished against this background: | wiry KENNEDY (CP)--John! *I want Mr, Khrushchev and _LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)--United| The UN anpounced that the full|of Loblaw Groceterias Company gress whose candid ite de signates an attractive lawyer of 35, " he told & Nations military sources said to- General Assembly would meet Limited and George Weston Lime his policies as New Party, VARYI 1e told a "be the only unanswered question 0 ust . A 0 The axe Is & q steadily! The industry is centered in On: Kennedy aims his greatest ap y , : 4 | The indi ang by Headly] peal dP i CEO == tO fhe World 0 ww lawns of day UN units in The Congo have Monday to hear a new appeal by ited, made the presentation Fries " f 4 h tells continual decline in the use of | American hunger to be first in bh y received orders to fire at Congo- Cuba for a quick hearing on its day night to Dr, Charles H, Best, the Liberals since it was formed electors Niagara Falls must send! eos fus 1] b, MAYBE PRISON leverything, to avoid the shame of | Barrington, Ill, "that a new gen-|lese troops resisting thelr author. charges that the United States department director, in 1653, the number of votes, re mem! er of the Liber al party Soul 18 Industry 40d ewes. | [being called shabby and second. eration of Americans Is taking ity plans a grand-scale invasion, The gift is believed the largest ceived by each candidate will be fh Fite beeatss that Ro is Almott nine of every 10 miners WILL SLIM HIM rate over, Americans who fought in| UN officers sald the order spe-| In Moscow, Tass said Nikitadonated for medical research in noted carefully in Ottawa as aj. only Rn a to IN the Maritime are employed | "Setting a furious campaign Furope and in the Pacific to|clfied that any opposition to UN Khrushchev fold Cuban reporters|the university's history, possible barometer of party- for. 0-0 ervative hy Dominion Steel and Coal Cor VIMODRONE, Italy (AP) |pace and preaching with the fer. maintain our freedom in the See. efforts to maintain law and order his promise of rocket support to] Dr, Best said he was "des poration, The company says that Police had to call m brick |vor of a Franklin D, Roosevelt, ond World War and who are Will be considered an act of Cuba in event of American ag: (lighted by the gift "and most ul she hs on the foo of Pi in order to make a profit i must ice a Zot as nel the lean Democratic leader going to rebuild the image of Agkrestion United Not | gression should be considered grateful to Mr, Weston," ouse, she says, I lefen- close three high-cost Cape Breton as mares J Hadl Be > America as a strong and vital| In the past, Unite ations |symbolie, The money will he used to fur. baer will have to listen to Niag- pits, If these are closed, it willl banti Jo jall. They said the [Paints Kreat bieturiw wi. Hie | souiety " standing orders permitted the) Barlier, Revolucion, the Cas. ther research already under way, ara pave only five Dosco mines in] #20-pound Brabanti got stuck CFE pick itself up and start! Amid a myriad of side issues Vse of arms only in self-defence, | tro organ, sald Khrushchev was Some of the projects are studies Bd Mitchelson, 50, the New operation in Cape Breton and one| in 8 hole in a brick hen | moving again." that touch on the need for more| Meanwhile, Associated Pressiasked if Soviet rockets weve|of formation of blood elots in the house wall when he tried to | B AR ¥ the correspondent Michael Goldsmith|ready to assist Cuba in case of (heart and blood vessels; tumor In this constituency, held by tune Prime Minister Diefenbaker doesn't need the seat to bolster hi vhopping Commons i but would | It it could he won from the Lib ke to ral W( tend to offset Party candidate, is a science and on the mainland Nova Scotia :. Prasida p sing ( of " : vi ie. a » 1 provin. agriculture teacher and reeve of puis year's royal commission crawl out with 5 bag full pout mentionug a ves dent fone, scliodts and housings por. | V8 Fake n under UN protection need and quoted him as answer-| inhibition In experimental cane cla} Stamford Township, and like his on Canadian coal problems, of Joultey Banani wis lithe Republican administration of|tray the dimmed-image issue as today after a squad of armed ing "Unquestionably , . , but it's cer; the action of choline, a dies opponents was never in federal yoaded by Dean Ivan C. Rand of charged with breaking and having hidden from the peaple the biggest battle of all, linking Congolese soldiers attempted to better that there he no Aggres. | tary factor, in liver damage; TRICKY MATTER I politics before the University of Western One| entering and attempted lar- |GET EY (os Tost prestigelit with a contention that - Nixon wreak Into his room, sion, as we will do everything'and diabetes and insulin, The result could hinge on the tario Law School, suggested in eeny abroad and warns this compla-|wants the country to stand still : . ennedy, wants to keep } ssin tricky matter of turning over ts findings that three mines will cency would continue under Rich-| while he about 300 vate Ww. German Deputy probably have to close within five ard Nixon and lead eventually it progr | willlam Houck, a quiet back veat to destruction of the American| Tt is a battle, as he expresses| & hench member for the Liberal overnmen way of life it, between "the comfortable and| b * by 521 out of ahout 31.000 Arrested As Spy WILL CLOSE SOONER While he pledges greater med-|the concerned." Then he adds| \ cast In the last gener On Wednesday the Halifax ical insurance for the aged as that the contented should vote for election; Mr, Houck had held the! pon (Ap) A West German Chroniele-Herald published a Lon | part of a large-scale social wel: (Nixon, a statement that usually eal since it was established Bundestag' (lower house) deputy don interview with Sir Roy Dob aC e fare program, his major appeal arouses the crowds to shouts of His death last May opened up| oc 0 ® 0 oocied after he was son, managing director of A, V is to the younger voter, |"No! No!" A he $ mn ! heing ) and the wequent fight 1s bel observed passing eeret docu | Roe Canada Limited, Dosco's pars likahle Ril - Naged Withoit, 3 WAL take B ments to an esplonage agent of a ent company, B Pearson | . nto ( unt fhe former mayor Communist country, the interior; Sir Roy was quoted as saying | N of Nil ra Falls. was regarded Ministry announced today 'You know what the Rand com 1Xon eqar ene Ihe deputy was identified as mission says, Well, we'll have to] THURSO, Que. (CP)-Liberal heveahouts as unbeatable I'wo men and voman seek Alfred Freazel, 61, of the opp close those mines sooner than Opposition Leader Lester B the seat--hoth the men schools tion Social Democratic party hat Pearson flayed the federal gov ' - ernment for 'confused, inept and Y e 2] pee y inefficient" handling of unem } ployment, finances and defence LJ Provinces And Ottawa ii 5H wm wo un - ve gon sonst ut Speaking on behall of Gaston President Nixon rolled his prest Jak Re Wiedy's charges nal Repub! Clairmont, the Liberal candidate dential campaign into Chicago's American prestige abroad and] in Monday's federal byelection in'suburbs today with a glowing ens cioaved the country into €eo:| \ = Labelle riding, he told some 300 go cement from President Eisen-[nomic doldrums, - N supporters in the town hall that fy 1 | ; ht three years of Conservative rule|hower The president aimed this shaft had broken down the prosperity] The Republican presidential | at the Democratic nominee: 'My experienced under Liberal admin. nominee made it clear he he./friends, anyone Wha seeks to OTTAWA (CP)---Three days of reporters, indicated nothing new Is to reach a decision well in ad: | istration believes the send-off the president asp the reins of world leader foderal-provinelal talks on two had happened Friday to bring vance of the expiry of present! He used Mr, Diefenhaker's gave him in a televised appear-| Ship Should not spend all his Hime) key 1) unemployment and provincial agreement eloser on tax having arrangements onlwords in a television talk last!ance in Philadelphia Friday night|WTnging his' hands 5 tax relations, have ended wit e sweeping federal proposals March 31, 1962, Under this plan, week as a springboard for his/put his campaign in high gear| Saying Nixon *'hy long odds" is the ame result on both We it the provinets should le Ottawa do the tax-collecting, attack al a particularly critical time the hest qualified man to be pres Lack of agreement their own share of these taxes. paving the provinces an agreed! "The prime minister told us| "1 consder the president's alk ident Risenhawer stuck the fu . a ASME ym. The prime vister said the rental' for their rights in the 'You ain't seen nothing yet' "--ito he one of the greatest political miliar Republican theme that) : ¥ roy incial poke sien ohh ye pein ain! hee ¢ 4 ihe direct tax field, and he spoke the truth, When do|speeches of recent years," Nixon| Kennedy is immature and brash, | CHARRED WRECKAGE OF ILL-FATED PLAN harded Prime ipsler 1) | i : tiver- Most of "the x have We start," said, Though he never mentioned Ken. A Br baker Friday with proposals for malls, to try to narrow diver ost © 1 provinces have . -- nedy hy name, Eisenhower said: fedora' ald to combat the unem: gent tax viewpoints hy means of ¢ led for a continuation of that "1 hear that one candidate says [] { ployment situation correspondence between him and shaving system, with a larger ® [he will act first and aot fast Shy Tycoon S Plane | rm Oo Labor Minister Starr dismissed the premier hare lor the provinces, The fed ( } d n S les America needs a man who will u S ver their ideas as loc a Jxorinding It appeared that the next get Sra: Wok ion auld HN Thom ana 1a a think first, and then act wisely." . | ypeals for more federal money 'together would involve only the A AXES 3 Ves ROH DP §¢ J as 'pn The for their part, did premiers y Premier Lesage W leet the existing share, worth . . or ol, he Was hrofoundly Collection Th S \ § not accept Mr, Diefenbaker's Qube is convening an inter- Some $300,000,000 a year, If they this campaign that have cruelly en mac S 1 plan for a new cofmittee 10 provincial conference in Quebec 3 nted more money, they would Picture Bright [Hitunted the image of America." Up For Sale |] study the problem and three pre city Dee, 1 and 2 ave to take the responsibility of "These statements demonstrate FRENCHTOWN, Mont, (AP)--=|watching the crash. 'It hit with ors termed it a needless du osting taxes an amazing irresponsibility," aatip 4 ht x a. la treme > 5 25. ie ation of effort He has also invited Mr. Diel Friday's unemployment discus: PARIS (CP) The man who; Aim of this bhloe is ta create a'said Eisenhower : J TORONTO (CP)--An art col nw stigators sought a explana R gp gin hoist : an blaze, The discussion on unemploy haker to come or send a fed: gion was held at the request of led the most powerful trade Com. free trade area among its mem The wave of speculation in gold|lection hidden from public view Northwest Airlines DCA p SRI he 3 the p Ane _headed toward ne yppeared to be as fruitless © representative. The prime premiers Lesage and Bennett, [mission Canada ever sent to bers, The entire group will be in the London market was attrib: for vears in a remote African Her plane which overturned - in the mat Sad another Wit, as the two preceding days o pister indicated he wo it Afterwards, Labor Minister Europe Friday night expressed ringed by a single tariff wall uted hy Eisenhower to foreign bungalow will be auctioned off i. lungin against a moun (oS RV SA ron, it winged t on how { ap th pitend since A provinelal Sty ta pre conference it/confidence that Canada's sales' Roberts said the 18 . member|fears that the dollar will be weak. here next week h (ML, ibid Bi aii ayer aa ila hat Kk MA erashe Mi dire ax fields of income tax eet Brit h Columbia dn't produce as many worth. to the six-nation Europe econom. m ssion had three hroad aims:|ened by "big-spending schemes Twenty-six paintings owned by| ¢ side down against the mountain nd succession duty Premier Rennett ha d h © idi i prime minis (© community are on the upswing To study the newly<developing and irresponsible monetary poli- late diamond king John Thorburn The el i Passenger on thee A burst af flame lit up the pines it Diefenbaker, speaking to Wot #0 unle Ottaw I's rou conference on We believe the Common Mar. trading area and to assess its ful cles. Williamson of Montreal have|Crew me mbers and a hite hiking covered mountainside a quarters esented ! me cartier in the Ket is Just beginning to blossom',' ture Impact on Canada's export! Nixon told a partisan audience been brought from his Tangan. stewardess died Friday in the mile from where Anderson, 27, | Mr Diefonbaker. asked about week Deputy Trade Minister James trade about 4000 at the Davenport, yika estate for sale in Toronto burning wreckage scattered aver and his wife were hunting CITY EMERGENCY chances for another tax confe Theré was criticism too from Roberts told a press conference To determine how Canada's in lowa, Masonic Temple Friday! During his lifetime the paint uanier mile : Like a rearing tank, the fours lonce, sald this had been left for the premier 'The Common Market nations dustrial and primary products night, He is convinced the tide ings were never publicly shown| Flying low in eloudy weather, engined plane skidded through PHONE NUMBERS him to decide. Premier Lesage! At the conference Premier ae moving ahead ith renter producers can make adjustments is running his way in the presi- by the publicity shy diamond the airliner bound for Minneapo- the timber, Twa engines hurtled told reporters the prime minis. Pennett told Mr, Diefenbaker to ane greater impetus rom this to continue to maintain a foot: dential contest ,/ magnate, who died two years'lis from Portland, Ove, was due 100 yards down the hillside, A --_- po --- ' } fared i --t face that the fedaral SAVER point As their markets grow, we hold in the E uropean market He sald that in the "key states ago to make an instrument landing door was flipped into a clump of POLICE RA 5.113% dT . a : will grow along with them, We' To stress to European busi: of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan,| The sale also consists of a wide less than 20 minutes later in Mis: trees a half-mile away FIRE DET, RA Q bi hl ¢ oe! 4 tie hi hove nd ac So a essmen the import nee of Can. Minois and lo the "tide is ran. 'range of ohijects d'art fram the soula, in the mountains of west The bodies of al hoard the n LARA tC pro 1 to counter un it iio dh - y uind ur ol i : pis A ale yi th n Bib 3 jo ih i J n a Ret : N X) H Kos 1 pb Mo { \1 { » ne ah raed St dime SPIT A 3.22 Rais | 3 ) an n ts e-week tour o e or continue $0 of supply for the thousac are joining with usi{John Edwarg ack immel t started to roll over on its bered beyond recognition MO HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | Mr, Dicienbaker said the goal employment, {cities of the Common Market, (raw materials, 'to support our ticket," {and Mrs, George H. Brooke, 'back," Mrs, Sue Hough said afteriner Ralph Simmons said "Vv ' by n